Racold Pronto Series Electric Instant and Storage Water Heater Instruction Manual

August 16, 2024

Racold Pronto Series Electric Instant and Storage Water Heater

Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a world-class product from Ariston Group India Private Limited. Your choice for nothing but the best is reflected by your trust placed in Ariston. Racold is registered trademark of Ariston Spa, Italy. Ariston Group India Private Limited is a fully owned subsidiary of Ariston Spa, Italy and part of the Ariston Group the leaders in water heater. Today Ariston Group India Private Limited is the largest provider of water heating solutions in india, catering to all sectors water heating namely “Electrical, Gas, Solar and Heat Pump water heaters” The Racold range of products from Ariston Group India Private Limited have changed the Industry standards by setting new bench marks in quality, aesthetics and performance.

Our many firsts in India include

  • Water heater with rust proof polypropylene body

  • Stainless steel inner container with multi – function safety value for high pressure operation without additional pressure reducing value

  • PUF insulation for maximum energy savings

  • Energy labelling for any domestic electrical appliances
    Only water heater with quality and performance certification as per IEC (International) standards, CE (European)

  • standards and ISi (Indian) standard.
    Retain this manual safety and in case you need further any assistance you may get in touch with any of our customer care centres, the details of which are enclosed.
    Kindly follow the Instructions given in this manual and enjoy years of trouble free performance.


  1. Outer Body: Non Corrosive Polypropylene body.

  2. Inner Container: lnox (SS304L) for Pronto
    (Neo/Stylo/PRO/PR) Duronox (SS316L) for Pronto
    (Neo DN/Stylo DN) which gives better Corrosion protection against hard water.

  3. Thermostat : Built-in thermostat ensures automatic temperature control.

  4. Thermal Cut-out: Stem type non- self resetting
    Thermal Cut-out for extra Safety.

  5. Safety Valve : Special spring activated pressure relief valve to relieve any excess pressure within the water heater.

  6. Heating element: Long life tubular heating element as per ISI specifications.

  7. Anode : Aluminum anode used in Pronto (NEO DN/STYLO DN) only.


  5. CUT-OUT
  7. INLET


Installation is to be done by qualified personal only, Ariston Group India Private Limited. cannot be held responsible for the damages caused by wrong installation, faulty material, using substandard water or for not following instructions included in this instruction manual, particularly:

  1. Installation of the water heater should be done by qualified personal only.
  2. When newly installed, make sure that the water flows freely from the outlet tap (or spout) before electric supply is switched on.
  3. Inlet water line should be continuously open when water heater is in use except when it is being serviced.
  4. The temperature of the water can be regulated by controlling the flow through hot water stop cock.
  5. When no more hot water is required the electric supply must be switched ‘OFF’ before the hot water Stopcock is closed.
  6. Switch off water heater when not in use.
  7. The Blue indicator lamp which is ON during the normal operation, turns OFF when the thermal cut out is activated. Contact qualified service personal in this event.
  8. Use pressure reducing valve in case operating pressure in the water heater is higher than 6.5 bar (95p.s.i.)
  9. The electrical connection should be in accordance with the instruction given refer page 3.
  10. The safety valve needs to be service at least once in 6 months.


A. Safety Valve
In – built safety (pressure relief valve) is set to operate between 6.5 bar (95p.s.i.) and 7.5 bar (109 p.s.i.) Service the safety valve at least once in 6 months Racold service persons. Close inlet water supply. Remove dirt/scales from the water connection side. Push rubber disk gently to ensure it is not stuck. Do not tamper with the sealed screw otherwise pressure setting will get disturbed. Fix back after replacing old fibre washer. Check for any leakage before switching on electric supply

B. Thermal Cut-Out
Stem type non self-resetting Thermal Cut out set to operate at temperature below 96 °C and disconnects electrical supply for extra safely. Please contact only authorized service Personnel in such an event.

C. Thermostat
Stem type self-resetting; Automatic Resetting type, ON/OFF indication by red lamp.

Warning : Do not switch on if there is a possibility that the water in the heater is frozen

Note : Rated pressure is developed inside the tank after heating at outlet pipe. It is recommended to maintain approximately 1.5bar pressure at inlet pipe


1L| 3L| SL
A| 175| 209| 270
B| 315| 364| 464
C| 66| 66| 66
D| 281| 335| 428
E| 172| 205| 253


  1. All above dimensions are in mm.
  2. Pronto Pro in 3 liters capacity only
  3. Pronto (Neo DN/Stylo DN) models available in 3Lts capacity and 3(Kw) rating only.


Product Type| Instantaneous Water Heater I| Storage water heater|
Capacity (Ltrs)| 1L              I    3L                I| 5L|
Power supply (kw)| 230V AC, 50Hz, Single Phase|
Wattage kw| 3.0/4.5                                   I| 3.0|
Indicator lamps| Red – Heating on & Blue – Power on|
Pressure rating (Bar)| 6.5+ /-0.5|
Reaheatinti Time (Mins) for 50’C temo rise (Max)| I| 10|
Mean hot water output temp ‘C (Min)|
Not Applicable                  I| 50|
Maixing factors (Max %)|
I| 20|


  1. The appliance must be installed in compliance with current local requlations.
  2. Mount the water heater vertically on the wall by fixing the bolts (1 /4”X2′ )
  3. Connect the inlet in the cold water of the mains by means of a 1/2″ BSP female pipe fitting.
  4. If the operating pressure in the water heater is above 6.5 bar (95 p.s.i.) fit a pressure reducing valve.
  5. Connect the outlet pipe of the appliance to the hot water supply system by means of a 1/2″ BSP pipe fitting.
  6. Care to be taken to avoid damage caused by applying excessive force while connecting.
  7. Inlet water line should not have pressure more than 1.5 bar else there will be water drippage from pressure relief valve it is recommended to fit pressure reducing valve at the inlet specifically in multistorey building


Refer wiring diagram to check electrical connections. Ensure proper earthing at 3 pin supply point.

  1. CUT-OUT

Note : Main’s cord or any other electrical component must be repaired/replaced by authorized service personnel only. Minimum contact separation of 3mm is required in all poles for disconnection mains Cord: 48/0.2 (1.5 mm2) for PRONTO NEO/PRO/DN/PR 3.0 KW. 80/0.2 (2.5mm2) for PRONTO NEO/PRO/PR 4.5.KW

Warning : Do not switch ON the water heater if there is a possibility that water in the heater is frozen.

  1. Check that the electric data shown on the date plate corresponds to those of the electric supply available.
  2. Minimum contact separation of circuit breaker 3mm.

For 3 kW models – min. 15A, 230V
For 4.5 kW models- min. 20 A. 230V

The Racold Water Heater comes with warranty period of 2 years from the date of purchase against electrical breakdown or mechanical breakdown or mechanical failure caused through defective material and workmanship. The inner container is warranty of 5 years and the heating element has a warranty period of 2 years. In event of failure covered by this warranty, you are requested to contact our customer care & obtain the complaint number. Our trained technicians will repair the product at our option. No further liability for the consequential or damage is accepted or implied. We will not be responsible for any human injury, property damages consequential damages caused due to improper use. All disputes will be subjected to Pune Jurisdiction only. The warranty on the tank includes the tank only. It does not include any other parts inside or outside of the tank.

Warranty on the tank and heating element applies only if:

  1. Annual check of anode Is done mandatorily & Its replacement done In case of consumption (rod diameter less than 7mm).
  2. Warranty will be no more valid in case the maintenance of anode is not done as per point no 1 (only for Duronox model, Refer important notes)

Following things shall not be covered under warranty

  1. Any plumbing and/or Electrical related problems.
  2. Any defects arising due to wrong and/or non recommended installation procedure.
  3. Dry heating of water heater.
  4. Consumables such as anode. (Only for Duronox model)
  5. Any human injury, property damages and consequential damages caused due to improper use.


  • Read Instruction Manual carefully and follow installation instructions.

  • Safety valve are pre-set for certain working pressure. Under any circumstances do not tamper/over-tighten the safety valve.

  • Continuous water dripping from Safety valve is an indication of excessive pressure at inlet of water heater compared to rated pressure. In that case install pressure reducing valve at the inlet.

  • Check for leakage after installation, Plumbing & before switching ON the power supply.

  • Ensure flow of water from outlet before connecting electric power supply to the appliance.

  • Do not use excessive force while tightening inlet and outlet Couplings. This may cause serious damage to the water heater. Use Cross spanner for tightening

  • Check Supply voltage at the place of installation 230V.

  • Ensure proper earthing of electrical connection.

  • No extension cords to be used.

  • Use only ISI marked electrical accessories of proper rating e.g. 3 pin Plug, Connection Boxes, Wires etc.

  • In water heaters, check whether both blue and red lamps are glowing when the water heater is switched on.

  • Ensure all couplings/Joints are leak proof.

  • Check the water Heater operation for one complete cycle i.g one cycle of Thermostat operation. i.e Cut off and Cut-in.


| Problem/Observation| Possible causes| Solution **/Remark

1| Water Heating takes longer time than specified in Instruction manual| Scaling on the Heating element cause slower water heating| Get the Heating element de-scaled from authorized service person or replace with genuine spare parts recommended by company
Measure the temperature of water using thermometer. Adjust the flow rate at 3 Ltrs/min
Low Voltage at certain places| Check the voltage at customer’s place


| Equipment             creates abnormal Noise| ****

High voltage fluctuations Hard water

| Recommend Spare Heating element with low watt density (BW/cm’)
Equipment created hissing Noise| Due 10 scaling on Heating Element| descaling Heating element


| ****

Unit not working

| ****

Power point may not be working

| Need the line at customer’s place to be checked
Check for any short circuit of

harness/Power cord inside

Cut out operated due to dry heating| Reset Cut out
Heating element might not be functioning (may be due10 Dry heat or short/Crack/burst/heavy scaling)| ****

Replace Heating element


| ****

Leakage of the unit

| ****

Rusting of the tank

| Check from where the leakage is (tank,

collar, gasket, Heater plate), Replace or repair based on the observation

Not enough torque to the bolts on HP/HE flange| Replace or repair based on the obserwtion
Leaking from Heating element brass flange (Instant wafer heater)| Replace Heating element


| ****

No Hot water out put

| Heating element not working| ****

Reset Cut out

Thermostat low setting (check tt someone

tampered the setting in Instant water heater)

Cut out trip
Inlet valve closed| Open the inlet valve
6| User gets mild shock when using Water heater| ****

Improper earthing at customer’s place

| Check for proper earthing & tt not then

suggest customer to do it properly


| Outlet water blockage| ****

Heavy scaling on Outlet pipe opening end

| descaling the product from authorized service personal


| ****

Dripping from Safety valve

| ****

Excess pressure than rated pressure

| Check the pressure when unit is in ON condition, ensure Inlet line is ON.

Note When MFSV is dripping, it ensures safety of the equipment from excess pressure. Put drain pipe at MFSV with clip .

Check NRV/PRV position from inlet pipe

| It should be minimum 12 feet from equipment

Check tt PRV is there in inlet water line (Specially in multi storey building)

| Install pressure reducing valve (PRV), if inlet water pressure is more than 1.5 bar, specially in multi storey building.


| ****

Water Heater unit burnt

| Short circuit of the harness/Power Cord| Replace Harness asm or Power Cord
Use of Low amp Power Cord|
1 o Smell comes out of water| If water Heater unit is not used in 15+ days, water inside smells for some time| Flush out 2 times capacity of water heater


1 Installation of water heater should be done by qualified person only,
preferably from Racold service. Product warranty will get void in case of

wrong installation.
2| Use pressure reducing valve in case rated water pressure is higher than recommended.| To Avoid Water dripping from safety valve.
3| Inlet water line should be continuously Open when water heater is in use except when it is being serviced.|
4| Ensure proper leveling of the unit while doing installation| If tilted, it may affect the hot water out put quantity
5| Ensure proper earthing at the place of Installation| Chances of getting Shock
6| Use ISi marked or Branded company Power Plugs only.| Use 16 Amp Power Plug only
7| Use of two spanners suggested while Installing the product (connecting the hose pipes)| There may be a chance of crack on the pipes if we dontdo so
8| Ensure water coming out from outlet prior switching the unit ON (first time)| If no water inside tank, unit goes into dry heat causing damages, burning etc. else Warranty will be void.


| It is recommended that the IN/OUT pipes, Heating Element and Safety valve be de-scaled at least once in 6 months through proper Racold service only. “At customer cost”|

This helps In Improving product life.


| As per the safety norms Thermostat, Cut out are set at desired temperatures and Safety Valve set at desired pressure and its recommended not to change the settings|

Product warranty will get void H setting changed.

11| Power OFF the unit while servicing the water heater unit| Chances of product burning/Safety purpose
12| Use Only Genuine company spare parts from authorised service centers| Product warranty will get void if used other than company recommended spare parts



| Use connectors In case If Is required to connect another cord with main power cord came along with the product.| Chances of product burning /Safety purpose



Do not tamper the thermostat setting

| As per safety standards, thermostats are set at desired temperatures. Recommend not to change the settings
3| Do not switch ON the product without checking the water

coming out from outlet

| Chances of product burning



Do not adjust/disturb Safety valve setting

| As per safety standards, Safety valve are set at desired pressure. Recommend not to change the settings.


  1. 0300 pm performance of the water heater is achieved when the total hardness of water <400 pm & chloride content <300 ppm.
  2. In case a pressure reducing valve/NRV is used in installation, please ensure that it is installed at a min. 12 feet distance from the inlet point.
  3. Please ensure the installation of water heater to be done by keeping minimum 1 foot from the wall on either side.
  4. Anode should be checked periodically within 6 months. If it found consumed (< Dia. 7mm), replace it on chargeable basis.
  5. If product installed at inaccessible place, it is customer’s responsibility to dismount the product and make available to the service representative.
  6. Annual maintenance contract (AMC)- it is recommended to take AMC and extended warranty from authorized service franchisee.
  7. Visit charges shall be applicable for product Installation, Demonstration & explanation related calls.
  8. Please ensure proper ventilation whenever the unit is installed to avoid any rust formation/aggrevation.



  1. Connect the safety valve at the inlet of water heater if supplied seperatory. Don’t install water heater without safety valve.
  2. Hook the water heater on wall with the help of mounting Brackets. Take Necessary dimensions for making holes for mounting brackets.
  3. Connect the inlet & outlet piping as marked on water heater.
  4. Start water flow inside water heater & fill it completely till water comes out from outlet connection.
  5. Connect the electrical cord to power point.
  6. Switch on the water heater’s main supply, red indicator lamp comes on.
  7. The red indicator lamp switches off indicates water inside the water heater reached to the set temperature.
  8. Run a complete cycle of Thermostat ON to Thermostat cut OFF, in presence of service provider / Installation technician / Plumber.

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