GE APPLIANCES JES1133WN02 Microwave Oven Owner’s Manual

July 15, 2024
GE Appliances

GE APPLIANCES JES1133WN02 Microwave Oven

Product Specifications

  • Model: GE JES1133WN02
  • Manufacturer: General Electric
  • Intended Use: Microwave oven for household use
  • Power Levels: 12
  • Turntable: Included

Product Usage Instructions

Safety Information:

It is important to follow all safety instructions provided in the manual to minimize risks such as fire, electric shock, or exposure to excessive microwave energy.

Safety Precautions:

  • Do not operate the oven with the door open as it has a safety interlock feature.
  • Avoid placing objects between the front face of the oven and the door or allowing residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.
  • Do not use the oven if it is damaged, especially the door, hinges, latches, seals, and sealing surfaces.
  • Do not attempt to adjust or repair the oven yourself; seek qualified service personnel.

Operating Instructions:

Refer to the manual for details on convenience features, microwave terms, power levels, time features, and other functionalities of the oven.

Care and Cleaning:

Follow the instructions provided for cleaning the inside, outside, and turntable of the microwave oven to maintain hygiene and performance.


If you encounter issues while using the microwave, refer to the troubleshooting tips in the manual for assistance.


  • Q: Can I use this microwave oven for industrial purposes?
    • A: No, this microwave oven is specifically designed for household cooking and should not be used for industrial or laboratory purposes.
  • Q: How many power levels does this microwave oven have?
    • A: This microwave oven offers 12 different power levels to suit various cooking needs.

Write the model and serial numbers here: Model #
Serial # Find these numbers on a label inside lhe oven.

164D3370P159 49-40168 01-01 JR

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, exposure to excessive microwave energy, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.


Do Net Attempt to operate
this oven with the door open since open<loot operation can result in hm_nfhl

exposure tO nlicrowave

energ T. It is important


to deteat or tamper with the

sat>ly interlocks.

m Be Not Place aW object between the oven flont fa(e
and tlle door or allow soil
or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surt_tces.

m Be Not Operate tile oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important that tile oven door close properly and that there is no damage to tile:
[- door (ben0,
hinges and latches (broken c,r loosened),
[-_ door seals and sealing vL_vJ smthces.
m TheOvenShonldNot be a
!justed or repaired by anyone except properly qualified se_,ice personnel.


This microwave oven is not approved or tested for marine use.

m Read and/bllow the specific

m Install or locale this appliance

precautions in tile Precautions only in acc(:)rdance _5th the

toAvoid PossibleExposureto ExcessiveMicrowave Energy

provided Installation Inst_uctions.

section above.
m This appliance must be grounded. Connect only

m 1_ certain to place tile fiont suffhce of the door fllree
inches or more back fiom

to a properly grounded

tile countenop edge to avoid

outlet. See tile &ounding

accidenlal tipping of tile


Instructions section on page 7.

appliance in normal usage.

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner’s Manual

· Do not operale any heating or cooking appliance beneath this microwm-e oven.
· Do not mount this appliance over a sink.
· Do not mount tile microwave oven over or near any pollion of a healing or cooking appliance.
· Do not store anything directly on lop of lhe microwave oven surtace when tile microwave
oven is in operation.
· Do not operate this appliance ifit has a dmnaged power cord or plug, if it is not _snking properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped. If lhe power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by (;eneral Elecuic Service or an authorized sel_ice
agent using a power cord supplied by General Electric.
· Do not cover or block any openings on file appliance.
· Use this appliance only tor its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use
con-osive chemicals or vapors in this appliance. This microwave oven is specitically designed U)Ileal, d D-or cook toed, and is not inmnded tor laboraloly or indusuJal use.
· Do not store this appliance ouldoors. Do not use this
product near waler-tbr example, in a wet basement, near a sxdmming pool or near a sink.
· Keep power cord mvay Dora heated surtaces.

· Do not immerse power cord or plug in wamr.
· Do not let power cord hang over edge of table or counter.
· To reduce tile risk of fire in
the oven cavity:
Do not overtook food.
Carefully auend appliance if paper, plastic or other combustible materials me
placed inside the oven while cooking.
— Remove xdre l_visl=liesand metal handles flom paper or plastic containers betore placing them in the oven.
Do not use tile oven for
slorage purposes. Do not leave paper products, cooking utensils or toed in the oven when not in use.
– If materials inside file oven should ignite, keep lhe oven door closed, turn lhe oven off and disconnect tile power cord, or shut off power at lhe fuse or circuit breaker panel. If lhe door is opened, the fire may spread.
See door surface cleaning instructions in tile Care and cleaning of the microwa ve oven section of this manual.

· This appliance should be serviced only by qualified service personnel. Contact nearest authorized service
ti_cility tor examinauon, repair or adjustment.

· As _dth any appliance, close

supervision is necessary

when used by children.




If you see arcing, press the STOP/CLEARpad and correct the problem.

Arcing is the microwave term for sparks in tim oven. Arcing is caused by:

· Melal, such as lxdsl-ties,
poult D, pins, or gold-rimmed dishes, in the microwave.

· Metal or foil louching lhe side of lhe oven.
· Foil not molded to food (upturned edges acl like anlennas).

· Recycled paper lowels conlaining small melal pieces being used in lhe microwave.


Do nol pop popcorn in )xmr microwave oven unless in a special microwave popcorn accesso_T or unless you use popcorn labeled for use in microwave ovens.
· _mm producls such as whole eggs and sealed conlainers_fbr example, closedjars-_dll explode and should nol be heamd in lhis microwm-e oven. Such use of lhe microwm-e oven could resuh in inju U.
· Do nol boil eggs in a microwm-e oven. l’ressure _dll
build tip inside egg yolk and _dll cruise il 1o bursl, possibly resulting in inju U.

· ()peradng dm microwave _dth no tood inside ff)r more
than a minule or l_s) may cruise damage u) lhe oven and could stmt a fire. It increases lhe heal around lhe
magnelron and can shorlen tim lite of the oven.
Foods _dth unbroken ()tiler
“skin” such as potatoes, hot dogs, sausages, lomau)es, apples, chicken livers and olher giblels, and egg >)lks should be pierced lo allow sleam 1o escape during cooking.


Microwa ved water and other liquids do not always bubble when they reach the boiling point. Theycan actually get superheated andnot bubble at all.
Superheatedliquid will bubble up out of the cup when #is moved or when somethinglike a spoon or tea bag is put into it.
Toprevent this from happening and causing injury, do not heat any liquid for more than 2 minutes per cup. After heating, let the cup standin the microwave for30 seconds before movingit or putting anything into it.
· Avoid healing baby fbod in glass jars, even xdfl_ tim lid off. Make sure all infant fbod
is thoroughly cooked. Stir tood to dislribule the heal
evenly. Be careflfl lo prevent scalding when wanning ftmnula. The container m W teel cooler than the Rmnula really is. Always lest lhe ft)nnula beft)re teeding tim bal)y.
· Don’t defiost ftozen beverages in nano,._mecked bollles (especially carbonated beverages). Even if the conlainer is opened, pressure can build up. This can cause the container to burst, possibly resulting in inju U.

Spontaneous boiling-I Jnder certain special circumstances, liquids m W start to boil during or shortly after removal ftom the microwave
oven. To prevent burns ftom splashing liquid, we recommend tim fblloxdng: beRne rem(Mng the container ftom the oven, allow tim container m stand in the oven f·o_.o a0 to 40 seconds after tim oven has
shut off. Do not: boil liquids in nanox_mecked containers such as soft drink bottles, _dne flasks and especially nantmmecked coffee cups. Even if the container is
opened, excessive slealn can build up and cause it to burst
or overflow.

Hot fbods and smmn can cause bums. Be carefhl when
opening any containers of hot ft)od, including popcorn bags, cooking pouches and boxes. To prevent possible in,ju U, direct steam mvay ftom bands and face.

· Do not overcook polaloes. They could dehydram and caleb fire, causing damage to your oven.

Cook meat and poultJ T

thoroughly-meal lo at least an INTERNAL

temperature of 160 ° F. and pouhJ T to at least an

INTERNAL temperature

of 180 °F. Cooking to these temperatures usually protects

against toodbome illness.




Make sure all cookware used in your microwave oven is suilable for microwming. Mosl glass casseroles, cooking dishes, measuring cups, cuslard cups, polm U or china dinnerware wlfich does nol hm-emelallic lfim
or glue x61h a melallic sheen can be used. Some cookware is
lalycled “mitable f{)rnfio_ )xxm6ng.”
· If you are not sure ifa dish is microwave-safe, use tiffs lesl: Hate in lhe oven bolh lhe dish
you are lesfing and a glass measuring cup filled x_lllt1 cup ofwaler–sel the measuring cup eilher in or nexl lo rite dish. Microwave 30-45
seconds at high. Iflhe dish lmals, il should nol be used
for microwm-ing.
If lhe dish remains cool and only lhe waler in lhe cup heals, lhen the dish is microwm-e-safe.
· Ifyou use a meat lhennomeler while cooking, make sure il is sate f6rum in microwm-e ovens.

· Cookware may become hot because of heal lransfimed tiom lhe heamd tood. Pot
holders m W be needed lo handle lhe cookware.
· Some sWotoam lrays (like lhose thai meat is packaged on) have a flfin slrip ofmelal embedded in the botlom.
When nficrowaved, the melal can bum lhe floor of lhe oven
or ignile a paper l(mv1.
· Paper lowds, waxed paper and plaslic xaapcan be used lo cover dishes in order lo relain
moislnre and prevenl
)allefing. Be sure lo venl plastic wrap so sleam can escape.
· Use toil only as direcled in tiffs gafide. TV dinners may be microwaved in tbil uays less than 3/4″ high; remove lhe lop toil cover and remm the 11W u) rite box. When using toil in the microwave oven, keep lhe toil al leasl 1 inch awW flom lhe sides of lhe oven.

· Do nol use the microwm-elo · “Boilal)le” cooking pouches

dU ne_:spapers.

and lightly closed plasdc bags

· Not all plaslic _Tap is suilable it)attsein _rficro_x’avoevert_C. heck the package fi_rproper use.

should be slit,piemed or venled as direcled by package. Iflhey are not, plasdc could bursl during or immediamly after

· Do not use recycled paper producls. Recycled paper lowels, napkins and waxed paper can conlain melal flecks which may cause arcing or ignite. Paper producls conlaining nylon or nylon filmnenls should be avoided,

cooking, possibly resulting in i_jtn)-. Also, plastic su)rage conlainers should be al leasl
parlially uncovered because
lhey fimn a light seal. When cooking x_fithconlainers fighlly covered _dlh plastic _xaap, remove covering


as they may also ignite.

carefully and direct smam awW from hands and thee.

· I’lasdc cookware-Plaslic cookware designed for microwave cooking is very usefifl, bu! should be used carefillly. Even microwavesMe plastic may not be as loleranl of overcooking conditions as are glass or ceramic materials and may soften or char if subjecled lo
short periods of overcooking. In longer exposures lo overcooking, lhe food and cookware could ignile.

Follow theseguidelines:
I Jse microwave-sate [77
plastics only and use them in stficl compliance dth the cookware manuiac mrer’s recommendations.
[2] Do not microwave emply conlainers.
Do nol permit children lo use plasdc cookware withoul complele supel_ision.


Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock.
This appliance must be grounded. In lhe event of an electrical shorl circuil, grounding reduces the risk of eleclric shock by providing an escape _dre tor the electric cunenl.
This appliance is equipped _dth a power cord having a grounding xdre x_lh a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged inlo an oullel lhal is properly inslalled and grounded.
Consult a qualified eleclrician or sela-ice mchnician if lhe grounding instructions are nol complemly understood, or if doubl exisls as 1o whedmr ll_e appliance is properly grounded.
If tim Duffel is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is your personal responsibilily and obligation 1o have il replaced _dlh a properly grounded 3-prong wall oullel.
Do not under aW circumslances cul or remove lhe lhird (ground) prong flom lhe power cord.
We do not recommend using an exmnsion cord xfilhlhis appliance. If rim power cord is uJo shorl, have a qualified eleclrician or sel-ice lechnician inslall an Duller near ll_e appliance. (See WARNING-EXTENSIONCORDSsection.)
For besl operation, plug this appliance inlo its oxm elecuical outlel 1o prevent flickering of lighls, bloxdng of fuse or nipping of circuil breaker.



Usage situations where appliance’s power cord will be disconnected infrequently.

Because of polential safely h_ards under certain conditions, we stronglyrecommendagainstthe use ofan adapterplug.Hov,_ver, if you still elect to use an adapter, where local codes pemfit, a TEMPORARYCONNECTIONmW be made lo a properly gTounded lwoprong wall receplacle by the use of a I JL listed adapter which is availal)le at most local hardware slores.

(Adapterplugsnot perrni#ed in Canada)

;””” ‘£ore roon

TEMPORARY andfirm connection



The larger slot in the adapter must be alig_md dfl tim larger slot in the _-all receptacle t,) provide proper polarity in the connection of the power cord.
CAUTIONA: ttaching the adapter ground temfinal to the wall receptacle cover screw doesnot ground the appliance unless the cover screw is metal, and not insulated,and the wall receptacle is grounded through the house wiring.

You should have tim circuit checked 1)ya qualified electrician to make sure the receptacle is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power cord flom dm adapter, always hold the adaptor xdth one hand. If this is not done, dm adapter ground terminal is veU likely to break xdlh repeamd use. Should lhis happen, DO NOT USEthe appliance until a proper gTound has again been established.

Usagesituationswhere appliance’spower cordwill be disconnected frequently.

Do notusean adapterplugin these situations because flequent disconnection of lhe power cord places undue suain on the adaptor and leads U)eventual tailure of tim adaptor ground mnninal. You should have lhe ts-prong wall receptacle replaced _dlh a lhreeprong (grounding) receptacle by a qualified electrician betore using tl_e appliance.
A shorl power supply cord is provided lo reduce the risks resulting flom becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord. Exlension cords mW be used if you are careflll in using lhem. If an exlension cord is used77 The marked eleclfical raling of the extension cord should be
a! leas! as grea! as lhe eleclfical rating of lhe appliance; _] The extension cord InllSI be a gToundinDl}I)e 3-dre cord and
il musl be plugged inlo a 3-slol oullel; [
The extension cord should be ananged so lhat it _dll nol
drape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally. IfDin use an exlension cord, tim inlefior light m W flicker and lhe blower sound m W vmT when lhe microwm-e oven is on. Cooking times m W be longer, l,)o.

About the features of your microwave oven.

Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model



IS 3

OE Iv | oGcE


Featuresof the Oven

0 DoorLatches.


Window with Metal Shield. Screen allows cooking to be

viewed while keeping microwaves confined in the oven.

@ ConvenienceGuide.

0 TouchControl Paneland Display.


Door Latch Release. Press latch release to open door.


RemovableTurntableT.urntable and support must be

in place when using fl_e oven. The lnmlable may be

removed tbr cleaning.

NOTE”Rating plate, oven vent(s)and ovenlight are located on the inside walls of the microwave oven.

Defrost Rack. t)lace a dish of fiozen meat on the rack when defrosting, and place the rack on the tumlnble. You can microwave by time or with the convenience feature.





I”11o I1 ! i




I[ e I





Check the Convenience Guide before you begin.

PTrimeses Features
TIME COOK Pressonce,twiceor 3 times

Enter Amountofcookingtime
Startsimmediately! Powerlevel1-10 (Automaticallsyetat HI)

PCroensvsenience Features POPCORN

Enter 3.5oz.,3.0oz or 1.75ozpackage. 1 cup(8oz.)or 2 cups (16oz.)beverage 1-3 slices
1-4 cups 1-4 servings 1 or2 servings
Foodtype,foodweight 1-4 servings

Option more/lesstime
more/lesstime more/lesstime more/lesstime more/lesstime


About changing the power level

The power level may be entered or changed

immediately after entering the feature time for




_] Press TIMECOOK.

Enter cooking or deflosfing time.


PressPOWERLEVEL [_] Select desired power level 1-10.

_] Press START.


Variable power levels add flexibility to microwave cooking. The power levels on the microwave oven can be compared to the sm-lhce unils on a range. Each pox_r

level gives you microwm-e energ T a certain percent of tim

time. Power level 7 is microwm:e energy 70% of the time.

Power level 3 is energ T 30% of lhe time. Most cooking


_dll be done on Hi (power level lO)which gives >m 100% power. Power level 10 _dll cook fasmr but food m W need

more flequent stirring, ro/afing or turning over. A lower

setting _dll cook more evenly and need less stirring or

rotating of the food. _)me foods m W hm-e better flavor,

texture or appearance if one of tim lower seuings is used.


Use a lower power level when cooking tbods fl_at have a

tendency to boil over, such as scalloped potatoes.

Rest periods (when the microwave energ T cycles off) give time for tim food lo “equalke” or lJansfer heat to the inside of flae R)od. An example of lifts is shoxm xdth
power level 3-the deflost cycle. If microwave energy did not c)vle oli_ tim outside of tim food x_xmldcook before the inside was deflosmd.

Here are some examplesof uses for variouspower levels:

Hi 10:Fish, bacon, vegetables, boiling liquids.

Med-High Z” Gentle cooking of meat and pouh_T; baking


casseroles and reheating.

Medium 5: Slow cooking and tenderizing fbr ste_.vsand less tender ellis of meat.

Low2 or& Defrosting; simmering; delicate sauces. Warm1: Keeping food warm; softening butler.


About the time features.


Time Cook 77meCookI

Allows you to microwave fbr any lime up to 99 minutes and 99 seconds.

Power level 10(High)is automatically set, but you may

change it tor more flexibility.


[1—7Press TIMECOOK..

_2] Enter cooking time.


] Change the pouer level ifyou don’t want full pouer. (I’ress POWERLEVEL.lect a dedred _)wer level 1-10.

[_ Press START

TrineCookI wifi countdown first, fofiowedbg TimeCookIL tben Trine CookIlL If anAuto WeightDefrost

Youmayopenthe doorduringTimeCookto checkthe food Close the doorandpressSTARTtoresumecooking.

stagewasset, it will countdown beforetbe TimeCookstages.

time CookII andIII


Lets you change power levels automatically dudng

cooking. Here’s how to do it:

Enter the first cook time.

% Change the power level ffyou don’t want full power. (Ihess POWERLEVEL_.lect a desired pouer level 1-10.

Press TIMEC00Kagain.
% Enter the second cook time. % Change the power level ffyou don’t want full power.
(Ihess POWERLEVEL_.lect a desired pouer level 1-10.

Press STARTor, to set a third cooking stage, repeat steps 4-6 and press START


Toadd time duringtime countdown:
Pressing MORETIME will add 10 seconds of cooking lime each time you press it.

Tosubtract time during time countdown:

Pressing less time x_ll subtract l 0 seconds of cooking lime each time you press it.


About the time features.

Cooking Guide for -time Cook

NOTE: Use power level Hi (10) unless otherwise noted.








(freshspears) I lb.

5 to 8 rain.,

In l V_,-qt.oblong glass baking


(frozenspears) 10-oz. package

Me&High (7) dish, place l/4 (up water.

4 to 7 rain.

In 1-ql. casserole.


(freshgreen) 1 lb. cutin half

(frozengreen) lO-oz, package


lO-oz, package

10 to 15 min. 4 to 8 min. 4 to 8 min.

In 11/_,-qtc.asserole, place 1/2 cup wa/er.
In 1-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons wa/er.
In 1-ql. casserole, place 1/4 cup waler.


(fresh,whole) 1 bunch

16 to 22 rain. In 2-ql. casserole, place



1/2 cup water.

(fresh cut)

1 bunch


(1V4to l_k lbs.)

In 2-(tl. casserole, place 1/2 cup wa/er.

(freshspears) 1 bunch


(1|/4 to l_k lbs.)

In 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish, place 1/4 cup waler.

(frozen, chopped)

lO-oz, package 4to7_n.

In 1-ql. casserole.

(frozenspears) lO-oz, package 4to7_n.

In 1-qt.casserole, place 3 tablespoons water.

Cabbage (fresh)

1 medium head (about 2 lbs.)

6 to 10 min. 5 to 9 min.

In 1V_o,-r 2-ql.casserole, place 1/4 cup waler.
In 2-or 3-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water.


(fresh,sliced) (frozen)

1 lb. lO-oz, package

4 to 8 min. 3 to 7 min.

In 1V_,-qtc.asserole, place 1/4 cup water.
In 1-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons water.



1 medium head 7 to 11 min.

(fresh,whole) 1 medium head 7to 15 min.


lO-oz, package

3 to 7 min.

In 2-(tl. casserole, place 1/2 cup wamr. In 2-(tl. casserole, place 1/2 cup wa/er.
In 1-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons water.







(frozen kernel) lO-oz, package

2 to 6 rain.

In l-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons water.

Corn on the cob


1 to 5 ears

11/4 to 4 min. In 2-qt. glass baking dish, place

per ear

com. If corn is in lmsk, use no wamr; if corn has been lmsked,


add 1/4 cup wamr. Reanange

‘atler half of time.


1 ear 2to 6ears

3 to 6 min. 2 to 3min. per ear

Place in 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish. Cover xdlh venmd
plastic xwap. Reanange after half of time.




1O-oz. package

2 to 6 min.

In 1-qt. casserole, place

3 tablespoons water.



(fresh,shelled) 2 lbs. unshelled

7 to 10 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place

1/4 cup water.


1O-oz. package

2 to 6 min.

In 1-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons water.


(fresh, cubed, white)

4 potatoes (6 to 8 oz. each)

(fresh, whole,

1 (6 to 8 oz.)

sweet or white)

9 to 12 min. 2 to 4min.

Peel and cut into 1-inch cubes.
Hace in 2-qt. casserole xdlh 1/2 cup water. Stir after half of lime.
l’ierce xdlb cooking tork. Place in cenler of the oven. Let stand 5 minutes.

Spinach (fresh)

lOto 16 oz.

3to 6rain.

(frozen,chopped and leaf)
Squash (fresh,summer and yellow) (winter, acorn, or butternut)

1O-oz. package
1 lb. sliced 1 or 2 squash (about 1 lb. each)

3 to 6 min.
3 to 5 min. 5 to 9 min.

In 2-<tl.casserole, place washed spinach. In 1-qt. casserole, place 3 tablespoons water.
In 1 m/__qcta, sserole, place 1/4 cup water. Cut in half and remove fibrous membranes. In 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish, place squash cul-side-doxm. Turn cut,side-up atier 4 minutes.


About the time features.

Add 30 Seconds

You can use this feature two ways:
· It xdll add 30 seconds to the lhne counting doxm
each time the pad is pressed, up to 3 minutes.
A, ri”el .oa mi·nutes , every tou(h. _1·11,add 1 minute.


· It can be used as a quick way to set 30 seconds of cooking lime.


POPCORN Use only with prepackaged microwave

77 Follow package instructions. Place the package of popcorn in the center of the microwave.

popcornweighbg 1.75to 3.5 ounces.

_] Press POPCORNonce ff)r a a.a ounce package of popcorn, txvicefilr a 3.0 ounce package, or three

times tor a 1.75 ounce package. The oven sial-IS




Toadd time duringtime countdown:

Pressing MORETIME will add 10 seconds of

TIME cooking lime each time you press it.



Pressing less lime _ll sul)tract 10 seconds of cooking lime each lime you press it.

POTATO ThePotato featurecooksup to four 8-10 ouncepotatoes.


Press POTATO.The serving size is automatically set: at 1, but can be changed by pressing POTATOa second dine tot 2 potatoes, a third lime tot 3 potatoes, or a fi)urth lime fi)r 4 potatoes. The oven SialIS automatically.


Toadd time duringtime countdown:
Pressing MORETIME vdl] add ]0 seconds of cooking lime each time you press it. Tosubtract time during time countdown:

Pressing less time x_ll subtract l 0 seconds of cooking lime each time you press it.

l_beBeveragefeatureworksbest for beatinga beveragetbat is at room temperature.


PressBEVERAGEonce for I cup (8 oz.), or twicefin. 2 cups ( 16 oz.). The oven starts automatically.

Beveragesheated with the Beveragefeaturemaybe very hot.Removethe containerwith care.


To add time during time countdown:


Pressing MORE TIME will add l0 seconds of
TIME cooking time each time you press it.

Tosubtract time during time countdown:

Pressing less time will subtract l 0 seconds of cooking time each time you press it.


Press PIZZA once tor one slice of pizza, t_dce tor two



slices, or three times tor three slices.

ThePizza feature b for reheating 1 to 3 slicesof pizza.


Toadd time duringtime countdown:
Pressing MORETIME _dll add l 0 seconds of cooking time each time you press it.


Pressing less time _ll sul)tract 10 seconds of cooking time each time you press it.

TbeFood Plate feature reheats a plate of previouslycookedfood.

Food Plate

Press FOODPLATEonce to reheat one 8 ounce sewing, or t_dce to reheat two 8 ounce seedlings. The oven stmls automatically.

[_ Sllre to cover the plate _dth plastic _Tap.

& To add time during time countdown:

Pressing MORETIME_dll add 10 seconds of



TIME cooking time each time you press it.



Pressing less time _ll sul)tract 10 seconds of

cooking time each time you press it.


About the convenience features.

Fresh Vegetable

Press FRESHVEGo. nce to cook l cup of vegetables, txdce



lo cook 2 cups, lhree limes to cook 3 cups, or fimr times

Useff_eFreshVegetablefeatureto cookupto 4 cupsof fresh vegetables.

lo cook 4 cups. The oven slmls aulomadcally.



Toadd time duringtime countdown:
Pressing MORETIME_dI]add ]0 seconds of cooking lime each time you press it.


Tosubtract time during time countdown:

Pressing less time will subtract l 0 seconds of cooking lime each lime you press it.





Press BAKEDGOODSonce tor one se_Ying of baked goods, tdce tot t,) se_Yings, three thnes tot three

TbeBaked Goods feature reheats up to seedlings, or fimr times for four se_,ings.

four 2 ounce servings of baked goods.

/a Toaddtimeduringtimecountdown:

Pressing MORETIME _dl] add l 0 seconds of



TIME cooking lime each lime you press it.


Pressing less lime _ll sul)nact 10 seconds of cooking lime each time you press il.


Auto Weight Defrost


[] Press AUTO INT.DEE1-3 dines to sele(1 the desired
defloslJng calego_y. {see Auto Weight Defrost Guide)

Auto WeightDefrostGuide

Auto WeightDefrostwill defrost0.1Ibs toG.OIbs(0.1kgto 3.0 kg)

of meat,poultryor fish. 1Meat: Beef_mund beef,steaks,stewmeat,masts






2 Poultry.” Poultry–whole(under4Ibs)b, onelesscut-upbreasts Cornishhens–whole

Auto Weight Defrost automatically sets

3 Fish: Fish–fillets, steaks,whole

the defrostingtimes andpower levels


to give evendefrostingresultsfor

meats, poultry and fish. Fhere b a han W guide located on the

_] Using the Conversion Guide below, enter tood _ighl. For example, press pads I and 2%r ] .2


inside front of the oven.

pounds (1 pound, Bounces).


[_] Press START.

…. _-


If the weightof foodis statedinpoundsandounces,theounces mustbeconvertedto tenths(.1)of apound.

rlace a microwave-safedbh with I -ozen meat of?be defrostrack,and [._lace be rack of?the turntable.

Weightof Foodin Ounces
1-2 3 4-5 6-7 8 9-10 11 12-13 14-15

EnterFoodWeight (tenths of a pound)
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9

· Removemeatfrompackageandp/aceonmlemwave-safedish.

· Twiceduringdefrost,the ovensignals.Ateach signal,turn the foodover Removedefrostedmeator shieldwarmareaswith
smallpiecesof foil

· After defrostingm, ostmeatsneedto stand5minutesto

completedefrostingT. his5 minutestandtimeis set



About the other features.



PressCLOCKto enterthe time of day


[_ Press CLOCK.

Enter time of day.


Press CLOCK.


More Time/Less Time

Pressing MORETIMExdll add 10 seconds lo the cooking



time each time you press il. Pressing LESS TIME_dll

sublract 10 seconds of cooking time each time you

press il.

Thesepadswi// work with TimeCook or the Conveniencecookingfeatures (excepAt uto WeightDefrost).

Press the MORETIME or LESSTIME pad during lime
CoIlnl dow[1.


Kitchen Timer
TheKitchenTimeroperatesasa minutet/?nerTheKitchenTimer featureoperateswithoutmicrowaveenergg

] Press START.When the time is up, the timer _dll signal.


Press once to pause cooking (all settings _dll be saved).

Press STARTto continue cooking.


Press t_dce to slop and erase your cooking settings.



This pad performs three flmctions:

· 11 lungs lhe oven beeper off.

· It changes the Convenience features fiom mnomatic

slarl It) manual slnrt.

· It changes tim %od weight measurement for Auto


Weight Defiost flom pounds to kilograms.

Totorn the oven beeper off.”

[ Press OPTIONS, -] Press/.

1-_ Press START.

To mm beeper back on, repeat steps 1-3.

Toturn off automatic start:


[77 Press OPTIONS.

Press 2 [_ Press START.

It _dll now be necessa D” to press START It) aclivale lhe


To lun_ aulomalic slnrl back on,

repeal steps 1-3.

Tochange weight measurement to kilograms:

Press OPTIONS, Press 3.
Press START.
To change weight measurement repeal steps 1-3.

back to ptmnds,

Child Lock-Out
Youmay lockthe control pane/to prevent the microwave from being accidenta@ started or used by children.

To lock or unlock the controls, press and hold STOP/CLEARfor about three seconds. When the

conn-ol panel is locked, LOCKappears in the display.


Microwave terms.






Arcing is the microwave term for sparks in the oven. Arcing is _aused by:
· metal o1 foil touching tim side of the oven.
· foil that is not molded to food (upturned edges act like antennas).

· metal such as twist-lies, pouh_ T pins, gold-rimmed dishes. · recycled paper towels containing small metal pieces.


Covers hold in moisture, allow tor more even healing and reduce cooking lime. Venting plastic wrap or covering xdth wax paper allows excess steam to escape.


In a regular oven, you shield chicken breasts or baked tbods to


prevent ove>broxming. _qmn microwm-ing, you use small snips of foil to shield thin parts, such as the lips ofxdngs and legs on

poult U, which x_xmld cook betbre larger parts.

Standing 77me When you cook xdfl_ regular ovens, foods such as roasts or cakes

are allowed u_ stand u) finish cooking or to set. Standing lime is

especially important in microwave cooking. Note that a


microwaved cake is not placed on a cooling rack.


After covering a dish xdth plastic wrap, you vent the plastic _Tap by

t tll_ling back one corner st) excess steam can escape.


Careand cleaningof themicrowaveoven.

Helpful Hints
()pen the oven door a few minules after cooking to air ()tit the inside. An occasional thorough _dping xdth a sohnion of baking soda and waler keeps lhe inside flesh.
Unplug the cord before cleaning any part of this oven.

How to Clean the Inside


Walls,FloorI,nsideWindow,Meta/andPlasticPartson the Door

Some spallers can be removed xdth a paper lox_l, others m W require a dmnp clolh. Remove gTeasy spalmrs _dlh a sudsy clofll, lhen rinse x6fll a damp clolft. Do not use abrasive cleaners or shaq) ulensils on oven walls.

To clean file surface of lhe door and lhe surface of lhe

oven that come logelher upon closing, use only mild,

nonabrasive soaps or delergenls using a sponge or soft

clolh. Rinse xdlh a damp clolh and d U.


Never use a commercial oven cleaner on any part of your


Removable Turntable and Turntable Support
To prevent breakage, do nol place lhe mmtal)le inlo waler,jusl after cooking. Wash il carefldly in warm, suds}” wamr or in tile dishwasher. Tile mmtal)le and support can be broken ifdropped. Remember, do nol operale lhe oven “_*_llll()ul lhe mmlable and supporl in place.

I. I
Do not use cleaners containing ammonia or alcohol on the microwave oven. Ammonia or alcohol can damage the appearance of the microwave.

How to Clean the Outside
Case: Clean the oulside oflfte microwave xtll a sudsy cloth. Rinse and then dD.Wipe the _dndow clean _dlh a damp cloth.
ControlPanelandDoor.”Wipe wilh adamp clolh. Dly lhoroughly. Do nol use cleaning sprays, lm-ge amounls of soap and wamr, abrasives or shaq) objecls on tile panel-lhey can damage it. Some paper lox_vls can also scratch tile control panel.
DoorSurface: It’s importanl lo keep the area clean where lhe door seals against lhe microwave. Use only mild, non-abrasive delergenls applied xdlh a clean sponge or soft clolh. Rinse well.


Before you call for service

TrOubleshooting -tips Save time and money! Review the chart on this

age first and you may not need to call for service.

Problem Ovenwill notstart
Contropl anel lighted,yet ovenwill notstart

Possible Causes

What To Do

A fuse in your home may be blown or the circuit breaker tripped. Power surge.
Plug not fully inserted into wall outlet.

· Replace fuse or reset circuit l)reaker.
· l Jnplug the microwave oven, then plug it back in.
· Make sm.e the oa-p_. ong plug on the oven is fully inserted into wall oulle’l.

Door not securely dosed.

· ()pen the door and close securely.

STARTpad not pressed
after entering cooking selection.

· Press START.

Another selection entered already in oven and STOP/CLEARpad not pressed to cancel it.

· Press STOP/CLEAtwRice.

Cooking time not entered · Make sure you have after pressing TIMECOOK. entered cooking lime
after pressing TIMECOOK.

STOP/CLEAR was pressed accidentally.

· Reset cooking program and press START.

Defrosting category
or food weight not entered after pressing AUTO WT. DEE

· Make sure you have entered a defrosting category and fbod weight _ier pressing AUTOINT.DEE

Things That Are Normal With YourMicrowave Oven

· Steamor vaporescapingfromaroundthedoor

· Lightreflectionarounddooror outercase.

· Dimmingovenlightandchangein the blowersoundat powerlevelsother thanhigh.

· Dullthumpingsoundwhileovenis operating.

· TV/radleinterferencemightbenoticedwhileusingthemicrowaveS. imilarto

theinterferencecausedbyothersmallappliancesi,t doesnotindicatea

problemwith themicrowaveP. lugthe microwaveintoa differentelectrical

circuit,movethe radioor 77/asfarawayfromthe microwaveaspossible,


or checkthe positionandsignalof the TV/radioantenna.

GE Service Protection

Plus TM

GE, a name recognized worl&dde fin quality and dependability otters you Service Protection PlusrV-comprehensive protection on
all your appliances–No Matter What Brand!

Benefits Include:
· Backed by GE · All brands covered · Unlimited service calls
· All parts and labor costs included · No out-of-pocket expenses · No hidden deductibles · One 800 number to call

We’ll Cover Any Appliance. Anywhere. Anytime.*

You will be completely satisfied _dth our service protection or you may request your money back on the remaining value of your contract. No ques{ions asked. It’s thai simple.

Protect your refligerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer, range, TV, VCR and much
more-any brand! Plus there’s no extra charge for emergency service and low monthly financing is available. Even icemaker coverage and food spoilage protection is offered.
You can rest easy, knoxdng that all your valuable household products are protected against expensive repairs.

Place your confidence in (;E and call us in tl_e U.S. toll-flee at 800-626-2224 fin more infi)rmation.

*All brands cox(wed, up to 20 }ears old, in the continental [‘.S.


Please place in envelope and mail to:

General Electric Company

Warranty Registration P.O. Box 32150


Louisville, KY 40232-2150


Consmner Product Ownership Registration
Dear Customer:
Thank you fi)r purchasing our product and lhank you tbr placing your confidence We are proud to have you as a cuslolner!

in us.

Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:

your Consumer Product Ownership Registration today, Have the peace of
mind of knowin .gwe
can conlact you In
the unlikely evenl of a sately modificalion.

the registration below, store this documenl in a safe place. It conlains infbrmation
you will need should
you require service.
Our service number is 800 GE CARES (800-432-2737).

Manual careti_lly. It will help you
operate your new appliance properly.

Model Nmnber

Serial Nmnber

I , , , , , , , , , , , II i i i i i i i I


If you did not get a registration card with your product, detach and

return the form below to ensure that your product is registered, or

register online at


,.(..hdL t2edg.

Consumer Product Ownership Registration

I …. , ……


I,, ,,,,


Model Number Mr. [] Ms. [] Mrs. [] Miss []

Serial Nmnber

Firstl I’JasIt I Name




AddSrteresesll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I


I I I I I I I I E-mail Address







Zip I




Mon,_h ar vearL_J I)ate l’lac,__d In [se P_hounemel,rl , , I-I , , I-I , , , I

()ccasionally, we may allow selecled companies to send you infi)rmation.

[] Check here GEAppliances
General Electric Company Louisville, Kentucky

if you do nol wanl

lhis infl)rmalion.


GE Microwave Oven Warranty.

All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers, or an authorized Customer Care_ technician. Toschedule
service, on-line, 24 hours a day, contact us at, or call 800-GE-CARES.

Staple your receipt here. Proof of the original
purchase date is needed to obtain service under
the warranty.

For The Period Of.” One Fear From the date of the original purchase
Four Years For the second through the fourth year from the date of original purchase

GE Will Replace:
Anypart of tim microwave oven which fails due to a defect in materials or )rkmanship. During this limited one-yearwarranty, GE xdll also provide, free ofcharge, all parts and sel@e labor 1(7repair or replace the detective pro1.
Themagnetrontube,ff rim magmtron robe thils due to a detect in materials or )rkmanship. During this additionalthree-year limited warranty,you will be resp(msil)le fbr any labor or in-home sel_@e cosls.

Foreachof the abovewarranties: Toavoidanytrip chargesy, oumusttake themicrowaveovento a GeneraEl lectricCustomeCr are_ servicerandpickit up followingservice,in-homeservice/salso available,but youmustpay forthe servicetechnician’stravelcoststo yourhome.

What GE Will Not Cover:

· Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product.
· Improper installation.
· Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for other than the intended purpose or used commercially.

· Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers.
· Damage to the product caused by accident, fire, floods or acts of God.
· Incidental or consequential damage caused by possible defects with this appliance.

Thiswarrantyis extendedto the originapl urchaserandanysucceedingownerforproductspurchased for homeusewithinthe USA.InAlaska,the warrantyexcludesthe costof shippingor servicecalls to yourhome.
Somestatesdonot allow theexc/uslanor limitationof incidentaol r consequentiadlamages.This warrantygivesyouspecificlegalrights,and youmayalsohaveotherrightswhich varyfromstate to state.Toknowwhatyourlagalrightsare,consultyourlacalor stateconsumear ffairsofficeor your state’sAttorneyGeneral.

Warrantor: GeneralElectricCompanyL, ouisville,KY 40225 27



, CEApplia,ces.oom

Have a question or need assistance wid_ your appliance? T_y tl_e GE Appliances Website 24 hours a day, any day of the year! For greater convenience and xster sex’ice, you can now do_doad ()_l_er’s Manuals, order pmls, catalogs, or even schedule sex,’ice online. You can also “Ask Our Team of Experts”” yonx” quesdons, and so much more…


Expert (;E repair service is only one step away flom your door. Get onqine and schedule your service at your convenience 24 hours any day of the year! Or call 800-(;E-CARES ‘(800432-2737} during normal business hours.

RealLife DesignStudio

GE supports the Universal Design concept-products,

sexx-ices and environments that

can be used by people of all ages, sizes and capabilities. We recognize the need to design

ti)r a wide range of physical and mental abilities and impairments. Fox details of GE’s

Universal Design applications, including kitchen design ideas tar people with

disabilities, check out our Website today. Fox the hearing impaired, please call

800-TDD-(;E_C (800-8334322).


Purchase a GE extended warranty and learn about special discounts that are available while your warranty is still in etti_ct. You can purchase it amine awtime, or call 800-626-2224 during normal business hours. GE Consumer Home Sex¥ices will still be there after your warranty expires.


Individuals qualitied to service their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly to their homes (VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted). Order on-line today ‘ 24 hours evex_/ _day/ or by/ phone at 800-626-2002 during t normal business hours.
Instructions contained in thismanual cover procedures to be performed by any user. Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified service personnel Cautionmust be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.


If you are not satistied with the ser_-ice you receive flom GE, contact with all the details including your phone number, or write to:
General Manager, Customer Relations
GE Appliances, Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225

us on our



Register your new appfimlce on-lhle–at your convenience! Timely product registration will allow fi)r enhanced communication and prompt ser_-ice under the terms of your warranty, should the need arise. You may also mail in the pre-printed registration card included in the packing material, or detach and use the ti)rm in this Owner’s Manual.
f)rintedin China


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