BLAUPUNKT EHB206 Electric Hoverboard Owner’s Manual

June 5, 2024

BLAUPUNKT EHB206 Electric Hoverboard


When the electric control of the hoverboard is locked or the hoverboard is turned off automatically, press the on/off button to unlock the unit. When the battery is almost discharged or any system alarm sounds, do not drive the board further, otherwise the electric hoverboard will not be able to balance itself due to a power failure. The driver may be injured. If the battery consumption continues to minimum, this will affect its subsequent condition.

Safety instructions for driving and use
Below you can find the safety instructions. Read these warnings carefully before using the electric hover board.

  • You may be injured by losing control of the hoverboard, a collision or a fall. To avoid injury, read the instructions below and check the condition of the hoverboard before using it.
  • Observe the safety precautions when practicing on the electric hoverboard. Wear an approved helmet and other items to protect your knees and elbows.
  • It is forbidden to use the electric hoverboard on public roads, expressways, etc. The unit is available only for personal entertainment driving.
  • It is forbidden for children under 40 kg to use the hoverboard.
  • It is forbidden to use the board by people who have heart disease, hypertension, hand and foot paresis or by elderly people with reduced self-awareness.
  • It is forbidden to drive the hoverboard by pregnant women or disabled persons.
  • Do not use the board under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants.
  • The electric hoverboard is designed for use by a single person; do not carry other persons or luggage.
  • Observe the traffic rules when driving, do not push the crowd.
  • Keep a clear view while driving. Don’t bend over to play on your mobile devices, don’t listen to music. Focus on riding.
  • Relax your legs by slightly bending your knees to balance your body when riding on uneven terrain.
  • Make sure your feet are always on the slip-resistant pedals when riding on the hoverboard.
  • Do not ride on a hoverboard if your weight exceeds 100/120 kg, otherwise you may be injured or have a serious accident. This can also cause the hoverboard to malfunction.
  • Do not ride on a hoverboard if the user weighs less than 20 kg due to loss of control, lack of appropriate deceleration or stoppage during downhill runs.
  • Maintain a safe speed and safety during a complete stop.
  • Keep a safe distance to avoid accidents when driving on the electric hoverboard with others.
  • Be careful when passing obstacles and driving the hoverboard -you are 10cm taller.
  • Do not do other things while driving, such as using your phone, listening to music, or doing other things.
  • Do not drive on wet or long distances, do not turn at high speed or accelerate rapidly.
  • This product is not a medical equipment. The user should drive the hoverboard without any other help.
  • Do not drive in a dark place.
  • Avoid driving on obstacles and slippery surfaces such as snow, slippery floors.
  • Avoid driving on a road with small branches, rubbish and gravel.
  • Do not drive in a narrow area.
  • Do not suddenly move or stop.
  • Do not drive on a steep slope or in any other dangerous place, such as a flammable, explosive or dry area.
  • This equipment may be used by children of at least 8 years and persons with reduced physical, mental and mental capabilities, and with a lack of knowledge of the equipment, if supervision or instruction is provided to ensure that the equipment is used safely and in a safe manner so that the risks involved are comprehensible. Children should not play with the equipment. Unaccompanied children should not carry out cleaning or maintenance on the equipment.
  • Only Original accessories should be used, as well as accessories recommended by the manufacturer. Using accessories which are not recommended by the manufacturer may result in damage of the device and may render the device unsafe for use.
  • The AC adapter should be connected to an outlet with characteristics consistent with the values on the rating label.
  • If the cord or power plug or adaptor is damaged or the plug has a loose electrical outlet, do not charge the device and do not power it from the mains.
  • Unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet when not in use.
  • Do not connect or disconnect the adaptor from the power source with wet hands.Below you will find information on how to take care of the battery safety and operation. For your own and others’ safety, to prolong the life of your battery and to achieve its optimum performance, use it according to the following instructions.

The device is equipped with batteries covered by the European Directive 2006/66/EC. Do not dispose of batteries with household waste. Please refer to your local regulations for separate collection of batteries, as proper disposal will prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. Information on environmental protection The packaging contains only the necessary elements. Every effort has been made to ensure that the three packaging materials are easy to separate: cardboard (box), polystyrene foam (internal protection) and polyethylene (handbags, protective sheet). The device is manufactured from recyclable materials and can be used again after its disassembly by a specialized company. Observe local regulations for the disposal of packaging materials, waste batteries and unnecessary equipment.

Working principle
This product is an exclusive electric hoverboard, which is a technologically advanced entertainment tool. The electric board operates on “dynamic stability” principles. It has a high-speed central microprocessor, built-in high-precision electronic gyroscopes and intelligently controlled drive motors. The electric hoverboard can accurately detect and calculate the driver’s intentions and then control the motion. While maintaining the correct position of your body, gently tilt it forwards or backwards, you can guide the board forward, backward, turn or stop it. The electric hoverboard, combined with its stylish design, simple operation, flexible control and low emission functionality, is the best companion of home entertainment and recreation.

Instructions before your drive
We hope that all users will be able to enjoy the fun and safe ride on the electric hoverboard. All experiences with cycling, cars, skiing or other similar vehicles could be used for control and drive the electric hoverboard.

  • Read these operating instructions carefully before starting to drive. If there is any play in mechanism, damage or abnormal situation, contact your dealer or distributor immediately.
  • A number of driving safety instructions are given in these operating instructions, including a description of the light effects and alarms for speed limitation, safe power off, etc.
  • Do not use the electric hoverboard to cause damage to others or to their safety.
  • Do not change or separate any components that will affect the normal operation of the hoverboard or may damage it. Any property loss or hazardous situation resulting from the above is not covered by the manufacturer’s liability.
  • Do not ride on a board on an uneven road or in traffic.
  • Too young and old should not be allowed to move on the electric hoverboard. Always use appropriate accessories while driving to ensure safety.
  • Do not ride the electric hoverboard under the influence of alcohol or other substances.
  • Maximum load on the electrical board: 100-120kg (depending on model)
  • Minimum load on the electric hoverboard: 20kg

The range of the electric hoverboard depends on many factors:

  • Road type: Smooth, flat terrain with small distances covered extends the range, long distances shorten the range.
  • Weight: the weight of the driver influences the distance travelled.
  • Maintenance: Reasonable charging and maintenance increase the driving distance, while too long or too frequent charging reduce the travel distance.
  • Driving speed and style: Maintaining a moderate speed increases the driving distance, frequent switching on/off/accelerating/braking reduces the driving distance.


  • The maximum safe speed is: 1 0km/h (It is not recommended to use the maximum speed while driving)
  • The electric hoverboard can keep the driver in balance at a certain speed; if the speed is exceeded, it can cause imbalance, accident and personal injury.

Ramps and descents
The electric hoverboard can detect the slope during ascent or descent and adjust the output torque using the intelligent motor control system. This function ensures the safety of the driver while driving.

When driving for the first time, drive the electric hoverboard with the support of another person to prevent from falling down or losing a balance.

Electrical hoverboard accessories


Pedal sensors
The electric hoverboard is equipped with four sensors underneath each foot pedal, that help to automatically balance the hoverboard while entering on.

  • Do not go beyond the edge of the pedals, note that your foot should be on the pedal while driving.
  • Do not place any baggage on the pedal, the sensor will detect weight and hold the hoverboard in on mode. This increases the likelihood of a collision, causing injury to the driver or damage to the hoverboard.

Function indicator
The function indicator is located in the middle of the electric hoverboard and is used to display current information.

  • Power display area: shows the full power when blue light is on three times; shows 50% power when blue light is on twice; shows 20% power when blue light is on once. You need to charge the electric hoverboard’s battery.
  • Current information display area: when the driver stands on the pedals and the sensors are activated, the lights will light blue to indicate that the hoverboard is in the operation mode. If an error has occurred in the operation mode, the indicator lights will light up red.

Follow the instructions below to learn how to drive in practice. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, ensure flexibility of t he body and relax. Remember to use safety features such as a helmet and suitable safety equipment when driving. We hope that you will be able to complete this initial stage of driving training.

Learning to drive

  1. Step 1. Press the power switch and start the electric hoverboard.
  2. Step 2. If you are ready to ride, step one foot on the pedal, the sensors will start and activate the automatic hoverboard balancing function and the indicator lights will light up. Then step your foot leg on the pedal next to you, while keeping your balance. Stand on the hoverboard and do not make sudden movements while keeping your body relaxed.
  3. Step 3. Stand on the hoverboard while maintaining the balance and a proper centre of gravity, as well as a proper and well-controlled position. The board will remain stationary. By gently tilting the body forward or backward, you can set the hoverboard in motion: forwards or backwards, respectively. It is important to remember that the tilt of the body should not be too large and violent.
  4. Step 4. Turning. By gently moving your weight to the right foot forwards, you will start turning left, and by gently moving your weight to the left foot forwards, you will start turning right. (See following diagram of turning)
  5. Step 5. Learning how to get off the hoverboard. Stop and keep the electric hoverboard stationary, and keep your body in balance before stepping off. Jump back from the board with one foot, and as you stand firmly on the ground, take off your other foot from the hoverboard pedal.

Learning to drive – hints:
You should practice riding on a flat surface. If you can’t skilfully control the hoverboard, don’t use it in a crowded area. In the early stages of driving instruction, exercise in an empty and flat place, try to train with someone else’s support.

Notes on driving:

  • When driving outdoors, make sure you can handle the electric hoverboard with ease.
  • While driving you should wear comfortable sports clothing, comfortable shoes to ensure the flexibility of the body.
  • Practise driving on the electric hoverboard in an open and flat place until you are able to operate it easily, move forward, backward, stop and step off.
  • Ensure that the terrain is flat and unobstructed when driving.
  • You can practice driving on the electric hoverboard in various places. Release when moving on unfamiliar place. Do not allow the hoverboard to lose the contact with ground under any circumstances.
  • The electric hoverboard should be used on a flat terrain.
  • If you cannot skilfully drive the board, do not drive it in a crowded place or in any other dangerous place. Especially on entrances or areas with barriers. Be careful to keep your head safe to avoid injury. In the event of an accident, ensure your own safety.



Warnings while driving
If any system errors or anomalies occur during the use of the electric hoverboard, the unit will give the following signals in the following situations:

  • If the hoverboard tilts forward or backward more than 10 degrees or during the rocking period for 30 seconds, the device will enter the warning mode, which will be indicated by an indicator light and a high-frequency alarm tone.
  • If the hoverboard tilts forward or backward more than 60 degrees, the unit will automatically switch off.
  • If the tyre is locked for 2 seconds, the hoverboard will turn off automatically.
  • If the battery voltage is lower than the “auto-protection” value, the LEDs blink to remind you to charge.
  • If an overvoltage occurs, a continuous alarm is triggered and the unit switches off after 15 seconds.
  • If the user suddenly accelerates or performs another sudden manoeuvre, a warning alarm is given.

When you notice that the battery indicator light is on only once, there is no power supply. We recommend that you interrupt your journey. When the battery is low, the electric hoverboard does not have enough current to continue to function properly. Continued driving with a low battery condition increases the risk of accidents and can affect battery life.

Do not use the battery under the following conditions:

  • When it smells unpleasant and overheats.
  • Leakage of any substance occurs.
  • Only a service technician may disassemble and maintain the battery.
  • Do not touch any substance leaking from the battery.
  • Do not allow neither children nor animals to touch the battery. Disconnect the charger before driving. Using the electric hoverboard while charging is very dangerous.
  • The batteries contain hazardous substances. Do not open them or put any objects into.
  • Charge the hoverboard battery only with the supplied power supply.
  • It is prohibited to charge a deeply discharged lithium battery. It must be scrapped.
  • The electric hoverboard’s battery can be used in accordance with local regulations.


  • Make sure that the electrical outlet is dry.
  • Open the charging socket cover on the bottom of the electric hoverboard.
  • Plug the power supply plug into the power source (11 0V – 240V, 50 Hz – 60 Hz), make sure the green charging lamp is lit, insert the other charging plug into the charging socket on the bottom of the electric hoverboard.
  • When the red LED on the power supply lights up, the battery is charging correctly, otherwise check all cable connections.
  • When the red light turns green, the battery is fully charged. Disconnect the power supply from the power source. Long-lasting charging can shorten battery life.
  • Follow the instructions for charging the battery, otherwise it will damage the battery and shorten its service life.
  • The charging time for the electric hoverboard’s battery is about 2 hours. The manufacturer cannot guarantee the same charging time and operation of the battery due to its wear.
  • Ensure clean and dry conditions when charging the battery.
  • Do not charge the battery when the power outlet is wet.

Temperature while charging the battery
If you want to make your battery charge as efficient as possible, use it in the optimal temperature range before and during charging. If it is too cold or too hot, the charging time will be longer or it will not be fully charged.

Battery specification:

Specification Parameter
Battery type Lithium
Charging time 1,5-3 hours
Voltage 36V
Capacity EHB206-4,0Ah; EHB506-4,4 Ah
Operating temperature range ****
Charging temperature range 0°C ~ 40°C
Storage temperature (-20°C ~ 25°C) 12 months
Optimal storage humidity 5% ~ 95%

Lithium batteries are considered to be hazardous materials in transport and must therefore be approved as such in the event of transport. If you want to take the electric hoverboard with lithium battery into the aircraft or use any other means of transport, please contact our company or local distributors.

Dedicated BLAUPUNKT application E-Mobility (designed only for the EHB506)
The BLAUPUNKT EHBS06 comes with an app for Android and iOS mobile devices. The application allows you to control many current parameters of the electric hoverboard such as current speed, distance, battery charge level. It is also possible to switch the device on and off and change the parameters in the range of the maximum speed, the force of hoverboard drive or its sensitivity settings.
The application can be downloaded from shops suitable for a given operating system, i.e. the Play for Android and the iStore for iOS.

Bluetooth function (only available on EHB506}
The BLAUPUNKT EHB506 electric hoverboard has a Bluetooth function that allows you to wirelessly stream music from external compatible devices such as smartphones. Perform the following steps to start the function:

  • Switch on the electrical hoverboard when the light indicator is on and an acoustic message is emitted, the unit is ready for pairing.
  • Enable Bluetooth on your smartphone and search for a Bluetooth device that can be paired. (refer to your smartphone’s instructions}
  • Check the list of available Bluetooth devices in the Smartphone menu and select “BLAUPUNKT EHB506” to start pairing. Enter 0000 (4 zeros} when prompted to enter your password while pairing. The hoverboard will beep when the devices are paired correctly.
  • Select and start the music in your smartphone library. It will then be played back using the loudspeakers of this electric hoverboard.

Specifications/technical data


  • Motor: 700W (2x350W)
  • Motherboard: Single system (3 pcs) with automatic balance function
  • 6,5″ tubeless wheels
  • Bluetooth for wireless music playback
  • Dedicated app for Android and iOS smartphones
  • Built-in battery: 36V 4.4Ah
  • Charging current: 42V = 2A
  • Maximum load: 120kg
  • Maximum speed :15-20km/h
  • Range: 15-20km (depending on load and type of surface)
  • Charging time: 1.5 hours
  • Climbing slope: 15-20 degrees
  • Carrying bag in the shape of backpack
  • Blue wheel illumination
  • Dimensions: 585x185x1 75mm
  • Net weight: 10kg


  • Input voltage: 110-240V~50/60Hz
  • Max. Input current: 2A
  • Output voltage: 36V
  • Max output current: 30A


  • Input voltage: 110-240V~50/60Hz
  • Max. Input current:2A
  • Output voltage:36V
  • Max output current:30A

Daily maintenance
The electric hoverboard requires a daily maintenance. Below you will find the appropriate maintenance procedures for the electrical hoverboard and important operating instructions. Make sure that the power supply and the charger are disconnected before you do the following. Maintenance work cannot be performed when the power is on or the battery is being charged.


  • Make sure that the power supply and the charging cable are disconnected.
  • The board should be cleaned with a soft cloth.
  • The electrical hoverboard meets the dust and splash protection standard IP54.
  • Do not use high-pressure water or immerse the unit in any liquid for cleaning purposes.
  • Avoid contact of water Elf other liquids with the electric hoverboard, which may cause permanent damage to the internal electronics.


  • Before storing, make sure the electric hoverboard is fully charged to prevent the battery from being deeply discharged for a long period.
  • For prolonged storage, ensure that the battery is fully charged at least once every three months.
  • Do not charge the electric hoverboard if the storage temperature is below zero, it may only be charged at temperatures above 10 degrees.
  • Cover the electric hoverboard to prevent accumulating of dust.
  • Store the unit in a dry place.
  • or safety reasons and for loss of warranty, do not disassemble the hoverboard by yourself. In case of any problems, please contact our service center.

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