sauermann KT 320 Class 320 Kistock User Manual
- June 6, 2024
- sauermann
Table of Contents
KT 320 / KCC 320 / KP 320-321
KPA 320 / KTT 320
**Safety instructions
1.1 Precautions for use
Please always use the device in accordance with its intended use and within
parameters described in the technical features
in order not to compromise the protection ensured by the device.
1.2 Symbols used
For your safety and in order to avoid any damage to the device, please follow
the procedure described in this user manual and read carefully the notes
preceded by the following symbol:
The following symbol will also be used in this user manual:
Please read carefully the information notes indicated after this symbol.
1.3 Directive 2014/53/EU
Hereby, Sauermann Industrie SAS declares that the radio equipment type Kistock
320 is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU
declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:
Presentation of the device
2.1 Use
The KISTOCK class 320 dataloggers allow the measurement of several
- KT 320: internal measurement of temperature with two universal inputs for probe
- KCC 320: internal measurement of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, and CO2
- KP 320 – KP 321: internal measurement of differential pressure with two measuring ranges
- KPA 320: internal measurement of temperature, hygrometry, and atmospheric pressure
- KTT 320: model with four thermocouple inputs
Communication between device and PC is carried out with a USB cable with a
micro-USB female connector.
The low-energy wireless connection (possibility to deactivate this function)
allows communicating with smartphones and tablets, working with Android and
2.2 Applications
The KISTOCK data loggers are ideal for different parameters surveillance (temperature, hygrometry, light, current, voltage, impulsion, relative pressure…). They ensure traceability in the food industry environment as well as validate the proper functioning of industrial installations.
2.3 References
reference| . Display| Internal sensors| External sensors|
Parameters| Number of
recording points
Number| Type| Number| Type
KT 320| Yes| 1| Temperature| 2| Inputs for SMART
PLUG* probes| Temperature, hygrometry,
current, voltage, impulsion| 2 000 000
KCC 320| 4| Temperature, hygrometry,
atmospheric pressure,
CO2| –| Temperature, hygrometry,
atmospheric pressure, CO2
KP 320
KP 321| 1| Differential pressure| Differential pressure
KPA 320| 3| Temperature, hygrometry,
atmospheric pressure| Temperature, hygrometry,
atmospheric pressure
KTT 320| –| 4| Inputs for
probes| Temperature
2.4 Description of the device
2.5 Description of keys
OK key: allows to start or stop the dataset or change of scrolling group, see
page 13. Selection key: allows the functions to scroll, see page 13.
2.6 Description of LEDs
2.7 Connections
The communication between the device and the computer is carried out via a USB
cable and with the female micro-USB connector.
KT 320: 2 mini-DIN
connections| KP 320 and KP 321: 2
pressure connections| KCC 320 and
KPA 320| KTT 320: 4 mini-thermocouple
| | |
2.8 Mounting
The class 320 KISTOCK has magnetic mountings, so you can fix it easily.
Technical features
3.1 Technical features of the devices
| KT320| K T 320
Unitsdisplayed| °C,°F,°Ctd,°Ftd,%RH,mV,V,mA,A
Programmedandfr e unitsarealso available1(s e tablepage9)| °C,°F
Resolution| 0.1°C,0.1°F,0.1%RH,1mV,0. 0 1V, 0. 0 1mA,0.1A| 0.1°C,0.1°F
External input| Femalemicro-USBco n ector
Inputforprobe| 2SMARTPLUG2inputs| 4inputsforthermocoupleprobes (K,J,T,N,S)
Internalsensor| Temperature| –
Type of sensor| CTN| Thermocouple
Measuring range| Measuringrangeoftheinternalsensor3: From-40to+70°C| K:from-2
0 to+13 0 °C J:from-1 0 to+750°C T:from-2 0 to+4 0 °C
N:from-2 0 to+13 0 °C S:from0to1760°C
A c uracy4| ±0.4°Cfrom-20to70°C
±0.8°Cbelow-20°C| K,J,T, N:±0.4°Cfrom0to13 0 °C
±(0.3%ofthereading+0.4°C)below0°C S:±0.6°C
Setpointsalarm| 2setpointalarmsoneachcha n el
Frequency of measurements| From1secondto24hours
Operating temperature| From-40to+70°C| From-20to70°C
Storage temperature| From-40to+85°C
Battery life| 7years5
European directives| 20 1 /65EURoHS I ;2012/19/EUW E
1 Some units are available only with optional probes.
2 Input which allows plugging different SMART PLUG compatible probes: see
optional probes and cables page 10.
3 Other measuring ranges are available according to the connected probe: see
optional probes and cables page 10.
4 All accuracies indicated in this document were stated in laboratory
conditions and can be guaranteed for measurement carried out in the same
conditions, or carried out with
calibration compensation.
5 On the basis of 1 measurement every 15 minutes at 25°C.
| K C 320| KPA320
Unitsdisplayed| °C,°F,%RH,hPa, p m| °C,°F,%RH,hPa
Resolution| 0.1°C,1 p m,0.1%RH,1hPa| 0.1°C,0.1%RH,1hPa
Externalinput| Micro-USBfemaleco n ector
Inputforprobe| –| –
Internalsensor| Hygrometry,temperature,atmosphericpre s ure, CO2|
Hygrometry,temperature,atmosphericpre s ure
Tolerated overpressure| –| 1260hPa
Typeofsensor| T e m p e r a t u r e a n d h y
g r o m e t r y : capacitive A t m o s p h e
r i c p r e s u r e : piezo-resistive C O 2
: NDIR| T e m p e r a t u r e a n d h y g
r o m e t r y : cpacitive A t m o s p h e r
i c p r e s u r e : piezo-resistive
Measuringrange| T e m p e r a t u r e : from-20to70°C
H y g r o m e t r y : from0to1 0 %RH A t m o
s p h e r i c p r e s u r e : from8 0
to 1 0 hPa C O 2 : from0to5 0 0 p m| T e m p
e r a t u r e : from-20to70°C H y g r o m e t
r y : from0to1 0 %RH A t m o s p h e r i c p
r e s u r e : from8 0 to 1 0 hPa
A c uracy*| T e m p e r a t u r e :
±0.4°Cfrom0to50°C ±0.8°Cbelow0°Corabove50°C
H u m i d i t y * : ±2%RH from5to95%,15to25°C
A t m . p r e s u r e : ±3hPa C O 2 :±50
p m±3%ofthereading| T e m p e r a t u r e :
±0.4°Cfrom0to50°C ±0.8°Cbelow0°Corabove50°C
H u m i d i t y * : ±2%RH from5to95%,15to25°C
A t m . p r e s u r e : ±3hPa
Setpointsalarm| 2setpointalarmsoneachcha n el
Frequencyof measurements| From1minuteto24hours (15secinon-linemode)|
Operating temperature| From0to+50°C
Storage temperature| From-40to+85°C
Ba t erylife| 3years * *| 7years *** *
European directives| 20 1 /65EURoHS I ;2012/19/EUW E**
- All accuracies indicated in this document were stated in laboratory conditions and can be guaranteed for measurement carried out in the same conditions, or carried out with
calibration compensation.
** Factory calibration uncertainty: ±0.88%RH. Temperature dependence: ±0.04 x (T-20) %RH (if T<15°C or T>25°C)
*** On the basis of 1 measurement every 15 minutes at 25°C.
| KP320| KP321
Unitsdisplayed| Pa
Measuringrange| ±1 0 0Pa| ±1 0 0 Pa
Resolution| 1Pa
A c uracy*| ±0.5%ofthereading±3Pa| ±0.5%ofthereading±30Pa
Toleratedoverpressure| 21 0 0Pa| 69 0 0Pa
Externalinput| Micro-USBfemaleco n ector
Inputforprobe| 2pre s ureco n ections
Internalsensor| Di f erentialpre s ure
Setpointsalarm| 2setpointalarmsoneachcha n el
Frequencyofmeasurement| From1secondto24hours
Operatingtemperature| From5to+50°C
Storagetemperature| From-40to85°C
Ba t erylife| 7years ***
European directives| 20 1 /65EURoHS I ;2012/19/EUW E**
- All accuracies indicated in this document were stated in laboratory conditions and can be guaranteed for measurement carried out in the same conditions, or carried out with
calibration compensation.
** On the basis of 1 measurement every 15 minutes at 25°C.
3.2 Programmed units
The available programmed units for the KT 320 and KTT 320 KISTOCK are the following:
• m/s
• fpm
• m³/s| • °C
• °F
• %HR
• K| • PSI
• Pa
• mmH2O
• inWg
• kPa| • mmHg
• mbar
• g/Kg
• bar
• hPa
• daPa| • °Ctd
• °Ftd
• °Ctw
• °Ftw
• kj/kg| • mA
• A
• mV
• V
• Hz| • tr/
• rpm| • ppm
3.3 Free units
For the creation of the free unit, please see the KILOG software user manual.
3.4 Features of the housing
Dimensions | 110.2x79x35.4mm |
Weight | KT320,K C 320,KP320,KP321:206g.K T 320andKPA320:200g. |
Display | 2linesLCDscr e n.Scr e nsize:49.5x45mm |
2indicationLEDS(redandgr e n)
Control| 1OKkey 1Selectionkey
Material| Compatiblewithf o dindustryenvironment ABShousing
Protection| IP65:KT320,KP320andKP321* IP54:K T 320 IP40:K C
PCcommunication| Micro-USBfemaleco n ector USBcable
Ba t erypowersu p ly| 2double A lithium3.6Vba t** eries
Environmentalconditionsofuse| Airandneutralgases Hygrometry
:enconditionsdenon-condensation Altitude:2000m
- With the pressure connectors plugged for KP 320 and KP 321.
** With all the thermocouple probes connected.
Technical features
3.5 Features of optional probes
All the probes for the KT 320 KISTOCK have the SMART PLUG technology.
Automatic recognition and adjustment make them 100% interchangeable.
Reference | Description | Measuringrange |
E x t e r n a l o r a m b i e n t h
e r m o – h y g r o m e t r i c p r o
b e s
KITHA| Interchangeablehygrometryandambien t emperatureprobe|
Hygrometry:from0to1 0 %HR
KITHP-130| Remoteinterchangeablehygrometryandtemperatureprobe
KITHI-150| Remoteinterchangeablehygrometryandtemperatureprobe|
Hygrometry:from0to1 0 %HR
G e n e r a l u s e o r i n s e r t i
o n P t 1 0 t e m p e r a t u r e p
r o b e s
KIRGA-50/KIRGA-150| IP65immersionprobe(50or150mm)| From-40to+120°C
KIRAM-150| Ambientprobe150mm
KIRPA-150| PenetrationprobeIP65| From-50to+250°C
KIPI3-150-E| IP68penetrationprobewithhandle
KITI3-1 0 -E| IP68penetrationprobewithT-handle
KITBI3-1 0 -E| IP68penetrationprobewithcorkscrewhandle
KIRV-320| Velcroprobe| From-20to+90°C
KICA-320| SmartadapterforPt1 0 probe| From-2 0 to+6 0 °Ca c
ordingto theprobe
I n p u t c u r e n t , v o l t a g
e a n d i m pu l s i o n c a b l e s
KICT| Voltageinputcable| 0-5Vor0-10V
KI C| Cu r entinputcable| 0-20mAor4-20mA
KICI| Pulseinputcable| Maximalvoltage:5V Typeofinput: T Lfrequencycounting
Maximalfrequency:10kHz Maximumnumberofrecordable points:20 0 0points
C l a m p – o n a mm e t e r s
KIPID-50| Ammeterclampfrom0to50A,frequencyrangefrom40to 5 0 0Hz|
KIPID-1 0| Ammeterclampfrom0to1 0 A,frequencyrangefrom40to 5 0
0Hz| From1to1 0 AAC
KIPID-2 0| Ammeterclampfrom0to2 0 A,frequencyrangefrom40to 5 0
0Hz| From1to2 0 AAC
KIPID-6 0| Ammeterclampfrom0to6 0 A,frequencyrangefrom40to 5 0
0Hz| From1to6 0 AAC
T h e r m o c oup l e p r o b e s
A l thethermocoupletemperatureprobesfortheK T 320KISTOCKhaveacla s
1sensitiveelementasperIEC584-1,2 and3standards.
Formoredetailsabou t heavailablethermocoupleprobes,pleases e the ‘
Thermocoupleprobes ‘ datash e t.
For more details, please see the “Measuring probes for KT 320 KISTOCK” and “Thermocouple probes” datasheets.
Connect a probe:
➢ Open the mini-DIN connection cap on the bottom of the STOCK.
➢ Connect the probe in such a way the mark on the probe is in front of the
3.6 Dimensions (in mm)
3.6.1 Devices
3.6.2 Wall mount (in option)
3.7 Guarantee period
STOCK dataloggers have a 1-year guarantee for any manufacturing defect (return
to our After-sales service required).
4.1 Display
END DATASET is finished.
REC Indicates that one value is being recorded.
It flashes: the DATASET did not start already.
FULL Flashing slowly: DATASET is between 80 and 90% of the storage capacity.
Flashing quickly: DATASET is between 90 and 100% of the storage capacity.
Constant: storage capacity full.
BAT Constant: indicates that the batteries have to be replaced.
ACT Screen actualization of measured values.
The displayed values are the maximum/minimum values recorded for the channels
Indication of the direction of exceeding the threshold in the recorded
Temperature in °Celsius.
Temperature in °Fahrenheit .
Relative humidity
Indicates the channel number which is measured.
selected values to display during the configuration with the KILOG software
will scroll on the screen every 3 seconds.
display can be activated or deactivated via the KILOG software.
extreme temperatures, the display can become hardly readable and its display
speed can slow down at temperatures below 0°C. This has no incidence on the
measurement accuracy.
4.2 Function of LEDs
If the red “Alarm” LED has been activated, it has 3 states:
– Always OFF: no setpoint alarms has been exceeded
– Flashing quickly (5 seconds): a threshold is currently exceeded on one
channel at least
– Flashing slowly (15 seconds): at least one threshold has been exceeded
during the dataset| If the green “ON” LED has been activated,
it flashes every 10 seconds during the
recording period.
4.3 Function of keys
OK key: allows to start, stop the dataset, or change of scrolling group like
described in the following tables.
Selection key: allows the scroll values in the scrolling group like described
in the following tables.
Device state| Type start/stop selected| Key used| Action generated|
Waiting forstart flashes| Start:bybu t on
Stop:indifferent| During5 seconds| Startofdataset
Start:byPC, date/time
Stop:indifferent| | Inactive|
Stop:indifferent| | Measurements scro l (group1)|
Datasetin progre s
REC| Start:indiffere
Stop:bybu t on| During5 seconds| Stopofthe dataset|
Stop:indifferent| | Groupchange (groups2and 3)|
- Please see the summary table of the groups organisation page 15.
Device state| Type of start/stop selected| Key used| Action generated|
| Start: indifferent
Stop: indifferent| | Group scrolling
(groups 1, 2 and 3)|
Dataset finished
END| Indifferent| | Inactive|
| Indifferent| | Measurements scroll|
- Please see the summary table of the group’s organization on the following page.
4.3.1 Groups organization
The table below summarises the group’s organization and measured values
available during a measurement dataset.
Press key to change of group.
Press the key to scroll values in the group.
4.3.2 Measurements scroll
According to the selected parameters during the configuration and according to
the type of device, the measurement scroll is carried out like following:
Hygrometry CO2 Differential pressure Atmospheric pressure Parameter 1
probe 1
Parameter 2 probe 1 Parameter 1 probe 2 Parameter 2 probe 2*
• KT 320 KISTOCK with a thermo-hygrometric probe (channel 1) and a temperature
probe (channel 2):
measurements scroll can be carried out by pressing the “Select” button of the
datalogger or waiting about 3 seconds and the display scrolls automatically.
4.4 PC communication
➢ Insert the CD-ROM in the reader and follow the installation procedure of the
KILOG software.
- Plug the male USB connector of the cable to a USB connection on your computer*.
- Open the USB cap on the right side of the datalogger.
- Connect the male micro-USB connector of the cable to the female micro-USB connector of the device.
4.5 Configuration, datalogger download and data processing with the KILOG software
Please see the KILOG software user manual: “KILOG-classes-50-120-220-320”.
date and time update automatically when a new configuration is loaded.
Wireless connection function
Kistocks of the class 320 has the wireless connection function allowing to
communicate with a smartphone or a tablet (Android or iOS) via the Kilog
Mobile application.
The Kistock is named “Kistock 320” in the list of available devices of the
tablet or smartphone.
By default, the wireless connection is disabled on class 320 Kistocks. Please
see the Kilog software applications user manuals to enable it.
6.1 Replace the batteries
With a 3 to 7 years battery life*, the KISTOCK guarantees long-term
To replace batteries:
- Unscrew the unlosable screw on the battery hatch on the backside of the STOCK with a cross-head screwdriver.
- The battery hatch opens. Remove the old batteries.
- Insert the new batteries and check the polarity.
- Replace the battery hatch and screw it.
use a trademark or high-quality battery in order to guarantee the announced
After the battery replacement, the device must be reconfigured.
6.2 Device cleaning
Please avoid any aggressive solvent.
Please protect the device and probes from any cleaning produce containing
formalin, that may be used for cleaning rooms and ducts.
6.3 Safety lock wall mount with padlock
➢ Mount the safety lock support on the required place.
- Present the KISTOCK datalogger on the support starting with the inferior part
- Clip the KISTOCK on the support by falling back the superior part
- Insert the padlock to ensure the safety lock function
➢ To remove the datalogger from the support, proceed on reverse order.
padlock can be replaced by a fail-safe sealed
The datalogger can be placed on the screw-mount without the safety lock function
- On the basis of 1 measurement each 15 minutes at 25°C.
A calibration certificate is available as option under paper format.
We recommend to carry out a yearly checking.
7.1 KCC 320: perform a CO2 measurement verification
To avoid potential drifts, it is recommended to perform regularly a CO2
measurement verification.
➢ Before checking the CO2 measurement, verify the atmospheric pressure values
measured by the device: launch a dataset, or press the “Selection” button to
scroll the measurements.
➢ If the atmospheric pressure values are not compliant, it is possible to
carry out a measurement correction with the KILOG software (please see the
KILOG software user manual, “Measurement correction” chapter).
➢ Once the atmospheric pressure checked, verify the CO2 measurement: launch a
dataset , or press the “Selection” button to scroll the measurements.
➢ Connect a bottle of CO2 standard gas on the gas connection on the back of
the KCC 320 device with the supplied Tygon tube.
➢ Generate a gas flow of 30 l/h.
➢ Wait for the measurement stabilisation (about 2 minutes).
➢ Check the CO2 values measured by the KCC 320.
➢ If these values are not compliant, it is possible to carry out a measurement
correction with the KILOG software (please see the KILOG software user manual,
“Measurement correction” chapter). ®
7.2 KP 320 – KP 321: perform an auto-zero
It is possible to reset the device during a recording dataset:
➢ Unplug the pressure tubes of the device.
➢ Press the “Selection” button during 5 seconds to carry out the auto-zero.
The instrument resets. The screen displays “…”
➢ Plug the pressure tubes.
The device continues the measurements and the dataset recording.
It is possible to reset the device when values are measured but not recorded:
➢ Unplug the pressure tubes of the device.
➢ Press the “Selection” button to display the measurement.
➢ Press the “Selection” button during 5 seconds to carry out the auto-zero.
The instrument resets. The screen displays “…”
➢ Plug the pressure tubes.
The device continues the measurements.
Accessories| References|
1double A ** lithium3.6Vba t ery 2ba t
eriesarerequiredforclass320datalo g ers| KBL- A|
Safetylockwa l mountwithpadlock| KAV-320|
Wiredextensionforclass320KISTOCKprobes Inpolyurethane
,5mlengthwithmaleandfemalemini-DIN co n ectors N o t e :
severalextensionscanbewiredinordertoobtainupto 25mcablelength| KRB-320|
Configurationanddataprocessingsoftware KILOGsoftwarea l
owstoconfigure,saveandproce s** yourdata inaverysimpleway.| S o f t
w a r e o n l y : KILOG-3-N C o m p l e t e
s e t (software+1 USBcable):KIC-3-N|
Data collector
Co l ectsupto20 0 0 0 0pointsfromoneorseveralKISTOCK directlyon- site.ResultsrestitutiononPCofrealiseddatasets
| KNT-320|
USB micro-USBcablewhicha l owstoplugyourKISTOCK datalo g ertoyourPC|
the accessories supplied with the device must be used.
Problem | Probablecauseandpossiblesolution |
Novalueisdisplayed,onlytheiconsarepresent. |
Thedisplayisconfiguredon“OFF”.Configureiton“ON”withthe KILOGsoftware(s e
Thedisplayiscompletelyo f *andthereisno communicationwiththecomputer.|
Theba t eryhastobereplaced.(s e page17).
Thedisplayindicates“ – – ”insteadofthe measuredvalue.| Theprobeisdisco
n ected.Plugitagaintothedatalo g er.
Thereisnowirele s co n ectionwiththedatalo g er.| Thewirele s
co n ectionactivationisonOFF.Reconfigurethe wirele s co n
ectiononONwiththeKILOGsoftware(s e page16).
- Only with the KT 320 and KTT 320 KISTOCK.
BE CAREFUL! Material damages can happen, so please apply the precautionary
measures indicated.
Once returned to Sauermann, required waste collection will be assured in the
respect of the environment in accordance to guidelines relating to WEEE.
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