GAF 0946 36 Inch Dry-In Membrane Roll Instructions

June 3, 2024

GAF 0946 36 Inch Dry-In Membrane Roll



Extended Dry-In Membrane may be applied directly to plywood, OSB (oriented strand board), and wood plank (non-chamfered edge) decks, and used as temporary water shedding material until the primary roof covering can be installed. Extended Dry-In Membrane should be covered with the primary roof covering (e.g., asphalt shingles or metal) as soon as possible after installation (but in no event later than 1 year after Extended Dry-In Membrane installation). Always follow all building codes applicable to your geographical region and structure type.
Note: Film surface appearance may change after product installation, which will not affect the performance of this product.

Attic ventilation is very important: Extended Dry-
In Membrane is a moisture and vapor barrier and therefore must be installed above a properly ventilated space(s). Proper attic ventilation is a design issue and a design professional should be consulted. GAF is not responsible for ensuring adequate or balanced ventilation, and GAF warranties do not cover leaks or other damage caused by inadequate or imbalanced ventilation.
Warning: Not all building materials are designed to be in contact with each other. Softening, flowing, and dripping of the asphalt compound may result from incompatible leak barriers, which can cause staining to the fascia, gutters, and building exterior. GAF is not responsible for any damage caused by incompatibility with any existing leak barrier not manufactured by GAF.
Warning: Extended Dry-In Membrane can be used over kiln-dried wood substrates. Caution should be taken when applying directly to wood plank roof decks due to high concentrations of resin or “pitch” that can naturally bleed out of wood boards, particularly new soft woods (e.g., pine, spruce, larch, or Douglas fir). As a result, direct contact of the leak barrier and wood planks may cause deterioration of the leak barrier. Softening, flowing, and dripping of the asphalt compound may occur, which can cause staining to the fascia, gutters, and building exterior. GAF is not responsible for any damage caused by incompatibility of materials.

Deck Preparation

New construction: Sweep dirt and debris from the roof deck.

Reroofing: After removing shingles or existing metal roof covering, roofing felts, nails, and fasteners from the area to be covered with Extended Dry-In Membrane, replace water-damaged and/or damaged sheathing and sweep the roof deck thoroughly. Priming is not required for attachment to wood surfaces.

Weather Conditions

Apply Extended Dry-In Membrane when the deck is DRY and air temperature is between 45°F (7.22°C) and 90°F (32.22° C). For temperatures above 90°F
(32.22°C), Extended Dry-in Membrane should be stored in a cool place to allow the release film to be removed without excessive sticking. For product/installation updates visit or call 1-877 -GAF-ROOF

Installing Laps Where There Is No  Selvage Edge

Anytime the Extended Dry-In Membrane is installed onto itself where there is NOT a selvage edge, a ¼” – ½” (6 – 12 mm) bead of GAF FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant should be installed approximately ½” – 1″ (12 – 25 mm) from the edge of the lap on the top of the underlying membrane. After the lap is formed, the overlap area must then be hand rolled. This will include at end laps, sidewalls, dormers, penetrations, valleys, and at the eave edge.
If GAF FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant is not available, GAF MATRIX™ 202 Premium SBS Flashing Cement should be applied in the lap area, extending from the edge of the lap 6″ – 8″ (152 – 203 mm) onto the underlying membrane and then the overlying sheet installed into the flashing cement and rolled in place.
End laps must be a minimum of 6″ (152 mm) when using GAF FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant and 12″ (305 mm) when using GAF MATRIX™ 202 Premium SBS Flashing Cement.

All fasteners should be plastic cap nails, long enough to penetrate through plywood or OSB decking or a minimum ¾” (19 mm) into a solid wood plank deck.

Installation Overview

Extended Dry-In Membrane is installed in the following order:

  1. Extended Dry-In Membrane material is installed in the valleys, starting at the lower end.
  2. A 12″ (305 mm) wide piece is installed along the eave edge.
  3. Metal is installed along the eave edge over the Extended Dry-In Membrane 12″ (305 mm) starter strip.
  4. The Extended Dry-In Membrane is installed, starting at the low point of the roof, perpendicular to the slope with a 3″ (76 mm) side lap and a 6″ (152 mm) end lap. All side laps are “back nailed,” 12″ o. c. (305 mm). At the eave, the first course of material is installed over the metal edge; at the rake edge, the material is installed to wrap over the edge a minimum of 1″ (25 mm).
  5. Edge metal is installed over the field material up the rake edge and then stripped in.
  6. At any penetration/interruption in the field of the roof, the Extended Dry-In Membrane is installed first, with the penetration flashing installed over the field of the roof (e.g., a vent stack with a flange). The flashing flange and the field of the roof is stripped in with an Extended Dry-In Membrane target sheet, extending 12″ (305 mm) onto the field of the roof. FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant must be installed at any overlap that does not include a selvage edge as described previously.
  7. At any sidewall, dormer, or chimney, the Extended Dry-In Membrane should be installed to the edge of the wall and cut flush with the wall. A separate flashing piece of Extended Dry-In Membrane should be installed as base flashing, extending a minimum of 5″ (127 mm) up the wall and 12″ (305 mm) on the field of the roof. FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant must be installed at any overlap that does not include a selvage edge as described previously.
  8. At any ridge or hip, an acceptable hip or ridge vent must be installed over the Extended Dry-In Membrane and then covered with a ridge cap shingle. Alternatively, a strip of Extended Dry-in Membrane may be used to weatherproof the ventilation product provided that it does not extend and block the ventilation pathway.
  9. Where there is not a ridge vent, the material should extend over the peak and down the opposing face a minimum of 6″ (152 mm) and face nailed 12″ o.c. (305 mm). After both sides have been installed and nailed, then cover with an 18″ (457 mm) cap of Extended Dry-In Membrane along the peak. FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant must be installed at any overlap that does not include a selvage edge as described previously.


  1. Cut the Extended Dry-In Membrane into 10′ – 20′ (3.05 m – 6.10 m) lengths.
  2. Starting at the bottom of the valley, center the Extended Dry-in Membrane in the valley extending flush to the drip edge.
  3. Fold the Extended Dry-In Membrane in half and remove one half-width of the release film.
  4. Fold the Extended Dry-In Membrane into place, taking particular care to bond to any existing substrate. Use care to keep the sheet straight to avoid wrinkling. Press Extended Dry-In Membrane from the middle first before working toward the edge to eliminate bubbles.
  5. Fold back the other half of the Extended Dry-In Membrane on the other side of the valley and remove release film. Repeat Step 4.
  6. Fasten across the top of the installed sheet approximately 1″ (25 mm) from the top edge, 6″ o.c. (152 mm).
  7. Continue up the valley, overlapping previous courses of Extended Dry-In Membrane a minimum of 6″ (152 mm). FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant must be installed at any overlap that does not include a selvage edge as described previously. Be sure that the Extended Dry-In Membrane extends past the valley peak.

Eaves & Rakes

At the eave:

  • Install a 12″ (305 mm) width of Extended Dry-In Membrane to the deck prior to installing the drip edge. Pre-cut the Extended Dry-In Membrane prior into 10′ – 20′ (3.05 m – 6.10 m) lengths and position with a 1″ (25 mm) overhang, adhering to the deck.

  • Adjacent sheets must be installed with a 6″ (152
    mm) end lap. After installing the Extended Dry-In Membrane, firmly roll the end lap with a hand roller to ensure a sound lap.

  • Install drip edge prior to installing the field of the roof. This will sandwich the drip edge between the 12″ (305 mm) wide strip and the field of the roof.

At the rake:

  • Install the field of the roof to the roof edge and turn down the face a minimum of 1″ (25 mm), ensuring that the membrane extends past the thickness of the deck a minimum of ½” (13 mm) and face nail on the outside face. Install drip edge metal and fasten 3″ o.c (76 mm) in
    a staggered pattern up the rake edge.

  • FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant must be installed at any overlap that does not include a selvedge edge as described previously.

  • Strip in the metal edge with a 12″ (305 mm) wide strip of Extended Dry-In Membrane starting at the lower edge and roll in place.

  • Fasten the top of each stripping sheet 3″ o.c. (76 mm). Install the next course by overlapping the Extended Dry-In Membrane a minimum of 6″ (152 mm) going up the rake. FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant must be installed at any overlap that does not include a selvage edge as described previously.

Field of the Roof

  1. Starting at the eave, install Extended Dry-In Membrane. Pre-cut the roll into 10′ – 20′ (3.05 m –6.10 m) lengths. Use care to keep the sheet straight to avoid wrinkling.
  2. Align the Extended Dry-In Membrane flush to the drip edge. The selvage edge should be on the upper side of the roof.
  3. Roll the membrane up the deck to expose the lower half of the release film.
  4. Remove the lower portion of the release film on the back of the sheet and allow the Extended Dry-In Membrane to roll down toward the edge of the roof. Position without blisters or wrinkles, taking care to keep straight with the roof edge.
  5. Bond this portion to the drip edge, strip in, and deck.
  6. Pull the remaining half sheet width of Extended Dry-In Membrane toward the drip edge and remove the remaining half of the release film. Roll the sheet back in place and bond to the substrate.
  7. Fasten across the selvage edge at the top of the sheet 12″ o.c. (305 mm).
  8. Continuing across the roof, install the next and any subsequent Extended Dry-In Membrane sheets in the same manner. Adjacent sheets must be installed with a 6″ (152 mm) end lap. FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant must be installed at any overlap that does not include a selvage edge as described previously. All end laps must be firmly rolled with a hand roller to ensure a sound lap. When you encounter a hole or roof penetration, cut away the Extended Dry-In Membrane so that the penetration may be installed and made watertight.
  9. Install additional courses overlapping the below course of Extended Dry-In Membrane by at least 3″ (76 mm). All laps must be firmly hand-rolled to ensure a watertight bond.
  10. Repeat additional courses all the way to the ridge or top of the roofing plane.

Ridges and Hips

  1. At any ridge or hip, an acceptable hip or ridge vent must be installed over the Extended Dry-In Membrane and then covered with a ridge cap shingle. Alternatively, a strip of Extended Dry-In Membrane may be used to weatherproof the ventilation product provided that it does not extend and block the ventilation pathway.
  2. Where there is not a ridge vent, the material should extend over the peak and down the opposing face a minimum of 6″ (152 mm) and face nailed
    12″ o.c. (305 mm). After both sides have been installed and nailed, install an 18″ (457 mm) cap of Extended Dry-In Membrane along the peak. This cap should be rolled in place and have minimum 6″ (152 mm) end laps, formed in the same way as in the field of the roof, e.g., FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant must be installed at any overlap that does not include a selvage edge as described previously.


  1. At any sidewall, chimney, or dormer, the Extended Dry-In Membrane should be installed to the edge of the wall, and cut flush with the wall.
  2. Prime concrete and masonry surfaces and an ASTM D41 primer prior to installing any flashing.
  3. A separate flashing piece of Extended Dry-In Membrane should be installed as base flashing, extending a min of 5″ (127 mm) up the wall and 12″ (305 mm) on the field of the roof. This flashing should be face nailed 6″ o.c. (152 mm) approximately 1″ (25 mm) from the top edge and then counter flashed. FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant must be installed at any overlap of membrane that does not include a selvage edge as described previously.


  1. At any penetration/interruption in the field of the roof, the Extended Dry-In Membrane is installed first, with the penetration flashing installed over the field of the roof (e.g., a vent stack with a flange).
  2. Strip in the flange with an Extended Dry-In Membrane target sheet, extending 12″ (305 mm) onto the field of the roof. FlexSeal™ Caulk Grade Sealant must be installed at any overlap that does not include a selvage edge as described previously.

Release Film Removal

To improve release in warm weather, turn the Extended Dry-In Membrane over so that the gray release film side faces upward and the dark gray/brown walking surface side is face down to the roof deck. Before removing the release film in cold weather, the dark gray/brown walking surface side of the product should face upward.
Safety Warning
Many roofing activities are hazardous. Take care to comply with all appropriate safety requirements. Do NOT walk on the membrane before it bonds to the substrate.

Extended Dry-In Membrane rolls must be stored on end, off ground no more than 2 pallets high, under cover, and in an area cooler than 100°F (38°C).

Precautionary Note
The application instructions for this product or the shingles used with this product may require the use of adhesives or cements that contain solvents. Apply these adhesives/ cements ONLY as instructed. Application of excess solvent-based adhesives or cements may affect the performance of this product, resulting in the asphalt flowing, dripping, and staining.


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