LION BRAND M21256 FB Feels Like Butta Chromatic Sweater Instructions

June 5, 2024
Lion Brand

LION BRAND M21256 FB Feels Like Butta Chromatic Sweater



S/M (L/1X, 2X/3X)
Finished Bust About 41 1/2 (49 1/2, 57 1/2) in. (105.5 (125.5, 146) cm)
Finished Length About 23 1/2 (24 1/2, 24 1/2) in. (59.5 (62, 62) cm)
Note: Pattern is written for smallest size with changes for larger sizes in parentheses. When only one number is given, it applies to all sizes. To follow pattern more easily, circle all numbers pertaining to your size before beginning.


  • LION BRAND® FEELS LIKE BUTTA (Art. #215) #101 Pink 1 (1, 1) ball (A)
    • 140 Dusty Pink 1 (2, 2) ball(s) (B)

    • 108 Dusty Blue 1 (2, 2) ball(s) (C)

    • 100 White 1 (1, 1) ball (D)

    • 158 Lemon 1 (1, 1) ball (E)

    • 157 Yellow 2 (2, 2) balls (F)

  • LION BRAND® stitch markers
  • LION BRAND® large-eyed blunt needle


Circular knitting needle size 7 (4.5 mm), 29 in. (73.5 cm) long


18 sts + 28 rows = about 4 in. (10 cm) over St st (k on RS, p on WS).


M1 (make 1) An increase worked by lifting the horizontal strand lying between needles and placing it onto the left needle. Knit this new stitch through the back loop – 1 st increased.


K1, p1 Rib (worked over an even number of sts)
Row 1: K1, p1; rep from to end of row.
Row 2: K the knit sts and p the purl sts.
Rep Row 2 for K1, p1 Rib.


Tubular Bind Off
Tubular Bind Off is a sewn bind off that produces a stretchy edge that looks like K1, p1 Rib.
Cut the yarn, leaving a tail at least 3-4 times longer than the circumference of the neck. Thread the tail into the blunt needle. Place the knitting needle holding the stitches in your left hand.
The first st you’ll be binding off should be a knit st.

  1.  Draw the blunt needle, from left to right as if to knit, all the way through the first stitch on the knitting needle. Drop the first stitch from the knitting needle.
  2.  Insert the blunt needle, from right to left as if to purl, into the 2nd stitch on the knitting needle and draw the yarn all the way through. Do not drop any stitches from the knitting needle.
  3. Insert the blunt needle, from right to left as if to purl, into the first stitch on the knitting needle and draw the yarn all the way through. Drop the first stitch from the knitting needle.
  4. Insert the blunt needle from back to front between the first 2 stitches on the knitting needle, then draw the blunt needle through the 2nd stitch as if to knit and draw the yarn all the way through.

**** Repeat Steps 1-4 until you’ve bound off all sts.


  1.  Sweater is worked in 4 pieces: Back, Front, and 2 Sleeves.
  2.  Work begins in K1, p1 Rib then changes to St st (k on RS, p on WS).
  3. Yarn color is changed, following a chart, to form blocks of color.
  4.  The blocks of color are worked in intarsia colorwork. When working intarsia, do not carry yarn across WS of work between color changes, use a separate ball for each section of color. Wind yarn into multiple small balls before beginning.
  5.  Twist yarns on WS at color changs to prevent holes.
  6. A circular needle is used to accommodate the sts. Work back and forth in rows on the circular needle just as if working on straight needles.
  7. When you see ‘as established’ in the instructions, this means to continue in the current pattern st, lining up the color of sts as in previous rows.
  8. Rib at neck is worked from sts picked up around neck edge.



With F, cast on 94 (112, 130) sts.
Work in K1, p1 Rib until piece measures about 3 (4, 4) in. (7.5 (10, 10) cm) from beg.

Be sure to use the chart intended for the size that you are making.
Work in St st (k on RS, p on WS) AND change yarn color following Back & Front Color Chart until 128 rows of Chart, up to shoulder shaping, have been worked.

Shape Shoulders
Continue to change yarn color following Back Color Chart and shape shoulders as follows.
Next 14 Rows: Bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, work as established to end of row – you will have 52 (56, 60) sts when these bind offs have been completed.
Next 2 Rows: Bind off 8 (9, 10) sts, work as established to end of row.
Bind off rem 36 (38, 40) sts.


Work same as Back to Shape Shoulders
Shape Neck and Shoulders

Front neck shaping is not shown on chart.

Place a marker on each side of center 24 (26, 28) sts for front neck.
Continue to work in St st and change yarn color following Back & Front Color Chart while shaping neck and shoulders as follows.

  • Row 1 (RS): Bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, k to first marker for left shoulder; join another ball of yarn and bind off sts between markers, remove markers, k to end of row for right shoulder – 32 (39, 46) sts for left shoulder and 35 (43, 51) sts for right shoulder.
    You will now work both shoulders AT THE SAME TIME, using separate balls of yarn.

  • Row 2: On right shoulder, bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, p to end of shoulder; on left shoulder, bind off 3 sts, p to end of shoulder – 29 (36, 43) sts for left shoulder and 32 (39, 46) sts for right shoulder.

  • Row 3: On left shoulder, bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, k to end of shoulder; on right shoulder, bind off 3 sts, k to end of shoulder – 26 (32, 38) sts for left shoulder and 29 (36, 43) sts for right shoulder.

  • Row 4: On right shoulder, bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, p to end of shoulder; on left shoulder, bind off 2 sts, p to end of shoulder – 24 (30, 36) sts for left shoulder and 26 (32, 38) sts for right shoulder.

  • Row 5: On left shoulder, bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, k to end of shoulder; on right shoulder, bind off 2 sts, k to end of shoulder – 21 (26, 31) sts for left shoulder and 24 (30, 36) sts for right shoulder.

  • Row 6: On right shoulder, bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, p to end of shoulder; on left shoulder, bind off 1 st, p to end of shoulder – 20 (25, 30) sts for left shoulder and 21 (26, 31) sts for right shoulder.

  • Row 7: On left shoulder, bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, k to end of shoulder; on right shoulder, bind off 1 st, k to end of shoulder – 17 (21, 25) sts for left shoulder and 20 (25, 30) sts for right shoulder.

  • Row 8: On right shoulder, bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, p to end of shoulder; on left shoulder, p to end of shoulder – 17 (21, 25) sts for both shoulders.

  • Row 9: On left shoulder, bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, k to end of shoulder; on right shoulder, k to end of shoulder – 14 (17, 20) sts for left shoulder and 17 (21, 25) sts for right shoulder.

  • Row 10: On right shoulder, bind off 3 (4, 5) sts, p to end of shoulder; on left shoulder, p to end of shoulder – 14 (17, 20) sts for both shoulders.

  • Rows 11-14: Rep Rows 9 and 10 twice – 8 (9, 10) sts for both shoulders.

  • Row 15: On left shoulder bind off rem 8 (9, 10) sts; on right shoulder, k to end of shoulder. Bind off rem 8 (9, 10) right shoulder sts.

SLEEVES (make 2)

With F, cast on 48 (50, 52) sts.
Work in K1, p1 Rib until piece measures about 3 in. (7.5 cm) from beg.
Increase Row (RS): Changing yarn color following Sleeve Color Chart, k1, M1, knit to last st, M1, k1 – 50 (52, 54) sts.
Continue in St st, changing yarn color following Sleeve Color Chart, and repeat Increase Row every 8th (6th, 4th) row 13 (16, 19) more times – you will have 76 (84, 92) sts when all increases have been completed.
Work even in St st until 108 rows of Chart, up to shaping of top of Sleeve, have been worked.

Shape Top of Sleeve

Continue to change yarn color following Sleeve Color Chart and shape top of sleeve as follows.
Next 20 (22, 24) Rows: Bind off 3 sts, work as established to end of row – 16 (18, 20) sts.
Bind off.



Sew shoulder seams.

Neck Edging
From RS with B, pick up and k94 (100, 102) sts evenly spaced around neck edge.
Pick up more or fewer sts around neck if needed – just be sure to pick up an even number of sts.

Place marker for beg of rnd. Join by working the first st on left hand needle with the working yarn from the right hand needle.
Rnds 1-7: K1, p1; rep from around.
Bind off using Tubular bind off.
Place markers on side edges of Front and Back about 8 1/2 (9 1/2, 10 1/2) in. (21.5 (24, 26.5) cm) from shoulder seam. Sew Sleeves between markers.
Sew side and Sleeve seams.
Weave in ends.
Block to measurements


  • beg = begin(ning)
  • k = knit
  • p = purl
  • rem = remain(ing)(s)
  • rep = repeat
  • rnd(s) = round(s)
  • RS = right side
  • st(s) = stitch(es)
  • St st = Stockinette stitch WS = wrong side

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