CLAGE DSX Touch E-convenience instant water heater Installation Guide

June 5, 2024

CLAGE DSX Touch E-convenience instant water heater

Operation instruction

Note: Carefully read the enclosed safety instructions in full before the appliance is installed, put into service, and used, and follow them in the further steps and during use!

Description of the appliance

CLAGE DSX Touch E-convenience instant water

The E-convenience instant water heater DSX Touch is a fully electronically controlled instantaneous water heater with touch display and remote control for a convenient and efficient water supply to one or more tap outlets.
Its electronic control regulates the power consumption depending on the selected outlet temperature, the respective inlet temperature and the flow rate, thus reaching the set temperature exactly to the degree and keeping it constant in case of pressure fluctuations. The required outlet temperature can be entered on the touch-sensitive display within a range between 20 °C and 60 °C and can be read off that digital display. Alternatively, the appliance can be conveniently controlled via the Bluetooth® remote control or via the CLAGE app with a smartphone or tablet.
The DSX Touch has an intuitive menu guide where different user profiles can be set up and where collected data can be read out
The inlet temperature can be up to 70 °C so that operation in connection with reheat-ing, e.g. in solar systems, is possible.
It is possible to use the instantaneous water heater in combination with an external load shedding relay for electronically controlled instantaneous water heaters (refer to installing instructions).
As soon as you open the hot water tap, the instantaneous water heater switches on auto ma ti cally. When the tap is closed, the appliance automatically switches off. The water heater is operated at the device itself, with the wireless remote control or via the CLAGE app with a smartphone or tablet.
Simplified EU Declaration of Conformity
CLAGE GmbH hereby declares that this device complies with Directive 2014/53/EU. The complete text of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available at the following internet address:

How to use

Main control

The display shows the main control by default. The current status is displayed and by tapping on the touch screen you get access to various submenus and functions.CLAGE-DSX-Touch-E-convenience-instant-water-

Temperature display

The coloured scale ring fills up as the temperature setting is increased and the colour changes from blue when the temperature is low to red when the temperature is high. In addition, the target temperature is displayed in °C as a figure in the middle of the display.
Temperature setting
The desired temperature can be selected by tapping on and for the fine setting or by dragging along the coloured scale ring for a quick selection within a range of 20 °C to 60 °C. Tapping or once changes the temperature by 1 °C, in the comfort range between 35 and 43 °C by 0.5 °C. If the temperature is set below 20 °C,  the symbol appears in the temperature display and the appliance switches off the  heating function.
User selection
Up to eight user profiles can be created. Every user has the option to save his desired temperatures for the different uses in a profile. The user profiles can be selected by tap-ping on the profile image and the temperatures saved in the profile are set (to create a profile, see Section “User”).
Preset applications can be selected here. Simply tap on the desired symbol.
The temperatures set at the factory ( handwash = 35 °C, shower = 38 °C,
bath = 42 °C, hot water = 48 °C) can be changed for each application via the temperature setting. If you touch the temperature value in the temperature display or the application symbol for 3 seconds, the temperature is saved for the selected applica-tion. The temperature display flashes once for confirmation. Application temperatures saved in the user profile can be called up at any time by tapping on the corresponding symbol.
Status display, top

  • Control lock active (PIN)
  • The inlet temperature exceeds the target value (appliance does not heat up) Bluetooth remote control registered
  • Wi-fi is activated
  • The appliance is connected to the CLAGE Cloud

Status display, bottom
Display area for functions which require confirmation from the user or which are of great significance.

  • Eco active: The outlet temperature for all applications and the water flow are limited to an energy-efficient value. If the temperature is set higher via the temperature setting, the symbol start to flash.
  • Maintenance: Tap the symbol to open a status message with additional informa-tion.
  • Maximum temperature reached: The temperature cannot be increased any fur-ther since the set temperature limit has been reached. The temperature limit can be changed in the main menu under “Settings”.

Drawing mode If heated water is drawn from a tap, the main control changes to drawing mode and, depending on the set outlet temperature, changes the background colour from blue for low temperatures to red for high temperatures. In this mode the scale ring displays the actual power consumption of the appliance.
Main menu All function menus and saved values of the appliance can be selected from here. Tap on the symbol to go back to the main control.
Automatic In this menu, two functions can be selected. Automatic either measures the time in seconds via the function “Duration” or the flow of heated water in liters via the function “Fill-Up”. Cold water added at the tap cannot be recorded by the appliance. In order to use the Automatic function correctly according to the fill quantity, it is therefore necessary to set the desired temperature on the appliance and only turn on the hot water tap.
For each function per user profile, the last set start value is saved and can be activated at any time.
Note: In Automatic mode, the operating functions are limited. When selecting a limited function, an instruction window appears. Tap on “OK” to deactivate Automatic mode and all functions are freely available again. Tap on “Cancel” to close the instruction win-dow and Automatic mode remains active.
Duration: Under “Duration”, tap on or to set the desired time and then tap on “START” to activate Automatic mode. The view changes to the main control where the set time is displayed directly below the temperature display. Tap on the time or turn on the hot water tap to start the function and the time starts to count down as seconds. Tap on the time again to pause and restart the function at any time. Turning off the tap does not pause the function. If hot water is already flowing whilst the function is activated, it starts immediately.
To cancel the function, touch the time for three seconds. When the time has elapsed, “00:00” flashes briefly. In addition, the flow quantity, if it is being drawn, is reduced for around 10 seconds and then increased again. A short acoustic signal is heard.
Fill-Up: Under “Fill-Up” tap on or to set the desired water quantity and then tap on “START” to activate Automatic mode. The view changes to the main control where the set quantity is displayed directly below the temperature display. Turning on the hot water tap starts the function and the set fill quantity counts down in litre increments according to the flow measurement. Continued turning off and on of the tap pauses and restarts the function. If hot water is already flowing whilst the function is activated, it starts immediately. To cancel the function, touch the fill quantity for three seconds or turn off the water flow for a minute.When the fill quantity is reached, “0 l” flashes briefly on the display and the appliance stops the water flow by closing the motor valve. A long acoustic signal can also be heard and an instruction message appears on the display. The motor valve stay closed until the message is confirmed at the appliance or via app.
Turning off the tap is always necessary, the function must therefore not be used unsupervised.
Before using the bath, make sure that the water temperature is what you want it to be.
Hint: The water amount of the last draw-off is stored in the “Statistics” menu. To determine the necessary amount of water for your bathtub, fill it with warm water, then select “Statistics” in the main menu and read out the value of this last drawing. Enter this value in the automatic function “Fill- Up” to use it for the next bathtub filling.
Note: In the event of a power cut whilst the automatic is running according to the fill quantity, the water flow is stopped by the motor valve. After power is restored the valve remains closed a prompt appears on the display and an alarm signal can be heard until the prompt is acknowledged by tapping on “OK”.
The statistics save the consumption and usage data for the appliance and display them in graph format:

  • Water consumption
  • Power consumption
  • Total consumption costs

Wipe from right to the left to scroll the different periods. The consumptions are dis-played consecutively in diagrams over a period from the last drawing of water, the consumption today, the consumption yesterday, over the last seven days, the last four weeks, the last twelve months and the last four years.
Note: The consumption data are not suitable for billing purposes.
This menu is used for the basic configuration on the appliance. Wipe to scroll through the different menu items and tap on the values to change settings directly or go to different submenus.
Date / Time: The DSX Touch automatically receives its system time as soon as the device is connected to a network with Internet access. Alternatively, you can set the time manually and save it by tapping on “Apply changes to date and time now”.
Note: Without an Internet connection, the time will be lost in the event of a power failure.
Language: Select the menu language.
Currency: Select a currency symbol.
Temperature Unit: Defined as °C.
Temperature Limit: The temperature limit can be activated/deactivated in this menu and the maximum outlet temperature can be limited to the desired value within the temperature setting range by tapping on or.
Note: If the instantaneous water heater supplies a shower, then the maximum temperature was limited to 55 °C during the installation of the appliance and the function was disabled.
Operation Lock: Secure your settings with a four-digit PIN.
Note: The operation lock can only be deactivated with the correct PIN under “Protected Sections” or under “Delete PIN”. If you should forget your PIN, please contact after-sales Services.CLAGE-DSX-Touch-E-convenience-
Enter PIN: Numbers from 0 to 9 can be selected via the keypad. If you have selected four digits, confirm by tapping on “OK”. The PIN must then be entered again and confirmed for security reasons.
If both entries match, you access the section “Protected Sections”.
Protected Sections: Select the areas for a PIN lock.

  • Lock Settings: Automatically active as soon as a password has been generated. Users can only access the settings menu with a PIN. Deactivating it deletes the current PIN.
  • + Lock Main Menu: Users can only access the main menu with a PIN
  • + Lock Temperature: The outlet temperature is set to the current value and can only be changed with a PIN. User profiles, applications and Eco mode can also only be changed with a PIN.

Brightness: Reduce the display brightness e.g. to save energy. The brightness can be set separately for the operation screen and standby mode.

  • Operation 5-100%
  • Standby 0-100% (0% = display OFF)
    The setting of the standby mode will be activated after 1.5 minutes.

Sound: Activate/deactivate operating sounds.
Note: Alarm signals and instruction sounds can not be disabled.
Load Shedding (Expert Mode): If further three-phase appliances are connected, a load shedding relay designed for electronic instantaneous water heaters (CLAGE no. 82250) can be connected to phase conductor L2. This relay ensures the operation of the water heater by switching off other consumers until the end of the heating operation.
Tap on or and hold for two seconds to set a value of 0, 1, or 2.
Operating mode 1 must be selected first, thus checking the correct operation of the load shedding relay at low appliance output (35-degree celsius setpoint and low water flow rate). Mode 2 must be selected if the load shedding relay flickers.
Thermal treatment: With this function, you can support a thermal treatment of your appliance and the following pipeline, including the tap. Thermal disinfection according to the accepted rules of technology is not replaced.

  • • Tap OK to start the treatment cycle and the outlet temperature is set to 70 °C. The function is disabled if the appliance is connected to a shower.
    • Draw hot water for at least three minutes to heat the pipes to the tap completely.
    • A change of the temperature or 30 sec without water flow terminates the treatment cycle.
    • The number, as well as the accumulated duration and the water amount of all thermal treatments, will be saved.

Ensure that no one can be injured by the elevated temperatures and that the installation can withstand the strain.
The exiting water and the tap become very hot! The water steam should not be inhaled.
Flow Limit: Setting of flow rate limitation.
Setting options:

  • “Of” no flow rate limitation (motor valve deactivated)
  • “AUTO” automatic adjustment, i.e. flow rate is limited in a way so that the selected outlet temperature is reached
  • “ECO” flow rate limited to max. 8.0 l/min
    e.g. “9.0” limitation to a freely selectable value between 4.5 and 25 l/min
    Note: If the Eco function has been activated in the menu “Savings”, the flow is automatically set to “ECO”. Changing the flow deactivates the Eco function

Factory Settings: All factory settings can be recalled:

  • Restart Device: Set the temperature back to factory setting and restart the appliance.
  • Factory Reset: Deletes all entries made by the user inclusive statistics.
  • Reset User Settings: Deletes all user profiles.

Synchronize Statistics: Use this function to reload the statistical data.
Devices: All settings for operation with the app and for integrating the DSX-Touch into a Wi-Fi network are made here. For more information, see chapter: “4. CLAGE app Smart Control”.
Software Info: Information about the operating system, the imprint, and licenses can be viewed here. The “Expert Mode” can also be activated here. In the expert mode you have access to sensitive system settings and functions.
Up to eight users can enter their names and select their own profile images. This appears together with the first letters of the name in the main screen.
In the main control, every user can set up and save his own desired temperatures for the different applications.
Tap the + symbol to add more profiles, use the pen to edit existing profiles, and tap the × symbol to delete the adjacent user profile.
Here, you can determine the parameters for the costs in the consumption statistics and activate/deactivate the ECO mode. You can select a currency symbol under “Settings”.
Electricity Tariff (€/kWh): Indicate the electricity price from your electricity company.
Water Tariff (€/m³): Indicate the water price from your water company.
ECO Settings : In Eco mode the outlet temperatures are limited to an energy-efficient value (  handwash = 35 °C,  shower = 38 °C,  bath = 42 °C, hot water = 48 °C).
Additionally, the water flow is limited to 8 l/min.
The current status and appliance data is listed here. By wiping you can scroll through the different information values.
Power limit
If the full output of the instantaneous water heater DSX Touch does not suffice to heat the tapped quantity of water, the control valve automatically reduces the flow rate so that the set temperature is reached.
Top-up heating
When operating with preheated water (e.g. with solar systems), you must ensure that the inlet temperature does not exceed 70 °C.
If the inlet temperature exceeds the setpoint, the appliance is not providing any output. The symbol is displayed in the main screen
How to save energy
Set the exact temperature you need on the appliance and open the hot water tap. Once you feel that the water is too hot, do not add any cold water and, instead, enter a lower temperature on the appliance. If you were to add cold water, the water already heated would cool down again and valuable energy would be wasted. Moreover, the cold water added in the tap is not covered by the control range of the electronic circuitry, with the result that temperature constancy is no longer guaranteed.

Venting after maintenance work

This instantaneous water heater features automatic air bubble protection to prevent it from inadvertently running dry. Nevertheless, the appliance must be vented before using it for the first time. Each time the appliance is emptied (e.g. after work on the plumbing system, if there is a risk of frost or following repair work), the appliance must be re-vented before it is used again.

  1. Disconnect the instantaneous water heater from the mains (e.g. via deactivating the fuses).
  2. Unscrew the jet regulator on the outlet fitting and open the cold water tap valve to rinse out the water pipe and avoid contaminating the appliance or the jet regulator.
  3. Open and close the hot water tap until no more air emerges from the pipe and all air has been eliminated from the water heater.
  4. Only then should you re-connect the power supply again (e.g. via activating the fuses) to the instantaneous water heater and screw the jet regulator back in.
  5. The appliance activates the heater after approx. 10 seconds of continuous water flow.
Cleaning and maintenance
  • Plastic surfaces and fittings should only be wiped with a damp cloth. Do not use abrasive or chlorine-based cleaning agents or solvents.
  • for a good water supply, the outlet fittings (e.g. jet regulators and shower heads) should be unscrewed and cleaned at regular intervals. Every three years, the electrical and plumbing components should be inspected by an authorized professional in order to ensure the proper functioning and operational safety at all times.

Remote control

Technical data
Model FX 3 Remote control
Operating voltage 3 V
Type of battery 2x AAA Alkaline 1)
Type of protection IP 20
Transmission range 10 meters incl. barrier
Transmission power < 8 mW
Transmission and receiving frequency range 2.4 – 2.4385 GHz
Radiation undirected
Approvals Europe EN 300 328 / CE

Do not use rechargeable batteries.

Mounting the wall bracket
  • Before attaching the wall bracket to the wall, ensure that the remote control has radio contact to the instantaneous water heater from its designated position and is protected against splashing water.
  • The wall bracket of the remote control can either be attached securely with the included adhesive tape, after stripping off the protection film (as shown in the figure A), on a rigid board (e.g. tile) or with suitable dowels (Ø 4 mm) and screws (as shown in figure B).
  • When mounting with adhesive tape, ensure that the mounting surface is dry and free of grease and soap.
  • When using the adhesive tape it is not possible to further adjust the position because of the strong adherence of the glue. Therefore, pay attention to a horizontal alignment when attaching it.
  • The remote control is magnetically retained at the wall bracket.
  • Keep the remote control and wall bracket away from credit cards or other cards with magnetic strips. The built-in magnets can damage the card’s magnetic strip.
Initial operation

By the time the power settings have been carried out and the power supply to the instantaneous water heater is enabled, insert the batteries into the remote control.
New registration of remote control at the instant water heater

  1. Make sure that the power supply to the instantaneous water heater is switched on (fuse).
  2. Remove the batteries until the display expires. After inserting the batteries, the display indicates all symbols for about 4 seconds.
  3. The remote control connects to the appliance automatically and the display switches to the setpoint value display.

In the case of an unsuccessful registration, the display indicates “no” and a flashing radio signal after 45 seconds. The remote control quits the registration process and switches to standby mode. By pressing a key the registration process will be repeated.

  • With no remote control registered or without a working radio connection, the instantaneous water heater heats to the prior selected set temperature.
  • In case of persistent connection problems, restart the login by pressing and holding all four buttons on the remote control simultaneously for five seconds.

The remote control is equipped with the following functions:

  1. Arrow buttons
    You can set the required temperature gradually to a lower or higher value using the arrow two buttons and.
    Note: If the temperature display is set to “–” with an arrow button, the instantaneous water heater switches off the heating function.

  2. Program buttons
    The two program buttons allow to quickly select the preset temperature without the need to press the buttons several times.
    The factory setting for the program is 35 °C and for the program, it is 48 °C. You can assign your own settings for the program buttons:

    • Select the desired temperature with and.
    • To save the current temperature, press the program button or for min. two seconds.
Displayed information

Energy saving mode
The symbol shows that the appliance works in an energy-saving mode, i.e. the momentary energy consumption is subject to the selected temperature and to the flow rate in the energy-saving mode.
Power limit
If the full output of the instantaneous water heater does not suffice to heat the tapped quantity of water, this will be indicated by on the FX 3-display.
Operation with preheated water
If the cold water inlet temperature is higher than the set value of the hot water outlet, the instantaneous water heater will not heat. In this case no power is emitted and the sun symbol is displayed.
Safety notes

  • At malfunction of the remote control remove the batteries immediately.
  • Do not expose the remote control to moisture.
  • Flat batteries can leak and damage the remote control. Hence, replace flat batteries right away as soon as the battery symbol lights up in the display or the remote control does not respond after a keystroke.
  • When the remote control is not to be used in the long term, remove the batteries.
  • Without a working radio connection, the appliance heats to the prior selected set value.

Battery replacement
Replace the batteries with new AAA batteries when the battery symbol flashes up.

  • Do not use rechargeable batteries!
  • Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.
  • Different types of batteries or new and used batteries are not to be mixed.
  • When replacing the batteries, observe the correct polarity.

Batteries may contain environmentally hazardous substances. Therefore, used batteries must be disposed of at special collecting points and not be mixed with general household waste.
At the end of the remote control’s lifetime, the batteries must be disposed of separately from the appliance

CLAGE app “Smart Control”

Initial operation

The Smart Control app can be connected to the DSX Touch either via Bluetooth or via WLAN.

  1. Make sure that the instantaneous water heater is supplied with voltage.
  2. Install the control app on your tablet/smartphone. Search the Apple AppStore or the Google Playstore for »CLAGE Smart Control« and install the app. Do not start the control app yet.
Connecting via Bluetooth
  1. Activate the Bluetooth function of your smartphone/tablet.

  2. Start the Smart Control Control app and confirm all security prompts.
    Note: No location-related data is processed. Activating and accepting the location function is required due to new guidelines for all Android apps with Bluetooth functions.

  3. A message appears the first time the app is activated. Tapping on “OK” takes you to the device configuration “A” for manual setup (menu path: Main menu → Settings → Devices). Tapping on “Demo” allows you to explore the app control. You can exit demo mode again under (Main menu → Settings → Devices).

  4. Select “Bluetooth Interface” and tap on “Search devices…”.

  5. A maximum of ten Bluetooth devices found are then scanned and listed “B”. If your device is not included, repeat the scan.

  6. Select your device and confirm with “OK”.

  7. Enter the Bluetooth PIN manually or scan the QR code. Both can be found on the type plate under the panel at the bottom of the unit.

  8. The unit is now connected to your smartphone/tablet. Check the function by changing the temperature via your smartphone/tablet. The display of the device must show the same value.

Connecting via WLAN

Configuration as Client
Control via smart speakers, e.g. with Amazon Alexa, is only possible if the DSX Touch has been registered as a client on a network with Internet access.

  • Protect the appliance from unauthorized access by connecting it to an Internet-connected IT infrastructure only if it is protected by a firewall.
  • Protect the appliance against unauthorized access by using a secure Wi-Fi password. This should consist of letters, numbers and special characters and should not be listed in the lexicon.
  1. Go to the device configuration (menu path: Main menu → Settings → Devices), select your DSX server and tap on “Advanced”.
  2. All networks found in range are listed at “Network”. Tap your SSID to select your home network. If the SSID of your home network is hidden, it must be temporarily set to “visible” for the configuration.
  3. Enter your Wi-Fi password and tab on “Apply”
  4. The DSX Touch updates the Wi-Fi settings and tries to log in on the router using the new access data. The tablet/smartphone must be connected to the same network.
  5. Start the Smart Control app and confirm the initial setup prompt with “OK”.
  6. You will get to the device configuration and can check the successful installation by selecting the DSX server and tapping on “Connect…”. The following text should be displayed: “The Home Server can be used”.

Note: A time delay of a few seconds is normal and dependent on the network infrastructure and utilization you want to use the DSX Touch as a stand-alone access point, please set up an individual and secure password to protect it from unauthorized access

  1. Go to the device configuration (menu path: Main menu → Settings → Devices), select your DSX server, and tap on “Advanced”.
  2. Select “Operating mode” and switch to the operating mode “Access Point”.
  3. Enter an individual SSID under SSID and a secure password under Password. The password should contain numbers and letters and must be at least 8 digits long.
  4. Connect the tablet/smartphone to the DSX Touch by entering the access data you have just selected in the WLAN settings of your tablet/smartphone.
  5. Start the Smart Control app and confirm the initial setup prompt with “OK”.
  6. You will get to the device configuration and can check the successful installation by selecting the DSX server and tapping on “Connect…”. The following text should be displayed: “The Home Server can be used”.

Note: If you have forgotten your password, select a new password directly at the device.
Activate/ deactivate Wi-Fi
Go to the device configuration, select the DSX server, and tap »Advanced«. By tapping on the button, you can enable/disable the WLAN.
Software update
Updating the Smart Control app
We recommend using the latest software in order to ensure the impeccable and secure operation of the DSX Touch.
Any new control app version will be indicated in the app store.

  • Updating iOS devices: For updating your control app, select the “Updates“ tab in the AppStore and tap on the “Update“ button which is to the right of the control app.
  • Updating Android OS devices: For updating your control app, select the Smart Control app in the Google Playstore and tap on the “Update“ button.\
Updating the DSX Touch firmware

Note: Do not disconnect your DSX Touch from the power supply during updates.
For an update, the DSX Touch must be connected to a Wi-Fi network with internet access.
The instantaneous water heaters is unavailable during the update for several minutes.
Updating the DSX Touch firmware
Note: Do not disconnect your DSX Touch from the power supply during updates.
For an update, the DSX Touch must be connected to a Wi-Fi network with internet access.
The instantaneous water heaters is unavailable during the update for several minutes.

  1. Go to the device configuration in the settings menu: (Main menu – Settings -Device).
  2. Select the DSX Touch that you want to update.
  3. Select “Software”, then “Install update” and confirm the following message.
  4. Wait for about 10 minutes until the control panel restarts and check the function of the DSX Touch.
    If an update is not possible even after multiple attempts, contact the after- sales service.

All functions described in chapter “3. How to use” can also be controlled via the Smart Control app.

Trouble-shooting and service

DSX Touch

Problem| Cause| Solution
Water stays cold, touch display does not light up| Master fuse tripped| Renew or activate fuse
Safety pressure cut-out tripped| Contact customer service

The display shows error symbol


The appliance has detected an error.

| Switch fuses off and on. If the symbol “wrench” is still indicated, contact customer service

Flow rate of hot water too weak

| Outlet fitting dirty or calcified| Clean shower head, jet regulator or sieves
Fine filter dirty or calci- fied| Let clean fine filter by customer service
Water flow is limited| Deactivate Eco mode and flow limit

Selected temperature is not reached

| Water flow rate too high| (Re)activate the motor-driven valve in the menu “Flow Limit”
Cold water has been added via the tap| Tap hot water only; set temperature, check outlet temperature
Touch display does not respond correctly or only sporadically|

Display glass is wet

| Dry display by wiping it with a soft cloth

App can’t find the DSX Touch

| Master fuse tripped| Renew or activate fuse

Out of Wi-Fi range

| Replace the tablet/smartphone near the access point (router or DSX Touch)
Wi-Fi deactivated (air plane mode)| Activate Wi-Fi  at  tablet / smartphone settings
Tablet / smartphone is connected to another Wi-Fi as the DSX Touch| Change to the same Wi-Fi as the DSX Touch
FX 3 Remote control

Problem| Cause| Solution
Symbol “battery” lights| Flat batteries| Insert two new types of AAA batteries in the remote control
Display: “no” and appliance does not response to the remote control| Transmission range exceeded| Place the remote control closer to the appliance, press key
Disturbance through other radio emitters| Repeat login with different radio channel
Display shows “bt”| Registration in process| Hold the remote control in front of the water heater

This instantaneous water heater was manufactured conscientiously and checked several times before delivery. Should malfunctions nevertheless occur, it is usually only due to a bagatelle. First attempt to switch the house fuses off and on again in order to reset the electronics. Next, try to remedy the problem with reference to the following table. In doing so, you will avoid the unnecessary expense of customer service assistance.
Repairs must only be carried out by authorized professionals.
If a fault in your appliance cannot be rectified with the aid of this table, please contact the service organization of your importer or the Central Customer Service Department. Please have the details of the type plate at hand.
After-Sales Service Pirolweg 4 21337 Lüneburg Germany
Phone: + 49 4131 8901-400

Product data sheet in accordance with EU regulation – 812/2013 814/2013

a b c d e f h i
b.1 b.2 η WH




| °C| L WA dB(A)
CLAGE| DSX Touch| 5V-270P-3H| S| A| 38| 484| 60| 15


a Brand name or trademark
b.1 Model
b.2 Type
c Specified load profile
d Energy-efficiency class
e Energy-efficiency
f Annual power consumption
g Additional load profile, the appropriate energy efficiency, and the

annual power consumption, if applicable
h| Temperature setting for the temperature controller
i| Sound power level, internal

Additional notes


All specific precautions for assembly, installation, maintenance, and use are described in the operating and installation instructions.

****| All data in this product data-sheet are determined by applying the specifications of the relevant European directives. Differences to other product information listed elsewhere may result in different test conditions.
The power consumption was determined in compliance with standardized measurement methods based on EU guidelines. The real energy consumption is pending on individual requirements.

Installation instruction


heater-34Technical specifications

Model DSX Touch
Energy efficiency class A *)
Rated capacity / rated current 18 kW..27 kW (26 A..39 A)
Chosen capacity / current 18 kW / 26 A

39 A
Electrical connection| 3~ / PE 380..415 V AC| 3~ / PE 400 V AC
Min. required cable size 1)| 4.0 mm2| 4.0 mm2| 6.0 mm2| 6.0 mm2
Hot water (l/min) 2) max. at ∆t = 28 K max. at ∆t = 38 K| ****



| ****



| ****



| ****



Rated volume| 0.4 l
Rated pressure| 1.0 MPa (10 bar)
Connecting type| pressure-resistant / pressureless
Heating system| Bare wire heating system IES®
@ 15 °C:

Required spec. water resistance Spec. electrical conductivity

| ****

≥ 1100 Ωcm

≤ 90 mS/m

Inlet temperature| ≤ 70 °C
Switch on – max. flow rate| 1.5 l/min – automatic 3)
Pressure loss| 0.08 bar at 1.5 l/min     1.3 bar at 9.0 l/min
Temperature range| 20 – 60 °C [70 °C]
Water connection| G ½ inch
Weight (when filled with water)| 4.5 kg
Transmission and receiving frequency range Wi-Fi| 2.412 – 2.472 GHz (802.11 b/g/n)
Transmission power Wi-Fi| ≤ 100 mW
Transmission and receiving frequency range Bluetooth| 2.4 – 2.4385 GHz
Transmission power Bluetooth| ≤ 8 mW
Radiation| undirected
Transmission range| 10-meter incl. barrier
VDE class of protection| I

Type of protection/safety

| IP25

*) The declaration complies with EU regulation No 812/2013.

  1. The maximum applicable cable size is 10 mm2 in electrical connection from above.
  2. Mixed water
  3. Electronically controlled depending on the desired temperature and cold water temperature

Environment and recycling

This product was manufactured climate neutrally according to Scope 1 + 2. We recommend the purchase of 100% green electricity to make the operation climate neutral as well.
Your product was manufactured from high-quality, reusable materials and components. Please respect in case of discarding that electrical devices should be disposed of separately from household waste at the end of their service life. Therefore, please take this device to a municipal collection point that returns used electronic devices to the recycling system. Disposing of it correctly will support environmental protection and will prevent any potential negative effects on human beings and the environment that could arise from inappropriate handling of these devices at the end of their service life. Please contact your local authority for further details of your nearest designated collection point or recycling site.
Business customers: If you wish to discard equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier for further information.




The following regulations must be observed:

  • e.g. VDE 0100
  • EN 806
  • Installation must comply with all statutory regulations, as well as those of the local electricity and water supply companies.
  • The rating plate and technical specifications
  • Only intact and appropriate tools must be used
Installation site
  • The appliance must only be installed in frost-free rooms. Never expose the appliance to frost.
  • The Appliance must be wall mounted and has to be installed with water connectors downward or alternative transversely with water connections left.
  • The appliance complies with protection type IP25 and may therefore be installed in protection zone 1 according to VDE 0100 part 701 (IEC 60364-7).
  • In order to avoid thermal losses, the distance between the instantaneous water heater and the tap connection should be as small as possible.
  • The appliance must be accessible for maintenance work.
  • Plastic pipes may only be used if they conform to DIN 16893, Series 2.
  • The specific resistance of the water must be at least 1100 Ω cm at 15 °C. The specific resistance can be asked for with your water distribution company.
  • Do not install the device in the immediate proximity of metal surfaces to allow a reliable wireless connection and an optimal wireless range.

Mounting accessories
For installations under difficult conditions, these mounting accessories are available:
Mounting kit frame RDX 3 (Art. no. 36100)
The instant water heater can be installed by means of this mounting kit when the power supply cable is coming out of the wall at any place from behind the unit, or the wall has unusual surface conditions, making it difficult for installing the water heater.
When using the RDX the protection class changes from IP25 to IP24.
Extension kit VDX
(Art. no. 34120) – RDX / RDX 3 is necessary! –
The instant water heater can be installed by means of this extension kit if the water pipes are coming displaced or exchanged out of the wall or if they are coming edge-wise on the wall to the unit. The power supply could come out of the wall at any place under the unit or the wiring could be installed surface-mounted.
Extension kit UDX
(Art. no. 34110) – RDX / RDX 3 is necessary! –
The instant water heater can be installed by means of this extension kit if the water connections are expiring above the unit. The power supply could come out of the wall at any place under the unit or the wiring could be installed surface-mounted.
Installing the wall bracket
Note: If you install this instantaneous water heater in exchange for a conventional instantaneous water heater, there is generally no need to drill holes for the wall bracket, in this case, step 2 would not be necessary.
Thoroughly rinse the water supply pipes before installation to remove soiling from the pipes.

  1. Using a 12 mm hexagon socket screw key, screw the screw-in nipples into the wall connections. The seals must be fully screwed into the thread. After tightening, the double nipples must protrude by 12 – 14 mm.
  2. Hold the included mounting template on the wall and align it so that the holes in the template fit over the double nipples. Mark the drill holes according to the template and drill them using a 6 mm drill. Insert the included dowels.
  3. Pull down the faceplate and unscrew the main hood screw to open the appliance.
  4. Loosen the knurled nut to remove the wall bracket and screw the wall bracket to the wall. Offset tiling or uneven surfaces can be compensated by up to 30 mm with the aid of the spacers supplied. The spacers are fitted between the wall and the wall bracket.

Installing connection pieces
Note: Fasten the screw nuts with caution, to avoid damage to the valves or the piping system.

  • as shown in the illustration, screw the cold water connection piece with the union nut and the ½-inch seal onto the cold water connection.
  • Screw the hot water connection piece with the union nut and the ½-inch seal onto the hot water connection.

Installing the appliance

  • The electrical power supply cable may be connected in the upper part or is surface mounted. Only in such case, first, follow the steps one through three according to the description “Electrical connection from above” in the chapter “Electrical connection”.
  1. Place the appliance on the heater bracket so that the threaded rod of the wall bracket fits in the corresponding hole of the appliance. If necessary, slight corrections are possible by carefully bending the threaded rod of the wall bracket. However, it must be possible to screw on the water connection pipes of the appliance without applying force.
  2. Screw the plastic knurled nut onto the threaded rod of the wall bracket.
  3. Screw the two ⅜ inch union nuts of the appliance‘s water connection pipes, each with the ⅜ inch seal, onto the fittings.CLAGE DSX Touch E-convenience instant water heater-9
  4. Open the water supply line to the unit and slowly open (position “open“) the shut-off valve (a) in the cold water connection piece. Check all connections for leaks.
  5. Next, open and close the hot water tapping valve several times until no more air emerges from the line and all air has been eliminated from the instantaneous water heater.
Mounting the remote control’s wall bracket
  • Before attaching the wall bracket to the wall, ensure that the remote control has radio contact to the instantaneous water heater from its designated position.
  • the wall bracket of the remote control can either be attached securely with the included adhesive tape, after stripping off the protection film (as shown in figure A), on a rigid board (e.g. tile) or with suitable dowels (Ø 4 mm) and screws (as shown in figure B).CLAGE DSX Touch E-convenience instant water heater-11
  • When mounting with adhesive tape, ensure that the mounting surface is dry and free of grease and soap.
  • When using the adhesive tape it is not possible to further adjust the position because of the strong adherence of the glue. Therefore, pay attention to a horizontal alignment when attaching it.
  • The remote control is magnetically retained at the wall bracket.
  • Keep the remote control and wall bracket away from credit cards or other cards with magnetic strips. The built-in magnets can damage the card’s magnetic strip.
    Note: Do not expose the remote control to moisture.

Direct connection

CLAGE DSX Touch E-convenience instant water

Note: Fasten the screw nuts with caution, to avoid damage to the valves or the piping system.
For direct connection, the two ½-inch screw-in nipples and the ½-inch seals must be screwed into the ½-inch union nuts of the hot-water and cold-water connectors. The two ½-inch caps of the side outlets of the hot-water and cold- water connectors must be removed and screwed onto the open end of the screw-in nipples. The hot-water and cold-water connectors must then be screwed into the 3/8 inch union nut of the appliance inlet and outlet pipe, together with the 3/8 inch seals.
For direct connection, it may be advisable to mount the appliance at a distance as illustrated alongside, using the spacer sleeves supplied. The two fixing holes near the lower pipe connections are also to be professionally fixed with 6 mm dowels and screws.
The flared end of the pipes must be screwed into the ½-inch side outlets of the hot-water and cold-water connectors with ½ inch union nuts and ½ inch seals. The holes required for the pipes must then be opened of the housing with the aid of a blunt implement.
In case of direct connection please note: Put the strainer into the cold water connection!

Electrical connection

Wiring diagram
  1. Electronic circuitry
  2. Heating element
  3. Safety pressure cut-out
  4. Connecting terminal
  5. Safety thermal cut-out

Only by a specialist! Please observe:

  • e.g. VDE 0100
  • The installation must comply with current IEC and national local regulations or any particular regulations, specified by the local electricity supply company
  • The rating plate and technical specifications
  • The appliance must be earthed!
Structural prerequisites
  1. the appliance must be installed via a permanent connection. The heater must be earthed!
  2. The electric wiring should not be injured. After mounting, the wiring must not be directly accessible.
  3. An all-pole disconnecting device (e.g. via fuses) with a contact opening width of at least 3 mm per pole should be provided at the installation end.
  4. To protect the appliance, a fuse element must be fitted with a tripping current commensurate with the nominal current of the appliance.

Load shedding relay

If further three-phase appliances are connected, a load shedding relay designed for electronic instantaneous water heaters (CLAGE no. 82250) can be connected to phase conductor L2.
To change the operating mode, after making the electrical connection and the initial operation call up the settings menu. Then select the point “Load shedding”. If the menu item is grayed out, first activate the “Expert Mode” under Settings/Software.
You can set a value of 0, 1 or 2 bay tabbing or.
The locking function must be activated then (see chapter “8. Initial operation” sub-point “Locking function”).
Operating mode 1 must be selected first, thus checking the correct operation of the load shedding relay at low appliance output (35-degree celsius setpoint and low water flow rate). Mode “2” must be selected if the load shedding relay flickers.

Value Description
0 Operation without load shedding relay, factory setting
1 Operation with normal load shedding relay
2 Operation with sensitive load shedding relay

Operating mode 1 must be selected first, thus to check the correct operation of the load shedding relay at low appliance output (35 degree celsius setpoint and low water flow rate). Mode “2” must be selected if the load shedding relay flickers.

Electrical connection

Electrical connection from below
Note: If necessary, the connecting terminal can be displaced to the upper part of the appliance. If you want to do so, please follow the instructions in the next chapter.
Check that the power supply is switched off prior to the electrical connection!CLAGE DSX Touch E-convenience instant water

  1. Dismantle approximately 6 cm off the connecting cable above the wall outlet. With the smaller opening ahead, slide the water splash protection sleeve over the connecting cable so that the sleeve is flush with the wall. This prevents any leaking water from coming into contact with the electrical leads. It must not become damaged! The protection sleeve must be used!
  2. Open the control panel holder rightwards.
  3. Strip the cables and plug them in the connecting terminals according to the wiring diagram. The appliance must be earthed.
  4. Pull the protective sleeve over the connecting cables until the sleeve fits perfectly in the recess of the intermediate panel. Adjust the water splash protection sleeve as illustrated and fix it with the sleeve fixing (A). Reinsert the control panel holder and lock it on.
  5. Place the hood on the appliance and screw in the fastening screw. After that you can slide on the faceplate from the bottom up to the stop.

Electrical connection from above
Check that the power supply is switched off prior to the electrical connection!

  1. Open the prepared breaking point (S) in the upper part of the appliance by pressing with a blunt implement (e.g. screwdriver).For surface-mounted connection cable additional open the breakout at the right side of the bottom part.
  2. Slit the grommet to match the cable size. The opening in the grommet should be slightly smaller than the cross-section of the cable in order to ensure optimum protection against water. Fit the grommet into the opening. The protection grommet must be used!
  3. Strip the connection cable so that the sheath extends through the grommet into the appliance. Hold the prepared appliance in one hand and route the cable into the grommet with the other hand.
  4. Place the appliance on the wall bracket so that the threaded rod of the wall bracket fits in the corresponding hole of the appliance and fixes the appliance.
  5. Screw the connecting terminal of the adapter cable to the upper connection point. Route the adapter cable past the power section on the left and attach the two brackets to the heating block.
  6. Open the control panel. Connect the other end of the adapter cable to the lower connecting terminal according to the wiring diagram. Observe outer conductor assignment!
  7. Strip the individual wires of the connection cable and plug them in the upper connecting terminal according to the wiring diagram. The appliance must be earthed.
  8. Fold back the control panel and lock it in place.
  9. Place the hood on the appliance and screw in the fastening screw.
    Note: To ensure IP25 protection class, please don´t remove the bottom water splash protection sleeve.

Initial operation

Before making the electrical connection, fill the mains and the appliance with water by carefully opening and closing the hot water tap in order to vent completely.
To ensure a maximum flow, remove any existing aerator from the faucet. Flush the warm and cold water pipes each at least for one minute.
After every draining (e.g. after work on the plumbing system or following repairs to the appliance), the heater must be re-vented in this way before starting it up again.
If the water heater cannot be put into operation, the temperature cut-out or the pres-sure cut-out may have tripped during transport. If necessary, check that the power supply is switched off and reset the cut-out. Selection of power rating
Only by an authorized specialist, otherwise, lapse of guarantee!
Upon first connection of the appliance to the supply voltage, select the maximum power rating. Only after having set the power rating, the heater provides its standard operation mode.
The maximum allowable power rating at installation site depends on the local situa-tion. It is imperative to observe all data shown in the table “Technical specifications”, in particular the required cable size and fuse protection for the electrical connection. Moreover, the electrical installation must comply with the statutory regulations of the respective country and those of the local electricity supply company (Germany: DIN VDE 0100).

  1. Switch on the power supply to the appliance.
  2. When switching on the supply voltage for the first time, the touch screen shows the menu to select the language after about 40 seconds. Choose your language, after that the selection of power rating appears. If not, please follow the note “Reinstallation”.
  3. Select the maximum allowable power rating depending on the local situation via touch (18, 21, 24 or 27 kW).
  4. Press “OK” to confirm the setting.
  5. Mark the set power rating on the rating plate.
  6. After having set the maximum allowable power rating, the heating element will be activated after approx. 10 – 30 sec of continuous water flow.
  7. Open the hot water tap. Check the function of the appliance.
  8. Remove the battery case cover of the remote control and insert batteries (2 × AAA Alkaline). Observe the polarity of the batteries. Insertion should take place when the power supply of the water heater is turned on. After inserting the batteries, the display shows all segments for approx. 4 seconds, then changes to the setpoint value and the remote control is connected to the instantaneous water heater.
  9. Explain the user how to use the instant ta neous water heater and hand over the oper-ating instructions.
  10. Fill in the guarantee registration card and send it to the CLAGE After-Sales Service or use the online regis tration on our website (see also page 31).

ReinstallationCLAGE DSX Touch E-convenience instant water
In case the appliance will be commissioned again under different installation conditions than during its initial ope ration, it may be necessary to adapt the maximum power rating.
A temporary short-circuit of the two pins on the right (see figure), e.g. with a screw-driver acc. to EN 60900, will reset all heater parameters to works setting and lock the heating. The display shows the menu to select the language. Choose your language, after that the selection of power rating appears. This condition will maintain when activating and deactivating the supply voltage.

Notes in case of remote control connection problems
In case of a failing connection between the remote control and the water heater, the display indicates “no”. A keystroke restarts the registration.
Under those circumstances, reduce the distance to the water heater and check whether the power supply is turned on.
Shower application
The water heater’s temperature must be limited to 55 °C, if it is connected to a show-er. The temperature limit must be set to a value less or equal 55 °C in the setting menu, in consultation with the customer and the lock level must be activated.
When the appliance is operated with preheated water, it must be ensured that this temperature is limited to 55 °C as well.
Locking function
The operating mode of the appliance can be restricted. Activation of the locking function

  1. Select required parameters via the setting menu (see online user manual chapter “Settings”, subpoints “Temperature limit” and/or “Load shedding”).
  2. Disconnect the appliance from the power supply (e.g. by switching off the fuses).
  3. Take the jumper off the power electronics and change to position “1” (see picture).
  4. Put the appliance into operation again.

Deactivation of the locking function

  1. Disconnect the appliance from the power supply (e.g. by switching off the fuses).
  2. Take the jumper off the power electronics and change to position “OFF” (see picture).
  3. Put the appliance into operation again.

Maintenance work

Maintenance work must only be conducted by an authorized professional.
Cleaning and replacing the filter strainer
The cold water connection of this instantaneous water heater is equipped with an integrated shut-off valve and a strainer. Soiling of the strainer may reduce the warm water output. Clean or replace the strainer as follows:

  1. De-energize the instantaneous water heater (e.g. via deactivating the fuses) and prevent inadvertent reactivation of them.

  2. To open the appliance, take off the small face plate, loose the screw behind this cover and detach the hood.

  3. Close the shut-off valve (a) in the cold water connection piece (position “closed“).

  4. Unscrew the screw plug (b) from the cold water connection piece and take out the strainer (c).
    Note: Residual water can leak

  5. The strainer can now be cleaned or replaced.

  6. After fitting of the clean strainer tighten the screw plug.

  7. Slowly reopen the shut-off valve in the cold water connection piece (position “open“). Check all connections for leaks.

  8. Vent the appliance by carefully opening and closing the affiliated warm water tap valve several times until air no longer emerges from the pipe.

  9. Fit the hood of the appliance. Then switch on the power again (e.g. via activating the fuses).

Cleaning and replacing the filter strainer if direct connected
The cold water connection of this instantaneous water heater is equipped with a strainer. Soiling of the strainer may reduce the warm water output. Clean or replace the strainer as follows:

  1. De-energize the instantaneous water heater (e.g. via deactivating the fuses) and prevent inadvertent reactivation of them.
  2. Close the shut-off valve in the mains water supply of the instantaneous water heater.
  3. To open the appliance, take off the small face plate, loose the screw behind this cover and detach the hood.
  4. Unscrew mains water inlet from the connection piece and take out the strainer. Note: Residual water can leak
  5. The strainer can now be cleaned or replaced.
  6. After refitting the clean strainer reconnect the mains water inlet to the connection piece.
  7. Slowly reopen the shut-off valve in the mains water supply. Check all connections for leaks.
  8. Vent the appliance by carefully opening and closing the affiliated warm water tap valve several times until air no longer emerges from the pipe.
  9. Fit the hood of the appliance. Then switch on the power again (e.g. via activating the fuses).


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