autec FSARTBAU1 Radio Module Instruction Manual

August 17, 2024

FSARTBAU1 Radio Module


  • Equipment: Radio module FSARTBAU1

  • Used Frequency Band: 915-928 MHz

  • Manufacturer: AUTEC srl

  • Type of Modulation: RC-FSK

  • Channel Spacing: 50 kHz

  • Duplex Direction: Half Duplex

  • Hamming Distance: >=16

  • Probability of Non-Recognition of Error: Not

  • Dimensions: Not specified

  • Power Supply: Not specified

  • Transportation Range Temperature: Not

  • Storage Range Temperature: Not specified

  • Use Range Temperature: Not specified

Product Usage Instructions

1. Applications

The FSARTBAU1 radio module can be used in various applications
that require wireless communication within the frequency band of
915-928 MHz.

2. Functional Description

The radio module FSARTBAU1 utilizes RC-FSK modulation with a
channel spacing of 50 kHz. It operates in half-duplex mode with a
Hamming distance of at least 16, ensuring reliable data

3. Frequencies Groups

The frequency groups for the FSARTBAU1 radio module are not
specified in the provided manual. Please refer to additional
documentation for detailed information on frequency allocation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the power supply requirement for the FSARTBAU1 radio


A: The power supply specifications are not provided in the
manual. Please check with the manufacturer for detailed power
supply requirements.

Q: What is the transportation range temperature for the

FSARTBAU1 radio module?

A: The transportation range temperature is not specified in the
manual. It is recommended to handle the module with care during
transportation and avoid extreme temperature conditions.

Instruction Manual for FSARTBAU1 radio module
Original instructions



1. Description FSARTBAU1 radio module……………………………………………………………………3 1.1 Identification ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 1.2 Technical data …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 1.3 Photos ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
2. Applications ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 3. Functional description …………………………………………………………………………………………..6 4. Frequencies groups ……………………………………………………………………………………………….7
4.1 Frequencies group “A”………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 4.2 Frequencies group “B”………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 4.3 Frequencies group “C” …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8 4.4 Frequencies group “D”………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 5. Approval for US ……………………………………………………………………………………………………10 5.1 FCC …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 5.2 FCC End Product Labeling………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 6. Approval for Canada …………………………………………………………………………………………….11 6.1 ISED ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 6.2 ISED ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 6.3 ISED End Product Labeling…………………………………………………………………………………………. 11 6.4 ISED Étiquetage du produit final ………………………………………………………………………………….. 11


1. Description FSARTBAU1 radio module


1.1 Identification

Equipment Radio module Used frequency band

radio module FSARTBAU1 915-928 MHz AUTEC srl Via Pomaroli, 65 36030 CALDOGNO (VI)

1.2 Technical data
Used frequency band Type of modulation
Channel spacing Duplex direction Hamming distance Probability of non- recognition of error
Dimensions Power supply Transportation range temperature Storage range temperature
Use range temperature

915 – 928 MHz 19300 Baud RC-FSK 50 kHz half duplex >=16 <10 exp-15 (67x67x9) mm 3,3Vdc (+/- 10%)
-40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)
-40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +158°F) -25°C to +55°C (-13°F to +130°F) for remote stations -25°C to +70°C (-13°F to +158°F) for base stations

1.3 Photos

Front view

Back view


2. Applications
The use of FSARTBAU1 radio module is limited to remote and base stations of Autec Dynamic series.
In addition to the above, this radio module cannot be installed: – inside equipment that is portable by user – in equipment that are intended for the use in environments requiring explosion-proof features or in any
usage situation that may pose the risk of explosion. – in equipment for moving, raising and transporting people, if the Machine’s characteristics and their re-
lated risks and/or the risks related to the use of a Radio Remote Control do not make it possible for the Machine Manufacturer to ensure that all the safety requirements are met. Such requirements must be taken into account when designing and manufacturing the Machine, also bearing in mind that a radio module will be used. The Machine Manufacturer may allow the installation and use of the radio module on such applications under their own responsibility. – in equipment that create or can create dangerous situations if they stop due to the loss of radio link. – in equipment that do not allow a risk-free installation of a radio module, due to their functions or features and/or to the risks related to their use. – if the applicable safety-related laws in the country where the Machine is used, regulations and standards (even local ones), even concerning safety in the workplace, do not allow the use of radio module to control the Machines.

2.1 Integration in the host

The module is installed in the remote stations according to the following instructions:



Radio module

Host 3
Antenna connector

4 5


The module is installed in the base stations according to the following instructions:



Antenna connector

Radio module Host

The connection between the radio module and the antenna is made through the coaxial cable inside the base station or the remote station..



3. Functional description
The FSARTBAU1 radio transceiver module is used in both Autec’s Transmitting Units (TU) and Receiving Units (RU); it is based on the commercial RFIC (Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit) ADF7021 made by Analog Devices, which encompasses all the circuits and functions needed to build a narrow-band, high performance, UHF transceiver for digital signaling. See Analog Devices’ website for a complete and up-to-date description of ADF7021, which is beyond the scope of this document.
This radio module has been approved to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.

Antenna Antenna Type for remote station Antenna gain for remote station
Antenna Type for base station Antenna gain for base station
Antenna Impedance

antenna provided by Autec Autec ANT039 <= 0dBi Autec ANT042 <= 1.23dBi 50 ohm

Autec uses only the dedicated antenna supplied either with the radio module or as original spare part. The use of any other type of antenna is prohibited and will invalidate the warranty.

For Autec base stations the installer places the antenna in a position that ensures a minimum separation distance of 5mm from all the people that can be in the working area.

For Autec remote stations the position of the antenna ensures a minimum separation distance of 5mm sufficient to respect the human exposure to RF radiation limits.



4. Frequencies groups
In the FSARTBAU1 radio module there are 4 groups selectable inside the 256 channels available: group A, group B, group C, group D. The group is chosen by the equipment where the FSARTBAU1 radio module is mounted based on the serial number of the equipment.

4.1 Frequencies group “A”
The channel range of group A is 915.075 – 927.675MHz. The group contains 64 channels with a minimum space between them of 200kHz.






0 915.075 16 918.275 32 921.475 48 924.675

1 915.275 17 918.475 33 921.675 49 924.875

2 915.475 18 918.675 34 921.875 50 925.075

3 915.675 19 918.875 35 922.075 51 925.275

4 915.875 20 919.075 36 922.275 52 925.475

5 916.075 21 919.275 37 922.475 53 925.675

6 916.275 22 919.475 38 922.675 54 925.875

7 916.475 23 919.675 39 922.875 55 926.075

8 916.675 24 919.875 40 923.075 56 926.275

9 916.875 25 920.075 41 923.275 57 926.475

10 917.075 26 920.275 42 923.475 58 926.675

11 917.275 27 920.475 43 923.675 59 926.875

12 917.475 28 920.675 44 923.875 60 927.075

13 917.675 29 920.875 45 924.075 61 927.275

14 917.875 30 921.075 46 924.275 62 927.475

15 918.075 31 921.275 47 924.475 63 927.675

4.2 Frequencies group “B”
The channel range of group B is 915.125 – 927.725MHz. The group contains 64 channels with a minimum space between them of 200kHz.






0 915.125 16 918.325 32 921.525 48 924.725

1 915.325 17 918.525 33 921.725 49 924.925

2 915.525 18 918.725 34 921.925 50 925.125

3 915.725 19 918.925 35 922.125 51 925.325

4 915.925 20 919.125 36 922.325 52 925.525

5 916.125 21 919.325 37 922.525 53 925.725

6 916.325 22 919.525 38 922.725 54 925.925

7 916.525 23 919.725 39 922.925 55 926.125

8 916.725 24 919.925 40 923.125 56 926.325

9 916.925 25 920.125 41 923.325 57 926.525

10 917.125 26 920.325 42 923.525 58 926.725








11 917.325 27 920.525 43 923.725 59 926.925 12 917.525 28 920.725 44 923.925 60 927.125 13 917.725 29 920.925 45 924.125 61 927.325 14 917.925 30 921.125 46 924.325 62 927.525 15 918.125 31 921.325 47 924.525 63 927.725

4.3 Frequencies group “C”
The channel range of group C is 915.175 – 927.775MHz. The group contains 64 channels with a minimum space between them of 200kHz.






0 915.175 16 918.375 32 921.575 48 924.775 1 915.375 17 918.575 33 921.775 49 924.975 2 915.575 18 918.775 34 921.975 50 925.175 3 915.775 19 918.975 35 922.175 51 925.375 4 915.975 20 919.175 36 922.375 52 925.575 5 916.175 21 919.375 37 922.575 53 925.775 6 916.375 22 919.575 38 922.775 54 925.975 7 916.575 23 919.775 39 922.975 55 926.175 8 916.775 24 919.975 40 923.175 56 926.375 9 916.975 25 920.175 41 923.375 57 926.575

10 917.175 26 920.375 42 923.575 58 926.775 11 917.375 27 920.575 43 923.775 59 926.975 12 917.575 28 920.775 44 923.975 60 927.175 13 917.775 29 920.975 45 924.175 61 927.375 14 917.975 30 921.175 46 924.375 62 927.575 15 918.175 31 921.375 47 924.575 63 927.775

4.4 Frequencies group “D”
The channel range of group D is 915.225 – 927.825MHz. The group contains 64 channels with a minimum space between them of 200kHz.






0 915.225 16 918.425 32 921.625 48 924.825

1 915.425 17 918.625 33 921.825 49 925.025 2 915.625 18 918.825 34 922.025 50 925.225 3 915.825 19 919.025 35 922.225 51 925.425 4 916.025 20 919.225 36 922.425 52 925.625 5 916.225 21 919.425 37 922.625 53 925.825 6 916.425 22 919.625 38 922.825 54 926.025 7 916.625 23 919.825 39 923.025 55 926.225








8 916.825 24 920.025 40 923.225 56 926.425 9 917.025 25 920.225 41 923.425 57 926.625 10 917.225 26 920.425 42 923.625 58 926.825 11 917.425 27 920.625 43 923.825 59 927.025 12 917.625 28 920.825 44 924.025 60 927.225 13 917.825 29 921.025 45 924.225 61 927.425 14 918.025 30 921.225 46 924.425 62 927.625 15 918.225 31 921.425 47 924.625 63 927.825


5. Approval for US


5.1 FCC
This radio module complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesira-
ble operation. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Autec could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
The FCC ID for this radio module is “OQA-FSARTBAU1”.
5.2 FCC End Product Labeling
The FSARTBAU1 module is labeled with its own FCC ID. If the FCC ID is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. In that case, the final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following – “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: OQA-FSARTBAU1” – “Contains FCC ID: OQA-FSARTBAU1”


6. Approval for Canada
6.1 ISED This radio transmitter has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the external dedicated antenna. Other antenna types are strictly prohibited for use with this device. This device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSS standards. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause interference; and 2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
The IC for this radio module is 9061A-FSARTBAU1.
6.2 ISED Cet émetteur radio a reçu l’approbation d’Industrie Canada pour une exploitation avec l’antenne puce incorporée. Il est strictement interdit d’utiliser d’autres types d’antenne avec cet appareil.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: 1. L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage; et 2. L’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible de
provoquer un fonctionnement non désiré de l’appareil.
Le IC pour ce module radio est 9061A-FSARTBAU1.
6.3 ISED End Product Labeling The FSARTBAU1 module is labeled with its own IC ID. If the IC ID is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. In that case, the final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following: – “Contains Transmitter Module IC: 9061A-FSARTBAU1.” – “Contains IC: 9061A-FSARTBAU1”.
6.4 ISED Étiquetage du produit final
L’étiquette du Module FSARTBAU1 porte son propre identifiant IC. Si l’identifiant IC n’est pas visible quand le module est installé à l’intérieur d’un autre appareil, alors l’extérieur de l’appareil dans lequel le module est installé doit aussi porter une étiquette faisant référence au module qu’il contient. Dans ce cas, une étiquette comportant les informations suivantes doit être apposée sur une partie visible du produit final. – “Contient le module émetteur IC: 9061A-FSARTBAU1” – “Contient IC : 9061A-FSARTBAU1”.

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