AV Access HDIP100D IP Decoder Video Wall And Visual Control User Guide

June 4, 2024
AV Access

AV Access HDIP100D IP Decoder Video Wall And Visual Control


This document briefly introduces the API commands of the following encoders and decoders for developers to develop client control applications (hereinafter referred to as “client App”):

4K Products

  • 4KIP200E — Response is displayed as “IPE935”, hereinafter referred to as “TX”.
  • 4KIP200D — Response is displayed as “IPD935”, hereinafter referred to as “RX”.
  • 4KIP204E — Response is displayed as “IPE9354”, hereinafter referred to as “TX”.
  • 4KIP200M – Response is displayed as “IPM4000”, hereinafter referred to as “MRX”.

2K Products

  • HDIP100E — Response is displayed as “IPE915”, hereinafter referred to as “TX”.
  • HDIP100D — Response is displayed as “IPD915”, hereinafter referred to as “RX”.

Fundamental Knowledge

  • Device Name: hereinafter referred to as “hostname”, consists of the device type and the 12-digit MAC address of the network card, each of which is connected to another via the hyphen “-”, e.g., “IPE935-341B22822FEF”. Since the MAC address is unique globally, it is used to represent the corresponding device ID in the API interface sometimes.

  • Key-Value Pair: The devices can use the extra storage space to store some custom parameters of the application layer, such as the device alias, which exists in the form of K-V pairs and will not be used by the devices. The client app uses gbparam s key value or gbparam g key to set and/or read these parameters.
    Note : The custom parameters shall not overlap with the device’s parameters that have been defined.

  • MRX: Denotes the device that supports Multiview, and specifically refers to 4KIP200M in this document. Compared to other RX devices, MRX features the capability to receive multiple video streams from TXs and mix them according to the predefined layout instructions, and then output the videos in Multiview form on a single screen. The features available for RXs in this document also apply to MRX unless otherwise noted.

Requirements of the Developers

  • Familiar with all features and functions of devices listed in this document.
  • Proficient in the knowledge of TCP/IP network communication programming plus TCP, UDP, TELNET and HTTP protocols.
  • Experienced in approaching Linux operating system through the console.

How the Client App Interacts with Devices

The following protocols are available for the devices:

  • UDP, contains UDP broadcast and UDP unicast that mainly used for device discovery.
  • Telnet, used to log in to and interact with the device by sending shell commands after login. The interaction content includes information acquisition, setting of storage and sending of control command.
  • HTTP, mainly used to obtain preview video of the TX, upload Idle Image on RX side, and upgrade firmware.

Before You Start

This document assumes that the following devices are deployed for the networking:

  • Several units of TX
  • Several units of RX
  • One Gigabit Switch with support of broadcast message communication.
  • Note : Generally, most switches support broadcast message communication unless it is disabled intentionally.
  • Since TX and RX do not use multicast for communication, it is not required for the switch to support multicast.
  • One device running the client app.

Important : You need to plan IP addresses for your entire system based on the actual situation, which can be any of the following types:

Static IP address (Static)
You can assign address and netmask for each TX and RX in the way mentioned hereinafter.

Dynamic IP address (DHCP)
Dynamic IP address divides into the two following situations:

  • IP address assigned by a DHCP server
    In this situation, there must be a device in the system that runs a DHCP server, which assigns automatically and dynamically IP addresses for any devices in the system.

  • No DHCP server
    There’s no DHCP server in the system, the TX or RX automatically generates an IP address (169.254.X.X) and subnet mask ( for itself.

Generally, after all above devices are powered on, each RX will pair with a certain TX by default even no client app is involved.

Discovering Devices

After the client app is started, perform the following to search for the TX and RX devices in the network.

  1. Send the following UDP broadcast message to the broadcast address or the subnet broadcast address (calculated based on the IP address and netmask), and the port number 3335. The message format is below:
    It is recommended to set an appropriate timer according to the quantity of the devices, and send this message regularly to capture changes of network devices in time. Name| Type| Byte Size| Description
    device_type| UInt32| 4| Value:0
    device_function| UInt32| 4| Value:0
  2. Listen on the network card for UDP messages sent to the local port number 3336. The message format is below:
    The Device_name (hereinafter also referred to as “hostname”) can be obtained through message parsing, and the sending device’s IP address can be obtained according to the UDP message. Supported devices: All devices.
Name Type Byte Size Description
Reserved UInt32 4
Reserved UInt32 4
Reserved Char 32
Device_name Char 64 Device name, including the ending ‘\0’
Reserved UInt32 4
Protocol version UInt32 4
Reserved Char 32
Reserved Char 32
Reserved Uint32 4
Reserved UInt32 4
--- --- --- ---
Reserved Char 16
Reserved Char 96

Functions Based on Telnet Session

As methods mentioned above, after the client app obtains the IP address of a certain TX or RX, it is able to log in to the device console through Telnet protocol and establish Telnet session.
In this chapter, the Telnet client program running in Windows is used to simulate the client app for explaining various functions based on Telnet through which the client app interacts with devices.

Functions for TX and RX
Logging in to the Device

Command Structure: telnet ip_address 24
Description: ip_address denotes the IP address of a device found by this device. You can determine whether login is successful according to the response of ”/#”.
Supported devices: All devices

Command Example:
PS C:> telnet 24 IPE935-341B22822FEF login: root Welcome.
/ #

Setting and Saving Device Alias
The client app can set device alias and save it to the device for future reading.
Note : The device provides a space for storing this parameter only, and will not use this parameter.

Command Structure:
gbparam s alias xxxx
gbparam g alias

Description : alias denotes the custom field of the API, xxxx denotes device’s alias. It is recommended to use “alias” directly; if not, please obtain the list of the device’s all parameters through gbparam dump before you use other field name in case that it is as same as the device’s existed parameter.
Supported devices: All devices

Command Example:
/ # gbparam s alias sonyDVD
/ # gbparam g alias
sonyDVD/ #

Setting/Getting IP Address and Netmask for/from Device

Command Structure:
gbparam s ip_mode IPMODE
gbparam s ipaddr IPADDR
gbparam s netmask NETMASK
gbparam g ip_mode
gbparam g ipaddr
gbparam g netmask


  • IPMODE: IP addressing mode – autoip | static | dhcp (default)
    If IPMODE = dhcp while no DHCP server is deployed in the network, the device will select autoip until a DHCP server is running.

  • IPADDR: IP address, e.g.

  • NETMASK: Netmask, e.g.


  • Each of the above command is not effective until the device restarts.
  • The value obtained through gbparam g is not necessarily the one that is effective currently; for example, the device is restored to the factory defaults after the previous setting value became effective.
  • If IP_MODE = DHCP, there is no need to set IP address and netmask.

Supported devices: All devices
Command Example:
/ # gbparam s ip_mode dhcp
/ # gbparam s ipaddr
/ # gbparam s netmask
/ # reboot

After logging in to the device again, query the above settings:
/ # gbparam g ip_mode
/ # gbparam g ipaddr
/ # gbparam g netmask
/ #

Operating the Serial Port

  1. Usage of the serial port
    The device’s serial port can be used in the following two applications:
    a) Application 1: Serial commands pass through between TX and RX.
    b) Application 2: The third-party client software communicates with the device and sends commands to the peripheral connected to the device’s serial port.

  2. Set serial parameters for passing through serial commands
    Command Structure :soip2 -S -b sss-dps

Description :

  • sss denotes the baud rate ranging (50, …, 115200)
  • d denotes the data bits ranging (5, 6, 7, 8)
  • p denotes the parity setting, and the range is N = none; E = even; O = odd
  • s denotes the stop digits ranging (1, 2)


  • If commands are to be passing through between TX and RX, their serial port parameters should be set to the same.
  • The default serial parameter of the device is 115200-8n1.

Command Example:
To set baud rate to 9600, data bits to 8, parity bit to none, stop bits to 1:
/ # soip2 -S -b 9600-8n1
(3) The third-party client sends commands to the peripheral connected to the device’s Serial Port
Command Structure: soip2 -f /dev/ttyS0 -b sss-dps [-r] [-n] -s “CONTENT” [-H]


  • CONTENT: The string to be sent
  • -H: Optional, denotes the hex string
  • -r: Add a terminator of carriage-return for the command
  • -n: Add a terminator of line-feed for the command
  • -b sss-dps: Same as that in Set serial parameters for passing through serial commands section.


  • “-f /dev/ttyS0” is a fixed item.
  • Each command must include “-b sss-dps”.

Command Example:

a) Send a sequence of ASCII-formatted strings terminated with a carriage- return to a peripheral:
/# soip2 -f /dev/ttyS0 -b 115200-8n1 -r -s “12345”

b) Send a sequence of hex strings terminated with a line-feed to a peripheral:
/# soip2 -f /dev/ttyS0 -b 115200-8n1 -n -s “4c 6f 72 65 6d 20 69 70 73 75 6d 20 64 6f 6c 6f 72 20 73 69 74 20 61 6d 65 74 2c 20 63 6f 6e 73 65 63 74 65 74 75 72 20 61 64 69 70 69 73 63 69 6e 67 20 65 6c 69 74 2c 20 73 65 64 20 64 6f 20 65 69 75 73 6d 6f 64 20 74 65 6d 70 6f 72 20 69 6e 63 69 64 69 64 75 6e 74 20 75 74 20 6c 61 62 6f 72 65 20 65 74 20 64 6f 6c” -H

Supported devices: All devices (Note: 4KIP200M doesn’t support the application of passing through serial commands.)

Rebooting Device
Command Structure: reboot
Supported Devices: All devices
Command Example:
/ # reboot
/ #

Getting Firmware Version
Command Structure: cat /etc/version
Supported Devices: All devices

Command Example:
/ # cat /etc/version
Wed, 17 May 2023 07:39:21 +0000
/ #

Restoring Device to Factory Defaults
Command Structure: reset_to_default.sh;reboot
Supported Devices: All devices

Command Example:
/ # reset_to_default.sh;reboot
sh: can’t kill pid 3045: No such process
/ #

Functions for TX Only

Setting HDCP
By default, HDCP is enabled on all TX devices, and can be disabled if required for specific scenarios.
Command Structure: gbconfig –hdcp-enable VALUE
Description: VALUE – y | n
Supported Devices: All TX devices

Command Example:
/ # gbconfig –hdcp-enable y
/ # gbconfig –show –hdcp-enable
/ #

Functions for RX Only

Setting Communication Modes for Controlling Display On/Off via RX
Command Structure: gbconfig –sinkpower-mode VALUE
Description: VALUE – cec | rs232 | both, default setting is cec.
Supported Devices: All RX devices

Command Example:
/ # gbconfig –sinkpower-mode rs232
7.3.2 Setting CEC Commands for Controlling Display On/Off
The device will memorize these two CEC commands, and send them to the connected display correspondingly after receiving a certain command for controlling display on/off from the client software.
Command Structure:
gbparam s cec_poweron_cmd “XXXX”
gbparam s cec_standby_cmd “YYYY”


  • XXXX: CEC command for controlling display on; default setting is 40 04
  • YYYY: CEC command for controlling display off; default setting is ff 36

CEC commands for controlling display on and off may vary on different display devices, for more information, see the display’s user guide.
Supported Devices: All RX devices

Command Example:
/ # gbparam s cec_poweron_cmd “40 04”
/ # gbparam s cec_standby_cmd “ff 36”
/ #

Setting RS232 Commands for Controlling Display On/Off
The device will memorize these two RS232 commands, and send them to the connected display correspondingly after receiving a certain command for controlling display on/off from the client app. The RS232 command to be sent shall be indicated whether it is a hex string.

Command Structure:

gbconfig –rs232-hex-cmd-enable [y|n] gbparam s rs232_poweron_cmd “XXXX”
gbparam s rs232_standby_cmd “YYYY”


  • XXXX: RS232 command for controlling display on.
  • YYYY: RS232 command for controlling display off.

RS232 commands for controlling display on and off may vary on different display devices, for more information, see the display’s user guide.
Supported Devices: All RX devices

Command Example:
/ # gbconfig –rs232-hex-cmd-enable n
/ # gbparam s rs232_poweron_cmd “XXXX”
/ # gbparam s rs232_standby_cmd “YYYY”
/ #

Instructing Device to Control Display On/Off
Command Structure:
Command of controlling display on: sinkpower on
Command of controlling display on: sinkpower off

Once any of these two commands is sent to the device, the device will automatically convert it into the corresponding CEC or RS232 command based on the settings in chapter 7.3.1, 7.3.2 and 7.3.3 and forward it to the connected display.
Supported Devices: All RX devices

Command Example:
/ # sinkpower off
/ # sinkpower on
/ #

Sending Specific CEC Commands to the Display
Command Structure:

This command is used to request the device to send a string of CEC commands to the display. These different CEC commands can be separated with semicolons “;”.

Available CEC commands for display devices may vary among vendors, for more information, see the display’s user guide.
Supported Devices: All RX devices

Command Example:
/ # cec -s “40 04”
/ #

Assigning a Source to RX
By default, each RX device automatically searches for online TX devices, and pairs with one of them in the following methods:

  1. RX automatically pairs with one TX.
    This function is mostly used in the scenarios of extenders.

  2. RX is paired with one TX manually.
    RX pairs with each TX in turn automatically by long pressing the info/source button on the RX’s front panel for more than 2 seconds. Source switching occurs once each time the button is being long pressed.
    This function is mostly used in the small-scale networking scenarios.

  3. RX is paired with one TX through API commands.
    Once API command for pairing is sent to the device, the above two pairing methods will become invalid unless the device is restored to factory defaults.
    This function is used in large-scale networking scenarios.

Command Structure:
gbconfig –source-select=SOURCE
gbconfig –vsource-select=SOURCE
gbconfig –asource-select=SOURCE
gbconfig –ssource-select=SOURCE
e e_reconnect


  • SOURCE: TX’s MAC address
  • –vsource-select=SOURCE: Assign a video source to the RX
  • –asource-select=SOURCE: Assign an audio source to the RX
  • –ssource-select=SOURCE: Assign an RS232 source to the RX.
    Note : After an RS232 source is assigned to a certain RX, the client app can still send

RS232 commands to the peripheral at RX’s serial port through the soip2 program.

  • –source-select=SOURCE: Route the video source, audio source and RS232 source of one TX as a whole to the RX. The SOURCE is the TX’s MAC address.

If the audio source is not specified, it follows the video source by default.
If the RS232 source is not specified, it follows the video source by default.
If SOURCE = null, the specific source will be unbound from the RX.

Note : You need to send “e e_reconnect” at the end to make the command take effect.
Supported Devices: All RX devices, except MRX (MRX has specific commands).

Command Example:
/ # gbconfig –source-select=341B22822FEF
/ # e e_reconnect
/ # gbconfig –source-select=NULL
/ # e e_reconnect
/ #

Getting the Source Assigned to RX
Command Structure:
To get the whole source (video, audio and RS232) assigned to the RX: / # gbconfig –show –source-select
To get the audio source assigned to the RX: / # gbconfig –show –asource-select
To get the RS232 source assigned to the RX: / # gbconfig –show –ssource-select
To get the video source assigned to the RX: / # gbconfig –show –vsource-select
Description: N/A
Supported Devices: All RX devices, except MRX (MRX has specific commands)

Command Example:
/ # gbconfig –show –source-select
/ # gbconfig –show –asource-select
/ # gbconfig –show –ssource-select
/ # gbconfig –show –vsource-select

Note : The above returns the MAC address of the TX.

Rotating Video
Command Structure:
e e_vw_rotate_N
e e_reconnect

N: 0 | 90 | 180 | 270, denotes the video rotation degree in counterclockwise direction.
Supported Devices: 4KIP200D only

Command Example:
/ # e e_vw_rotate_270
/ # e e_reconnect
/ #

Video Wall
Note : Video Wall settings are not available for MRX.

Standard Video Wall
For a standard video wall, you only need to set the size of the video wall and the position of the display attached to this RX in the video wall.
Command Structure:
e e_vw_enable_M_N_X_Y
e e_reconnect


  • M = Number of the video wall rows -1
  • N = Number of the video wall columns -1.
  • X = Number of the rows in which RX locates -1
  • Y = Number of the columns that RX locates -1


  • You need to send “e e_reconnect” in the end to make the above command take effect.
  • If M=N=X=Y=0, the video wall configuration will be undone.

Supported Devices: 4KIP200D only
Command Example:
To set up a 2 x 2 video wall of which the display attached to this RX is located in the upper left corner, complete the following:
/ # e e_vw_enable_1_1_0_0
/ # e e_reconnect

To undone the video wall, perform the following:
/ # e e_vw_enable_0_0_0_0
/ # e e_reconnect
/ #

Mosaic Style Video Wall
Setting up a mosaic style video wall requires devices to support video cropping and rotation.
Video cropping command

Command Structure:
gbparam s xy_param X1:Y1:X2:Y2
X1:Y1:X2:Y2 denotes that only the video content within the rectangular area formed by the coordinate (X1,Y1) in upper left and the coordinate (X2,Y2) in bottom right is presented. Note that this command does not factor in the input video’s horizontal and vertical sizes but assumes that they are both 10000, and the device will covert X1/Y1/X2/Y2 to actual sizes.
Supported Devices: All RX devices

Command Example:
The following command is used to output one-fourths of the video content in upper left corner.
/ # gbparam s xy_param 0:0:5000:5000
/ # e e_reconnect
/ #
Video rotation command: See chapter Rotating Video.

Based on the combination of two commands above, the client app is able to set up a mosaic style video wall in which TVs in first row rotates by 180 degrees. The VDirector App we provide can realize this function as well.

Command Example:
The rotate the display by 180 degrees counterclockwise around the upper left corner and make it present one-fourths of the input video’s content in the bottom right only:

/ # gbparam s xy_param 5000:5000:10000:10000
/ # e e_vw_rotate_180
/ # e e_reconnect
/ #

The rotate the display by 90 degrees counterclockwise around the upper left corner and make it present the content within the rectangular area [(0,0),(900,1600)] in the upper left corner of the input video:
/ # gbparam s xy_param 0:0:900:1600
/ # e e_vw_rotate_270
/ # e e_reconnect
/ #

Instructing RX to Force a Resolution Output

Command Structure:
gbset fvo RESOLUTION
e e_reoutput

The value of RESOLUTION:
a) auto
b) 3840x2160_60
c) 3840x2160_30
d) 1080P_60
e) 720P_60

Note : Only commonly used resolutions are listed here. By default, it is set as auto.
Supported Devices: HDIP100D doesn’t support (b) and (c), 4KIP200D doesn’t support (b), 4KIP200M supports above all.

Command Example:
/ # gbset fvo 3840x2160_30
/ # e e_reoutput
/ #

Instructing RX to Force Color Space (RGB or YUV) Output
Command Structure:
gbparam s fource_output_color_space COLORSPACE
e e_reoutput

COLORSPACE = auto | yuv | rgb. Default setting is auto.
Supported Devices: All RX devices

Command Example:
/ # gbparam s fource_output_color_space yuv
/ # e e_reoutput
/ # gbparam s fource_output_color_space rgb
/ # e e_reoutput
/ # gbparam s fource_output_color_space auto
/ # e e_reoutput
/ # gbparam g fource_output_color_space
auto/ #

Closing the Output of Idle Image (Image reads “No Source”) on Detecting No Source
Some TVs or certain devices will take custom action based on whether they detect valid signal input. In this case, users can close the RX’s output when RX detects no signal input.

Command Structure:
gbparam s no_source_close_screen VALUE
sleep 1;reboot

VALUE = y | n.

This command is not effective until the device restarts.
Supported Devices: 4KIP200D, 4KIP200M

Command Example:
/ # gbparam s no_source_close_screen y
/ # sleep 1;reboot
After re-login in to the device:
/ # gbparam g no_source_close_screen
y/ #

Obtaining Display EDID

Command Structure:
cat /var/tmpfs/monitor_info

To obtain the EDID data of the display attached to the RX’s HDMI OUT.
Supported Devices: All RX devices

Command Example:
/ # cat /var/tmpfs/monitor_info
00 ff ff ff | ff ff ff 00 | 61 a9 03 b0 | 01 00 00 00 |
12 1f 01 03 | 80 3c 21 78 | 2a 1f 65 a4 | 55 50 9f 26 |
0c 50 54 bd | cf 00 71 4f | 81 80 81 8c | 81 00 95 00 |
95 0f a9 c0 | b3 00 02 3a | 80 18 71 38 | 2d 40 58 2c |
45 00 56 50 | 21 00 00 1e | 00 00 00 fd | 00 32 4b 0f |
64 13 00 0a | 20 20 20 20 | 20 20 00 00 | 00 ff 00 33 |
30 38 37 38 | 30 30 30 36 | 36 38 38 33 | 00 00 00 fc |
00 52 65 64 | 6d 69 20 32 | 37 20 4e 46 | 0a 20 01 c3 |
02 03 1e f1 | 49 01 03 12 | 13 04 14 05 | 1f 10 67 03 |
0c 00 10 00 | 00 26 23 09 | 07 07 83 01 | 00 00 01 1d |
00 72 51 d0 | 1e 20 6e 28 | 55 00 56 50 | 21 00 00 1e |
66 21 56 aa | 51 00 1e 30 | 46 8f 33 00 | 56 50 21 00 |
00 1e e0 45 | 80 c8 70 38 | 2d 40 30 28 | 55 00 56 50 |
21 00 00 1e | 0e 1f 00 80 | 51 00 1e 30 | 30 20 37 00 |
56 50 21 00 | 00 1e 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 |
00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 26 |
/ #

Overlaying Translucent Texts on Video
Command Structure:
osd_show [-o INDEX -s “CONTENT” [-f FONTSIZE] -p POSITION | -c INDEX] Description:

  • -o INDEX: To index the newly added text with a number “INDEX” for later cleanup.
  • -s CONTENT: To specify the text content to be displayed.
  • -f FONTSIZE: To specify the font size, default setting is 16, range 1-500, optional.
  • -p POSITION: To specify the display position of the text. The position contains values of an X-coordinate and a Y-coordinate which are separated by a comma “,”. Maximum value for each is 10000.
    Note : The actual maximum value is affected by the length and font size of the text and shall be determined according to the application scenarios on site.

-c INDEX: To undo the display of the text indexed with the number “INDEX”.
Supported Devices: All RX devices

Command Example:
/ # osd_show -o 1 -s “1234” -p 9500,9800
/ # osd_show -o 1 -s “1234” -p 1000,500
/ # osd_show -o 2 -s “1234” -p 2000,500
/ # osd_show -o 3 -s “1234” -p 3000,500
/ # osd_show -o 4 -s “1234” -p 5000,500
/ # osd_show -c 4
/ # osd_show -c 3
/ # osd_show -c 2
/ # osd_show -c 1
/ # osd_show -o 1 -s “1234” -f 300 -p 2000,500
/ #

Functions for MRX Only

Design Overview
4KIP200M Supports decoding on up to four video streams and one audio stream.
The device supports the following four inbuilt screen layouts, in which each video image’s location, size and quantity is fixed.

  1. 1 – 1 (Single view layout)
  2. 2 – 1 (Picture-in-Picture layout)
  3. 3 – 1 (Portrait triple view layout)
  4. 4 – 1 (Quad view layout)

The main points of screen layout setting are as follows:

  • The “1-1”, “3-1” and “4-1” layouts can only work in tile mode, while layout “2-1” can only work in overlay mode, for setting of the display mode see the following commands.
  • The MRX with factory default settings will enter Auto layout state after startup. It automatically selects one layout from the above based on the quantity of online encoders it detects, and outputs corresponding video sources and a certain audio stream in the selected layout. The audio of the HDMI source 1 located in the layout is automatically selected and being played.
  • At factory default, if the MRX detects the front panel Layout button is being pressed, or receives commands of switching sources and screen layouts from a third-party Client App, it will turn from Auto layout to Manual layout status. The MRX cannot fall back to Auto layout status until it is reset to factory defaults.
  • The MRX cycles among the four layouts on detecting the front panel Layout button is being pressed. Meanwhile, it will notify the outside of the layout changes by broadcast. It notifies not only when the layout changes but also when the corresponding video source is online or offline even if the layout remains unchanged. The third-party client app can send specific commands to MRX to obtain the latest information, change screen layout and select desired video sources.

Selecting Video Sources
Command Structure:

  1. Set “1-1” layout and specify a video source for the MRX:
    multiview set TX1:1:0_0_1920_1080:stretch:0
    multiview set mode tile
    multiview apply

  2. Set “2-1” layout and specify certain video source(s) for the MRX:
    multiview set TX1:1:0_0_1920_1080:stretch:0 TX2:1:1440_0_480_270:stretch:0
    multiview set mode overlay
    multiview apply

  3. Set “3-1” layout and specify certain video source(s) for the MRX:
    Multiview set TX1:1:1280_0_640_1080:stretch:270 TX2:1:640_0_640_1080:stretch:270 TX3:1:0_0_640_1080:stretch:270
    multiview set mode tile
    multiview apply

  4. Set “4-1” layout and specify certain video source(s) for the MRX:
    multiview set TX1:1:0_0_960_540:stretch:0 TX2:1:960_0_960_540:stretch:0 TX3:1:0_540_960_540:stretch:0 TX4:1:960_540_960_540:stretch:0
    multiview set mode tile
    multiview apply

TX1, TX2, TX3, TX4: Denotes the hostname of the video source, null denotes deselects the corresponding source for the MRX.
Supported Devices: 4KIP200M

Command Example:

  1. Set “1-1” layout and select the source IPE935-341B22822FEF for the MRX:
    / # multiview set IPE935-341B22822FEF:1:0_0_1920_1080:stretch:0
    / # multiview set mode tile
    / # multiview apply

  2. In the “1-1” layout, deselects the source:
    / # multiview set NULL:1:0_0_1920_1080:stretch:0
    / # multiview set mode tile
    / # multiview apply

  3. Set “2-1” layout, and select the source IPE935-341B22822FEF as video source 1 and null as video source 2 for the MRX:
    / # multiview set IPE935-341B22822FEF:1:0_0_1920_1080:stretch:0 NULL:1:1440_0_480_270:stretch:0
    / # multiview set mode overlay
    / # multiview apply

  4. Set “3-1” layout, and select the source IPE935-341B22822FEF as video source 1, 2 and 3 for the MRX:
    / # multiview set IPE935-341B22822FEF:1:1280_0_640_1080:stretch:270 IPE935-341B22822FEF:1:640_0_640_1080:stretch:270 IPE935-341B22822FEF:1:0_0_640_1080:stretch:270
    / # multiview set mode tile
    / # multiview apply

  5. Set “4-1” layout, and select the source IPE935-341B22822FEF as video source 1 and null as video source 2, 3 and 4 for the MRX:
    / # multiview set IPE935-341B22822FEF:1:0_0_960_540:stretch:0 NULL:1:960_0_960_540:stretch:0 NULL:1:0_540_960_540:stretch:0 NULL:1:960_540_960_540:stretch:0
    / # multiview set mode tile
    / # multiview apply

Obtaining Layout Information

Command Structure:
multiview get layout

Description: The MRX responds with a JSON message after it receives the above command, all the client app needs to do is to parse the following information:

  1. The four pre-defined layouts’ name.
  2. Current layout name.
  3. The corresponding video sources and audio sources in each layout.
    For more information see the following command example (contents related to the point 1/2/3 is highlighted in red):

Command Example:

Receiving Notifications of Layout Change
Command Structure:
config IPM4000:MRX-hostname_get layout

The command is sent from MRX to the third-party client software through subnet broadcast.

  • MRX-hostname: The device’s hostname.
  • Destination address: The subnet broadcast address of the subnet on which MRX resides.
  • Destination port: 11002

Supported Devices: 4KIP200M

Command Example:
Assumes that the third-party client app and the MRX are in the same subnet, the client app IP address is, mark is, then the subnet broadcast address can be calculated to, therefore the client app needs to receive the following UDP message at the address 192.168.255. 255:11002:
config IPM4000:IPM4000-341B22000019_get layout
The client app is required to obtain the layout information from the corresponding MRX as soon as possible on detecting this message.

Switching Multiple RXs to a Source Simultaneously

If multiple RXs are required to switch to the same source simultaneously, like switching for a video wall, complete the following:

Command Structure:
To send the following UPD message to the broadcast address or port 5010 of the subnet broadcast address:
msg_b_reconnect tx_name:session_number:rx_number rx1 rx2 …rxN

  • tx_name: The name of the TX connected to the source; the format should be the model no. that device responses + MAC address
  • session_number: An integer that increases progressively from 1 for distinguishing different source switching sessions (Each simultaneous switching of source is described as a session).
  • rx_number: The quantity of the RXs

Supported Devices: All RX devices
Command Example:
To send the following message to
msg_b_reconnect IPE935-341B22822FEA:1:2 IPD935-341B228007BD IPD935-341B2282302C

Getting Preview Stream of TX
The client app can obtain the preview stream of TX in MJPEG format through a web browser or HTTP protocol.
Command Structure: http://tx_ip_address/stream

Description: tx_ip_address: The IP address of the TX whose preview stream is to be obtained.
A TX can output up to 4 preview streams.
Supported Devices: All TX devices

Uploading Idle Image to RX

Command Structure:
HTTP URL: http://rx_ip_address/upload_bg

Description : rx_ip_address: The IP address of RX.
The uploaded image will replace the factory default image and become the new factory default.
The image format must be jpg.

Supported Devices:
4KIP200D/4KIP200M: Supports 1080P image only.

HDIP100D*: Supports 720P image only.

  • Note : Different batches of HDIP100D may vary in terms of the Idle image’s supported resolution, for more information contact AV Access.

Uploading an Image to Overlay on Video

RX supports overlay an image (.png) on the video to achieve special effects of displaying logos or advertisements.

Uploading Image
Command Structure:


  • rx_ip_address: The IP address of RX.
  • The image must be in png format.

Supported Devices:
4KIP200D/4KIP200M: Supports images to the maximum size of 1080P.
HDIP100D: Supports images to the maximum size of 720P.
Note: Different batches of HDIP100D may vary in terms of the overlaying image’s supported resolution, for more information contact AV Access.

Displaying Images
Command Structure:
gbconfig –png-overlay-pos-h=POSH
gbconfig –png-overlay-pos-v=POSV
gbconfig –png-overlay-enable=ENABLE


  • POSH: The abscissa value in which the image locates horizontally, range: 0~1919
  • POSV: The ordinate value in which the image locates vertically, range: 0~1079
  • ENABLE = “y” | “n”
    After the above three commands are sent, you need to continue to send the following command for the overlay setting to take effect.
    e e_png_overlay
    Supported Devices: All RX devices

Upgrading Firmware

Command Structure:
HTTP URL: http://rx_ip_address/upload
Description: rx_ip_address denotes the RX’s IP address (applicable to TX as well)

Supported Devices:
All devices except part of HDIP100E and HDIP100D.
Note : Some batches of HDIP100E and HDIP100D may not support firmware upgrade through commands above, for more information contact AV Access.

Document Revision History

Version Date Description
V1.0.0 230522 Initial
V1.0.1 230822 Add support for 4KIP200M
V1.0.2 230911 Add _e e_pngoverlay command
V1.0.3 230912 Add “Operating the Serial Port” section


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