PHILIPS Health Informatics Suite Release 4.02 System User Guide

June 5, 2024


PHILIPS Health Informatics Suite Release 4.02 System


This document aims to support system-administrator-level users to access the system and utilize the “System Administration” function.

First access

Details of the cloud deployment, containing first-time login credentials, are communicated to the client. The system administrator must use the web address, user name and login password provided for the first access. During the first access, Philips EMR&CM recommends that the login password be changed for security purposes. After successfully accessing the system for the first time, use the “System Administration” function to create users, their credentials and configure access controls to allow or restrict user access to system- administrator-level features and functions.

Presenting the function “System Administration”

In the “System Administration” function, the main entries and parameterizations are performed for the operation of the system.

Main Characteristics

  • User registration;
  • Profile registration;
  • Function parameterization;
  • File storing configuration;
  • Creation of rules for table attributes.

Most of the fields on a screen have the information icon shown when hovering to the right of its name. Such a resource is used to provide more details about the field and the type of information to be entered when the field is used.

System Administration

The function “System Administration” is used by the system administrator to add new users and to set the user permission levels for accessing the system and its functions.
In the function “System Administration”, it is possible to not only create and manage new users, but also configure fields, making them mandatory according to the business rules set by the user organization. It is possible to create different profiles and set the permissions per profile. It is also possible to change/manage the parameters of the system and even a set of clinical parameters. The user can also update latest version of HIS by using the “System Administration” function.

HIS is a highly configurable system that incorporates large amounts of data from many different areas in healthcare. There must be multidisciplinary involvement when configuring the system to ensure compliance with all laws, regulations, standards, guidelines and best practices.

It is mandatory a previous configuration preferably in a non-production environment with test cases that accurately reflect the practice of the healthcare institution to guarantee safe and effective operation in the final production environment. Philips provides no warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information, configuration and settings defined by the user. If they are not done properly, it may result in the inability to use the system.

During rush hours, it is important to mention that having too many users logged into the system may affect its performance. One of the measures that the user can take is to set a time range (usually in seconds) to log off the system and close connections of the users who are idle and not using the system. This would help prevent low performance and can enhance the security levels for information access.

Follow the steps below to access and configure the options for automatic logoff:

  1. Access the function “System Administration”
  2. Open the tab “Function parameters”
  3. Click on the option “System menu”
  4. Parameter code
  5. Parameter description

In the field “Client default”, the system administrator can set a value in seconds to close the system when it is in idle period.

The “User” tab opens with the filter visible by default. Use the filter options to filter for a specific user or group of users. Select a user in the grid and click the “View” button to see the record in detail view. Edit the record while in the detail view and click the “Save” button. To discard changes, click “Cancel” then click “Exit without saving”.
Click “Add” to register a new user.

Main fields:

  • User: information automatically generated by the system based on the authenticated user.
  • Creation user: information automatically generated by the system with the original user.
  • Full name: field used to enter the user’s full name.
  • Medical report password: used to enter the password of the physician responsible for approving medical reports.
  • Days for password expiration: stores the number of days for the password to expire (180 maximum).
  • Date of change: information automatically generated by the system based on the default database date and time. It must be changed to null when user password is changed.
  • Department: menu to select the user’s department.
  • Extension: field to enter the user’s phone extension.
  • Person: field used to enter or select the user’s person as registered in functions “Master Person Index” or “Simplified Register of People”.
  • Barcode: field that stores the user’s barcode to be scanned.
  • E-mail: field that stores the user’s email address.
  • Account: field that stores the user’s account.
  • Message receipt: field used to select the option corresponding to message receipt (“all” recommended).
  • Message delivery: field used to select the option corresponding to message delivery (“all” recommended).
  • Situation: field used to select the user status: Active = able to use the system (selected by default); Inactive = not able to use the system; Blocked = exceeds the maximum allowable attempts to access the system.
  • Allow e-mail attachments: checkbox used to allow the user to attach files to email messages.
  • User may use a different version: checkbox that sets permission to the user to use a different HIS version.
  • Internal communication: menu with options related to how internal communication should be displayed when opening the system.
  • Role for clinical note/order: menu used to select the role of the user responsible for the clinical note. This field is only used by users with order role, such as physicians and nurses.
  • Find physician: field with options related to how to locate a physician, like by name, usual name, license number, etc.
  • Communication classification: menu to select the default internal communication classification for the user in order to create announcements already set with the appropriate classification.
  • Default printer: menu to select the default printer for the user. Options in this field depend on internal records of the institution.
  • Electronic Patient Chart profile: menu to select the user’s “Electronic Patient Chart” profile for access control to the patient’s electronic medical record. Used to prevent unauthorized access to the patient’s “Electronic Patient Chart”. Options in this field depend on internal records of the institution.
  • Third party: checkbox used to set the registered user as a third party – person or entity that is not directly part of the process or action, is not connected to, or has no interest in it.
  • May view sensitive information: checkbox used to allow the user to view patient information set on the system as sensitive.
  • May view patient identifying information: checkbox used to allow the user to view information that may reveal the patient’s identity.
  • Can exclude patient data: checkbox used to allow the user to delete patient data.

NOTE: When an employee is dismissed from the company, their user should be inactivated so that they no longer have access to the system, but their operation history is retained.

Use the right-click options to perform actions on a user record:

  • Authorize Department for Selected Users
  • Generate/Change medical report password
  • Change establishment
  • Generate person
  • Clear user’s parameters
  • Clear user departments
  • Clear user’s establishments
  • Clear user’s profiles
  • Change password
  • Print label with barcode
  • Select profiles by group
  • Select departments by group
  • Generate user importing data from another user
  • Link user groups
  • Require password change
  • Options
    • Change
    • Unblock

User x Profile
Define which profiles are associated with the user currently selected in the parent tab. Double-click a user record in the grid view to access this and other subtabs. The tab “User x Profile” contains the list of all profiles and the list of profiles available to the user. The left grid contains all profiles not released to the user and the right grid the ones released. To release a profile for the user, right-click the desired profile and then click “Select”.

User x Department
Define which Click “User x Department” to release one or more departments for the user to work at. On the left grid, the system displays all non-released departments and on the right grid, the ones released to the user. To release departments, select the desired one(s), right-click and then click “Select” to release the record(s) checked. To release all of them at once, use the option “Select all”.

Users who work in more than one department will be in their default department (entered in user registration) upon entering the system. You can switch departments if necessary, by clicking the logged-in username in the upper right corner of the screen and then clicking “Department”. When hovering over this option, the system displays the departments available to the user, who must then click on the desired one to change it.

Define the system language and locale in which the system will operate. Example: if the system is set to German language and the locale is Australia, the system displays the business rules, functions and parameters related to the Australian market and the user interface language will be German.
Create and manage user profiles, that can be assigned to one or more users, as a form of access control.

Record > Registration
Create a new user profile or edit an existing one.

Main fields:

  • Description: enter the name of the profile for the user (example: nursing, warehouse, pharmacy, surgical theater, etc.).
  • Establishment: select the establishment for exclusive access to the profile.
  • User department: select the department to be set for the user.
  • Show on user department computers: check if the profile should be displayed only on computers of the user’s main department.
  • Show on computers linked to the profile: check if the profile should be displayed only on specific computers linked to the profile.
  • Do not show on computers linked to the profile: check if the profile should not be displayed on computers linked to the profile.
  • Show profile in Web environment: check if the system should allow the profile to be displayed in Web environment.
  • Mobile Profile (iOS): check if the system should allow the profile to be used in the mobile environment.
  • Use in HTML5 environment: check to allow the profile to be used in the HTML5 environment.
  • Strategic: check if the profile has strategic authorization. Releasing this type of profile can only be done by assigned administrators.
  • Automatically release the profile to the user: check to automatically release the profile when creating a new user in the system.
  • Active: check to set the profile as active.

NOTE: Profiles can also be registered according to the record of the HR job positions/roles, so that a newly created user with a specific job position inherits specific user profiles.

Double-click a profile record in the grid view to access this and other subtabs. Define which system functions are associated with the user profile. The grid on the left shows functions not released for the profile and on the right the released ones. Right-click the function you wish to release then click “Select”. This action transfers the selected function from the grid on the left to the grid on the right. If you want to release all functions at once, use the “Select all” option. To remove a function from the profile, select the record in the right grid and click the link “Delete”.

Define which system tables are associated with the user profile. On the left grid there are tables unreleased for the profile and on the right grid the released ones. To release a table, right-click on it and
Health Informatics Suite – System Administration Guide then click “Select”. The selected table will be transferred to the grid on the right. To release all at once, click “Select all”. To remove a table, select it in the grid on the right and click the “Delete” button.
Configure the type of table access control by selecting the desired table in the grid on the right and clicking the “View” button. By default, the system selects the control option “Total”, giving users associated with the profile read and write permissions on the table. The “Read” option grants users associated with the profile read-only permission on the table.

Define which reports are associated with the user profile. Click the “Add” button to create a new record to associate an existing report with the user that is currently selected in the parent tab.
Main fields:

  • Report: select the report to be released for the profile.
  • Tray: select the printing device (tray) to be used for the profile when issuing this report.
  • Printer: enter the printer’s name and path.
  • Copies: enter the number of copies to be printed.
  • How to print: select the printing/displaying mode of the report. Example: Normal, PDF, PDF Creator, etc.
  • Display: enter the report display sequence.
  • Logo: check for the system to add a logo to the report.
  • Print: check if the report should be released for automatic printing for the selected profile.
  • Restrictions: select the option that defines how the report should be previewed or printed. The Print field must be checked for these options to work: “None” (no restrictions, the report is previewed and printed as per user action); “Always preview/no print option” (report is always previewed but not printed); “Print only/no preview” (report is printed but not previewed); “Always preview/with print option” (report is always previewed and a print option is available); “Preview only/no action when printing” (previews the report only by clicking “Preview” but it cannot be printed).

Management indicator
Define which management indicators are associated with the user profile. In the grid on the left are the unreleased indicators for the profile and on the right are the released ones. To release an indicator, right-click on the record and select “Release”, causing the selected indicator to be transferred to the grid on the right. If desired, all indicators can be released to the profile with the “Release all” option. To delete any released indicators, select the record in the grid on the right and click the “Delete” button.

Profile x User
Define which users are associated with the user profile currently selected in the parent tab. In the grid on the left are the users not released for the profile and, on the right, the released users. To release a user, mark the record on the left grid, right-click on it and click “Release”, causing the selected user to be moved to the right grid. All users can be released at once to the profile by using the “Release all” option. To remove a released user, select it in the grid on the right and click the “Delete” button.

Profile copy
Transfer various access controls from existing profiles and users to other profiles and users.

The “Profile copy” tab allows the copy of all access controls from one profile to another, adding them to the current access controls of the destination profile. Thus, access controls can be copied and added to or deleted from the selected profile.

NOTE: All released permissions, functions, tables and reports will be transferred to the new profile.

Users can also be copied. To do so, select the desired reference user and check the checkbox of each available option to have this information copied. In the grid, select the target user and click the “Copy” button.


Parameters related to file storage.

File repository
Intended to set up file storage directories that are attached in the system.

Main fields:

  • Repository name: enter the name of the file repository.
  • Company: select the company that meets the rule.
  • Establishment: select the establishment that may view the record. If not selected, all establishments may view it.
  • Profile: select the profile that may view the repository.
  • Department: select the encounter department that may view the repository.
  • User: select the user that may view the repository.
  • Table: enter the name of the system table.
  • Attribute: select the attribute name of the system table.
  • Network directory/path: enter the network directory/path where files will be saved.

NOTE: This tab is for configuring file repositories per table. Some functions have already migrated this feature to a second version. Check the “File storage” subtab (see below) to see if there is already a repository for the desired function and, if so, there’s no need to configure a repository in the “File repository” tab.

File storage
File storage is used for configuring the second version of the storage functionality of files attached in the system. In the “File repository” tab, on the left grid, repositories are available for configuration.
This registration is performed by Philips EMR&CM and is only available to configure storage location rules. In this grid, in addition to the “Repository name” column, which indicates which function/table this repository is related to, there is also the “Mandatory” column, which indicates if the configuration of this repository is indispensable for the correct functioning of the system.
In case of doubt about any repository, select the desired repository and click “View”. The screen with details about the repository opens and then there is the Description field, where there are more details about the repository application. When selecting a repository on the grid, a new panel is activated on the right with the “Storage locations” and “File type” tabs. The “Storage locations” tab allows setting up directories for the selected repository.

Main fields:

  • Repository UUID: information automatically generated by the system with the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) for the storage location being configured.
  • Repository driver: select “Local” if the storage location is in the network or “S3” if it is in a cloud server.
  • Network directory/path: enter the local directory or full network path of the file repository.
  • Read: check if the repository enables read access.
  • Write: check if the repository enables write access.
  • Company: select the company to which write permission should be given to this storage location.
  • Establishment: select the establishment to which write permission should be given to this storage location.
  • Profile: select the profile to which write permission should be given to this storage location.
  • Department: select the department to which write permission should be given to this storage location.
  • User: select the user to which write permission should be given to this storage location.

NOTE: After registering a storage location, the Network directory/path field should never be changed. If you need to change this field, you must create a new storage location for the repository in question and uncheck the Write field in the original storage location. Thus, files already saved in the original storage location will still be accessible, but no other files will be stored in that location but in the new configured location. If the Network directory/path field changes, files previously stored in this location will become inaccessible.

Function parameters
In this tab, all system functions and their respective parameters are available.

Parameterization of functions requires careful attention so that users have access only to what is relevant to them.

On the left is the tree with all the functions to be parameterized and on the right the parameters of the function selected in the tree.

Main fields:

  • Sequence: information automatically generated by the system.
  • Parameter: information automatically generated by the system.
  • System default: information automatically generated by the system.
  • Client default: Information will be provided by the clients.
  • Notes: information is automatically generated by the system.

To access the panels of parameterization by the establishment, profile and user, double-click on the parameter desired to be parameterized, then the specific panels will be displayed:

  • “Establishment”: It is used for parameterizations of the establishment (example: if the user/profile has the parameter 1 of any function enabled in the establishment A and the same parameter not enabled in establishment B, when the system is accessed the corresponding parameterization for each establishment will be loaded).
  • “Profile”: It is used for parameterizations of the profiles (if a user is using a profile that has no parameter enabled to save a record, as soon as this user attempts to save anything a message will be issued, notifying about the lack of authorization for that).
  • “User:” It is used for the functions in which the users have differentiated privileges but are part of the same profile (such a value is used, but not recommended as it makes maintenance difficult).

Consult a read-only version from various sources of data related to the current and previous system states.

System log
To query system logs, click the subtab “System log”, select the needed filters and click the button “Filter”. Thus, all the logs that meet the query parameters will be displayed. Such a query must be performed with Philips EMR&CM assistance.

Deletion log
Click the subtab “Deletion log” to query the log of exclusions performed. It is possible to refine the search by period and table through the filter. Then, the exclusions are displayed with the respective table, date, user and the key, which is an identifier of the deleted record.

4.5.3 Functions x User
Consult the list of all users and the functions they have access to.
4.5.4 Administration access
Consult the list of all users who have access to the function “System Administration”, and via which
profiles the user is granted access.
4.5.5 Change log
Query and consult changes made to specific attributes and tables of the system database, when the
changes were made and who made them.
4.5.6 Jobs
Query and consult the list of database jobs in use by the system and their current status. Verify if a specific job is currently executing, and also use right-click options to start, stop or remove the job. Query and consult the list of database jobs that are available for use in the system but are not active.

Usage configurations

Define custom rules for system screens, navigation elements, data fields and filters. These rules allow fine-grained access control within individual system functions. These rules can apply to individual tabs, tables, attributes, filters and right-click options: First, select a function from the autocomplete search box in the filter and click the “Filter” button. The component tree will update to display the function as the root node element. Double click the root node element (function name) in the tree to open the next child level element. Continue double clicking the tree elements to navigate to the desired component. Click a tree element and the right-side panels will update to display the possible settings, according to the selected component.

  • Tabs
    • Visibility: whether a tab is visible or hidden
    • Display order: the order in which to display the tabs in a tab navigation component
    • Default tab: go directly to the default tab when the panel is activated
  • Database tables
    • Read/Write permissions for database tables and specific table views
  • Database table attributes
    • Visibility: whether the data field corresponding to a database table attribute is visible or hidden
    • Read/Write: permissions for table attributes
    • Default value: corresponding data field is populated with a predefined value
  • Filter attributes
    • Visibility: whether a filter attribute is visible or hidden
    • Read/Write/Required: permissions for filter attributes
    • Default value: corresponding data field is populated with a predefined value
  • Right-click options
    • Visibility: Whether a right-click option is visible or hidden

For greater flexibility, each type of rule can be created on 1 of 3 levels:

  • Establishment: the rule will apply for all users in the establishment
  • Profile: the rule will apply for all users associated with the user profile
  • User: the rule will apply for the individual user only

Department      s
Filter by department to see a list of users that are associated with a specific department. Click the “Exclude department user” button the unlink the user from the selected department. To register and maintain the list of a departments use the “Organizational Structure”.

Clinical parameters
Define parameters and setting related to vital sign data and customizable process automation.

Vital signs
View a read-only list of the main vital signs available in the system, which may be combined with rules. Define minimum and maximum values for the data fields related to these vital signs, and the resulting action.

Create rules for the vital signs available.

Create a rule based on any combination of the following criteria:

  • Department
  • Pain Scale
  • Site of temperature
  • Sex
  • Age (years/days)
  • Establishment
  • Profile

Resulting action

  • Notification action
    • Maximum value for notification
    • Minimum value for notification
    • Message: the text to be displayed as a notification
  • Block action (Validate clinical data on exit field [tab])
    • Maximum value for block
    • Minimum value for block
    • Message: the text to be displayed when blocking the action Intervention rule
Create rules for process automation regarding nursing interventions, based on any combination of the
below criteria:

  • Department

  • Pain Scale

  • Site of Temperature

  • Age (years/days)

  • Establishment

  • Range

    • Range minimum
    • Range maximum
    • In range / Out of range
      Define a treatment, which is automatically assigned, for the criteria in the rule created in the above step.
  • Treatment

  • Frequency of the treatment (Day/Hours/Minutes)

Medical record charts
View the individual components and the relationships between components, involved in the automation of processes related to the medical record chart.

Read-only list of patient chart items and related data, which may be helpful during setup and configuration.

Read-only list of possible actions that may be used for process automation.

Item x Action
Read-only mapping of items and the possible actions that may be used for each item.

Ritual submission
Read-only list of the rituals (automated actions) that are available in the function “Core Tables Settings”.

Documentation of patient’s journey items
Read-only list of items available in the Patient Journey (Patient Chart Settings> SUEP)

Perioperative Electronic Patient Chart items
Read-only list of items available for the function “Perioperative Electronic Patient Chart”.

Ophthalmology items
View the individual components and the relationships between components, involved in the automation of processes related to ophthalmology.

Read-only list of Ophthalmology items and related data, which may be helpful during setup and configuration.

Read-only list of possible actions that may be used for process automation.

Item x Action
Read-only mapping of items and the possible actions that may be used for each item.

Ritual submission
Read-only list of the rituals (automated actions) that are available in the function “Core Tables Settings”.

Create rules for validating medical-order items in CPOE. Assign validation rules for certain profiles.

Information rule
Read-only list of rules for incorporating and mapping data points from disperse sources to specific data fields in the Electronic Patient Chart or Multiparameter Flowsheet. The datapoints may come from the
following sources:

  • Analgesia monitoring
  • Glycemia
  • Hemodynamic monitoring
  • Intakes & outputs
  • Lab tests
  • Nutritional assessment
  • Patient encounter
  • PCA
  • Portable uroanalysis – Multistix
  • Portable uronalysis – Choiceline 10
  • Respiratory monitoring
  • Scores and Indexes
  • Surgical procedure description
  • Vital signs

Information destination
Select a rule in the left-side panel to view the corresponding child record(s) in the right-side panel, they contain the mapping of where to use the data point, on a table/attribute level. Create 1 or more destinations to be used in the institution rules.

Institution rules
Select a rule in the left-side panel to view the corresponding child record(s) in the right-side panel, the institution rules define which mapped data point will be used as the predefined value during entry related to the Electronic Patient Chart process.

Medical records tabs
Read-only list of the items visible in the navigation tree of the “Electronic Patient Chart”, which may be helpful during setup and configuration.

Configure a predefined list of data validation rules when a chemotherapy order/cycle is generated/released in the “Electronic Patient Chart”. The list of rules and the validation criteria are maintained by Philips EMR&CM, however the following parameters can be set for each rule:

  • Profile for which the validation is required.
  • Release rule.
    • Allow the action based on validation result.
    • Do not validate.
    • Prevent the action based on the validation result.
  • Warn when saving a material.
  • Rule message to display a customized message.

Electronic Outpatient Chart items
View the individual components and the relationships between components, involved in the automation of processes related to the electronic outpatient chart.

Read-only list of items in the Electronic Outpatient Chart and related data, which may be helpful during setup and configuration.

Read-only list of possible actions that may be used for process automation.

Item x Action
Read-only mapping of items and the possible actions that may be used for each item.

Ritual submission
Read-only list of the rituals (automated actions) that are available in the function “Core Tables Settings”.

Consult a read-only list of the system applications and the modules associated with each application.

Define mapping of specific data points from external systems to specific tables/atributes within the system.

Automatic report(s)
Configure the system to automatically generate a report on a periodic basis and send to recipients by email.

Define the name and location of network printers that will be available to system users.

Upload and define custom images for specific system components that utilize images. Classify the image for one of the following components.

  • Nursingorder (SNCP)
  • Odontogram
  • Odontogram – Pre-anesthesia evaluation
  • Patient’s Electronic Questionnaire
  • Surgery
  • Wounds and dressings

Once the image is uploaded, use the right-click option in the right-side panel “Define image area(s)” to design one or more vector image overlays to delineate the boundaries of the clickable areas in the image. Double-click on each image area defined to create a record that maps the clickable area to a corresponding location. After creating this mapping, clicking the areas defined in the image of the componente will correspond to selecting the location options.

Warning events
Define and manage which notifications are displayed to a user when logging in to the system. Click the “Add” button to create a new rule for which information to notify about. Leave the user blank to create a general rule. Include a profile and the notification will only be displayed when the user is logged in with that profile.
Types of notification information available are all non-clincal:

  • Alerts and Events
  • Assessments pending release
  • Classified
  • Commercial approval
  • Documents of the Quality Department with pending validation
  • Internal communication
  • Pending training efficacy – Philips
  • Process pending for approval
  • Project-related pending items
  • Quality documents pending approval
  • Quality documents pending of reading
  • Service orders with new history
  • There are pending indexes in the database
  • There are pending updates
  • Travel Management
  • Version update scheduling

Software licenses control
Define a master list of software recognized by the healthcare institution. Manage details such as: which software is authorized/restricted for use and by whom, installer file location and license information.

Local configurations
Define the units of measure for weight, temperature and height, for individual establishments.

Function macros
Consult the list of macros available for each system function. Also, create alternative macro texts for use by speakers of other languages. These macros are placeholders that can be inserted into freeform text in specific parts of the system. As an illlsustrative example, insert @email, which would be replaced with the current user’s e-mail address.

Patient bar settings
Define and manage custom rules for which information to display on the patient bar component. Click the “Add” button to create a new rule. Select the data point from the “field” drop down and inform a numeric value in the “Display sequence” field to indicate in which position to display the data in the patient bar component. Select any combination of profile, establishment, function, medical specially, department and/or person to further customize under which circumstances to display the data point.

Certifying entities
Define a list of certification authorities and upload the digital certificate file(s) they issue. The healthcare institution can uses these digital certificates to enable secure connections or to perform digital signatures.

Consult a list of domains and corresponding domain values. A domain is a set of options that is reused throught the system, for example the following dropdown-list options may appear in many screens:

  • Sometimes
  • Always
  • Never

Artifact download
Download documents available for customers.

Instructions for Use

Documentation provided to the user about how to operate the product.

Accessing the Instructions for Use from the Internet
Users can also access the product Instructions for Use from internet.

  1. Go to the website indicated above (adjacent to the instructions for use symbol).
  2. Follow the instructions on the website and select your preferred language.
    The PDF file is downloaded from the website and saved to your computer. You can open the file using a PDF reader application. If you do not have a PDF reader application installed, you can download Adobe Reader from the following website:

Obtaining Instructions for Use in paper form
When users require the product Instructions for Use in paper form, they can locally print the PDF version of the Instructions for Use in the required language using the Print button in the viewer application:

Refer to the “Accessing the Instructions for Use” chapter to access the product Instructions for Use in the required language. If the user does not have local resources to print the Instructions for Use, contact your local Philips Healthcare representative, or the manufacturer to obtain the HIS Instructions for Use in paper form. Product Instructions for Use will be provided in paper form by the local Philips Healthcare representative within 7 calendar days of receiving the request from the user at no additional cost.

Symbols Glossary

For symbology details (name and description) refer to the product Instructions for Use available on


Version 4.02

Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V.
High Tech Campus 36 5656 AE Eindhoven The Netherlands

Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2022 All rights are reserved. Reproduction or transmission in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. Copyrights and all other proprietary rights in any software and related documentation (“Software”) made available to you rest exclusively with Philips or its licensors. No title or ownership in the Software is conferred to you. Use of the Software is subject to the end-user license conditions as are available on request.
Published in Brazil 756011 / 2022-05-12-en-us


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