Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual

June 6, 2024

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual



Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Product

Language settings

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Language

Register code EASY Mode. ADVANCED Mode See the separate instructions at page 55

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Register code
EASY Mode. ADVANCED Mode See the separate instructions at page

Register electronic keys EASY Mode. ADVANCED Mode See the separate instructions at page 55

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Register
electronic keys EASY Mode. ADVANCED Mode See the separate instructions at page

Unlock from outside

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Unlock from

Lock the door from outside

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Lock the door
from outside

Unlock the door from inside

Lock the door from inside

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Lock the door
from inside

Installation of the receiver

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Installation
of the receiver

Thank you for choosing Yale Doorman

This user manual in combination with Installation Manual assures you use the product in a safe and correct way as well as utilize it’s full potential.
For more information see website: www.yale.fi

Read this carefully before using Yale Doorman

This product is design and manufactured for safe usage. Improper use can cause loss of proper, personal injury or product malfunction. Service must be done only by trained personnel. This is necessary for example when product is damaged or software upgrade. Disassembly or installation with other systems other than described in the product manuals is not allowed. Brands, brand name, design, copyright, patent and other proprietary right on or within this product and manuals is the property of the manufacturer and shall not be used without written approval. Changes to the manuals can be done without prior notice.

Important safety instructions

Read these safety instruction to avoid accident, damage and inconvenience

  • Never disassemble the product parts. This can cause electronic shock and product damage.
  • Do not use water or solvent such as gasoline since this can damage electronics and surface of product.
  • This product uses 4 1,5V alkaline batteries (notice operation temperature).
  • Exchange all 4 batteries at low battery indication. Never drain the batteries since this can damage the product.
  • Battery warning:
    -­ Always check that + and ­ poles are turned the right direction when exchanging batteries.
    -­ Use only alkaline batteries.

Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries acceding to the national code or recycling program.

Technical data

Maximum number of key tags are 10 on one lock. Each key tag can be registered on maximum 6 locks. Maximum number of user codes are 10 on one lock. Maximum number of remote controls are 5 on one lock. Surface finish: UV-coated paint. Stabile for outdoor use, IP55 approved (outside escutcheon) Temperature range: Inside +5 to +50 degrees (dry environment) and outside -25 to +70 degrees Celsius. Intruder alarm goes off if the door is opened without unlocking and if someone tries to manipulate the electronics.

Do not use any strong cleaning products such as bleach etc. to clean the Yale Doorman. It can damage the surface and electronics of the product.

Emergency opening from outside with back up battery

If the batteries inspire of the warning signals should be drained one can attach a 9V battery to the outside in order to power the product and then open using the proper electronic key. Hold the battery to the poles at the bottom of the outside and identify yourself with an electronic key.

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Emergency
opening from outside with back up battery

Emergency opening from inside with handle

Door can always be opened with the inside handle. This must be noted if pets or small children have unsupervised access to the door

Indications, alarm and signals

Yale Doorman has an built in voice guide in English, Finnish, Swedish and Russian. This facilitates usage during registration of electronic keys, settings and special operations such as locking in secure Mode.

Light and sound indications on code pad when operating the product on outside

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Light and
sound indications on code pad when operating the product on


Yale Doorman is delivered with EASY Mode pre set. One can also change this to ADVANCED Mode by a hardware switch on the backside of the inside escutcheon. EASY Mode and ADVANCED Mode handles registration and removal of electronic keys in different ways. EASY Mode is very EASY to use where as ADVANCED Mode allows some Mode functions.

  1. In EASY Mode all electronic keys are registered at one occasion and at this time all previously registered electronic keys are removed. In ADVANCED Mode each electronic key is handled separately. Each electronic key is registered on one unique position in the lock enabling adding or removing one electronic key at a time.
  2. In EASY Mode registration of electronic keys is initiated by opening the battery cover on the inside and pressing the P-button. In ADVANCED Mode electronic keys are registered on the outside by first entering a master code to reach programming sequence.
  3. To change to ADVANCED Mode, see illustration.

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - EASY Mode and


are made through a menu that is reached by pressing # code # on the outside. Settings menu can only be accessed when the door is open. After opening the menu you have the following options:

EASY Mode:

  1. Language settings. English, Finnish, Swedish and Russian.
  2. Registration of one day code. When registering a one decode (4 digits) a temporary code is added and valid for one day (about 24h).
  3. Automatic locking. When enabling automatic locking Yale Doorman will automatically lock after about 2 seconds when closing the door. If locking for some reasons is not completed a warning signal will indicate this. If the door is unlocked and the door is not opened it will return to locked state within 5 seconds if automatic locking is enabled. Automatic locking is enabled by default.
  4. Sound settings. You can choose high volume, low volume or sound off.


  1. Language settings. English, Finnish, Swedish and Russian.
  2. Registration of master code. The master code is used to access the settings and registration Mode.
  3. Registration of user code (6 digits). The user code is used to unlock the door. Maximum number of user codes are 10.
  4. Registration of electronic keys. Here you register one key tag or remote control per user on different positions in the lock. Maximum 10 key tags and 5 remote controls. For additional security you can register optional 4 digit PIN code for the key tag.
  5. Registration of one day code. When registering a one day code (4 digits) a temporary code is added and valid for one day (about 24h).
  6. Automatic locking. When enabling automatic locking Yale Doorman will automatically lock after about 2 seconds when closing the door. If locking for some reasons is not completed a warning signal will indicate this. If the door is unlocked and the door is not opened it will return to locked state within 5 seconds if automatic locking is enabled. Automatic locking is enabled by default.
  7. Sound settings. You can choose high volume, low volume or sound off.
  8. Blocking of user codes. Here you can block all usage of user codes. The user codes remains in the lock and can be enabled at any time.

Settings in EASY Mode

Settings menu can only be accessed when the door is open

Select language

  • Push # code #
  • Push 1 #
  • Push 3 for Swedish
  • Push 4 for English
  • Push 5 for Finnish
  • Push 6 for Russian
  • Confirm with #

One day code

  • Push # code #
  • Push 2 #
  • Select a code, 4 numbers
  • Confirm with #
  • To delete a one day code, do not enter a code but instead press only #

Automatic locking

  • Push # code #
  • Push 3 #
  • Push 1 to enable automatic locking
  • Push 3 for disable automatic locking
  • Confirm with #

Sound Settings

  • Push # code #
  • Push 4 #
  • Push 1 for sound off
  • Push 2 for low volume
  • Push 3 for high volume
  • Confirm with #

How to unlock and to lock the door

  • Unlock from outside: Present the electronic key and open with handle or Push code (6 digits) and open with the handle

  • Fake code. To prevent your code being exposed Yale Doorman allows you to enter decoy numbers before or after the code.
    139 333566 199 Fake Correct Fake decoy code decoy

  • Lock the door from outside: Close the door and push

  • Unlock the door from inside: Turn the thumb turn and open with the handle. Or just press the inside handle. Pressing the handle unlocks the door also.

  • Lock the door from inside: Close the door and turn the thumb turn

Note. When registering electronic keys in EASY Mode only the last roistered set of electronic keys are valid. The lock stores user codes, key tags and remote controls separately. For instruction with illustrations see section Quick Guide.

Registration of electronic keys in EASY Mode

  • Press the P-button on the inside under the battery cover.
  • For code registration: Enter the code, 6 digits. Confirm with the P-button.
  • For keytar registration: Hold the keytar you want to register on the reader on the outside, Wait for the sound signal. If you want to use a 4 digit PIN code with the key tag enter an optional PIN code and confirm with #. If you do not want to use a PIN code with the key tag press # only. To register more key tags hold the next key tag to the reader on the outside and repeat this sequence. Confirm with the P-button when you have registered all key tags.
  • For remote control registration: Press and hold one of the upper and one of the lower buttons simultaneously on the remote control. See illustration. When the remote control is registered the lock confirms with a signal. For registration of more remote control press and hold the buttons on the next remote control. Confirm with the P-button.

Settings in ADVANCED Mode

Settings menu can only be accessed when the door is open

Select language

  • Push # master code #
  • Push 1 #
  • Push 3 for Swedish
  • Push 4 for English
  • Push 5 for Finnish
  • Push 6 for Russian
  • Confirm with #

One day code

  • Push # mastercode #
  • Push 5 #
  • Select a code, 4 numbers
  • Confirm with #
  • To delete a one day code, do not enter a code but instead press only # Valid for one day (approx. 24 hours)

Automatic locking

  • Push # mastercode #
  • Push 6 #
  • Push 1 for automatic locking
  • Push 3 for deactivation
  • Confirm with #
    Automatic locking means that it locks automatically when the door is closed.

Sound Settings

  • Push # mastercode #
  • Push 7 #
  • Push 1 for sound off
  • Push 2 for low volume
  • Push 3 for high volume
  • Confirm with #

How to unlock and to lock the door

  • Unlock from outside: Present the electronic key and open with handle or Push code (6 digits) and open with the handle

  • Fake code. To prevent your code being exposed Yale Doorman allows you to enter decoy numbers before or after the code.
    139 333566 199 Fake Correct Fake decoy code decoy

  • Lock the door from outside: Close the door and push

  • Unlock the door from inside: Turn the thumb turn and open with the handle. Or just press the inside handle. Pressing the handle unlocks the door also.

  • Lock the door from inside: Close the door and turn the thumb turn

Registration of electronic keys in ADVANCED Mode

Register user code

  • Push # mastercode #
  • Push 3 #
  • Push 1 #
  • Select position for the user code, 2 digits, 01-10 and confirm with #.
  • Set user code 6 digits and confirm with #.
  • Push to register more user controls or push # to complete.

Register master code
The first master code is the code that you enter when starting the product after installation. Here you can change the master code.

  • Push # mastercode #
  • Push 2 #
  • Enter new mastercode 6 digits
  • Confirm with #

Delete user code

  • Push # mastercode #
  • Push 3 #
  • Push 3 to delete user code and confirm with #.
  • Select the position for the user code you want to delete, 01-10 and confirm with #.

Register electronic keys

  • Push # mastercode #
  • Push 4 #
  • To register key tag push 1 #
    -­ Select position for the key tag, 2 digits, 01-10. Confirm with #
    -­ Hold the key tag you want to register on the reader on the outside, Wait for the sound signal.
    -­ If you want to use a 4 digit PIN code with the key tag enter an optional PIN code and confirm with #
    -­ If you do not want to use a PIN code with the key tag press # only.
    -­ Push to register more key tags or push # to complete.
  • To register remote control push 4 #
    -­ Select position for the remote control. 2 digits, 01-05. Confirm with #
    -­ Press and hold one of the top and one of the bottom buttons on the remote control.
    – See illustration. When the remote control is registered the lock confirms with a sound signal.
    -­ Push to register more remote controls or push # to complete.

Delete electronic keys

  • Push # mastercode #
  • Push 4 #
  • To delete a key tag push 3 #. Select the position for the key tag that you want to delete, 2 digits 01-10. Confirm with #
  • To delete a remote control push 6 #. Select the position for the remote control that you want to delete, 2 digits 01-05. Confirm with #

Blocking of user codes

  • Push # mastercode #
  • Push 8 #
  • To activate blocking of codes push 1 #
  • To de-activate blocking of codes push 3 #
  • Codes are blocked only in away secure mode.


Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual -

Can not lock the door:

  • Check that the strike bolt doesn’t sink in the strike plate.
  • Check circuit board and cables for scratches and breakage.
  • Check that the contacts aren’t’ loose and the pins in the contacts are not damaged or fitted wrong way.
  • Check that the handles return to a fully horizontal position.

Intruder alarm goes off when door is locked:

  • Check the cap between door and strike plate. If strike bolt comes out of the lock case while door is locked, the alarm goes off. The door and frame structures move with temperatures so adjust hinges or strike plate, so that cap is between 2 mm and 5,5 mm.
  • Make sure the strike bolt doesn’t sink in the strike plate or that door cap is too big.

Yale Doorman indicates error when locking the door

  • Make sure that the door deadlocks when closing it!

Secure Mode

There is two different secure modes: Home state and Away state. Secure modes are activated by turning and holding thumb turn in the locking position for 3 seconds

Activation of Home state:

  • The door is closed.
  • Turn and hold the thumb turn for 3 seconds in locking position
  • Voice and led indications tell of success or failure. In the home state the door is locked and the usage of inside handle causes short 5 second alarm. Home state is for situations when user wants indication of the usage of the inside handle.

Activation of Away state:

  • Door is open
  • Turn and hold thumb turn in locking position for 3 seconds
  • Product guides you to close the door with led pattern.
  • Exit, close the door and press .
  • Voice guide indicates now that the secure mode is activated.
    Away state should only be used when the house is empty. In the away state the door is locked and usage of inside handle causes burglar alarm. Alarm is deactivated by entering correct code, showing correct tag or unlocking by correct remote control.

Yale Doorman ­ Dimensions

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Yale Doorman –

Form for electronic keys in ADVANCED Mode

Please use this form to keep track of your electronic keys in ADVANCED Mode.

Yale 1185073 Doorman Classic All Inclusive Lock User Manual - Form for
electronic keys in ADVANCED Mode

Yale Logo

Yale, with its unique global reach and range of products, is the world’s favorite lock ­ the preferred solution for securing your home, family and personal belongings.

ASSA ABLOY is the global leader in door opening solutions, dedicated to satisfying end-user needs for security, safety and convenience.

Yale on ASSA ABLOY -konserniin kuuluva globaali kuluttajabrändi, jota Suomessa edustaa Abloy Oy.
Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.yale.fi

Abloy Oy Wahlforssinkatu 20 (PL108) 80100 Joensuu Suomi Finland


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