Laserliner 08215 Coating Test Master Thickness Measurement Device Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

Laserliner 08215 Coating Test Master Thickness Measurement Device



Completely read through the operating instructions, the „Warranty and Additional Information“ booklet as well as the latest information under the internet link at the end of these instructions. Follow the instructions they contain. This document must be kept in a safe place and passed on together with the device.

Function / Application
The coating thickness measurement device is used for the non-destructive measurement of coating thicknesses on metal components based on the mag-netic induction principle or eddy current principle. Main applications: Quality control in paint shops, in the automotive industry and for the inspection of material coating qualities to ensure corrosion protection of metal components. Integrated memory and statistics evaluation for measurement analysis.

General safety instructions

  • The device must only be used in accordance with its intended purpose and within the scope of the specifications.
  • The measuring tools and accessories are not toys. Keep out of reach of children.
  • The structure of the device must not be modified in any way.
  • Do not expose the device to mechanical stress, extreme temperatures, moisture or significant vibration.
  • The device must no longer be used if one or more of its functions fail or the battery charge is weak.
  • Please ensure compliance with the safety regulations set out by local and national authorities with regard to the correct and proper use of the device.

Safety instructions
Dealing with electromagnetic radiation

  • The measuring device complies with electromagnetic compatibility regulations and limit values in accordance with EMC-Directive 2014/30/EU.
  • Local operating restrictions – for example, in hospitals, aircraft, petrol stations or in the vicinity of people with pacemakers – may apply. Electronic devices can potentially cause hazards or interference or be subject to hazards or interference.
  • The measuring accuracy may be affected when working close to high voltages or high electromagnetic alternating fields.


  1. Menu mode: Cancel (ESC), back LCD illumination on/off
  2. Navigation key down / right
  3. Zero calibration
  4. Measuring head / sensor
  5. ON/OFF6 Navigation key up/left
  6. Menu; Selection, confirm
  7. USB interface
    • a NFe-display: non-ferromagnetic metals Fe-display: ferromagnetic metals
    • b Measurement / unit
    • c Statistical display: AVG, MAX, MIN, SDEV
    • d Statistical number of measured values
    • e Work mode: Direct (DIR), Group (GRO)
    • f Measuring principle: N (eddy current principle), F (magnetic induction principle)
    • g Low battery charge
    • h USB connection active


Inserting the batteries
Open battery compartment and  1 insert batteries corresponding to installation symbols. Ensure correct polarity.


Menu control
The functions and settings of the measuring device must be controlled through the menu. The menu is activated by pressing the “Menu” key (7). The same key „Select“ is also used to select the individual menu options. Use the keys to navigate within the menu. Use the “Esc” (1) key to leave the menu or to go back to the previous submenu.
Based on this means of operation, the following settings and menu options can be selected.
We recommend familiar rising yourself with the device and its style of operation before starting. Laserliner-Coating-Test-Master-Thickness-

**Menu item 1: Statistic view


Statistical evaluation and display of measured values within the selected working mode (direct mode or group mode 1-4)Laserliner-Coating-Test-Master-
Thickness-Measurement-Device-33For more information about “Average” and “Standard deviation”, see item 14.

**Menu item 2: Options


Measure mode

| Measuring mode

Individual mode: each measurement is confirmed

by an acoustic signal and stored temporarily.

Permanent mode: continuous measuring and storing

Working mode| Working mode

Direct: for quick measurements. 80 measure- ments can be stored. However, the measure- ments are deleted when the device is turned off or switched to group mode.

Group 1-4: for specific series of measurements. 80 measurements can be stored per group (storage location). Individual adjustment of calibration and limits per group.
Used probe| Measuring principle selection

Auto: Automatic sensor adjustment

Fe: Magnetic induction principle
No Fe: Eddy current principle
Unit setting| ****


µm, mils, mm

Back- light| ****

Display lighting


LCD **Statistic

| Statistical display (display measuring mode)**


Standard deviation
Auto power off| Auto Power Off


Auto switch-off after 2 minutes of inactivity.


**Menu item 3: Limit


Limit settingLaserliner-Coating-Test-Master-Thickness-Measurement-
Device-16| Limit setting

Setting for exceeding or falling below measured values. Measurements outside of the limits indi- cated by a symbol on the display (L = low / H = high). This setting can be adjusted for both wor- king modes (direct or group mode) before, during or after a series of measurements.

Upper limit:

„H“ for exceeding limit Lower limit:

„L“ for falling below limit

Delete limit| ****

Delete limits

With this setting, the previously set limits are deleted or reset to factory settings. (high: 1250 µm, low: 0 µm)

Confirm the subsequent prompt either with

„Yes“ or „No“.

**Menu item 4: Delete


Current data

| Current data

This option deletes the last measured value in order to correct false measurements.

The statistics are updated.

All data| Delete all data

This option deletes all data and statistics in the current working mode (direct mode or group mode 1-4).

Group data| Delete group data

In addition to the „Delete all data“ function, this option deletes the set limits and the one-point and two-point calibration values.

| ****

Confirm the subsequent prompt either with

„Yes“ or „No“.

Memory location occupied in direct mode: additional measurements are possible. The data recorded first is overwritten and the statistics are updated accordingly.
Memory location occupied in group mode: additional measurements are possible. The display shows the message „Full“. Measurement data is not overwritten and the statistics are not updated.

**Menu item 5: Measure view


Measure view

| ****

Measured value display

All measurements of the respective mode (direct or group mode) can be retrieved here.

| ****

**Menu item 6: Calibration


Calibra tion| Calibration

This function activates the calibration mode.

Enable calibration mode (enable)
Disable calibration mode (disable)
Delete zero calibration NFe
Delete zero calibration Fe

Notes on measurement

  • When the device is turned on, the minimum distance from the metal should not be less than 10 cm.

  • To ensure measurements are as precise as possible, calibrating the
    device with the uncoated original test piece material to be measured is recommended before performing each measurement. If necessary, correct using zero calibration, one-point calibration or two-point calibration.

  • If the uncoated original material is not available, use a material that is as similar as possible or the reference material supplied.

  • The measurement device has basic calibration settings for ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic metals. Using different kinds of metal bonds/alloys, and performing measurements with high precision within defined ranges, may require the measurement device to be calibrated.

  • The absolute measuring accuracy is highly dependent on the alignment of the reference films, which should be clean and free from damage.

  • Measuring accuracy levels must take the following tolerances into account: device, reference film, original material/alloys, surface roughness/bending radius, contamination, handling (tangential setting down without vibrations).

  • Separate calibration processes are performed for Fe and NFe. The calibration settings are retained when the device is turned off.

  • Averaging and statistics may increase the calibration accuracy. To achieve this, repeat zero calibration, one-point calibration and two-point calibration at least three to five times.

  • If errors take place in the calibration process, the individual calibration must be deleted before the process is repeated (see item, 7, Current data).

  • If deviations that cannot be explained arise, the memory must be erased completely (see item 7, Group data).

  • Performing multiple statistical measurements increases measuring accuracy; additionally, statistics for multiple distributed points can be used to determine the average coating thickness.

  • Interference fields may affect measurement.

  • During measurement, keep the device as straight, tangential and still as possible.

  • Make sure the surfaces of the material, sensor and reference films are clean. Dust, for example, may result in serious inaccuracies.

Zero calibration

The zero point setting should be checked and, if necessary, corrected before each measurement.

Checking/Calibrating the zero point

1 Turn the device off/on
2 Set the measuring mode:

Menu > Options > Measure mode > Single mode

Exit the menu: press key 1 twice

3| Perform measurement (see item 12): measurement on uncoated material (original material or reference material)
| Value within tolerance (see technical data): check complete; no calibration necessary
| Value outside tolerance (see technical data): Calibration required: press and hold the ZERO key (3); repeat steps 1-3 to check

One-point and two-point calibration


One-point calibration calibrates a coating thickness as close to the expected measured value as possible.
Two-point calibration defines a second coating thickness in order to increase the measuring accuracy. The expected measured value should be as close as possible to the mid-point between the calibration points (cal 1 and cal 2).
Multiple films may be combined for greater coating thicknesses.
Example: expected coating thickness: 75 µm

  • Calibration point 1:
    Measurement with reference film 50 µm ± 1%

  • Calibration point 2:
    Measurement with reference film 101 µm ± 1%

Checking calibration

  1. Zero calibration; see item 10
  2. Place the required reference film(s) on the uncoated material (original material or reference material)
  3. Measure the reference thickness
    Value within tolerance (see technical data): Check complete;
    no one-point or two-point calibration required
    Value outside tolerance (see technical data):
    One-point and two-point calibration required; see item 11.2

Perform one-point and two-point calibration

  1. Zero calibration; see item 10 One-point calibration (cal 1)

  2. Turn the device off/on

  3. Set the measuring mode:
    Menu > Options > Measure mode > Single mode Exit the menu: press key 1 twice

  4. Set the working mode:
    Menu > Options > Working mode > Direct / Group 1 – 4 (Calibration can be defined individually for each mode.) Exit the menu: press key 1 twice

  5. Delete the previous calibration data in the applicable working mode: see item 7

  6. Set the calibration mode:
    Menu > Calibration > Enable > ESC
    („cal“ and „zero“ appear on the display)

  7. Place the required reference film(s) on the uncoated material (original material or reference material)

  8. Measure the reference thickness

  9. Set the reference film thickness using the keys

  10. Briefly press the ZERO key (3) („cal 1“ and „zero y“ appear on the display)
    Two-point calibration (cal 2)

  11. Repeat steps 7-10 („cal 2“ and „zero y“ appear on the display)
    Complete one-point or two-point calibration: Menu > Calibration > Disable > ESC

To increase the calibration accuracy, repeat steps 7-11 at least three to five times using the same reference films that were used previously.

Performing measurement 


During measure-ment, keep the device as straight, tangential and still as possible.

Reset to factory settings

The measurement device can be reset to the factory settings and the basic calibration settings in order to delete all measured values, settings and calibration values.
To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Switch off measuring device
  2. Press the keys „ON/OFF“ and „ZERO“ at the same time.
  3. Let go of the „ON/OFF“ key and keep ZERO“ pressed.
  4. After starting, confirm the reset by responding either „Yes“ or „No“ to the prompt.

Average / Standard deviation

For several measurements, the average _x indicates the average value, while the standard deviation (Sdev) gauges the average deviation of the individual measurements from this average value. More significant standard deviations indicate a more scattered series of measurements.
For normal measurement distributions

  • 68% of the measurements are within: ± (1*Sdev),
  • 95% of the measurements are within: ± (2*Sdev),
  • 99% of the measurements are within: x ± (3*Sdev)


  • The statistics data must be deleted before each new measuring task (first measurement = no. 1).
  • In the case of rough, contaminated surfaces, averaging may improve the measurement result.
  • Statistics can be used to determine the average coating thickness on extensive measurement areas; to do this, set at least 10-20 measuring points distributed across the entire area.

Error messages

Error code Description

Err1, Err2, Err3

| Sensor not connected properly. Deviating signal.
Err 1| Error in eddy current sensor
Err 2| Error in magnetic induction sensor
Err 3| Error in both sensors
Err 4, Err 5, Err 6| reserved
Err 7| Error in coating thickness

If errors consistently recur, please contact your specialist dealer or the Laserliner service personnel.

USB data transfer

With the software provided on the CD it is possible to transfer the recorded data to a PC and to use the data for further processing and documentation. Load the CD in the drive and follow the installation routine. After successful installation, start the application. Connect one end of the supplied USB cable to the mini-USB port of the device and the other end to a free USB port on your computer.
For further information on how to use the software, refer to the software manual on the DVD that contains a detailed description of the functions. Laserliner-Coating-Test-Master-Thickness-Measurement-

Information on maintenance and care
Clean all components with a damp cloth and do not use cleaning agents, scouring agents and solvents. Remove the battery(ies) before storing for place. longer periods. Store the device in a clean and dry place.

The meter needs to be calibrated and tested on a regular basis to ensure it produces accurate measurement results. We recommend carrying out calibration once a year.

Technical data| |
Sensor| FE| NFe|
How it works| Magnetic induction| Eddy current|
Measuring range| 0…1250 µm| 0…1250 µm| |
Accuracy / tolerance| 0…850 µm /

± (3% +1 µm),

850…1250 µm / (±5%)

| 0…850 µm /

± (3% +1 µm),

850…1250 µm / (±5%)

Minimum bending radius| 1.5 mm| 3 mm|
Diameter of the smallest measuring surface|

ø 7 mm


ø 5 mm


Operating conditions

| 0°C…40°C, Max. humidity 20 … 90%rH, no condensation, Max. working altitude 2000 m above sea level|
Storage conditions| -10°C…60°C, Max. humidity 80%rH|
Power supply| 2 x AAA|
Dimensions (W x H x D)| 50 x 110 x 23 mm|
Weight| 100 g|

EU directives and disposal

This device complies with all necessary standards for the free movement of goods within the EU.
This product is an electric device and must be collected separately for disposal according to the European Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Further safety and supplementary notices at:


Umarex GmbH & Co. KG
– Laserliner –
Möhnestraße 149, 59755 Arnsberg, Germany
Tel.: +49 2932 638-300,
Fax: +49 2932 638-333  

Umarex GmbH & Co. KG Donnerfeld 2
59757 Arnsberg, Germany
Tel.: +49 2932 638-300,
Fax: -333


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