Eberle UTE 3500 Room Thermostat Smart Home Capable Instruction Manual
- June 10, 2024
Table of Contents
- Eberle UTE 3500 Room Thermostat Smart Home Capable
- Installation and Operating Instructions
- Area of use
- Installation site
- Electrical connection
- Dimensions
- Components
- Circuit diagram
- Technical Data
- Use case (depending on variant)
- Operation in normal use
- Installer Menu
- Error indication
- Matter WiFi Configuration
- User Menu
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
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Eberle UTE 3500 Room Thermostat Smart Home Capable
Installation and Operating Instructions
The device may only be opened by an electrically skilled person and must be
installed as shown on the circuit diagram on the device and in these
instructions. The existing safety regulations must be followed.The relevant
installation measures must be taken to achieve the requirements ofprotection
class II. This independently mountable electronic device is used to control
the temperaturein dry and enclosed rooms only, with normal environment. This
device conforms to EN 60730, it operates according to type 1Y (UTE 3500) and
1B (UTE 3800-U).
Area of use
The electronic temperature controllers UTE3500 and UTE 3800-U can be used to control the floor and room temperature. They are suitable for water-based and electric heating systems.
Installation site
- The controller should be mounted in a place in the room that is easy to access for operation.
- Mounting height: approx. 1.5 m above the floor.
- Preference should be given to installation on an internal wall. Avoid external walls and draughts from windows and doors.
- Ensure that the room’s normal convection air reaches the controller freely without restriction. The controller should therefore not be mounted inside shelf units or behind curtains and similar coverings.
- Extraneous heat has a negative influence on the control accuracy.
- Direct sunshine, and proximity to televisions, radios and heaters, lamps, stoves, and heating pipes must be avoided.
- Install in flush-mounting box 60mm
Electrical connection
Disconnect the electric circuit from the mains Connection in the following
- Connect the power module according to the circuit diagram (see bottom of housing or circuit diagram in these instructions.)
- Note the mounting direction of the power module in the box (arrow pointing upwards)
- Mount the cover frame
- Fixate the cover frame with the decorative frame holder
- Insert the logic module
Only mount in non-conducting (plastic) flash-mounting boxes only.
Circuit diagram
Abbreviations in the circuit diagram
UTE 3500
Attention! Risk of fatal injury, due to electric shock. The appliance is not a safety extra-low voltage device (SELV). The sensor cables are connected to 230 V AC mains voltage. Only use sensors with insulated cables. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or death.
UTE 3800-U
Risk of fatal injury, due to electric shock. The appliance is not a safety
extra-low voltage device (SELV). The sensor cables are connected to 230 V AC
mains voltage. Only use sensors with insulated cables. Failure to do so may
result in serious injury or death.
Note: The heating and cooling LED shows the difference to the setpoint, not the switching status of the output.
Technical Data
Order designation| UTE 3500
(Art.Nr.: 557895054xxx)
| UTE 3800-U
(Art.Nr.: 557816054xxx)
Voltage supply| 230 V AC 50/60 Hz| 230 V AC 50/60 Hz
Temperature setting range| 5 °C … 30 °C| 5°C … 30°C or 10°C … 40°C
(depending on selected preset)
Output| Triac (noiseless)| Relay
Number of switchable actuators / Switching current| 5 actuators 3 W each
electrothermal (15 W)| 16 (4) A
Control algorithm| PWM or 2 point selectable| PWM or 2 point selectable
PWM cycle time| 5 min … 20 min selectable| 5 min … 20 min selectable
Hysteresis| 0,1 K or 0,5 K selectable| 0,1 K or 0,5 K selectable
Temperature setback| Temperature in unoccupied mode adjustable via menu|
Temperature in unoccupied mode adjustable via menu
Frost protection| 5°C| 5°C
Valve protection (active depending on preset)| Duration and timing adjustable|
Duration and timing adjustable
Temp.Limit acc. to EN 50559 (active depending on preset)| 5 min / 60 min| 5
min / 60 min
Heating/Cooling Input| Cable length max. 100 m|
Universal Input| Setback input or Presence input selectable| Setback input or
Presence input selectable
Floor probe| | Example: F 193 720, NTC, length: 4 m Max. extension: 50 m
Setpoint range limitation| Via User Menu| Via User Menu
Connectivity| Matter WiFi V1.1| Matter WiFi V1.1
Heating Schedules| Via SmartphoneConnection (Matter WiFi)| Via
SmartphoneConnection (Matter WiFi)
Parametrization| Via Installer and User Menu directly on the device| Via
Installer and User Menu directly on the device
Ambient temperature| 0 … 40 °C| 0 … 40 °C
Storage temperature| –25 … 60 °C| –25 … 60 °C
Protection class| III| III
Rated pulse voltage| 4 kV| 4 kV
Voltage and current for EMC emission testing purposes| 230 V, 0,1 A| 230 V,
0,1 A
Protection class| II| II
Degree of protection| IP30| IP30
Pollution degree| 2| 2
Temperatures for ball intendation test| 75°C| 75°C
Energy class
(acc. to EU 811/2013, 812/2013, 813/2013, 814/2013)
| IV = 2%| IV = 2%
Use case (depending on variant)
Selection after the first start or inside the menu:
- P2: Hydronic Underfloor Heating – Room
- P3: Hydronic Radiator – Room
- P4: Blow convector – Room (Attention: Use UTE 3500 only with external relay)
- P5: Electrical Radiator, Infrared – Room (Attention: Use UTE 3500 only with external relay) P6: Hydronic Underfloor Heating – Limiter
- P7: Electrical Underfloor heating – Floor
Confirm the selection with [O]Button. P8: Electrical Underfloor Heating – Limiter
Actuators NC / NO (only UTE 3500)
Via the installer menu, it can be adjusted whether the thermostat controls the actuators normally closed (NC; default) or normally open (NO).
Universal input: setback input/presence sensor The function of the
universal input can be adjusted in the Installer Menu (default: setback
input). When the setback input is energized, the controller switches to
unoccupied mode. When the presence sensor input is energized, the controller
switches to occupied mode.
Heating / Cooling input
H/Cterminal connected to voltage means cooling mode, and not connected means heating mode. In case of cable used longer than 100m an antiinterference capacitor (Capacitor 230 VAC 0,33µF or comparable) between control line H/C and neutral line N can be installed at any position to avoid a malfunction.
Operation in normal use
Installer Menu
Press and hold the [+] and [O] buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds. The WiFi LED lights up purple. Browse through the menu items by pressing the [O] or [+] buttons. Confirm your selection by pressing the [O] button. To exit the menu without saving: Press and hold the [+] and [O] buttons or wait for 10 sec.
Installer Menu (Level 1): Selection of presets
Depending on the specific use case, preset values and functions can be adopted
at level 1.
Enter code: 19. The WiFiLED lights up purple.
Overview of preset values of each use case
Adjustable at Installer Menu (level 2)
| Function description| P2| P3| P4| P5| P6|
P7| P8
01| Floor probe type (resistance in kΩ; UTE 3800U only)| –| –| 00 (not
fitted)| 00 (not fitted)| 33| 33| 33
02| Min. floor limit in °C (UTE 3800U only)| –| –| –| –| 10| 10| 10
03| Max. floor limit in °C (UTE 3800U only)| –| –| –| –| 40| 40| 40
04| Control method| PWM 20 Min| PWM 10 Min| 2 point control 0,5 K| 2
point control 0,5 K| PWM 20 Min| PWM 20 Min| 2 point control 0,5 K
05| 2 point control: On/Off time in min| –| –| 02| 02| –| –| 02
06| Application type (Control sensor)| Room sensor| Room sensor| Room
sensor| Room sensor| Room sensor with floor limit| Floor probe| Room sensor
with floor limit
07| Actuator type (UTE 3500 only)| Normally close valve| Normally close
valve| Normally close valve| Normally close valve| –| –| –
08| Universal input configuration| Setback input| Setback input| Setback
input| Setback input| Setback input| Setback input| Setback input
09| Heating/Cooling input configuration (UTE 3500 only)| On| On| On| On|
–| –| –
10| Occupancy – Switch to unoccupied delay in min| 10| 10| 10| 10| 10|
10| 10
11| Occupancy – Switch to occupied delay in sec| 60| 60| 60| 60| 60| 60|
12| Valve protection| On| On| Off| Off| On| Off| Off
13| Valve protection – Max. idle time in days| 14| 14| –| –| 14| –| –
14| Valve protection – Min. exercise time in min| 03| 03| –| –| 03| –| –
15| Temporal limit acc. to EN 50559 (UTE 3800U only)| –| –| Off| Off|
Off| On| On
16| Window open detection| Off| Off| Off| Off| Off| Off| Off
17| Window open detection – Threshold in 0.1°C steps| 02| 02| 02| 02|
02| 02| 02
18| Window open detection – Event duration in min| 20| 20| 20| 20| 20|
20| 20
19| Window open detection – Guard period in min| 02| 02| 02| 02| 02| 02|
Installer Menu (Level 2)
For advanced settings of individual menu items after confirming the Installer menu (level 1) preset:
- Enter code : 32
Menu item| Function description| Option and display of
dot-matrix.display| UTE 3500| UTE 3800-U
01| Floor probe type (resistance in kΩ; UTE 3800U only)| 00: No
floor probe fitted
02: 2
10: 10
12: 12
15: 15
33: 33
| –|
02| Min. floor limit in °C (UTE 3800U only)| 10 … 39| –|
03| Max. floor limit in °C (UTE 3800U only)| 11 … 40| –|
04| Control method| 01: PWM 20 Min
02: PWM 10 Min
03: PWM 5 Min
04: 2 point control 0.5 K
05: 2 point control 0.1 K
| |
05| 2 point control: On/Off time in min| 01 … 10| |
06| Application type (control sensor)| 00: Room sensor (internal)
01: Floor probe (external)
02: Room sensor with floor limit
| –|
07| Actuator type| nC: normally closed valves
no: normally open valves
| | –
08| Universal input configuration| 01: Setback input – use
unoccupied setpoint, when energized
02: Presence sensor:
use occupied setpoint, when energized
| |
09| Heating/Cooling input configuration (UTE 3500 only)| no:
Disable H/Csignal
YES: Enable (H/Csignal, switch to cooling mode when energized)
| | –
10| Occupancy – Switch to unoccupied delay in min| 00 … 60 min| |
11| Occupancy – Switch to occupied delay in sec| 00 … 60 sec| |
12| Valve protection| no: Disable
YES: Enable
| |
13| Valve protection – Max. idle time in days| 01 … 14 days| |
14| Valve protection – Min. exercise in min| 01 …10| |
15| Temporal limit acc. to EN50559 (UTE 3800U w/ floor control only)|
no: Disable
YES: Enable (5 Min off Time)
| –|
16| Window open detection| no: Disable
YES: Enable
| |
17| Window open detection – Threshold in 0.1°C steps| 01 … 50| |
18| Window open detection – Event duration in min| 10 … 90| |
19| Window open detection – Guard period in min| 00 … 90
(00 = No Guard time)
| |
Error indication
In the event of sensor errors, the controller detects which sensor is faulty:
- E1 = room sensor error
- E2 = floor probe error
This product should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle the products where facilities for electronic waste exist. Check with your local authorities for recycling advice.
Matter WiFi Configuration
How-to Video:
Via Matter the thermostat can be connected to smart home apps and the
respective controllers/hubs from Apple, Google, Amazon and Samsung. To
integrate the thermostat into a Smart Home App and the respective Matter WiFi
network, scan the QR code on the back of the logic module with a smartphone or
type in the eleven-digit Matter provisioning code. Press the [O] button for 5
seconds until the thermostat displays „Jn“ for Join Mode. The WiFi LED lights
up yellow.
If an error occurs during connection, the controller displays „Er“ for Error: The WiFi LED lights up red.
Acknowledge with [O] and restart the Matter WiFi configuration.
User Menu
To access the user menu, press and hold the [-] and [O] buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds. The WiFi LED lights up yellow. Browse through the menu items by pressing the [+] or [-] buttons. Confirm your selection by pressing the [O] button. To exit the menu without saving: Press the [-] and [O] buttons or wait for 10 sec.
The following settings can be adjusted:
User Menu item| Function description| Option and
display of the dot matrix LEDs| Default values| UTE 3500|
UTE 3800-U
01| Idle brightness
To save energy and to improve LED longevity 00 is recommended.
| 00: (= off, recommended)
01: 10 %
02: 25 %
03: 50 %
04: 75 %
05: 100 %
| 00| |
02| Activity timeout| 10: 10 sec
30: 30 sec
60: 60 sec
2m: 2 min
4m: 4 min
| 60| |
03| Show icons in idle mode| no: Disable
YES: Enable
| YES| |
04| Setpoint change indication (via Smart Home)| no: Disable
YES: Enable
| YES| |
05| Room sensor correction in 0,1°C steps| –2,5 … +2,5
in 0,1 °C steps
| 0| |
06| Min. setpoint| 5 … 30 °C (room control range)
10 … 40 °C (floor control range)
| room: 5 /
floor: 10
| |
07| Max. setpoint| 5 … 30 °C (room control range)
10 … 40 °C (floor control range)
| room: 30 /
floor: 40
| |
08| Unoccupied temperature (Heating) in °C| min. setpoint … max.
setpoint| 18| |
09| Unoccupied temperature (Cooling) in °C| min. setpoint … max.
setpoint| 22| | –
10| Heating off (Frost protection active)| no: Cancel and return
Yes: Confirm
| no| |
11| Standby (Heating off, display & WiFi off, frost protection active)|
no: Cancel and return
Yes: Confirm
| no| |
98| Reset Matter fabric| no: Cancel and return
Yes and hold [O] for 3 seconds: confirm
| no| |
99| Reset user data| no: Cancel and return
Yes and hold [O] for 3 seconds: confirm
| no| |
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