Gude GTKS 315/400V Circular Saw Bench Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

Translation of original operating instructions
Circular saw bench

Gude GTKS 315 400V Circular Saw Bench

GTKS 315/230V #55150
GTKS 315/400V #55152

Structural elements

Gude GTKS 315 400V Circular Saw Bench - fig1

Parts list

No. Specification pcs No. Specification pcs
1 Casing (installed) 1 15 Support for 28 / side
2 Crank (installed) 1 16 Guide rail 2
3 Knob (installed) 2 17 Standard components bag 1
4 Main structural element 1 18 Stop 1
5 Profile foot B 1 19 Square 1
6 Pulley 1 20 Exhaust hose holder 1
7 Chassis axle 1 21 Exhaustion adapter 1
8 Pulley 1 22 Shifting rod 1
9 Profile foot A 1 23 Circular saw blade protection 1
10 Profile foot A 1 24 Exhaust hose 1
11 Profile foot A 1 26 Handle 2
12 Short transverse reinforcement 2 27 Handle holder 2
13 Long transverse reinforcement 2 28 Bench extension 1
14 Support for 28 / rear 2 37 1
No. Specification Part No. Quantity
--- --- --- ---
1 M6 x 16 hex head bolt 69 44
2 Washer ø 6 67  46
3 M6 nut 66  46
4 Hook 54  1

List of spare parts (switch box)

No. Specification Part No. Quantity
5 M4×60 cross groove bolt 70 2
6 Fan washer ø 99 2
7 M4 nut 108 2

List of spare parts (exhaust nozzle)

No. Specification Part No. Quantity
8 M4×10 cross groove bolt 95 4

List of spare parts (stop)

No. Specification Part No. Quantity
9 M6×10 carriage bolt 74 2
10 M6 big washer 103 2
11 Button  61  2

Safety instructions

Please follow these instructions to protect yourself and other persons against any injury.

  1. Operate the circular bench saw only on – hard
    – even
    – non-slip
    – non-vibrating surface.
    Remove any items from the place of your work that could represent a risk of trip. Provide adequate lighting.

  2. Wear close-fitting working clothing. Take off any jewels and wristwatch.

  3. Wear protective headphones (the acoustic pressure level in the place of work usually exceeds 85 dB(A)).

  4. Do not operate the circular bench saw in a moist or wet environment or near flammable liquids and gases.

  5. Persons under 18 years of age are prohibited to operate the circular saw.

  6. Operate the circular saw only when the protective equipment is installed completely and properly. The board splitter included in the supply must be used. The method of adjusting the board splitter can be seen in pic. 17 of the Operating Instructions.

  7. Do not use any circular saw blades that are cracked or deformed. The circular saw blade should always be properly sharpened.

  8. Do not use high-speed steel (HSS) circular saw blades; tools in accordance with prEN 847-1 to be used only.

  9. The operator is liable towards third parties in the place of work.

  10. Keep children in a safe distance from the appliance. Never leave the saw unattended.

  11. Using grooving equipment and slot milling tools is not allowed.

  12. When cutting logs, use equipment securing the cut material against turning around on both sides of the circular saw blade.

  13. It is necessary to prevent cuttings from getting caught by the circular saw blade ring gear and being thrown away. Do not remove any chippings, sawdust and waste from the dangerous area around the circular saw blade with your hands.

  14. Use the shifting rod – see pic. 22 for straight cutting of narrow pieces (distance between the circular saw blade and the parallel stop smaller than 120 mm).

  15. If the sawed joint is driven out, replace the bench insert.

  16. The appliance must be switched off and unplugged for the following works
    – repairs
    – servicing and cleaning
    – troubleshooting
    – saw transport
    – circular saw blade replacement
    – when leaving the saw (even for short work interruptions)

  17. To ensure perfect and safe operation in enclosed places, the appliance must be connected to the sawdust exhaustion equipment (e.g. small portable vacuum cleaner). Airspeed in the exhaust nozzle of at least 20 m per second Vacuum: 1.6 kN per m (1,600 Pa)

  18. Never use a connection line that is defective. An electrical connection or repairs of electrical components of the appliance must be provided by a professional electrician. In doing so, local regulations, in particular, protective measures must be followed. 2

Using the appliance as designated

– The circular bench saw cannot be used on sites.
– Use the circular saw blade only for straight and transverse cutting of massive wood and board materials such as chipboard, blockboard, and fibreboard of a square or rectangle cross-section and use only the CV circular saw blades or hard metal (HM) circular saw blades. Using high-speed steel (HSS) circular saw blades is not allowed. The circular saw blade diameter must be 300 to 315 mm.
– Crosscuts may only be performed using the installed parallel stop.
– To use the appliance as designated, the manufacturer’s conditions regarding the operation, servicing, and repairs must be met and the safety instructions included in the Operating Instructions must be followed.
– Any other use of the saw exceeding the specified extent will be considered use in conflict with the designation. The manufacturer will not be liable for any damage of any kind caused by using the appliance in that manner; the risk will be borne by the user.
– The circular bench saw may only be used, repaired, and maintained by persons over 18 years of age. Any metal parts (nails, etc.) must be removed from the cut wood.

Residual risks

Even when the saw is used as designated with all safety provisions being followed, there may be some residual risks induced by the design, subject to the specific purpose of use:
– Risk of injury of fingers and hands by the cutting tool (circular saw blade) or cut material if the saw is handled unprofessionally.
– Injury by a thrown-away piece of the cut material.
– Circular saw blade cracking and throw-away.
– Threat by the current when using an optional supply cable.
– Contact with conductive parts of the appliance in case of exposed electrical installation.
– Hearing damage as a result of long working without protective headphones being used.
– Emission of unhealthy wood sawdust when using the appliance without exhaustion.
– Residual risks can be minimized if all safety instructions and instructions given in the “Using the appliance as designated“ Article and the Operating Instructions are followed as a whole.

Noise emission parameters

Acoustic power level

idling Lwa = 101.l dB(A)
load Lwa =106.84 dB(A)

Acoustic pressure level in the place of work
idling Lpa =69.26 dB(A)
load Lpa =93.26 dB(A)

The given values are emission values and do not, therefore, represent safe values in the place of work. Although there is a correlation between emission and pollution values, they cannot be a reliable basis for deriving whether or not additional preventive measures are necessary. The factors that may influence the immediate pollution value in the place of work include the duration of effects, specific features of the place of work, other noise sources, e.g. a number of appliances and other neighboring processes. Reliable values in the place of work may also differ in various countries. However, this information is to help the user better estimate the risk and threat.

Putting the appliance into operation

  1. Put the circular bench saw to a place that is:
    – non-slip
    – with no vibrations
    – even
    – with no risk of trip
    – adequately lighted

  2. Check the following every time the appliance is to be used:
    – whether there is any damage (cracks, cut-offs, etc.) to the supply cable
    – defective supply cable not to be used
    – check the protection cover whether in proper condition
    – check the circular saw blade whether in perfect condition
    – check whether the shifting rod is at the disposal

  3. Do not use circular saw blades that are broken or deformed.

  4. Do not use high-speed steel circular saw blades.

  5. When cutting, stand to the side of the dangerous saw (circular saw blade) area.

Circular saw blade rotation direction

Make sure the circular saw blade rotation direction corresponds to the direction shown on the protection cover (23).


Compare the voltage specified on the appliance type label (at the side of the bench desk), e.g. 230 V, with the line voltage and connect the saw to the appropriate outlet grounded in accordance with applicable regulations.
– AC engine:
Use an earthing contact outlet, line voltage of 230 V or 400 V with a safety switch against stray current and a 16 A fuse.

Three-phase engine:
Use a CEE, + N + P three-pole outlet, line voltage of 380 V or 400V with a safety switch against stray current and a 16 A fuse.

Use a drop or extension cable according to DIN 57 282(H 07 RN-F) of minimum cable cross-section of
– 1.5 mm² for a cable length within 25 m
– 2.5 mm² for a cable length of more than 25 m

Switching the appliance on

= by pressing the upper green button on the switch.
The appliance is switched off automatically in case of a power outage. Press the green button to switch the appliance on again.

Switching the appliance off

= by pressing the bottom red button

The appliance is fitted with a stop engine. The circular saw blade must stop within 10 seconds after the appliance is switched off. If such time is exceeded, the stop engine brake is defective. Has it been repaired by the manufacturer or any company authorized by the manufacturer?

Caution: A saw with a defective brake cannot be used.

Engine circuit switch

The engine is fitted with a safety switch and is automatically switched off when overloaded. After being cooled down, the engine may be switched on again.

Height adjustment
= adjusting the required cut depth using the crank (2).

Angular adjustment
= loosen both bolts using the star handle (3), adjust the required angularity, and lock in this position by tightening both bolts using the star handle.

Hidden cuts
= use the standard board splitter.

Using other circular saw blades
= Make sure the board splitter thickness is “s”, which is etched on the side of the board splitter The board splitter must not be thinner than the circular saw blade body and must not be thicker than the sawed joint width. The minimum and maximum circular saw blade diameter and the hole diameter is given on the appliance type label.

Using the extension desk
= If there is any other person working with you, he/she must stand on the wood-taking end of the bench extension.

Servicing and maintenance

Unplug the appliance
Check whether the appliance is not damaged every time it is to be used. If the appliance is not in perfect condition, do not switch it on and have it repaired by an expert.

To maintain the functionality of the circular saw bench saw, please follow these instructions:
– Clean and lubricate the moving parts at regular intervals
– In case of heavy soiling, clean the engine cooling fins to provide adequate cooling
– Keep the circular saw blade with no signs of rust and resin
– See the Accessory equipment for removing resin remains off the saw bench desk!
– The circular saw blade (part subject to wear) gets blunt after long or more frequent using = sharpen or replace it


A 24-month warranty starting upon supplying the appliance from the manufacturer’s stock is provided for the appliance defects caused by material defects or manufacturing defects.
We are not liable for any damage caused as a result of unauthorized handling or failure to follow the Operating Instructions. Please send any defective parts pre-paid to our plant. The spare part replacement decision will be made by us.
Appropriate warranty works will be performed by our Company or a shop authorized by us. Express consent of our Company is needed in respect of any defect to be removed by any other company. The warranty is only provided if original spare parts are used. Changes made due to technical progress reserved.

Technical specifications

| GTKS 315/230 Volt| GTKS 315/400 Volt
AC engine| |
Engine power| P1 / 2 kW| P1 / 2.2 kW
Voltage| 230 V/50 Hz| 400 V/50 Hz
Switch-on time| S6 – 20% / 10 min.| S6 – 20 % / 10 min.
Thermal class| B| B
Bench size| 800/553 mm (11w)| 800/553 mm (1/w)
Bench height| 810 mm| 810 mm
Cut depth| 84 mm| 84 mm
Engine speed| 2.950 per min.’| 2.950 per min”
Cut depth adjusting| continuous| continuous
Height adjusting (circular saw blade)| 0 — app. 84 mm| 0 — app. 84 mm
Circular saw blade| 315 x 30 mm
Hard metal. 40 teeth| 315 x 30 mm
Hard metal. 40 teeth
Circular saw blade| Degree of deflection 45°| Degree of deflection 45°
Weight| app. 50 kg| app. 50 kg
Protection class| IP 54| IP 54
Air volume| 24 m3 per hour| 24 m3 per hour
Recommended air supply in the exhaust position| > = 20 m/s| > = 20 m/s

The appliance meets EN 61000-3-11 requirements and is subject to special connection conditions. That means that use on optionally selected connection points is inadmissible.
The appliance can lead to occasional voltage fluctuations under unfavorable power conditions.
The appliance is only designated to be used for connection points not exceeding the maximum allowed impedance of Zmax = 0,233 Ω.
As a user, you must make sure your connection point on which you want to use the appliance meets the above-mentioned requirements – after agreement with your electricity supplier if necessary.

Assembly instructions


  • Put the main part 1 on an appropriate workbench.

  • Take two M6x16 hex head bolts, two M6 washers, and two M6 nuts and mount part 2 to the main part
    1. Screw the guide rails along with the feet. Make sure longer bolts for rails are used.

  • Using two ST4.2×13 guide bolts, mount part 1 to part 2 (see pic. 2).

  • Take four M6x16 hex head bolts, and four M6 washers and four M6 nuts and mount part 3 to the main part
    1. Bolts to be inserted to positions A, B, C, and D shown in the pic. 3. The bolts must not be tightened too much.

  • Take four M6x16 hex head bolts, four M6 washers and four M6 nuts and mount part 4 to the main part
    1. The bolts must not be tightened too much (see pic. 4).

  • Take five M6x16 hex head bolts, five M6 washers and five M6 nuts and mount part 5, part 7, and part 8 to the main part 1. The bolts must not be tightened too much (see pic. 5).

  • Connect parts 2, 3, 4, and 5 with parts 9 and 10 (see pic. 6). The bolts must not be tightened too much.

  • Parts 8 and 9 must be connected with part 11 (see pic. 7). For this, you need four M6x16 hex head bolts, four M6 washers and four M6 nuts. The bolts must not be tightened too much.

  • Take four M4x12 hex head bolts and four M4 washers and mount part 14 to part 13 (see pic. 8).

  • Take four M4x12 hex head bolts, four M6 washers, and four M6 nuts and mount part 16 (axle) + part 17 (pulley 2x) to part 4 and part 5 (see pic. 9). The bolts must not be tightened too much.

  • Tighten the bolts in positions A and B closely. Tighten the bolts in positions C and D so that the bolt ends are in the same level as the nuts (see pic. 10).

  • Except for bolts in positions H and I, tighten all the bolts, starting with A and ending with G (see pic. 12).

  • Turn the appliance to its feet. Adjust part 17, using part 16, so that part 17 touches the ground. Secure the bolts (see pic. 13).

  • Pre-installed.

  • Using the M6x25 cross groove bolts and M6 nuts, mount part 20 to part 18 (see pic. 15).

  • Connect the exhaust vent on part 20 with the exhaust vent on part 14 using the hose (part 21) and fix part 21 with a clamp to part 7 (see pic. 16).

  • Connect the hose (21) with the protection cover (20) and funnel (14). Fix the hose (21) with a clamp to the holder (7) (see pic. 20).

  • Mount part 23 to part 24 using two wing bolts and two fly nuts (see pic. 17).

  • Insert the assembled part in the guide rail and mount it using two M6x30 half-round bolts with a square body, two M6 washers and two M6 female screws to positions A and B. Screw the bolts in turn until part 24 is tightened. Then loosen the nuts so that part 24 could move freely in the guide rail (see pic. 18).

  • Mount part 22 using two M6x30 half-round bolts with a square body and two M6 washers (see pic. 19). Then apply the same procedure as specified above. Part 24 will move freely in the guide rail.

  • The wrench and the shifting rod are hung to the pre-installed hook.

  • Using the M8x45 hex head bolts and M8 female screws, mount part 26 to the foot (see pic. 21).

  • The appliance is now completely assembled (see pic. 22).

  • The appliance can move freely (see pic. 23).


  • Loosen the bolts and dismount part 20 (see pic. 24).

  • Loosen the bolts and dismount part 19 (see pic. 25).

  • Using the special tools 29 and 30, loosen the bolt fixing the circular saw blade (see pic. 26).

  • Reversed order assembly.

EC Declaration of Conformity

Güde GmbH & Co. KG
Birkichstraße 6, 74549 Wolpertshausen, Deutschland

herewith declare that the following appliance complies with the appropriate basic safety and health requirements of the EC Directive based on its design and type, as brought into circulation by us.
In case of alteration of the machine, not agreed upon by us, this declaration will lose its validity.
Machine description:- Circular saw bench GTKS 315
Article No.- 55150 (230 Volt)/ 55152 (400 Volt)

Applicable EC Directives:
– 2004/108/EG
– 2006/42/EG
– 2006/95/EG
Applicable harmonized standards:
– EN 60204-1: 2006
– EN 1870-1: 2007+A1
– EN 55014-1: 2006
– EN 55014-2: 1997+A1
– EN 61000-3-2: 2006
– EN 61000-3-11: 2000

Date/Authorised signature:
Gude GTKS 315 400V Circular Saw Bench - sambol
Title of signatory:
Hr. Arnold, Geschäftsführer

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