IZOTOPE Ozone 9 Advanced Mastering Software Suite User Manual

June 16, 2024

Ozone 9 Advanced Mastering Software Suite

Product Information


  • Product Name: Ozone 9
  • Editions: Standard and Advanced
  • Modules:
    • Dynamic EQ
    • Dynamics
    • Equalizer 1 & 2
    • Exciter
    • Imager
    • Low End Focus
    • Master Rebalance
    • Match EQ
    • Maximizer
    • Spectral Shaper
    • Vintage Compressor
    • Vintage EQ
    • Vintage Limiter
    • Vintage Tape
    • Codec Preview
    • Dither Referencing
  • New Features in Version 9: Vintage EQ (Standard), Vintage
    Limiter (Standard), Vintage Tape (Standard), Vintage Compressor

Product Usage Instructions

Getting Started

Common Terms

The following terms are used throughout this manual to specify
different features:

  1. Mothership plug-in: Refers to the main Ozone 9
    plug-in included in Ozone 9 Standard and Advanced. The mothership
    plug-in features a customizable signal chain and multiple
    processing modules within a single plug-in.

  2. Component plug-in: Refers to the individual
    plug-in version of a module that is included in the Ozone 9
    Advanced mothership plugin.

  3. Application: Refers to the Ozone 9
    ‘standalone’ application. See the Ozone App chapter to learn more
    about the features that are unique to the Ozone application.

Quick Start Suggestions

Not sure where to start? You can try using presets or using
Master Assistant to get going quickly with Ozone 9.

Using Presets

Ozone includes a wide variety of factory presets to help get you
started on your master. You can load different mastering chains
using the global preset manager in the Ozone mothership plug-in or
application. Global presets can affect the contents and order of
modules in the signal chain, as well as the settings in any
individual module. You can also load presets for any individual
module using the module preset manager.

Using Master Assistant

The intelligent Master Assistant feature allows you to quickly
develop a starting point for your master. The Master Assistant
feature is included in the Ozone 9 mothership plug-in and the Ozone
9 application.


The first time you open Ozone 9, the Authorization window will


  1. 1. Q: What are the different editions available for Ozone 9?

A: The different editions available for Ozone 9 are Standard and

  1. 1. Q: What are some of the new features in version 9?

A: Some of the new features in version 9 include Vintage EQ
(Standard), Vintage Limiter (Standard), Vintage Tape (Standard),
and Vintage Compressor (Advanced).

  1. 1. Q: How can I quickly get started with Ozone 9?

A: You can quickly get started with Ozone 9 by using presets or
using the Master Assistant feature.

  1. 1. Q: Can I authorize Ozone 9 in trial or demo mode?

A: Yes, you can authorize Ozone 9 in trial mode or demo mode.
Please refer to the Authorization section in the user manual for
more information.

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Ozone 9 Help Introduction

Ozone 9 brings balance to your master with innovative processing for low end, real-time instrument rebalancing, and lightning-fast work ows powered by machine learning. An expanded Master Assistant helps you build a range of starting points for your master from warm analog character to transparent loudness for streaming. Talk to more iZotope plug-ins in your session with Tonal Balance Control and blur the lines between mixing and mastering. Work faster with improved plug-in performance, smooth metering, and resizable windows.
Standard and Advanced comparison
The following table compares the features available in the Standard and Advanced editions of Ozone 9.



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Module Dynamic EQ Dynamics Equalizer 1 & 2 Exciter Imager Low End Focus Master Rebalance Match EQ Maximizer Spectral Shaper Vintage Compressor
Vintage EQ
Vintage Limiter
Vintage Tape
Codec Preview Dither Referencing

Standard Advanced













X – New in version 9


X – New in version 9



















X – New in version 9
X – Now available in Standard X – Now available in Standard
X – Now available in Standard



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Getting Started
Table of Contents
1. Common Terms 2. Quick Start Suggestions
1. Using Presets 2. Using Master Assistant
3. Authorization
1. Trial Mode 2. Demo Mode 3. Authorize Ozone
4. Navigating the Plug-in Interface 5. Signal Flow in Ozone
1. Working with the Signal Chain
. Component Plug-in Feature Differences 7. Tips for Optimizing Performance
Common Terms
The following terms are used throughout this manual to specify different features:
1. Mothership plug-in: Refers to the main Ozone 9 plug-in included in Ozone 9 Standard and Advanced. The mothership plug-in features a customizable signal chain and multiple processing modules within a single plug-in.
2. Component plug-in: Refers to the individual plug-in version of a module that is included in the Ozone 9 Advanced mothership plugin.
3. Application: Refers to the Ozone 9 `standalone’ application. See the Ozone App chapter to learn more about the features that are unique to the Ozone application.



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GLOSSARY Check out the Glossary chapter for additional information about terms used throughout this manual.
Quick Start Suggestions
Not sure where to start? You can try using presets or using Master Assistant to get going quickly with Ozone 9.
Using Presets
Ozone includes a wide variety of factory presets to help get you started on your master. You can load different mastering chains using the global preset manager in the Ozone mothership plug-in or application. Global presets can affect the contents and order of modules in the signal chain, as well as the settings in any individual module. You can also load presets for any individual module using the module preset manager.
Using Master Assistant
The intelligent Master Assistant feature allows you to quickly to develop a starting point for your master. The Master Assistant feature is included in the Ozone 9 mothership plug-in and the Ozone 9 application.
The rst time you open Ozone 9, the Authorization window will appear.



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The Authorization window allows you to:
1. Run Ozone in Trial mode: Start or continue a Trial period evaluation prior to purchasing.
2. Run Ozone in Demo mode: Continue evaluating the product with feature limitations (after your 10 day trial period has expired).
3. Authorize Ozone with your serial number.
Trial Mode
Trial mode allows you to evaluate Ozone 9 with full functionality for 10 days. The trial period begins the rst time you open the Ozone 9 application or plug- ins. The Authorization window will display the number of days remaining in your trial period. Click the Continue button to start or continue working with Ozone in trial mode.
Demo Mode
When your 10 day trial period has expired, you can continue using Ozone with demo limitations. To continue evaluating Ozone 9 in demo mode, click the Demo button in the Authorization wizard.



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DEMO MODE LIMITATIONS Ozone 9 plug-ins will periodically output silence when operating in demo mode. The Ozone 9 application does not allow saving or exporting and will limit continuous playback when operating in demo mode.
Authorize Ozone
To disable Trial or Demo mode, you need to authorize the product with a valid serial number. You can choose from three different authorization methods:
1. Online Authorization: Authorize Ozone on a computer that is connected to the internet at the time of authorization.
2. O ine Authorization: Authorize Ozone on a computer that is not connected to the internet at the time of authorization.
3. iLok Authorization: Authorize Ozone by storing your authorization on an iLok USB key.
AUTHORIZATION HELP For additional help authorizing Ozone, check out the Installation and Authorization help section of the iZotope Support knowledgebase.
Navigating the Plug-in Interface
The Ozone 9 plug-in interface is divided into the following main sections:



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1. Global Header: Includes IPC instance name, Master Assistant, Presets, Undo History, Options, and Help.
2. Signal Chain: Adjust the contents and order of the processing chain.
3. Module Interface: Controls and meters associated with a speci c processing module.
4. I/O Panel: I/O (Input/Output) gain and metering, Bypass, and a number of auditioning features.
LEARN MORE See the General Controls chapter for more information about the controls included in the main areas of the Ozone interface.
Signal Flow in Ozone
The following diagram details the high-level signal ow in the Ozone 9 mothership plug-in and application.



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Working with the Signal Chain
The Ozone 9 mothership plug-in and Ozone 9 application include a customizable signal chain. The default signal chain includes the Equalizer and Maximizer modules.
Component Plug-in Feature Differences
There are some notable differences between the Ozone mothership plug-in and the Ozone Advanced component plug-ins.
The following global features are only available in the Ozone mothership plug- in or Ozone application:
1. Master Assistant 2. Signal Chain 3. Referencing 4. Codec Preview Advanced Only
The Maximizer and Imager component plug-ins include global processing features that are not available in other component plug-ins:
1. The Maximizer component plug-in includes Dither in the I/O panel area.
2. The Imager component plug-in includes channel operations controls (Sum to Mono and Swap L/R channels) in the I/O panel area.
Tips for Optimizing Performance
Ozone 9 includes a number of performance improvements over previous versions. However, there are a number of factors that can affect performance of an individual plug-in or application and there is a chance you may run into performance issues from time to time. Here are some adjustments you can make to help mitigate performance issues you might encounter:
1. Remove any modules you are not using from the signal chain in



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the Ozone mothership plug-in or application. 2. If you are only using one module in the mothership plug-in:
Consider using the component plug-in instead. (Advanced Only) 3. Try increasing the Buffer Size setting in your DAW/NLE, if possible. 4. If using the Ozone Equalizer in Digital mode: Try adjusting the EQ
buffer size in the Options menu for optimal performance. 5. If using the Digital crossover type in any multiband module: Try
adjusting the Crossover Buffer Size in the Options menu. . If possible, try reducing the number of bands enabled in any of the
multiband modules.
General Controls
This chapter includes information about general controls and functions you can nd in Ozone.
1. Overview 2. Resizing 3. Header controls 4. Undo History 5. Signal Chain
. I/O Panel
1. Input/Output Gain and Meters 2. Global Processing and Auditioning
7. Channel Processing Modes
1. Channel Processing Mode Controls
You can resize the window by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the Ozone interface.



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Header controls
The Ozone header area includes the following features:
1. IPC Instance Name: Name of the current instance as it will appear in IPC compatible plug-ins.
2. Master Assistant: Opens the Master Assistant panel. Mothership plug-in and App only
3. Presets Opens the Preset manager window. 4. Previous/Next preset: Loads the previous/next preset in the
preset list. 5. Undo: Reverts the most recent parameter change.
. Undo history: Opens the Undo History window. See the Undo History section below for more information.
7. Options: Opens the Options window. . ? (Help): Opens the installed Ozone help documentation in your default web browser.



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Undo History
The Undo History window allows you to view a list of recent parameter changes made in the current instance of Ozone, compare different parameter states in the history list, or reset Ozone’s settings to a given point in the history list.

1. CLEAR: Removes all actions from the history list. Clearing the history list does not affect parameters, it simply removes existing



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entries from the list. 2. CLOSE: Hides the Undo History window. 3. A/B/C/D: Allows you to set four history snapshot states.
Snapshots allow you to quickly toggle between different processing states to compare changes. Assign an event in the history list to a snapshot button by selecting the event in the list and clicking the “Set” button below a snapshot button.
Signal Chain
You can adjust the order and contents of processing modules in the Ozone signal chain. The following image outlines the controls available in the signal chain area of the Ozone mothership plug-in and application:

1. Power: Enables/disables processing for the associated module. 2. Solo: Disables all other module processing and isolates the
associated module. 3. Module presets: Opens the module preset manager window for
the associated module. 4. Difference meters: Displays the amount of gain change introduced
by processing in the associated module. 5. x (Remove): Removes the associated module from the Signal
Chain. . + (Add): Opens the module selection menu.



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The following modules are available in the signal chain selection menu:
1. Dynamic EQ 2. Dynamics 3. Equalizer 1 4. Equalizer 2 5. Exciter
. Imager 7. Low End Focus (Advanced only)
. Master Rebalance (Advanced only) 9. Match EQ 10. Maximizer 11. Plug-in (Application only) 12. Spectral Shaper (Advanced only) 13. Vintage Compressor 14. Vintage EQ 15. Vintage Limiter 1 . Vintage Tape
I/O Panel
The I/O panel is split into two main sections:



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1. Input/Output Gain and Meters 2. Global Processing and Auditioning
Input/Output Gain and Meters
The following image outlines the input and output metering and gain controls available in Ozone.



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1. I/O Meter Options 2. Input/Output level readouts: Shows the current or max input
levels, according to the selected meter type. 3. Input/Output meters: Displays input/output level information
according to the I/O meter option con guration. 4. Input/Output gain: Adjusts the amount of gain applied to the
input/output signal. 5. Link: Links/unlinks adjustments of left and right I/O gain controls.
. – | +: Decreases or increases the resolution of the meter scale.



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Clipping Indicators
When the input or output signal exceeds 0 dBFS, the clipping indicator box and level readout text above the meters will be displayed in red.

You can click on the red readout text and/or clipping indicator box to reset the clipping indicator.
I/O Meter Options
Click on the I/O button above I/O meters to toggle the I/O Meter Options pop- over menu open and closed.



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1. Type: Selects the metering calculation used to display information in the input and output meters.
2. Source: Selects between Stereo or Mid/Side metering displays the input and output meters.
3. Replace Input with Reference: When checked, the input meter will show metering data based on the currently selected reference track.
4. Show Reference Spectrum: When checked, the selected reference track spectrum will be displayed as a secondary spectrum in all module spectrum views.
1. Learn more about the individual I/O meter Type and Source options in the Options chapter.
2. Learn more about working with reference tracks in the Reference chapter.
Global Processing and Auditioning
The section located directly below the I/O meters and gain controls includes:



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1. Bypass: Select to disable all processing in the current instance of Ozone.
2. Gain Match: Toggle to enable/disable gain matching of the output signal. Behavior depends on the “Enable legacy bypass gain match behavior” setting in the Options window.
3. Sum to Mono: Sums the stereo output channels into a mono signal. Useful for checking mono compatibility.
4. Swap channels: Swaps the left and right output channel assignments.
5. Reference: Toggle the power button to enable/disable reference track playback. Click the Reference button to open the Referencing panel.
. Codec: Toggle the power button to enable/disable Codec Preview. Click the Codec button to open the Codec Preview panel.
7. Dither: Toggle the power button to enable/disable Dither processing. Click the Dither button to open the Dither panel.
Channel Processing Modes
Ozone offers different channel processing modes that determine how processing is applied within a given module. When a module supports more than one processing mode, a selection menu will appear in the module header area.



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The following options are available in the dropdown menu:
1. Stereo: Default processing mode for all modules, including those that do not offer explicit channel processing options. When selected, only one set of controls will be exposed and adjustments will apply to both channels.
2. Mid/Side: Applies Mid/Side encoding to the signal coming into the module, allowing you to process the Mid and Side channels independently. One set of parameters applies processing to the encoded Mid channel and the second set of parameters applies processing to the encoded Side channel. The signal is decoded to a stereo signal at the output of the module.
3. Left/Right: Allows you to process the Left and Right channels independently by splitting the module input signal into two processing channels. The signal is then `summed’ back to Stereo at the output of the module. One set of parameters applies processing to the Left channel and the second set of parameters applies processing to the Right channel.
The following modules offer Mid/Side and/or Left/Right channel processing mode options:



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Mid/Side Left/Right



Dynamic EQ








Match EQ



Low End Focus


Spectral Shaper


Vintage Compressor


Vintage EQ



Channel Processing Mode Controls
When Mid/Side or Left/Right mode is selected, the following controls become available in the module header area:

1. Power Button: Enables/disables processing in the associated channel.
2. Solo: Isolates the output of the associated channel. 3. Channel selection buttons: Select the associated channel view by
clicking the “Mid” or “Side” buttons (in Mid/Side mode) and the “Left” or “Right” buttons (in Left/Right mode). 4. Channel Link: Enables/disables linked parameter adjustments on both channels.


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Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Views
1. Spectrum Analyzer 2. Gain Reduction Trace
4. Controls
1. Mode 2. Threshold 3. Character 4. Stereo Independence 5. Transient Emphasis
Ozone’s acclaimed IRC (Intelligent Release Control) technology lets you boost the overall level of your mixes without sacri cing dynamics and clarity. The Maximizer applies to the entire bandwidth of the mix; it is not a multiband effect.
The module interface includes the following main sections:



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1. Module Header 2. Views 3. Controls
Module Header
The module header area includes the following controls:

1. View Selector: See the Views section below for detailed descriptions of the different meter views.
2. Learn Threshold: When enabled, the Maximizer will listen to your track and adjust the Threshold so that the output loudness matches the Target LUFS value. Learn Threshold will continue to update based on your track input until it is manually disabled.
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR LOUDNESS COMPLIANCE Learn Threshold should not be used to meet loudness compliance standards.
3. Target LUFS: Sets the loudness target (in LUFS) that the Maximizer will use when calculating the optimal Threshold for your track.
4. Reset: Returns all module controls to their default values.


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You can toggle between the different views using the view selector buttons in the module header area.

The Maximizer module includes the following views:
1. Spectrum Analyzer 2. Gain Reduction Trace
Spectrum Analyzer
Displays the magnitude (amplitude, in decibels) of a signal across the frequency spectrum in real-time. The spectrum analyzer displays the output signal of Ozone.

Gain Reduction Trace
Displays a scrolling waveform with a superimposed trace re ecting the amount of gain reduction applied over time.

The Maximizer includes the following controls:


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1. Mode 2. Threshold 3. Character 4. Stereo Independence 5. Transient Emphasis
The Maximizer includes the following Intelligent Release Control (IRC) modes:
1. IRC LL: Provides the intelligent digital loudness maximization of IRC I with lower latency. IRC LL is the lowest latency and least CPU intensive IRC mode.
2. IRC I: Provides intelligent digital loudness maximization of the signal. It does this by analyzing the source material and applying limiting in a psychoacoustically pleasing manner, reacting quickly to transients (to prevent pumping) and reacting more slowly to steady bass tones (to prevent distortion).
3. IRC II: Similar to IRC I, but optimized to preserve transients even more, so they sound sharper and clearer in the output signal, even when aggressive limiting is taking place.
4. IRC III: Allows for the most aggressive limiting by using an advanced psychoacoustic model to intelligently determine the speed of limiting that can be applied to the incoming signal, before producing distortion that is detectable to the human ear. Very CPU-intensive, and produces high latency, especially at higher sampling rates. You may nd that at sampling rates greater than 48kHz you are unable to use IRC III mode in real-time.
1. IRC III Character Styles: The following character styles will help you manage the limiter’s sound by constraining its



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release behavior:
1. Clipping: The most aggressive style setting of IRC III and will slightly colorize your mix with distortion or achieve the highest degree of loudness with the greatest risk of clipping.
2. Crisp: Agressively constrains the limiter’s release behavior and will favor distortion over any pumping.
3. Balanced: Constrains the release behavior of the limiter in a generally transparent way and should be suitable for most material.
4. Pumping: The least aggressive style setting for IRC III and does not constrain the limiter’s release behavior. It can tend toward a slower release behavior and may result in pumping. This is the “legacy” setting and is the behavior used in Ozone version 5.01 and earlier.
5. IRC IV: This mode builds upon our existing IRC technology by shaping the spectrum to further reduce pumping and distortion. As the signal goes farther over the threshold, the IRC IV algorithm limits frequency bands that contribute most to these peaks. This reduces intermodulation between different signal components and uses dozens of psychoacoustically spaced bands in order to react to any type of audio. When no limiting is necessary, the spectrum will be unaltered. Most CPU-intensive, and produces high latency, especially at higher sampling rates.
1. IRC IV Character Styles: The following character styles will help you manage the limiter’s sound by constraining its release behavior:
1. Classic: Provides general enhancement of the overall mix with a sound more reminiscent of Ozone’s earlier limiting algorithms which are still being used by professionals today.
2. Modern: Provides general enhancement and life to your mix but with greater detail and clarity than the Classic style.
3. Transient: Optimized for maximum preservation of all transients resulting in a highly detailed overall sound that may bene t some mixes needing added clarity.



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Adjust the threshold of the Maximizer to set the level at which the limiting processing takes place and determines the amount of gain added to maximize the output level.
THRESHOLD AND MAXIMIZER OUTPUT Setting the Threshold to a non-zero value that doesn’t trigger the limiter will still increase the output of the Maximizer. For example if the input level to the Maximizer is peaking at -15 dB and the Maximizer Threshold is set to -4dB, limiting will not occur, but the level at the output of the Maximizer will be peaking at -11dB.
The threshold control includes the following sub-controls and meter:
1. Threshold Meter 2. Ceiling 3. Link 4. True Peak
Threshold Meter
Displays input level and applied gain reduction.



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1. The two outer meters display input level to the limiter. 2. The two inner meters display gain reduction applied by the limiter. 3. The text readout at the bottom of the meter displays the current
gain reduction amount that is being applied by the limiter.
Adjust to set the maximum output level of the Maximizer.
CEILING, DITHER, AND CODEC PREVIEW It is generally recommended to use a setting of -0.3 dB when dithering, or a more dramatic setting (-0.6 dB to -0.8 dB) when mastering audio to be converted to .mp3 or .aac later, in order to prevent clipping in the future. See the Codec Preview section for more details.
Threshold and Ceiling Link
Enable to link the Threshold and Ceiling controls. Adjusting either control in linked mode will adjust the other control by the same amount and vice versa.



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True Peak
When enabled, the limiter will account for the levels of each digital sample and the levels of the analog signal that will eventually be produced by D/A conversion. This is sometimes necessary, since an analog signal’s peak level can exceed the corresponding digital signal’s peak level by more than 3 dB.
This option will result in a small increase in CPU usage, but if your mixes are running very hot you may want to enable it to ensure that absolutely no distortion is introduced when your audio is nally run through a D/A converter.
Adjust to customize the overall response time (attack and release times) of the maximizer processing. The attack and release times used are dependent on the selected Mode, and allows a continuous range from Fast (0.0) to Slow (10.0) in each mode.
Stereo Independence
The Stereo Independence controls represent the next iteration of the Stereo Unlink control in previous versions of Ozone. By default, the Stereo Independence controls (Transient and Sustain) will be linked and set to 0% – mimicking the default settings of the previous Stereo Unlink control.
1. Transient Slider: Adjusts how the limiter responds to transient material across channels.
2. Sustain Slider: Adjusts how the limiter responds to sustained material across channels.
3. Link: Links the Transient and Sustain sliders.



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1. Both Sliders set to 100%: It is possible to achieve a louder output from the Maximizer, but this can result in a narrow stereo image. To alleviate the narrowing effect of the Stereo Unlink control, we split this feature into two sliders.
2. Sliders independently set to non-zero values: Applies limiting to transient and sustained material separately, based on a level envelope generated from a ratio of the individual channel levels and the entire stereo image.
Transient Emphasis
Enable Transient Emphasis adjustment by clicking the Transient Emphasis power button. Adjusting the Amount control allows you to
ne-tune the shaping of transients before limiting takes place. This can be useful for preserving sharper sounds, like drums, while still optimizing loudness.
TRANSIENT EMPHASIS SETTINGS Using higher amount values for Transient Emphasis will result in more pronounced transients after the limiting process.
Ozone Application
The Ozone 9 application allows you to process up to 16 tracks per project using Ozone modules and VST/AU plug-ins.



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Application Interface
The key areas of the Ozone application interface are outlined in the image below.

1. Application Menus 2. Application Header 3. Track Workspace 4. Signal Chain and Module Interface
Application Menus
The le menu contains the different commands used to perform functions as described in the table below.



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File Option


Create New Project

Creates a new Ozone project directory.

Open Project

Opens a previously saved Ozone project.

Open Recent Project

Displays a list of any recent projects. If you want to clear this recent project list, click Clear List.


Saves current project.


Creates a copy of the current project directory with a

Project As.. new name.

Save (.OZN) As..

Saves a new copy of the session le within the current Ozone project directory. This is useful for versioning your Ozone projects over time. This saving method will NOT create copies of the imported audio
les. Instead it will reference the les included in the Imported Audio Files folder of the current project directory.

Import Audio Files

Opens your le system manager and allows you to choose an audio le to import. See Importing Audio section for more information.

Export Audio Files

Opens the le manager and allows you to export an audio le to your computer. See Exporting Audio section for more information.

Close Project

Closes out of your current project. A dialog window will appear asking if you wish to proceed with/without saving your current project.



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SAVING OZONE PROJECTS An Ozone project contains the following components:
1. An Ozone session le (.OZN). 2. An Imported Audio Files folder. 3. An Exported Audio Files folder.
An Ozone session le (.OZN) contains all of the session data:
1. Imported audio tracks 2. Ozone module settings 3. Track Trim & Fade settings 4. Global I/O settings
Importing Audio
You can import up to 16 audio les into an Ozone project using the following methods:

1. Click on the File menu. Choose “Import Audio Files” from the File Menu options.
2. Use keyboard shortcut Cmd+I or Ctrl+I; A standard dialog box will appear where you can navigate to the desired le, then click “Open” to import it into the project.
3. Click on the + icon in the track navigation area. 4. Drag and drop audio les into the Ozone interface.



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NO DUPLICATE AUDIO FILES Ozone only allows you to import the same audio le once per project.
Supported Import File Types

File Formats Bit Depths Sample Rates



11,250 Hz



22,050 Hz



44,100 Hz


48,000 Hz

88,200 Hz

96,000 Hz

176,400 Hz

192,000 Hz



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1. A projects sample rate defaults to the sample rate of the rst le loaded.
2. If you attempt to load a le with a different sample rate, it will be converted to the original sample rate set by the rst le, or manually set before the second le is loaded.
3. The conversion process will not convert previously converted/processed les (which are copied as working les upon load); Ozone will simply go back to the original les, create new copies, and then convert all the les to this new sample rate for their new working copies.
Exporting Audio
You can export processed audio les from the Ozone application using the following methods outlined in the table below.
1. Click on the File menu. Choose “Export Audio Files” from the File Menu options.
2. Use the keyboard shortcut Command+E (Mac) or Ctrl+E (Windows).
Exporting Audio Options
A dialog box will appear, offering various options for the les you are about to export as outlined in the table and images below.



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Current Track vs. All Tracks
There are two tabs in the Exporting Audio Options window:
1. Current Track: Used to export the audio le in the currently highlighted tab.
2. All Tracks: Used to export separate audio les for each audio le loaded into the current project.



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Current Track All Tracks

Type the desired name Filename into this eld to label your X
exported le.

Type in the desired text to

append each track being

exported. You can select

Append Text

to append either before or after the le name which


is useful for “tagging” the

titles of a group of audio

les with a common label.

Select the “Add Track

Add Track Numbers

Numbers” checkbox to add track numbers to your exports in the order they appear in your Ozone



Select the format of the

Format exported le(s): WAV, AIFF, X


MP3, or AAC.

Sets the bit rate for

compressed le formats.

Bit Rate

Audio quality improves with increasing bit rate.



(Available on MP3 and

AAC Only).

Click on the Set Path

button to open your File

Save Path

System window and to select where your



exported audio le(s) will

be saved.

Sample Sets the sample rate to




export your audio le as. If

you select a sample rate

that differs from the



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original imported le, Ozone will apply a highquality sample rate conversion to the le.

Current Track All Tracks

Bit Depth

Sets a Bit Depth value for your audio le.



Check this box to apply

high-quality dithering to

the exported le, typically

Enable Dither

used when exporting to a bit depth lower than 32-bit.



For more information, see

Enable Dither section


Prevent Clipping

Check this box to prevent clipping through either the X Normalize or Limit option.


Click this button to begin

the export process (or

launch the Track Info

screen for MP3 and AAC).


A dialog box will appear



that shows the progress of

the export operation,

which occurs faster than

real time.


Opens the Track Info




window after clicking

Export. Enter any

metadata for the encoded

audio le (used by MP3 &

AAC players) to display

information about the le.

MP3 will be tagged using

ID3v2.3, while AAC uses

iTunes style tags.



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(Available for MP3 and AAC Only)

Current Track All Tracks

AAC & MP3 CODECS USED BY OZONE For AAC, Ozone uses Fraunhofer’s codec. For MP3 the LAME codec is used (www.mp3dev.org). If an MP3 or AAC format is selected,
les are exported with a 44.1kHz sampling rate.
1. If the project is unsaved, the default save path is your Documents folder.
2. If the project has already been saved, the default save path is an Exported Audio Files folder in the same location as the project.
Enable Dither
Allows you to preserve the sound quality and dynamic range of a higher bit depth, when exporting the audio le to a lower bit depth. Ozone processes les at 32-bit so dither is desirable for les being exported to values lower than 32-bit.
1. For example, a common work ow is to record audio at 24-bit resolution, then import and process the audio in an application such as Ozone, which will process at a higher resolution (32-bit).
2. If you are releasing the audio material on a commercial CD, it must be converted to 16-bit audio, the required bit depth of the “Red Book” CD audio format.



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Application Header
Most of the controls and features in the Ozone mothership plug-in are also available in the Ozone Application. Transport controls and readouts are unique to the Ozone Application since it is an audio workspace and not a plugin.

1. Master Assistant 2. Preset System 3. Transport Controls 4. Undo 5. Undo History
. Options 7. Help
Transport Controls
Ozone provides Transport controls at the top of the interface, which allow you to easily navigate the playback functions of an imported audio
le. The transport bar includes the functions outlined in the table below.



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Skip Back: If the playhead is located more than two seconds into the audio le, clicking Skip Back invokes a “return to Zero” function, by moving the playhead back to the beginning of the current le. If the playhead is near the very beginning of the le, clicking Skip Back acts as a “skip back” button, skipping back to the previous audio le.

Stop: Click to stop playback.

Start: Click or press space bar to start playback.

Pause: Click or press space bar to pause playback.
Skip Forward: Click to skip to the next track tab in the project.
Playback: Click to change the playhead behavior when playback is stopped. When enabled, the playhead will stop at its current location on the timeline.
Loop: Click to loop a section of audio. For more information, see Enable Looping section below.



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Enable Looping
To loop playback of a speci c section of audio, click and drag on the mouse and highlight a portion of the audio le; the section will highlight in blue and the “loop” icon in the transport bar will also highlight.
When you next press Play, the transport will repeatedly loop playback for the highlighted section only.
To stop looping audio, click on the Loop button again. The button will de- illuminate and looping will no longer be active, even though the area of the waveform will remain highlighted. To start looping audio again, simply click the Loop button.
Transport Readouts
The transport readouts available in the Ozone 9 application are outlined in the image and table below.

1. Track Number: Displays the track number of the currently selected track.
2. Time Counter: Displays the current time position within the audio le, displaying in minutes/seconds/milliseconds.
3. Total Time: Displays the total length of all tracks in the project.
Track Workspace
You can load up to 16 audio les into the same Ozone project. You can interact with your tracks via the Track Tab bar or within the Waveform Display of the individual tracks.



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Track Tabs
Each tab represents an audio le and its associated settings within the current Ozone project. You can navigate the Track tabs using the methods and controls outlined below.

1. Add Tracks: Click on the File menu. Choose “Export Audio Files” from the File Menu options.
2. Removing Tracks:
1. Right-click on a track tab and select “Remove Track.” 2. Click on a tab to highlight it, then click on the X button. You
will be prompted with a dialog window to check if you want to remove the le (Delete), remove the track, but retain the
le in the Imported Audio Files folder of the Ozone project directory (Keep), or cancel your decision.
3. Re-ordering Tracks: Click and drag track tabs to change the order of tracks in the project.
Waveform Display
Displays the entire audio le in a waveform format. You can select regions of your audio’s waveform to focus on using the various Waveform Display controls and features outlined below.

1. Region Selection: Click and drag in the Waveform Display to select a region that you want to loop and apply processing to.
2. Trim/Fade Handles: You can right-click between the trim/fadestart and trim /fade-end regions to access the fade type menu. The



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fade type menu includes the following options: Log, Linear, Cosine, Equal Power. 3. Segmentation Bars: Ozone will analyze your imported audio le and nd similar song segments and automatically places those color bars. Click on the color bar to set a loop selection for that segment.
Signal Chain And Module Interface
The signal chain and included modules are the same across the Ozone 9 Application and Ozone 9 mothership plug-in. However, the Ozone 9 Application includes an extra module called the Plug-in module.
1. Please see the General Controls chapter for more information on the Signal Chain.
2. Navigate through the rest of the Help documentation for more information on the modules included in Ozone 9.
3. See the Plug-in module section below for more information on how to utilize this module.
Plug-in Module
The Plug-in Module is special to the Ozone Application. The following work ow details how to access and use the Plug-in module:
1. Add the Plug-in module to choose an iZotope plug-in to add to your signal chain.
2. Once added to the signal chain, the module card will appear with the plug- in’s name in the signal chain. The Plug-in module card has the same basic Signal Chain controls as the Ozone application modules, but does not include a preset option.
3. When you click on the plug-in module, the Ozone application will open the plug-in in a new window, allowing you to begin use.



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Plug-in Hosting Options
Click on the Options icon to open the Options window to the Plug-in tab. You can customize the following options:
1. Enabled Plug-in Formats 2. VST Plug-in Folders
When plug-in formats are enabled, the Ozone application will scan for new plug-ins in the background every time it is opened.

Plug-in Formats
Choose your Plug-in formats using the following options outlined below.
1. Scan Plug-ins: Click to scan your available plug-ins based on the format selection options: AU, VST, or both.
2. VST Checkbox: Click to include VST plug-ins when scanning. 3. AU Checkbox: Click to include AU plug-ins when scanning.



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VST Plug-in Folders
Customize your VST plug-in folders using the following options outlined below.
1. Add: Click to add a VST plug-in le from your le directory. 2. Remove: Click to remove a VST plug-in le from your le directory. 3. File Path: Click on the the dialog box and type in the desired le
path to add or remove your VST plug-in folders.
Master Assistant

Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Work ow Steps 3. Master Assistant Settings
1. Modules 2. Loudness & EQ 3. Destination
Master Assistant is designed to provide an intelligently tailored starting point for your track, to help you create a professional-sounding master, regardless of your experience level.
Master Assistant utilizes target genre curves that were born from a mixture of internal discussion and research. We started by grouping a large variety of audio les into ten classes of musical genre. These genre classes were then analyzed for their spectral characteristics. Based on our research, we created a number of target curves that represent the typical spectral characteristics for each genre class. Master Assistant analyzes your track to determine how similar it is to the different genre curves. Each genre curve is assigned a percentage of similarity and the percentages are used to create a unique target curve for your track.



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Work ow Steps
1. Click the Master Assistant button in the header area to open the Master Assistant panel.
2. Adjust the settings in the Master Assistant panel to suit your desired output. See the Master Assistant settings section below for details about the different options.
3. Click Next to proceed to the Master Assistant analysis step. 4. Analysis: Master Assistant requires audio input to perform
analysis and adjust settings.
1. Playback your track for at least 30 seconds so that Master Assistant has enough time to analyze the input audio.
2. Playback the loudest portion of your track to achieve the best results.
3. Enable loop playback in your DAW if you are analyzing a selection that is less than 30 seconds long.
5. When Master Assistant is nished working, you can either Accept or Cancel the changes.
1. Accept: Retains all changes made by Master Assistant and exits the Master Assistant panel.
2. X (Cancel): Reverts all settings to the state they were in before running Master Assistant and exits the Master Assistant panel.
Master Assistant Settings
There are three main sections in the Master Assistant setup panel:



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1. Modules 2. Loudness & EQ 3. Destination
Determines which modules will be included in the signal chain created by Master Assistant.
In this mode, only non-vintage modules will be included in the signal chain generated by Master Assistant. The following section details how each of the modules included in the Modern mode chain are affected by Master Assistant.

1. EQUALIZER: Compares the input audio to the unique target curve generated by Master Assistant. Band settings are adjusted to match your track to the unique target curve. Master Assistant will



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always enable band 1 (Low Shelf) and band 8 (High Shelf). Up to six Peak Bell lters may be enabled on bands 2-7. 2. DYNAMICS: Uses crest factor measurement of the input to determine if Dynamics processing will positively affect the output of the Maximizer. Sets Threshold values by learning the average input level.
1. Applying light low-end compression to overly dynamic audio allows the Maximizer to operate more transparently. In many cases, crest factor is calculated based on the low frequency band of the input signal. If your track is assigned a high percentage of similarity to the broad “Orchestral” category, crest factor calculation will be based on the full bandwidth of the input signal.
2. The Dynamics module will only be enabled by Master Assistant if the crest factor is higher than a predetermined cutoff value.
3. The full crest factor range used by Master Assistant is -1 to 14. The “ideal” crest factor range is 3 to 10.
4. When the crest factor is lower than 3, a track might be considered “too compressed.” When the crest factor measurement is higher than 10, a track might be considered “too dynamic.”
3. MAXIMIZER: Sets Ceiling and Threshold based on the target loudness value and destination settings. Compares the input and output signals of the Maximizer to determine which frequencies are hitting the limiter the hardest.
4. DYNAMIC EQ: Sets Dynamic EQ bands to peak frequencies found when comparing the Maximizer input and output signals in order to reduce potential distortion when limiting. Learns and sets Threshold controls based on the input level to the bands.



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In this mode, a mixture of non-vintage and vintage modules will be included in the signal chain generated by Master Assistant.

The following section details how each of the modules included in the Vintage mode chain are affected by Master Assistant.
1. EQUALIZER: Compares the input audio to the unique target curve generated by Master Assistant. Band settings are adjusted to match your track to the unique target curve. Master Assistant will always enable band 1 (Low Shelf) and band 8 (High Shelf). Up to six Peak Bell lters may be enabled on bands 2-7.
2. VINTAGE EQ: Adjusts low boost and high cut controls to add warmth and tonal character to your track.
3. VINTAGE COMPRESSOR: Analyzes the dynamic range of the input audio. If extreme dynamic range is not detected, the Vintage Compressor will be bypassed but still included in the signal chain.
4. VINTAGE LIMITER: Makes linked adjustments to the Threshold and Ceiling controls to add an analog character to the signal without introducing level differences.
5. MAXIMIZER: Sets Ceiling and Threshold based on the target loudness value and destination settings.
Loudness & EQ
Informs the target loudness value and target EQ curves (when Reference is selected) used by Master Assistant. You can choose between Manual or Reference mode.


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Sets the target loudness to a preset value associated with the selected Intensity option.

Selects the target loudness value (in LUFS) used by Master Assistant. The following choices are available:
1. LOW: -14 LUFS 2. MEDIUM: -12 LUFS 3. HIGH: -11 LUFS
Determines the target loudness value based on the loudness of a reference track. Select any reference track loaded in the Reference panel from the dropdown menu. If no reference tracks are loaded, click the “Load Reference Track” button to select a le in a system dialog.



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REFERENCE TRACK DETERMINES TARGET EQ CURVE AND TARGET LOUDNESS In Reference mode, the target loudness and the target EQ curve used by Master Assistant are based on the selected reference track.
Determines the Ceiling value in the Maximizer to ensure appropriate headroom for the selected destination format.

The Destination options are associated with the following Ceiling values:
1. Streaming: -1.0 dB 2. CD: -0.3 dB


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Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Views
1. Crossover Spectrum 2. Gain Reduction Trace 3. Detection Filter
4. Band Control Views
1. Selected Band View 2. All Bands View
5. Controls and Meters
You can use this module to shape the dynamics of your mix, with up to four bands of analog-modeled compression and limiting.

1. Module Header 2. Views 3. Controls


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Module Header
The module header includes the following controls:

1. View Selector: See the Views section below for detailed descriptions of the different meter views.
2. Channel Processing Modes: Selects the channel processing mode used by Dynamics.
1. Dynamics supports Stereo and Mid/Side mode. 2. See the General Controls chapter for more information.
3. Learn: Enables automatic crossover point placement. When active, crossover points will be moved to minima detected in the frequency spectrum of your track. When crossovers have been set to their ideal frequency values, Learn will automatically disable itself. Note: Learn is not available in single band processing mode.
4. Reset: Returns all module controls to their default values.
You can toggle between the different views using the view selector buttons:

The Dynamics module includes the following views:
1. Crossover Spectrum 2. Gain Reduction Trace 3. Detection Filter



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Crossover Spectrum
All multiband modules in Ozone support up to four processing bands. All multiband capable modules are single band by default. You can create new processing bands and manage multiband crossovers in the Crossover Spectrum view. Note: crossover cutoff frequencies are not shared or linked across multiband modules.

DYNAMICS GAIN REDUCTION/INCREASE IN CROSSOVER The horizontal lines drawn in band colors display gain reduction/addition occuring in the associated processing band. This is only shown in the Dynamics module crossover view.
Adjusting crossovers
1. Add band: Hover your cursor over the crossover spectrum view and click the

  • button to add a new crossover point.
    2. Enable/disable band: Click the power button to enable/disable processing in the associated band.
    3. Solo band: Click the S button to isolate playback of the associated band.
    4. Remove band: Hover over a band in the crossover view and click the x that appears to remove the band.
    5. Adjust crossover cutoffs: Click and drag a handle to adjust the crossover frequency. You can also double-click on a crossover handle and enter the value manually in the inline edit eld that appears.
    Gain Reduction Trace
    Displays a scrolling waveform with a superimposed trace re ecting the amount of gain reduction applied over time.



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GAIN REDUCTION IN MULTIBAND The gain reduction trace shows information for one band at a time. The trace color matches the color of the band it is metering.
Detection Filter
This view includes a spectrum analyzer and detection input lter controls. The detection lter allows you to apply a lter to the signal used by the level detector to trigger dynamics processing.
The following controls are available in the Detection Filter view:
1. None: Disables the detection input lter. This is the default setting. 2. Highpass: Enables a highpass lter. You can adjust lter slope by
clicking the lter node and dragging the node handles horizontally. 3. Tilt: Similar to the THRUST circuit found on API compressors, Tilt
mode preserves low frequencies using a high-frequency weighted lter curve.
1. Amount: Controls the Tilt lter slope. Adjust Amount by clicking and dragging over the readout or by double-clicking on the readout and entering a new value in the inline edit eld.
4. Solo: Isolates playback of the detection input signal after ltering.



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Band Control Views
There are two different views for band controls in the Dynamics module panel:
1. Selected Band View 2. All Bands View
You can toggle between these views using the Band View Selectors located on the right side of the Dynamics module controls panel.

Selected Band View
Provides a focused view of the selected processing band. This is the default band view selection.

You can change which band is displayed using the following methods:
1. Band View Selector arrows: Click the arrow buttons to the left/right of the Band View button to switch between band views.
2. Select band in Crossover Spectrum: Click on a band region in the Crossover Spectrum to show the associated controls in the Selected Band View.



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All Bands View
This view offers a consolidated overview of key controls for all four bands. If a band is inactive, the controls will appear greyed out in this view.

NOT ACCESSIBLE IN ALL BANDS VIEW The Knee (Limiter/Compressor) control, global Level Detection Mode, and the Dynamics Curve Meter are hidden from the All Bands View, switch to the Selected Band View to access these features.
Controls and Meters
The following sections outline the controls and meters included in the Dynamics module.



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1. Level Detection Mode 2. Threshold 3. Ratio 4. Attack 5. Release
. Knee 7. Parallel
. Dynamics Curve Meter 9. Band View Selectors 10. Link Bands 11. Global and Band Gain 12. Auto Gain 13. Adaptive Release
Level Detection Mode
Determines how the input signal level is measured by the Dynamics level detection circuit. This is a global setting, shared by all bands in multiband mode.
1. Peak: Uses the peak level of the incoming signal. In general, this setting is useful when you are trying to even out sudden peaks in your music.
2. Env: (Envelope) Uses the average level of the incoming signal evened out across the frequency spectrum. Similar to RMS mode but with some advantages. Unlike RMS, Envelope mode produces



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even levels across all frequencies and will not produce the aliasing or artifacts that RMS detection can cause. 3. RMS: Uses the average level of the incoming signal. RMS detection is useful when you are trying to increase overall level without changing the character of the sound.
Determines the signal level at which the compressor or limiter begins processing. The handle on the left controls the Limiter Threshold, the handle on the right controls the Compressor Threshold.

Threshold Input Meter
Displays the input level to the level detection circuit (outer meters, displayed in grey) alongside the gain change applied as a result of the dynamics processing (inner meters, displayed in the corresponding band color).



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Gain reduction is drawn from the top to the bottom of the meter, gain increase is drawn from the bottom to the top of the meter.
Determines the amount of gain reduction applied to a signal when the threshold is crossed.
Compressor Ratios
1. Compressor Ratio Default: 2:1. 2. Compressor Ratio Range: (10):1 to 30:1. Note: (10):1 is shown as
0.1:1 in All Bands View. 3. Positive Compressor ratios result in downward compression.
Downward compression reduces the level of signals that reach the threshold and leaves signals below the threshold unaffected. 4. Negative Compressor ratios result in upward compression. Upward compression raises the level of signals that fall below the threshold and leaves signals above the threshold unaffected. Upward compression can gently raise levels instead of pushing down peaks.



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Limiter Ratios
1. Limiter Ratio Default: 10:1. 2. Limiter Ratio Range: (2.5):1 to 30:1. Note: (2.5):1 is shown as
0.4:1 in All Bands View. 3. Positive Limiter ratios result in downward compression (limiting).
Higher ratios, particularly 10:1 or greater, result in limiting (more extreme downward compression).
The Limiter in the Dynamics module is similar to the response of a limiter in the analog domain. When the Dynamics Limiter Ratio is set to 30:1, some overshoot may still occur because it does not function as a Brickwall limiter.
4. Negative Limiter ratios result in upward expansion. Upward expansion raises the level of signals that exceed the threshold. Upward expansion can be used to add punch to dull mixes or emphasize the beat in rhythm-heavy music.
Determines the amount of time, or how quickly it takes (in milliseconds), for the dynamics to react and for the signal to become fully compressed after exceeding the threshold level.
Adjusts the amount of time (milliseconds) it takes for the dynamics processor to return to unity gain (recovers gain) when the input signal falls below the threshold.



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Adjusts a range around the threshold that determines how abruptly processing is applied to a signal as it approaches the threshold.
1. Higher values create a “soft knee” effect, which gradually introduces processing as the signal approaches the Threshold level. This provides subtler, more natural sounding compression.
2. Lower values create a “hard knee” effect, which abruptly begins processing when the signal crosses the Threshold level. This offers more aggressive sounding compression and is often used on individual tracks, such as kick or snare drum.
Adjusts the amount of the “dry” (unprocessed) signal to mix with the “wet” (processed) signal. This technique is also known as “parallel compression”. This control is available for each band individually.
Dynamics Curve Meter
The Dynamics Curve Meter is an interactive plot of the Threshold, Ratio, and Knee controls as they relate to input and output levels. The y-axis represents output level (dB) and the x-axis represents input level (dB). You can zoom in/out by clicking the +/- buttons that appear in the bottom right when hovering your cursor over the meter. Signal activity is drawn below the curve in the associated band color.



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Dynamics Curve Meter Nodes
1. C (Compressor): This node is associated with the Compressor Threshold and Knee. Moving left/right will affect Compressor Threshold. Adjusting the node handles will affect Compressor Knee.
2. L (Limiter): This node is associated with the Limiter Threshold, Limiter Knee, and Compressor Ratio. Moving left/right will affect Limiter Threshold. Adjusting the node handles will affect Limiter Knee. Moving up/down will affect Compressor Ratio (positive Ratios only).
3. Leftmost and Rightmost nodes: These nodes indicate the amount of gain reduction/increase applied to signals above/below the threshold.
Band View Selectors
Switch between Selected Band View or All Bands View.



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Use the arrow buttons to the left and right of the Band # button to switch between available band views.
Link Bands
When enabled, all band speci c control adjustments will be linked relative to their current settings.
Global and Band Gain
Adjusts gain after Dynamics processing, useful for compensating for level differences caused by Dynamics processing. You can make adjustments to Global Gain and Band Gain simultaneously.
1. Band Gain: Adjusts the amount of gain applied to the associated band after Dynamics processing. When working in the Selected Band View, the Gain slider for the currently selected band is located on right side of the Dynamics module controls panel. When working in All Bands View, a Gain control is located directly below the threshold meter for each band.
2. Global Gain: Adjusts the amount of gain applied to the output signal of all bands after Dynamics processing. The Global Gain control is located on the right side of the Dynamics module controls panel when All Bands View is selected. The Global Gain slider is hidden when you are working in the Selected Band View.
Auto Gain
When enabled, make-up gain is automatically calculated and applied to the output signal to compensate for level differences introduced by dynamics processing. The automatic gain control calculates the RMS levels of the input and output signals independently for each Dynamics crossover band. Gain is automatically applied to the output signal based on the RMS level difference between the input and output signals. Auto gain and manual global/per-band gain adjustments can be applied simultaneously.


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Adaptive Release
When enabled, automatically adjusts the Release time of the Compressor based on the peak factor of a signal.
1. If a transient signal is detected, the Release time is scaled to be shorter to reduce pumping.
2. If a sustained signal is detected, the Release time is scaled to be longer to reduce distortion.
AUTO RELEASE ADJUSTMENTS The Release time is scaled in relation to the Release value set by the user. For example: if you are using the Compressor with the Release time set to 100 ms, the Release time will be automatically adjusted to a value within a range of 20 ms to 200 ms, depending on the type of signal that is being processed.
Dynamic EQ



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Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Spectrum View
1. Alt-Solo
4. Working with Dynamic EQ Nodes
1. Add Nodes 2. Adjusting Nodes 3. Remove Nodes 4. Set Dynamic Mode Direction
5. Dynamic EQ HUD Controls
1. General Controls 2. Filter Controls 3. Threshold Controls 4. Advanced HUD Controls
The Dynamic EQ can be very useful in controlling speci c frequencies in your mix that are too loud, with a degree of precision not possible with a static EQ.
There are three main areas of the Dynamic EQ module interface:



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1. Module Header 2. Spectrum View 3. Dynamic EQ HUD Controls
Module Header
The module header includes the following controls:
1. Global Filter Mode: Selects the type of lter algorithm used to process all bands in the Dynamic EQ module. 1. Analog: Selects minimum-phase IIR (in nite impulse response) lters. 2. Digital: Selects linear-phase FIR lter types for processing in the Dynamic EQ module. FIR lters retain the phase of the



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original signal, but are more expensive in regard to CPU usage. 2. Channel Processing Mode: Selects the channel processing mode used by the Dynamic EQ.
1. The Dynamic EQ supports Stereo, Mid/Side, and Left/Right mode.
2. See the General Controls chapter for more information.
3. Reset: Returns all controls in the module to their factory default values.
Spectrum View
The Dynamic EQ module includes a spectrum analyzer with the following features:

1. Composite curve: The combined lter response of all enabled bands. Represented by a thick white line drawn across the spectrum. Each band contributes to the overall shape of this curve.
2. Filter response curve: The lter response of the currently selected node. Represented by a highlighted line and lled area under the band which appears when you select a node. If there are no nodes selected, the lter response curve is hidden and you will only see the composite curve.
3. Meter Scales: there are three different scales in the Dynamic EQ



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1. Dynamic EQ Gain Scale: (dB) The lter gain scale is located on the right side of the spectrum view. Range: +15 dB to -30 dB.
2. Spectrum Magnitude Scale: (dB) Vertical scale displayed on the left side of the spectrum view.
3. Spectrum Frequency Scale: (Hz) Horizontal scale displayed along the bottom of the spectrum view.
1. The scales for the lter gain and the spectrum magnitude are different, by design. If they were made to match, you wouldn’t see enough of the spectrum for it to be useful.
2. See the Options chapter for more information about spectrum scale options.
You can use the alt/option key when clicking on a node or anywhere in the spectrum to momentarily solo a speci c frequency region. When you release the mouse click, alt-solo will be disabled.
1. Band Solo: Hold the alt or option key and click on an EQ node. This is equivalent to pressing the Solo button in the HUD.
2. Alt-Solo in Spectrum: Hold the alt or option key and click anywhere on the frequency spectrum to solo frequencies surrounding the location of the cursor. You can adjust the bandwidth of the alt-solo lter in the Options window.



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Working with Dynamic EQ Nodes
The following sections describe how to add, adjust and remove Dynamic EQ nodes.
1. Add Nodes 2. Adjusting Nodes 3. Remove Nodes 4. Set Dynamic Mode Direction
Add Nodes
1. Hover your cursor over the composite curve, click the + button that appears to add a new band to that frequency position.
2. Press command+ return (Mac) or ctrl+ return (Windows) to add a new node to the center of the frequency spectrum.
3. Double-click anywhere in the spectrum to add a new node at the frequency location of your cursor.
DEFAULT FILTER SHAPE ASSIGNMENT BASED ON FREQUENCY Default lter shapes are assigned to nodes depending on their initial frequency value.
1. From 20 Hz to 100 Hz: Baxandall Bass. If a Baxandall Bass lter already exists in the curve, the default lter shape will be
Proportional Q. 2. From 100 Hz to 8 kHz: Proportional Q. 3. From 8 kHz to 20 kHz: Baxandall Treble. If a Baxandall Treble
lter already exists in the curve, the default lter shape will be Proportional Q.
Adjusting Nodes
The following methods can be used to move/adjust lter nodes:
1. Click and drag a node up and down to adjust gain. Click and drag a



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node left and right to adjust frequency. 2. Hold the shift key while clicking and dragging a node to lock the
movement to the horizontal axis (for frequency) or vertical axis (for gain). 3. Click and drag the handles that appear on the left/right side of a selected node to adjust the Q/Slope value. 4. Press the up or down arrow keys to adjust the gain of a selected node. Press the left or right arrow keys to adjust the frequency of a selected node. 5. Hold shift while using the arrow keys to make coarse value adjustments. . Hold command (Mac) or ctrl (Windows) while using the arrow keys to make ne value adjustments. 7. Double-click on a node to reset all band parameters to their default values.
Remove Nodes
The following methods can be used to remove lter nodes:
1. Select a node and click the X button in the HUD to remove it. 2. Click and drag to lasso select multiple nodes. Press delete or
backspace key to remove all selected nodes. 3. Hold Shift and click on individual nodes to select multiple nodes.
Use the delete or backspace key to remove all selected nodes.
Set Dynamic Mode Direction
The arrow buttons directly above and below a node indicate the direction the lter will move when triggered. The lled arrow button indicates the currently selected direction.



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Dynamic Mode Direction
Filters will behave as follows in the different modes:
1. UP: When a signal exceeds the threshold, the lter will move upwards.
1. Positive Gain: Using the Up trigger mode will move the lter from the center line toward the static node (boost when triggered).
2. Negative Gain: Using the Up trigger mode will apply the full negative gain until it is triggered-when triggered it will move toward the center line.
2. DOWN: When the signal exceeds the threshold, the lter will move downwards.
1. Positive Gain: Using the Down trigger mode will move the lter from the static boost value toward the center line (cut
when triggered). 2. Negative Gain: Using the Down trigger mode will move the
lter from the center line toward the static negative gain value.
Dynamic EQ HUD Controls
Click on a node to view the HUD panel for a given band.



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The HUD panel includes the following sections:
1. General Controls: Enable/disable, Solo, and Remove. 2. Filter Controls: Filter Shape, Frequency, Gain, and Q. 3. Threshold Controls: Threshold, Threshold Input meter, and gain
change readout. 4. Advanced Panel: Auto Scale, Attack, Release, and Static Offset
General Controls
You can enable/disable, solo, or remove a band with the buttons along the left edge of the HUD.

1. POWER: Click the power button to enable or disable processing for the selected band.
2. SOLO: Click the S button to isolate playback of the selected band. 3. REMOVE: Click the X button to remove the associated band.
Filter Controls
You can adjust lter shape, frequency, gain, and Q/bandwidth in this section of the HUD.



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1. Filter Shape Selects the lter shape for the associated band. Filter shape types include:
1. Baxandall: Inspired by the Baxandall EQ, with the addition of freely adjustable frequency. Choose between Bass for a gentle low shelf lter or Treble for a gentle high shelf lter. When to use: Transparent way of addressing extreme lows and extreme highs for a more natural, gentle sounding effect.
2. Band Shelf: Bell lter with wide, at top. When to use: To change the relation between the harmonics in your audio. Useful for boosting or attenuating a block of frequencies.
3. Peak Bell: Smoothly boosts or cuts an adjustable region around a speci c frequency. Looks like a bell, come on what do you want from me. When to use: Changes the overall color or texture of the sound with larger gain adjustments (boost or cut). This will be a more noticeable change than Proportional Q.
4. Proportional Q: Unique lter that varies shape in proportion to the amount of boost or cut applied. As you increase or decrease the gain, the change is proportional to bandwidth. When to use: Tight, precise corrective cuts-the bigger gain adjustment, the tighter the cut will become.
2. Freq: Determines the center or cutoff frequency of the selected band. Units: Hz (Hertz); Range: 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
3. Gain: Determines the amount of gain applied to the selected lter. Units: dB (decibels); Range: -30 dB to +15 dB.
4. Q: Determines the width or slope of parameteric/bell lters. Units: cF/Bandwidth.



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1. Click and drag on a HUD text readout to scrub the value. 2. Double-click on a text readout in the HUD, type a value in the
inline edit eld, press enter or click outside of the eld to change the value.
Threshold Controls
You can adjust the Threshold and view related meters in this section of the HUD.

1. Threshold Input meter: Vertical meter bars displayed behind the Threshold slider.
1. Input Level Meter: Displays the input signal of the selected lter in the outer vertical meter bars.
2. Gain Reduction/Addition: Displays the amount of level adjustment applied to the selected lter in the inner vertical meter bars.
2. Threshold (dB): Determines the signal level at which dynamic gain adjustments will be triggered for the selected lter. Adjustment methods:
1. Click and drag the slider up and down. 2. Click on the slider handle then use the Up or Down arrow
keys. 3. Double-click on the value readout, type the value into the



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inline edit eld, and press enter to save it. 3. +/-: Displays the gain reduction/addition applied to the lter as a
text based readout.
Advanced HUD Controls
Click the arrow on the right side of the HUD to expand the Advanced panel.

The Advanced Panel includes the following controls:
1. Auto Scale: When enabled, the attack and release values will be scaled automatically depending on the frequency of the associated band.
2. Attack: Adjusts how long it takes the dynamic trigger to react to a signal crosses the Threshold value. You can adjust the Attack value by clicking and dragging on the value readout or by doubleclicking on the value readout and typing a value into the inline edit eld.
3. Release: Adjusts how long it takes for the dynamic trigger to return the lter to its static settings when the input signal falls below the Threshold value. You can adjust Release by clicking and dragging on the value readout or by double-clicking on the value readout and typing a value into the inline edit eld.
4. Offset: Sets a static gain offset for the associated band.



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Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Views
1. HUD View 2. All Bands View
4. Spectrum and EQ Curve
1. Extra Curves 2. Alt-Solo
5. Working with EQ Nodes
1. Adding Nodes 2. Adjusting Nodes 3. Removing Nodes
. Controls
1. General Controls 2. Filter Controls 3. Advanced Controls
Ozone’s versatile Equalizer allows you to add warmth and character with analog-matched lters, or precisely boost and cut frequencies with digital linear-phase lters.
The module interface includes the following sections:



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1. Module Header 2. Spectrum and EQ Curve 3. Controls
Module Header
The module header includes the following controls:
1. View Selector: See the Views section below for detailed descriptions of the different views.
2. Global Filter Mode: Selects the type of lter algorithm used to process all bands in the EQ module.
1. Analog: Selects minimum-phase IIR (in nite impulse response) lters.
2. Digital: Selects linear-phase FIR lter types for processing in the EQ module. FIR lters retain the phase of the original signal, but are more expensive in regard to CPU usage.



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DIGITAL ONLY FEATURES Phase and Surgical Filter Shapes are only available when Digital is selected. 3. Channel Processing Mode: Selects the Channel Processing Mode used in the Equalizer.
1. The Equalizer supports Stereo, Mid/Side, or Left/Right mode.
2. See the General Controls chapter for more information.
4. Reset: Returns all controls in the module to their factory default values.
You can switch between HUD View and All Bands View using the view selection buttons.

HUD View
This is the default view in the Equalizer module. In this view, a HUD panel will appear when you select a node.



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All Bands View
When selected, band controls are displayed in a table format below the spectrum. The HUD panel is not displayed when nodes are selected in All Bands View.

Spectrum and EQ Curve
The main spectrum view of the Equalizer includes the following features:

1. Spectrum Analyzer: Displays the magnitude (amplitude, in decibels) of a signal across the frequency spectrum in real-time. The spectrum analyzer in the Equalizer module displays the output signal of Ozone.
2. Composite curve: The combined lter response of all enabled bands. Represented by a thick white line drawn across the


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spectrum. Each band contributes to the overall shape of this curve. 3. Filter response curve: The lter response of the currently selected node. Represented by a highlighted line and lled area under the band which appears when you select a node. If there are no nodes selected, the lter response curve is hidden and you will only see the composite curve. 4. Spectrum Scales:
1. Spectrum Magnitude Scale: (dB) Vertical scale displayed on the left side of the spectrum view.
2. Spectrum Frequency Scale: (Hz) Horizontal scale displayed along the bottom of the spectrum view.
5. Equalizer Gain Scale: (dB) The lter gain scale is located on the right side of the spectrum view. Range: +15 dB to -30 dB.
1. The scales for the lter gain and the spectrum magnitude are different, by design. If they were made to match, you wouldn’t see enough of the spectrum for it to be useful.
2. See the Options chapter for more information about spectrum scale options.
Extra Curves
When the Show Extra Curves option is enabled in the EQ options tab, three additional rulers appear on the right-hand side of the spectrum analyzer: Phase Response (degrees), Phase Delay (ms), Group Delay (ms).



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You can hide and show each curve individually by clicking on the buttons that appear in the legend along the top of the spectrum view.
1. Phase Delay: A calculation of phase response represented in time (ms).
2. Phase Response: A calculation of phase response represented in degrees. This curve is most useful when using analog or minimum phase equalization.
3. Group Delay: A calculation of the delay of amplitude envelopes in time (ms). This curve is most useful when working with transients.
You can use the alt/option key when clicking on a node or anywhere in the spectrum to momentarily solo a speci c frequency region. When you release the mouse click, alt-solo will be disabled.
1. Band Solo: Hold the alt or option key and click on an EQ node. This is equivalent to pressing the Solo button in the HUD.
2. Alt-Solo in Spectrum: Hold the alt or option key and click anywhere on the frequency spectrum to solo frequencies surrounding the location of the cursor. You can adjust the bandwidth of the alt-solo lter in the Options window.



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Working with EQ Nodes
The following sections describe how to add, adjust and remove EQ nodes.
1. Adding Nodes 2. Adjusting Nodes 3. Removing Nodes
Adding Nodes
1. Hover your cursor over the composite curve, click the + button that appears to add a new band to that frequency position.
2. Press command+ return (Mac) or ctrl+ return (Windows) to add a new node to the center of the frequency spectrum.
3. Double-click anywhere in the spectrum to add a new node at the frequency location of your cursor.
DEFAULT FILTER SHAPE ASSIGNMENT BASED ON FREQUENCY Default lter shapes are assigned to nodes depending on their initial frequency value.
1. From 20 Hz to 100 Hz: Baxandall Bass. If a Baxandall Bass lter already exists in the curve, the default lter shape will be
Proportional Q. 2. From 100 Hz to 8 kHz: Proportional Q. 3. From 8 kHz to 20 kHz: Baxandall Treble. If a Baxandall Treble
lter already exists in the curve, the default lter shape will be Proportional Q.



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Adjusting Nodes
The following methods can be used to move/adjust lter nodes:
1. Click and drag a node up and down to adjust gain. Click and drag a node left and right to adjust frequency.
2. Hold the shift key while clicking and dragging a node to lock the movement to the horizontal axis (for frequency) or vertical axis (for gain).
3. Click and drag the handles that appear on the left/right side of a selected node to adjust the Q/Slope value.
4. Press the up/down arrow keys to adjust the gain of a selected node. Press the left/right arrow keys to adjust the frequency of a selected node.
5. Hold shift while using the arrow keys to make coarse value adjustments.
. Hold command (Mac) or ctrl (Windows) while using the arrow keys to make ne value adjustments.
7. Double-click on a node to reset all band parameters to their default values.
Removing Nodes
The following methods can be used to remove lter nodes:
1. In the HUD view: Select a node and click the X button in the HUD to remove it.
2. In All Bands View: Click the power button associated with the band you want to remove in the controls section.
3. Click & drag to select multiple nodes. Press delete or backspace key to remove all selected nodes.
4. Hold Shift and click on individual nodes to select multiple nodes. Use the delete or backspace key to remove all selected nodes.
The following sections detail the EQ lter controls in the context of the HUD View. Any All Bands View differences or exceptions are noted in the control descriptions below.



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The HUD panel is divided into the folowing sections:
1. General Controls: Enable/disable, Solo, and Remove. 2. Filter Controls: Filter Shape, Frequency, Gain, and Q/Slope. 3. Advanced Panel: Phase. Digital Mode only.
General Controls
You can enable/disable, solo, or remove a band with the buttons along the left edge of the HUD.

1. Power: Click the power button to enable or disable processing for the selected band.
When All Bands View is selected, clicking on a band power button will remove the associated band, rather than disable it.
2. Solo: Click the S button to isolate playback of the selected band. 3. Remove: Click the X button to remove the associated band.



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Filter Controls
You can adjust lter shape, frequency, gain, and Q/bandwidth in this section of the HUD.

Filter Shape
Selects the lter shape for the associated band. The lter shapes are organized into sub-menus based on lter type and usage.
1. BELL menu: These lters can be used to boost or cut a speci c center frequency level (Peak type lters). The following lter shapes are included in this menu:
1. Bell: Smoothly boosts or cuts an adjustable region around a speci c frequency.
2. Proportional Q: Unique lter that varies shape in proportion to the amount of boost or cut applied. As a cut or boost is increased further away from center of the EQ curve, the shape tightens for more precision.
3. Band Shelf: Bell lter with wide, at top. Useful for boosting or attenuating a block of frequencies.
2. LOW SHELF and HIGH SHELF menus: These lters can be used to boost or cut the frequency content above or below a speci ed



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frequency (Shelf type lters). The following lter shapes are included in the sub-menu:
1. Analog: E cient shelf lter for simple boosts and cuts. 2. Baxandall: Gentle shelf lters. Modeled after the Baxandall
EQ, with the addition of adjustable frequency. 3. Vintage: Inspired by the renowned Pultec analog equalizer.
Exhibits a complementary frequency dip, creating a complex slope with one node. 4. Resonant: Exhibits a complimentary resonance at both ends of the lter slope creating a complex shape with one node. 3. LOWPASS and HIGHPASS menus: These lters can be used to attenuate frequency content that is below (for highpass) or above (for lowpass) a speci ed cutoff frequency (Pass type lters). The following lter shapes are included in this sub-menu:
1. Flat: Butterworth lter; optimized for maximum atness without ripple or resonance in the passband or stopband (stability).
2. Resonant: Filter equipped with a resonance control to emphasize the cutoff frequency with positive gain. Boosts content at the cutoff frequency to add character and emphasize the lowest or highest part of the signal.
3. Brickwall: Elliptic lters. Optimized for steepness with minimal ripple in the passband and stopband.
4. SURGICAL:(Digital mode only) Precise digital lter shape available in all lter shape sub-menus when Digital Filter Mode is selected in the module header.
Determines the center or cutoff frequency of the selected band. Units: Hz (Hertz); Range: 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
Determines the amount of gain applied to the selected lter. Units: dB (decibels); Range: -30 dB to +15 dB.



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1. Q: Determines the bandwidth (cF) of the selected lter. 2. Slope: Determines the Slope of the lter below or above the set
cutoff frequency. Slope is measured in decibels per octave (dB/oct).
FIXED Q/SLOPE The Baxandall Bass, Baxandall Treble, HP Brickwall and LP Brickwall lter shapes do not have adjustable Q/Slope values.
Advanced Controls
You can access the Advanced panel by clicking the arrow button on the right hand side of the HUD. If the Global Filter Mode is set to Analog, the Advanced panel button will be disabled. You can only access the Advanced panel of the HUD when the Global Filter Mode is set to Digital.

Adjusts the phase response of the currently selected lter.
1. 0% Phase: the selected band will have a Linear phase response. 2. 100% Phase: the selected band will have a Minimum phase



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1. Phase is only adjustable when Digital Global Filter Mode is selected.
2. Phase is not included in the controls table of the All Bands View. You can only access Phase from the Advanced panel of the HUD.
Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Views
1. Crossover Spectrum 2. Post Filter
4. Controls
1. Oversampling 2. Link Bands 3. Modes 4. Amount 5. Mix
Ozone’s Exciter module offers up to four bands of con gurable saturation with numerous modes giving you the ability to customize how saturation is introduced into your music.



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1. Module Header 2. Views 3. Controls
Module Header
The Exciter module header includes the following controls:
1. View Selector: See the Views section below for detailed descriptions of the different meter views.
2. Channel Processing Modes: Selects the channel processing mode used by the Exciter.
1. The Exciter supports Stereo and Mid/Side mode. 2. See the General Controls chapter for more information.
3. Learn: Enables automatic crossover point placement. When active, crossover points will be moved to minima detected in the frequency spectrum of your track. When crossovers have been set to their ideal frequency values, Learn will automatically disable itself. Note: Learn is not available in single band processing mode.
4. Reset: Returns all module controls to their default values.



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You can toggle between the different Exciter views using the view selector buttons in the module header area.

The Exciter module includes the following views:
1. Crossover Spectrum 2. Post Filter
Crossover Spectrum
All multiband modules in Ozone support up to four processing bands. All multiband capable modules are single band by default. You can create new processing bands and manage multiband crossovers in the Crossover Spectrum view. Note: crossover cutoff frequencies are not shared or linked across multiband modules in the main Ozone plug-in.

Adjusting Crossovers
1. Add band: Hover your cursor over the crossover spectrum view and click the

  • button to add a new crossover point.
    2. Enable/disable band: Click the power button to enable/disable processing in the associated band.
    3. Solo band: Click the S button to isolate playback of the associated band.
    4. Remove band: Hover over a band in the crossover view and click the x that appears to remove the band.
    5. Adjust crossover cutoffs: Click and drag a handle to adjust the crossover frequency. You can also double-click on a crossover handle and enter the value manually in the inline edit eld that appears.


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Post Filter
Displays harmonic highlights that represent the saturation being applied to your signal across the frequency spectrum. You can adjust a highshelf lter that affects the wet (processed) output of the module to tame any high frequency content that may have been introduced by the module’s processing.

The affected frequencies on the spectrum are indicated by a bright white ll. Non-affected frequencies on the spectrum will not display a ll color. The histogram display is calculated after the Post Filter is applied. Adjusting the Post Filter will update the histogram display to show the saturation occurring at the output of the Exciter module.
The Exciter module includes the following controls:

Increases the sampling rate of the applied distortion to reduce aliasing. This option applies to all bands.



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OVERSAMPLING AND CPU Oversampling utilizes more processing power to increase the quality level of the Exciter module.
Link Bands
When enabled, adjustments made to a control will be linked and applied to all other bands by the same amount.
Select one of the egg cider’s different modes to nd the sonic characteristic that ts your in your mix. You can choose between the following Mode options:
1. Analog: Emulates the sound of transistor type odd harmonics giving a driven grit to your audio.
2. Retro: Based on characteristics of transistors, with a slowly decaying row of odd harmonics.
3. Tape: Offers a brighter sounding saturation, due to the odd harmonics found when saturating analog tape.
4. Tube: Characterized by its clear “tonal” excitation with an emphasis on dynamic or transient attacks.
5. Warm: Generates only even harmonics that decay quickly. . Triode: Modeled after a tube circuit for realistic analog warmth. It uses one half of a tube circuit for a subtler overdrive than the Dual Triode mode.
7. Dual Triode: Models a full circuit using a vacuum tube, introducing more pronounced overdrive with a warmer tone.
Controls the amount of the harmonic excitation for the associated band.
Controls the amount of processed signal that is blended back into the unprocessed signal.



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Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Views
1. Crossover Spectrum 2. Correlation Trace 3. Stereo Width Spectrum
4. Controls
1. Width 2. Link Bands 3. Stereoize
5. Vectorscope
1. Polar Sample 2. Polar Level 3. Lissajous 4. Correlation Meter bar 5. Stereo Balance Meter
The Imager allows you to adjust the stereo width of your mix using multiband stereo imaging. The Imager module interface is divided into four main sections:



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1. Module Header 2. Views 3. Controls 4. Vectorscope
Module Header
The Imager module header includes the following controls:

1. View Selector: See the Views section below for detailed descriptions of the different meter views.
2. Learn: Enables automatic crossover point placement. When active, crossover points will be moved to minima detected in the frequency spectrum of your track. When crossovers have been set to their ideal frequency values, Learn will automatically disable itself. Note: Learn is not available in single band processing mode.
3. Reset: Returns all module controls to their default values.



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You can toggle between the different Imager views using the view selector buttons in the module header area.

The Imager module includes the following views:
1. Crossover Spectrum 2. Correlation Trace 3. Stereo Width Spectrum
Crossover Spectrum
All multiband modules in Ozone support up to four processing bands. All multiband capable modules are single band by default. You can create new processing bands and manage multiband crossovers in the Crossover Spectrum view. Note: crossover cutoff frequencies are not shared or linked across multiband modules in the main Ozone plug-in.

Adjusting Crossovers
1. Add band: Hover your cursor over the crossover spectrum view and click the

  • button to add a new crossover point.
    2. Enable/disable band: Click the power button to enable/disable processing in the associated band.
    3. Solo band: Click the S button to isolate playback of the associated band.
    4. Remove band: Hover over a band in the crossover view and click the x that appears to remove the band.
    5. Adjust crossover cutoffs: Click and drag a handle to adjust the crossover frequency. You can also double-click on a crossover



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handle and enter the value manually in the inline edit eld that appears.
Correlation Trace
Draws stereo correlation values over time. Negative correlation (out of phase) values are drawn in red; positive correlation (in phase) values are drawn in white.

The correlation trace displays information based on the output signal of Ozone, so adjustments to the Imager controls are re ected in this meter.
Stereo Width Spectrum
Displays a hybrid mirrored spectrum analyzer of the signal’s stereo width.

When the signal is fully mono, only a straight line will be drawn in the center of this view.
The Imager module includes the following controls:



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1. Width 2. Link Bands 3. Stereoize
Adjusts the amount of gain applied to side channel content. Positive values will increase perceived stereo width, and negative values will decrease the perceived stereo width of a band. A setting of -100 will make the output of the associated band effectively mono.
NOTE If the input signal to the Imager is either: mono (i.e. single channel) or effectively mono (i.e. a stereo le with the same content on both channels), you will need to enable the Stereoize feature for Width adjustments to have an effect on the signal.
Link Bands
Enable to link Width controls adjustments across all bands. When enabled and a Width control is adjusted for one band, all other Width controls will be adjusted by the same amount.


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Stereoize processing is applied to all processing bands equally. The following controls allow you to enable the effect and adjust the associated settings.
1. Stereoize power button: Enables/disables stereoize processing. 2. Stereoize Amount: Adjust the slider to add natural-sounding
stereo width to narrow recordings and to control the character of the stereo effect in conjunction with the width sliders.
STEREOIZE IS MONO COMPATIBLE The Stereoize effect is completely mono compatible. Even if you add width to audio, it can still be played back in mono without producing unpleasant artifacts.
3. Stereoize Modes: There are two different stereoize processing modes available in the Imager:
1. Mode I: Haas Effect-based decorrelation processing. This mode creates a delayed copy of the mid channel signal and injects it into the side channel.
2. Mode II: A newly developed alternative to the classic stereoize mode. This new mode has a slightly different tonal quality from the original and helps to preserve transients at higher settings.
The vectorscope meters provide a view of the stereo image of the signal after all other processing is applied, regardless of the Imager’s position in the signal chain.
Polar Sample
Plots dots per sample on a polar coordinate display to highlight the stereo image of the incoming signal.



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Patterns that appear within the 45-degree safe lines represent in-phase audio. Patterns outside these lines represent out-of-phase audio. The history of the Polar Sample Vectorscope fades out slowly. You can reset the display by clicking on the meter.
Polar Level
Plots rays on a polar coordinate display that represent sample averages and displays the stereo energy of a recording.

The length of the rays represents amplitude. The angle of the rays represents their position in the stereo image. Rays within the 45-degree



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safe lines represent in-phase audio. Rays beyond the safe lines represents out-of-phase audio.
Plots per-sample dots on a traditional oscilloscope display similar to the Polar Sample vectorscope.

Typically, stereo recordings produce a random pattern on a Lissajous Vectorscope that is taller than it is wide. Vertical patterns mean left and right channels are similar (approaching mono). Horizontal patterns mean the two channels are very different, which could result in mono compatibility problems.
Clipped samples are drawn in red along the edges of the vectorscope meter frame. Click on the meter to reset the clipped samples display.



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Correlation Meter Bar
The vertical bar meter to the right of the vectorscope indicates the degree of similarity (or correlation) between the left and right channels.
1. If the left and right channels are exactly the same, the correlation value would be +1 and the meter tick would be drawn at the top.
2. If the left and right channels are exactly out-of-phase the correlation would be -1 and the meter tick would be drawn all the way at the bottom.
3. In general, most recordings have phase correlations in the 0 to +1 range. A brief readout towards the bottom half of the meter is not necessarily a problem but could represent a possible mono compatibility issue.
4. As you increase stereo widening, the phase correlation will tend to draw more towards the bottom half of the meter, as the left and right channels will become “wider” and less similar.
Stereo Balance Meter
The horizontal bar meter directly below the vectorscope meter indicates the stereo balance of the signal. When the meter tick is drawn all the way to the left, it indicates there is only information on the left channel. When the meter tick is drawn all the way to the right, it indicates that there is only information on the right channel.
Low End Focus [ADV]



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Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Action Region Spectrum View 4. Controls
1. Modes 2. Contrast 3. Gain 4. Listen
Low End Focus is designed to intelligently reduce muddiness, increase low end impact, and address other common low end issues that may not be easily improved with traditional tools such as EQ or Dynamics.
The module interface is comprised of three main sections:

1. Module Header 2. Action Region Spectrum 3. Controls


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Module Header
The module header includes the following controls:

1. Channel Processing Modes: Determines the channel processing mode used by Low End Focus. 1. Low End Focus supports Stereo and Mid/Side mode. 2. See the General Controls chapter for more information.
2. Reset: Returns all module controls to their default values.
Action Region Spectrum View
Displays action region cutoff handles over a spectrum analyzer. Low End Focus allows for an action region range of 20 Hz to 300 Hz.
1. Action Region Cutoff Adjustments: Drag a handle to adjust a single cutoff value, click between the two handles to move them together, or single-click on the value readout and manually enter a cutoff value.
2. Solo: Isolates playback of the input signal (before processing) within the action region cutoffs.
Low End Focus includes the following controls:



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Determines the response time of Low End Focus processing. These modes in uence how processing is applied to sustained and transient content within the action region. You can choose between the following modes:
1. Punchy: Uses faster response times to emphasize transient content.
2. Smooth: Uses slower response times to enhance sustained content.
Adjusts the spectral contrast between low and high level signals within the action region.
1. Positive values: Increases the difference between low and high level content. Attenuates `out-of-focus’ low level content, bringing out transients and leading to a punchier sound.
2. Negative values: Decreases the difference between low and high level content. Blurs the low end in a similar way to saturation. Transients will lose focus similar to the smoothing effect of some analog compression.
Sets the amount of makeup gain applied to the action region.


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Enables isolated playback of the difference between the input (unprocessed) and output (processed) signals within the action region.
Master Rebalance [ADV]

Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Spectrum View 4. Controls
1. Focus 2. Gain
Master Rebalance leverages a machine learning algorithm trained to identify different instrument types in a track. You can use Master Rebalance to make real-time gain adjustments to a selected focus element in your master without needing to adjust stems or individual tracks from the original mix.
The Master Rebalance module is divided into the following sections:



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1. Module Header 2. Spectrum View 3. Controls
Module Header
The module header includes a Reset control:
Returns all module controls to their default values.
Spectrum View
The Master Rebalance spectrum view differs from the spectrum metering included in other Ozone modules. The following image outlines the key components of the Master Rebalance spectrum view:



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1. Focus spectrum: The blue `focus’ spectrum analyzer displays only the signal content identi ed as belonging to the selected Focus element. Any gain adjustments made to the Focus will be re ected in the blue Focus spectrum analyzer.
2. Residual spectrum: The gray residual spectrum analyzer displays any signal content that is not identi ed as belonging to the selected Focus element. For example: if Vocals is selected as the Focus element, the gray residual spectrum will display any signal content that is not classi ed as Vocals.
3. Spectrum magnitude ruler (dB) 4. Spectrum frequency ruler (Hz)
The following controls are included in the Master Rebalance module:



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Selects the focus element (instrument type) that will be detected and adjusted. The following focus options are available: Vocals, Bass, and Drums.
FOCUS SELECTION Only one Focus mode can be selected at a time.
Adjusts the level of the selected focus element.
Match EQ

Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Spectrum and Matched EQ Curve 4. Reference Spectrum Snapshot 5. Apply To Spectrum Snapshot
. Fine Tune
The Match EQ module is a digital linear-phase EQ with the ability to use over 8,000 bands of frequencies for very precise matching.
The module interface includes the following sections:



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1. Module Header 2. Spectrum and Matched EQ Curve 3. Reference Snapshot 4. Apply To Snapshot 5. Fine Tune
Match EQ Module Header
The module header includes the following controls:

1. Channel Processing Modes: Determines the channel processing mode for the module.
1. Match EQ supports: Stereo, Mid/Side, and Left/Right mode. 2. See the General Controls chapter for more information.
2. Reset: Returns all module controls to their default values.
NOTE The Reference and Apply To curves are not cleared by pressing Reset.



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Spectrum and Matched EQ Curve
The spectrum view includes the following features:

1. Spectrum Analyzer (grey): Displays the magnitude (amplitude, in decibels) of a signal across the frequency spectrum in real-time. The spectrum analyzer in the Match EQ module displays the output signal of Ozone.
2. Matched curve (white): The lter response of the matched curve. Represented by a thick white line drawn across the spectrum. This is only displayed after a Reference and Apply To snapshot have been captured.
3. Reference Spectrum Snapshot (goldenrod): Display of the captured Reference snapshot.
4. Apply To Spectrum Snapshot (blue): Display of the captured Apply To snapshot.
5. Matched Curve Cutoff handles: Sets low and high frequency cutoffs for the matched curve processing.
1. Drag the cutoff handles to set lower and upper range boundaries for the matched curve processing. As you drag a cutoff toward the middle of the spectrum, the matched curve will atten out to indicate no processing is being applied.
2. Click on the value readouts for the cutoff handles to manually enter a frequency value in the inline edit eld that appears.
3. These can be useful when you want to concentrate on matching a particular region of the frequency spectrum. For example: apply the matched curve to the low end without affecting the high end.
. Spectrum Scales:
1. Spectrum Magnitude Scale: (dB) Vertical scale displayed on



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the left side of the spectrum view. 2. Spectrum Frequency Scale: (Hz) Horizontal scale displayed
along the bottom of the spectrum view. 3. Matched Curve Gain Scale: (dB) The gain scale for the
matched lter curve is located on the right side of the spectrum view.
Reference Spectrum Snapshot
Capture a spectrum snapshot of a reference or source track that you want to match your track to.

1. Capture: Click and playback the track you want to use as a reference curve to begin recording a snapshot.
If you want to use a track loaded in the Reference panel, enable Reference playback in the I/O panel and capture the Reference track directly from the Reference panel.
2. Stop: Click to stop capturing and freeze the Reference spectrum snapshot.
3. Clear: Clears the current Reference spectrum snapshot.



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1. Reference Spectrum snapshots are saved with Ozone presets. 2. Apply To spectrum snapshots are not saved with with Ozone
presets. 3. Loading a preset with a saved Reference snapshot will
overwrite any currently captured Reference snapshot with the snapshot saved with the preset. 4. Loading presets will not affect the Apply to spectrum snapshot.
Apply To Spectrum Snapshot
Capture a spectrum snapshot of the track you are working on. The captured curve will be shown in blue in the snapshot view and spectrum view.

1. Capture: Click Capture and playback your current track to begin capturing a snapshot.
2. Stop: Click to stop capturing and freeze the Apply To spectrum snapshot.
3. Clear: Clears the current Apply To spectrum snapshot.



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Fine Tune
The Fine Tune controls can be used to adjust the shape and intensity of the matched curve.
1. Smoothing: Determines the amount of precision to apply to the matched curve. Higher smoothing is less precise. Lower smoothing is more precise.
2. Amount: Determines the amount of processing (intensity) to use when matching the Reference curve to the Apply To curve.
1. A Matched Curve amount of 100% and a Smoothing amount of 0% might be technically the closest match to your “Reference” mix, but in reality it’s probably not the most effective combination of the settings. Those settings will try to capture every peak, valley, and level, which can result in extreme, unnatural EQs.
2. We suggest working with the Matched Curve amount under 50%. If your Matching EQ curve has narrow peaks and valleys, increase the Smoothing parameter to smooth them out. Your goal is to capture the overall tonal shape of the Reference as opposed to an exact match.

Spectral Shaper [ADV]



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Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Views
1. Action Region Spectrum 2. Gain Reduction Trace
4. Controls
1. Mode 2. Threshold 3. Listen 4. Tone 5. Attack
. Release
The Spectral Shaper can be used to apply high-resolution attenuation to problematic frequencies across the frequency spectrum with con gurable time constants, timbre adjustment, and a variable full spectrum action region.
The Spectral Shaper interface includes the following sections:



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1. Module Header 2. Views 3. Controls
Module Header
The module header includes the following controls:

1. View Selector: See the Views section below for detailed descriptions of the meter views.
2. Channel Processing Modes: Selects the channel processing mode used by the Spectral Shaper.
1. The Spectral Shaper supports Stereo and Mid/Side. 2. See the General Controls chapter for more information.
3. Reset: Returns all module controls to their default values.
You can toggle between the different views using the view selector buttons.



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The Spectral Shaper module includes the following views:
1. Action Region Spectrum 2. Gain Reduction Trace
Action Region Spectrum
Allows you to adjust and audition the Spectral Shaper Action Region range. This view offers Action Region controls superimposed over a spectrum analyzer.
The Action Region Spectrum includes the following controls:
1. Action Region Range Cutoff Handles: Adjusts the low and high cutoff frequency values for the action region.
1. Click and drag a handle left or right to adjust the cutoff frequency.
2. Click in between both handles and drag left or right to move both handles together.
3. Single-click on the text readout next to the bottom of a handle, type in a new frequency value and press enter to set the handle to that value.
2. Action Region Solo: Solos the input signal to the Action Region before processing.
Gain Reduction Trace
Displays a scrolling waveform with a superimposed trace re ecting the amount of gain reduction applied over time.



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You can adjust the following controls in the Spectral Shaper:

Sets the intensity of reduction applied by the Spectral Shaper. Options include: Low, Medium, High.
Sets the level at which spectral gain reduction is applied to the action region.
Threshold Input Meter
The two outer meter bars display the highest level of all bands included in the Action Region input signal. The inner meter bars and text readout at the bottom of the meter display gain reduction.



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SPECTRAL SHAPER THRESHOLD INPUT METER The threshold input meter in the Spectral Shaper displays different information than it does in the Maximizer or Vintage Limiter module. In the Maximizer and Vintage Limiter, the threshold input level is based on the full frequency spectrum of the input signal. The Spectral Shaper threshold input level is based on the highest level of the frequency bands included within the action region.
Toggles isolated playback of the signal that is reduced as a result of Spectral Shaper processing. This signal is the difference between the input and output signals.
Adjusts the spectral tilt of the Spectral Shaper processing. Positive values tilt towards a brighter overall spectral character, negative values tilt towards a darker overall spectral character.
Set the amount of time it takes for the Spectral Shaper to apply gain reduction to signals that exceed the Threshold.
Set the amount of time it takes for the Spectral Shaper to stop applying gain reduction to signals that fall below the Threshold.
Vintage Compressor



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Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Views
1. Detection Filter 2. Gain Reduction Trace
4. Controls
1. Mode 2. Threshold 3. Ratio 4. Attack and Release 5. Gain
. Auto Gain
The Vintage Compressor is an emulation of a feedback compressor with a detection lter in the feedback loop. The Vintage Compressor includes a versatile detection lter in the feedback loop that lters the signal passed into the level detector to change which components of the signal are triggering the compressor. Some compressors use a highpass lter or a high shelf boost to reduce pumping. Others have a wide boost in the high frequencies to let high frequency content drive the compressor. The Vintage Compressor in Ozone includes all of these
lters. We combined some of the best elements of vintage analog compressors to create this feedback compressor algorithm.
The Vintage Compressor module interface is divided into the following sections:



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1. Module Header 2. Views 3. Controls
Module Header
The Vintage Compressor module header area contains the following controls:
1. View Selector: See the Views section below for detailed descriptions of the different meter views.
2. Channel Processing Modes: Selects the channel processing mode used by the Vintage Compressor. 1. The Vintage Compressor supports Stereo & Mid/Side. 2. See the General Controls chapter for more information.
3. Reset: Returns all module controls to their default values.



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You can toggle between the different views using the view selector buttons in the module header area.

The Vintage Compressor module includes the following views:
1. Detection Filter 2. Gain Reduction Trace
Detection Filter
This view includes a spectrum analyzer and detection input lter controls. Use the lter nodes to adjust the frequency response of the detection circuit used by the Vintage Compressor, so that it is more or less sensitive to speci c frequencies.

Detection Filter Solo
Click the (S) button in the upper left corner of this view to listen to the ltered input to the detection circuit. This is useful for quickly listening
to the input signal being used to trigger the Vintage Compressor processing.
Gain Reduction Trace
Displays a scrolling waveform with a superimposed trace re ecting the amount of gain reduction applied over time.



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The following controls are available in the Vintage Compressor:
1. Mode 2. Threshold 3. Ratio 4. Attack 5. Release
. Makeup Gain 7. Auto Gain

Adjusts the overall character of the Vintage Compressor. Mode options include:
1. Sharp: Provides crisp dynamics and a greater emphasis on transients while maintaining the body of the signal.
2. Balanced: Gives a signal-dependent balance between dynamics preservation and overall enhancement to the body of the signal.
3. Smooth: Smoothes out transient and dynamic material while enhancing and bringing out the rest of the signal, resulting in a thicker and fuller sound.



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Adjust the threshold to set the point where the dynamics processing takes place. Since some modes have a soft knee, mild compression may occur below this point.
Threshold Meter
Displays the input level to the module alongside the gain reduction applied by the module’s processing.

1. The two meters on the far left and right of the threshold meter display the input audio level.
2. The two meters in between the input meters display the gain reduction applied.
Sets the amount of attenuation applied to the signal once it has passed the threshold. Higher ratios will result in more compression.



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Attack and Release
Adjust the attack and release controls to set how quickly the Vintage Compressor reacts to audio that crosses the threshold.
1. Attack: Determines how quickly the Vintage Compressor reacts when the threshold is reached.
2. Release: Determines the amount of time before the Vintage Compressor returns the level to normal once the signal is no longer above the threshold. This control sets the release time for transients; for sustained compression, the release time will be signi cantly longer.
Adjusts the output gain of the Vintage Compressor module to makeup for decreases in volume.
Auto Gain
When enabled, Auto Gain calculates the RMS levels of both the input and output signals of the Vintage Compressor in order to apply the appropriate gain to the output signal.
Auto Gain acts as a smart “make-up gain” control that adapts over time and adjusts your levels to a comparable level of your unprocessed audio.
Vintage EQ



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Table of Contents
1. Overview 2. Module Header 3. Spectrum and EQ Curve 4. Controls
1. Pultec EQP-1A Controls 2. Pultec MEQ-5 Equalizer Controls
The Vintage EQ module can be used to add the emulated frequency response of the Pultec EQP-1A and Pultec MEQ-5. The module interface is divided into the following sections:

1. Module Header 2. Spectrum and EQ Curve 3. Controls
Module Header
The module header area includes the following controls:


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1. Channel Processing Modes: Selects the channel processing mode used by the Vintage EQ.
1. The Vintage EQ supports Stereo, Mid/Side, and Left/Right channel processing modes.
2. See the General Controls chapter for more information.
2. Reset: Returns all module controls to their default values.
Spectrum and EQ Curve
The Vintage EQ module includes a spectrum analyzer and a composite EQ curve.
1. Spectrum Analyzer: Displays the magnitude (amplitude, in decibels) of a signal across the frequency spectrum in real-time. The spectrum analyzer in the Equalizer module displays the output signal of Ozone.
2. Composite curve: The combined lter response of all bands. Represented by a thick white line drawn across the spectrum. Each band contributes to the overall shape of this curve.
The Vintage EQ control panel includes two sections of controls. The controls along the top are modeled after the Pultec EQP-1A Equalizer and the controls along the bottom are modeled after the Pultec MEQ-5 Equalizer.



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Pultec EQP-1A Controls
The top row of controls includes lters modeled after the Pultec EQP1A.
A unique feature of the Pultec EQP-1A is the ability to simultaneously adjust the boost and cut parameters for the low frequency band. While the original manual warns “Do not attempt to boost and attenuate simultaneously,” these controls interact in a way that many engineers have found to be desirable. Rather than canceling each other out, combining these controls results in a boost in the low frequencies, followed by a dip at slightly higher frequencies. This unique shape is also available in the Ozone Equalizer module with the “Vintage Low Shelf” lter shape.
Low Boost/Cut Controls
1. Low Frequency (Hz): Sets the frequency of the low shelf lter. Options include: 20 Hz, 30 Hz, 45 Hz, 60 Hz, and 100 Hz.



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45 HZ OPTION The original hardware unit did not include a 45 Hz option, but we’ve added this frequency because we found it to be useful for mastering. 2. Low Boost (dB): Adjusts the amount of positive gain (boost) applied to the lter. 3. Low Cut (dB): Adjusts the amount of negative gain (cut) applied to the lter.
High Boost Controls
1. High Boost Frequency (Hz): Sets the center frequency of the high boost peaking lter. Options include: 3 kHz, 4 kHz, 5 kHz, 8 kHz, 10 kHz, 12 kHz, and 16 kHz.
2. High Boost Amount (dB): Adjusts the amount of positive gain (boost) applied to the lter.
3. High Boost Q: Adjusts the bandwidth of the high frequency boost lter. The boost amount and bandwidth interact (i.e. the Q changes
as you boost), as they do in the EQP-1A.
High Cut Controls
1. High Cut Frequency (Hz): Sets the frequency of the high shelf lter. Options include: 5 kHz, 10 kHz, and 20kHz.
2. High Cut (dB): Adjusts the amount of negative gain (cut) applied to the lter.
Pultec MEQ-5 Equalizer Controls
The bottom row of controls includes lters modeled after the Pultec MEQ-5.



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All of the mid frequency controls are peaking lters. As in the original MEQ-5, the lter bandwidths are affected by the boost/cut amount.
Low-Mid Controls
1. Low-Mid Frequency (Hz): Sets the center frequency of the low-mid peaking lter. Options include: 200 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz, 700 Hz, and 1000 Hz.
2. LM Boost (dB): Adjusts the amount of positive gain (boost) applied to the lter.
Mid Controls
1. Mid Cut Frequency (Hz): Sets the center frequency of the Mid peaking lter. Options include: 200 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz, 700 Hz, 1 kHz, 1.5 kHz, 2 kHz, 3 kHz, 4 kHz, 5 kHz, and 7 kHz.
2. Mid Cut (dB): Adjusts the amount of negative gain (cut) applied to the lter.
High-Mid Controls
1. High-Mid Frequency (Hz): Sets the center frequency of the highmid lter. Options include 1.5 kHz, 2 kHz, 3 kHz, 4 kHz, and 5 kHz.
2. HM Boost (dB): Sets the amount of positive gain (boost) applied to the lter.
Vintage Limiter



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