JASIC HRC Series EVO 2.0 Wired and Wireless Remote Control Instruction Manual

October 30, 2023

HRC Series EVO 2.0 Wired and Wireless Remote Control

Product Information

The Jasic EVO 20 is a welding machine that comes with wired and
wireless remote control options. The machine has a serial number
that can be found on the top or underside of the machine and starts
with AA. The product is subject to continual development and may be
subject to change without notice. For more information on warranty
registration, visit www.jasic-warranty.co.uk.

Product Usage Instructions

Before using the welding machine, carry out a risk assessment to
ensure safety. Always wear personal protective equipment (PPE) such
as safety ear protection and an airfed welding helmet or respirator
if ventilation is poor. Do not breathe in welding fumes and keep
your head out of the welding fume. Ensure the welding zone is
well-ventilated and provision made for suitable local fume
extraction system to be in place.

Wired and Wireless Remote Control

The wired and wireless remote control options allow for easy
operation of the welding machine. To replace the battery of the
remote control, follow the instructions provided in the manual. The
manual provides detailed information on the functions and operation
of both wireless and wired remote controls.

Transportation and Waste Disposal

For transportation, ensure that the welding machine is securely
packaged and properly labeled. Dispose of waste in accordance with
local regulations. The product is RoHS compliant.

Safety Instructions

Refer to the safety instructions provided in the manual before
using the welding machine. General electrical safety and operating
safety must be adhered to. The manual provides a lens shade
selector guide for welding and cutting operations, along with
safety precautions against fumes and welding gases.

Technical Specifications

The technical specifications of the welding machine are provided
in the manual. Refer to the manual for more information.

Statement of Warranty

For information on the warranty of the welding machine, refer to
the statement of warranty provided in the manual.

Jasic Contact Details

For any queries or concerns regarding the welding machine,
contact Jasic at the contact details provided in the manual.

Wired and Wireless Remote Control

Your new product
Thank you for selecting this Jasic EVO 20 product.
This product manual has been designed to ensure that you get the most from your new product. Please ensure that you are fully conversant with the information provided paying particular attention to the safety precautions. The information will help protect yourself and others against the potential hazards that you may come across. Please ensure that you carry out daily and periodic maintenance checks to ensure years of reliable and trouble free operation. Please call your Jasic distributor in the unlikely event of a problem occurring. Please record below the details from your product as these will be required for warranty purposes and to ensure you get the correct information should you require assistance or spare parts.
Date purchased ____
From where ____
Serial number ____
(The serial number is normally located on the top or underside of the machine and will begin with AA) For further information on your Jasic product warranty registration please visit: www.jasic-warranty.co.uk
Disclaimer Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained within this manual is complete and accurate, no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions.
Please Note: Products are subject to continual development and may be subject to change without notice. Regularly check our product pages at www.jasic.co.uk for revision updated operating manuals. No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced by any means without the written permission of Wilkinson Star Limited.


Index Your New Product Index Safety Instruction Package and Contents Safety Precautions Description of Symbols Product Overview Technical Specifications Installation Remote Description Battery Replacement Functions and operation of wireless remote control Functions and operation of wired remote control Troubleshooting Transportation
Waste disposal
RoHS Compliance Declaration Statement of Warranty Notes Jasic Contact Details

Page 2 3 4 9 10 10 10 10 11 13 13 14 15 15 15 15
16 18 20


These general safety norms cover both arc welding machines and plasma cutting machines unless otherwise noted. The user is responsible for installing and operating the equipment in accordance with the enclosed instructions. It is important that users of this equipment protect themselves and others from harm, or even death. The equipment must only be used for the purpose it was designed for. Using it in any other way could result in damage or injury and in breach of the safety rules. Only suitably trained and competent persons should operate the equipment. Pacemaker wearers should consult their doctor prior to using this equipment. PPE and workplace safety equipment must be compatible for the application of the work involved.
Always carry out a risk assessment before carrying out any welding or cutting activity.
General electrical safety
The equipment should be installed by a qualified person and in accordance with current standards in operation. It is the users responsibility to ensure that the equipment is connected to a suitable power supply. Consult your utility supplier if required. Do not use the equipment with the covers removed. Do not touch live electrical parts or parts which are electrically charged. Turn off all equipment when not in use. In the case of abnormal behaviour of the equipment, the equipment should be checked by a suitably qualified service engineer. If earth bonding of the work piece is required, bond it directly with a separate cable with a current carrying capacity capable of carrying the maximum capacity of the machine current. Cables (both primary supply and welding) should be regularly checked for damage and overheating. Never use worn, damaged, under sized or poorly jointed cables. Insulate yourself from work and earth using dry insulating mats or covers big enough to prevent any physical contact. Never touch the electrode if you are in contact with the work piece return. Do not wrap cables over your body. Ensure that you take additional safety precautions when you are welding in electrically hazardous conditions such as damp environments, wearing wet clothing and metal structures. Try to avoid welding in cramped or restricted positions. Ensure that the equipment is well maintained. Repair or replace damaged or defective parts immediately. Carry out any regular maintenance in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. The EMC classification of this product is class A in accordance with electromagnetic compatibility standards CISPR 11 and IEC 60974-10 and therefore the product is designed to be used in industrial environments only. WARNING: This class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where the electrical power is provided by a public low- voltage supply system. In those locations it may be difficult to ensure the electromagnetic compatibility due to conducted and radiated disturbances.
General operating safety
Never carry the equipment or suspend it by the carrying strap or handles during welding. Never pull or lift the machine by the welding torch or other cables. Always use the correct lift points or handles. Always use the transport under gear as recommended by the manufacturer. Never lift a machine with the gas cylinder mounted on it. If the operating environment is classified as dangerous, only use S-marked welding equipment with a safe idle voltage level. Such environments may be for example: humid, hot or restricted accessibility spaces.


Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Welding arc rays from all welding and cutting processes can produce intense, visible and invisible (ultraviolet and infrared) rays that can burn eyes and skin.

· Wear an approved welding helmet fitted with an appropriate shade of filter lens to protect your face and eyes when welding, cutting or watching.
· Wear approved safety glasses with side shields under your helmet. · Never use any equipment that is damaged, broken or faulty. · Always ensure there are adequate protective screens or barriers to protect
others from flash, glare and sparks from the welding and cutting area. · Ensure that there are adequate warnings that welding or cutting is taking
place. · Wear suitable protective flame resistant clothing, gloves and footwear. · Ensure adequate extraction and ventilation is in place prior to welding and cutting to
protect users and all workers nearby. · Check and be sure the area is safe and clear of flammable material before carrying out
any welding or cutting.
Some welding and cutting operations may produce noise. Wear safety ear protection to protect your hearing if the ambient noise level exceeds the local allowable limit (e.g: 85 dB).
Welding and Cutting Lens Shade Selector Guide





10 8







60 10














275 13











11 12 13
14 15





10 11




14 13

11 10
13 11 12 13
14 14 15


Safety against fumes and welding gases

The HSE have identified welders as being an at risk’ group for occupational diseases arising from exposure to dusts, gases, vapours and welding fumes. The main identified health effects are pneumonia, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung and kidney cancer, metal fume fever (MFF) and lung function changes. During welding and hot cuttinghot work’ operations, fumes are produced which are collectively known as welding fume. Depending upon the type of welding process being performed, the resultant fume generated is a complex and highly variable mixture of gases and particulates. Regardless of the length of welding being carried out, all welding fume, including mild steel welding requires suitable engineering controls to be in place which is usually Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) extraction to reduce the exposure to welding fume indoors and where LEV does not adequately control exposure it should also be enhanced by using suitable respiratory protective equipment (RPE) to assist with protecting against residual fume. When welding outdoors appropriate RPE should be used.

Prior to undertaking any welding tasks an appropriate risk

assessment should be carried out to ensure expected control

measures are in place.

An example of personal fume protection

Locate the equipment in a well-ventilated position and keep your head out of the welding fume. Do not breathe in the welding fume.

Ensure the welding zone is well-ventilated and provision should be made for suitable local fume

extraction system to be in place.

If ventilation is poor, wear an approved airfed welding helmet or respirator.

Read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS’s) and the manufacturer’s instructions for metals, consumable, coatings, cleaners and de- greasers.

Do not weld in locations near any de-greasing, cleaning or spraying operations.

Be aware that heat and rays of the arc can react with vapours to form highly toxic and irritating gases.

For further information please refer to the HSE website www.hse.gov.uk for related documentation.

Precautions against fire and explosion
Avoid causing fires due to sparks and hot waste or molten metal. Ensure that appropriate fire safety devices are available near the welding and cutting area. Remove all flammable and combustible materials from the welding, cutting and surrounding areas. Do not weld or cut fuel and lubricant containers, even if empty. These must be carefully cleaned before they can be welded or cut. Always allow the welded or cut material to cool before touching it or placing it in contact with combustible or flammable material. Do not work in atmospheres with high concentrations of combustible fumes, flammable gases and dust. Always check the work area half an hour after cutting to make sure that no fires have begun. Take care to avoid accidental contact of the torch electrode to metal objects, as this could cause arcs, explosion, overheating or fire.
Know and understand your fire extinguishers


The working environment Ensure the machine is mounted in a safe and stable position allowing for cooling air circulation. Do not operate equipment in an environment outside the laid down operating parameters. The welding power source is not suitable for use in rain or snow.
Always store the machine in a clean, dry space. Ensure the equipment is kept clean from dust build up. Always use the machine in an upright position.
Protection from moving parts When the machine is in operation keep away from moving parts such as motors and fans. Moving parts, such as the fan, may cut fingers and hands and snag garments. Protections and coverings may be removed for maintenance and managed only by qualified personnel after first disconnecting the power supply cable.
Replace the coverings and protections and close all doors when the intervention is finished and before starting the equipment. Take care to avoid getting fingers trapped when loading and feeding wire during set up and operation. When feeding wire be careful to avoid pointing it at other people or towards your body. Always ensure machine covers and protective devices are in operation.
Risks due to magnetic fields The magnetic fields created by high currents may affect the operation of pacemakers or electronically controlled medical equipment. Wearers of vital electronic equipment should consult their physician before beginning any arc welding, cutting, gouging or spot welding operations. Do not go near welding equipment with any sensitive electronic equipment as the magnetic
fields may cause damage. Keep the torch cable and work return cable as close to each other as possible throughout their length. This can help minimise your exposure to harmful magnetic fields. Do not wrap the cables around the body.
Handling of compressed gas cylinders and regulators Mishandling gas cylinders can lead to rupture and the release of high pressure gas. Always check the gas cylinder is the correct type for the welding to be carried out. Always store and use cylinders in an upright and secure position. All cylinders and pressure regulators used in welding operations should be handled with care. Never allow the electrode, electrode holder or any other electrically “hot” parts to touch a
cylinder. Keep your head and face away from the cylinder valve outlet when opening the cylinder valve. Always secure the cylinder safely and never move with regulator and hoses connected. Use a suitable trolley for moving cylinders. Regularly check all connections and joints for leaks. Full and empty cylinders should be stored separately. Never deface or alter any cylinder

Fire awareness The cutting and welding process can cause serious risks of fire or explosion. Cutting or welding sealed containers, tanks, drums or pipes can cause explosions. Sparks from the welding or cutting process can cause fires and burns. Check and risk assess the area is safe before doing any cutting or welding. Ventilate all flammable or explosive vapour from the workplace.
Remove any and all flammable materials away from the working area. If necessary, cover flammable materials or containers with approved covers (following manufacturers instructions) if unable to remove from the immediate area. Do not cut or weld where the atmosphere may contain flammable dust, gas or liquid vapour. Always have the appropriate fire extinguisher nearby and know how to use it.
Hot parts Always be aware that material being cut or welded will get very hot and hold that heat for a considerably long time which will cause severe burns if the appropriate PPE is not worn. Do not touch hot material or parts with bare hands. Always allow for a cooling down period before working on material recently cut or welded. Use the appropriate insulated welding gloves and clothing to handle hot parts to prevent burns.
Noise awareness The cutting and welding process can generate noise that can cause permanent damage to your hearing. Noise from cutting and welding equipment can damage hearing. Always protect your ears from noise and wear approved and appropriate ear protection if
noise levels are high. Consult with your local specialist if you are unsure how to test for noise levels.
RF Declaration Equipment that complies with directive 2014/30/EU concerning electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and the technical requirements of EN60974-10 is designed for use in industrial buildings and not for domestic use where electricity is provided via the low voltage public distribution
system. Difficulties may arise in assuring class A electromagnetic compatibility for systems installed in domestic locations due to conducted and radiated emissions. In the case of electromagnetic problems, it is the responsibility of the user to resolve the situation. It may be necessary to shield the equipment and fit suitable filters on the mains supply.
LF Declaration Consult the data plate on the equipment for the power supply requirements. Due to the elevated absorbance of the primary current from the power supply network, high power systems affect the quality of power provided by the network. Consequently, connection
restrictions or maximum impedance requirements permitted by the network at the public network connection point must be applied to these systems. In this case, the installer or the user is responsible for ensuring the equipment can be connected, consulting the electricity provider if necessary.

Materials and their disposal Welding equipment is manufactured with BSI published standards meeting CE requirements for materials which do not contain any toxic or poisonous materials dangerous to the operator. Do not dispose of the equipment with normal waste. The European Directive 2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment states that electrical equipment that has reached its end of life must be collected separately and returned to an environmentally compatible recycling facility for disposal.
For more detailed information please refer to the HSE website www.hse.gov.uk
Supplied within your new Jasic EVO product package will be the following items with each model. Use care when unpacking the contents and ensure all items are present and not damaged. If damage is noted or items are missing, please contact the supplier in the first instance and before installing or using the product. Record the product model, serial numbers (if applicable) and purchase date in the information section found on the inside front page of this operating manual.
Jasic EVO HRC-01 (9 pin Wired Hand Remote Control) Jasic EVO HRC-02 (Wireless Hand Remote Control) c/w Remote Control Receiver Module Jasic EVO HRC-04 (3 pin Wired Hand Remote Control)
Please Note: Package contents may very depending on country location and package part number purchased
Please Note: For further information regarding the operation/setup of remote control, please consult your EVO machine operating manual.

The following operations require sufficient professional knowledge on electrical aspects and comprehensive safety knowledge. Make sure the input cable of the machine is disconnected from the electricity supply and wait for 5 minutes before removing the machine covers.
Description of symbols

Warning! Read the Manual

WEEE tag

Power button

Wireless connection button

Bluetooth connection status

Battery power status

Standby state

Product Overview
These lightweight wired and wireless handheld remote controls are easy to use and operate. They are compatible for current control for the MMA and TIG modes and some parameter aspects of MIG modes of the EVO series welding machines. The wired remotes come as either 3pin or 9pin plugs and the standard cable length is 5m, with the maximum optional length of 10m. The silicone cable of the remote controller features wear, corrosion and high temperature resistance.
Wireless handheld remote controller is a remote controller supporting Bluetooth wireless technology. These remotes are compatible with the EVO series welding machines and features easy to use design, practical and convenient operation with great performance and long remote control distance. They can be generally used in MMA, TIG and MIG welding modes, with the maximum transmission distance of 30m.

Technical Parameters

Item Model Connection Type Operating Voltage



– Wired (9 pin)



Parameter HRC-02 Wireless Qty 2 1.5V (AA batteries)

HRC-04 Wired (3 pin)

Maximum Working Distance
Battery Life Protection Class Dimensions L x W x H
Net Weight Overall Weight

30m open distance.



(To be used a minimum of 1m above


ground in open environment).








mm 250 x 168 x 44

203 x 52 x 32

250 x 168 x 44














The below operation requires sufficient professional comprehensive knowledge of electrical circuits and electrical safety. Make sure the input cable of the machine is disconnected from the electricity supply and wait for 5 minutes before removing the machine covers.

Installation of wireless receiver module

The HRC-01, HRC-02 and HRC-04 remote control unit can be used with the following EVO machine models:

EA-160 & EA-200 EM-160C & EM-200C EM-200CT & EM-250CT ET-200 & ET-200P ET-200P ACDC

(HRC-04) (HRC-01 & HRC-02) (HRC-01 & HRC-02) (HRC-01 & HRC-02) (HRC-01 & HRC-02)

Wireless hand-held remote-control connection
An option with the EVO range of machines is for the operator to be able to wirelessly control the welding current. To enable this then you will require to fit the optional remote interface module.

  1. Ensure machine is unplugged from the machines supply 2) Leave the machine at least 5 minutes before removing any covers 3) Remove the screws on the left cover of the machine. 4) Carefully place the panel to one side 5) You now have access to the inside front area of the machine

Installation of the wireless receiver module

  1. Remove the plastic cap `A’ shown in the image right and fit the wireless receiver module as shown.
  2. If you haven’t already, remove the screws of the left side cover of the machine as described above.
  3. Remove the buckle from inside the front panel of the machine and pull out the plug (A).
  4. The wire receiver (as shown below) C will fit into the machine by first feeding the cable connector and cable through the front panel hole where you removed the plastic cap (A)
  5. Now insert the receiver module `B’ to the front panel (notches up), and then clip the module in place


PLEASE NOTE: Please check that your machine supports wireless hand held or foot remote controls before installation.

The above operation requires sufficient professional comprehensive knowledge of electrical circuits and electrical safety. Make sure the input cable of the machine is disconnected from the electricity supply and wait for 5 minutes before removing the machine covers. An Installation of wireless receiver module 6. Following fitting the receiver module in place, you know need to connect the cable connector to the main PCB as shown below. 7. Fit the cable plug to the socket on the main board.
This image shows the main control board diagram for inserting wireless module plug in to the PCB socket for AC TIG machine.
This image shows the main control board diagram for inserting wireless module plug in to the PCB socket for DC TIG machine.
8. Carefully place the left side machine panel back into position and refit the screws.
Please Note: For further information regarding the operation/setup of remote control, please consult your EVO machine operating manual.


Three hand held wired/wireless remote controls are available in this design, the HRC-01 (wired 9 pin), HRC-02 (wireless) and the HRC-04 Wired 3 pin) remote and can be used with the following EVO machine models:

· EA-160 & EA-200


· EM-160C & EM-200C (HRC-01 & HRC-02)

· EM-200CT & EM-250CT (HRC-01 & HRC-02)

· ET-200 & ET-200P

(HRC-01 & HRC-02)

· ET-200P ACDC

(HRC-01 & HRC-02)

HRC-01 and HRC-04 Hand held wired remote controls:
A. Current adjustment control dial B. Remote control connection cable
· HRC-01 wired with 9 pin control plug · HRC-04 wired with 3 pin control plug
HRC-02 Hand held wireless remote control:
C. Wireless remote control display area D. Wireless connection button E. Current adjustment control dial F. Power on and off button


The remote control is fitted with qty 2 1.5 AA type battery which are designed to last approximately 250hrs based of operation actions of the remote controller. When required, please follow the below procedure when replacing the battery.

1. Carefully using a small screwdriver remove the cover retaining screw as shown in the image below item (A).

2. Remove the battery protective


cover (B).


3. Remove and then install the

correct sized and rated replacement

batteries as shown in image right (C).


4. Now re-install the back cover of the

remote controller.


5. The is also a belt clip attachment for the remote which can be removed as shown above (D)


Please Note: For further information regarding the operation/setup of remote control, please consult your EVO machine operating manual.


Wireless connection Depending on the model and user interface of your EVO model the below instructions may differ, please refer to your EVO product operating manual for further instructions.

Powering up your wireless controller To power up your hand remote controller, press the power button of the controller and the power indicator will then turn on. To turn off your hand remote, press and hold the power button and the device will be powered off.

Pairing up your wireless controller Model dependent and following powering up the machine up but before welding, activate the wireless connection option and blue indicator on the receiver module will flash. At the same time, press the wireless “Connect” button of the wireless remote controller and after the EVO machine control panel displays “OK” and the blue indicator will remain `ON’ this indicates that the wireless connection is successful and the remote and machine have paired up.

Current/parameter adjustment operation Following successful pairing of your wireless connection, press the power button of the remote controller, and by rotating the knob to adjust the welder current and display the value on the LCD screen on the wireless handheld remote controller in real time; after completing the parameter adjustment you can press the power button of the remote controller to enter lock mode which deactivates the controls so to avoid mis-operation. For normal use of the remote controller, ensure you have enabled the remote function via the control panel of EVO machine. If the remote controller is not operated for a period of time, it will enter into standby mode and then powers down after 10s and 10 min, respectively.
When the battery of the wireless hand controller is low, the indicator will flash.

Remote Model HRC-02

Suitable machine

Remote Control Function

On MIG non-synergic mode: Adjusts wire feed

EM-160C / EM-200C EM-200CT / EM250CT

speed and welding voltage. On MIG synergic mode: Adjusts welding current, and welding voltage.

On Lift TIG mode: Adjusts welding current.

ET-200 / ET-200P ET-200P ACDC

DC TIG: Adjusts welding current. DC pulse TIG: Adjusts welding current and pulse frequency. AC (pulse) TIG: Adjusts welding current and AC balance.

Range 30m

· After successfully connecting the wireless remote controller, do not press and hold the wireless “Connect” button again during normal use; otherwise, it will disconnect itself from the welding machine. To reconnect the remote device, you would need to repeat the above steps of wireless connection!
· Please operate the wireless remote controller at a distance of more than 1m from the ground, otherwise, the transmission distance will be affected!
· For further information regarding the operation/setup of remote control, please consult your EVO machine operating manual.

Wired connection Depending on the model and user interface of your EVO model the below instructions may differ, please refer to your EVO product operating manual for further instructions.

Connecting your wired controller
Model dependent and prior to powering up your EVO machine, when fitting either the 3 or 9 pin remote plug, ensure you align the keyway when inserting the plug, then rotate the threaded collar fully clockwise until finger tight and shown right. HRC-01 (9 pin connector) HRC-04 (3 pin connector)

Current/parameter adjustment operation
After successfully inserting the connector plug of the wired handheld remote control to the machine, power up your EVO machine and then enable the remote control function of the machine. The wired handheld remote control can then be used for adjusting welding current in MMA and Lift TIG welding modes.

Remote Model Suitable machine

Remote Control Function

EM-160C / EM-200C

HRC-01 (9 pin connector)

EM-200CT / EM250CT ET-200 / ET-200P

Adjust welding current on MMA mode only


HRC-04 (3 pin connector)

EA-160 / EA-200

Adjust welding current on MMA mode and Lift-TIG mode

15m 5m fitted as

Please Note: For further information regarding the operation/setup of remote control, please consult your EVO machine operating manual.



The following operation requires sufficient professional knowledge on electric aspects and comprehensive safety knowledge. Make sure the input cable of the machine is disconnected from the electricity supply and wait for 5 minutes before removing any machine covers.



Wireless remote control not connected

The wireless remote controller cannot adjust the welding current

The wireless remote controller batteries are
out of power
Using the remote from too great a distance or there are too many obstacles in the way

Other malfunctions

Troubleshooting Reconnect wireless mode from the welding
machine to the remote control device. Reboot the welding machine.
Replace the remote controllers batteries.
Reposition the EVE welding machine closer to the welding job and try again.
Remove any obstacles that maybe in the way
Check the connection of the receiver module to the main control PCB.
Possible fault with controller of receiver module, try replacing either one of the items.

The above chart lists general problems that maybe experienced with a wireless remote controller

Packaging, transportation, storage and waste disposal Transportation requirements When handling the remote control, the device should always be handled with care, and should not be dropped or severely impacted. Avoid moisture and rain during transportation.

Storage Storage temperature:-25°C – +50°C Storage humidity: Relative humidity 90% Storage period: 12 months Storage site: Indoors with no corrosive gas and air circulation

Waste disposal The equipment is manufactured with materials, which do not contain any toxic or poisonous materials dangerous to the operator. When the equipment is scrapped, it should be dismantled separating components according to the type of materials. Do not dispose of the equipment with normal waste. The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment states the electrical equipment that has reached its end of life must be collected separately and returned to an environmentally compatible recycling facility. In order to comply with WEEE regulations in your country you should contact your supplier.

RoHS Compliance Declaration We herewith confirm, that the above mentioned product does not contain any of the restricted substances as listed in EU Directive 2011/65/EC in concentrations above the limits as specified therein. Disclaimer: Please note that this confirmation is given to the best of our present knowledge and belief. Nothing herein represents and/or may be interpreted as warranty within the meaning of the applicable warranty law.

All new JASIC EVO20 welding, plasma cutters and multi-process machines are sold through our partner Wilkinson Star Limited within the United Kingdom and Ireland shall be warrantied to the original owner, non transferable, against failure due to defective materials or production. The warranty period is 5 years following the date of purchase and we recommend you register your product online within 28 days of purchase. The original invoice is documentation for the standard warranty period. The warranty period is based on a single shift pattern.
Defective units shall be repaired or replaced by the company at our workshop. The company may opt to refund the purchase price (less any costs and depreciation due to use and wear). The company reserves the right to alter the warranty conditions at any time with effect for the future.
A prerequisite for the full warranty is that products are operated in accordance with the operating instructions supplied, observing the relevant installation and any legal requirements recommendations and guidelines and carrying out the maintenance instructions shown in the operator manual. This should be carried out by a suitably qualified competent person.
Warranty claims will only be accepted from authorised Jasic distributors and in the unlikely event of a problem this should be reported to the technical support team to review the claim. The customer has no claim to loan or replacement products whilst repairs are being performed.
The following falls outside the scope of the warranty:
· Defects due to natural wear and tear · Failure to observe the operating and maintenance instructions · Connection to an incorrect or faulty mains supply · Overloading during use · Any modifications that are made to the product without the prior written consent · Software errors due incorrect operation · Any repairs that are carried out using non-approved spare parts · Any transport or storage damage · Direct or indirect damage as well as any loss of earnings are not covered under the warranty · External damage such as fire or damage due to natural causes e.g. flooding · Warranty repairs carried out by non-authorised Jasic distributors.
NOTE: Under the terms of the warranty, welding torches, their consumable parts, wire feed unit drive rolls and guide tubes, work return cables and clamps, electrode holders, connection and extension cables, mains and control leads, plugs, wheels, coolant and accessories are covered with a 3 month warranty.
Jasic shall in no event be responsible for any third party expenses or expenses/costs or any indirect or consequential expenses/costs.
Jasic will submit an invoice for any repair work performed outside the scope of the warranty. A quotation for any non warranty will be raised prior to any repairs being carried out.
The decision about repair or replacement of the defective part(s) is made by Jasic. The replaced part(s) remain(s) Jasic property.
Warranty extends only to the machine, its accessories and parts contained inside. No other warranty is expressed or implied. No warranty is expressed or implied in regards to the fitness of the product for any particular application or use.
If in our judgment you fail, or we suspect that you have failed, to comply with any term or provision of the product warranty terms, we reserve the right to deny you access to our services (or any part thereof).
For further information on Jasic product warranty terms and product warranty registration please visit:
www.jasic.co.uk/warranty-information www.jasic.co.uk/warranty-registration







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