GE APPLIANCES AHG30LH Portable Dehumidifier Owner’s Manual

July 11, 2024
GE Appliances

AHG30LH Portable Dehumidifier



  • Model: GE AHG50LHG1
  • Energy Star Rated
  • Dimensions: Not specified
  • Weight: Not specified

Product Usage Instructions:

Safety Instructions:

It is important to follow all safety precautions outlined in the
manual to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock, or personal

Operating Instructions:

About the Controls on the Dehumidifier:
Familiarize yourself with the control panel and functions of the

Automatic Defrost: Learn about the automatic
defrost feature of the dehumidifier.

Choosing a Location: Select an appropriate
location for optimal performance.

How the Dehumidifier Operates: Understand how
the dehumidifier functions to effectively remove moisture from the

Maintenance Instructions:

Installing the Water Bucket: Properly install
the water bucket for collecting condensed water.

Removing Collected Water: Regularly empty the
water bucket to prevent overflow.

Water Level: Monitor the water level in the
bucket and empty it as needed.

Care and Cleaning: Regularly clean the air
filter, coil, grille, case, and water bucket for efficient

Troubleshooting Tips:

Refer to the troubleshooting section in the manual for common
issues and solutions.


Q: Where can I find the model and serial numbers of the


A: The model and serial numbers are located on
a label on the back of the dehumidifier behind the water

Q: Can I use this dehumidifier in areas with standing


A: It is not recommended to operate the
dehumidifier in areas likely to accumulate standing water for
safety reasons. Disconnect the power supply if such a condition

Q: How should I handle refrigerants when disposing of the


A: All dehumidifiers contain refrigerants that
must be removed before disposal. Check with the company handling
disposal for proper procedures.


This Owner’s Manual is provided and hosted by Appliance Factory Parts.
GE AHG50LHG1 Owner’s Manual
Shop genuine replacement parts for GE AHG50LHG1
Find Your GE Dehumidifier Parts – Select From 111 Models ——– Manual continues below ——–

Safety Instruc_tions ………..

2, 3

Operating Instruc_tions
About the Controls

on the Dehumidifier

. ……….


AutomaOc Defrost …………..


Choosing a LocaOon …………


How the Dehumidifier

Operates . . .5

Installing the V(ater Bucket …….


Removing Collected _4’ater …… 6

V(ater Level ……………….


Care and Cleaning

Air Fiher . ………………..


Cleaning the Coil …………..


Grille and Case …………….


VVater Bucket ………………


Troubleshooting Tips ……….


Consumer Support Consumer Support ………… Product Registration ……… _’arranty ………………..

12 9, 10

*ENERGY STAR ® labeled product



As an ENERGYSTAR¢_partner,

determined that this product

ENERGY STAR ® guidelines



(;E has meets the

Write the model and serial numbers here: Model # Serial # You can find them on a label on the back of the dehumidifier behind the bucket.

3828A20315S 49-7504 11-04JR



For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock or personal injury.


When using this dehumidifier, always follow basic safety precautions, including the following:

· Use this appliance only %r its intended
purpose as described in this Owner’s Manual.

· This dehumidifier

must be properly

installed and grounded as described in this manual before it is used.

Never operate this dehumidifier in an area that is likely to accumulate standing water. If this condition dex>lops, for your safety disconnect the power supply before stopping into the wamn
· Nexex unplug your dehumidifier by pulling on the power cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull straight out flom the receptacle.
· Repair or replace immediately all eleca’ic service cords that have become flayed or otherxvise damaged. Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either rite plug or connector end.

· Turn the dehumidifier OFFand unplug it before making any repairs or cleaning.
NOTEV: :estrongly recommend that any
servicing be performed by a qualified indix idual.
For your safety, do not store or use combustible materials, gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
All dehumidifiers contain refligerants, which under federal law must be remoxed prior m product disposal. If you are getting rid of an old product with refrigerants, check with the company handling disposal about what to do.


Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For personal safe_ this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of dfis appliance is equipped with a 3q)rong (gTounding) plug which mates with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet m minimize the possibility of electric shock hazard flom this appliance.
Haxe the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly grounded.

Where a 9-prong wall outlet is encounmred, it is your personal responsibility and obligation to haxe it replaced xvith a properly gTounded 3-piong wall outlet.
The dehumidifier should always be plugged into its own individual electrical oudet, which has a x_ltage rating matching the rating plato.
This provides the best performance and also prexents oxerloading house wiring circuits, which cou]d cause a fire hazard flom oxeflteated wires.



Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord.

However, if you must rise an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a Ui,-listed, 14 gauge, 3-wire grounding
type appliance extension cord having a grounding type plug and outlet and that tile electrical rating of the cord be
15 amperes (minimum) and 195 volts.

Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an adapter plug.
However, if you must use an adapter, where local codes permit, a temporary connection may be made to a properly grounded 2-i)rong wall outlet by use of a Ui,-lismd adapter available at most local hardware stores.
Tlle larger slot in tlle adapter must be aligned with tile larger slot in the wall outlet to provide proper polarity in the connection of the power cord.

When disconnecung the power cord flom the adapter, always hold tile adaptor in place with one hand while pulling the power cord plug with tile other hand. If this is not done, tile adaptor ground mrmina] is very likely to break with repeated use.
If tile adapter ground terminal 1)teaks, DO NOT USE tile dehumidifier until a proper ground has been established.
Attaching the adapter ground terminal to a waft outlet cover screw does not ground the appfiance unless the cover screw is metal, not insulated, and the wall outlet is grounded threugh the house wiring. Youshould have the circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly grounded.


About the controlson the dehumidifier.


0ContPrOoWlsER Pad Press to turn the delmmidifier

on and off.

@HUMIDITY CONTROLPads The lmmidiq’ level can be set within a range of 35% RH (Relative Humidity) to 70% RH (Relative Humidity) in 5% increments.

For drier ai_; press the · pad and set to a lower percent ‘,_llue (%).

D)r damper ai_; press the · pad and set to a higher percent wflue (%),

When you fit_t use the dehumidifier,

set the

humidity control to 45% or 50%. Allow at

least 24 hou_ fi)r the dehumidifier


achieve the humidity’ level. If you still have

damper air than desired, set the humidity

level to a lower setting,

()mtrols the lira speed.

Press to set to HIGHor LOWfim speed.

Set the fan control to HlGHfor m’a_mum

moisture remowfl, X*]_en the humidity has

been reduced and quiet operation is


set the thn control to LOW.

Displays percent humidit,_ lexel.
Its accuracy is (+/- 5%).

Indicates presence of bucket and its
fill level,


BUCKET FULL Light Glows when the bucket is read)’ to be emptied, or when the btlcket is removed or not replaced in the l)r(>per position.
Auto Shut Off The Water I,e’el Control Switch shuts oft the dehumidifier when the bucket is fifll, or when the bucket is removed or not replaced in the proper position. _Mso, when the bucket is out of position, the unit will beep 3 times.
Auto Defrost

Power Outage

If a I)ower outage occurred or if the unit was

unI)lugged, the unit will display its prh)r setting.

Note: If 0N is in the displa 5 the dehumidifier


operating contintlOtlsl 5 but a specific humidity

level is not set. You will need to reset the


t(> the desired level.

Auto Restart
Once power is restored after a power outage, the unit automatically resumes operation atter a 2 minute delay:

X._]_en fi’ost builds up on the cooling coils, the compressor will wcle off until the fl’ost disappears. The lira continues to run. 4

Usingthe dehumidifier.

When first using the dehumidifier, operate the unit continuously 24 hours.

How the Dehumidifier Operates

Moist, hmnid air is drawn over a cold refrigerated


coil. Moisture in the air condenses

on this coil and drains into a bucket (or through

the bucket into a hose and drain).

Dry, clean air is drawn through the condenser where it is heated and discharged out the fl’ont grille into the room.
It is normal for the surrounding air to become slightly warmer as the dehumidifier operates.

This wamfing effect flu’ther reduces the relative humidit), ot the SmTotmding ai_:



Gardenhoseconnector Bucket


Dry air out

Choosing a Location

A dehumidifier

operating in a basement will have

little or no effect in dDing an ac!iacent enclosed

storage area, such as a closet, mfless there is adequate circulation of air in and out of the area.

· Place the dehumidifier on a smooth, level floor strong enough to support the unit with a full bucket of water.

· Allowatleast 12-18inches of airspace on allsides of the unit for good air circulation.
· Place the dehumidifier& an area where the temperaturewill not fall below 65°t:(18°C).Thecoils can become covered with frost at temperatures below 65°F,which may reduce performance.

· Use the dehumidifier& cooking,laundnAb, athing and dishwashingareas that have excessive moisture.NOTE:Placethe dehumidifieraway from the clothes dryer.

· Use the dehumidifierto prevent moisturedamage anywhere books or valuablesare stored.

· Use the dehumidifier& a basementto help prevent moisture damage.

· Thedehumidifiermust be operatedin an enclosed area to be most effective.

· Closeall doors, windows and other outside openings to the room.



12 18″ rain.

NOTE”Thedehumidifierhas rollers to aid placement, but it shouldonly be rolled on smooth, flat surfaces. Do not attempt to roll the dehumidifieron carpet or over objects.

Automatic Defrost

When the dehmnidifier

control senses fix)st

builduI) on the ewq_orator coil, it will automatically

shut off the compressm:

The tim will continue

to Hm to draw air across the coil and melt the fl’ost.

When the coil is defl’osted, the compressor Mll

automatically restart and dehmnidif_ing

will resume.

Usingthe dehumidifier.

Always make sure the water bucket is locked into place on the dehumidifier.

Removing Collected Water
There are 3 ways to remove collected water:
[] Use the bucket “x,_hen the bucket is relnoved, the unit will shut off. Empq and replace the bucket.

[] Use a floor drain. The unit can also be placed oxer a floor drain. Using a drill, make a hole at the end of the nozzle located on the lower
left side of the bucket, [] Use a hose. Water can be automatically emptied into a floor drain by attaching a water hose (not included) to the bucket hose
nozzle. Using a drill, make a hole at the end of the nozzle located on the lower left side of
the bucket. Attach a water hose to the bucket nozzle. Fasten by hand only.

Drill hole:

Attach hose:




NOTE:Thenozzlecannot be fixed after puncture. Use an ordinary garden hose cap (not included) to reclose if necessary NOTE:Avoidusing mechanical tools to tighten the water hose to the bucket nozzle.Thismay damagethe threads on the nozzle.

Installing the Water Bucket
Lift the bucket and hook the slots on each side onto the posts on the back of the dehmnidifie_: The bucket should lock secm’elx in place.

Make sm’e the bucket is locked securely in place by pressing down on the ui)per back edge of the
bucket. It will be firefly seated when l)roperly installed.

Water Level
The dehumidifier will turn off automatically when the bucket is flfl], or when the bucket is removed or not replaced in the proper position. The bucket must be replaced in the proper position for the dehumidifier to work. The light will be on and the dehumidifier will not run if the bucket is not in the proper position.

Careand cleaning of the dehumidifier.

Turn the dehumidifier off and remove the plug from the wall outlet before cleaning.

Grille and Case

To clean the case:
Use water and a mild detergent. bleach or abrasives.

Do not use

If cabinet paint chips, you can touch it up with a good grade enamel paint to prevent rtlst.

Toclean the frontgrille: Use a vacuum am_chment or brush.

Air Filter
The air filter is on the back of the dehumidifie: It should be checked and cleaned at least every 30 days or more often if necessary.
NOTE: DO NOT rinse or put the filter in an automatic dishwasher.
CAUTION: DO NOT operate the dehumidifier without the filter because dirt and lint will clog it and reduce performance.
Flex the filter at the lower eight corner and slide the upper eight side to the left. Release all of the tabs and relnove the filter:
,_ash it in warn/soap)’ water Rinse and let the filter dry befiwe repladng it.
Hold the filter with the middle tab at the top and place the bottom (ff the filter in the filter hook. Slide the side filter tabs into the side slots and press the other three tabs into their slots.

NOTE:Avoidusinga dishwasher to clean the filter.

Cleaning the Coil
After removing the air tilte_; clean the coil with a soft brush when the soil is soft and wet.
NOTE:Do not allow water to enter the electrical/machine compartmentthrough the circular opening behind the coil.
Do not spraythecoil with a hose.

Water Bucket
E’et T few weeks, cinse the inside of the water bucket with a mild detergent to prevent gro_h of mold, mildew and bacteYia.
NOTE:Avoid using a dishwasher to clean the water bucket

Before you call for service…
TroubleshootingTips Save time and money/. Review the chart below first and you may not need to call for service.


Possible Causes

What To Do

does not start

The dehmnidifier is unplugged,

The fuse is blown/circuit breaker is tripped,


has reached its

preset level or bucket is full.

Bucket is not in the proper position.

  • Make sure the dehunfidilier’s into the outlet.

plug is pushed completely

· Check the house fuse/circuit the flBe or reset the breaker:

breaker box and replace

· The deh mnidifier automatically

turns off when this

occm’s. Empty the bucket and replace i)roperlv.

· See the Installing the Water Bucket section.

Dehumidifier does not
dry theairas #should

Did not allow enough time
to remove the moisture,
Airflow is restricted.

· _]/en fixt installed, allow at least 24 houi to maintnin
the desired dryness.

· Make stu’e there are no curt;fins, blinds or flH’nitm’e

blocking the fl’ont or back of the delmmidflie_:
Choosinga Location section.

See the

The Hmnidfity Control may not be set low enough,

· Press the Humidity Control · pad to lower the h umidi F setting.

Doors and windows may not be closed tightly,

· Check that all (loo_, windows and other openings are securely closed.

Clothes dryer may be blowing moisture-laden air into the room.

· Install the dehmnidifier

a_m’ fl’om the dryer:

The drxer should be xented to the outside.

Dehumidifierruns too much

Room temperature is too low.
Area to be dehumidified is too large, Doors and windows m’e open.

· Moisture removal is best at higher room temperatures.

I,ower room temperatures

will reduce the moisture

remowd rate. This trait is designed to be operated at


above 65°F (l 8°C).

· Rei&r to the chari below to see if the capaci_’


is adequate.

· Close all (loo_ and windows to the outside.

of your

Frostappears on the coils

DehtunidJfier has been recently turned on or room temperature is below 65°F (18°C).

· This is nomml. Frost will usually disappear
within 60 minutes. See the Automatic Oefrost section.

Fan noise

Air is moving through the dehumidifier.

· This is natural.

Water on floor

Bucket drain hose


may be loose.

Water bucket is not all of the way ha.

· Check the hose if one is attached.
· See the Installing the Water Bucket section.

What dehumidifier do you need?

Condition without dehumidification–
During warm and humid outdoor conditions
Moderately damp–Space feels damp and has musty odor only in humid weathe
Very damp–Space always feels damp and has musty odo
Damp spots show on walls or floo_ Wet–Space feels and smells wet. Walls or floor sweat, or seepage is present.
Extremely wet–Laundry drying, wet floor, high-load conditions

500 AHG30 AHG30 AHG30 AHG30

Area (in square feet)













2500 AHG40 AHG40 AHG40 AHG50

3000 AHG40 AHG40 AHG50 AHG50

Table indicates recommended GEdehumidifier models, based on the area of the space to be dehumidified and the conditions that would exist in that space when a


dehumidifier is not in use. Dehumidification variables also include such other factors as climate, laundry equipment, number of family members, number of doors and

windows end degree and intensity of area activity,

GE Service Protection Plus ‘M

GE, a name recognized worldwide %r quality’ and dependability, oflers y’ou

Service Protection Plus’_’–comprehensive No Matter What Brand!

protection on all y’our appliances–

Benefits Include: · Backed by GE · All brmads covered · Unfimited service calls · All parts mad labor costs included · No out-of-pocket expenses · No hidden deductibles · One 800 number to call

We71CoverAny Appliance. Anywhere. Anytime.*

You will be completely satisfied with our service protection or you ma} request ,your inone,_ back on the remaining value of 3our contract. No questions asked. It’s that simple.

Protect yore” reffigerat(m dishwasher; washer and dryer; range, TV, VCR and much more–rely brand! Plus there’s no extra charge tot eulergency ser;’ice and low inonthly financing is available. Even icelnaker coverage and tood spoilage protection is ottered. You can rest eas> knowing that all your valuable household products are protected against expensive repairs.

Place your confidence
foY UlOI’e inloi’u/ation.

in (;E and call us in the IU.S. toll-free at _tllt.Z.ZZZ_

“*Allbrands cmered, up to 2(}years old. in the contin< nlal I_.S.

.. (2.”. 22…………..

Please place in envelope and mail to:
General Electric Company Warranty Registration Department EO. Box 32150 Louisville, KY 40232-2150

Consumer Product Ownership Registration

Dear Customer:

Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence _A/e are proud to ha_e you as a customer!

in us.

Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:

Complete and mail

your Consumer

Product Ownership



ttaw’ the peace of mind of knowing w( call colltact VOl/ ill

tile tmlikely exent of a satbly modification.

Atter mailing tile registration below, store this document
in a saib place. It contains inlormation
you will need should you require service. Our selwice number is 800.GE.CARES

Read your Owner’s Manual carethllv.
It will help you operate yol/r lle’,_ appliance properly.

Model Number

Serial Number



If you did not get a registration card product, detach and return the form ensure that your product is registered, online at

with your below to
or register

Consumer Product Ownership Registration

.,, (MI ll(lx


Model Num,ber, , , , I I , S,erial, N,umb,er ,





NaFmire’,l I










I NaiLn(a! sll










I Ad_d1 rr((‘;s(!1




















I I Apt. #

i I I II I I


I ciw



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i , I-I , ,

BE Consumer & hldustrial Louisville, Kentucky www, GEAppliaoees, com

  • Please provide your eqnail address to receive, via eqnail, discounts, special ottk,p, and other important communications trolll (_E Appliances (GEA). Check here if you do not want to receive communications ti-om GEA’s caretully selected partners.

For intormation about GEA’s prixacy and data usage polic?; go to on ‘Prixacy Policy” or call 800.626.2224.

and click

Dehumidifier Warranty.

All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers, or an authorized Customer Care®technician. Toschedule service, on-line, 24 hours a day, vis# us at, or call 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737).

Staple your receipt here. Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain service
under the warrant}4

For The Period Of.”
One Year From the date of the originalpurchase
Five }’ears From the date of the originalpurchase

We Will Replace:
Anypattof the dehunfidifier which fifils due to a defect in materials or workananship, During this full one-year warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge, all labor and in-home service to replace the (lele(‘ti’e part,
The compressor if it should fifil due to a defect in materials or workmanship, During this five-year warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge, all labor and in-home service to repair or replace the compressoi:

What Is Not Covered:

· Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product.

· hnproper h_staJlation, delivery or maintenance.

If you

have an installation problem, or if the dehumidifier


of hnproper dehumidJfyhlg

capacity, contact your dealer

or hlstaller. You m*e responsible for providing adequate

electrical, plumbing aJld other connecting facilities.

· Failure product provide

of the product resulting from modJficatimls

to the

or due to mlreasonable

use including failure to

reasonable and necessary ma_ltenm_ce.

· In commercial locations labor necessary to move the unit to a location where it is accessible for service by an individual technician.

· Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers.

· Failure due to corrosion protected.

on models

not corrosion-

· Dmnage to the product caused by improper power supply voltage, accident, fire, floods or acts of God.

· Incidental or consequential

dmnage caused by possible

defects with this dehumidifier.

· Dmnage caused after delivery.

This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home use within the USA. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to your home.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. To know what your legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state’s Attorney General

Warrantor: General Electric Company. Louisville, KY 40225



l gEAppliances Website Haxe a question or need assistance with your appliance? Try the (;E Appliances .Vebsite 24 hom a day any da} of the }ear! For greater comenience and faster se_ice you can now download Owner’s Manuals,

order parts, catalogs, or e_en schedule setice on-line. Y)u can also “_sk Our Team of Experts …..

VO[II” questions

and so Illtlch illOi’e…


Expert GE repair service is onl} one step away ti’om }our doo_: Get on-line and schedule your service at

our comenience business hom.

24 l/om_ any (lax of tile year! Or call 800.GE.CARES

800.432.2737) during n{mnal

RealLife DesignStudio

GE supports tile Uni’ex_al Design concept–l)roducts,

services and environments that can be used by

people ot all ages, sizes and capabilities. We recognize the need to design fin” a wide range of physical and

mental abilities and impaim/ents. For details of GE’s Univex_al Design applications, including kitchen

design ideas for people with disabilities, check out Oily Website today For tile hearing impaired, please call

800.TDD.GEAC (800.833.4322).


Pro’chase a (;E extended warrant and learn about special discounts that are ax filable while your warranty is still in effect. You can purchase it on-line an}time, or call 800.626.2224 during nomml business hom. (;E (]onsulner Home Serices will still be there alter your warrant} expires.

Individuals qualified to seice their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directl} to their
I PartsandAccessories homes (VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted). Order on-line today 24 l/om
e’e-vday or
by phone at 800.626.2002 during nomml business hom_. Instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to be performed by any user. Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified service personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.


If you are not satisfied with tile service you receive ti’om GE, contact us on our .Vebsite with all tile details including yore” phone numbe; or write to: General Manage_; Customer Relations
GE Appliances, Appliance Park I,ouisville, KY 40225

l RegisterYourAppliance Register your new applim_ce on-line—at your convenience! Timel} product registration will allow fin”



and l)i'()illl)t service tinder tile teli/ls of }OILY _V}llTallty; should tile need alJse.

54m may also mail in tile pre-pfinted registration card included in tile packing material.


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