GARRETT ACE 400 Metal Detector Owner’s Manual

August 8, 2024

GARRETT ACE 400 Metal Detector


  • Model: ACE 400TM
  • Manufacturer: Garrett Metal Detectors
  • Power Source: Four (4) AA batteries
  • Detection Modes: Multiple modes including Coins (Factory default)
  • Depth Indicator: Coin-sized targets


  • Q: How do I restore factory settings on the ACE 400 detector?
    • A: Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds until you hear a fast double beep to perform a factory reset.
  • Q: What should I do if any part is missing from the ACE 400 package?
    • A: Please contact Garrett Customer Service for assistance in case any part is missing from your detector package.




  1. Power ON.
    • Press and release the ON / OFF Power button.
    • The ACE 400 powers on in the last mode used, automatically adjust for ground minerals, and is ready to search.
    • The detector operates with four (4) AA batteries which are already installed by Garrett. (Factory default mode is Coins.)
  2. Select Mode.
    • Use the Mode button to select a different detection mode, when desired.
  3. Adjust settings.
    • Adjust Sensitivity or Discrimination settings, if desired.
  4. Begin scanning.
    • Lower the search coil to approximately 1 inch above the ground and scan the coil left and right at approximately 3 ft/second.
    • The coil must be in motion for target detection but can remain stationary during Pinpoint.


If any part is missing, please contact Garrett Customer Service.


Loosen the lower camlock and extend the lower stem. Insert mounting washers, connect searchcoil to stem as shown, and hand tightens the wing nut.

Loosen the upper camlock, insert the S-stem with control housing, adjust the lower stem to a comfortable length, and hand-tighten the cam locks. Wrap the cable snugly around the stem with the first turn of the cable over the stem.


  • Power ON/OFF— Hold this button for 1 second to turn the power ON or OFF.
  • Factory Reset — To restore factory settings, press and hold the power button for 5 seconds (until the detector produces a fast double beep).
  • Battery Level Indicator— Shows continuous status of battery life. Replace batteries when 1 segment remains.
  • Frequency Adjust— While holding down the ( /X) button, use DISCRIM (+) or (-) to increase or decrease the frequency setting. Choose from four minor frequency adjustments (F1 to F4) in order to minimize interference caused by electrical sources or other metal detectors.


  • Target ID Legend— Works with the Target ID Cursor to indicate a target’s probable identity, with Ferrous (iron) targets at the left, non-ferrous targets that are thin or have low conductivity in the middle, and thick or high conductivity targets (e.g. thick silver) at the right.
  • Lower Scale— Displays the current discrimination pattern, with lighted pixels indicating accepted targets and blank pixels indicating rejected targets.
  • Target ID Cursor (Upper Scale)— Will display for every target, but will produce audio only for targets accepted on the Lower Scale.
  • Digital Target ID— Provides a value from 0 to 99 to identify targets more precisely than the ID cursor.
  • Coin Depth Indicator— Shows the depth of a coin or a similar-sized target. Note: targets larger than a coin may display shallower than actual depth while targets smaller than a coin may display deeper than the actual depth. The sample chart on the following page provides Digital Target ID ranges of some commonly found items.
  • Target ID can vary widely based upon the target’s size and thickness because small, thin pieces of metal cannot conduct electrical current as well as thicker pieces of metal.
  • In addition, mineralized soils can cause Target ID errors, especially for small targets.
  • Tip: Target ID is most reliable when the target is centered under the search coil and the coil is swept flat and at a constant height above the ground.


  • Tone ID—The ACE 400 produces three distinct tones based on a target’s metal type and conductivity:
  • High conductivity targets (Digital ID > 75) produce a unique bell tone signal.
  • Medium to low conductivity targets (Digital ID of 33–75), produce a medium-pitched signal.
  • Ferrous targets (Digital ID < 33) produce a low-pitch signal.
  • Iron Audio—Allows the user to hear discriminated iron (normally silenced) to avoid digging tricky, undesired flat iron items such as bottle caps or steel washers. (To learn more, see pages 14–15.)
  • Headphone Jack—Use any headphones with a 1/4” plug.

SELECTING MODES (Discrimination Patterns)

Example: this is the preset notch discrimination pattern for COINS Mode.

Choose from one of four preset discrimination patterns or use CUSTOM Mode to save a personal pattern. Use the MODE buttons to scroll through the five modes:

  • ZERO-DISC Mode– Detects every type of metal. All 12 discrimination pixels are switched on; no metal targets have been notched out (eliminated). Use this mode to find all metal items or when the material of the desired object is unknown. Switch to the Zero-Disc Mode to aid in locating a target when its signal is inconsistent. Such signals could mean a trash target is close to a good target.
  • JEWELRY Mode– designed to find jewelry such as rings, bracelets, watches, and necklaces, while ignoring most iron trash.
  • CUSTOM Mode– Can be programmed by the operator and the ACE 400 will retain the changes when the detector is switched off. The factory preset for the CUSTOM Mode is the same as the COINS Mode. Begin with this discrimination pattern and then use the DISCRIM and Accept/Reject buttons controls to customize the mode. (For more information.
  • RELICS Mode— designed to eliminate small iron pieces, while detecting good targets in the lower conductivity range, such as lead, brass, and bronze.
  • COINS Mode— designed to find U.S. and similar coins and to eliminate common trash items such as iron, foil, and pull tabs. Be aware that medium-sized jewelry may be missed with this discrimination pattern. Some digging of junk targets is to be expected, such as aluminum cans.


Use the (+) or (–) SENSITIVITY buttons to step through the eight (8) levels. Use increased sensitivity when searching for very small or very deep targets. Use lower sensitivity levels when the detector is behaving erratically (due to excessive metallic trash, highly mineralized soils, electrical interference, or the presence of other metal detectors) and the erratic operation cannot be resolved with discrimination or by changing frequency.


  • Notch Discrimination—Use the DISCRIM (+) or (–) buttons in conjunction with the ELIM ( /X ) button to eliminate trash objects from detection such as foil or pull-tabs.
  • The ACE 400 has 12 pixels or “notches” of discrimination, shown on the lower scale. Any combination of these pixels can be switched on or off based on your preference. There are two primary methods for modifying the Notch Discrimination
  • Pattern to reject a specific type of trash or unwanted item.
  • For the first method use the (+) or (-) DISCRIM buttons to move the Target ID cursor to the left or right. Next, press the ( /X ) button to eliminate or activate the pixel located on the Lower Scale, directly below the Target ID cursor. (See illustrations on next page.)
  • The second method of modifying the Notch Discrimination pattern uses only the ( /X ) button. When an unwanted target is audibly detected, simply push the ( /X ) button to create  a notch at that
  • Target ID Cursor. The next time this item is encountered, it will not produce an audible signal.
  • Tip: Notch Discrimination can also be used to find specific metal items. For example, if an earring has been lost, scan the matching earring in ZERO-DISC mode and note its Target ID cursor. Then use the
  • DISCRIM and ( /X ) buttons to switch off all the pixels except the one for the earring and an additional pixel on either side to account for some ID variations.

Example: Manual Modification of Notch Discrimination Pattern

Use the NOTCH DISC buttons to position the Target ID Cursor above the pixel you wish to eliminate (see the above illustration). Use the ELIM button to delete this pixel from the Lower Scale (see below). This item is now rejected.

Note: Changes made to the Notch Discrimination pattern while in CUSTOM Mode will be retained when the detector is switched OFF. Changes made to all other modes will return to the factory settings when the detector is switched OFF and back ON.


To prevent an iron object from “masking” out the signal of an adjacent good target, use just enough discrimination to barely reject the iron trash (e.g. small nail, as seen in Illustration 1). This will allow you to detect the coin and nail together (see Illustration 2) and not miss/mask a good target.


  • Press and release the IRON AUDIO button to switch the Iron
  • Audio feature ON/OFF.
  • Iron Audio allows the user to hear discriminated iron (normally silenced) to avoid being tricked into digging an undesired target.
  • Iron Audio also adjusts the cut-off between low-tone and mid-tone audio (see illustrations on the next page) to better identify good targets. When Iron Audio is on, iron targets will not only be heard, but they will produce an even more distinctive response with multiple tones.
  • For example, a nail will produce several fast low tones as the search coil passes over. A flat iron object like a bottle cap or steel washer will produce a very distinctive Low-High-Low response.
  • Note: Iron Audio applies only to the notched-out pixels to the left of the first accepted pixel within the 4-pixel iron range.
  • Therefore, it is only effective when at least the first pixel of discrimination has been notched out.
  • Tip: In areas with a lot of iron, it is recommended to switch off Iron Audio. Otherwise, it may produce far too many signals.
  • If a target is detected with questionable or inconsistent response, switch on Iron Audio to see if it is iron.
  • Refer to the illustrations below regarding the use of Iron

Audio feature:

IRON AUDIO ON: Targets below 19 are now heard as a low tone and targets above 19 will produce a mid or bell tone.


Accurate pinpointing enables fast recovery with the smallest hole possible.

To use Pinpoint:

  • Position the searchcoil to the side of the target’s suspected location at a fixed height above the ground.
  • Press and hold the Pinpoint button and slowly sweep the searchcoil over the target area while maintaining the same fixed height above the ground (e.g. 1 inch).
  • Sweep the searchcoil side-to-side and front-to-back in a crosshair pattern to locate the peak signal, indicated by the loudest audio and the greatest number of segments on the Upper Scale.
  • The center of the searchcoil is directly over the target with the depth of a coin-sized target shown on the depth scale. The symbol “PP” for pinpoint displays on the LCD while pinpointing.

It is recommended to practice pinpointing in a test plot.

Note: Alternative pinpointing methods using a DD searchcoil are demonstrated in the ACE 400 training video, which can be seen at


You should conduct bench tests to become more familiar with your detector’s operation. To conduct a bench test:

  1. Place the searchcoil on a flat, non-metallic surface that is several feet from other metallic objects.
  2. Select the ZERO-DISC mode.
  3. Pass various metal objects (coins, bottle caps, nails, etc.) across the searchcoil at a distance of 3 to 4 inches. Your metal detector will audibly and visually identify the target.
  4. Perform this test in all the modes available on your detector. Observe the sounds as well as the graphics on the LCD that are made in each mode.
  5. Record the results of your bench tests and refer to them when hunting in the field.
  6. Once you have determined how your test targets register on the Target ID during bench tests, test them in the soil. Bury your targets at recorded depths to create a “test plot.” Note how various targets read based upon whether they are lying in the ground flat or at various angles.
  7. Keep accurate records or surface markers to indicate your test plot targets and their depths. Try testing these targets again in several months after the ground has settled, during periods of extreme drought or after a soaking rain. Take note of any changes in how these targets are detected.
  8. Iron Audio bench test: Flat iron objects like bottle caps or steel washers can appear to be good conductive targets. To better understand the benefits of Iron Audio, use a bottle cap to test the ACE 400.
  9. First, set the detector to ZERO-DISC Mode with all notches active and pass the bottle cap across the searchcoil at a distance of 3 to 4 inches. Note that the bottle cap’s flat surface usually gives a high Digital Target ID reading with the tone of a “good” target.
  10. Next, eliminate the first four notches on the left side of the LCD, and switch on the Iron Audio feature. Pass the bottle cap across the coil again and notice the different audio. The clean sound has been replaced with a mixed, chirping tone that has subtle low tones at the beginning and end, indicating a possible junk target. Pass a conductive, coin-sized target across the coil and note its clean high tone in comparison to that of the bottle cap.
  11. Record the results of your bench tests and refer to them when hunting in the field. Knowledge of the Iron Audio feature can reduce the amount of trash targets that are dug.


  • If you are new to metal detecting, start searching in areas with sandy and loose soil to make it easier to learn how to use your metal detector, and pinpoint and dig targets.
  • Keep your searchcoil height about 1 inch above and parallel to the ground at all times for best detection results.
  • Swing your searchcoil parallel to plow lines and the water’s edge. This will minimize the negative effects caused by uneven ground in plowed fields and varying amounts of moisture near the water.
  • Do not swing the searchcoil perpendicular to plow lines and the water’s edge, as this may produce abrupt changes in ground response that can reduce the detector’s performance.
  • Walk slowly as you scan your searchcoil in a straight line from side to side at a speed of about 2 to 5 feet per second. Advance the searchcoil about half the length of the searchcoil at the end of each sweep.
  • To fully search an area, overlap the swings of your searchcoil by half the length of the coil (about 5.5 inches). Sweep the searchcoil in a straight line or with a slight arc at a sweep speed of about 3 ft/sec.
  • Isolating adjacent targets. The narrow detection field of the ACE 400’s DD searchcoil allows better separation of adjacent targets versus a similar size concentric searchcoil.Use narrow swings of the searchcoil in trashy areas to isolate good targets amongst the trash.


No power 1.  Ensure batteries are installed in the correct orientation.

2.  Replace all old batteries with all new batteries.

Erratic sounds or target ID cursor movement| 1.   Ensure your searchcoil is securely connected and the coil cable is snugly wound around the stem.

2.   If using the detector indoors, be aware that excessive amounts of electrical interference exist, plus excessive amounts of metal can be found in floors and walls.

3.  Determine if you are close to other metal detectors or other metal structures such as electrical power lines, wire fences, benches, etc.

4.   Adjust the frequency

5.   Reduce your sensitivity setting.

Intermittent Signals| Intermittent signals typically mean you’ve found a deeply buried target or one that is positioned at a difficult angle for your detector to read. Scan from different directions to help define the signal. In the case of multiple targets switch to the ZERO Mode or press the pinpoint button to precisely locate all targets. In trashy areas, use the Super Sniper™ searchcoil. (NOTE: Iron targets may cause Intermittent Signals. You can identify iron targets in ZERO Mode) or with the Iron Audio feature.
I’m not finding specific targets| Ensure you are using the correct mode for the type of hunting you are doing. If specifically hunting for coins, COINS mode should be your best choice to eliminate other undesirable targets. You may also use the ZERO mode, which detects all metal targets to ensure desired targets are present.
The target ID Cursor bounces| If your Target ID Cursor bounces erratically, chances are you’ve found a trash target. However, a Target ID Cursor may bounce if a good target (such as a coin) is not parallel to the searchcoil (e.g. on edge). It may also bounce if there is one

or multiple “junk” targets lying next to the good target. Scan from different directions until your Target ID Cursor becomes more stable.

NOTE: Large, flat pieces of iron—depending on their orientation in the ground—can read as a good target or can cause erratic Target ID Cursor movement. Use Iron Audio to help identify iron targets.


  • Four bars indicate fully charged batteries. Replace batteries when there is only 1 bar remaining. The detector will maintain full performance until the batteries need to be replaced.
  • NiMH rechargeable batteries may be used, but may have a shorter life per charge. You can expect 20 to 40 hours of operation depending on battery type and quality.
  • Replace the batteries by sliding the cover off the control housing. Remove batteries when the ACE 400 will be stored for longer than 30 days.
  • Note: 1.5V/cell Lithium batteries can also be used, but the use of 3.7V/cell Lithium batteries will damage the detector.


The following is a Code of Ethics that many treasure hunters and clubs follow to preserve our exciting sport of metal detecting. We encourage you to do the same:

  • I will respect private and public property, all historical and archaeological sites, and will do no metal detecting on these lands without proper permission.
  • I will keep informed on and obey all local and national legislation relating to the discovery and reporting of found treasures.
  • I will aid law enforcement officials whenever possible.
  • I will cause no willful damage to property of any kind, including fences, signs, and buildings.
  • I will always fill the holes I dig.
  • I will not destroy property, buildings, or the remains of deserted structures.
  • I will not leave litter or other discarded junk items lying around.
  • I will carry all rubbish and dug targets with me when I leave each search area.
  • I will observe the Golden Rule, using good outdoor manners and conducting myself at all times in a manner that will add to the stature and public image of all people engaged in the field of metal detection.


When searching for treasure with your Garrett detector, observe these precautions:

  • Never trespass or hunt on private property without permission.
  • National and state parks/monuments military zones, etc. are off-limits.
  • Avoid areas where pipelines or electric lines may be buried. If found, do not disturb and notify the proper authorities.
  • Use reasonable caution in digging any target, particularly if you are uncertain of the conditions.
  • If you are unsure about using your metal detector in any area, always seek permission from the proper authorities.


Your Garrett detector is rugged, and designed for outdoor use. However, as with all electronic equipment, there are some simple ways you can care for your detector to maintain its high performance.

  • Avoid extreme temperatures as much as possible, such as storing the detector in an automobile trunk during the summer or outdoors in sub-freezing weather.
  • Keep your detector clean. Disassemble the stem and wipe it, the control housing, and the searchcoil with a damp cloth when necessary.
  • Remember that your searchcoil is submersible, but your control housing and connectors are not.
  • Protect your control housing from heavy mist, rain, and blowing surf.
  • When storing for longer than one month, remove the batteries from the detector.
  • When changing batteries, use quality alkaline or rechargeable batteries, and replace them with all-new batteries for optimum performance.


Your ACE 400 detector is warranted for 24 months, limited parts and labor, but does not cover damage caused by alteration, modification, neglect, accident, or misuse. In the event you encounter problems with your ACE 400 detector please read through this Owner’s Manual carefully to ensure the detector is not inoperable due to manual adjustments. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds to return to the recommended factory settings.

You should also make certain you have:

  1. Checked your batteries and connectors. Weak batteries are the most common cause of detector “failure.”
  2. Contact your dealer for help, particularly if you are not familiar with the ACE 400 detector.

If repairs or warranty services are necessary for your ACE 400, contact the local retail outlet where your detector was purchased. To avoid excessive shipping and import charges, do not attempt to return a Garrett product to the factory in the United States. Information on international warranty/repair needs can be found on the Garrett website: Click on the Hobby Division and then the Technical Support page for more details.


  • Garrett offers a complete line of accessories that will increase your success and enjoyment of treasure hunting with your new detector.
  • These products—including optional ACE search coils, Garrett Pro-Pointer pinpointing detectors, and a wide selection of books on treasure hunting—are available from your dealer or by calling Garrett’s factory at 1-800-527-4011.

To see Garrett’s complete collection of metal detector accessories and books, please visit and view products within our Hobby/Sports Division.


  • 1881 W. State Street
  • Garland, Texas 75042
  • Tel: 1.972.494.6151
  • Email:
  • Fax: 1.972.494.1881
  • © 2016 Garrett Electronics, Inc. PN 1534300.A.0216

Locate deeply buried coins, relics, and jewelry, even in challenging iron- cluttered areas!


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