thepines INVESTIGATIONS PHASE The Pines Wind Farm User Guide

June 4, 2024




  • Project Name: The Pines Wind Farm

  • Location: Gurnang State Forest, Mount David State Forest,
    Vulcan State Forest (south of Black Springs)

  • Expected Capacity: 1300MW

  • Developer: TagEnergy & Stromlo Energy

Product Usage Instructions:

Investigations Phase:

The investigations phase involves high-level studies including
ecology, grid connection, noise, and wind assessments.

This phase is expected to last three to six months.

Engagement with the local community will occur to discuss
participation opportunities.

Planning and Approvals Phase:

This phase is anticipated to span 3-5 years and includes
planning and environmental approvals.

Construction Phase:

Construction is projected to take around 24-36 months.

Traffic and construction management plans will be developed in
collaboration with the community and local Council to minimize any
potential impacts during construction.

Decommissioning Phase:

Upon reaching the end of its life, the wind farm infrastructure
will be decommissioned, and the land will be restored to its
original state.

Funding for decommissioning will be available during the
operations phase to cover the full costs as per legal requirements
and agreements with Forestry Corporation of NSW.


Q: What is the expected capacity of The Pines Wind Farm?

A: The expected capacity is 1300MW.

Q: How long is the investigations phase expected to last?

A: The investigations phase is anticipated to take three to six


Community Information Guide

Acknowledgement of Country
TagEnergy and Stromlo Energy respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live and work. We acknowledge and celebrate their ongoing connection to the land and waters. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and acknowledge the collaboration and contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to our work.

About us

Land Manager
Finance, build & operate
Development planning & approvals

In 2021, the NSW Government amended The Forestry Act 2012 to allow renewable energy projects within State Forest pine plantations. The vision behind this amendment is to benefit NSW residents by co-utilising stateowned land to assist in reducing greenhouse emissions, improve NSW’s energy security and diversify revenue for the Forestry Corporation of NSW. Clean energy generating equipment such as pumped hydro systems and wind farms are already operating in forests all around the world, including Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Canada, Europe, and South America.
As the land manager, Forestry Corporation of NSW has granted TagEnergy a Planning and Investigation Permit to explore the feasibility of a wind farm in Gurnang State Forest, part of Mount David State Forest, and some parts of Vulcan State Forest south of Black Springs.
TagEnergy is a global clean energy enterprise that has a portfolio of close to 12GW of projects in Australia, the UK, Spain, Portugal, and France. TagEnergy’s premier project is the Golden Plains Wind Farm in Rokewood, Victoria. When completed at 1,300MW, Golden Plains Wind Farm will be the largest wind farm in Australia and one of the largest in the world.
TagEnergy has engaged Stromlo Energy to lead the investigations and planning and approvals phases of The Pines Wind Farm. Stromlo Energy will lead community engagement as well as planning and environmental approvals.
Stromlo Energy is a 100% Australian-owned, expert renewable energy project developer. The Stromlo Energy team has delivered more than $6 billion of operating energy projects in Australia.



Wind farm proposal

The Permit Area issued by Forestry Corporation of NSW comprises Gurnang State Forest, part of Mount David State Forest, and some parts of Vulcan State Forest south of Black Springs. No investigations are occurring within 15km of Oberon.
Potential locations for project infrastructure will be selected with a focus on minimising impacts to the local community, the environment and forest operations.
The Pines Wind Farm team is seeking input from the community.
Proximity to Oberon The project will be located more than 15km from the Oberon township.
Investigations phase The investigations phase is expected to take three to six months.
During this phase we will undertake high level investigations including ecology, grid connection, noise and wind studies.
We will be engaging with those closest to the project about opportunities for participation.
If the project is deemed to be feasible, it will move to the planning and approvals phase.
Planning and approvals phase The planning and approvals phase is expected to take 3-5 years and will include the planning and environmental approvals process.

Construction phase Construction will take approximately 24-36 months.
Traffic management and construction management plans will be developed with input from the community and local Council to minimise any potential impacts during construction.
Decommissioning phase Once the wind farm reaches the end of it’s life, the infrastructure will be decommissioned and the land restored to it’s previous state. This is a legal requirement and also an obligation under the terms of the agreements with Forestry Corporation of NSW. The Project will make funding available during the operations phase to cover the full costs of the decommissioning of the wind farm.
Wind turbines The number and location of turbines will be determined throughout the investigations and planning and approvals phases. The wind turbines tip height would be a maximum of 300 metres. Wind turbine locations will be selected with a focus on minimising impacts to the environment, forest operations, and the local community.
Connection The project is proposed to connect to the existing transmission network via a new switching station on the the existing 500kV transmission line that traverses the Permit Area.
Annual Community Benefits ­ Investigations Phase Community benefits will begin immediately including the Electricity Bill Credit and local sponsorships.

We will also be seeking ideas from the local community on the Community Benefits Package. To find out more about these benefits, please visit our website.
This investigations phase is expected to take 3-6 months.
Annual Community Benefits Package ­ Planning and Approvals Phase If the project proposal is deemed to be feasible, we will proceed to the planning and approvals phase. In this phase we will: · create a local supplier and
contractor register · commence discussions with
Oberon Council on a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA).
The planning and approvals phase is expected to take 3-5 years.
Annual Community Benefits Package ­ Construction and Operations Phase If the project receives a planning permit, and progresses into construction, a Community Benefits Package equivalent to at least $1,050 per MW per year, will be gifted to the community for each year of the project.
This will include: · implementing the Community
Benefits Fund · implementing the Nearby
Neighbour Program · providing opportunities for local
employment · drawing on the local supplier
register for work packages · creating and implement an
education/upskilling/training program.
Nearby Neighbour Program Community members who own a dwelling within 3.5 km of a turbine may be eligible for annual neighbour payments.



Permit Area map

Forestry Corporation of NSW have granted The Pines Wind Farm Proposal a Planning and Investigation Permit to explore the feasibility of a wind farm in Gurnang State Forest, part of Mt David State Forest, and parts of Vulcan State Forest south of Black Springs. No investigations are occurring within 15km of Oberon township.

Potential locations for Project Infrastructure will be selected with a focus on minimising impacts to the local community, the environment and forest operations.

Midwest ern Hwy



O’Connell Rd

Trunkey Creek



Black Springs
bells River Rd Ca


mp Abercromb ie Rd

Oberon Jenolan

Permit Area Primary road

Lakes Existing transmission line





Proposed timeline

Q2 2024

Planning and Investigation Permit granted and community consultation and initial community benefits begin

Q4 2024

Commencement of planning and approvals activities

Q3 2025

Establishment of Community Advisory Committee

Q3 2026

Project development application with the state of NSW (EIS)

Q4 2026

Project on public exhibition

Q4 2026

Response to community feedback

Q3 2027

Project approval

Q1 2028

Construction begins and launch of Community Benefits Package

Q1 2030

Commencement of operations

35 years



Repowering (new turbines) or wind farm decommissioning and

months recycling


Community Benefits Package runs throughout construction, operation and decommissioning

Investigations phase
What we are doing now
We are in the investigations phase of The Pines Wind Farm proposal. We are: · seeking feedback from neighbours, traditional owners, and the local community. If we progress to the next phase, this feedback will be considered in the design as we seek to avoid, minimise, and mitigate impacts, and maximise benefits · launching our Electricity Bill Credit for residents of the Oberon LGA · undertaking initial environmental investigations to test the feasibility of the proposal · seeking ideas from the local community on how to best implement the Community Benefits Package · holding a series of community drop- in sessions and attending local events.
This Investigations Phase is expected to take 3-6 months.
Planning and approvals phase
What we will do next
If The Pines Wind Farm proposal is deemed to be feasible, we will proceed to the planning and approvals phase where we will:
· commence detailed ecology, cultural heritage and other studies · commence the process to obtain the required planning approvals · continue sustained engagement with the community throughout the planning and approvals phase, including
providing opportunities for feedback · create a local supplier and contractor register for services to The Pines Wind Farm during the planning and
approvals phase, construction phase, and maintenance phase. You can register your interest on the website · commence discussions with Oberon Council on a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) detailing the ongoing
contributions to Oberon Council.
Future phases
If The Pines Wind Farm receives a planning permit and progresses into construction, we will: · continue sustained engagement with the community so that you know how the project will be delivered · implement the Community Benefits Fund that provides annual funding to be used for community programs and infrastructure in the local region · implement the Nearby Neighbour Program for close neighbours that provides annual payments linked to the proximity of turbines to houses · provide opportunities for employment of local people · draw on the local supplier register so that local businesses can deliver work packages during construction and maintenance · create and implement a wind farm skilled work program, targeting the Oberon region.




The Pines Wind Farm Proposal includes a Community Benefits Package aimed at sharing benefits with the community.
The Pines Wind Farm proposal includes a 35-year Community Benefits Package, made up of a Community Benefits Fund, a Nearby Neighbour Program and ongoing contributions to local Council. Some of these initiatives, including local sponsorship and Electricity Bill Credit are starting now.
We are open to ideas on the community programs and infrastructure you would like to see included in the program and funded by The Pines Wind Farm both now and through the life of the proposed project.

Are there any initiatives you would like to see included in the Community Benefits Package? To submit your ideas head to the website and complete a feedback survey.




The Pines Wind Farm Community Benefit Package includes a Nearby Neighbour Program aimed at sharing benefits with households living closest to our turbines.
Households within three and a half kilometres of wind turbines may be eligible for annual payments as part of our Nearby Neighbour Program.
Residents of participating households in the Nearby Neighbour Program will be considered as involved stakeholders with respect to applicable planning laws and guidelines.

Annual payments to households are calculated according to:
· the number of turbines within 3.5km of the house
· the proximity of each wind turbine to the house and
· an annual CPI increase.



$5000 per turbine
per year

$3000 per turbine
per year

$2000 per turbine
per year

$1000 per turbine
per year








A nearby neighbour lives in a house that has:
· one turbine less than 2km from the house = 1 x $5000 · three turbines between 2km and 2.5km from the house = 3 x $3000 · two turbines between 2.5km and 3km from the house = 2 x $2000 and · four turbines between 3km and 3.5km from the house = 4 x $1000.
The neighbour would be entitled to annual payments of $22,000 plus CPI for the life of the wind farm.



Project approvals

Most wind energy projects in New South Wales are considered State Significant Developments (SSD). Development applications for SSD projects are assessed by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. If The Pines Wind Farm progresses from the investigations phase to the planning and approvals phase, it will need to follow this process. Before a development application can be submitted, we need to apply for Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARS) relating to the project. The SEARS set out the assessment requirements for the project and form the basis of the Environmental Impact Statement. This will occur during the planning and approvals phase. If The Pines Wind Farm progresses to the planning and approvals phase, we will undertake surveys and investigations at the proposed project site. These include:
· wind monitoring · bat and bird surveys · ecology · Cultural Heritage · noise and visual impact · geotechnical · lidar and feature surveys · traffic impact assessments. These assessments, along with input from the community, will inform the design of the wind farm, and the locations of infrastructure that are used in the final development application for submission to the New South Wales Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI). We will continue to engage with landowners, traditional owners and the community during this time and will provide regular updates on progress.

Planning and approvals phase process
Applicant requests requirements

  1. Applicant details

  2. Project details

  3. Statutory context

  4. Other approvals

5. Upload scoping report

Applicant may amend the application

Department checks request
Department consults with agencies
Department prepares requirements
Department issues project-specific SEARS

Department may request additional information

Applicant prepares EIS

Department exhibits EIS

Community makes submissions

Applicant responds to submissions

Department assesses DA

Consent Authority determines DA

Applicant complies with post-approval requirements

Applicant may seek to modify the consent


Construction of The Pines Wind Farm is expected to take 24-36 months to complete. If The Pines Wind Farm progresses through the investigations and planning and approvals phases, construction could commence in 2028.
Construction will involve the use of trucks, light vehicles and machinery moving in and around the project site.
Some local roads will be used for delivery of materials and equipment to site. A comprehensive traffic management plan will be prepared as part of the project approvals to manage impacts to the community including school bus routes and other sensitive uses. We are responsible for repairing any damage to local roads.
Hundreds of direct and indirect jobs will be created during construction with most of the construction workforce to be housed locally. The workforce housing strategy will be developed during the planning and approvals phase with input from local accommodation and tourism providers.
Once operational, wind farms in Australia are expected to operate for 35 years.
During operations, the Pines Wind Farm will comply with any conditions in the planning permit. Management plans will be developed as part of the planning approvals process to ensure compliance. These management plans will be published on the project website as they are approved.
Each turbine has an annual maintenance regime to keep it operating safely and effectively. The maintenance takes approximately 3 days per turbine. Wind farm maintenance will create direct and indirect jobs in the local community.
At the end of the operations, the wind farm will either be upgraded and continue to operate, or it will be decommissioned and recycled.
At the end of the wind farm life, it is a legal condition of both the development consent and finance agreements that the wind farm and associated infrastructure are decommissioned. To manage this requirement, TagEnergy provides an extensive financial security package during the operations phase to cover the full costs of the decommissioning of the wind farm.
When it is time to decommission the project, a Decommissioning Plan is prepared and submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for approval.
The plan will consider: · the safest method of decommissioning · if materials can be refurbished · what materials can be recycled and where · what materials will be disposed of and where.
The major wind turbine suppliers have announced targets to have 100% recycling capability for their turbines by 2040. Vestas for example can currently recycle 85% of turbine components: /zero-waste
TagEnergy will work closely with the wind turbine supplier to minimise any waste from the project.
Photo from Vestas.



Frequently asked questions

The proposed project

Where is the proposed project?

The Permit Area issued by Forestry Corporation of NSW comprises Gurnang State Forest, part of Mount David State Forest, and some parts of Vulcan State Forest south of Black Springs.
We are seeking interest for adjoining private landholders to participate in the project, including through our Nearby Neighbour Program for neighbours within 3.5km. To discuss involvement please contact us via email or through The Pines Wind Farm website.

Will the proposed project be in other parts of the State forests?

No. The Planning and Investigation Permit issued by Forestry Corporation of NSW is limited to the areas named above, we are not permitted to investigate any other State Forests not named in the Permit.

How big will the wind turbines be?

The technology for the proposed project is yet to be finalised, it is expected however that the turbines will be approximately 300m tall at the top of the blade tip.

Will I still be able to use the forest for recreation activities?

During the investigations and planning and approvals phases there will be no impact on the use of the forest by the community or visitors to the region.
Forestry Corporation of NSW will continue to issue permits for recreation activities.
As part of the Community Benefits Package, we will be exploring ways to improve recreational facilities in the forests we are operating in. This may include upgrades to facilities and parking areas and access roads.
During construction, for the safety of forest visitors, some areas may have restricted access. Once the wind farm is operational however, it is business as usual for Forest visitors.

How will you manage environmental concerns?

As part of the development and approvals process a series of surveys and assessments will be undertaken. The surveys are to determine the potential impact on the local environment. The results of these surveys will be used in the design process to help us to avoid and minimise flora and fauna impacts.
Environmental management plans will then be prepared to manage impacts through construction and operations.



Will I be able to hear the wind farm?

At 1.5km distance from the wind turbine base it is likely that the sound pressure level from an operating wind turbine will be around 35 decibel. 35 decibel is the NSW State noise limit outlined in the wind energy guidelines that aims to ensure noise levels do not significantly affect the living experience of people residing in the area. It can be seen in the graphic below that NSW has amongst the most-stringent noise requirements in the world.
Most people hear a soft woosh-woosh noise at this distance if there is very low background noise around them.
There are some resources available on-line including a video called “The sound of wind farms” which was created by TasNetworks in Tasmania in partnership with sound engineers Arup. You can find it on YouTube:

VIC, SA, NZ, Canada

Netherlands (night)

40 dB(A)
UK (night) 43 dB(A)

Australian Independent Scientific Committee on Wind Turbines

37 dB(A)

USA (typical) Netherlands (day) 45 dB(A)

WHO (typical)

UK (day) NSW

50 dB(A)

42 dB(A)

35 dB(A)








Will the proposed project be visible from Oberon?

The Pines Wind Farm is located more than 15km from the Oberon township. At this distance, the visual impact is anticipated to be low, pending a detailed assessment by a visual impact consultant.



Wind farms
How do wind farms generate electricity?

Wind flows over the blades like air flowing over an aeroplane wing. This flow of air causes a difference in air pressure between the front and back of the blade, moving the blades forward and making the rotor spin. The spinning rotor drives a generator, converting motion into electricity to export to the grid.

I live nearby, how can I benefit?

We will be engaging with those closest to the project about opportunities for participation. We are also looking to speak with private landholders about joining our Nearby Neighbour Program for neighbours within 3.5km. To discuss involvement please contact us via email or through The Pines Wind Farm website.

What is shadow flicker?

Wind turbines and their blades can cast shadows on nearby land. When viewed from a stationary position, the blade’s moving shadows appear to flicker, giving rise to the term `shadow flicker’.
Wind energy guidelines limit the shadow flicker experienced at any neighbouring dwelling to an average 30 hours per year as a result of the operation of the wind farm. An assessment of shadow flicker will be undertaken as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process to ensure The Pines Wind Farm is compliant with guidelines.

What about reflections from the turbines causing glare?

This is known as blade glint. Blade glint can be produced by the reflection of the sun’s light from smooth and reflective surfaces. Modern wind turbine blades are coated with non-reflective paint, to prevent the occurrence of blade glint.

Are wind turbines really environmentally friendly? How long does a turbine take to repay the carbon it takes to produce it?

Vestas, the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturer, has calculated the operating times that wind turbines need to generate in order to payback the energy used in their manufacture. These times vary from 5 months for high wind sites (like The Pines Wind Farm) out to 8 months for lower wind speed sites. For comparison, solar photovoltaic panels are 1 to 2 years and hydro-electric power plants are 9 to 13 months on the same metric.
You can read more about this on the Vestas website:



Proposed project benefits

Is there a Community Benefits Package?

A Community Benefits Package will be established for the project worth at least $1,050 per MW per annum. The package includes a Community Benefit Fund, a Nearby Neighbour Program and contributions to the local council. The final size of the proposed project will be determined during the planning and approvals phase, through consultation with the local community.

Will you have neighbour payments?

A Nearby Neighbour Program will be established as part of the Community Benefits Package. The Nearby Neighbour Program will include budget for annual payments to neighbours within 3.5km of wind turbines. Further information on this can be found on The Pines Wind Farm website and in the Neighbours section, page 10.

Fire safety

Will there be a higher risk of fires because of the wind farm?

No. If it proceeds, The Pines Wind Farm will lower the risk of fire in and around the region.
Forestry Corporation of NSW keeps records of ignition sources for forest fires. Over the last 33 years, the three biggest identified sources of ignition are lightning, arson and campfire.
As explained below, The Pines Wind Farm proposal will help reduce the risk of all three of these fire sources.

Ignition Source Data for Bathurst Forest Protection Area since 1991 Accidental


81 occurrences


63 occurrences




148 occurrences



Motor vehicle arson


Rubbish burn

Site prep











Wind turbines reduce the risk of lightning fires Lightning strikes are frequent around elevated regions like Oberon and if they strike flammable objects, can start fires. Over the last 33 years, lightning has been the most common cause of fire identified in State Forests.
Wind turbines are designed to conduct lightning strikes safely into the earth mat underground around the base of the turbine. Due to their height, wind turbines naturally attract lightning, substantially lowering the occurrences of lighting strikes on flammable objects such as trees and fences.
The Pines Wind Farm Proposal includes turbines certified to IEC 61400-24 (lightning protection), that ensures all wind turbines will have engineered lightning protection systems to international standards.
24-hour operations and surveillance Early detection and 24-hour manned surveillance will reduce fire risks from campfires and arson, improving security across the plantations. The Pines Wind Farm Proposal includes 24-hour operations and surveillance, including a network of security cameras, and will feed into a 24-hour manned control centre.
The Pines Wind Farm Proposal would result in the construction of a $3bn dollar power generation asset for NSW feeding the National Electricity Market (NEM). This asset would be operated and monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week for its 35-year operational life. The proposed monitoring will include a network of security cameras and other equipment for the early detection of forest fires. The 24-hour manned operation and monitoring centre will have a fire plan and direct communication with Forestry Corporation of NSW and other fire authorities.

What happens in a bush fire?

A bushfire risk assessment is undertaken for each project and a bushfire management plan will be prepared and made available to the community. The management plan includes details of water tanks and other firefighting equipment maintained at the wind farm site, and how the wind farm personnel and equipment will assist firefighting efforts in case of bushfires in the region.
The wind turbines to be used on the project are fitted with advanced smoke detection and fire suppression systems. When smoke is detected, a signal is sent to the operator who will immediately shut down the turbine and alert the fire authority.
The suppression system will activate in the event of fire, a gas suppressant is released to extinguish any fire, the types of gas used are environmentally safe and act to cool the fire and remove oxygen to extinguish flames.

What about lightning strikes?

Wind turbines are designed with lightning protection systems that draw lightning strikes safely to ground without injury to people or property. According to the CSIRO, lightning strike is the most common cause of bushfires. The height of wind turbines, coupled with these lightning protection systems substantially reduce the chance of lightning strike on trees, fences and buildings in the area around the wind farm.

Where can I find more information?

The project website will be updated with new information as it becomes available. You can also sign up for the project newsletter.
We will be hosting a series of community engagement sessions throughout the project investigations and planning and approvals phases as well.



Meet the team

Joanna Murphy
Project Director, Stromlo Energy

Matthew Parton
Director, Stromlo Energy

David Pascoe
Community Engagement, Stromlo Energy

Andrew Riggs
Managing Partner, TagEnergy

Francois Debaillon
Technical Director, TagEnergy

Tom Pincus
Development Manager, TagEnergy

Find out more
Sign up for the newsletter


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