LIGHT SKY Super Scope Linear CMY + CTO Color Mixing System User Manual

June 5, 2024


LIGHT SKY Super Scope Linear CMY + CTO Color Mixing System



Channel DMX Percentage Functions Note
1 Pan 0 – 255  
2 Pan fine 0 – 255  
3 Tilt 0 – 255  
4 Tilt Fine 0 – 255  
5 P/T speed 0 – 255  




| 0 – 10| NO function|
11 – 20| The whole lamp reset|
21 – 30| XY reset|
31 – 40| Color reset|
41 – 50| pattern reset|
51 – 60| Cutting reset|
61 – 70| Focus module reset|
71 – 80| Silent mode|
81 – 90| Normal mode|
91 – 100| High Pattern|
101 – 110| NO function|
111 – 120| NO function|
121 – 130| NO function|
131 – 140| NO function|
141 – 150| NO function|
151 – 160| NO function|
161 – 170| NO function|
171 – 180| Show backlight is always on|
181 – 190| Display backlight automatically|
191 – 200| Open the function|
201 – 255| NO function|
7| Cyan| 0 – 255|  |
8| Magenta| 0 – 255|  |
9| Yellow| 0 – 255|  |
10| CTO| 0 – 255|  |



Colour wheel

| 0 – 89| 0 – 360°|
90 – 99| OPEN|
100 – 109| COLOR1|
110 – 119| COLOR2|
120 – 129| COLOR3|
130 – 139| COLOR4|
140 – 149| COLOR5|
150 – 159| COLOR6|
160 – 169| COLOR7|
170 – 179| COLOR8|
180 – 214| CW,Slow→Fast|
215 – 249| CCW,Fast→Slow|
250 – 255| Random color|



Static Gobo

| 0 – 9| OPEN|
10 – 19| GOBO1|
20 – 29| GOBO2|
30 – 39| GOBO3|
40 – 49| GOBO4|
50 – 59| GOBO5|
60 – 69| GOBO6|
70 – 79| GOBO7|
80 – 89| GOBO8|
90 – 99| GOBO9|
100 – 109| GOBO1 Jitter slow to fast|
110 – 119| GOBO2 Jitter slow to fast|
120 – 129| GOBO3 Jitter slow to fast|
130 – 139| GOBO4 Jitter slow to fast|
140 – 149| GOBO5 Jitter slow to fast|
Channel| DMX| Percentage| Functions| Note
 |  | 150 – 159| GOBO6 Jitter slow to fast|
160 – 169| GOBO7 Jitter slow to fast|
170 – 179| GOBO8 Jitter slow to fast|
180 – 189| GOBO9 Jitter slow to fast|
190 – 199| OPEN|
200 – 224| CW,Slow→Fast|
225 – 249| CCW,Fast→Slow|
250 – 255| Random Gobo|



Rot. Gobo

| 0 – 9| OPEN|
10 – 19| GOBO1|
20 – 29| GOBO2|
30 – 39| GOBO3|
40 – 49| GOBO4|
50 – 59| GOBO5|
60 – 69| GOBO6|
70 – 79| GOBO7|
80 – 89| GOBO1|
90 – 99| GOBO2 Jitter slow to fast|
100 – 109| GOBO3 Jitter slow to fast|
110 – 119| GOBO4 Jitter slow to fast|
120 – 129| GOBO5 Jitter slow to fast|
130 – 139| GOBO6 Jitter slow to fast|
140 – 149| GOBO7 Jitter slow to fast|
150 – 159| OPEN|
160 – 204| CW,Slow→Fast|
205 – 249| CCW,Fast→Slow|
250 – 255| Random Gobo|



Gobo Rot.

| 0 – 127| 0° – 360°|
128 – 187| CW,Fast→Slow|
188 – 195| STOP|
196 – 255| CCW,Slow→Fast|
15| Blade UP1| 0 – 255|  |
16| Blade UP2| 0 – 255|  |
17| Blade DW1| 0 – 255|  |
18| Blade DW2| 0 – 255|  |
19| Blade LF1| 0 – 255|  |
20| Blade LF2| 0 – 255|  |
21| Blade RF1| 0 – 255|  |
22| Blade RF2| 0 – 255|  |
23| Framing Rot.| 0 – 255| 0° – 90°|



Framing Mac.

| 0 – 10| There is no|
11 – 20| quadrate|
21 – 30| rectangle|
31 – 40| Isosceles triangle|
41 – 50| Isosceles trapezoid|
51 – 60| sector|
61 – 70| semicircle|
71 – 255| parallelogram|
25| Framing Mac. Zoom|  |  |
26| Prism1| 0 – 10| Prism off|
11 – 255| Prism Cut-in|



Prism1 Rot

| 0 – 127| 0° – 360°|
128 – 187| CW,Fast→Slow|
188 – 195| STOP|
196 – 255| CCW,Slow→Fast|
28| Prism2| 0 – 10| Prism off|
11 – 255| Prism Cut-in|
 |  |  |  |
Channel| DMX| Percentage| Functions| Note



Prism2 Rot.

| 0 – 127| 0° – 360°|
128 – 187| CW Fast→Slow|
188 – 195| STOP|
196 – 255| CCW Slow→Fast|




| 0 – 127|  |
128 – 159| Slow IN Fast OUT, Slow → Fast|
160 – 191| Fast IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|
192 – 255| Slow IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|




| 0 – 127|  |
128 – 159| Slow IN Fast OUT, Slow → Fast|
160 – 191| Fast IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|
192 – 255| Slow IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|




| 0 – 127| Maximum→Minimum Apertuer|
128 – 159| Slow IN Fast OUT, Slow → Fast|
160 – 191| Fast IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|
192 – 255| Slow IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|
33| Zoom| 0 – 255|  |
34| Focus| 0 – 255|  |



Auto Dis.

| 0 – 9| NO function|
10 – 19| 5M|
20 – 29| 10M|
30 – 39| 15M|
40 – 49| 20M|
50 – 59| 30M|
60 – 255| 40M|
36| Auto Fin.| 0 – 255|  |
37| Strobe| 0 – 255|  |
38| Dimmer| 0 – 255|  |
39| Dimmer fine| 0 – 255|  |


Channel DMX Percentage Functions Note
1 Pan 0 – 255  
2 Pan fine 0 – 255  
3 Tilt 0 – 255  
4 Tilt Fine 0 – 255  
5 P/T speed 0 – 255  




| 0 – 10| NO function|
11 – 20| The whole lamp reset|
21 – 30| XY reset|
31 – 40| Color reset|
41 – 50| pattern reset|
51 – 60| Cutting reset|
61 – 70| Focus module reset|
71 – 80| Silent mode|
81 – 90| Normal mode|
91 – 100| High Pattern|
101 – 110| NO function|
111 – 120| NO function|
121 – 130| NO function|
131 – 140| NO function|
141 – 150| NO function|
151 – 160| NO function|
161 – 170| NO function|
171 – 180| Show backlight is always on|
181 – 190| Display backlight automatically|
191 – 200| Open the function|
201 – 255| NO function|
7| Cyan| 0 – 255|  |
8| Cyan fine| 0 – 255|  |
9| Magenta| 0 – 255|  |
10| Magenta fine| 0 – 255|  |
11| Yellow| 0 – 255|  |
12| Yellow fine| 0 – 255|  |
13| CTO| 0 – 255|  |
14| CTO fine| 0 – 255|  |



Colour wheel

| 0 – 89| 0 – 360°|
90 – 99| OPEN|
100 – 109| COLOR1|
110 – 119| COLOR2|
120 – 129| COLOR3|
130 – 139| COLOR4|
140 – 149| COLOR5|
150 – 159| COLOR6|
160 – 169| COLOR7|
170 – 179| COLOR8|
180 – 214| CW,Slow→Fast|
215 – 249| CCW,Fast→Slow|
250 – 255| Random color|



Static Gobo

| 0 – 9| OPEN|
10 – 19| GOBO1|
20 – 29| GOBO2|
30 – 39| GOBO3|
40 – 49| GOBO4|
50 – 59| GOBO5|
60 – 69| GOBO6|
70 – 79| GOBO7|
80 – 89| GOBO8|
90 – 99| GOBO9|
100 – 109| GOBO1 Jitter slow to fast|
Channel| DMX| Percentage| Functions| Note
 |  | 110 – 119| GOBO2 Jitter slow to fast|
120 – 129| GOBO3 Jitter slow to fast|
130 – 139| GOBO4 Jitter slow to fast|
140 – 149| GOBO5 Jitter slow to fast|
150 – 159| GOBO6 Jitter slow to fast|
160 – 169| GOBO7 Jitter slow to fast|
170 – 179| GOBO8 Jitter slow to fast|
180 – 189| GOBO9 Jitter slow to fast|
190 – 199| OPEN|
200 – 224| CW,Slow→Fast|
225 – 249| CCW,Fast→Slow|
250 – 255| Random Gobo|



Rot. Gobo

| 0 – 9| OPEN|
10 – 19| GOBO1|
20 – 29| GOBO2|
30 – 39| GOBO3|
40 – 49| GOBO4|
50 – 59| GOBO5|
60 – 69| GOBO6|
70 – 79| GOBO7|
80 – 89| GOBO1 Jitter slow to fast|
90 – 99| GOBO2 Jitter slow to fast|
100 – 109| GOBO3 Jitter slow to fast|
110 – 119| GOBO4 Jitter slow to fast|
120 – 129| GOBO5 Jitter slow to fast|
130 – 139| GOBO6 Jitter slow to fast|
140 – 149| GOBO7 Jitter slow to fast|
150 – 159| OPEN|
160 – 204| CW,Slow→Fast|
205 – 249| CCW,Fast→S,low|
250 – 255| Random Gobo|



Gobo Rot.

| 0 – 127| 0° – 360°|
128 – 187| CW Fast→Slow|
188 – 195| STOP|
196 – 255| CCW Slow→Fast|
19| Blade UP1| 0 – 255|  |
20| Blade UP1 fine| 0 – 255|  |
21| Blade UP2| 0 – 255|  |
22| Blade UP2 fine| 0 – 255|  |
23| Blade DW1| 0 – 255|  |
24| Blade DW1 fine| 0 – 255|  |
25| Blade DW2| 0 – 255|  |
26| Blade DW2 fine| 0 – 255|  |
27| Blade LF1| 0 – 255|  |
28| Blade LF1 fine| 0 – 255|  |
29| Blade LF2| 0 – 255|  |
30| Blade LF2 fine| 0 – 255|  |
31| Blade RF1| 0 – 255|  |
32| Blade RF1 fine| 0 – 255|  |
33| Blade RF2| 0 – 255|  |
34| Blade RF2 fine| 0 – 255|  |
35| Framing Rot.| 0 – 255| 0° – 90°|
36| Framing Rot.Fine| 0 – 255



Framing Mac.

| 0 – 10| There is no|
11 – 20| quadrate|
21 – 30| rectangle|
31 – 40| Isosceles triangle|
41 – 50| Isosceles trapezoid|
Channel| DMX| Percentage| Functions| Note
 |  | 51 – 60| sector|
61 – 70| semicircle|
71 – 255| parallelogram|
38| Framing Mac. Zoom|  |  |
39| Prism1| 0 – 10| Prism off|
11 – 255| Prism Cut-in|



Prism1 Rot

| 0 – 127| 0° – 360°|
128 – 187| CW Fast→Slow|
188 – 195| STOP|
196 – 255| CCW Slow→Fast|
41| Prism2| 0 – 10| Prism off|
11 – 255| Prism Cut-in|



Prism2 Rot.

| 0 – 127| 0° – 360°|
128 – 187| CW Fast→Slow|
188 – 195| STOP|
196 – 255| CCW Slow→Fast|




| 0 – 127|  |
128 – 159| Slow IN Fast OUT, Slow → Fast|
160 – 191| Fast IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|
192 – 255| Slow IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|




| 0 – 127|  |
128 – 159| Slow IN Fast OUT, Slow → Fast|
160 – 191| Fast IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|
192 – 255| Slow IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|




| 0 – 127|  |
128 – 159| Slow IN Fast OUT, Slow → Fast|
160 – 191| Fast IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|
192 – 255| Slow IN Slow OUT, Slow → Fast|
46| Zoom| 0 – 255| Maximum→Minimum Apertuer|
47| Zoom fine| 0 – 255|  |
48| Focus| 0 – 255|  |
49| Focus fine| 0 – 255|  |



Auto Dis.

| 0 – 9| NO function|
10 – 19| 5M|
20 – 29| 10M|
30 – 39| 15M|
40 – 49| 20M|
50 – 59| 30M|
60 – 255| 40M|
51| Auto Fin| 0 – 255|  |
52| Strobe| 0 – 255|  |
53| Dimmer| 0 – 255|  |
54| Dimmer fine| 0 – 255|  |

Tel: 0086-20-61828288
Fax: 0086-20-61828188 Pc:51080oLIGHT-SKY-Super-Scope-Linear-CMY+CTO-
Address: No. 43, Yunfeng Road, Xiuquan Street,
Huadu District, Guangzhou, China

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