AIPHONE IXG SERIES IP Multi-Tenant Video Intercom User Guide

June 6, 2024


AIPHONE IXG SERIES IP Multi-Tenant Video Intercom User Guide

AIPHONE IXG SERIES IP Multi-Tenant Video Intercom


This is an abbreviated programming manual addressing basic program settings for an IXG System using the IXG Support Tool. A complete set of instructions (IXG Operation Manual / IXG Support Tool Setting Manual) can be found at In North America, visit for additional literature and media.


Support Tool

The IXG Support Tool is designed to batch configure all stations simultaneously, by finding each station on the network by its MAC address. The IXG Series is designed to function on a managed network, however, the broadcast method used to find stations during the programming process may require advanced network configuration or routing to function properly in
this environment.

It is possible for Windows Defender or other firewalls and antivirus software to block the broadcast the Support Tool uses to search for stations. Typically, temporarily disabling these for a short time during the programming process prevents interruption or failure. Also, disabling all other network connections and adaptors during this time will ensure the PC sends the broadcast to the right location. This includes Wi-Fi, VPN, and Bluetooth connections. To ensure the correct NIC is selected, once the system has been created (Page 4), go to File from the top menu and select IXG Support Tool Settings. Find the Select NIC drop-down and select the correct NIC Support Tool should use, and click Okay .

It is recommended, when possible, that stations and the programming PC are placed on the same unmanaged network for initial programming. Once completed, the stations may be removed from this environment and deployed where needed.

Download and install the IXG Support Tool programming software. The latest version of Support Tool and IXG Series station firmware can always be found here

Top Menu

Fig 1 Top Menu

This menu is located at the top of Support Tool, featuring quick access to support and integration settings. Use Alt+() to quickly access the menu options.

Side Menu

This accordion-style menu is where most station settings are located. Click + or – to expand or minimize a category.


The Update (Support Tool v2.0 or older) / Save (v2.1 or newer) button is used to save configured settings within Support Tool. However, clicking the Update/Save button does not push setting changes to stations. The process of uploading settings to stations is covered later in this guide.

Hand Icon

Look for the Hand Icon to indicate where to click to select or save a setting.

Unit Types
The IXG Series has six different Unit types: Entrance, Guard, Residential, Commercial, Inside Area, and Outside Area. Each has their own purpose, available features, communication paths, and station types.

There are no limitations to the number of Units a system can have, but each Unit type has station quantity limitations.

Entrance Unit

Fig 5 Entrance Unit Entrance Units consist of IXG-DM7-* Entrance Stations. Entrance Stations can call Guard, Commercial, and Tenant Units and their stations, as well as grant entry to residents by keypad or card reader.

Residential Unit

Fig 6 Residential Unit

Residential Units may consist of up to eight IXG-2C7 tenant stations or IX- RS-* Handset Sub Stations, eight IXG Apps, or a combination of both. Tenant Stations can communicate internally within the Unit, receive incoming calls from Entrance and Guard Units, and monitor Entrance Stations. The two private door stations will only call to stations within their Unit.

Commercial Unit

Fig 7 Commercial Unit

Commercial Units consist of up to eight IX-MV7- Master Stations or IX-RS- Handset Sub Stations, eight IXG Apps, or a combination of both. These master stations can utilize many IX Series functions including internal paging, call transfer, speed dial buttons, and more.

Stations within a Commercial Unit can communicate with Inside and Outside Area units, Guard and Entry Units, as well as other Commercial Units. The two private Door Stations will only call to stations within their Unit.

Guard Unit

Fig 8 Guard Unit

Guard Units consist of up to eight IXG-MK Guard Stations or IX-RS-* Handset Sub Stations, up to eight IXG Apps, or a combination of both. The two private Door Stations will only call to stations within their Unit.

Inside Area Unit

Inside Area Units consist of up to eight IX-MV7- Master Stations or IX-RS- Handset Sub Stations, and two IX Series Door Stations. These stations can utilize many IX Series functions including internal paging, call transfer, speed dial buttons, and more.

Fig 9 Inside Area Unit
An Inside Area Master Station can communicate with all other Unit types, except for the Guard Unit. The two private Door Stations will only call to stations within their Unit.

Outside Area Unit

Fig 10 Outside Area Unit

Outside Area Units consist of up to 10 Door or Emergency Stations that can call Residential, Guard, Commercial, and Inside Area units.


Launching Support Tool

There are two login options for Support Tool, Administrator and Property Manager. For the purposes of this guide, login as Administrator. The default ID and Password is admin/admin.

Fig 11 Launching Support Tool

Getting Started

If this is the first time launching Support Tool, the Create a New System screen will automatically appear. Otherwise, click File and select Create New System.

Fig 12 Getting Started

Enter the required configuration information above and fill in the Site, Installer, and Property
Management Company Information. This information is a requirement for system or account recovery when using the IXG App. Click Finish to continue.

Fig 13 Getting Started

Site Settings

From the side menu, expand Site Settings. Starting from the top setting option, Site Information, configure and customize the system.

Site Information

Site, Installer and End User information that is set when creating a new system can be found and edited here.

Building Information

Name the building (or buildings) that Units and their stations will reside in. Place a check mark in the Enable column to add buildings. This is typically only needed in multi-building systems.

Fig 14 Building Information

Units / Stations

Units and their stations will be added to the system here. First, look to the top of the screen for the Display Settings section. By default, each Unit is set to have one Master/Tenant Station, one Entrance/Door Station, and one Mobile App. Use the drop-downs to select the number of stations the Units will have, then click Apply .

Fig 15 Units or Stations

This is a universal setting. Select quantities that reflect your largest unit.

From left to right, select the Building Number the Unit will belong to, set the Unit Number, and click the Unit Type button to select a Unit type.

Fig 16 Units or Stations

Once all Units have been added, enter a Unit Name for each. At any point during this process, click Save to save the configured settings.

Fig 17 Units or Stations

When adding multiple of the same Unit Type, select a completed Unit Number field and press the Enter key. This will auto-populate the next field.

Continue by selecting the stations for each Unit, including Mobile Apps. Once every unit has been created and stations have been added, click Save .

Fig 18 Units or Stations

When the Save button is clicked, the popup below will appear. Clicking Yes will automatically enable communication between all appropriate stations and units for new systems as well as configure and enable door release. Clicking No will require manual configuration of these settings.

Fig 19 Units or Stations

Gateway Registration

If the system contains Mobile Apps, the Gateway (IXGW-GW) is required. To add the Gateway to the system, select Enable, then optionally edit its Station Name, and review the other settings. Once configured, click Save .

FIG 20 Gateway Registration

Gateway Selection

Use the drop-down menu under Gateway Number to select the Gateway added in the previous step.

Station Information


Edit the Station Number and Name for each station in the system. The Station Name and Number are typically only seen by stations within the same Unit for internal communication, but it is recommended to give custom names to any Entrance or Door stations.

ID / Password (Optional)
Edit the Admin ID and Password for each station, as well as optionally create an ONVIF and RTSP ID and Password for each station. It is recommended that the Admin ID and Password are not adjusted once set.

Network Settings

IP Address
From the side menu, expand Network Settings and select IP Address. Each station can be manually assigned an IP address, or click Batch IP Address Configuration near the top of the screen to enter an IP address range to automatically assign all stations.

FIG 21 Batch IP Address Configuration

For systems with the IXGW-GW Gateway Adaptor, a Default Gateway must be added for the adaptor, and optionally for all other stations. Consult the Network Administrator for more information if needed.

For systems with the IXGW-GW Gateway Adaptor , a DNS Address is required for the adaptor, and optionally for all other stations. Consult the Network Administrator for more information if needed.

It is recommended to Enable and configure NTP settings for each station when possible. For systems with the IXGW-GW Gateway Adaptor , it will have NTP enabled and an Aiphone NTP server address set by default. Adjusting this default server address is possible, and recommended for sites with their own server.

Association Settings

From the top menu, select Connection and click Association Settings. Here, stations created in the previous steps will be associated to stations found on the network. Select a station from the Station Settings List and one from the Station List below. Clicking Apply will assign the Station Name and IP Address to the station, and that station will quickly reboot.

FIG 22 Association Settings

Typically, stations deployed across a managed network cannot be found by Support Tool unless the network is configured to allow this broadcast search. In this case, it may be easier to move the stations to a switch local to the programming PC than it would be to configure the network to allow a network- wide broadcast.

If a Station Search fails immediately, go to File from the top menu and select IXG Support Tool Settings. Find the Select NIC drop-down and select the correct NIC Support Tool should use, and click Okay . Return to Association Settings to try again. If the Station Search continues to fail immediately, a local antivirus or firewall may be preventing this action.

Disabling one or both of these may be a simple solution in quickly finishing the initial system configuration.

Associated Station List

Scroll down to confirm the stations were successfully associated. If the wrong station information was associated to a station, select that station on this list and click Remove Association . Once removed, scroll up and associate the station correctly.

FIG 23 Associated Station List

Upload Settings

Once associated, each station will need to have its setting file uploaded to it. This setting file contains all other system information and is required for the station to function. To upload the settings to each station, select Connection on the top menu and click Upload Settings.
Select each station by placing a check mark next to it, or click Select to select all stations. Click Settings to upload station settings. If Sounds, Images, or Schedules were configured, click their respective buttons.

FIG 24 Upload Settings

If any stations fail, they may still be booting up from the Association Settings step. It is also important to ensure that the programming PC is in the same subnet range as the stations. For example, if the stations are set to 192.168.1.xx, the PC should also be set to this.

Exporting System Configuration

Once the Upload is complete, select File from the top menu and click Export System Configuration. Export this system’s configuration to save as a backup if the settings are lost, or if they need to be moved to a new PC and Support Tool.

Mobile App Integration

If IXG Mobile Apps are to be part of the system, the first step in many situations is to create an administrative account for the app server.

However, if this is one of multiple sites the installing company is responsible for, skip the “Create a New Administrator Account” step. Use existing IXG Cloud Server account credentials in the step “Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server” to add this site to the installation company IXG Cloud Server account.

Create a New Administrator Account

Select App Integration from the top menu and click Create a New Administrator ID. Create or enter an ID, Password, and Email Address. Click Create to continue.

FIG 25 Create a New Administrator Account

FIG 26 Create a New Administrator Account

A verification code will be sent to the registered email. To enter this verification code, select App Integration from the top menu and click Activate. Enter the previously created Administrator ID and Verification Code and click Activate .

Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server

The system settings must be uploaded to the IXG Cloud Server. To do this, select App Integration from the top menu and select Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server. From there, follow the prompts.

FIG 27 Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server

FIG 28 Upload Settings to IXG Cloud Server

Downloading the IXG Mobile App

Before registering the IXG Mobile App to a Unit, it will need to be downloaded to the mobile device. Search for “Aiphone IXG” in the Apple App Store for iOS devices, or Google Play Store for Android devices. Once installed, and the privacy policy is agreed to, it will ask to scan a QR code for registration.

Upload App Registration QR Code to IXG-2C7 Tenant Station

To register mobile devices to the IXG system, a QR Code is generated for each specific Residential Unit. For Residential Units, the app registration QR code can be sent directly to the IXG-2C7 Tenant Station in the Unit.

Select App Integration from the top menu and click Upload QR Code to the station for App Registration. To display the QR code, tap the Settings icon on the IXG-2C7 and tap App Registration. IXG Mobile App will guide the user through scanning the code and setting up the app.

FIG 29 Upload App Registration QR Code to IXG-2C7 Tenant

Export App Registration QR Code as a PDF for Non-Residential Units

To register mobile devices to the IXG system, a QR Code is generated for each specific Unit. Select App Integration from the top menu and click Export QR Code for App Registration. Place a check mark next to the desired Units and click Export QR Code for App Registration .

FIG 30 Export App Registration QR Code as a PDF for Non-Residential

Syncing the IXGW-GW with the IXG Cloud Server

Once the upload is complete and the IXGW-GW Gateway has finished its short reboot, it will have a solid green status LED and is ready to be synced with the Cloud Server. If the status LED is flashing orange for more than 10 minutes, it may require a manual reboot. Simply disconnect its PoE connection and reconnect it after 5 seconds.

To Sync, return to App Integration on the top menu and select Manual IXG Cloud Server and Gateway Sync. Select the Gateway and click Sync .

FIG 31 Syncing the IXGW-GW with the IXG Cloud Server

If the sync fails, or the status LED never turns green, confirm both the programming PC and the Gateway have an internet connection. Also, confirm the Default Gateway and DNS settings configured under Network Settings are set correctly.

Best practice is to sync the IXGW-GW to the Cloud Server any time settings are updated and uploaded to stations.

Property Manager Account Creation

For post-installation system management for residential applications , a Property Manager Account must be created. This account will allow a Property Manager access to the Property Manager View in Support Tool.

Log into the IXG Cloud Server

From the top menu, select App Integration(C) and click Property Manager Account Settings. Enter the IXG Cloud Server login information created on page 10 and click Login .

Creating the Property Manager Account

Click OK in the Property Manager column to select the site receiving a Property Manager Account. Enter a Property Manager ID and an Email to be associated with the account, and click Create/Add . An email will be sent to the registered email address containing a temporary password. This password can be changed during initial login of the account.

FIG 32 Creating the Property Manager Account

Property Manager Settings

To access the Property Manager Settings, select View from the top menu and click Property Manager Settings. Here, tenants can be moved in and out, Unit and Station names can be edited, Mobile Apps can be added or removed from the system, and other basic system settings can be adjusted.


The IXG Support Tool has a collection of optional features accessed by changing the top menu option View from the default Basic to Advanced.

Entrance Station Settings

On the left-hand side menu, expand Entrance Station Settings. These settings are used to customize the layout, background image, access codes, and other Entrance Station (IXG-DM7-*) features.


Edit what Unit search and call methods are displayed on the Entrance Station home screen when used by a visitor. By default, Call by Unit Number is enabled and is the only option displayed. Several other methods may be enabled, and a drop-down selection under Default Display Screen sets which will be shown first.

Call by List will display all Units on a scrollable list, Search by Name allows Units to be directly searched by name.

FIG 33 Display

Building Selection Button can be enabled if an Entrance Station at one building should give the option to call Units in other buildings.

Welcome Screen

The Welcome Screen is what is shown to a visitor as they approach and initially interact with the Entrance Station. This screen can be enabled or disabled, and a custom image may be added. The custom image should be 480 x 800 in size, and in .PNG format.

Direct Call List

The Direct Call List allows for the creation of individual call buttons for each Unit, with a maximum 100 Units.

Access Codes

Create Access Codes to allow residents or known visitors to enter the building by entering a code at the Entrance Station. Up to 9,999 codes can be created. At the top of the screen, use the drop-down options to select the Building number and Entrance Station to create access codes for. Once these are selected, click Apply .

FIG 34 Access Codes

At the top of the screen, under Length, enter the common length of every code that will be added. Once a length is decided, click Add Access Code to add codes to specific stations, or manually add codes to the list below. Codes can be copy and pasted for convenience.

FIG 35 Access Codes

Once the code is set, and the setting file is uploaded, the code may be used to enter the building. To use the code, tap A then enter the code. Ex. A9999

Upload Settings to Stations

The final step is to upload these setting changes to the IXG stations. To upload the settings to each station, select Connection on the top menu and click Upload Settings. Find more information on page 8.

Additional Settings

The following are simple feature or function settings that can be quickly adjusted, enabled, or disabled. Each of the following are found under the Advanced View in Support Tool. Click View on the top menu and select Advanced to switch views.

Always click the Save button in the top left corner to save the setting changes in Support Tool, and Upload Settings to each station once all changes have been made (page 8). The stations will not reflect the setting changes without doing this.

Adjusting Audio Volumes

Some stations can adjust their inbound and outbound audio volumes. Adjust these by expanding Station Settings and clicking Volume.

Entrance and Door Station Release Timer

The time the door release relay output is triggered can be adjusted for the Entrance Station and other private door stations on the system. Adjust these times by expanding Option Input / Relay Output Settings and clicking Relay Output.

By default, the output timers are set to 400msec. Use the drop-down under Output Time Range to select a time range of either 200-2000msec or 3-600sec. Then, manually enter the amount of time the relay should trigger.

Entrance and Door Station Call Timeout and Ringback Tone

Adjust the amount of time an Entrance or Door Station calls in for, as well as select the ringback tone (which includes audio guidance), by expanding Call Settings and clicking Call Origination.

The Call Timeout duration is set to 60sec by default, for both Entrance and private Door Stations. Adjust this by manually entering a time under Call Timeout (10-600sec). IXG-DM7- 15-90sec, IX-DV/IX-DVF- 10-600sec.

Use the drop-down under Ringback Tone to select a pre-loaded or custom ringback tone, or audio guidance.

Entrance Station Communication Start Tone

The Entrance Station can play a “Communication Start Tone” to let the visitor know the call is connected and it is time to speak. Enable this by expanding Station Settings and clicking Communication.

Disable Entrance Station Monitoring

To prevent any station in any Unit from monitoring an Entrance Station, Expand Station Settings and click Monitoring.

Entrance Station Backlight Adjustment

Adjust the backlighting of the Entrance Station’s LCD screen when in bright or dim areas as needed. Enable this by expanding Station Settings and clicking Communication.

Entrance Station and Tenant Station Recording

The Entrance Station can record audio and video to a local microSD card when a call is placed, or once communication is established with a station. Enable these functions by expanding Function Settings and clicking Recording.

Tenant Station recording can be enabled or disabled in the same settings location.

Upload Settings to Stations

The final step is to upload these setting changes to the IXG stations. To upload the settings to each station, select Connection on the top menu and click Upload Settings. Find more information.

IXW-MA Configuration

Use the following steps for configuring the IXW-MA for use with the IXG Series. The IXW-MA has 10 configurable relay outputs than can be used for several functions, including remote door release and external signalling. IXG Support Tool v2.1.0.1 or later must be used. Note that the IXW-MA is not compatible with the IXG-DM7-HID Entrance Panel, only IX Series door stations.

Station Numbers

The station number of any station interacting with the IXW-MA must be 3 to 5 digits long. For door release, this would be the station number of the door station, as it is what sends the SIF event to the IXW-MA relay. To confirm or adjust station numbers, expand Station Information on the side menu and select Identification.

In Advanced View, found under View on the top menu, expand Function Settings on the side menu and select SIF. The example shown will be setting up remote door release, in which these settings will primarily be adjusted for the door stations, and not the master stations.


Enable SIF Functionality, enter 0100 for the Program Type, set the IPv4 address to the IP address that will later be assigned to the IXW-MA, enter 65014 for the Destination Port, Enable SSL, and select Socket as the Connection. Click Save before continuing to Transmission Trigger.

Transmission Trigger

Scroll to the right and select the Transmission Trigger that will send the SIF event. Continuing with the previous example, Change Contact should be selected for remote door release activation.

FIG 37 Transmission Trigger

Relay Output Time (Optional)

To increase the time the relay is closed on the IXW-MA when used for remote door release, expand Option Input/Relay Output and select Relay Output. Scroll to the right and adjust the Output Time for the door station accordingly.

Upload Settings.

Once the previous steps are configured, each affected station will need to have the updated settings uploaded to it. For best practice, upload to all station to ensure consistent and up to date settings. To upload the settings to each station, select Connection on the top menu and click Upload Settings. Find more information on page 8.

Configuring the IXW-MA
The IXW-MA will now need to be configured, which is done via web browser. Open any modern browser (Aiphone recommends Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome) and enter the following:

Depending on the chosen browser, a certificate warning or error may be given. Choose to proceed anyway to reach the login screen.

FIG 38 Configuring the IXW-MA

ID and Password

Once the login screen is reached, enter admin for both the ID and Password. The IXW-MA will then require a new ID and Password is created. For best practice, use the same ID and Password created in Support Tool for the other stations in the system.

Relay Settings

From the left hand side menu, find Option Input/Relay Output and select Relay Output.

FIG 39 Relay Settings

For Door Release, the SIF Origination Station Number should be that of the door station.

Starting with Relay Output 1, select Contact Change SIF Event and then specify the Station Number of the station activating the Relay Output 1. Once these values are set, click Update . Depending on the browser, the IXW-MA may return to the login screen which Update is selected.

Repeat these steps for each Relay Output, which is selected using the drop- down at the top of the Relay Output section.

Network Settings
For the final step, find Network Settings and select IP Address from the left hand side menu. Assign the adaptor the desired IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway. The given IP address must match the value entered in Support Tool under Function Settings, SIF. When finished, click Update . Updating the network settings will cause the adaptor to reboot, which may take up to 5 minutes.

FIG 40 Network Settings

Once all of the hardware is rebooted, the system is ready to test.

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