PreSonus QMix-UC App User Guide

June 6, 2024

PreSonus QMix-UC App



QMix-UC for iOS (iPhone and iPod touch) and Android™ puts each musician’s monitor (aux) mix in their own hands. With QMix-UC, you can adjust each StudioLive channel’s aux-send level to taste and can create up to four groups of channels that you simultaneously control with the amazing Wheel of Me. All you need is a wireless router and a mobile iOS or Android device, and you’re ready to take control of your own destiny.
Note: Please visit for a list of supported Android devices.

About This Manual
We suggest that you use this manual to familiarize yourself with QMix-UC before trying to use it to control your mixer. This guide assumes that you have followed the networking procedures outlined in the Networking for StudioLive Remote Control Guide. Throughout this manual you will find Power User Tips. These tips provide useful hints on how to best use QMix-UC and take advantage of unique workflow functions and features. For the most part, StudioLive Series III and AI-series console and rack mixers behave identically. Because of fundamental architectural differences, some functionality is not available in every series and style of mixer. When these differences occur, it will be noted as follows:

  •  StudioLive Series III console mixers: StudioLive 64S, StudioLive 32S, StudioLive 32SX, StudioLive 32SC, StudioLive 32, StudioLive 24, and StudioLive 16
  •  StudioLive Series III rack mixers: StudioLive 16R, StudioLive 24R, and StudioLive 32R
  •  StudioLive AI-Series mixers: 16.4.2AI, 24.4.2AI, 32.4.2AI, RM16AI, RM32AI, RML16AI, and RML32AI
  •  StudioLive AI-Series console mixers: 16.4.2AI, 24.4.2AI, and 32.4.2AI
  •  StudioLive AI-Series RM/RML mixers: RM16AI, RM32AI, RML16AI, and RML32AI

This guide explains the functions and basic routing features of the audio interface onboard your StudioLive mixer. The following companion guides are also available:

Hardware Guides:

  •  StudioLive Series III Console Mixer Owner’s Manual. Use this reference guide to understand all the hardware functions on your StudioLive Series III console mixer (StudioLive 64S, StudioLive 32S, StudioLive 32SX, StudioLive 32SC, StudioLive 32, StudioLive 24, StudioLive 16).
  •  StudioLive Series III Rackmount Mixer Owner’s Manual. Use this reference guide to understand all the hardware functions on your StudioLive Series III rackmount mixer (StudioLive 32R, StudioLive 24R, StudioLive 16R).
  •  StudioLive AI-Series Console Mixer Owner’s Manual. Use this reference guide to understand all the hardware functions on your StudioLive AI-Series console mixer (StudioLive 32.4.2AI, StudioLive 24.4.2AI, StudioLive 16.4.2AI).
  •  StudioLive AI-Series Rackmount Mixer Owner’s Manual. Use this reference guide to understand all the hardware functions on your StudioLive AI-Series rackmount mixer (StudioLive RM/RML32, StudioLive RM/RML16).

Software Guides:

  •  Capture 3 Reference Manual. Included with StudioLive mixers is Capture, a digital-audio multitrack-recording application designed to make recording quick and easy.
  •  Networking for StudioLive Remote Control. This guide will assist you in creating a LAN network to remote control your StudioLive from a computer, tablet, or mobile device.
  •  Studio One Integration Reference Manual. Studio One Artist is included with every StudioLive mixer. In addition to being a powerful DAW, Studio One provides unique routing and integration features. This manual will help you get the most from your StudioLive mixer when used with Studio One or Studio One Artist.
  •  UC Surface Reference Manual. This guide describes the features and functions of UC Surface with every StudioLive mixer model. UC Surface can be used to remotely control ever function on your StudioLive mixer or specific functions, depending on the set permissions, or to turn your tablet into additional screens for your mixer.
  •  Using Your StudioLive as an Audio Interface with Universal Control Reference Guide. This guide describes the features and functions Universal Control as well as how to use your StudioLive mixer as an audio interface with your favorite DAW application.

Additional Resources:

  •  StudioLive Series III AVB Networking Guide. This manual covers advanced AVB audio networking configuration for the StudioLive Series III mixers.
  •  StudioLive Series III Stage box Mode Addendum. The StudioLive Series III rackmount mixers (StudioLive 32R, StudioLive 24R, StudioLive 16R) can be used as advanced stageboxes for StudioLive Series III console mixers (StudioLive 64S, StudioLive 32S, StudioLive 32SX, StudioLive 32SC, StudioLive 32, StudioLive 24, StudioLive 16).
  •  StudioLive Series III Studio One DAW Control Addendum. StudioLive Series III console mixers (StudioLive 64S, StudioLive 32S, StudioLive 32SX, StudioLive 32SC, StudioLive 32, StudioLive 24, StudioLive 16) can be used to control Studio One and Studio One Artist.


Mobile iOS and Android devices offer two viewing options: Landscape and Portrait.

These two orientations open different windows. When you hold your mobile device in Landscape view, the Aux Mix window will open. When you hold your mobile device in Portrait view, the Wheel of Me and Group Masters windows will be visible.

Launching QMix-UC
To launch QMix-UC, tap on the QMix-UC icon on your mobile device. When you launch QMix-UC, you will be taken to the Start page.

On the Start page, you will see a list of every StudioLive Series III and AI- series mixer on the network. You can also view QMix-UC using Demo Mixer simulations. These offline simulations enable you to practice your finger control away from your StudioLive. Note: Classic StudioLive mixers (16.0.2, 16.4.2, 24.4.2, and 32.4.2) provide monitor mix control with the free QMix application. This mixers are not compatible with QMix-UC. To connect to your mixer, tap on the StudioLive device icon to open QMix-UC and control the mixer from your mobile device. Tapping the Reconnect button will automatically scan the network for the last StudioLive mixer to which QMix-UC was connected.

Aux Mix Page
The Aux Mix page shows the send level for each channel on each aux to which your device has access. It corresponds directly to the aux mixes on your StudioLive and has been streamlined to show only the send levels. To open the Aux Mix page, simply hold your mobile device in Landscape view:


  1.  Home. Returns to the Start page and the available device list.

  2.  Channel Send Levels. Sets the Channel Send Levels to the Selected Aux Bus. To adjust the send levels for any channel, tap anywhere in the channel’s level control and move your finger up
    or down while maintaining constant contact with the screen. Power User Tip: The aux sends support off-axis movement. Once you have touched a send-level control to select it, you can slide your finger anywhere in the screen and make an up/down movement to control the send level.

  3.  Settings. Opens the Settings menu. (See Section 2.4.)

  4.  Lock Orientation. Enabling the Lock Orientation button will lock your mobile device in Landscape view. While this button is enabled, you cannot open the Wheel of Me. Locking the view will also remove the Start page button. Until this option is disabled, QMix-UC will launch in this view when connected to the current mixer. Power User Tip: If QMix-UC doesn’t change pages when you change your mobile device’s orientation, make sure that Lock Orientation is not enabled.

  5.  Channel Pan. When a stereo mix is selected, you find pan modules above each channel to control the channel’s relative pan position in the mix.

  6.  Aux Mix Select. Displays channel send levels to Aux bus. To navigate right or left, touch anywhere in the Aux tabs and swipe your finger to the left or right. Swiping left scrolls the screen to the left. Swiping right scrolls the screen to the right.
    Note : Your device’s access to aux mixes is determined from your StudioLive mixer. If you only have access to one aux mix, verify your device’s permissions in UC Surface or in the System menu on your mixer.

  7.  Channel Meter. Displays the channel’s current signal level. Use this meter to determine if a particular channel has signal and to see how hot a signal is before you set the send level.

  8.  Groups. QMix-UC allows you to create four groups of channels for easier mix management. This button enables / disables this functionality. See Section 2.2.1.

  9.  Edit Groups. Tap this button to view the four groups and add channels to each. See Section 2.2.1.

Channel Grouping
Channel grouping is a great way to easily manage your mix. Creating a group will let you organize groups of channels and manage the overall volume of the entire group without changing the relative level of each channel in the group. For instance, you can create a group of all your drum channels so that once you dial in just the right drum mix, you can turn your drums up or down with one fader instead of twelve.

  1.  To create a group (or four), tap on the arrow next to the Groups button.
  2.  This will reveal the Group Edit buttons.
  3.  Tap on the Group Edit button to add or remove channels.
  4.  Tap on the channels you’d like to add to your group. As you select channels, their color will change to match the currently selected group’s color.
  5.  When you done editing groups, tap the arrow again to hide the group editor.
  6.  Once you have created groups, you will be able to globally enable/disable them using the Groups On / Off button.

Wheel of Me
To manage your Group masters, flip your mobile device to Portrait mode and swipe to the third screen. This will open the Group Masters view and allow you to control the overall level of each group in your mix.


Wheel of Me
QMix-UC’s Wheel of Me provides you with an easy and effective way to control all of the channels that contain your voice and instruments. To open the Wheel of Me, turn your mobile device to the Portrait view. The Wheel of Me will open for the currently selected aux mix, so if you have Aux Mix 3 selected on the Aux Mix page, Aux Mix 3 will still be selected when you open the Wheel of Me. To begin, set up your monitor mix using the Aux Mix page in QMix-UC, UC Surface, or on your StudioLive. Once you have your monitor mix dialed in to taste, you simply need to identify which channels are yours. After this, the Wheel of Me will control the volume of all your channels as a group, preserving the volume of each channel relative to the others.


To select your “Me” channels, swipe to the left.


From the Me page, you can identify which channels are yours in any aux mix. For example, if you sing backup vocals and play bass, you probably want to hear more of those channels, so you would identify those channels as “Me.” As a bass player, you might also want the kick-drum level to increase in proportion to your bass, in which case identify that channel as “Me” as well. Once you’ve identified these channels as Me channels, the Wheel of Me will increase or decrease the level of these channels concurrently, allowing you to create a DCA group of your most critical channels in your monitor mix. To return to the Wheel of Me, swipe to the right. The Wheel of Me increases or decreases the level of your Me channels as a mix relative to the rest of the channels (the Band). If you increase the level of your Me channels beyond the top level, rather than further raising the Me level, the Band channels will decrease in volume, producing the illusion of “even more me.” On either side of the Wheel of Me, you will find Me and Band mix indicators. These level displays show the balance between the Me channels and the Band channels. The Band channels consist of any channels not identified as Me channels. These indicators will adjust automatically as you move the Wheel of Me up or down. Power User Tip: The Band indicator will not show a level until you create an aux mix on the Aux Mix page. The Me indicator won’t show a level until at least one channel is selected on the Me Channels page. If all channels in the aux mix are selected on the Me Channels page, level will only be shown in the Me indicator, and no level will be shown in the Band indicator.

Lock Orientation.
Enabling the Lock Orientation button will lock your mobile device in Portrait view. While this button is enabled, you cannot open the Aux Mix page. Locking the view will also remove the Start Page button. Until this option is disabled, QMix-UC will launch in this view connected to the current mixer. Power User Tip: If QMix-UC doesn’t change pages when you change your mobile device’s orientation, make sure that Lock Orientation is not enabled.

Settings Page

To open the Settings page, tap on the Settings button on the Aux Mix page or Wheel of Me page. From the Settings page, you can customize QMix-UC scrolling and create custom names for each channel and aux mix. Scroll by Page. Turning this option off will allow you to scroll one channel at a time, offering more granular control. Peak Hold Metering. When Peak Hold Metering is enabled, each meter in QMix-UC will continue to display the most recent signal peak.

Setting Device Permissions (StudioLive AI Console Mixers)

Controlling your StudioLive remotely with QMix-UC for mobile devices allows you to move about the venue freely. However, it can also put the full power of the StudioLive in multiple hands—some more adept than others. Therefore, your StudioLive enables you to limit each device’s access to the mixer features by setting permissions. Once a mobile device is connected to your wireless network and has launched QMix-UC, the device will be displayed in the Remote Devices list on the System Menu on your StudioLive. Each device will be listed using its device name so you can easily identify which device is which. Once you have connected and configured your devices, the same permissions will be set for that device every time you connect it.
Note: For information on setting device permissions using StudioLIve Series III mixers, please review the StudioLive Series III Owners Manual and UC Surface Reference Manual.


  1. Press the System button on your StudioLive to launch the System menu.
  2.  Page down to navigate to Page 3: iOS Setup.
  3.  Use the Value encoder to scroll through the list of available iOS devices.
  4.  When you find the device for which you’d like set permissions, use the Next button to navigate to the first permissions field. Use the Value encoder to set the device permission.

Setting Device Permissions (StudioLive AI Console Mixers)


When setting permissions for QMix-UC users, you will choose between providing full access to all aux mixes, providing access to only a single aux mix, and limiting the user to just the Wheel of Me functions.
Mix Permissions.
Sets the level of functionality in QMix-UC.

  •  None. QMix-UC on the select iPhone/iPod Touch will not be able to control your StudioLive mixer.
  •  All Auxes. QMix-UC will control the channel send levels for all aux mixes.
  •  Individual Aux Mixes. QMix-UC will only control the channel send levels for the specified aux mix.

Other Permissions.
Choose between Wheel Only or None. Wheel Only disables the Aux Mix page in QMix-UC. When this is enabled, the user will only be able to use the Wheel of Me on the single aux to which you’ve provided access. When Wheel Only is enabled, you can only give access to one aux mix.

Chicken and Andouille Gumbo

  •  1 C All-Purpose flour
  •  ¾ C Vegetable Oil
  •  1 large onion (diced)
  •  1 small onion (quartered)
  •  6 celery stalks (diced)
  •  1 large green bell pepper (diced)
  •  3 cloves garlic (2 minced, 1 whole)
  •  1 lb link Andouille sausage
  •  4 Chicken leg quarters
  •  4 qt water
  •  4 bay leaves
  •  1 tsp thyme
  •  1 tsp Old Bay seasoning
  •  1-2 C frozen okra, sliced
  •  ¼ C fresh parsley, minced
  •  6-8 eggs (optional).

Cooking Instructions:

  1.  In a large pot, combine whole chicken leg quarters, water, quartered onion, Old Bay, 2 bay leaves and 1 whole clove garlic. Cover and bring to a low boil. Simmer stock until chicken is falling off the bone. Remove the chicken and set aside. Discard the onion, bay leaves, and garlic, reserving the liquid.
  2. In a heavy saucepan, heat 1 Tbsp of the oil on medium high heat and brown the andouille until it is cooked through. Set aside sausage for later.
  3. In the same saucepan, add and heat remaining oil. Slowly add flour 1-2 Tbsp at a time, stirring continuously. Continue cooking and stirring the roux until it is a dark brown (it should look like melted dark chocolate). Be careful to not to get the oil too hot or the flour will burn and you’ll have to start over.
  4.  Once roux has reached the correct color, add diced onion, celery, green pepper, and minced garlic. Cook until vegetables are very tender. Do not cover.
  5.  Slowly add 1 quart of chicken broth and bring to a low boil, stirring constantly.
  6. Transfer roux mixture to a soup pot and bring to low boil. Do not cover, the roux will settle on the bottom of the pot and burn.
  7. Add remaining chicken broth, bay leaves, and thyme. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  8.  While gumbo is simmering, debone and shred chicken and slice the andouille.
  9.  Add chicken and andouille to gumbo and return to a simmer. Simmer for 30-45 minutes.
  10.  Stir in frozen okra and parsley and bring to a rolling boil.
  11. Optional: Crack one egg into a teacup and quickly pour into the boiling gumbo. Repeat with the other eggs being careful not to cluster them too closely. After all the eggs have risen back to the surface, reduce heat and simmer.
  12.  Correct seasoning with salt and pepper (red, white and/or black) if necessary.
  13.  Serve over rice with potato salad.

© 2019 PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. AudioBox, CoActual, DigiMax, Eris, FireStudio, Nimbit, PreSonus, QMix, Riff to Release, Sceptre, StudioLive, Active Integration, and XMAX are trademarks or registered trademarks of PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. Capture, Impact, Mixverb Presence, RedLightDist, SampleOne, Studio One, and Tricomp are trademarks or registered trademarks of PreSonus Software Ltd. Mac and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. Other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. All specifications subject to change without notice…except the recipe, which is a classic


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