AKO-16526 V2 Temperature and Electronic Expansion Controller User Manual

July 22, 2024

AKO-16526 V2 Temperature and Electronic Expansion Controller


  • Model Number: AKO-16526 V2
  • Edition: 03
  • Languages: English, Spanish, French

Product Information

The product is a temperature control system with alarm features and settings for refrigerant type and operation modes.

Product Usage Instructions

Display and Keyboard
The display shows various messages and prompts, while the keyboard is used to navigate through settings and confirm actions.

The system can display different types of alarms related to HACCP, temperature, and maintenance. Follow on-screen instructions to acknowledge and address alarms.

Operating Modes
The product has different operating modes including defrost, fan control, compressor control, and more. Use the keyboard to select and adjust these modes.

Refrigerant Settings
You can define the type of refrigerant used in the system by selecting the appropriate option on the display.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Q: How do I acknowledge an alarm?

    • A: To confirm an alarm, press the specified key as indicated on the display.
  • Q: How can I change the operating mode?

    • A: Navigate to the mode selection screen using the keyboard and choose the desired mode by following the on-screen instructions.
  • Q: What refrigerant types are supported?

    • A: The system supports various refrigerant types including R404A, R134A, R407A, and more. Select the appropriate type from the list provided on the display.


  • If the device is used without adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions, the device safety requirements could be compromised. Only sensors supplied by AKO must be used for the unit to operate correctly.
  • From -40°C to +20°C, if the NTC sensor is extended to 1000m with at least a 0.5mm2 cable, the maximum deviation will be 0.25°C (cable for sensor extension ref. AKO-15586 / AKO-15586H. Earth the cable mesh at one end only).
  • Pt1000 sensors can be extended up to 25m using the AKO-15586 / AKO-15586H sensor extension cable..
  • The product should be installed in a place protected from vibrations, water and corrosive gases, where the ambient temperature does not exceed the value indicated in the technical data.
  • For the reading to be correct, the sensor should be used in a place without heat influences apart from the temperature you want to measure or control.
  • The IP65 protection degree is only valid with the protection cover closed.
  • The IP65 protection degree is only valid if the cables enter the device using a tube for electric conductions + gland with IP65 or above. The gland should be the right size for the diameter of the tube used.
  • Do not spray the unit directly with high-pressure hoses, as this could damage it.


  • The AUXILIARY relays are programmable, and their operation depends on the configuration.
  • The function of the digital inputs depends on the configuration.
  • The recommended currents and powers are the maximum working currents and powers.


Clean the surface of the unit with a soft cloth, water and soap.
Do not use abrasive detergents, petrol, alcohol or solvents, as this might damage the unit.

Always disconnect the power supply to do the wiring.
The sensors and their cables must NEVER be installed in a conduit together with power, control or power supply cables.

  • For disconnection, the power supply circuit must be equipped with at least a 2 A, 230 V switch, located near the device. The power supply cable shall be of the H05VV-F or NYM 1×16/3 type. The section to be used will depend on current local regulations, but should never be less than 1.5mm2.
  • Cables for relay or contactor outputs should have a section of 2.5mm2, allow working temperatures equal to or over 70ºC, and be installed with as little bending as possible.
  • The 120/230 V~ wiring area must be kept clear of any other external element.
  • The wiring setup depends on the options selected in the set-up wizard (See page 21) and on the input and output configurations (See page 31).
  • Check the enclosed schematic and the defined configuration before wiring.
  • The parameter St (Type of connected probes) affects all probe inputs. Therefore all connected probes (NTC or Pt1000) must be the same.


Temperature controller with output for electronic expansion valve regulation and evaporator fan speed control.
In addition to regulating the cooling of the cold room, the controller can be configured to control superheating and regulate the speed of the evaporator fans using an inverter or electronic fans.

Constant: Stand-By mode activated. Regulation is paused.
Flashing: controlled stop process for the regulation in progress.

Constant: cold room door open.
Flashing: the door has been open for a longer time than defined in parameter A12.

There is an active alarm (no HACCP or temper-ature).

Constant: HACCP alarm active.
Flashing: HACCP alarm recorded and unconfirmed To acknowledge an HACCP alarm, press the  key.

The temperature alarm is active

Constant: evaporator fans active.

Flashing: the evaporator fans should be active but something is preventing them from activating.

Pulsing: evaporator fans controlled by analogue output.

Constant: the COOL relay is active.
Flashing: the COOL relay should be active but a delay or protection is preventing this.
Pulsing: expansion valve regulated.

Constant: compressor active.
Flashing: the compressor should be active but a delay or protection is preventing this.

Defrosting active.
Continuous cycle mode active.
Cold room light active.
Alarm in progress muted.
Temperature displayed in °Fahrenheit / °Centi-grade.
Programming mode active.
Lower display showing the real time superheating value.
Lower display showing percentage of EEV opening or percentage of evaporator fan power (de-pending on configuration).
Lower display showing low pressure in psi/bar.


Press and hold for 3 seconds to activate/deactivate the Stand-By mode. In this mode, regulation is paused and the m icon is displayed.
In the programming menu, this key exits the parameter without saving changes and returns to the previous level, or exits programming.

Pressing once without holding displays the temperature of sensor S2 for 10 seconds (if it is enabled). Pressing it for 3 seconds starts/stops the defrost.
In the programming menu, it allows you to scroll through the different levels, or when setting a parameter to change its value.

Pressing it for 3 seconds activates/deactivates the continuous cycle mode.
In the programming menu, it allows you to scroll through the different levels, or when setting a parameter to change its value.

Pressing once without holding activates/deactivates the cold room light.
Pressing it for 3 seconds accesses the condensed programming menu.
Pressing it for 6 seconds accesses the expanded programming menu.
In the programming menu, it accesses the level shown on the display or, during the setting of a parameter, accepts the new value.

Pressing it once without holding it down displays the current effective value of the temperature Set Point in the upper display and the superheating set point in the lower display, taking into considera-tion temporary changes due to other parameters.
When an alarm is in progress, pressing once without holding mutes the acoustic alarm.
Pressing for 3 seconds accesses the temperature Set Point setting.

If the regulation cannot be stopped immediately due to its configuration, a controlled stop process starts and the m icon flashes. To stop the controlled stop process and force Stand-by, press the Stand-by key again for 3 seconds.


The first time the unit receives the power supply, it will enter into Wizard mode.
The display will show the message IN{flashing at 0.

The buttons change the value, the SET button accepts the value and moves on to the next step.

Step 1
Select the most suitable InI option based on the type of installation to be carried out The available options will be shown in the following table:

InI Type of installation Parameters
Control of the compressor Pump Down Defrost
Fans Pd o00
d1 D7 F3
0 Demo mode: it displays the temperature but does not regulate the

1| No| No| Electric| Yes| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 20| 0| 0
2| Yes| Yes| Electric| Yes| 1| 1| 2| 7| 1| 0| 0| 20| 0| 0
3| Yes| No| Electric| Yes| 0| 1| 2| 0| 0| 0| 0| 20| 0| 0
4| No| No| Air| Yes| 0| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 20| 1| 1
5| Yes| Yes| Air| Yes| 1| 1| 1| 7| 1| 0| 0| 20| 1| 1
6| Yes| No| Air| Yes| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 20| 1| 1
7| Yes| Yes| Hot gas| Yes| 1| 1| 2| 7| 1| 7| 1| 5| 2| 0
8| Yes| No| Hot gas| Yes| 0| 1| 2| 0| 0| 7| 1| 5| 2| 0

If options 2, 5 or 7 are chosen, check the configuration of parameter I11 according to type used.

Step 2
Define the type of refrigerant gas used.

*Step 3
** Define the minimum value of the pressure sensor (I62) (value at 4 mA, 0 V, 0.5 V or 1 V

**Step 4***
Define the maximum value of the pressure sensor (I63) (value at 20 mA, 5 V, 4.5 V or 10 V

Steps only visible if u02=7

Step 5
Select the temperature set point.

Step 9
Set all other parameters to default?

The configuration wizard will not reactivate. To reactivate it, activate the stand-by mode (by pressing the m key for 3 seconds) and wait until the unit completely halts regulation (the m indicator ll light permanently) and press the , SET buttons in this order in sequence, not at the same time.

If the Pump Down function is active, there may be a delay between the initiation of the Stand-by function and the moment the controller stops.



Pump down malfunction error (Stop). The time configured in parameter C20 has been exceeded. Only displayed on screen.

Pump down malfunction error (Start). The time configured in parameter C19 has been exceeded. Only displayed on screen.

Sensor 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 is faulty (open circuit, crossed circuit, or value outside sensor limits). Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

Open door alarm. Only if the door stays open for a longer time than defined in parameter A12. Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

Maximum temperature in control sensor alarm. The temperature value programmed in A1 has been reached. Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

Minimum temperature in control sensor alarm. The temperature value programmed in A2 has been reached. Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

External alarm activated (by digital input). Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

Severe external alarm activated (by digital input). Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

Defrost time-out alert. The time set in d1 has been exceeded.

HACCP alarm. The temperature has reached the value of parameter h1 for a longer period than established in h2. Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

****HACCP alarm due to a fault in the electric supply. The temperature set in h1 has been reached following a fault in the electric supply. Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

Minimum superheat alarm. The value set in A20 has been reached. Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

Minimum superheat alert. The value defined in A23 has been reached. Only displayed on screen.

Maximum evaporating pressure alarm. The value defined in A26 has been reached. Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

Minimum evaporating alarm. The value defined in A29 has been reached. Activates the alarm relay and the audible alarm.

Indicates that a defrost is being performed. Only displayed on screen.

Password request. See parameters b10 and PAS. Only displayed on screen.

Shown sequentially with the temperature: the controller is in demo mode, the configuration has not been made.


Condensed programming menu
This allows for the most-used parameters to be quickly configured. Press the SET key for 3 seconds to access it.


Level 2|
Description| Values| Min.| Def.| Max.
SP| Temperature setting (Set Point)| ºC/ºF| -50| 0.0| 99
C1| Sensor 1 differential (Hysteresis)| ºC/ºF| 0.1| 2.0| 20.0
d0| Defrost frequency (time between 2 starts)| h.| 0| 6| 96
d1| Maximum defrost duration (0=defrost deactivated)| min.| 0| | 255
d4| Final defrost temperature (by sensor) (If I00 ¹ 1)| ºC/ºF| -50| 8.0| 50
SH| Superheating set point| ºK| 0.1| 8| 40
F3| Status of the fans during the defrost 0=stopped; 1=running| | 0|
| 1
A1| Alarm for maximum in sensor 1 (it must be higher than the SP)| ºC/ºF| A2| 99.0| 99.0
A2| Alarm for minimum in sensor 1 (it must be lower than the SP)| ºC/ºF| -50| -50| A1

According to the set-up wizard.

Extended programming menu
Use the extended programming menu to configure all of the unit’s parameters in order to adapt it to your installation requirements. Press the SET key for 6 seconds to access it.

IMPORTANT: if the password function has been configured as a keypad lock (b10=2), or as an access to parameters block (b10=1), you will be requested to enter the password programmed in PAS when attempting to access either of the two functions. If the entered password is not correct, the unit will go back to showing the temperature.

IMPORTANT: certain parameters or menus may not be visible depending on the configuration of the other parameters and the options chosen during set- up.


Regulation and control

Level 1| Level 2|
Description| Values| Min.| Def.| Max.
rE| SP| Temperature setting (Set Point)| ºC/ºF| -50| 0.0  99
C0| Sensor 1 calibration (Offset)| ºC/ºF| -20.0| 0.0| 20.0
C1| Sensor 1 differential (Hysteresis)| ºC/ºF| 0.1| 2.0 20.0
C2| Set point top locking| ºC/ºF| C3| 99| 99
(it cannot be set above this value)
C3| Set point bottom locking| ºC/ºF| -50| -50  C2
(it cannot be set under this value)| | |
| Type of delay for the protection of the compressor:| | | |
C4| 0=minimum OFF time of the compressor| 0| 0| 1
| 1=minimum OFF and ON time of the compressor in each cycle| | |
C5| Protection delay time| min.| 0| 0  120
(value of the option selected in parameter C4)| | |
| COOL relay status with fault in sensor 1:| | | |
C6| 0=OFF; 1=ON; 2=average according to last 24 h before the sensor error;| 0| 2| 3
| 3=ON-OFF according prog. C7 and C8| | |
C7| Time of relay ON if sensor 1 damaged| min.| 0| 10  120
(if C7=0 and C8¹0, the relay will always be OFF when disconnected)| | |
C8| Time of relay OFF if sensor 1 damaged| min.| 0| 5| 120
(if C8=0 and C7¹0, the relay will always be ON when connected)
C9| Maximum duration of the continuous cycle mode (0=deactivated)| h.| 0| 0     48


| Variation of the Set Point (SP) in continuous cycle mode. When it reaches this point (SP+C10), it reverts to the normal mode (SP+C10 ³ C3)

The value of this parameter is always negative, unless it is 0 (0=OFF)







| C3- SP
C12| Variation of the set point (SP) when the change set point change function is| ºC/ºF| C3-| 0  C2-
active (SP+C12£ C2) (0=deactivated)| | SP| SP
C19| Maximum time for start-up after gas collection| sec.| 0| 0| 120
(values between 1 and 9 seconds are not accepted) (0=deactivated)
C20| Maximum time for pump down (0=deactivated)| min.| 0| 0     15
C22| Stop fans and COOL when opening door 0=no 1=yes| | 0| 0| 1
C23| Start-up delay for fans and COOL when door open| min.| 0| 0  999
EP| Output to level 1| | |


Level 1| Level 2|
Description| Values| Min.| Def.| Max.
dEF| d0| Defrost frequency (time between 2 starts)| h.| 0| 6| 96
d1| Maximum defrost duration (0=defrost deactivated)| min.| 0| | 255
| Type of message during the defrost: 0=sign of the real temperature; 1=sign of| | | |
d2| the temperature at the start of the defrost;| | 0| 2| 2
| 2=sample of the dEF message| | | |
d3| Maximum message duration| min.| 0| 5| 255
(time added at the end of the defrost process)
d4| Final defrost temperature (by sensor) (If I00¹1)| ºC/ºF| -50| 8.0| 50
d5| Defrost on connecting the unit: 0=NO, first defrost according to d0;| | 0| 0| 1
1=YES, first defrost according to d6
d6| Delay of the defrost start on connecting the unit| min.| 0| 0| 255
d7| Type of defrost: 0=resistors; 1=air/fans| | 0|
| 2
2=hot gas
d8| Time calculation between defrost periods:| | 0| 0| 1
0=total real time 1=sum of COOL time connected| | | |
d9| Drip time when a defrost finishes| min.| 0| 1| 255
(stop COOL and fans)
EP| Output to level 1

Evaporator fans

Level 1| Level 2|
Description| Values| Min.| Def.| Max.
FAn| F0| Fans stop temperature ºC/ºF.  -50  45  50
F1| Sensor 2 differential if fans are stopped| ºC/ºF| 0.1| 2.0| 20.0
F2| Stop fans when the compressor stops 0=no 1=yes 0      0      1
F3| Status of the fans during the defrost 0=stopped; 1=running| | 0| *| 1
F4| Start-up delay after defrost (if F3=0) min.     0      2     99 Only actuates if higher than d9
F10| Fan control type 0=ON/OFF 1=frequency inverter| | 0| 0| 1
EP| Output to level 1

Expansion valve

Level 1| Level 2|
Description| Values| Min.| Def.| Max.
EEV| u00| Valve type: 0=solenoid + EV thermostat 1= PWM-type EEV 0      1      2 2=Stepper-type EEV
SH| Superheating set point| K| 0.1| 8| 40


| Refrigerant gas type: 0= R-404A, 1= R-134A, 2= R-407A, 3= R-407F, 4= R-410A,

5= R-450A, 6= R-513A, 7= R-744, 8= R-449A, 9= R-290, 10= R-32, 11= R-448A, 0      *      17

12=R1234ze, 13=R23, 14=R717, 15=R407C, 16=R1234yf, 17=R22, 18=R454C,

19=R455A, 20=R507A, 21=R515B, 22=R452A, 23=R452B, 24=R454A

u03| PWM cycle time| s.| 2| 6| 10
u04| Proportional constant value (P) 1     10  100
u05| Integral constant value (I)| | 0| 10| 100
u06| Derivative constant value (D) 0      0  100
u07| Opening value of the electronic expansion valve when cooling is activated| %| u13| 50| u12
u08| Duration of valve opening on cooling demand s.       2      5  240
u09| Valve opening value with sensor error S5 or S6: 0=fixed opening according to u10; 1=average opening over the last 24 hours| | 0| 0| 1
u10| Valve opening value with sensor error S5 or S6 (if u09=0) %      u13  0  u12
u11| Manual valve opening value (0=disabled), (cycles acc. to u03) Requires safety code. See user manual.| %| u13| 0| u12
u12| Maximum valve opening value %      u13 100 100
u13| Minimum valve opening value| %| 0| 0| u12
u14| Valve opening value after defrost (0=disabled), (duration according to u15)         %       0/     0  u12


u15| Duration of valve opening after defrosting| s| 0| 0| 240
u16| Valve opening in case of LOP error (0=valve closed) %       0/     0 u12 u13
EP| Output to level 1


Level 1| Level 2|
Description| Values| Min.| Def.| Max.
AL| A0| Configuration of the temperature alarms 0=relative to SP 1=absolute                         0      1      1
A1| Alarm for maximum in sensor 1 (it must be higher than the SP)| ºC/ºF| A2| 99.0| 99.0
A2| Alarm for minimum in sensor 1 (it must be lower than the SP) ºC/ºF  -50  -50  A1
A3| Delay of temperature alarms in the start-up| min.| 0| 0| 120
A4| Delay of temperature alarms from the end of a defrost min.     0      0     99
A5| Delay of temperature alarms from when the A1 or A2 value is reached| min.| 0| 30| 99
A6| Delay of external alarm/severe external alarm on receiving digital input signal    min.     0      0 120 (I10 or I20=2 or 3)
A7| External alarm deactivation delay/severe external alarm on disappearance of signal at digital input (I10 or I20=2 or 3)| min.| 0| 0| 120
A8| Show warning if the defrost ends for maximum time 0=no 1=yes 0      0      1
A9| Polarity relay alarm 0=relay ON in alarm (OFF without alarm); 1=relay OFF in alarm (ON without alarm)| | 0| 0| 1
A10| Differential of temperature alarms (A1 and A2) ºC/ºF  0.1  1.0 20.0
A12| Delay of open door alarm (if I10, I20 or I30=1)| min.| 0| 10| 120
A20| Minimum superheating value for LSH alarm K        0      2     SH
A21| LSH alarm activation delay| sec.| 0| 30| 240
A22| LSH alarm hysteresis K      0.1     2     Sh-


A23| Maximum overheating value for LSH alert| K| sh| 40| 40
A24| Delayed activation of the HSH warning s        0     30  240
A25| HSH alarm deactivation hysteresis| K| 0.1| 2| A23-


A26| Maximum evaporating pressure (MOP) bar      0     60  60
A27| MOP alarm activation delay (delay time for activating alarm after threshold has been exceeded)| sec.| 0| 30| 240
A28| MOP alarm deactivation hysteresis (when the pressure drops below the           bar     0.1     1     60 MOP-hysteresis level the alarm is deactivated)
A29| Minimum evaporating pressure (LOP)| bar| -1| 0| 8
A30| LOP alarm activation delay (delay time for activating alarm after threshold has  sec.     0     30 240 been exceeded)
A31| LOP alarm deactivation hysteresis (when the pressure exceeds the LOP-hysteresis level the alarm is deactivated)| bar| 0.1| 1| 8
EP| Output to level 1

Basic configuration

Level 1| Level 2|
Description| Values| Min.| Def.| Max.
bcn| b00| Delay of all functions on receiving power supply min.     0      0  255
b01| Cold room light timing| min.| 0| 0| 999
b10| Password function 0=inactive 0      0      2

1=parameter access lock 2=keypad lock

PAS| Password| | 0| 0| 99
b20| MODBUS address 1      1  247
b21| Communication speed: 0=9600 bps 1=19200 bps

2=38400 bps 3=57600 bps

| bps| 0| 0| 3
b22| Audible alarm enabled 0=no 1=yes 0      1      1
Inputs and outputsb23| Lower display function: 1=sensor S2, 2=sensor S3, 3=sensor S4, 4=sensor S5, 5=superheating, 6=pressure sensor, 7=% EEV, 8=% eFAN, 9=carousel, 10=off| | 1| *| 10
Unt| Working units 0=ºC 1=ºF 0      0      1
EP| Output to level 1

Inputs and outputs

Level 1| Level 2|
Description| Values| Min.| Def.| Max.
InO| St| Type of probes connected: 0= NTC, 1= Pt1000| | 0| 0| 1
I00| Probes connected: 1=sensor 1 (cold room), 2=sensor 1 (cold room) + sensor                1      2      2

2 (evaporator)

I10| D1/S3 input configuration: 0=deactivated, 1=door contact, 2=external alarm, 3=severe external alarm, 4=change SP, 5=remote defrost,

6=defrost lockout, 7=low pressure switch, 8=remote activation in Stand-by mode, 9=product temperature

| | 0| *| 9
I11| Digital input polarity D1: 0=activates on closing, 1=activates on opening                      0      0      1 contact
I20| D2/S4 input configuration: 0=deactivated, 1=door contact, 2=external alarm, 3=severe external alarm, 4=change SP, 5=remote defrost,

6=defrost lockout, 7=high pressure switch for hot gas, 8=remote activation of Stand-by mode, 9=product temperature, 10=defrost 2nd evaporator

| | 0| *| 10
I21| Digital input polarity D2: 0=activates on closing, 1=activates on opening                      0      0      1 contact
I30| D3/S5 input configuration: 0=deactivated, 1=door contact, 2=external alarm, 3=severe external alarm, 4=change SP, 5=remote defrost,

6=defrost lockout, 7=remote activation of Stand-by mode, product temper- ature, 9=superheating temperature (Sh)

| | 0| 9| 9
I31| Digital input polarity D3: 0=activates on closing, 1=activates on opening                      0      0      1 contact

HACCP alarm

Level 1| Level 2|
Description| Values| Min.| Def.| Max.
HCP| h1| HACCP alarm maximum temperature ºC/ºF  -50 99.0 99.0
h2| Maxium permitted time for activation of the HACCP alarm (0=HACCP alarm deactivated)| h.| 0| 0| 255
EP| Output to level 1

Information (read-only)

Level 1| Level 2|
Description| Values| Min.| Def.| Max.
tid| InI| Option chosen in the configuration wizard
Pd| Pump down active? 0=no, 1=yes| | | |
PU| Software version (Information)
Pr| Program revision| | | |
PSr| Program Subversion
bU| Bootloader version| | | |
br| Bootloader revision
bSr| Program Subversion| | | |
PAr| Parameter map revision
EP| Output to level 1

Technical specifications

  • Power supply……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 100 – 240 V ~ 50/60 Hz
  • Maximum input power in the operation…………………………………………………………………………………………..8.1 VA
  • Maximum nominal current……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15 A
  • DEF relay – SPDT – 20 A NO (EN 60730-1: 15 (15) A 250 V~ )
  • NC……………………………………………………(EN 60730-1: 15 (13) A 250 V~)
  • FAN relay – SPST – 16 A ………………………………………………………………………………(EN 60730-1: 12 (9) A 250 V~)
  • Relay COOL – SPST – SSR 2 A ………………………………………………………………………………. Vmax: 275 V~, Imax: 2 A
  • AUX relay 1 – SPDT – 20 A NO……………………………………………………(EN 60730-1: 15 (15) A 250 V~)
  • NC……………………………………………………(EN 60730-1: 15 (13) A 250 V~)
  • AUX relay 2 – SPDT – 16 A NO……………………………………………………..(EN 60730-1: 12 (9) A 250 V~)
  • NC……………………………………………………..(EN 60730-1: 10 (8) A 250 V~)
  • AUX relay 3 – SPST – 16 A NO……………………………………………………..(EN 60730-1: 12 (9) A 250 V~)
  • No. of relay operations………………………………………………………………………………EN 60730-1:100,000 operations
  • Temperature range of probes (NTC/Pt1000)…………………………………………………………………….-50.0 ºC to 99.9 ºC
  • Resolution, adjustment and differential……………………………………………………………………………………………. 0.1ºC
  • Thermometric accuracy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..±1ºC
  • Tolerance of the (NTC/Pt1000) probes at 25°C………………………………………………………………………………..±0.4ºC
  • Inputs S1 to S4 …………………………………………………………………………….. NTC probe AKO-14901 or probe Pt1000
  • Inputs S5……………………………………………………………………….. NTC probe AKO-14950 / 14950-8 o probe Pt1000
  • Working ambient temperature …………………………………………………………………………………………….-10ºC to 50ºC
  • Ambient storage temperature………………………………………………………………………………………………-30ºC to 60ºC
  • Protection degree ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… IP 65
  • Installation category………………………………………………………………………………………………… II as per EN 60730-1
  • Degree of pollution…………………………………………………………………………………………………. II as per EN 60730-1
  • Grade as per UNE-EN 60730-1: Built-in control device, with Type 1.B automatic action operation feature, for use in
  • clean situations, logical support (software) class A and continuous operation.
  • Degree of pollution 2.
  • Double isolation between power supply, secondary circuit and relay output.
  • Accessible parts pressure ball test temperature…………………………………………………………………………………. 75 °C
  • Parts positioning active elements………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 125 ºC
  • Radio interference suppression test current…………………………………………………………………………………….270 mA
  • Voltage and current delayed by the EMC tests:…………………………………………………………………………207 V, 17 mA
  • Type of mounting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Fixed interior
  • MODBUS address…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Indicated on the label
  • Dimensions………………………………………………………………………………….. 290mm (W) x 141mm (H) x 84.4mm (D)
    Internal buzzer

For further information, refer to the user manual available on: https://help.ako.com/assets/uploads/351652662.pdf

  • 08812
  • Sant Pere de Ribes.
  • Barcelona
  • Spain
  • www.ako.com
  • 351652671 Rev. 02 2024

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