BRITEC BR-20DP Type 3 Surge Arrester Instructions
- June 3, 2024
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Type 3 Surge Arrester
BR-20DP Type 3 Surge Arrester
Type 3 surge arrester is installed between LPZ2 and LPZ3, it can provide protection for equipments.
| BR30-20DP| BR75-20DP| BR150-20DP| BR275-20DP
SPD classification according to EN61643-11| Type 3| Type 3| Type 3| Type 3
SPD classification according to IEC61643-11| Class III| Class III| Class III|
Class III
Norminal a.c. voltage Un| 24V| 60V| 120V| 230V
Max. continuous operating a.c. voltage Uc| 30V| 75V| 150V| 275V
Max. continuous operating d.c. voltage Uc| 38V| 100V| 190V| 300V
Nominal discharge current (8/20 p. s) In| 10kA| 10kA| 10kA| 10kA
Combined impulse Uoc| 20kV| 20kV| 20kV| 20kV
Voltage protection level Up| 5300 V| ≤600V| ≤800V| ≤1200V
Response time to| S25 ns| ≤ 25ns| ≤25ns| ≤25ns
Operating temperature range Tu| -40t-80t| -40t-80t| -40°C-80°C| -40°C-80°C
Operating state/fault indication| green/red| green/red| green/red| green/red
Cross-section area (Min.)| 2.5mm2| 2.5mm2| 2.5mm2| 2.5mm2
Cross-section area (Max.)| 16mm2| 16mm2| 16mm2| 16mm2
For mounting on| 35mm Din rail| 35mm Din rail| 35mm Din rail| 35mm Din rail
Enclosure materail| Thermal plastic UL94-VO
Degree of protection| IP20| IP20| IP20| IP20
Order Code 2P| B8345| B8343| 88341| 88339
Order Code (with remote signal ) 2P| B8346| 88344| 88342| 88340
Order Code 1+1| B8353| 88351| 88349| 88347
Order Code (with remote signal ) 1+1| 88354| 88352| 88350| 88348
Let all the circuits get surge protected
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