TRANSGO 1991up Axode Shift Kit Instruction Manual
- June 3, 2024
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TRANSGO 1991up Axode Shift Kit
Planet burns up–Kickdown Runaway–No upshift 2nd Clutch failure—Rough shifts—Long shifts Neutral on slow corners.
Sun Gear
Grind two notches 132″ to 116″ deep opposite each other on the end of the sun gear. It’s not fussy.
Slide the WIRE CLIP over the end of the sun gear. Insert the ends into lube holes located in the middle of the gear teeth.
Positive lube flow now squirts out of the notches on the end of the sun gear directly onto the planetary gear teeth and the needle bearing.Sprocket Support
Re-drill the small hole in the inner sleeve, use. 187 to .196 drill. The de-burr hole inside the support with a file.
With a punch install the Bushing furnished into a lube hole and re-drill the hole in BUSHING .073 to .086.
Take care when drilling the small hole in the inner sleeve. Do not disturb the
existing outer support hole. The BUSHING furnished must be able to press fit
into the ex-isting outer hole.
Front Planetary
Enlarge the two holes just below the needle bearing with the .110 drill furnished.
Insert drill from the side between the pinion gear and housing. If you can’t line up with the holes to drill them, it’s OK to drill two new .110 holes . -
Find the lube hole just above the bearing. Drill a ¼” hole through a clutch groove in line with the lube hole. Then en-large the lube hole to ¼”.
These upgrades increase lube to the front planet about 10 times
Sprocket Shaft -
Drill both sides 14″to 38″. De-burr inside with a file.
1-2 Servo (on side of trans) Install WIRE SHIM in cover.
Channel Casting
2nd Accum Piston Install WIRE then RING.
Pump & VB plates:
VB, 2nd clutch plate type, and computer strategy match. Swapping parts that are not exactly the same may create driving complaints.
Avoid Gasket Blowout:
Glue the gasket to the chain cover and to the case with a good, quick-drying rubber or contact cement. Tighten the cover bolts several times to compress the gasket. -
If Pump Plate Has Hole AF:
Install new BLUE spring & Spacer. Use trans jel to hold the spacer.
Pump Plate with No Hole AF: Reuse the original spring(s). Do not install a Blue spring or spacer.
SHO: Reuse the ORIGINAL springs. Do not install a Blue spring or spacer.
Valve Body Upgrades
- Drill three .055 holes left to the right thru partition under Xs.
- Drill a .055 hole through the VB web at the angle shown, just under the gasket surface at location Z. Install Cotter Pin furnished through the hole and spread out ends.
- Install ORANGE spring on the 3-2 control valves.
All Models
1st TYPE: Seven 5/16″ Plastic balls.
2nd TYPE: Six 5/16″ Plastic balls & Relief Valve
- Install new Lockup Valve, Bushing, and Orange spring.
- Adjust 1-2 firmness with capacity spring: Recommend: YELLOW Firmer: Use WHITE
- Discard the original fail-safe valve. Install new relief bushing with ¼” ball and WHITE spring.
- Install Lube VALVE if VB had one.
Pump Plate
Check balls
Valve Body Plate
Accumulator Springs Identification 1996up
Creating Quality Shifts and Avoiding Rework
1996-01 Vehicles: Came with Hi-Energy (Green) 2nd and 3rd clutches. During
light acceleration, the ECM commands a pressure of 140 to 160 psi. Using brown
clutches in these applications will cause rough shift complaints. Even if the
2nd & 3rd plates look OK, Don’t reuse them. They become glazed, and hard, and
lose their ability to hold which creates a long soft apply. Always install new
friction plates. Hi-Energy does not mean the plate has more friction capacity,
it means the plate will handle higher temperatures without burning.
ALWAYS identify the year of the vehicle
Due to exchange installations and mis-builds you may find many combinations
coming in the door. 96up should be built with New Hi-Energy (Green) 2nd & 3rd
clutch plates to match the ECM commands of pressure spikes during shifts.
2nd Clutch wave plate
All 3.0L: Had 4 frictions and wave plate. 3.8L Before 1998½: Had 5 frictions
and a wave. 3.8L After 1998½: Had 5 frictions and no wave.
(Green) Hi-Energy 3rd plates with Kolene steels.
(Green) Hi-Energy 2nd plates with Kolene steels.
Use Mercon V
Identify Piston
The drum shown above with dual 2nd clutch pistons and heavy return springs was only used in 93-94 SHO Taurus, and 96-99 Windstars with 3.8L engines. This drum also requires a taller 2nd clutch hub. Using this setup or any part of this setup in another application can create complaints and failures.
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