GE Appliances PB935, JB735, JS760 Electric Free-Standing Owner’s Manual

June 7, 2024
GE Appliances

PB935, JB735, JS760 Electric Free-Standing

Electric RANGFree-Standing ES

SAFETY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . 3
Surface Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cookware for Radiant Glass Cooktop. . . . . . 9 WiFi Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Oven Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Sabbath Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Oven Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Aluminum Foil and Oven Liners. . . . . . . . . . .14 Oven Cookware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Cooking Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Cooking Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Air Fry Cooking Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Cleaning the Range ­ Exterior . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Cleaning the Range ­ Interior . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Cleaning the Glass Cooktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Oven Light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Oven Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Storage Drawer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Removable Storage Drawer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
LIMITED WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
CONSUMER SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . 32

30″ Free-Standing Range PB935, JB735, JS760

Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #

You can find them on a label behind the door or drawer.

Para consultar una version en español de este manual de
instrucciones, visite nuestro sitio de internet

GE is a trademark of the General Electric Company. Manufactured under trademark license. 49-2000776 Rev. 3 07-21 GEA

Whether you grew up with GE Appliances, or this is your first, we’re happy to have you in the family.
We take pride in the craftsmanship, innovation and design that goes into every GE Appliances product, and we think you will too. Among other things, registration of your appliance ensures that we
can deliver important product information and warranty details when you need them.
Register your GE appliance now online. Helpful websites and phone numbers are available in the Consumer Support section of this Owner’s Manual. You may also mail in the pre-printed registration
card included in the packing material.


49-2000776 Rev. 3




Read all safety instructions before using the product. Failure to follow these instructions may result in fire, electrical shock, serious injury or death.



To reduce the risk of tipping the range, the range must be secured by a properly

Tip-Over Hazard

installed anti-tip bracket. See installation

· A child or adult can tip the range and be killed.

instructions shipped with the bracket for

· Install the anti-tip bracket to the wall or floor.

complete details before attempting to install.

· Engage the range to the anti-tip bracket by sliding the

range back such that the foot is engaged.

For Free-Standing and Slide-In Ranges

· Re-engage the anti-tip bracket if the range is moved.
· Failure to do so can result in death or serious burns to children or adults.

To check if the bracket is installed and engaged properly, look underneath the range to see that the rear leveling leg is

engaged in the bracket. On some models, the storage drawer or kick panel can be removed for easy inspection. If visual inspection is not possible, slide the range forward, confirm the anti-tip bracket is securely attached to

Anti-Tip Bracket

the floor or wall, and slide the range back so the rear leveling leg is under

the anti-tip bracket.

If the range is pulled from the wall for any reason, always repeat this procedure to verify the range is properly secured by the anti-tip bracket.

Leveling Leg

Never completely remove the leveling legs or the range will not be secured to the anti-tip device properly.

Free-Standing and Slide-In Ranges



distribution panel by removing the fuse or switching off the circuit breaker.

%HVXUHRXUDSSOLDQFHLVSURSHUOLQVWDOOHGDQG grounded by a qualified installer in accordance with the provided installation instructions.
‘RQRWDWWHPSWWRUHSDLURUUHSODFHDQSDUWRIRXU range unless it is specifically recommended in this manual. All other servicing should be transferred to a qualified technician.
%HIRUHSHUIRUPLQJDQVHUYLFHXQSOXJWKHUDQJH or disconnect the power supply at the household

‘RQRWOHDYHFKLOGUHQDORQH²FKLOGUHQVKRXOGQRW be left alone or unattended in an area where an appliance is in use. They should never be allowed to climb, sit or stand on any part of the appliance.
children above a range or on the backguard of a UDQJH²FKLOGUHQFOLPELQJRQWKHUDQJHWRUHDFK items could be seriously injured.


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8VHRQOGUSRWKROGHUV²PRLVWRUGDPSSRW holders on hot surfaces may result in burns from
‘RQRWWRXFKWKHVXUIDFHXQLWVWKHKHDWLQJHOHPHQWV or the interior surface of the oven. These surfaces may be hot enough to burn even though they are
GDUNLQFRORU’XULQJDQGDIWHUXVHGRQRWWRXFK or let clothing or other flammable materials contact the surface units, areas nearby the surface units or any interior area of the oven; allow sufficient time for cooling first. Other surfaces of the appliance may become hot enough to cause burns. Potentially hot surfaces include the cooktop, areas facing the cooktop, oven vent opening, surfaces near the opening and crevices around the oven door.

‘RQRWKHDWXQRSHQHGIRRGFRQWDLQHUV3UHVVXUH could build up and the container could burst, causing an injury.
‘RQRWXVHDQWSHRIIRLORUOLQHUWRFRYHUWKH oven bottom or anywhere in the oven, except as described in this manual. Oven liners can trap heat or melt, resulting in damage to the product and risk of shock, smoke or fire.
&RRNPHDWDQGSRXOWUWKRURXJKO²PHDWWRDWOHDVW an internal temperature of 160°F and poultry to at least an internal temperature of 180°F. Cooking to these temperatures usually protects against foodborne illness.

Failure to do so may result in fire or personal injury.

‘RQRWVWRUHRUXVHIODPPDEOHPDWHULDOVLQDQRYHQ or near the cooktop, including paper, plastic, pot holders, linens, wall coverings, curtains, drapes and gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids.
1HYHUZHDUORRVHILWWLQJRUKDQJLQJJDUPHQWVZKLOH using the appliance. These garments may ignite if they contact hot surfaces causing severe burns.

‘RQRWOHWFRRNLQJJUHDVHRURWKHUIODPPDEOH materials accumulate in or near the range. Grease in the oven or on the cooktop may ignite.
&OHDQYHQWLODWLQJKRRGVIUHTXHQWO*UHDVHVKRXOG not be allowed to accumulate on the hood or filter.


‘RQRWXVHZDWHURQJUHDVHILUHV1HYHUSLFNXS a flaming pan. Turn the controls off. Smother a flaming pan on a surface unit by covering the pan completely with a well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or flat WUD8VHDPXOWLSXUSRVHGUFKHPLFDORUIRDPWSH fire extinguisher.
,IWKHUHLVDILUHLQWKHRYHQGXULQJEDNLQJVPRWKHU the fire by closing the oven door and turning the

oven off or by using a multi-purpose dry chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.
,IWKHUHLVDILUHLQWKHRYHQGXULQJVHOIFOHDQWXUQ the oven off and wait for the fire to go out. ‘RQRW force the door open. Introduction of fresh air at selfclean temperatures may lead to a burst of flame from the oven. Failure to follow this instruction may result in severe burns.



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1HYHUOHDYHWKHVXUIDFHXQLWVXQDWWHQGHG%RLORYHUV cause smoking and greasy spillovers that may catch on fire.
1HYHUOHDYHRLOXQDWWHQGHGZKLOHIULQJ,IDOORZHG to heat beyond its smoking point, oil may ignite resulting in fire that may spread to surrounding FDELQHWV8VHDGHHSIDWWKHUPRPHWHUZKHQHYHU possible to monitor oil temperature.

2QOFHUWDLQWSHVRIJODVVJODVVFHUDPLF earthenware or other glazed containers are suitable for cooktop service; others may break because of the sudden change in temperature.
7RPLQLPL]HWKHSRVVLELOLWRIEXUQVLJQLWLRQRI flammable materials and spillage, the handle of a container should be turned toward the center of the range without extending over nearby surface units.

7RDYRLGRLOVSLOORYHUDQGILUHXVHDPLQLPXP amount of oil when shallow pan-frying and avoid cooking frozen foods with excessive amounts of ice.
8VHSURSHUSDQVL]H²VHOHFWFRRNZDUHKDYLQJ flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface heating element. The use of undersized cookware will expose a portion of the surface unit to direct contact and may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of cookware to surface unit will also improve efficiency.

,ISRZHULVORVWWRDQHOHFWULFFRRNWRSZKLOHDVXUIDFH unit is ON, the surface unit will turn back on as soon as power is restored. In the event of power loss, failure to turn all surface unit knobs to the OFF position may result in ignition of items on or near the cooktop, leading to serious injury or death.


8VHFDUHZKHQWRXFKLQJWKHFRRNWRS7KHJODVV surface of the cooktop will retain heat after the controls have been turned off.

used. If the cooktop is inadvertently turned on, they may ignite. Heat from the cooktop or oven vent after it is turned off may cause them to ignite also.

‘RQRWFRRNRQDEURNHQFRRNWRS,IJODVVFRRNWRS should break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may penetrate the broken cooktop and create a risk of electric shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately.
$YRLGVFUDWFKLQJWKHJODVVFRRNWRS7KHFRRNWRS can be scratched with items such as knives, sharp instruments, rings or other jewelry, and rivets on clothing.
‘RQRWSODFHRUVWRUHLWHPVWKDWFDQPHOWRUFDWFK fire on the glass cooktop, even when it is not being

8VHFHUDPLFFRRNWRSFOHDQHUDQGQRQVFUDWFK cleaning pad to clean the cooktop. Wait until the cooktop cools and the indicator light goes out before cleaning. a wet sponge or cloth on a hot surface can cause steam burns. Some cleaners can produce noxious fumes if applied to a hot surface. NOTE: Sugar spills are an exception. They should be scraped off while still hot using an oven mitt and a scraper. See the Cleaning the glass cooktop section for detailed instructions.


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6WDQGDZDIURPWKHUDQJHZKHQRSHQLQJWKHRYHQ door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause
‘RQRWXVHWKHRYHQLIDKHDWLQJHOHPHQWGHYHORSV a glowing spot during use or shows other signs of damage. A glowing spot indicates the heating element may fail and present a potential burn, fire, or shock hazard. Turn the oven off immediately and have the heating element replaced by a qualified service technician.

:KHQXVLQJFRRNLQJRUURDVWLQJEDJVLQWKHRYHQ follow the manufacturer’s directions.
3XOOWKHRYHQUDFNWRWKHVWRSORFNSRVLWLRQZKHQ loading and unloading food from the oven. This helps prevent burns from touching hot surfaces of the door and oven walls.
‘RQRWOHDYHLWHPVVXFKDVSDSHUFRRNLQJXWHQVLOV or food in the oven when not in use. Items stored in an oven can ignite.
1HYHUSODFHFRRNLQJXWHQVLOVSL]]DRUEDNLQJVWRQHV or any type of foil or liner on the oven floor. These items can trap heat or melt, resulting in damage to the product and risk of shock, smoke or fire.

3ODFHRYHQUDFNVLQGHVLUHGORFDWLRQZKLOHRYHQLV cool. If rack must be moved while oven is hot, do not let pot holder contact hot heating element in oven.


The self-cleaning feature operates the oven at temperatures high enough to burn away food soils in the oven. Follow these instructions for safe operation.

‘RQRWWRXFKRYHQVXUIDFHVGXULQJVHOIFOHDQ operation. Keep children away from the oven during self-cleaning. Failure to follow these instructions may cause burns.
%HIRUHRSHUDWLQJWKHVHOIFOHDQFFOHUHPRYHSDQV shiny metal oven racks and other utensils from the oven. Only gray porcelain-coated oven racks may
EHOHIWLQWKHRYHQ’RQRWXVHVHOIFOHDQWRFOHDQ other parts, such as drip pans or bowls.

,IWKHVHOIFOHDQLQJPRGHPDOIXQFWLRQVWXUQWKH oven off and disconnect the power supply. Have it serviced by a qualified technician.
‘RQRWFOHDQWKHGRRUJDVNHW7KHGRRUJDVNHWLV essential for a good seal. Care should be taken not to rub, damage or move the gasket.
‘RQRWXVHDSURWHFWLYHFRDWLQJWROLQHWKHRYHQ and do not use commercial oven cleaners unless certified for use in a self-cleaning oven.

%HIRUHRSHUDWLQJWKHVHOIFOHDQFFOHZLSHJUHDVH and food soils from the oven. Excessive amount of grease may ignite leading to smoke damage to your home.

How to Remove Protective Shipping Film and Packaging Tape

Carefully grasp a corner of the protective shipping film with your fingers and slowly peel it from the appliance
VXUIDFH’RQRWXVHDQVKDUSLWHPVWRUHPRYHWKHILOP Remove all of the film before using the appliance for the first time.
To assure no damage is done to the finish of the product, the safest way to remove the adhesive from

packaging tape on new appliances is an application of a household liquid dishwashing detergent. Apply with a soft cloth and allow to soak.
NOTE: The adhesive must be removed from all parts. It cannot be removed if it is baked on.
Consider recycling options for your appliance packaging material.

‘LVSRVHRIRUUHFFOHRXUDSSOLDQFHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)HGHUDODQG/RFDO5HJXODWLRQV&RQWDFWRXUORFDO authorities for the environmentally safe disposal or recycling of your appliance.



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Surface Units


FIRE HAZARD: Never leave the range ON unattended. Keep flammable items away from the cooktop. Turn off all controls when done cooking. Failure to follow these instructions can result in

fire, serious injury or death.

Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.

How to Set
Push the knob in and turn in either direction to the setting you want.

Knob appearance may vary.

A surface ON indicator light will glow when any surface unit is on

For glass cooktop surfaces:

approximately 150°F.

At both OFF and HI the control clicks into position. You may hear slight clicking sounds during cooking, indicating the
control is maintaining your desired setting. Be sure you turn the control knob to OFF
when you finish cooking.

Melt setting (on some models) will melt chocolate or butter.

Dual and Triple Surface Units and Control Knobs (on some models)
The surface unit has 2 or 3 cooking sizes to select from so you can match the size of the unit to the size of the cookware you are using.

0RGHOVZLWKD’XDO5LQJ surface element only

Models with a Tri-Ring surface element only.

Knob appearance may vary

Using the Warming Zone (on some models)

WARNING FOOD POISON HAZARD: Bacteria may grow in food at temperatures below 140°F.

The Warming Zone, located in the back center of the glass surface, will keep hot, cooked food at serving
WHPSHUDWXUH$OZDVVWDUWZLWKKRWIRRG’RQRWXVHWR heat cold food. Placing uncooked or cold food on the Warming Zone could result in foodborne illness.
Turn the control knob to the ON position or press the Warming Zone button.

Always use pot holders or oven mitts when removing food from the Warming Zone, since cookware and plates will be hot.
NOTE: The surface warmer will not glow red like the cooking elements.

For best results, all foods on the Warming Zone should be covered with a lid or aluminum foil. When warming pastries or breads, the cover should be vented to allow moisture to escape.

The initial temperature, type and amount of food, type of pan, and the time held will affect the quality of the food.

Knob appearance may vary.

49-2000776 Rev. 3



Surface Units

Home Canning Tips
Be sure the canner is centered over the surface unit.
Make sure the canner is flat on the bottom.
To prevent burns from steam or heat, use caution when canning.

)ODWERWWRPHGFDQQHUVDUHUHFRPPHQGHG8VHRIZDWHU bath canners with rippled bottoms may extend the time required to bring the water to a boil.

For Models With a Radiant Glass Cooktop
The radiant cooktop features heating units beneath a smooth glass surface.
NOTE: A slight odor is normal when a new cooktop is used for the first time. It is caused by the heating of new parts and insulating materials and will disappear in a short time.
NOTE: On models with light-colored glass cooktops, it is normal for the cooking zones to change color when hot or cooling down. This is temporary and will disappear as the glass cools to room temperature.
The surface unit will cycle on and off to maintain your selected control setting.
It is safe to place hot cookware on the glass surface even when the cooktop is cool.
Even after the surface units are turned off, the glass cooktop retains enough heat to continue cooking. To avoid overcooking, remove pans from the surface units when the food is cooked. Avoid placing anything on the surface unit until it has cooled completely.
:DWHUVWDLQVPLQHUDOGHSRVLWVDUHUHPRYDEOHXVLQJ the cleaning cream or full- strength white vinegar.
8VHRIZLQGRZFOHDQHUPDOHDYHDQLULGHVFHQWILOPRQ the cooktop. The cleaning cream will remove this film.
‘RQ¶WVWRUHKHDYLWHPVDERYHWKHFRRNWRS,IWKH drop onto the cooktop, they can cause damage.

Never cook directly on the glass. Always use cookware.
Always place the pan in the center of the surface unit you are cooking on.

Temperature Limiter on Radiant Glass Cooktops

Every radiant surface unit has a temperature limiter.
The temperature limiter protects the glass cooktop from getting too hot.

The temperature limiter may cycle the surface units off for a time if:





49-2000776 Rev. 3

USING THE RANGE: Cookware for Radiant Glass Cooktop

Cookware for Radiant Glass Cooktop

The following information will help you choose cookware which will give good performance on glass cooktops.

NOTE: Follow all cookware manufacturer’s recommendations when using any type of cookware on the ceramic cooktop.


Avoid/Not Recommended

Stainless Steel
heavy weight recommended
Good conductivity. Aluminum residues sometimes appear as scratches on the cooktop but can be removed if cleaned immediately. Because of its low melting point, thin weight aluminum should not be used.
Copper Bottom:
Copper may leave residues which can appear as scratches. The residues can be removed, as long as the cooktop is cleaned immediately. However, do not let these pots boil dry. Overheated metal can bond to glass cooktops. An overheated copper bottom pot will leave a residue that will permanently stain the cooktop if not removed immediately.

Enamel (painted) on Steel:
Heating empty pans can cause permanent damage to cooktop glass. The enamel can melt and bond to the ceramic cooktop.
Poor performance. Will scratch the surface.
Poor performance. May scratch the surface.
Cast Iron:
QRWUHFRPPHQGHG²XQOHVVGHVLJQHG specifically for glass cooktops
Poor conductivity and slow to absorb heat. Will scratch the cooktop surface.

Check pans for flat bottoms by using a straight edge.

Enamel (painted) on Cast Iron:
recommended if bottom of pan is coated

For Best Results
3ODFHRQOGUSDQVRQWKHVXUIDFHHOHPHQWV’RQRW place lids on the surface elements, particularly wet lids. Wet pans and lids may stick to the surface when cool.
‘RQRWXVHZRNVWKDWKDYHVXSSRUWULQJV7KLVWSHRI wok will not heat on glass surface elements.
:HUHFRPPHQGWKDWRXXVHRQODIODWERWWRPHG wok. They are available at your local retail store. The bottom of the wok should have the same diameter as the surface element to ensure proper contact.
6RPHVSHFLDOFRRNLQJSURFHGXUHVUHTXLUHVSHFLILF cookware such as pressure cookers or deep-fat fryers. All cookware must have flat bottoms and be the correct size.

Pans with rounded, curved, ridged or warped bottoms are
not recommended.


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WiFi Connect (on some models)

Your oven is designed to provide you with two-way communication between your appliance and smart device. By using the WiFi Connect features, you will be able to control essential oven operations such as temperature settings, timers and cooking modes using your smartphone or tablet.*
Press and hold WiFi Connect pad for 3 seconds – follow the instructions on your oven display and phone app. It is necessary to turn on WiFi before using SmartHQ App on your oven.
Connecting your WiFi Connect Enabled Oven
What you will need Your GE Appliances oven uses your existing home WiFi network to communicate between the appliance and your smart device. In order to setup your GE Appliances oven, you will need to gather some information:
1. Each GE Appliances oven has a connected appliance information label that includes an Appliance Network Name and Password. These are the two important details that you will need to connect to the appliance. The label is typically located inside the door of the oven or drawer.
2. Have your smart phone or tablet ready with the ability to access the internet and download apps.
3. You will need to know the password of your home WiFi router. Have this password ready while you are setting up your GE Appliances oven.

Connected Appliance Information



MAC ID: XX – XX – XX – XX – XX – XX

PT. NO. 229C6272G001-0

Sample Label

Connect your GE Appliances oven 1. On your smart phone or tablet visit to learn more about connected appliance features and to download the SmrtHQ App.
2. Follow the app onscreen instructions to connect your GE Appliances oven.
3. Once the process is complete, the connection light located on your GE Appliances oven display will stay on solid and the app will confirm you are connected.
4. If the connection light does not turn on or is blinking, follow the instructions on the app to reconnect. If issues continue, please call the Connected Call Center 1.800.220.6899 and ask for assistance regarding oven wireless connectivity.
To connect additional smart devices, repeat steps 1 and 2.
Note that any changes or modifications to the remote enable device installed on this oven that are not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
To be able to start the oven remotely once connected to WiFi, make sure the icon is visible in the display. The oven can now be remotely started with a connected device. The icon must be lit to start the oven remotely. The icon is not required to change the oven temperature while it is running, set a timer or to turn the oven off from the phone app while the icon shows it is Wifi Connected.
If you do not see the icon, refer to the Remote Enable instructions in the Special Features section of this manual.
NOTE: )RRGVWKDWVSRLOHDVLO²VXFKDVPLONHJJVILVK VWXIILQJVSRXOWUDQGSRUN²VKRXOGQRWEHDOORZHGWR sit for more than 1 hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.

  • Compatible Apple or Android devices and home WiFi network required.


49-2000776 Rev. 3

USING THE RANGE: Oven Controls

Oven Controls
2 1








1. Convection Cooking Modes: Convection


cooking modes use increased air circulation to improve

this to set a time when you want the oven to start. Press

performance. The type of benefit depends on the

the desired cooking mode and temperature. A Cook Time

mode. Your oven has the following convection cooking

may also be programmed if desired. Follow the directions

modes: Convection Bake and Convection Roast. See

under Cook Time for setting this feature. Press the Delay

the Cooking Modes section for more information.

Time pad and use the number pads to program the time

2. Traditional Cooking Modes: Your oven has
the following traditional cooking modes: Bake, Broil Hi/Lo, and Warm. See the Cooking Modes section for more information.

of day for the oven to turn on then press Start. This can only be used with Bake, Convection Bake, Convection Roast, and Self-Clean.

3. Clean: Your oven has two cleaning modes: Self
Clean and Steam Clean. See the Cleaning the Oven


section for important information about using these

promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that


the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will

4. Start: Must be pressed to start any cooking,

speed harmful bacteria growth.

cleaning, or timed function.

10. Oven Light: Turns the oven light on or off.

5. Cancel/Off: Cancels ALL oven operations except
6. Cook Time: Counts down cooking time and turns
off the oven when the cooking time is complete. Press the Cook Time pad, use the number pads to program a cooking time in hours and minutes, then press Start. This can only be used with Bake, Convection Bake, Convection Roast, Warm, and Air Fry.

11. Lock Controls: Locks out the control so that
pressing the pads does not activate the controls. Press the Lock Controls pad, for three seconds to lock or unlock the control. Cancel/Off is always active, even when the control is locked.
12. WiFi Connect (on some models): For
instructions on how to connect your oven, see the WiFi Connect section of this manual.

You may use Cook Time at any point during the oven cooking cycle

13. Air Fry: The Air Fry mode is designed to produce
foods with a crispier exterior than traditional oven

7. Clock: Press and hold the 0 pad for 3 seconds to set

cooking. See the Oven Cooking Modes section for more information.

8. Timer On/Off: Works as a countdown timer.
Press the Timer On/Off pad and the number pads to program the time in hours and minutes. Press the Start pad. The timer countdown is complete. To turn the timer off press the Timer On/Off pad.

14. Warming Zone (on some models): 7KH:DUPLQJ=RQHZLOO
keep hot, cooked food at serving
WHPSHUDWXUH6HHWKH:DUPLQJ=RQH section for more information.

49-2000776 Rev. 3


USING THE RANGE: Special Features

Special Features

There are several different special features on your range. To change the settings of these special features: 3UHVVWKHBake and Broil pads at the same time and hold until the special features menu is displayed. 8VHWKH2 or 8 number pads to scroll through the special features until the desired feature is displayed. 3UHVVWKH6 number pad to enter into the feature’s menu and scroll through the options. 2QFHWKHGHVLUHGRSWLRQLVGLVSODHGSUHVVWKH6 pad to save the setting and the 4 pad to exit the menu.
options until the desired setting is displayed. Press 6 to save the setting and then 4 to exit the menu.


Clock Configuration (Cloc cFg)
This feature specifies how the time of day will be displayed. You can select a standard 12-hour clock (12) or 24-hour military time display. Enter into the special features menu as outlined above. Scroll through the options until “Cloc cFg” is displayed and press 6. Scroll through the options until the desired setting is displayed. Press 6 to save the setting and then 4 to exit the menu.

Adjust the Oven Temperature (OFSt)
This feature allows the oven baking temperature to be
DGMXVWHGXSWR)KRWWHURUGRZQWR)FRROHU8VH this feature if you believe your oven temperature is too hot or too cold and wish to change it. This adjustment affects every cooking mode except broil.
Enter into the special features menu as outlined above. Scroll through the features until “OFSt” is displayed and press 68VHWKH2 pad to increase the adjusted temperature or use the 8 pad to decrease the adjusted temperature. Save and exit the special features menu.
End of Timer Signals (End tonE)
This is the tone that signals the end of a timer. The tone can be either continuous (Cont) or single (bEEp). The continuous setting (Cont) will repeatedly sound a tone every few seconds until a button on the control is pressed. A single setting (bEEp) will sound just a single tone at the end of the timer. Enter into the special features menu as outlined above. Scroll through the options until “End tonE” is displayed and press 6. Scroll through the options until the desired setting is displayed. Press 6 to save the setting and then 4 to exit the menu.
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Display (Unit dEg)
The oven control is set to use Fahrenheit temperatures (F), but you can change it to use Celsius temperatures (C). Enter into the special features menu as outlined
DERYH6FUROOWKURXJKWKHRSWLRQVXQWLO³GHJ8QLW´LV displayed and press 6. Scroll through the options until the desired setting is displayed. Press 6 to save the setting and then 4 to exit the menu.
Clock Display (CLoc diSP)
7KLVIHDWXUH2Q2IIVSHFLILHVLIWKHWLPHRIGDLV displayed. Enter into the special features menu as outlined above. Scroll through the options until “Cloc diSP” is displayed and press 6. Scroll through the

Sound Volume (Snd)
This feature allows the oven tone volume to be adjusted on and off (oFF). Enter into the special features menu as outlined above. Scroll through the options until “sound” is displayed and press 6. Scroll through the options until the desired setting is displayed. Press 6 to save the setting and then 4 to exit the menu. The selected sound option will play once 6 is pressed.
Auto Recipe Conversion
7KLVIHDWXUH2Q2IIDXWRPDWLFDOODGMXVWVWKH programmed recipe temperature in Convection MultiBake mode. Enter into the special features menu as outlined above. Scroll through the options until “Auto rEciPE” is displayed. Scroll through the options until the desired setting is displayed. Press 6 to save the setting and then 4 to exit the menu.
NOTE: This option does not convert baking time, only temperatures. This option does not adjust temperatures for Convection Roast mode.
Remote Enable (App ENbl) (on some models)
$OORZVRXWRFRQWURORXURYHQUHPRWHO2Q2II(QWHU the special features menu as outlined above. Scroll WKURXJKWKHRSWLRQVXQWLO$SS(1EOLVGLVSODHG8VH to enter the menu and toggle the setting using the 2 or 8 key. Press the 6 key to save the setting and then 4 to exit the menu.
12-Hour Auto Shut Off (12H Shut)
This feature turns off the oven after 12 hours of FRQWLQXRXVRSHUDWLRQ2Q2II(QWHUWKH VSHFLDOIHDWXUHV menu as outlined above. Scroll through the options until +6KXWLVGLVSODHG8VHWRHQWHUWKHPHQXDQG toggle the setting using the 2 or 8 key. Press the 6 key to save the setting and then 4 to exit the menu.


49-2000776 Rev. 3

USING THE OVEN: Sabbath Mode

Sabbath Mode

The Sabbath mode feature complies with standards set forth by Star K. Some of these standards that will be noticed by the consumer include the disabling of tones, disabling of oven lights, and delays of about 30 seconds to one minute on display changes. Only continuous baking or timed baking is allowed in the Sabbath mode. Cooking in the Sabbath mode is a two-step process, first the Sabbath mode must be set and then the bake mode must be set.

Setting the Sabbath Mode
1. Press and hold Bake + Broil to enter special features menu.
8VHQXPEHUNHWRQDYLJDWHWR³6DEE´PHQX(QWHU the menu using number key 6.
Starting a Continuous Bake
1. Press the Bake pad.
2. If the desired temperature is 350F, press Start. If a different cooking temperature is desired, use the 1 through 5 number pads or Timer pad to select a preset cooking temperature, then press Start. Refer to the graphic below to determine which pad sets the desired cooking temperature.
After a delay, a second bracket “] [” will appear in the display indicating that the oven is baking.

Temperature (°F)












Time (hours)


1 = 170° F, 2 = 200° F, 3 = 250° F, 4 = 300° F, 5 = 325° F, Timer = 400° F

Starting a Timed Bake
1. Press the Bake pad.
2. If the desired temperature is 350F, use the 6 through 0 number pads or the Lock Control pad to select a cooking time. If a cooking temperature other than 350F is desired, use the 1 through 5 number pads or the Timer pad to select a preset cooking temperature, then select the cooking time. Refer to the graphic on this page to determine which pad sets the desired cooking temperature and cooking time.
3. Press Start.
After a delay, a second bracket “] [” will appear in the display indicating that the oven is baking. When the cook time expires, the display will change back to a single bracket “]” indicating that the oven is no longer baking. No tone will sound when the cook time is complete.
Exit the Sabbath Mode
Exiting the Sabbath mode should be done after the Sabbath is over.
1. Press Cancel/Off to end any bake mode that may be running.
2. Press and hold Bake + Broil to enter special features menu.

6 = 2 hours, 7 = 2.5 hours, 8 = 3 hours, 9 = 3.5 hours, 0 = 4 hours, Lock Controls = 6 hours
Adjusting the Temperature
1. Press Bake, use the 1 through 5 number pads and the Timer pad to select a different preset cooking temperature, and press Start.

Sabbath Mode Power Outage Note
If a power outage occurs while the oven is in Sabbath Mode, the unit will return to Sabbath Mode when power is restored, however the oven will return to the off state even if it was in the middle of a bake cycle when the power outage occurred.

2. Since no feedback is given during temperature change, an oven thermometer can be used to confirm temperature changes.

49-2000776 Rev. 3



Oven Racks
Recommended rack positions for various types of foods are provided in the Cooking Guide. Adjusting rack position is one way to impact cooking results. For example, if you would prefer darker tops on cakes, muffins, or cookies, try moving food one rack position higher. If you find foods are too brown on top try moving them down next time.
When baking with multiple pans and on multiple racks, ensure there is at least 1½” between pans to allow sufficient space for air to flow.
To avoid possible burns, place the racks in the desired position before you turn the oven on.

The number of rack positions may vary by model.

Aluminum Foil and Oven Liners

CAUTION Do not use any type of foil or oven liner to cover the oven bottom. These items can trap heat
or melt, resulting in damage to the product and risk of shock, smoke or fire. Damage from improper use of these items is not covered by the product warranty.
Oven Cookware

Cookware Guidelines
The material, finish, and size of cookware affect baking performance.
‘DUNFRDWHGDQGGXOOSDQVDEVRUEKHDWPRUHUHDGLO than light, shiny pans. Pans that absorb heat more readily can result in a browner, crisper, and thicker crust. If using dark and coated cookware check food earlier than minimum cook time. If undesirable results are obtained with this type of cookware consider reducing oven temperature by 25º F next time.
Shiny pans can produce more evenly cooked baked goods such as cakes and cookies.

Glass and ceramic pans heat slowly but retain heat well. These types of pans work well for dishes such as pies and custards.
Air insulated pans heat slowly and can reduce bottom browning.
Keep cookware clean to promote even heating.
Stoneware heats slowly and retains heat well. It is recommended to preheat this type of cookware if possible. Additional cook time may be required.
Cookware used in broil modes and air fry must be broilsafe.


49-2000776 Rev. 3

USING THE OVEN: Cooking Modes

Cooking Modes

Your new oven has a variety of cooking modes to help you get the best results. These modes are described below. Refer to the Cooking Guide section for rack position and other recommendations for specific modes and foods. Remember, your new oven may perform differently than the oven it is replacing.

Baking and Roasting Modes

Broiling Modes

Select a mode for baking and roasting based on the type and quantity of food you are preparing. When preparing baked goods such as cakes, cookies, and pastries always preheat the oven first. Follow recipe recommendations for food placement. If no guidelines are provided, center food in the oven.
Traditional Bake
The Bake mode is for baking and roasting. When preparing baked goods such as cakes, cookies, and pastries, always preheat the oven first. To use this mode press the Bake pad, enter a temperature, and then press Start.
Convection Bake
This mode uses air movement from the convection fan to enhance cooking evenness. Your oven is equipped with Auto Recipe Conversion, so it is not necessary to adjust the temperature when using this mode. Always preheat when using this mode. Baking time might be slightly longer for multiple racks than what would be expected for a single rack. To use this mode press the Convection Bake pad, enter a temperature, and then press Start.
Convection Roast
The Convection Roast mode is intended for roasting whole cuts of meat on a single rack. This mode uses air movement from the convection fan to improve browning and reduce cooking time. Check food earlier than the recipe suggested time when using this mode. To use this mode press the Convection Roast pad, enter a temperature, and then press Start.

Always broil with the oven door closed. Monitor food FORVHOZKLOHEURLOLQJ8VHFDXWLRQZKHQEURLOLQJSODFLQJ food closer to the broil element increases smoking, spattering, and the possibility of fats igniting. It is not necessary to preheat when using the Broil modes.
Broil Hi
The Broil Hi mode uses intense heat from the upper HOHPHQWWRVHDUIRRGV8VH%URLO+LIRUWKLQQHUFXWV RIPHDWDQGRUZKHQRXZRXOGOLNHWRKDYHDVHDUHG surface and rare interior. To use this mode press the Broil pad once and then press Start.
Broil Lo
The Broil Lo mode uses less intense heat from the upper element to cook food thoroughly while also browning WKHVXUIDFH8VH%URLO/RIRUWKLFNHUFXWVRIPHDWDQGRU foods that you would like cooked all the way through. To use this mode press the Broil pad twice and then press Start.
Warm modes are designed to keep hot, cooked foods hot. Cover foods that should remain moist and do not cover foods that should be crisp. Preheating is QRWUHTXLUHG’RQRWXVHZDUPWRKHDWFROGIRRG,WLV recommended that food not be kept warm for more than 2 hours. To use this mode, press the Warm pad then press Start. The control display will show the oven is set to Bake at 170F.

Air Fry

Air Fry is a special, no-preheat, cooking mode that is designed to produce foods with a crispier exterior than traditional oven cooking. The Air Fry mode is intended for single rack cooking only. Select Air Fry, then input the desired set temperature and press Start. The temperature can be set between 300°F and 500°F. Preheating is not recommended for this mode. Follow traditional oven recipe or package guidelines for set temperatures and cook times; adjust cook time to achieve your desired crispness. Additional guidelines for using this mode can be found in the Cooking Guide.

49-2000776 Rev. 3


CARE AND CLEANING: Oven Cooking Guide

Oven Cooking Guide

Baked Goods Layer Cakes, sheet cakes, bundt cakes, muffins, quick breads on a Single Rack
Layer cakes* on Multiple Racks
Chiffon cakes (angel food) Cookies, biscuits, scones on a Single Rack Cookies, biscuits, scones on Multiple Racks Beef & Pork

Bake Bake Convection Bake Bake Bake Convection Bake
Broil Hi

Steaks & Chops
Roasts Poultry
Whole chicken
Bone-in chicken breasts, legs, thighs
Boneless chicken breasts
Whole turkey Turkey Breast Fish Casseroles Frozen Convenience Foods Single Rack

Broil Hi
Bake Convection Roast
Bake Convection Roast
Broil Hi Broil Lo
Broil Lo Bake
Bake Convection Roast
Bake Convection Roast
Broil Lo Bake

Multiple Racks

Convection Bake



3 2 and 4
1 3 2 and 4 2, 4, and 6
6 2 or 3
2 or 3 2
2 or 3
2 or 3
1 or 2 2 or 3 WKLFNRUOHVV !LQFK
2 and 4

Ensure adequate airflow (see illustration below).
Ensure adequate airflow.
8VHDEURLOSDQPRYHIRRGGRZQIRUPRUHGRQHQHVV less searing. Watch food closely when broiling. For best performance center food below the broil heating element.
8VHDEURLOSDQPRYHIRRGGRZQIRUPRUHGRQHQHVV less searing. Watch food closely when broiling. For best performance center food below the broil heating element. 8VHDORZVLGHGSDQVXFKDVDEURLOSDQ3UHKHDWLQJLV
not necessary.
8VHDORZVLGHGSDQVXFKDVDEURLOSDQ If breaded or coated in sauce avoid Broil Hi modes. Broil skin side down first. Watch food closely when broiling. For best performance when broiling, center food below the
heating element
8VHDORZVLGHGSDQVXFKDVDEURLOSDQ Watch food closely when broiling. For best performance
center food below the broil heating element.
for less browning. 8VHGDUNFRRNZDUHIRUPRUHEURZQLQJFULVSLQJXVHVKLQ cookware for less browning. For multiple racks of pizzas, stagger left to right, do not place directly over each other.

When baking four cake layers at a time with traditional bake, use racks 2 and 4.
When baking four cake layers at a time with convection bake, use racks 2 and 4.
Cook food thoroughly to help protect against food borne illness. Minimum safe food temperature recommendations for food safety can be found at Make sure to use a food thermometer to take food temperatures.


49-2000776 Rev. 3


Oven Cooking Guide

Air Fry Cooking Guide
Air Fry is a special, no-preheat, cooking mode that is designed to produce foods with a crispier exterior than traditional oven cooking. Select Air Fry, then input the desired set temperature and press Start. The temperature can be set between 300°F and 500°F.
Air Fry Cookware Guidelines
· Only use broil safe cookware when using Air Fry mode. · A dark sheet pan is recommended. A dark pan
promotes better browning and crisping. · Oven baking baskets and baking grids can also be
used. A sheet pan should be placed on the rack below the foods to catch any drippings when using a baking basket.
Primary recommended cookware

General Tips for Air Fry Mode
· The Air Fry mode is designed for cooking on a single rack.
· The Air Fry mode is designed to be used without preheating.
· Foods may cook faster than expected if the oven is already hot when food is placed in the oven.
· When air frying foods with sauce, it is recommended to apply the sauce at the end of cooking.
· If foods are browning too quickly, try a lower rack position or lower oven set temperature.
· For packaged foods, use traditional oven cooking instructions for set temperature and expected cook time.
· It is not necessary to flip or stir food during cooking
· Arrange food in a single layer on the pan, do not overload the pan.
· Always check internal food temperature to confirm minimum safe temperatures have been reached. Minimum safe food temperatures can be found on packages and at

Alternate cookware options

Fresh boneless fish or poultry pieces, breaded such as nuggets, tenders, fillets Fresh bone in chicken wings Fresh bone in chicken drumsticks or thighs
Fresh French fries, thin (< ½ inch)
Fresh French fries, thick (> ½ inch)
Frozen packaged foods

4 3 or 4
3 or 4
3 or 4 (use rack position 3 for
thicker foods)





375-400 375-400

15-30 25-40

Salt wings or coat in a dry rub, if using sauce apply after cooking or toward the end of cooking




400-425 375-400

15-30 20-35

Parchment paper is recommended when preparing fresh French fries. For crispier fries,
toss fries in corn starch or rice flour before cooking.
Parchment paper is recommended when preparing fresh French fries. For crispier fries,
toss fries in corn starch or rice flour before cooking.

8VHWUDGLWLRQDORYHQQRW$LU)UFRRNLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVDVDJXLGHOLQHIRUVHWWHPSHUDWXUHDQGFRRNWLPH$GGLWLRQDO cook time beyond recommended package time may be required for some foods. If oven is hot when starting, food
may cook faster than the minimum package time.

49-2000776 Rev. 3


CARE AND CLEANING: Cleaning the Range ­ Exterior

Cleaning the Range ­ Exterior

Be sure all controls are off and all surfaces are cool before cleaning any part of the range.


If your range is removed for cleaning, servicing or any reason, be sure the anti-tip device is reengaged properly when the range is replaced. Failure to

take this precaution could result in tipping of the range and can result in death

or serious burns to children or adults.

Control Knobs
The control knobs may be removed for easier cleaning. Make sure the knobs are in the OFF positions and pull them straight off the stems for cleaning.

The knobs can be washed with soap and water. Make sure the inside of the knobs are dry before replacing.
Replace the knobs, in the OFF position to ensure proper placement.

Control Lockout
If desired, the touch pads may be deactivated before cleaning.
See Lock Controls in the Oven Controls section in this manual.
Clean up splatters with a damp cloth.

You may also use a glass cleaner.
5HPRYHKHDYLHUVRLOZLWKZDUPVRDSZDWHU’RQRWXVH abrasives of any kind. Reactivate the touch pads after cleaning.

Control Panel
It’s a good idea to wipe the control panel after each use. Clean with mild soap and water or vinegar and water, rinse with clean water and polish dry with a soft cloth.
Oven Exterior
‘RQRWXVHRYHQFOHDQHUVDEUDVLYHFOHDQVHUVVWURQJ liquid cleansers, steel wool, plastic scouring pads, or cleaning powders on the exterior of the oven. Clean with a mild soap and water or vinegar and water solution. Rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth. When cleaning surfaces, make sure that they are at room temperature and not in direct sunlight.

If stain on the door vent trim is persistent, use a mild abrasive cleaner and a sponge-scrubber for best results. Spillage of marinades, fruit juices, tomato sauces and basting liquids containing acids may cause discoloration and should be wiped up immediately. Let hot surfaces cool, then clean and rinse.

Painted Surfaces, Black Stainless Steel, and Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel

Painted surfaces include the sides of the range and the door, top of control panel and the drawer front. Clean

‘RQRWXVHFRPPHUFLDORYHQFOHDQHUVFOHDQLQJ powders, steel wool or harsh abrasives on any painted

these with soap and water or a vinegar and water solution. surface, including Black Stainless Steel.

Stainless Steel – Excluding Black Stainless Steel

‘RQRWXVHDVWHHOZRROSDGLWZLOOVFUDWFKWKHVXUIDFH To clean the stainless steel surface, use warm sudsy water or a stainless steel cleaner or polish. Always wipe the surface in the direction of the grain. Follow the cleaner instructions for cleaning the stainless steel surface.
Cleaners with oxalic acid such as Bar Keepers Friend Soft CleanserTM will remove surface rust, tarnish and small

EOHPLVKHV8VHRQODOLTXLGFOHDQVHUIUHHRIJULWDQGUXELQ the direction of the brush lines with a damp, soft sponge.
To inquire about purchasing cleaning products including stainless steel appliance cleaner or polish, see the Accessories and Consumer Support sections at the end of this manual.

Porcelain Enamel Cooktop Frame
The porcelain enamel finish is sturdy but breakable if misused. This finish is acid-resistant. However, any acidic foods spilled (such as fruit juices, tomato or vinegar) should not be permitted to remain on the finish.
If acids spill on the cooktop while it is hot, use a dry paper

towel or cloth to wipe it up right away. When the surface has cooled, wash with soap and water. Rinse well.
For other spills such as fat spatterings, wash with soap and water or cleansing powders after the surface has cooled. Rinse well. Polish with a dry cloth.


49-2000776 Rev. 3

CARE AND CLEANING: Cleaning the Range ­ Interior

Cleaning the Range ­ Interior

The interior of your new oven can be cleaned manually or by using Steam Clean or Self Clean modes.
Spillage of marinades, fruit juices, tomato sauces and basting liquids containing acids may cause discoloration and should be wiped up immediately. Let hot surfaces cool, then clean and rinse.

Manual Cleaning

‘RQRWXVHRYHQFOHDQHUVXQOHVVFHUWLILHGIRUVHOI cleaning oven), abrasive cleaners, strong liquid cleansers, steel wool, scouring pads, or cleaning powders on the interior of the oven. Clean with a mild

soap and water or vinegar and water solution. Rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth. When cleaning surfaces, make sure that they are at room temperature.

Steam Clean Mode
Steam clean is intended to clean small spills using water and a lower cleaning temperature than Self-Clean.
To use the Steam Clean feature, wipe grease and soils from the oven. Pour one cup of water into the bottom of the oven. Close the door.

Press the Steam Clean pad and then press Start’R not open the door during the 30 minute steam clean as this will decrease the steam clean performance. Wipe out any excess water and any remaining soil.

Self Clean Mode
Read Self-Cleaning Oven Safety Instructions at the beginning of this manual before using Self Clean Mode. Self clean uses very high temperatures to clean the oven interior. The oven door will lock when using this feature. Before operating the self-clean cycle, wipe up grease and soils from the oven. Remove all items from the oven other than enameled (dark color) racks. Shiny or silver racks, the meat probe, and any cookware or other items should all be removed from the oven before initiating a self-clean cycle. Close the door.
Press the Self Clean pad and a default self-clean time is displayed. The clean time can be changed to any time between 3:00 and 5:00 hours by using the number pads to enter a different time and pressing Start. For heavily soiled ovens, the maximum 5 hour clean time is recommended. If you wish to use the default time, press the Start pad immediately after pressing the Self Clean pad. The oven will turn off automatically when the selfclean cycle is complete. The door will stay locked until the oven has cooled down. After the oven has cooled down wipe any ash out of the oven.
We recommend venting your kitchen with an open window or using a ventilation fan or hood during the first self-clean cycle.
Soil on the front frame of the range and outside the gasket on the door will need to be cleaned by hand. Clean these areas with hot water, soap-filled steel-wool pads or cleansers such as Soft Scrub®. Rinse well with clean water and dry.

‘RQRWFOHDQWKHJDVNHW7KHILEHUJODVVPDWHULDORI the oven door gasket cannot withstand abrasion. It is essential for the gasket to remain intact. If you notice it becoming worn or frayed, replace it.
Make sure the oven light bulb cover is in place and the oven light is off.
‘RQRWWXUQRQVHOIFOHDQZKLOHFRRNWRSLVRQ6HOI&OHDQ will be cancelled within 15 seconds if the cooktop is turned on.
IMPORTANT: The health of some birds is extremely sensitive to the fumes given off during the self-cleaning cycle of any range. Move birds to another well- ventilated room.

49-2000776 Rev. 3


CARE AND CLEANING: Cleaning the Range ­ Interior

Cleaning the Range ­ Interior (Cont.)

All racks can be washed with warm, soapy water. Enameled (not shiny) racks can be left in the cavity during self clean.

Racks may be more difficult to slide, especially after a self-clean. Put some vegetable oil on a soft cloth or paper towel and rub onto the left and right edges.

Oven Heating Elements
‘RQRWFOHDQWKHEURLOHOHPHQW$QVRLOZLOOEXUQRII when the elements are heated. The bake element is not exposed and is under the oven floor. Clean the oven floor with warm, soapy water.

Wipe up heavy soil on the oven bottom.


49-2000776 Rev. 3

CARE AND CLEANING: Cleaning the Glass Cooktop

Cleaning the Glass Cooktop

To maintain and protect the surface of your glass cooktop, follow these steps:
1. Before using the cooktop for the first time, clean it with a ceramic cooktop cleaner. This helps protect the top and makes cleanup easier.
2. Regular use of ceramic cooktop cleaner will help keep the cooktop looking new.
3. Shake the cleaning cream well. Apply a few drops of ceramic cooktop cleaner directly to the cooktop.
8VHDSDSHUWRZHORUQRQVFUDWFKFOHDQLQJSDGIRU ceramic cooktops to clean the entire cooktop surface.

NOTE:,WLVYHULPSRUWDQWWKDWRX’2127KHDWWKH cooktop until it has been cleaned thoroughly.
Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner
Clean your cooktop after each VSLOO8VHDFHUDPLFFRRNWRS

Burned-On Residue
NOTE:’$0$*(WRRXUJODVVVXUIDFHPDRFFXULIRX use scrub pads other than those recommended.
1. Allow the cooktop to cool.
2. Spread a few drops of ceramic cooktop cleaner on the entire burned residue area.
8VLQJDQRQVFUDWFKFOHDQLQJSDGIRUFHUDPLF cooktops, rub the residue area, applying pressure as needed.
4. If any residue remains, repeat the steps listed above as needed.

5. For additional protection, after all residue has been removed, polish the entire surface with ceramic cooktop cleaner and a paper towel.

Heavy, Burned-On Residue
1. Allow the cooktop to cool.
8VHDVLQJOHHGJHUD]RUEODGHVFUDSHUDWDSSUR[LPDWHO a 45° angle against the glass surface and scrape the soil. It will be necessary to apply pressure to the razor scraper in order to remove the residue.
3. After scraping with the razor scraper, spread a few drops of ceramic cooktop cleaner on the entire burned residue DUHD8VHDQRQVFUDWFKFOHDQLQJSDGWRUHPRYHDQ remaining residue.
4. For additional protection, after all residue has been removed, polish the entire surface with ceramic cooktop cleaner and a paper towel.

The ceramic cooktop scraper and all recommended supplies are available through our Parts Center. See the Accessories and Consumer Support sections at the end of this manual.

Metal Marks and Scratches
1. Be careful not to slide pots and pans across your cooktop. It will leave metal markings on the cooktop surface. These marks are removable using the ceramic cooktop cleaner with a non-scratch cleaning pad for ceramic cooktops.
49-2000776 Rev. 3

2. If pots with a thin overlay of aluminum or copper are allowed to boil dry, the overlay may leave black discoloration on the cooktop.
This should be removed immediately before heating again or the discoloration may be permanent.
NOTE: Carefully check the bottom of pans for roughness that would scratch the cooktop.


Cleaning the Glass Cooktop (Cont.)
Cooktop Seal
To clean the cooktop seal around the edges of the glass, lay a wet cloth on it for a few minutes, then wipe clean with nonabrasive cleaners.

Damage from Sugary Spills and Melted Plastic

Special care should be taken when removing hot substances to avoid permanent damage of the glass surface. Sugary spillovers (such as jellies, fudge, candy, syrups) or melted plastics can cause pitting of the surface of your cooktop (not covered by the warranty) unless the spill is removed while still hot. Special care should be taken when removing hot substances.

Be sure to use a new, sharp razor scraper.

‘RQRWXVHDGXOORUQLFNHGEODGH 1. Turn off all surface units. Remove hot pans. 2. Wearing an oven mitt: D 8 VHDVLQJOHHGJHUD]RUEODGHVFUDSHUWRPRYH
the spill to a cool area on the cooktop. b. Remove the spill with paper towels.
Oven Light

3. Any remaining spillover should be left until the surface of the cooktop has cooled.
‘ RQ¶WXVHWKHVXUIDFHXQLWVDJDLQXQWLODOORIWKH residue has been completely removed.
NOTE: If pitting or indentation in the glass surface has already occurred, the cooktop glass will have to be replaced. In this case, service will be necessary.


SHOCK OR BURN HAZARD: Before replacing oven light bulb, disconnect the electrical power to the range at the main fuse or circuit breaker panel. Failure to do so may result in electric shock or burn.


BURN HAZARD: The glass cover and bulb should be removed when cool. Touching hot glass with bare hands or a damp cloth can cause burns.

Oven Light Replacement (on some models)
The oven light bulb is covered with a removable glass cover that is held in place with a bail-shaped wire. Remove WKHRYHQGRRULIGHVLUHGWRUHDFKWKHFRYHUHDVLO6HHWKH/LIW2II2YHQ’RRUVHFWLRQIRUGHWDLOHGRYHQGRRU removal instructions.

Replacing the Light Bulb:
2. Hold the glass cover stable, so it doesn’t fall when released.
3. Slide near the indent of the cover holder until the cover is released. Do not remove any screws to release the glass cover.
4. Replace bulb with a 40-watt household appliance bulb. Do not touch hot bulb with hand or wet cloth. Only remove bulb when it is cool.
5. Hold glass cover stable over new bulb.

6. Pull the wire cover holder near the indent until the indent in the wire cover holder is located in the indent of the glass cover.
7. Connect electrical power to range.
Glass cover (on self clean model only)


Wire cover holder


49-2000776 Rev. 3


Oven Light (Cont.)
Oven Light Replacement (on some models)
the tabs of the glass cover clear the grooves of the socket. Wearing latex gloves may offer a better grip.
50 watts. Replace the bulb with the same type of bulb that was removed. Be sure the replacement bulb is rated 120 volts or 130 volts (NOT 12 volts).
3. Push the bulb straight into the receptacle all the way.
4. Place the tabs of the glass cover into the grooves of WKHVRFNHW7XUQWKHJODVVFRYHUFORFNZLVHWXUQ For improved lighting inside the oven, clean the glass cover frequently using a wet cloth. This should be done when the oven is completely cool.
5. Reconnect electrical power to the oven.



G9 Bulb Tab
Glass cover (on some models)


8VHJORYHV or cloth

Oven Light Replacement (on some models)
the tabs of the glass cover clear the grooves of the socket. Wearing latex gloves may offer a better grip.
2. Remove the bulb by turning it counter-clockwise.
To replace: 1. Replace bulb with a new 40-watt appliance bulb.
Insert the bulb and turn it clockwise until it is tight.
2. Place the tabs of the glass cover into the grooves of WKHVRFNHW7XUQWKHJODVVFRYHUFORFNZLVHWXUQ
For improved lighting inside the oven, clean the glass cover frequently using a wet cloth. This should be done when the oven is completely cool.
3. Reconnect electrical power to the oven.

49-2000776 Rev. 3



Oven Door

The door is very heavy. Be careful when removing and lifting the door.

To remove the door: 1. Fully open the door.

To replace the door: 1. Firmly grasp both sides of the door at the top.

2. Pull the hinge locks down toward the door frame, to the unlocked position. A tool, such as a small flatblade screwdriver, may be required.
3. Firmly grasp both sides of the door at the top.
4. Close door to the door removal position. The door should be open approximately 3″ with no obstruction above the door.
5. Lift door up and out until both hinge arms are clear of the slots.

2. Starting on the left side, with the door at the same angle as the removal position, seat the indentation of the hinge arm into the bottom edge of the hinge slot. The notch in the hinge arm must be fully seated into the bottom of the slot. Repeat for right side.
3. Fully open the door. If the door will not fully open, the indentation is not seated correctly in the bottom edge of the slot.
4. Push the hinge locks up against the front frame of the oven cavity, to the locked position.
5. Close the oven door.

Hinge arm

Bottom edge of

Hinge arm

Hinge lock Pull hinge locks down to unlock

Removal position

Storage Drawer

Hinge lock

Push hinge locks up to lock


To remove the drawer: 1. Pull the drawer out until it stops.
2. Lift the front of the drawer until the stops clear the guides.
3. Remove the drawer.
To replace the drawer: 1. Place the drawer rails on the guides.
2. Push the drawer back until it stops.
3. Lift the front of the drawer and push back until the stops clear the guides.
4. Lower the front of the drawer and push back until it closes.


Stop guide


49-2000776 Rev. 3


Removable Storage Drawer (on some models)


The storage drawer may be removed for cleaning under the range. Clean the storage drawer with a damp cloth or sponge. Never use harsh abrasives or scouring pads.

Removing the Storage Drawer (for models that have release tabs):
1. Pull the drawer straight out until it stops.

Replacing the Storage Drawer:
Left drawer rail guide

Right drawer rail guide

2. While pulling the drawer forward, press the left rail release lever up and the right rail release lever down.

3. Continue to pull the drawer forward until completely detached from the unit.

1. Rest the left drawer rail inside the inner left rail guide channel at the bottom and slide it in slightly.
Left drawer rail

Removing the Storage Drawer (for models that do not have release tabs):
1. Pull drawer straight out until it stops.
2. Continue to pull the drawer until it is detached from the oven.


Rail channel (Make sure rail is completely in the channel before sliding drawer in slightly.)


2. Place the right drawer rail inside the inner right rail guide channel at the top and slide it in slightly.

Right drawer rail


‘UDZHUUDLO in channel
Rail channel (Make sure rail is completely in the channel before sliding drawer in slightly.)
3. Keep the drawer straight (no need to tilt) and slide the drawer all the way in.

49-2000776 Rev. 3



Troubleshooting Tips … Before you call for service

Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages first and you may not need to call for service.


Possible Cause

What To Do

Surface units will not maintain a rolling boil or cooking is not fast enough

Improper cookware being used.
In some areas, the power (voltage) may be low.

8VHSDQVZKLFKDUHIODWDQGPDWFKWKHGLDPHWHURIWKH surface unit selected. Cover pan with a lid until desired heat is obtained.

Surface units do not work properly

A fuse in your home may be blown Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker. or the circuit breaker tripped.

Cooktop controls improperly set.

Check to see the correct control is set for the surface unit you are using.

Surface unit stops

The unit is still on and hot.

glowing when turned to a

lower setting

This is normal.

Scratches (may appear as cracks) on cooktop glass surface

Incorrect cleaning methods being used.
Cookware with rough bottoms being used or coarse particles (salt or sand) were between the cookware and the surface of the cooktop. Cookware has been slid across the cooktop surface.

Scratches are not removable. Tiny scratches will become less visible in time as a result of cleaning.
To avoid scratches, use the recommended cleaning procedures. Make sure bottoms of cookware are clean before use, and use cookware with smooth bottoms.

Areas of discoloration on Food spillovers not cleaned before See the Cleaning the glass cooktop section.

the cooktop

next use.

Hot surface on a model with a light- This is normal. The surface may appear discolored when it is

colored cooktop.

hot. This is temporary and will disappear as the glass cools.

Plastic melted to the surface

Hot cooktop came into contact with 6HHWKH*ODVVVXUIDFH²SRWHQWLDOIRUSHUPDQHQWGDPDJH plastic placed on the hot cooktop. section in the Cleaning the glass cooktop section.

Pitting (or indentation) of Hot sugar mixture spilled on the

the cooktop


Call a qualified technician for replacement.

Frequent cycling off and Improper cookware being used. on of surface units


My new oven doesn’t cook like my old one. Is something wrong with the temperature settings?

Your new oven has a different cooking system from your old oven and therefore may cook differently than your old oven.

For the first few uses, follow your recipe times and temperatures carefully. If you still think your new oven is too hot or too cold, you can adjust the temperature yourself to meet your specific cooking preference. See the Special Features section. NOTE: This adjustment affects Bake, and Convection Bake temperatures; it will not affect Convection Roast, Broil or Clean.

Food does not bake properly

Oven controls improperly set.
Rack position is incorrect or rack is not level.

See the Cooking Modes section. See the Cooking Modes section and Cooking Guide.

Incorrect cookware or cookware of See the Cookware section. improper size being used.

Oven temperature needs adjustment. See the Special Features section.

Ingredient substitution

Substituting ingredients can change the recipe outcome.


49-2000776 Rev. 3


Troubleshooting Tips … Before you call for service

Food does not broil properly
Oven temperature too hot or too cold Oven does not work or appears not to work
“Crackling” or “popping” sound Why is my range making a “clicking” noise when using my oven? Clock and timer do not work
Storage drawer won’t close
Oven door is crooked
Oven will not work remotely

Possible Cause
Oven controls improperly set. Improper rack position being used. Food being cooked in a hot pan. Cookware not suited for broiling. Aluminum foil used on the broiling pan and grid has not been fitted properly and slit as recommended. In some areas the power (voltage) may be low. Oven temperature needs adjustment.
A fuse in your home may be blown or the circuit breaker tripped. Oven controls improperly set. Oven is in Sabbath Mode.
This is the sound of the metal heating and cooling during both the cooking and cleaning functions. Your range cycles the heating elements by turning relays on and off to maintain the oven temperature. A fuse in your home may be blown or the circuit breaker tripped. Plug on range is not completely inserted in the electrical outlet. Oven controls improperly set. Power cord may be obstructing drawer in the lower back of the range.
Rear drawer support is on top of the guide rail. The soft close mechanism may be uncoupled from the drawer. The door is out of position.
Router issues, no wireless signal, etc. Oven is not connected.

What To Do
Make sure you select the appropriate broil mode. See Cooking Guide for rack location suggestions. Make sure cookware is cool. 8VHDSDQVSHFLILFDOOGHVLJQHGIRUEURLOLQJ If using aluminum foil conform to pan slits.
Preheat the broil element for 10 minutes.
See the Special Features section.
Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker.
6HHWKH8VLQJWKH2YHQVHFWLRQ Verify, that the oven is not in Sabbath Mode. See the Special Features section. This is normal.
This is normal.
Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker.
Make sure electrical plug is plugged into a live, properly grounded outlet. See the Oven controls section. Reposition the drawer and power cord. See the Storage ‘UDZHU5HPRYDOLQVWUXFWLRQVLQWKH&DUHDQGFOHDQLQJRI the range section. 5HSRVLWLRQWKHGUDZHU6HHWKH6WRUDJH’UDZHU5HPRYDO instructions in the Care and cleaning of the range section. 5HVHWWKHPHFKDQLVPVHH6RIW&ORVH’UDZHUVHFWLRQ
Because the oven door is removable, it sometimes gets out of position during installation. To straighten the GRRUUHLQVWDOOWKHGRRU6HHWKH/LIW2II2YHQ’RRU instructions in the “Care and Cleaning” section. For assistance with oven wireless network connectivity, please call 1.800.220.6899.

49-2000776 Rev. 3



Troubleshooting Tips … Before you call for service

Oven light does not work
Oven will not self-clean
Excessive smoking during clean cycle
Excessive smoking during broiling Oven door will not open after a clean cycle Oven not clean after a clean cycle
DOOR LOCK flashes in the display DOOR LOCK light is on when you want to cook “F– and a number or letter” flash in the display
Display goes blank
Power outage, clock flashes
“Burning” or “oily” odor emitting from the vent Strong odor
Fan noise (on some models)
My oven door glass appears to be “tinted” or have a “rainbow” color. Is this defective?

Possible Cause
Light bulb is loose or defective. Pad operating light is broken. The temperature is too high to set a self-clean operation. Oven controls improperly set. Excessive soil or grease.
Food too close to burner element.
Oven too hot.
Oven controls improperly set. Oven was heavily soiled.
The self-clean cycle has been selected but the door is not closed. The oven door is locked because the temperature inside the oven has not dropped below the locking temperature. You have a function error code.
If the function code repeats.
A fuse in your home may be blown or the circuit breaker tripped. The clock is turned off. Oven is in Sabbath Mode.
Power outage or surge
This is normal in a new oven and will disappear in time. An odor from the insulation around the inside of the oven is normal for the first few times the oven is used. A convection fan may automatically turn on and off.
A cooling fan may automatically turn on and off.
No. The inner oven glass is coated with a heat barrier to reflect the heat back into the oven to prevent heat loss and keep the outer door cool while baking.

What To Do
Tighten or replace bulb. Call for service. Allow the oven to cool and reset the controls.
See the Cleaning the Oven section. Press the Cancel/Off pad. Open the windows to rid the room of smoke. Wait until the LOCKED light goes off. Wipe up the excess soil and reset the clean cycle. Lower the rack position of the food.
Allow the oven to cool below locking temperature.
See the Cleaning the Oven section. Clean up heavy spillovers before starting the clean cycle. Heavily soiled ovens may need to self-clean again or for a longer period of time. Close the oven door.
Press the Cancel/Off pad. Allow the oven to cool.
Press the Cancel/Off pad. Allow the oven to cool for one hour. Put the oven back into operation. ‘LVFRQQHFWDOOSRZHUWRWKHRYHQIRUDWOHDVWVHFRQGV and then reconnect power. If the function error code repeats, call for service. Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker.
See the Special features section. Verify that the oven is not in Sabbath Mode. See the Special Features section. Reset the clock. If the oven was in use, you must reset it by pressing the Cancel/Off pad, setting the clock and resetting any cooking function. To speed the process, set a self-clean cycle for a minimum of 3 hours. See the Cleaning the Oven section. This is temporary and will go away after several uses or a self-clean cycle.
This is normal. The fan is designed to operate intermittently to maximize cooking evenness. The convection fan will operate during preheat of the bake cycle. The fan will turn off after the oven is heated to the set temperature. This is normal. This is normal on some models. The cooling fan will turn off and on to cool internal parts. It may run after the oven is turned off. 7KLVLVQRUPDO8QGHUFHUWDLQOLJKWRUDQJOHVRXPD see this tint or rainbow color.


49-2000776 Rev. 3


Troubleshooting Tips … Before you call for service

Sometimes the oven takes longer to preheat to the same temperature
Display flashes Unable to get the display to show “OFFSET” Control signals after entering cooking time or start time Oven racks are difficult to slide
Drawer does not slide smoothly or drags
Steam from the vent
Water remaining on oven floor after Steam Clean cycle Oven will not steam clean
Oven will not work remotely (on some models)

Possible Cause
Cookware or food in oven.
Number of racks in oven.
Power failure. Oven control pads were not touched properly. You forgot to enter a bake temperature or cleaning time.

What To Do
The cookware or food in the oven will cause the oven to take longer to preheat. Remove items to reduce preheat time.
Adding more racks to the oven will cause the oven to take longer to preheat. Remove some racks.
The different cooking modes use different preheat methods to heat the oven for the specific cooking mode. Some modes will take longer than others (i.e. convection bake).
Reset the clock.
The BROIL HI/LO and BAKE pads must be touched at the same time and held for 3 seconds.
Touch the BAKE pad and desired temperature or the SELF CLEAN pad and desired clean time.

The shiny, silver-colored racks were cleaned in a self-clean cycle.
The drawer is out of alignment.
‘UDZHULVRYHUORDGHGRUORDGLV unbalanced. When using the ovens, it is normal to see steam coming out of the oven vents. As the number of racks or amount of food being cooked increases, the amount of visible steam will increase. This is normal.

Apply a small amount of vegetable oil to a paper towel and ZLSHWKHHGJHVRIWKHRYHQUDFNVZLWKWKHSDSHUWRZHO’RQRW spray with Pam® or other lubricant sprays. Fully extend the drawer and push it all the way in See the Care and cleaning of the range section. Reduce weight. Redistribute drawer contents. This is normal.
Remove any remaining water with a dry cloth or sponge.

Oven controls improperly set. Oven door is not closed. Router issues, no wireless signal, etc. Oven is not connected. Remote enable is off

Allow the oven to cool to room temperature and reset the controls. 6HHWKH8VLQJ6WHDP&OHDQVHFWLRQ Make sure you close the door to start steam clean cycle. For assistance with oven wireless network connectivity, please call 1-800-220-6899.
Turn remote enable on (see Special Features section of this manual)

49-2000776 Rev. 3



GE Appliances Electric Range Limited Warranty
All warranty service is provided by our Factory Service Centers, or an authorized Customer Care® technician. To schedule service online, visit us at, or call GE Appliances at 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737). Please have your serial number and your model number available when calling for service.
Servicing your appliance may require the use of the onboard data port for diagnostics. This gives a GE Appliances factory service technician the ability to quickly diagnose any issues with your appliance and helps GE Appliances improve its products by providing GE Appliances with information on your appliance. If you do not want your appliance data to be sent to GE Appliances, please advise your technician not to submit the data to GE Appliances at the time of service.

For the period of
One year From the date of the original purchase

GE Appliances will replace
Any partRIWKHUDQJHZKLFKIDLOVGXHWRDGHIHFWLQPDWHULDOVRUZRUNPDQVKLS’XULQJWKLV limited one-year warranty, GE Appliances will provide, free of charge, all labor and in-home service to replace the defective part.

What GE Appliances will not cover: Service trips to your home to teach you how to use
the product.
modified or used for other than the intended purpose or used commercially.
‘DPDJHWRWKHJODVVFRRNWRSFDXVHGEXVHRI cleaners other than the recommended cleaning creams and pads.
‘DPDJHWRWKHJODVVFRRNWRSFDXVHGEKDUGHQHGVSLOOV of sugary materials or melted plastic that are not cleaned according to the directions in the Owner’s Manual.

‘DPDJHWRILQLVKVXFKDVVXUIDFHUXVWWDUQLVKRUVPDOO blemishes not reported within 48 hours of delivery.
,QFLGHQWDORUFRQVHTXHQWLDOGDPDJHFDXVHGE possible defects with this appliance.

Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repair as provided in this Limited Warranty. Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest period allowed by law.

This limited warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for KRPHXVHZLWKLQWKH86$,IWKHSURGXFWLVORFDWHGLQDQDUHDZKHUHVHUYLFHED*($SSOLDQFHV$XWKRUL]HG6HUYLFHU is not available, you may be responsible for a trip charge or you may be required to bring the product to an Authorized GE Appliances Service location for service. In Alaska, the limited warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to your home. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. To know what your legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state’s Attorney General.
Warrantor: GE Appliances, a Haier company
Louisville, KY 40225

Extended Warranties: Purchase a GE Appliances extended warranty and learn about special discounts that are available while your warranty is still in effect. You can purchase it online anytime at
or call 800.626.2224 during normal business hours. GE Appliances Service will still be there after your warranty expires.

Staple your receipt here. Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain service under the warranty.


49-2000776 Rev. 3


Looking For Something More?
GE Appliances offers a variety of accessories to improve your cooking and maintenance experiences! Refer to the Consumer Support page for phone numbers and website information. The following products and more are available:
Small Broiler Pan (8 ¾ ” x 1 ¼” x 13 ½ “) Large* Broiler Pan (12 ¾ ” x 1 ¼” x 16 ½ “)

Oven racks Oven elements Light bulbs
Cleaning Supplies
CitruShineTM Stainless Steel Wipes Stainless Steel Appliance Cleaner Non- scratch Cleaning Pads for Ceramic Cooktops Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner Ceramic Cooktop Scraper Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner Kit (Kit includes cream and cooktop scraper)


NOTE: Go to GE Appliances website to view recommended cleaners.

49-2000776 Rev. 3



Consumer Support
GE Appliances Website
Have a question or need assistance with your appliance? Try the GE Appliances Website 24 hours a day, any day of the year! You can also shop for more great GE Appliances products and take advantage of all our on-line support VHUYLFHVGHVLJQHGIRURXUFRQYHQLHQFH,
Register Your Appliance
Register your new appliance on-line at your convenience! Timely product registration will allow for enhanced communication and prompt service under the terms of your warranty, should the need arise. You may also mail in WKHSUHSULQWHGUHJLVWUDWLRQFDUGLQFOXGHGLQWKHSDFNLQJPDWHULDO,
Schedule Service
Expert GE Appliances repair service is only one step away from your door. Get on-line and schedule your service at RXUFRQYHQLHQFHDQGDRIWKHHDU, or call 800.432.2737 during normal business hours.
Extended Warranties
Purchase a GE Appliances extended warranty and learn about special discounts that are available while your warranty is still in effect. You can purchase it on-line anytime. GE Appliances Services will still be there after your ZDUUDQWH[SLUHV, or call 800.626.2224 during normal business hours.
Remote Connectivity
For assistance with wireless network connectivity (for models with remote enable), visit our website at RUFDOOLQWKH86
Parts and Accessories
Individuals qualified to service their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly to their homes 9,6$0DVWHU&DUGDQG’LVFRYHUFDUGVDUHDFFHSWHG2UGHURQOLQHWRGDKRXUVHYHUGD , or by phone at 877.959.8688 during normal business hours. Instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to be performed by any user. Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified service personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.
Contact Us
If you are not satisfied with the service you receive from GE Appliances, contact us on our Website with all the details including your phone number, or write to: ,QWKH86HQHUDO0DQDJHU&XVWRPHU5HODWLRQV_($SSOLDQFHV$SSOLDQFH3DUN_/RXLVYLOOH.<



49-2000776 Rev. 3

COCINAS Eléctricas con Modo de Pie

Unidades de superficie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Utensilio para Placa de Cocción
para Vidrio Radiante . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Conexión WiFi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Controles del Horno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Funciones Especiales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Modo Sabático . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Estantes del Horno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Papel de Aluminio y Cobertores del Horno . . . . . 14 Utensilios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Modos de Cocción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Guía de Cocción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Modo de Cocción para Freír con Aire. . . . . . 17
Limpieza de la Cocina – Exterior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Limpieza de la Cocina – Interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Limpieza de la Placa de Cocción de Vidrio . . . . . 21 Luz del Horno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Puerta del Horno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Cajón de Almacenamiento . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Cajón de Almacenamiento Extraíble. . . . . . . . . . .25
GARANTÍA LIMITADA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
ACCESORIOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
SOPORTE PARA EL CONSUMIDOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Superficie de Cocción con Modo de Pie de 30” PB935, JB735

Escriba los números de modelo y de serie aquí: Nº de Modelo ____ Nº de Serie __ Los encontrará en una etiqueta detrás de la puerta o del cajón.
GE es una marca registrada de General Electric Company. Fabricado bajo licencia de marca. 49-2000776 Rev. 3 07-21 GEA

Ya sea que haya crecido usando GE Appliances, o que ésta es su primera vez, nos complace tenerlo en la familia.
Sentimos orgullo por el nivel de arte, innovación y diseño de cada uno de los electrodomésticos de GE Appliances, y creemos que usted también. Entre otras cosas, el registro de su electrodoméstico
asegura que podamos entregarle información importante del producto y detalles de la garantía cuando los necesite.
Registre su electrodoméstico GE ahora a través de Internet. Sitios Web y números telefónicos útiles están disponibles en la sección de Soporte para el Consumidor de este Manual del Propietario. También puede enviar una carta en la tarjeta de inscripción preimpresa que se incluye con el material embalado.


49-2000776 Rev. 3




Lea todas las instrucciones de seguridad antes de utilizar este producto. No seguir estas instrucciones puede generar un incendio, una descarga eléctrica, lesiones corporales o la muerte.



Para reducir el riesgo de volcar la cocina, ésta debe sujetarse mediante un soporte anti-

Riesgo de Caída

volcaduras con una adecuada instalación. Ver

· Un niño o adulto pueden volcar la cocina y morir.

las instrucciones de instalación enviadas con el

· Instale el soporte anti-volcaduras sobre la pared o el piso. soporte para obtener detalles completos antes

· Asegúrese la estufa al soporte anti-volcaduras deslizando la unidad hacia atras de tal manera que la pata niveladora

de iniciar la instalación.

sea enganchada. · Vuelva a adherir el soporte anti-volcaduras si la estufa
se mueve de lugar. · Si esto no se hace, se podrá producir la muerte o
quemaduras graves en niños o adultos.

Para Cocinas Sin Apoyo y Deslizabless
Para controlar si el soporte es instalado y ajustado de forma apropiada, mire que debajo de la cocina la pata niveladora trasera esté ajustada

al soporte. En algunos modelos, el cajón de almacenamiento o el panel de protección se pueden retirar para una fácil

inspección. Si no es posible realizar una inspección visual, deslice la cocina hacia adelante, confirme que el soporte anti-volcaduras esté ajustado de forma segura al piso o la pared, y deslice la cocina hacia atrás de modo que la pata niveladora

Soporte Anti-Volcaduras

trasera se encuentre debajo del soporte anti-volcaduras.

Si la cocina es expulsada de la pared por alguna razón, siempre repita este procedimiento a fin de verificar que esté asegurado de forma correcta con un soporte anti volcaduras.
Nunca quite las patas de nivelación por completo ya que la cocina no quedará bien sujeta al dispositivo anti-volcaduras.

Pata Niveladora
Cocinas Sin Apoyo y Deslizables


8VHHVWHDSDUDWRVyORFRQHOREMHWLYRSDUDHOTXHIXH creado, como se describe en este Manual del Propietario.

desde el panel de distribución doméstico quitando el fusible o desconectando el interruptor de circuitos.

$VHJ~UHVHGHTXHXQWpFQLFRFDOLILFDGRUHDOLFHXQD correcta instalación y puesta a tierra del artefacto de acuerdo con las instrucciones de instalación provistas.
1RLQWHQWHUHSDUDURFDPELDUQLQJXQDSLH]DGHVXFRFLQD a menos que esté específicamente recomendado en este manual. Cualquier otro servicio debe realizarlo un técnico calificado.
$QWHVGHUHDOL]DUFXDOTXLHUFODVHGHUHSDUDFLyQ desenchufe la cocina o desconecte el suministro eléctrico

1RGHMHDORVQLxRVVRORVpVWRVQRGHEHQTXHGDUVRORV o sin atención en un área donde un aparato esté en uso. Nunca debe permitirse que se suban, sienten o paren en cualquier parte de este aparato.
PRECAUCIÓN No almacene elementos de
interés para niños sobre una cocina o en la protección trasera de una cocina: los niños que se trepan a la cocina para alcanzar elementos pueden resultar gravemente heridos.


49-2000776 Rev. 3





6yORXVHDJDUUDGHUDVVHFDVODVDJDUUDGHUDVK~PHGDV o mojadas colocadas en superficies calientes pueden provocar quemaduras de vapor. No permita que las agarraderas entren en contacto con unidades de superficie o los elementos calentadores calientes. No utilice toallas u otras telas gruesas en lugar de una agarradera.
1RWRTXHODVXQLGDGHVGHVXSHUILFLHORVHOHPHQWRV calentadores o la superficie interior del horno. Estas superficies pueden estar lo suficientemente calientes para quemar aún cuando tengan un color oscuro. Durante y después del uso, no toque o deje que su vestimenta u otros materiales inflamables entren en contacto con unidades de superficie, áreas cercanas a las unidades
GHVXSHUILFLHRFXDOTXLHUiUHDLQWHULRUGHOKRUQRGHMH pasar un tiempo prudencial para que se enfríen. Otras superficies del aparato pueden calentarse lo suficiente como para provocar quemaduras. Las superficies potencialmente calientes incluyen la estufa, las áreas orientadas hacia la estufa, la abertura de ventilación

del horno, las superficies cercanas a la abertura y las hendiduras ubicadas alrededor de la puerta del horno.
1RFDOLHQWHUHFLSLHQWHVFHUUDGRVGHDOLPHQWRV3RGUtD haber una acumulación de presión en el recipiente y éste podría explotar, provocando lesiones.
1RXVHQLQJ~QWLSRGHDOXPLQLRRFREHUWRUSDUDFXEULUHO fondo del horno o cualquier parte del horno, excepto como se describe en este manual. Los cobertores de horno pueden atrapar el calor o derretirse, ocasionando daños sobre el producto y el riesgo de descargas, humo o incendios.
7UDWHGHQRUDDURJROSHDUODVSXHUWDVHVWXIDVR paneles de control de vidrio. Si lo hace podría romperse el vidrio. No cocine si un producto tiene un vidrio roto. Puede provocarse una descarga, un incendio o heridas.
&RFLQHFDUQHVGHUHVGHDYHSRUFRPSOHWR/DVFDUQHV de res hasta alcanzar una temperatura interna de por lo menos 160°F (71°C) y las carnes de ave a una temperatura interna de por lo menos 180°F (82°C). La cocción a estas temperaturas generalmente protege de enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos.


Si esto no se cumple, se podrán sufrir lesiones personales graves o incendios.

1RDOPDFHQHRXWLOLFHPDWHULDOHVLQIODPDEOHVGHQWURGH un horno o cerca de la estufa, tales como papel, plástico, agarraderas, telas, recubrimientos de pared, cortinas y gasolina u otros vapores y líquidos inflamables.

1RSHUPLWDTXHODJUDVDGHODFRFFLyQXRWURVPDWHULDOHV inflamables se acumulen dentro de la cocina o en su cercanía. La grasa dentro del horno o sobre la estufa puede encenderse.

1XQFDXVHYHVWLPHQWDVKROJDGDVRDPSOLDVPLHQWUDV utilice el aparato. Estas vestimentas pueden prenderse fuego si entran en contacto con superficies calientes, provocando quemaduras graves.

/LPSLHODVFDPSDQDVGHYHQWLODFLyQFRQIUHFXHQFLD1R debe permitirse la acumulación de grasa en la campana o en el filtro.



1RXWLOLFHDJXDHQLQFHQGLRVGHJUDVD1XQFDOHYDQWH una sartén en llamas. Apague los controles. Apague una sartén en llamas sobre una unidad de superficie cubriendo la sartén por completo con una tapa que ajuste bien, una plancha para galletas o una bandeja SODQD8WLOLFHXQTXtPLFRVHFRPXOWLXVRRXQH[WLQWRUGH incendios de espuma.
6LKDXQLQFHQGLRHQHOKRUQRGXUDQWHHOKRUQHDGR apáguelo cerrando la puerta del horno y apagando el

control o usando un químico seco multiuso o un extintor de incendios de espuma.
6LKDXQLQFHQGLRHQHOKRUQRGXUDQWHODDXWROLPSLH]D apague el horno y espere a que el incendio se consuma. No abra la puerta del horno a la fuerza. El ingreso de aire fresco a temperaturas de auto-limpieza puede provocar una explosión de llamas desde el horno. No seguir esta instrucción puede provocar quemaduras graves.



49-2000776 Rev. 3




1XQFDGHMHODVXQLGDGHVGHVXSHUILFLHVLQDWHQFLyQ/RV alimentos que hierven y se derraman pueden provocar humo y derrames grasosos que pueden prenderse fuego.
1XQFDGHMHDFHLWHVLQDWHQFLyQPLHQWUDVIUtH6LVH deja calentar más allá del punto de humeo, el aceite puede encenderse, provocando un incendio que SRGUtDSURSDJDUVHDORVJDELQHWHVFHUFDQRV8WLOLFHXQ termómetro para grasa cuando sea posible para controlar la temperatura del aceite.

3DUDPLQLPL]DUODSRVLELOLGDGGHTXHPDGXUDVHO encendido de materiales inflamables y los derrames, la manija de los recipientes deben girarse hacia el centro de la cocina sin extenderse sobre ninguna unidad de superficie cercana.

3DUDHYLWDUHOGHUUDPHGHDFHLWHXQLQFHQGLRXWLOLFHXQD cantidad mínima de aceite cuando fría en sartenes poco profundas y evite la cocción de alimentos congelados con una cantidad excesiva de hielo.
8WLOLFHHOWDPDxRGHUHFLSLHQWHDGHFXDGR(OLMDUHFLSLHQWHV con bases planas lo suficientemente grandes para cubrir el elemento calentador de superficie. La utilización de recipientes más pequeños dejará expuesta una porción de la unidad de superficie al contacto directo, lo que
SXHGHSURYRFDUHOHQFHQGLGRGHVXVYHVWLPHQWDV8QD relación adecuada del recipiente con la unidad de superficie también mejorará la eficiencia.

6LVHSURGXFHXQFRUWHGHOX]HQXQDFRFLQDHOpFWULFD mientras la unidad superficial está en ON (Encendido), la unidad se volverá a encender cuando regrese la luz. En caso de falta de corriente, si no se giran todas las perillas de la unidad de superficial a la posición OFF (Apagado) se podrán incendiar artículos en o cerca de la estufa, lo cual podrá producir lesiones graves o la muerte.


7HQJDFXLGDGRDOWRFDUODHVWXID/DVXSHUILFLHGHYLGULR de la estufa retendrá calor después de que los controles se hayan apagado.
1RFRFLQHVREUHXQDHVWXIDURWD6LODHVWXIDVHURPSH las soluciones de limpieza y los derrames pueden penetrar en la estufa rota y crear un riesgo de descarga eléctrica. Comuníquese con un técnico calificado de inmediato.
(YLWHUDDUODHVWXIDGHYLGULR/DHVWXIDSXHGHUDDUVH con elementos tales como cuchillos, instrumentos filosos, anillos u otras joyas, y remaches de la ropa.
1RFRORTXHRDOPDFHQHHOHPHQWRVTXHSXHGHQGHUUHWLUVH o prenderse fuego sobre la estufa de vidrio, aún cuando no la esté usando. Si la estufa se enciende en forma accidental, pueden prenderse fuego. El calor proveniente

de la estufa o de la ventilación del horno también puede prenderlos fuego, aún si el aparato está apagado.
8VHHOOLPSLDGRUGHHVWXIDVFHUiPLFDVODHVSRQMLOODGH limpieza para limpiar la estufa. Espere hasta que la estufa se enfríe y la luz indicadora se apague antes de limpiar.
8QDHVSRQMDRXQSDxRK~PHGRVVREUHXQDVXSHUILFLH caliente pueden provocar quemaduras de vapor. Algunos limpiadores pueden producir humos tóxicos si se los aplica a una superficie caliente. NOTA: Los derrames de azúcar son la excepción. Éstos deben quitarse mientras están calientes utilizando una agarradera y un raspador. Para instrucciones detalladas, ver la sección Cómo limpiar la estufa de vidrio.


49-2000776 Rev. 3





1RXVHHOKRUQRVLXQHOHPHQWRGHFDOHQWDPLHQWRJHQHUD un punto brillante durante el uso o aparecen otros signos GHGDxRV8QSXQWREULOODQWHLQGLFDTXHHOHOHPHQWRSDUD calentar puede fallar y generar una posible quemadura, incendio o descarga eléctrica. Apague el horno de inmediato y solicite a un técnico calificado del servicio que reemplace el elemento para calentar.
0DQWHQJDHOKRUQROLEUHGHDFXPXODFLyQGHJUDVD/D grasa del horno se puede incendiar.
&RORTXHORVHVWDQWHVGHOKRUQRHQODXELFDFLyQGHVHDGD mientras éste se encuentra frío. Si es necesario mover el estante mientras el horno está caliente, evite que el mango de la olla tenga contacto con el elemento calentador en el horno.

&RORTXHHOHVWDQWHGHOKRUQRHQODSRVLFLyQGHEORTXHR al introducir y retirar comida del horno. Esto ayuda a evitar quemaduras por tocar superficies calientes de la puerta y las paredes del horno.
1RGHMHSURGXFWRVWDOHVFRPRSDSHOXWHQVLOLRVGHFRFLQD ni comida en el horno cuando éste no se encuentre en uso. Los artículos guardados en el horno se pueden incendiar.
1XQFDFRORTXHORVXWHQVLOLRVGHFRFLQDSLHGUDVSDUD pizza u horneado o cualquier otro tipo de aluminio o cobertor en la base del horno. Estos ítems pueden atrapar el calor o derretirse, ocasionando daños sobre el producto y el riesgo de descargas, humo o incendios.



La función de limpieza automática usa el horno en temperaturas lo suficientemente altas como para consumir la suciedad de comida que haya dentro del horno. Para un funcionamiento seguro, siga estas instrucciones.

1RWRTXHODVVXSHUILFLHVGHOKRUQRGXUDQWHHOFLFORGH limpieza automática. Mantenga a los niños alejados del horno durante la limpieza automática. Si no se siguen estas instrucciones, se podrán producir quemaduras.
$QWHVGHXWLOL]DUHOFLFORGHOLPSLH]DDXWRPiWLFDUHWLUHODV ollas, estantes de metal brillante del horno y otros utensilios que haya en el horno. Sólo se pueden dejar dentro del horno los estantes para horno cubiertos de porcelana. No use la función de limpieza automática para limpiar otras partes, tales como ollas de goteo o recipientes.

cantidad excesiva de grasa se puede incendiar, lo cual puede producir daños con humo en su hogar.
6LHOPRGRGHOLPSLH]DDXWRPiWLFDIXQFLRQDGHIRUPD incorrecta, apague el horno y desconecte el suministro de corriente. Solicite el servicio de un técnico calificado.
1ROLPSLHODMXQWDGHODSXHUWD/DMXQWDGHODSXHUWDHV esencial para un buen sellado. Se debe tener cuidado de no frotar, dañar ni mover la junta.
1RXVHXQDFDSDSURWHFWRUDSDUDIRUUDUHOKRUQR1RXVH limpiadores de horno comerciales, a menos que estén certificados para uso en hornos con limpieza automática.

Cómo Retirar la Película Protectora de Envío y la Cinta de Embalaje

Con cuidado tome un extremo de la película protectora de envío con los dedos y lentamente retire la misma de la superficie del electrodoméstico. No utilice ningún producto filoso para retirar la película. Retire toda la película antes de usar el electrodoméstico por primera vez.
Para asegurar que no haya daños sobre el acabado del producto, la forma más segura de retirar el adhesivo de la cinta

de embalaje en electrodomésticos nuevos es aplicando un detergente líquido hogareño para lavar platos. Aplique con una tela suave y deje que se seque.
NOTA: El adhesivo deberá ser eliminado de todas las partes. No se puede retirar si se hornea con éste dentro.
Tenga en cuenta las opciones de reciclaje del material de embalaje de su electrodoméstico.

Descarte o recicle su electrodoméstico de acuerdo con las Regulaciones Federales y Locales. Comuníquese con las autoridades locales para descartar o reciclar su electrodoméstico de forma ambientalmente segura.



49-2000776 Rev. 3


Unidades de superficie


RIESGO DE INCENDIO: Nunca deje la cocina en ON (Encendida) fuera de su atención. Mantenga los ítems inflamables alejados de la estufa. Apague todos los controles cuando finalice la cocción. Si no se

siguen estas instrucciones se podrá producir incendios, lesiones graves o la muerte.

Es posible que las funciones y apariencias varíen con relación a su modelo a lo largo del manual.

Cómo Configurar
Presione la perilla hacia adentro y gire en cualquiera de las direcciones hasta la configuración que desee.

La apariencia de la perilla puede variar.

8QDOX]LQGLFDGRUDGHGHVXSHUILFLHHQ21(QFHQGLGREULOODUi cuando una unidad superficial esté encendida.

Para superficies de vidrio de la estufa:


aproximadamente 150º F.

Tanto en Off (Apagado) como en Hi (Alto), el control se ajusta en la posición. Es posible que escuche leves sonidos de ajuste durante
la cocción, indicando que el control está manteniendo su configuración deseada. Asegúrese de girar la perilla de control a Off (Apagado) cuando finalice la cocción.

La configuración Melt (Derretir) (en algunos
modelos) derretirá chocolate o manteca.

Unidades Superficiales Dobles y Triples y Perillas de Control (en algunos modelos)
La unidad de superficie posee 2 o 3 tamaños de cocción que se pueden seleccionar, de modo que pueda enlazar el tamaño de la unidad al tamaño del utensilio que esté usando.

Modelos con un elemento superficial de Anillo-Doble únicamente

Modelos con un elemento superficial de Anillo-Triple únicamente.

La apariencia de la perilla puede variar.

Uso del Área para Calentar (en algunos modelos)


RIESGO DE ENVENENAMIENTO CON COMIDA: Se pueden desarrollar bacterias cuando la comida esté a una temperatura inferior a los 140º.



Warming Zone (Área para Calentar), ubicada en la parte central trasera de la superficie de vidrio, mantendrá la comida caliente y cocida a la temperatura para servir. Siempre comience con comida caliente. No use la función para calentar comida fría. Colocar comida que no está cocinada o fría en el Warming Zone (Área para Calentar) podría producir enfermedades desarrolladas por bacterias en la comida.
Gire la perilla de control a la posición ON (Encender) o presione el botón Warming Zone (Área para Calentar).
Para obtener mejores resultados, todas las comidas en el Warming Zone (Área para Calentar) deberían estar cubiertas por una tapa o papel de aluminio. Al calentar pasteles o panes, la tapa se deberá ventilar para dejar que la humedad salga.

La temperatura inicial, el tipo y la cantidad de comida, el tipo de pan y el tiempo afectarán la calidad de la comida.
Siempre use las manijas de las ollas o guantes para horno al retirar comida del Warming Zone (Área para Calentar) ya que los utensilios y platos estarán calientes.
NOTA: El calentador superficial emitirá un brillo rojo, al igual que los elementos de cocción.

49-2000776 Rev. 3

La apariencia de la perilla puede variar.


Unidades de superficie

Consejos para Productos Enlatados en el Hogar

Asegúrese que el producto enlatado se encuentre sobre la unidad superficial.
Asegúrese de que el producto enlatado sea plano en su parte inferior.
Para evitar quemadoras de vapor o calor, tenga cuidado al enlatar el producto.

8VHUHFHWDVSURFHGLPLHQWRVGHIXHQWHVFRQILDEOHV(VWRV se encuentran disponibles a través de fabricantes como Ball® y Kerr® y el Department of Agriculture Extension Service (Servicio del Departamento de Agricultura).
El uso de enlatados cerrados a baño maría con fondos ondeados podrán extender el tiempo requerido para traer el agua al punto de hervor.

Para Modelos con Estufa de Vidrio Radiante
La estufa radiante cuenta con unidades calentadoras debajo de una superficie lisa de vidrio.
NOTA:8QOLJHURRORUHVQRUPDOFXDQGRXQDHVWXIDQXHYD se utiliza por primera vez. Es provocado por el calentamiento de piezas nuevas y materiales aislantes y desaparecerá en poco tiempo.
NOTA: En modelos con estufas de vidrio de color claro, es normal que las zonas de cocción cambien de color cuando están calientes o enfriándose. Esto es temporal y desaparecerá a medida que el vidrio se enfríe a temperatura ambiente
La unidad superficial seguirá un ciclo de encendido y apagado para mantener su configuración de control seleccionada.
Es seguro colocar utensilios calientes en la superficie de vidrio, incluso cuando la estufa esté fría.
Aunque las unidades de superficie se hayan apagado, la estufa de vidrio retiene suficiente calor para continuar la cocción. Para evitar la sobrecocción, quite las ollas de las unidades de superficie cuando los alimentos estén cocidos. No coloque nada sobre la unidad de superficie hasta que se haya enfriado por completo.
/DVPDQFKDVGHDJXDGHSyVLWRVPLQHUDOHVSXHGHQTXLWDUVH utilizando crema limpiadora o vinagre blanco sin diluir.
(OXVRGHOLPSLDGRUGHYHQWDQDVSXHGHGHMDUXQDSHOtFXOD iridiscente sobre la estufa. La crema limpiadora quitará esta decoloración.
1RDOPDFHQHHOHPHQWRVSHVDGRVVREUHODHVWXID6LFDHQ sobre la estufa, podrían provocar daños.

Nunca cocine directamente sobre el vidrio. Siempre utilice recipientes de cocción.
Siempre coloque el recipiente en el centro de la unidad de superficie sobre la que está cocinando.
No deslice los recipientes de cocción a través del control y la superficie de la estufa porque puede rayar el vidrio. El vidrio es resistente a los rayones,
pero no a prueba de los mismos.

Limitador de Temperatura en Estufas de Vidrio Radiante

Cada unidad de superficie radiante cuenta con un limitador de temperatura.
El limitador de temperatura evita que la estufa de vidrio se caliente en exceso.

El limitador de temperatura podrá apagar las unidades superficiales por ciclos durante un tiempo si:


49-2000776 Rev. 3


Utensilio para Placa de Cocción para Vidrio Radiante

La siguiente información lo ayudará a elegir los recipientes de cocción que brindan un buen desempeño en estufas de vidrio. Ver el folleto sobre recipientes para usar con estufas de inducción.

NOTA: Siga todas las recomendaciones del fabricante de recipientes cuando utilice cualquier clase de recipiente de cocción sobre la estufa cerámica.


Evitar/No se recomienda

Acero inoxidable
Se recomienda de capa gruesa
Buena conductividad. Los residuos de aluminio a veces parecen rayones sobre la estufa pero pueden quitarse si se los limpia de inmediato. Debido a su bajo punto de fusión, no debe utilizarse aluminio de capa fina.
Base de cobre:
El cobre puede dejar residuos que pueden parecer rayones. Los residuos pueden eliminarse, siempre y cuando la estufa se limpie de inmediato. Sin embargo, no permita que estas ollas hiervan en seco. El metal sobrecalentado puede adherirse a las estufas de vidrio. Si no se elimina de inmediato, una olla con la base de cobre sobrecalentado dejará un residuo que manchará la estufa en forma permanente.

Esmalte (pintado) sobre acero:
Calentar recipientes vacíos puede provocar daños permanentes al vidrio de las estufas. El esmalte puede derretirse y adherirse a la estufa cerámica.
Desempeño pobre. Raya la superficie.
Desempeño pobre. Puede rayar la superficie.
Hierro fundido:
No se recomienda, a menos que se encuentre específicamente diseñado para estufas de vidrio
Pobre conductividad y lentitud para absorber el calor. Raya la superficie de la estufa.

Verifique que los recipientes tengan bases planas utilizando una regla.

Esmalte (pintado) sobre hierro fundido:
Se recomienda si la base de la olla se encuentra revestida

Para mejores resultados
&RORTXHVyORUHFLSLHQWHVVHFRVVREUHORVHOHPHQWRVGH superficie. No coloque tapas sobre los elementos de superficie, en especial tapas mojadas. Las ollas y tapas mojadas podrán quedar adheridas a la superficie una vez frías.
1RXVHZRNVFRQDQLOORVGHVRSRUWH(VWDFODVHGHZRNQR se calienta sobre elementos de superficie de vidrio.
5HFRPHQGDPRVHOXVRGHZRNVGHEDVHSODQDVRODPHQWH Se encuentran disponibles en su negocio minorista local. La EDVHGHOZRNGHEHWHQHUHOPLVPRGLiPHWURTXHHOHOHPHQWR de superficie para asegurar un contacto adecuado.
$OJXQRVSURFHGLPLHQWRVGHFRFFLyQHVSHFLDOHVUHTXLHUHQ recipientes de cocción específicos, como ollas a presión, freidoras, etc. Todos los recipientes de cocción deben tener bases planas y ser del tamaño correcto.

No se recomiendan recipientes con bases redondeadas, curvadas, con
rebordes o torceduras..
No coloque recipientes mojados sobre la estufa de vidrio.

49-2000776 Rev. 3



Conexión WiFi (en algunos modelos)

Su horno de está diseñado para brindarle una comunicación recíproca entre su electrodoméstico y dispositivos inteligentes. Mediante el uso de las funciones WiFi Connect, usted podrá controlar funciones esenciales de su horno tales como las configuraciones de temperatura, temporizadores y modos de cocción, utilizando su teléfono inteligente o tableta*.
Mantenga presionada la tecla WiFi Connect (Conexión WiFi) durante 3 segundos.­ siga las instrucciones de la pantalla de su horno y de la aplicación de su teléfono. Es necesario activar la función WiFi antes de usar SmrtHQ App. en su horno.
Conexión de su Horno con Opción de WiFi Connect
Qué necesitará Su horno de GE Appliances utiliza su red de WiFi hogareña existente para realizar la comunicación entre el electrodoméstico y su dispositivo inteligente. A fin de configurar su horno de GE Appliances, usted necesitará reunir cierta información:
1. Cada horno de GE Appliances cuenta con una etiqueta informativa del electrodoméstico conectado, que incluye un Nombre y Contraseña de Red del Electrodoméstico. Estos son los dos detalles importantes que necesitará para conectar el electrodoméstico. La etiqueta está ubicada normalmente dentro de la puerta del horno o en el cajón.
2. Su teléfono inteligente o tableta deben estar preparados con la capacidad de acceder a Internet y descargar aplicaciones.
8VWHGGHEHUiFRQRFHUODFRQWUDVHxDGHOHQUXWDGRU:L)LGH su hogar. Tenga esta contraseña a mano al configurar el horno de GE Appliances.

Connected Appliance Information



MAC ID: XX – XX – XX – XX – XX – XX

PT. NO. 229C6272G001-0

Ejemplo de Etiqueta

Conexión de su horno de GE Appliances 1. A través de su teléfono inteligente o tableta, visite para aprender más sobre las funciones del electrodoméstico conectado y para descargar la SmrtHQ App.
2. Siga las instrucciones en pantalla de la aplicación para conectar su horno de GE Appliances.
8QDYH]TXHHOSURFHVRVHKDDFRPSOHWDGRODOX] de conexión ubicada en la pantalla de su horno GE Appliances, permanecerá en sólido y la aplicación confirmará que usted está conectado.
4. Si la luz de conexión no se enciende o está titilando, siga las instrucciones en la aplicación para volver a realizar la conexión. Si los problemas continúan, comuníquese al Connected Call Center (Centro de Conexión de Llamadas) al 1.800.220.6899 y solicite asistencia en relación a la conectividad inalámbrica del horno.
Para conectar dispositivos inteligentes adicionales, repita los pasos 1 y 2.
Observe que todos los cambios o modificaciones al dispositivo de acceso remoto instalado en este horno que no están expresamente aprobados por el fabricante podrían anular la autoridad del usuario para operar el equipamiento.
Para poder iniciar el horno de forma remota una vez conectado a WiFi, asegúrese de que el ícono icon se encuentre visible en la pantalla. El horno puede ser iniciado ahora de forma remota con un dispositivo conectado. El ícono deberá estar iluminado para iniciar el horno de forma remota. No se requiere el ícono para modificar la temperatura del horno mientras esté funcionando, configurar un temporizador o apagar el horno desde la aplicación del teléfono mientras el ícono muestre que está Conectado a WiFi.
Si no visualiza el ícono , consulte las instrucciones de Remote Enable (Control Remoto Activado) en la sección de Funciones Especiales de este manual.
NOTA: Las comidas que se echan a perder rápidamente, tales como leche, huevos, pescado, rellenos, ave y cerdo, no se deberán dejar reposar por más de 1 hora antes y después de la cocción. La temperatura ambiente estimula el desarrollo de bacterias nocivas. Asegúrese de que la luz del horno esté apagada, ya que el calor de la lámpara acelerará el crecimiento de bacterias nocivas.

  • Se requiere el uso de dispositivos y de una red WiFi hogareña que sean compatibles con Apple o Android.


49-2000776 Rev. 3

USO DE LA COCINA: Controles del Horno

Controles del Horno
2 1








1. Convection Cooking Modes (Modos de Cocción 9. Delay Time (Tiempo de Retraso): Genera un retraso

por Convección): Los modos de cocción por convección
utilizan una circulación de aire incrementada para mejorar el rendimiento. El tipo de beneficio depende del modo. Su horno cuenta con los siguientes modos de cocción por convección:
&RQYHFWLRQ%DNH+RUQHDUSRU&RQYHFFLyQ&RQYHFWLRQ5RDVW (Asar por Convección). Para más información, consulte la

FXDQGRHOKRUQRHVHQFHQGLGR8VHHVWDWHFODSDUDFRQILJXUDU el momento en que desea que el horno se inicie. Presione el modo de cocción deseado y la temperatura. Si lo desea, también puede ser programado un tiempo de cocción. Presione la tecla Delay Time (Tiempo de Retraso) y use las teclas numéricas para programar la hora del día en que desea que el horno se encienda

sección de Modos de Cocción.
2. Traditional Cooking Modes (Modos de Cocción Tradicionales): Su horno cuenta con los siguientes modos

SUHVLRQH6WDUW,QLFLDU6LJDODVLQVWUXFFLRQHVGH&RRN7LPH (Tiempo de Cocción) para configurar esta función.
NOTA: Al usar la función de tiempo de retraso, las comidas que se echan a perder rápidamente, tales como leche, huevos,

GHFRFFLyQWUDGLFLRQDOHV%DNH+RUQHDU%URLO+L$VDU$OWR Broil Lo (Asar Bajo) y Warm (Calentar). Para más información, consulte la sección de Modos de Cocción.

pescado, rellenos, ave y cerdo, no se deberán dejar reposar por más de 1 hora antes y después de la cocción. La temperatura ambiente estimula el desarrollo de bacterias nocivas. Asegúrese

3. Clean (Limpieza): El horno cuenta con dos modos de
limpieza: Self Clean (Limpieza Automática) y Steam Clean

de que la luz del horno esté apagada, ya que el calor de la lámpara acelerará el crecimiento de bacterias nocivas.

(Limpieza con Vapor). Para acceder a información importante

10. Oven Light(s) (Luz(es) del Horno): Enciende o apaga

sobre el uso de estos modos, consulte la sección de Limpieza

la luz(es) del horno.

del Horno.

Start (Iniciar): Se deberá presionar para comenzar cualquier

11. Lock Controls (Controles de Bloqueo): Bloquean
el control de modo que al presionar las teclas no se activen

función de cocción, limpieza o por tiempo.

los controles. Presione la tecla Lock Controls (Controles de

5. Cancel/Off (Cancelar/ Apagar): Cancela TODAS las
funciones del horno, excepto el reloj, el temporizador, el cajón para calentar y el área para calentar.

Bloqueo) durante tres segundos para bloquear o desbloquear el control. Cancel/Off (Cancelar/ Apagar) siempre está activa, incluso cuando el control está bloqueado.

6. Cook Time (Tiempo de Cocción): Cuenta el tiempo
de cocción y apaga el horno cuando el tiempo de cocción está completo. Presione la tecla Cook Time (Tiempo de Cocción),

12. WiFi Connect (Conexión WiFi) (en algunos modelos): Para acceder a instrucciones sobre cómo conectar
el horno, consulte la sección de Conexión WiFi de este manual.

use las teclas numéricas para programar un tiempo de cocción en horas y minutos, y luego presione Start (Iniciar). Esto sólo

13. Air Fry: El modo Air Fry (Freír con Aire) fue diseñado para
producir comidas con un exterior más crocante que en la cocción

SXHGHVHUXVDGRFRQ%DNH+RUQHDU&RQYHFWLRQ%DNH+RUQHDU por Convección), Convection Roast (Dorar por Convección)

de horno tradicional. Para más información, consulte la sección de Modos de Cocción en Horno.

Warm (Calentar), y . Air Fry (Fritura con Aire). 8VWHGSXHGHXVDU&RRN7LPH7LHPSRGH&RFFLyQHQFXDOTXLHU momento durante el ciclo de cocción en el horno.

14. Área para Calentar (en algunos modelos): Warming
Zone (Área para Calentar) mantendrá las comidas calientes y cocinadas en la temperatura para servir. Para más información,

7. Clock (Reloj): Mantenga presionado el botón 0 durante 3
segundos para configurar el reloj.

consulte la sección Warming Zone (Área para Calentar).

8. Timer On/Off (Temporizador Encendido/
Apagado): Funciona como un temporizador con cuenta
regresiva: Presione la tecla Timer On/Off (Temporizador Encendido/ Apagado) y las teclas numéricas para programar el tiempo en horas y minutos. Presione la tecla Start (Iniciar). La cuenta regresiva del temporizador se completó. Para apagar el temporizador, presione la tecla Timer On/Off (Temporizador Encendido/ Apagado).

49-2000776 Rev. 3


USO DE LA COCINA: Funciones Especiales

Funciones Especiales

Su cocina cuenta con varias funciones especiales diferentes. Para modificar las configuraciones de estas funciones especiales:
3UHVLRQHODVWHFODVBake (Hornear) y Broil (Asar) al mismo tiempo y espere a que el menú de funciones especiales sea exhibido.
8VHODVWHFODVQXPpULFDV2 o 8 para alternar entre las funciones especiales, hasta que la función deseada sea exhibida. 3UHVLRQHODWHFODQXPpULFD6 para ingresar en el menú de funciones y alternar entre las opciones. 8QDYH]H[KLELGDODRSFLyQGHVHDGDSUHVLRQHVODWHFOD6 para guardar la configuración y la tecla 4 para salir del menú.
que la función “Cloc diSP” sea exhibida y presione 6. Alterne entre las opciones hasta que la configuración deseada sea exhibida. Presione 6 para guardar la configuración y luego 4 para salir del menú.

Ajuste de la Temperatura del Horno (OFSt)
Esta función permite que la temperatura de horneado del horno sea ajustada hasta 35ºF más caliente o 35ºF más fría. 8VHHVWDIXQFLyQVLSLHQVDTXHODWHPSHUDWXUDGHVXKRUQR está demasiado caliente o demasiado fría y desea modificarla. Este ajuste afecta cada modo de cocción excepto el de asar. Ingrese en el menú de funciones especiales, como se detalla más arriba. Alterne entre las funciones hasta que la función “OFFSEt” (compensar) sea exhibida y presione 68VHODWHFOD 2 para incrementar la temperatura ajustada o use la tecla 8 para reducir la temperatura ajustada. Guarde y salga del menú de funciones especiales.
Sonido de Finalización del Temporizador (End tonE)
Se trata de un tono que indica la finalización de un temporizador. El tono puede ser continuo (Cont) o simple (bEEp). La configuración continua (Cont) hará sonar de forma repetida un tono cada pocos segundos, hasta que el botón GHOFRQWUROVHDSUHVLRQDGR8QDFRQILJXUDFLyQVLPSOHE((S hará sonar sólo un tono simple cuando el temporizador finalice. Ingrese en el menú de funciones especiales, como se detalla más arriba. Alterne entre las opciones hasta que la función “End Tone” sea exhibida y presione 6. Alterne entre las opciones hasta que la configuración deseada sea exhibida. Presione 6 para guardar la configuración y luego 4 para salir del menú.
Selección de Temperatura Fahrenheit o Celsius (Unit dEg)
El control del horno está configurado para su uso con temperaturas Fahrenheit (F), pero lo puede modificar a temperaturas Celsius (C). Presione las teclas Broil (Asar) y Cook Time (Tiempo de Cocción) al mismo tiempo para YLVXDOL]DUODFRQILJXUDFLyQDFWXDOSUHVLRQHQXHYDPHQWH para modificar la configuración. Ingrese en el menú de funciones especiales, como se detalla más arriba. Alterne HQWUHODVRSFLRQHVKDVWDTXHODIXQFLyQ³GHJ8QLW´VHD exhibida y presione 6. Alterne entre las opciones hasta que la configuración deseada sea exhibida. Presione 6 para guardar la configuración y luego 4 para salir del menú.
Pantalla del Reloj (CLoc diSP)
(VWD)XQFLyQ(QFHQGHU$SDJDUHVSHFLILFDVLODKRUDGHO día es exhibida. Ingrese en el menú de funciones especiales, como se detalla más arriba. Alterne entre las opciones hasta

Configuración del Reloj (Cloc cFg)
Esta función especifica cómo se exhibirá la hora del día. Puede seleccionar el reloj estándar de 12 horas (12) o el reloj militar de 24 horas. Ingrese en el menú de funciones especiales, como se detalla más arriba. Alterne entre las opciones hasta que la función “Cloc cFg” sea exhibida y presione 6. Alterne entre las opciones hasta que la configuración deseada sea exhibida. Presione 6 para guardar la configuración y luego 6 para salir del menú.
Volumen del Sonido (Snd)
Esta función le permite al horno configurar el volumen del tono de encendido y apagado (oFF). . Ingrese en el menú de funciones especiales, como se detalla más arriba. Alterne entre las opciones hasta que la función “sound” sea exhibida y presione 6. Alterne entre las opciones hasta que la configuración deseada sea exhibida. Presione 6 para guardar la configuración y luego 6 para salir del menú. La opción de sonido seleccionada sonará una vez cuando 6 sea presionado.
Conversión de Auto Recipe
(VWDIXQFLyQ(QFHQGHU$SDJDUGHIRUPDDXWRPiWLFDDMXVWDOD temperatura programada de la receta en el modo Convection 0XOWL%DNH+RUQHDGR0~OWLSOHSRU&RQYHFFLyQ Ingrese en el menú de funciones especiales, como se detalla más arriba. Alterne entre las opciones hasta que la función “Auto rEciPE” (Receta Automática) sea mostrada. Alterne entre las opciones hasta que la configuración deseada sea exhibida. Presione 6 para guardar la configuración y luego 6 para salir del menú. NOTA:(VWDRSFLyQQRFRQYLHUWHHOWLHPSRGHKRUQHDGRVyOR las temperaturas. Esta opción no ajusta las temperatura del modo Convection Roast (Dorar por Convección).
Control Remoto Activado (App ENbl) (en algunos modelos)
/HSHUPLWHFRQWURODUHOKRUQRGHIRUPDUHPRWD(QFHQGHU Apagar). Ingrese al menú de funciones especiales como se detalla más arriba. Pase a través de las opciones hasta que VHYLVXDOLFH³$SS(1EO´$SOLFDFLyQ$FWLYDGD8VHHOQ~PHUR para ingresar al menú y muévase a través de la configuración usando las teclas 2 u 8. Presione la tecla 6 para guardar la configuración y luego 4 para salir del menú.
Apagado Automático en 12 Horas (12H Shut)
Esta función apaga el horno luego de 12 horas de IXQFLRQDPLHQWRFRQWLQXR(QFHQGHU$SDJDU,QJUHVHDOPHQ~ de funciones especiales como se detalla más arriba. Pase a través de las opciones hasta que se visualice “12H Shut” $SDJDGRHQ+RUDV8VHHOQ~PHURSDUDLQJUHVDUDO menú y muévase a través de la configuración usando las teclas 2 u 8. Presione la tecla 6 para guardar al configuración y luego 4 para salir del menú.


49-2000776 Rev. 3

USO DEL HORNO: Modo Sabático

Modo Sabático

/DIXQFLyQGHPRGRVDEiWLFRFXPSOHFRQORVHVWiQGDUHVHVWDEOHFLGRVSRU6WDUN.$OJXQRVGHHVWRVHVWiQGDUHVTXHVHUiQ observados por el consumidor incluyen la desactivación de los tonos, la desactivación de las luces del horno, y retrasos de aproximadamente 30 segundos a un minuto en relación a los cambios en la pantalla. Sólo el horneado continuo y el horneado

Configuración del Modo Sabático
0DQWHQJDSUHVLRQDGDVODVWHFODV%DNH%URLO+RUQHDU Asar) para ingresar al menú de funciones especiales.
8VHODWHFODQXPpULFDSDUDQDYHJDUSRUHOPHQ~³6DEE´ (Sabático), e ingrese al menú usando la tecla numérica 6.

Inicio del Horneado Continuo
1. Presione la tecla Bake (Hornear).
2. Si la temperatura deseada es 350ºF, presione Start (Iniciar). Si se desea una temperatura de cocción diferente, use las teclas numéricas de 1 a 5 o la tecla Timer (Temporizador) para seleccionar una temperatura de cocción predeterminada, y luego presione Start (Iniciar). Consulte el siguiente gráfico para determinar qué tecla configura la temperatura de cocción deseada.
Luego de una demora, un segundo corchete “] [” aparecerá en la pantalla, indicando que el horno está horneando.

Temperatura (ºF)







Inicie un Horneado por Tiempo
1. Presione la tecla Bake (Hornear).
2. Si la temperatura deseada es de 350ºF, use las teclas numéricas de 6 a 0 o la tecla Lock Control (Control de Bloqueo) para seleccionar un tiempo de cocción. Si se desea una temperatura de cocción diferente a 350ºF, use las teclas numéricas de 1 a 5 o la tecla Timer (Temporizador) para seleccionar una temperatura de cocción predeterminada, y luego seleccione el tiempo de cocción. Consulte el gráfico en esta página para determinar qué tecla configura la temperatura de cocción deseada y el tiempo de cocción.
3. Presione Start (Iniciar).
Luego de una demora, un segundo corchete “] [” aparecerá en la pantalla, indicando que el horno está horneando. Cuando el tiempo de cocción finalice, la pantalla volverá a cambiar a un solo corchete “]”, indicando que el horno ya no está horneando. No sonará ningún tono cuando el tiempo de cocción se haya completado.
Salir del Modo Sabático
Sólo se deberá salir del modo sabático una vez finalizado el mismo.
1. Presione Cancel/Off (Cancelar/ Apagar) para finalizar cualquier ciclo de horneado que pueda estar funcionando.
0DQWHQJDSUHVLRQDGDVODVWHFODV%DNH%URLO+RUQHDU Asar) para ingresar al menú de funciones especiales.






Tiempo (horas)


1 = 170° F, 2 = 200° F, 3 = 250° F, 4 = 300° F, 5 = 325° F, Temporizador = 400° F

8VHODWHFODQXPpULFDSDUDQDYHJDUSRUHOPHQ~³6DEE´ (Sabático), e ingrese al menú usando la tecla numérica 6.

6 = 2 horas, 7 = 2.5 horas, 8 = 3 horas, 9 = 3.5 horas, 0 = 4 horas, Controles de Bloqueo = 6 hours


Ajuste de Temperatura
1. Presione Bake (Hornear), use las teclas numéricas de 1 a 5 y la tecla Timer (Temporizador) para seleccionar una temperatura de cocción actual diferente, y presione Start (Iniciar).
2. Debido a que no hay ninguna indicación durante el cambio de temperatura, se puede usar un termómetro para horno para confirmar los cambios de temperatura.

Aviso de Corte de Corriente durante el Modo Sabático
Si se produce un corte de corriente mientras el horno se encuentra en Sabbath Mode (Modo Sabático), la unidad regresará a Sabbath Mode (Modo Sabático) cuando el
VXPLQLVWURVHDUHHVWDEOHFLGRVLQHPEDUJRHOKRUQRUHJUHVDUi al estado de apagado incluso cuando haya estado en un ciclo de horneado en el momento del corte de corriente.

49-2000776 Rev. 3



Estantes del Horno
El horno cuenta con seis posiciones de estantes. En la Guía de Cocción, se brindan recomendaciones de posiciones de los estantes para diferentes tipos de comidas. Se ajusta un estante en una dirección para afectar los resultados de cocción. Por ejemplo, si se prefieren partes superiores más oscuras en tartas, panecillos o galletas, pruebe moviendo la comida a un estante que se encuentre una posición más arriba. Si encuentra que las comidas están demasiado doradas en la parte superior, pruebe moviendo las mismas más abajo la próxima vez.
Al hornear con múltiples ollas y en múltiples estantes, DVHJ~UHVHGHTXHKDDSRUORPHQRV´HQWUHODVROODVDILQ de dejar suficiente espacio para que fluya el aire.
Para evitar posibles quemaduras, coloque los estantes en la posición deseada


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