METREL MI 3115 PV Curve Tracer Analyser Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024


METREL MI 3115 PV Curve Tracer Analyser


Product Information


  • Product Name: MI 3115 PV Analyser
  • Version: Ver.1.1.1, Code No. 20 753 336
  • Manufacturer: Metrel d.o.o.
  • Address: Ljubljanska cesta 77, SI-1354 Horjul, Slovenia
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website:

Product Usage Instructions

1. General Description

Provide an overview of the MI 3115 PV Analyser and its main functions.

2. Instrument Set and Accessories

Explain the standard set of the instrument and optional accessories available.

3. Instrument Description

Detail the front panel and key features of the instrument.

4. Instrument Operation

Explain the general meaning of keys, touch gestures, virtual keyboard, safety checks, symbols, and messages.

5. Memory Organizer

Describe operations in the Memory Organizer, including workspace operations.


  • Q: How do I perform data backup on the MI 3115 PV Analyser?
    • A: To backup data, follow the steps outlined in the user manual to ensure the integrity of your backups.
  • Q: Is the MI 3115 compliant with EU and UK regulations?
    • A: Yes, the MI 3115 is compliant with Directive 2014/53/EU (RED) and Radio Equipment Regulations 2017, as well as other subjected EU and UK regulations.


MI 3115 PV Analyser
Inst ruct ion manual
Ver.1.1.1, code no. 20 753 336

Dist ribut or:
M anuf act urer: Met rel d.o.o. Ljubljanska cest a 77 SI-1354 Horjul Slovenia e-mail:inf o@met ht t ps:/ / www.met DATA BACKUP AND LOSS:
Mark on your equipment certifies that it meets requirements of all subjected EU regulations.
Hereby, Metrel d.o.o. declares that the MI 3115 is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU (RED) and all other subjected EU directive. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address
Mark on your equipment certifies that it meets requirements of all subjected UK regulations.
Hereby, Metrel d.o.o. declares that the MI 3115 is in compliance with Radio Equipment Regulations 2017 and all other subjected UK regulations. The full text of the UK declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address
© Met rel d.o.o. Published: 01/ 2024
The t rade names Met rel®, Smart ec®, Eurot est ®, Aut o Sequence® are t rademarks regist ered in Europe and ot her count ries.
No part of t his publicat ion may be reproduced or ut ilized in any f orm or by any means wit hout permission in writ ing f rom METREL.

MI 3115 PV Analyser

General description


General description

1.1.1 Safety warnings
In order t o reach high level of operat or saf et y while carrying out various measurement s using t he PV Analyser inst rument , as well as t o keep t he t est equipment undamaged, it is necessary t o consider t he f ollowing general warnings.
· Read this instruction manual caref ully, otherwise use of the instrument may be dangerous f or the operator, f or the instrument or f or the equipment under test!
· Consider warning markings on t he instrument! · If the test equipment is used in manner not specif ied in this instruction manual
the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired! · Bef ore conducting any tests or measurements, ensure that the PV strings intended
for measurement are disconnected from the inverter. · Do not use the instrument and accessories if any damage is noticed! · Regularly check the instrument and accessories f or correct f unctioning t o avoid
hazard that could occur f rom misleading results. · Use only Metrel standard or optional test accessories! · Consider all generally known precaut ions in order t o avoid risk of elect ric shock
while dealing with hazardous voltages! · Instrument servicing and calibration is allowed to be carried out only by a
competent authorized person! · Metrel Auto Sequences®are designed as guidance to tests in order to significantly
reduce testing time, improve work scope and increase traceability of the tests perf ormed. Met rel assumes no responsibility f or any Auto Sequence by any
the selected Auto Sequence. This includes type and number of tests, sequence f low, test parameters and limits. · PV sources can produce very high voltages and currents. Only skilled and trained personnel should perform measurements on photovoltaic systems. · Saf ety precautions f or working on the roof should be considered. · In case of a fault in the measuring system (wires, devices, connections, measuring
heavy dust an electrical arc can occur that will not extinguish by itself. Arcs can lead

MI 3115 PV Analyser

General description

to fire and can cause heavy damage. Users must be skilled to disconnect the PV system saf ely in this case.

· Do not use the instrument in PV systems with voltages higher than 1500 V d.c. and/ or currents higher than 20 A d.c.! Otherwise, the instrument can be damaged.

· Do not connect external voltage between P/ S and PE terminals. Max allowed voltage: < 10 V d.c., max allowed current: < 1 A d.c.! Otherwise, the instrument can be damaged.

1.1.2 W arnings related to safety of measurement functions

R low R ISO PV IEC 62446 Autotest
I/ U curve Uoc/ Isc IEC 62446 Autotest

Do never connect t est leads t o out put of PV module / st ring!
Do not t ouch t he t est object during t he measurement or bef ore it is f ully discharged! Risk of elect ric shock! When insulat ion resist ance measurement has been perf ormed on a capacit ive object , aut omat ic discharge may not be done imm ediat ely! The warning message and t he act ual volt age are displayed during discharge unt il volt age drops below 30 V.
Do not disconnect t he t est t erminals during t he measurement . Risk of elect ric shock and/ or arcs!

1.1.3 Notes related to measurement functions

R low R ISO PV

If a volt age of higher t han 10 V (AC or DC) is det ect ed bet ween t est t erminals, t he measurement will not be perf ormed. Parallel loops may inf luence on t est result s.
If ext ernal volt age is det ect ed on t he t est t erminals t he inst rument will check if condit ions are appropriat e f or proceeding wit h t he t est . Appropriat e not if icat ions are displayed. Condit ions f or st art ing t he t est (regarding ext ernal volt age on t est t erminals):
Type Riso=[Roc+, Roc-]:


MI 3115 PV Analyser
IEC 62446 Autotest ( I nsulat ion)
Uoc/ Isc I/ U curve IEC 62446 Autotest (Uoc/ Isc)

General description
U (DC+/ DC-) 1500 V PE – not connect ed t o DC+ or DCType Riso=[Roc]:
U (DC+/ DC-) PE – not connect ed t o DC+ or DCAt t he end of t est , capacit ive object s are discharged t o 30 V.
If ext ernal volt age is det ect ed on t he t est t erminals t he inst rument will check if condit ions are appropriat e f or proceeding wit h t he t est . Appropriat e not if icat ions are displayed. Condit ions f or st art ing t he t est (regarding ext ernal volt age on t est t erminals):
U (DC+/ DC-) PE – not connect ed t o DC+ or DC-
Condit ions f or st art ing t he t est (regarding ext ernal volt age on t est t erminals):
U (DC+/ DC-) PE – not connect ed t o DC+ or DC-
Consider correct environment al condit ions and PV m odule dat a! Ot herwise, nominal and STC dat a will be wrong / will not be calculat ed!

In case that wrong PV module data were used and (STC, nominal) results are wrong, the instrument enables to change the PV module af ter the test.
See chapt er Changing PV modules and other parameters in already performed measurement s.
1.1.4 General notes
· LCD screenshot s in t his document are inf ormat ive only. Screens on t he inst rument may be slight ly dif f erent .
· Met rel reserve t he right t o make t echnical modif icat ions wit hout not ice as part of t he f urt her development of t he product .
1.1.5 Markings on the instrument
Read t he Inst ruct ion manual wit h special care t o saf et y operat ion«. The sym bol requires an act ion!


MI 3115 PV Analyser

General description

Mark on your equipment cert if ies t hat it meet s requirement s of all subject ed EU regulat ions.
Mark on your equipment cert if ies t hat it meet s requirement s of all subject ed UK regulat ions.

This equipment should be recycled as elect ronic wast e. Inst rument has double insulat ion.


The inst rument is manuf act ured and t est ed according t o t he f ollowing regulat ions, list ed below.

Elect romagnet ic compatibilit y (EMC)

EN 61326-1

Elect rical equipment f or measurement , cont rol and laborat ory use EMC requirement s Part 1: General requirement s

Safety (LVD) EN 61010-1 EN 61010-2-030
EN 61010-031
EN 61557

Saf et y requirement s f or elect rical equipment f or measurement , cont rol, and laborat ory use Part 1: General requirement s
Saf et y requirement s f or elect rical equipment f or measurement , cont rol and laborat ory use Part 2-030: Part icular requirement s f or t est ing and measuring circuit s
Saf et y requirement s f or elect rical equipment f or measurement , cont rol and laborat ory use Part 031: Saf et y requirement s f or hand-held probe assemblies f or elect rical measurement and t est
Elect rical saf et y in low volt age dist ribut ion syst ems up t o 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Equipment f or t est ing, measuring or monit oring of prot ect ive measures Inst rument complies wit h all relevant part s of EN 61557 st andards.

Funct ionalit y EN 62466-1
EN 62466-2

Phot ovolt aic (PV) syst ems. Requirement s f or t est ing, document at ion and maint enance Part 1: Grid connect ed syst ems Document at ion, comm issioning t est s and inspect ion
Phot ovolt aic (PV) syst ems. Requirement s f or t est ing, document at ion and maint enance Part 2: Grid connect ed syst ems Maint enance of PV syst ems


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument set and accessories

Instrument set and accessories

· MI 3115 PV Analyser inst rument · Mains cable C13/ schuko · Carrying bag (L) · Measurement lead, red, 3 m, banana/ banana · Measurement lead, blue, 3 m, banana/ banana · Measurement lead, green, 3 m, banana/ banana · Test lead, green, 4 m · Test lead, black, 50 m, on cable reel · Set PV MC4 t o banana adapt ers · Crocodile clip, green · Test probe, 3 pcs, (black, red, blue) · USB cable, 1m, USB-A t o USB-B · MicroSD card · A 1785 PV Remot e WL · PV ref erence monocryst al cell w/ o adapt er (A 1427 S2) · PV Temperat ure probe w/ o adapt er (A 1400 S2) · Rechargeable Ni-MH bat t eries, t ype AA, 1.2V, 2400 mAh, 6 pcs, (S 2125) · Power supply adapt er 12 V, 0.5 A · Calibrat ion cert if icat ion · PCSW METREL ES m anager PRO · Quick guide · Inst ruct ion manual (on CD) · Handbook (on CD)
See t he at t ached sheet “Included in t he Set “.
See t he at t ached sheet f or a list of opt ional accessories t hat are available on request f rom your dist ribut or.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument description


Instrument description

Test connector options:


Mains supply connect or


Serial port


USB comm unicat ion port


MicroSD card slot




MI 3115 PV Analyser




ON/ OFF key


Test connect or


PE t erminal


DC- t erminal


DC+ t erminal


Prot ect ion cover


P/ S (probe) t erminal

Instrument description


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

4 Instrument operation
The inst rument can be manipulat ed via a keypad or t ouch screen.

ON / OFF key Swit ch inst rument on / of f . To swit ch of f t he inst rument press key f or 2 s. The inst rument aut omat ically swit ches of f af t er 10 minut es of idle st at e (no key pressed or any t ouch screen act ivit y). Reset instrument (long press >5 s).
Cursor keys are used to: · Select appropriat e opt ion. · Lef t , right , up, down. · In some f unct ions: page up, page down.

RUN key is used to: · Conf irm select ed opt ion. · St art and st op measurement s.
Escape key is used to: · Ret urn t o previous menu wit hout changes. · Abort measurement s.
Option key is used to: · Expand column in cont rol panel. · Show det ailed view of opt ions.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation
Tap (briefly touch surface with fingertip) is used to:
· Select appropriat e opt ion. · Conf irm select ed opt ion. · St art and st op measurement s. Swipe (press, move, lif t) up/ down is used to: · Scroll cont ent in same level. · Navigat e bet ween views in same level. Long press (touch surf ace with f ingertip f or at least 1 s) is used to: · Select addit ional keys (virt ual keyboard). Tap Escape icon is used to: · Ret urn t o previous menu wit hout
changes. · Abort / st op measurement s.


Toggle case between lowercase and uppercase. Active only when alphabetic characters’ keyboard layout selected. Backspace Clears last character or all characters if selected. (If held for 2 s, all characters are selected).
Enter confirms new text.
Activates numeric / symbols layout.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

Activates alphabetic characters. English keyboard layout. Greek keyboard layout. Russian keyboard layout. Returns to the previous menu without changes.

N ot e
· If Backspace is held f or 2 s, all charact ers will be select ed.
Long press on some keys opens addit ional keys.
At st art up and during operat ion t he inst rument perf orms various saf et y checks t o ensure saf et y and t o prevent any damage. If a saf et y check f ails, an appropriat e warning message will be displayed and saf et y measures will be t aken.
External voltage between DC+/ PE or DC-/ PE t erm inals Insulat ion resist ance t est cannot be carried out .
· Possible reasons: connect ion t o PV
Insulat ion t est volt age is lower t han open circuit volt age of t est ed PV st ring. Insulat ion resist ance (Roc) t est cannot be carried out .


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation
Time synchronizat ion warning. Af t er conf irmat ion A 1785 PV Remot e WL accept s t ime f rom inst rument .
Warning t hat t ime synchronizat ion is not possible while remot e unit is logging.
Warning t hat STC / nominal values cannot be calculat ed and displayed, due t o missing or invalid PV m odule or environment al dat a.
Volt age readings may be incorrect . Possible causes:
· Input V-met ers f ailure, · unbalanced volt age DC+/ PE or DC-/ PE
on PV syst em.
PV Remot e WL not f ound during synchronizat ion. Possible reasons:
· PV Remot e WL is t urned of f . · No Wi-Fi connect ion bet ween PV
Remot e WL and t he inst rument . · Wi-Fi comm unicat ion is out of range.
Synchronizat ion of t est result s is not possible while remot e unit is logging.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

Measurement is running, consider displayed warnings.
W arning! A very high and dangerous volt age is / will be present on t he inst rument out put ! The inst rument aut omat ically discharges t est ed object af t er f inished insulat ion measurement .
When an insulat ion resist ance measurement has been perf ormed on a capacit ive object , aut omat ic discharge may not be done imm ediat ely! The warning sym bol and t he act ual volt age are displayed during discharge unt il volt age drops below 30 V.

A high voltage is / will be present on the instrument terminals!
(High test voltage or PV string voltage).

Unst able irradiance or t oo low irradiance (Irr < Irr_min). Calculat ion t o STC is not possible.



Check module t ype and number of modules.

DC+ and DC- connect ions are reversed.

AC volt age is det ect ed on measuring t erminals.

Blown f use

The inst rument is overheat ed. The disappears.

Test leads resist ance in R low measurement is not compensat ed.

Test leads resist ance in R low measurement is compensat ed.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation
Test passed. Result is inside predef ined limit s.
Test f ailed. Result is out of predef ined limit s.
Measurement is abort ed. Consider displayed warnings and messages. In R ISO PV and IEC62446 Aut ot est f unct ion Roc calculat ion will only be perf ormed, if t he t est t ime (durat ion) elapsed wit hout t he user st opping it .
Condit ions on t he input t erminals allow st art ing t he measurement ; consider ot her displayed warnings and messages.
Condit ions on t he input t erminals do not allow st art ing t he measurem ent , consider displayed warnings and messages.
St op t he measurement .


For some icons more inf ormat ion is displayed if
4.4.1Bluetooth and W i-Fi connections
Bluet oot h comm unicat ion act ive. Bluet oot h icon is displayed during dat a t ransf er only. Wi-Fi comm unicat ion wit h PV Remot e WL inact ive.
Wi-Fi comm unicat ion wit h PV Remot e WL act ive. Wi-Fi signal st rengt h is indicat ed.

on icon.

4.4.2Terminal voltage monitor


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

The t erminal volt age m onit or displays volt age and act ive t est t erminals indicat ion. PE t erminal should also be connect ed f or correct input volt age condit ion.

DC+ and PE are act ive t est t erminals.

DC- and PE are act ive t est t erminals.

DC+ and DC- are act ive t est t erminals.

Act ive t est t erminals f or R low measurement .
Polarit y of t est volt age applied t o t he out put t erminals.

4.4.3Battery indication
The bat t ery indicat ion indicat es t he charge condit ion of bat t ery and connect ion t o a.c. power supply.
Bat t ery is in good condit ion. Bat t ery is f ull. Low bat t ery. Bat t ery is t oo weak t o guarant ee correct result . Recharge t he bat t ery. Empt y bat t ery or no bat t ery. Charging in progress (if inst rument connect ed t o a.c. power supply). Charging f inished.
From t he inst rument Main Menu f our main operat ion menus can be select ed.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

Single Test Auto Sequences® Memory Organizer
General Settings

Menu f or select ing single t est s Menu f or select ing Aut o sequences Menu f or working wit h st ruct ured t est object s and measurement s Menu f or set up of t he inst rument

In t he General Set t ings menu general paramet ers and set t ings of t he inst rument can be viewed or set .

Language Power Save
Date / Time W orkspace Manager Auto Sequence®groups User accounts PV modules Prof iles

Language select ion Bright ness of LCD, LCD of f t imer, enabling/ disabling Bluet oot h comm unicat ion Set t ing dat e and t ime Managing project f iles Managing list s of Aut o Sequences® Managing user account s Managing PV m odules Inst rument prof iles (This set t ing is visible only if m ore t han one prof ile is available.)

MI 3115 PV Analyser Set t ings Bluetooth init. Initial Settings About
4.6.1 Settings

Instrument operation
Set t ing dif f erent syst em and measuring paramet ers Bluet oot h / Wi-Fi modul init ializat ion Fact ory set t ings Inst rument dat a

Touch screen

Set Touch screen on / of f .

Keys & touch sound Set key t ouch sound on / of f .


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

4.6.2W i-Fi settings
Ref er t o chapt er Communication with A 1785 PV Remote W L and A 1785 PV Remote W L Instruction manual f or det ailed inf ormat ion.

4.6.3Bluetooth initialization
In t his menu int ernal Bluet oot h / Wi-Fi module is reset .

4.6.4Initial Settings
In t his menu int ernal Bluet oot h / Wi-Fi module will be init ialized and t he inst rument set t ings, measurement paramet ers and limit s will be set t o init ial (f act ory) values.
Following customized settings will be lost when setting the instruments to init ial set t ings:
· Measurement limit s and paramet ers. · Global paramet ers and Syst em set t ings. · Opened Workspace and Aut o Sequence®group will be deselect ed. · User will be signed out .
N ot e
Following customized settings will stay: · Prof ile set t ings · Dat a in memory (Dat a in Memory organizer, Workspaces, Aut o Sequence®groups and Aut o Sequences®) · User account s

MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

4 .6.5 About
In t his menu inst rument dat a (name, serial number, FW (f irmware) and HW (hardware) version, prof ile code, HD (hardware document at ion) version, and dat e of calibrat ion) can be viewed.

4.6.6 User Accounts
The instrument has a User Accounts system. Following actions can be managed: · Set t ing if signing in t o work wit h t he inst rument is required or not . · Adding and delet ing new users, set t ing t heir user names and passwords. · Set t ing t he password f or allowing Black Box operat ion.

Default passwords Second account manager password Empty (disabled)

The def ault account manager password
This password is delivered wit h t he inst rument and always unlocks t he Account m anager
By def ault , no password needs t o be ent ered f or Black Box operat ion

N ot e
· If a user account is set and t he user is signed in t he user’s name will be st ored f or
each measurement .

Sign in as user: Select User, Sign in, change user Password.
Sign in as administrator: Select Account manager, set account manager Password.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation
User sign out: select Sign out
Change user password (individual users can change t heir password): Select Change password, set new password.
Account manager sign out: is aut omat ic by exit ing t he Account manager menu.

4.6.7Managing accounts
User Account s can be managed by t he Account manager.

Sign in required Every reboot Change password Blackbox password

Require signing in Sign in is required once, or at each reboot of t he inst rument Change account manager password. Password is case sensit ive. Set Black Box password (same password is valid f or all users)

Add new user Delete all users Delete user

Header line (User accounts), New, add name and password Header line (User accounts), Delete all Select user, Delete Select user, Set password


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation


The inst rument uses specif ic syst em and measuring set t ings in regard t o t he scope of work or count ry it is used. These specif ic set t ings are st ored in inst rument prof iles. By def ault , each inst rument has at least one prof ile act ivat ed. Proper licence keys must be obt ained t o add more prof iles t o t he inst rument . See Appendix C – Profile Notes f or more inf ormat ion about f unct ions specif ied by prof iles.

Select Delet e

Select prof ile Delet e prof ile

N ot e · This menu is visible only if m ore t han one prof ile is available.

The Workspace Manager is int ended t o manage wit h dif f erent Workspaces and Export s st ored on t he microSD card.
4.8.1W orkspaces and Export
The works can be organized wit h help of Workspaces and Export s. Bot h Export s and Workspaces cont ain all relevant dat a (measurement s, paramet ers, limit s, st ruct ure object s) of an individual work.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

Workspaces are st ored on microSD card on direct ory PROJECTS, while Export s are st ored on direct ory EXPORTS. Export f iles can be read by Met rel applicat ions t hat run on ot her devices. Export s are suit able f or making backups of import ant works or can be used f or st orage of works if t he removable microSD card is used as a mass st orage device. To work on t he inst rument an Export should be import ed f irst f rom t he list of Export s and convert ed t o a Workspace. To be st ored as Export dat a a Workspace should be export ed f irst f rom t he list of Workspaces and convert ed t o an Export . In t he Workspace manager menu Workspaces and Export s are displayed in t wo separat ed list s.

Header line (W orkspaces, Exports), Switch View
Header line (W orkspaces), New

Swit ch bet ween Export s and Workspaces Add new Workspace

Select Delet e Export

Open select ed Workspace in Memory Organizer Delet e select ed Workspace Export select ed Workspace int o an Export


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

Import Delet e

Import select ed Export t o a Workspace Delet e select ed Export

The Aut o Sequences in t he inst rument can be organized by using list s. In a list a group of similar Aut o Sequences is st ored. The Aut o Sequence®groups menu is int ended t o manage wit h dif f erent list s. Folders wit h list s of Aut o Sequences are st ored in Root MOS AT on t he microSD card.

In Aut o Sequence®

menu list s of Aut o Sequences®are displayed.

Open Delet e

Open t he select ed Aut o Sequence group in t he Aut o Sequences® main menu.
Delet e t he select ed Aut o Sequence group.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

4 .10

In t his menu a list of PV modules and t heir dat a can be managed. The PV modules dat a f rom t his list is used in measurement s, f or calculat ion of nominal and STC result s.

4 .10 .1

Operations on list of PV module

Select Add Edit
Remove Remove all Conf irm

Select PV m odule Add a new PV module Go t o menu f or edit ing select ed module / dat a Remove select ed PV module Delet e ent ire list of PV modules New module or edit ed dat a conf irmat ion

4 .10 .2

PV module configuration


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Instrument operation

Parameters of PV module Module
M anuf act urer Pmax Umpp Impp Uoc Isc NOCT Alpha Bet a Gamma Rs

PV m odule name For more inf ormat ion see PV module configurat ion. PV m odule manuf act urer Nominal power of PV module Volt age at maximum power point Current at maximum power point Open-circuit volt age Short -circuit current Normal operat ing cell t emperat ure Temperat ure coef f icient of Isc (A/ °C) Temperat ure coef f icient of Uoc (V/ °C) Temperat ure coef f icient of Pmax (%/ °C) Serial resist ance of PV module

4 .10 .3

Import of list of PV modules

The list of PV modules can also be prepared in Met rel ES Manager and import ed t o t he inst rument . Ref er t o Met rel ES Manager Inst ruct ion manual f or det ailed inf ormat ion.

· Af ter upload, list of PV modules on instrument will be overwritten!


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Memory Organizer

5 Memory Organizer
Memory Organizer is an environment f or st oring and working wit h t est dat a. The dat a is organized in a mult ilevel t ree st ruct ure wit h St ruct ure object s and Measurement s. For a list of available st ruct ure object s see Appendix B – Struct ure objects.

5.1.1Operations on W orkspace

Header line (W orkspace), W orkspaces

Go t o Workspace Manager f rom Memory Organizer

Header line (W orkspace), Search

Search f or st ruct ure element s

Node: Node is t he highest -level st ruct ure element . One Node is a must ; ot hers are opt ional and can be creat ed or delet ed f reely.

Add a new node

Header line (W orkspace), Add structure


All PV m easurement s synchronized wit h environment al dat a f rom PV Remot e WL.


MI 3115 PV Analyser
5.1.2Operations on measurements

Memory Organizer

Start Test Clone
Copy, Paste
Add Measurement Com m ent Delet e Retest, Start Test

St art a new measurement
Copy select ed measurement as an empt y measurement under t he same St ruct ure object
Copy a select ed measurement as an empt y measurement t o any locat ion in st ruct ure t ree
Add an empt y measurement
Add / view a comm ent t o t he measurement
Delet e a measurement
Run a new measurement or Aut o Sequence wit h same set t ings as select ed measurement

View Param et ers Ret est

Ent er menu f or viewing det ails of Single t est or Aut o Sequence
View / edit paramet ers
Run a new measurement or Aut o Sequence wit h same set t ings as select ed measurement

When a new empt y measurement is added (single t est or Aut o sequence) t he PV module select ed in t he belonging object will be adopt ed by def ault . If needed, it is possible t o change t he PV m odule and it s number in t he measurement .


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Memory Organizer

5.1.3Measurement statuses
Measurement st at uses indicat e t he st at us of a measurement or a group of measurement s in t he Memory Organizer.

Statuses of Single tests

Passed f inished single t est wit h t est result s

Failed f inished single t est wit h t est result s

Finished single t est wit h t est result s and no st at us
Empt y single t est wit hout t est result s

Overall statuses of Auto Sequence or or or

At least one single t est in t he Aut o Sequence passed and no single t est f ailed
At least one single t est in t he Aut o Sequence f ailed
At least one single t est in t he Aut o Sequence was carried out and t here was no ot her passed or f ailed single t est s
Empt y Aut o Sequence wit h empt y single t est s

Overall status of measurements under structure elements Overall st at us of measurement s under each st ruct ure element gives a f ast inf ormat ion on t est s wit hout expanding t ree m enu.

Opt ions

There are no measurement result (s) under select ed st ruct ure object . Measurement s should be made.
One or more measurement result (s) under select ed st ruct ure object has f ailed. Not all measurement s under select ed st ruct ure object have been made yet .
All measurement s under select ed st ruct ure object are complet ed but one or more measurement result (s) has f ailed.
No st at us indicat ion if all measurement result s under each st ruct ure element / sub-element have passed or are wit hout measurement s.


MI 3115 PV Analyser
5.1.4 Operations on Structure objects

Memory Organizer

Start Test

St art a new measurement (proceeds t o menus f or select ion of measurement )

Param et ers

View / edit paramet ers

Add Measurement Add a new empt y measurement . Menu f or adding new measurement will open

Add Structure

Add a new st ruct ure element


Copy select ed element as t o same level in t he st ruct ure t ree

Copy, Paste

Copy select ed element t o any allowed locat ion in st ruct ure t ree

Cut, Paste

Move select ed St ruct ure wit h child it ems (sub-st ruct ures and measurement s) t o any allowed locat ion in st ruct ure t ree

At t achm ent

View link of at t achment

Com m ent

View/ edit / add a comm ent t o t he st ruct ure element


Rename t he st ruct ure element

Delet e

Delet e t he st ruct ure element


Updat e environment al dat a in measurement s under select ed object and it s childs. STCand nominal t est result s will be changed. See Synchronizat ion of environmental data between PV Remot e W L and instrument after t he test .

5.1.5Searching in Memory Organizer
In Memory organizer it is possible t o search f or dif f erent st ruct ure object s and t heir st at uses.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Memory Organizer

Header line (W orkspace), Search Search
Clear filters

Ent er Search menu
Search according t o st ruct ure element name and st at us
Clear set f ilt ers in Search menu

Operations on f ound structure objects Header line (Page x/ y), Next Page, Previous Page Go to location Param et ers Rename

Go Page Up / Down
Jump t o select ed locat ion in Memory organizer View/ edit paramet ers Rename t he f ound object

5.1.6Changing PV modules and other parameters in already performed m easurem ent s
In Memory Organizer it is possible t o change PV module t ype, number of modules in PV st ring and number of PV st rings in already f inished measurement s. For example, t his f eat ure enables t o get correct STC and nominal t est result s in case wrong PV module dat a and/ or number of PV modules and/ or number of PV st rings were select ed f or t he measurement .

Procedure on selected object
In select ed object in Memory Organizer, ent er Paramet ers t o edit Module. Select new module f rom t he list .

All PV m easurement s under select ed object and it s

will be updat ed.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Memory Organizer

· Nominal and STC values will change accordingly.
Measured dat a and environment al dat a will st ay t he same.
Af t er updat e is f inished, conf irmat ion wit h number of updat ed st ruct ures and measurement s is displayed.
All updat ed st ruct ures and measurement s are saved aut omat ically. Undo is not possible.

Procedure on selected measurement
In select ed measurement in Memory Organizer, ent er Paramet ers t o edit : – Module, – Number of modules in PV st ring and – Number of PV st rings.
Measurement will be updat ed af t er conf irmat ion.
· Nominal and STC values will change accordingly.
Measured dat a and environment al dat a will st ay t he same.
Save updat ed measurem ent result s or undo modif icat ions.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Single tests

6 Single tests
In single t est main menu t wo modes f or select ing single t est s are available.

Groups Last used

View groups of similar t est s View last made measurement s

In t he Single t est screens main measuring result s, sub-result s, limit s and paramet ers of t he measurement are displayed. In addit ion, on-line st at uses, warnings and ot her inf ormat ion are displayed.


Name of single t est f unct ion


Opt ions


Terminal volt age, st at uses, inf o, warnings


Paramet ers (whit e) and limit s (red)


Sub- resu l t


Main result




MI 3115 PV Analyser
6.2.1Single test start screen

Single tests

Start test Parameters, or tap on Parameters f ield Prev Next Calibrat e Help

St art single t est Set paramet ers/ limit s of single t est Previous screen Next screen Compensat ion of t est leads (R low) View help screens

Add comments before the test (applicable on R low only): In t he Paramet ers menu comm ent s can be st ored as a part of t he single t est Parameters, Comment 1, Comment 2.

6.2.2 Single test screen during test

End single t est Testing procedure (during the test) Observe t he displayed result s and st at uses Check f or event ual messages, warnings

MI 3115 PV Analyser
6.2.3 Single test result screen

Single tests

Start test Save

St art a new single t est Save t he result

A new measurement was started f rom a Structure object in t he st ruct ure t ree A new measurement was started f rom the Single test main menu
An empty measurement was selected in Memory Organizer and started

The measurement will be saved under t he select ed St ruct ure object
Saving under t he last select ed St ruct ure object will be of f ered by def ault . The user can select anot her St ruct ure object or creat e a new St ruct ure object . By pressing t he Save key in Memory organizer menu t he measurement is saved under select ed locat ion.
The result (s) will be added t o t he measurement . The measurement will

An already carried out measurement was selected in Memory Organizer, viewed and t hen rest art ed

A new measurement will be saved under t he select ed St ruct ure object .

Prev Next Plot edit Com m ent

Previous screen Next screen Edit ing graphs Add comm ent t o t he measurement


MI 3115 PV Analyser
6.2.4 Editing graphs

Single tests

Options f or editing graphs (start screen or af ter measurement is f inished)

Plot edit y-range Up y-range Down Prev Next

Open cont rol panel f or edit ing graphs Increase scale f act or f or y-axis Decrease scale f act or f or y-axis Move cursor lef t on x-axis Move cursor right on x-axis

Visual inspect ions are a special t ype of single t est s. It ems t o be visually checked are displayed. Appropriat e st at uses can be applied.


Select ed inspect ion name


MI 3115 PV Analyser


Overall st at us


Opt ions


St at us f ields


Child it ems


It em

6.3.1Single test (inspection) start screen

Single tests

Start test Help

St art t he inspect ion View help screens

6.3.2 Single test (Inspection) screen during test

Header line (name of inspection), apply Pass or Fail or Checked or Clear
Select group of items, apply Pass or Fail or Checked or Clear
Select items, apply Pass or Fail or Checked or Clear

Apply or clear t he overall st at us t o complet e inspect ion Apply or clear t he st at us of group of it ems
Apply or clear t he st at us of an individual it em


MI 3115 PV Analyser


Single tests

Tap on or use

key t o set st at us.

Rules for automatic applying of statuses

The parent it ems will aut omat ically


get a st at us on base of st at uses in

child it ems



The f ail st at us has highest priorit y. A f ail st at us f or any it em will result in a f ail st at us in all parent it ems and an overall f ail result . If t here is no f ail st at us in child it ems t he parent it em will get a st at us only if all child it ems have a st at us. Pass st at us has priorit y over checked st at us.

The child it ems will aut omat ically get a st at us on base of st at us in t he parent it em

All child it ems will get t he same st at us as applied t o t he parent it em

N ot e
· Inspect ions and even inspect ion it ems inside one inspect ion can have dif f erent · Only inspect ions wit h an overall st at us can be saved.
6.3.3 Single test (Inspection) result screen

Start test Save results Com m ent Help
A new inspection was started from a Structure object in t he st ruct ure t ree A new inspection was started from the Single test main menu

St art a new inspect ion Save t he result Add comm ent t o t he inspect ion View help screens
The inspect ion will be saved under t he select ed St ruct ure object . Saving under t he last select ed St ruct ure object will be of f ered by def ault . The user


MI 3115 PV Analyser
An empty inspection was selected in Memory Organizer and started An already carried out inspection was selected from Memory Organizer, viewed and t hen rest art ed

Single tests
can select anot her St ruct ure object or creat e a new St ruct ure object . By pressing t he Save key in Memory organizer menu t he inspect ion is saved under select ed locat ion. The result (s) will be added t o t he inspect ion. The inspect ion will change it s st at us f rom
A new inspect ion will be saved under t he select ed St ruct ure object .

6.3.4 Help screens
Help screens cont ain diagrams f or proper connect ion of t he inst rument .

Help on ,

Open help screen Go t o ot her help screens

Environment al dat a are measured wit h t he A 1785 PV Remot e WL wit h sensors mount ed on t he PV modules. The inst rument is usually in anot her locat ion (at t he invert er, combiner box). For get t ing STC result s, t he environment al dat a f rom t he PV remot e WL and measurement s on t he inst rument must be combined. Dat e & t ime synchronizat ion bet ween t he inst rument and A 1785 – PV Remot e WL is aut omat ic, during Wi-Fi connect ion and when t he inst rument is swit ched on. For t his purpose, t he inst rument and t he PV Remot e WL shall be wirelessly connect ed.
The best working pract ice is t o est ablish a permanent on-line wireless connect ion bet ween t he A 1785 PV remot e WL and t he inst rument during t he t est s.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Single tests

If the wireless connection is established between the PV remote W L and the instrument during the PV test t he environment al dat a f rom t he remot e unit will be aut omat ically sent t o t he inst rument and considered in t he t est . See On-line synchronization of environmental data between PV Remote W L and inst rum ent .

If t here is no wireless connection with the PV remote W L during the PV test, it is possible t o log t he environment al dat a wit h t he A 1785 PV Remot e WL and synchronize t he environment al dat a lat er. For t he measurement on t he inst rument , m anually ent ered environment al dat a will be considered, if dat a f rom PV Remot e WL is not available. The measured environment al dat a wit h PV Remot e WL, can be downloaded t o t he inst rument and synchronized wit h select ed saved measurement s anyt ime lat er. See Synchronization of environmental data between PV Remote W L and instrument aft er the test .

6.4.1 On-line synchronization of environmental data between PV Remote W L and instrument
Following dat a measured wit h PV remot e will be aut omat ically synchronized during t he measurement on t he inst rument :

Irr Tcell Tcell (5 min) Tcell (10 min) Tcell (15 min) Tamb

Irradiance at t ime of measurement PV cell t emperat ure at t ime of measurement PV cell t emperat ure 5 min bef ore t est PV cell t emperat ure 10 min bef ore t est PV cell t emperat ure 15 min bef ore t est Ambient t emperat ure at t ime of measurement

N ot e
· Only environment al dat a available at a t ime of measurement are sent t o inst rument . Dat a like Tcell (5 min), Tcell (10 min) and Tcell (15 min) are available af t er specif ic t ime af t er st art logging.
Procedure In single t est st art ing menu swit ch Environment al dat a paramet er t o Remot e. Bef ore t he t est , check t hat Wi-Fi connect ion bet ween PV remot e WL and inst rument is est ablished. PV remot e WL must be logging environment al dat a. For more inf ormat ion see PV Remot e WL Inst ruct ion manual. Af t er t he t est , check t he result s on t he inst rument .


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Single tests

6.4.2Synchronization of environmental data between PV Remote W L and instrument after the test
Following dat a are logged wit h PV remot e WL and can be synchronized wit h t he inst rument lat er:

Irr Tcell Tcell (5 min) Tcell (10 min) Tcell (15min) Tamb

Irradiance at t ime of measurement PV cell t emperat ure at t ime of measurement PV cell t emperat ure 5 min bef ore t est PV cell t emperat ure 10 min bef ore t est PV cell t emperat ure 15 min bef ore t est Ambient t emperat ure at t ime of measurement

Procedure In single t est st art ing menu swit ch Environment al dat a paramet er t o Manual.
Assure t hat PV Remot e WL is logging environment al dat a.
Af t er t he f inished and saved measurement s, est ablish Wi-Fi connect ion bet ween PV Remot e WL and inst rument .
In Memory Organizer, select act ual Workspace or st ruct ure element and select Synchronize.
All PV m easurement s
· in select ed workspace or select ed st ruct ure element , including sub-st ruct ures, · wit h no or manually ent ered environment al dat a,
will be updat ed.
Environment al dat a paramet er of synchronized measurement s will change f rom Manual t o Remot e.
Af t er dat a is synchronized, conf irmat ion wit h number of updat ed measurement s is displayed.

N ot es


correct Dat e & t ime synchronizat ion bet ween

PV remot e WL and t he inst rument . Dat e & t ime is aut omat ically synchronized at

each successf ul Wi-Fi connect ion. However, it is recomm ended t o regularly check

t he Dat e & t ime on PV Remot e WL.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Single tests

· If PV Remot e WL t ime is ahead of t he
· Once a PV measurement was updat ed wit h valid dat a f rom t he PV Remot e WL,
f urt her updat es are not possible.

· It is recommended t o perf orm aut omat ic Dat e & t ime synchronizat ion bef ore st art logging environment al dat a on PV solar f ield. To aut omat ically perf orm Dat e & t ime synchronizat ion, place inst rument and PV Remot e unit close t o each ot her and swit ch t hem bot h on.

6.4.3Manual entry of environmental data
Following dat a can be ent ered manually bef ore t he t est :

Irr Tcell Tamb

Irradiance [Cust om, 800 W/ m 2] PV cell t emperat ure [Cust om, 45.0 °C] Ambient t emperat ure [Cust om, 25.0 °C]

Procedure In single t est st art ing menu swit ch Environment al dat a paramet er t o Manual. Select / ent er environment al dat a.

The manually ent ered environment al dat a will be used f or calculat ion of STCresult s unt il t hey are updat ed (synchronized) wit h measured dat a f rom PV Remot e WL.
Indication of manually entered environmental data
Paramet er Environment al dat a indicat es t he way how environment al dat a were ent ered f or select ed measurement . Once t he st ored m easurement s f rom select ed workspace are synchronized/ updat ed wit h dat a f rom A 1785 – PV Remot e WL, paramet er Environment al dat a is changed f rom Manual t o Remot e.

MI 3115 PV Analyser
6.5.1Visual inspection
Test results / sub-result s
Test circuit

N ot e

Single tests

Pass, Fail, Checked

6.5.2 R low, 200 mA resistance measurement

Test results / sub-result s R

Resist ance


Result at posit ive t est polarit y


Result at negat ive t est polarit y

Test parameters Comment 1 Comment 2

User comment User comment

Test limits Limit (R)

Limit (R) [Of f , Cust om, 0.05 20.0 ]

Additional options Calibrat e

Calibrat e see Compensat ion of test leads.


MI 3115 PV Analyser Test circuits

Single tests

6.5.3 Compensation of test leads
· Resist ance of t est lead(s) and cables can be compensat ed. Compensat ion is possible in R low f unct ion.
Connection f or compensating the resistance of test leads

Procedure for compensation of test leads Select single t est and it s paramet ers. Connect t est leads in short -circuit t o P/ S and PE banana socket s. Calibrate: Compensat e t est lead resist ance

Sym bol

is displayed and a short beep sounds, if t he compensat ion was carried out

successf ully.

6.5.4 Insulation resistance (Roc+, Roc-, Roc)

Test results / sub-result s Roc+

Insulat ion resist ance bet ween DC+ and PE


Insulat ion resist ance bet ween DC- and PE


Calculat ed insulat ion resist ance


MI 3115 PV Analyser
Um Uoc_m
Test parameters Nominal test voltage Type of test Durat ion
Test limits Limit (Roc+) Limit (Roc-) Limit (Roc)
Test circuits

Test volt age Measured open-circuit volt age

Single tests

Uiso [250 V, 500 V, 1000 V, 1500 V] Type Riso [Roc+, Roc-, Roc] Durat ion [Of f , 5 60 s]

Low limit (Roc+) [Of f , Cust om, 10 k 100 M] Low limit (Roc-) [Of f , Cust om, 10 k 100 M] Low limit (Roc) [Of f , Cust om, 10 k 100 M]

6.5.5 Uoc/ Isc
Test results / sub-result s Uoc_m Isc_m Uoc Isc Uoc_n Isc_n
Uoc Isc
Irr Tcell

Measured open-circuit volt age Measured short -circuit current Open-circuit volt age (STC) Short -circuit current (STC) Open-circuit volt age (nominal) Short -circuit current (nominal) Relat ive change of Uoc Relat ive change of Isc Irradiance at t ime of measurement or manual ent ry PV cell t emperat ure at t ime of measurement or manual ent ry


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Single tests

Tcell (5 min) Tcell (10 min) Tcell (15min) Tamb

PV cell t emperat ure 5 min bef ore t est PV cell t emperat ure 10 min bef ore t est PV cell t emperat ure 15 min bef ore t est Ambient t emperat ure at t ime of measurement or manual ent ry

Test parameters
Number of modules in PV st ring

Number of PV modules in series [Cust om, 1 50]

Number of PV strings

Number of PV modules / st rings in parallel [Cust om, 1 4]


PV m odule name Paramet ers Manuf act urer, Pmax, Umpp, Impp, Uoc, Isc, NOCT, alpha, bet a, gam ma, Rs are visible. For more inf ormat ion see PV module configurat ion.

Irr min

Minimal valid solar irradiance f or calculat ion [Cust om, 500

W/ m2

W/ m 2]

Environmental data

Environment al dat a mode [Remot e, Manual]


Irradiance [Cust om, 800 W/ m 2]


PV cell t emperat ure [Cust om, 45.0 °C]

Tam b1)

Ambient t emperat ure [Cust om, 25.0 °C]

Tcell correction

Correct ion of measured cell t emperat ure t o compensat e f or t he dif f erence bet ween t he act ual cell t emperat ure and t he measured t emperat ure. [Of f , 1°C 5 °C]. According t o t he EN 61829 st andard t he dif f erence is t ypically 2 °C.

Uoc warning

Limit f or t he improper Uoc warning [Of f , 5 % 50 %]

  1. User set t able when Environment al dat a = [Manual].

Test limits
Uoc limit (Uoc) Isc limit (Isc)

High limit (Uoc) [Of f , Cust om, 5 % 50 %] High limit (Isc) [Of f , Cust om, 5 % 50 %]

Test circuit


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Single tests

6.5.6 I/ U curve
Test results / sub-result s Uoc_m Isc_m Umpp_m Impp_m Pmpp_m Uoc Isc Umpp Impp Pmpp Uoc_n Isc_n Umpp_n Impp_n Pmpp_n Irr Tcell
Tcell (5 min) Tcell (10 min) Tcell (15min) Tamb

Measured open-circuit volt age Measured short -circuit current Measured volt age (MPP) Measured current (MPP) Measured maximum power point Open-circuit volt age (STC) Short -circuit current (STC) Volt age (MPP, STC) Current (MPP, STC) Maximum power point (STC) Open-circuit volt age (nominal) Short -circuit current (nominal) Volt age (MPP, nominal) Current (MPP, nominal) Maximum power point (nominal) Irradiance at t ime of measurement or manual ent ry PV cell t emperat ure at t ime of measurement or manual ent ry PV cell t emperat ure 5 min bef ore t est PV cell t emperat ure 10 min bef ore t est PV cell t emperat ure 15 min bef ore t est Ambient t emperat ure at t ime of measurement or manual ent ry Relat ive change of Uoc


MI 3115 PV Analyser
Isc Umpp Impp Pmpp FF_m

Relat ive change of Isc Relat ive change of Umpp Relat ive change of Impp Relat ive change of Pmpp Measured f ill f act or Fill f act or (nominal)

Single tests

Graphs I/ U (measured) P/ U (measured) I/ U (STC) P/ U (STC) I/ U (nom) P/ U (nom)

Measured I/ U curve Measured P/ U curve I/ U curve (STC) P/ U curve (STC) I/ U curve (nominal) P/ U curve (nominal)

Test parameters
Number of modules in PV st ring

Number of PV modules in series [Cust om, 1 50]

Number of PV strings

Number of PV modules / st rings in parallel [Cust om, 1 4]


PV m odule name. Paramet ers: Manuf act urer, Pmax, Umpp, Impp, Uoc, Isc, NOCT, alpha, bet a, gam ma, Rs are visible. For more inf ormat ion see PV module configurat ion.

Irr min

Minimal valid solar irradiance f or calculat ion [Cust om, 500 W/ m 2 1000 W/ m 2]

Environmental data

Environment al dat a mode [Remot e, Manual]


Irradiance [Cust om, 800 W/ m 2]


PV cell t emperat ure [Cust om, 45.0 °C]

Tam b1)

Ambient t emperat ure [Cust om, 25.0 °C]

Tcell correction

Correct ion of measured cell t emperat ure t o compensat e f or t he dif f erence bet ween t he act ual cell t emperat ure and t he measured t emperat ure. [Of f , 0 °C 5 °C]. According t o t he EN 61829 st andard t he dif f erence is t ypically 2 °C.

Uoc warning

Limit f or t he improper Uoc warning [Of f , 5 % 50 %]

  1. User set t able when Environment al dat a = [Manual].


MI 3115 PV Analyser
Test limit
Pmpp limit (Pmpp)
Test circuit

Single tests
High limit (Pmpp) [Of f , Cust om, 5 % 50 %]

6.5.7 Automatic measurement IEC 62446 Autotest

Test results / sub-result s Roc+

Insulat ion resist ance bet ween DC+ and PE


Insulat ion resist ance bet ween DC- and PE


Calculat ed insulat ion resist ance


Test volt ages


Measured open-circuit volt age


Measured short -circuit current


Open-circuit volt age calculat ed t o STC values


Short -circuit current calculat ed t o STC values


Relat ive change of Uoc


Relat ive change of Isc


Irradiance at t ime of measurement or manual ent ry


PV cell t emperat ure at t ime of measurement or manual ent ry

Tcell (5 min)

PV cell t emperat ure 5 min bef ore t est

Tcell (10 min)

PV cell t emperat ure 10 min bef ore t est

Tcell (15min)

PV cell t emperat ure 15 min bef ore t est


Ambient t emperat ure at t ime of measurement or manual ent ry

Test parameters Uiso

Nominal t est volt age [250 V, 500 V, 1000 V, 1500 V]


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Single tests

Durat ion

Durat ion [5 s 60 s]

Number of modules in PV st ring

Number of PV modules in series [Cust om, 1 50]

Number of PV strings

Number of PV modules / st rings in parallel [Cust om, 1 4]


PV m odule name Paramet ers: Manuf act urer, Pmax, Umpp, Impp, Uoc, Isc, NOCT, alpha, bet a, gam ma, Rs are visible. For more inf ormat ion see PV module configurat ion.

Irr. min

Minimal valid solar irradiance f or calculat ion [Cust om, 500 W/ m 2 1000 W/ m 2]

Environmental data

Environment al dat a mode [Remot e, Manual]


Irradiance [Cust om, 800 W/ m 2]


PV cell t emperat ure [Cust om, 45.0 °C]

Tam b1)

Ambient t emperat ure [Cust om, 25.0 °C]

Tcell correction

Correct ion of measured cell t emperat ure t o compensat e f or t he dif f erence bet ween t he act ual cell t emperat ure and t he measured t emperat ure. [Of f , 1°C 5 °C]. According t o t he EN 61829 st andard t he dif f erence is t ypically 2 °C.

Uoc warning

Limit f or t he improper Uoc warning [Of f , 5 % 50 %]

  1. User set t able when Environment al dat a=[Manual].

Test limits Limit (Roc)

limit (


limit ( )

Low limit (Roc) [Of f , Cust om, 10 k 100 M]

Test circuit

6.5.8 Environment
Test results / sub-result s

MI 3115 PV Analyser
Irr Tcell Tamb Tcell (5 min) Tcell (10 min) Tcell (15 min)
Test circuit

Single tests
Irradiance at t ime of measurement PV cell t emperat ure at t ime of measurement Ambient t emperat ure at t ime of measurement PV cell t emperat ure 5 min bef ore t est PV cell t emperat ure 10 min bef ore t est PV cell t emperat ure 15 min bef ore t est


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Auto Sequences®

7 Auto Sequences®
Aut o Sequences® are pre-programmed sequences of measurement s. The Aut o Sequences can be pre-programmed on PC wit h t he Met rel ES Manager sof t ware and uploaded t o t he inst rument . On t he inst rument , paramet ers and limit s of individual single t est in t he Aut o Sequence can be changed / set .

Selecting an Auto Sequence list in Auto Sequence groups menu

Go to Auto Sequence®groups menu

Header line (Auto Sequence list), Auto Seq. groups

Searching of Auto Sequences Search for Auto Sequence
Clear filters

Header line (Auto Sequence list), Search, set f ilt ers (Name or Short code)
Clear filters

Operations on f ound Auto Sequences Page x/ y, Next Page, Previous Page Go to location Start Test View

To jump Page Up/ Down Go t o locat ion in Aut o Sequences®menu St art Aut o Sequence View Aut o Sequence


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Auto Sequences®

7.1.1 Organization of Auto Sequences®in Auto Sequences®menu
The Aut o Sequence®menu can be organized in a st ruct ural manner wit h f olders, sub-f olders and Aut o Sequences. Aut o Sequence in t he st ruct ure can be t he original Aut o Sequence or a short cut t o t he original Aut o Sequence.

Originals and shortcuts Aut o Sequences marked as short cut s and t he original Aut o Sequences are coupled. Changing of paramet ers or limit s in any of t he coupled Aut o Sequences will inf luence on t he original Aut o Sequence and all it s short cut s.

The original Aut o Sequence®.

A short cut t o t he original Aut o Sequence®.

Start Test View

St art of Aut o Sequence Det ailed view of Aut o Sequence

Carrying out Auto Sequences step by step Bef ore st art ing, t he Aut o Sequence view menu is shown, (unless it was st art ed direct ly f rom t he Main Aut o Sequences® menu). Bef ore t he t est , paramet ers and limit s of individual measurement s can be edit ed.
During t he execut ion phase of an Aut o Sequence, pre-programmed single t est s are carried out . The sequence of single t est s is cont rolled by pre- programmed f low comm ands.
Af t er t he t est sequence is f inished t he Aut o Sequence result menu is shown. Det ails of individual t est s can be viewed and t he result s can be saved t o Memory organizer.


MI 3115 PV Analyser
7.2.1Auto Sequence®view menu

Auto Sequences®

Header is selected 1 2 3 4 5
Start Test

Aut o Sequence name Descript ion Opt ions Single t est s Header
St art of Aut o Sequence

Single test is selected 1 2 3 4 5 6
Param et ers Start Test Help

Aut o Sequence name Paramet ers / limit s of select ed single t est Mult iple point s select ed Opt ions Single t est s Header
View/ edit paramet ers St art of Aut o Sequence® View help screens

MI 3115 PV Analyser

Auto Sequences®

Enable mult iple point s t est ing: set multiple points, see Managing multiple point s.

7.2.2 Indication of Loops

programmed. This means t hat t he marked single t est will be carried out as many t imes as t he individual measurement .
7.2.3 Managing multiple points
If t he device under t est has more t han one t est point f or an individual single t est and t he select ed Aut o Sequence predict s only one t est point (one single t est ) it is possible t o change t he Aut o Sequence appropriat ely. Single t est s wit h enabled Mult iple point s t icker will be execut ed in a cont inuous loop. It is possible t o exit t he loop anyt ime at t he end of each individual measurement . The Mult iple point s set t ing is valid only f or t he act ual Aut o Sequence. If t he user of t en t est s appliances wit h more t han one t est point s it is recommended t o program a special Aut o Sequence wit h pre-programmed loops.
Enable mult iple point s is t ypically used: · If t est ing eart hing connect ions and t he DUT has more t han one eart hed conduct ive part s.
7.2.4 Step by step execution of Auto Sequences
While t he Aut o Sequence is running, it is cont rolled by pre-programmed f low comm ands. Examples of actions controlled by f low commands Pauses during t he Aut o Sequence (t ext s, warnings, pict ures) Buzzer Pass / Fail sound af t er t he t est s Expert mode f or Inspect ions Skip non-saf et y not if icat ions

MI 3115 PV Analyser

Auto Sequences®

For t he act ual list and descript ion of f low commands see Met rel ES Manager Sof t ware help f ile.

The of f ered options in the control panel depend on the selected single test, its result and the programmed test flow.


Proceeds t o t he next st ep in t he t est sequence.


Repeat t he measurement .

End loop

Exit t he loop of single t est s and proceeds t o t he next st ep.


End t he Aut o Sequence®and go t o result screen.

Param et ers

View paramet ers/ limit s of single t est .

Com m ent

Add comm ent

7.2.5 Auto Sequence result screen
Af t er t he Aut o Sequence is f inished t he result screen is displayed. At t he lef t side of t he display t he single t est s and t heir st at uses in t he Aut o Sequence are shown. In t he middle of t he display t he header of t he Aut o Sequence wit h Short code and descript ion of t he Aut o Sequence is displayed. At t he t op t he overall Aut o Sequence result st at us is displayed. For more inf ormat ion see Measurement statuses.


Aut o Sequence name


Overall st at us


Opt ions


MI 3115 PV Analyser
4 5 6

Descript ion St at us of single t est Single t est s

Auto Sequences®

Start Test View Com m ent Tap on Single test
Save results A new Auto Sequence was selected and started from a Structure object in t he st ruct ure t ree A new Auto Sequence was started from the Auto Sequence main menu
An empty measurement was selected in structure tree and st art ed An already carried out Auto Sequence was selected in structure tree, viewed and then restarted

St art a new Aut o Sequence View result s of individual measurement s. Add comm ent t o Aut o Sequence Viewing det ails of individual single t est s, add comm ent on individual single t est Save t he Aut o Sequence result s The Aut o Sequence result will be saved under t he select ed St ruct ure object
Saving under t he last select ed St ruct ure object will be of f ered by def ault . The user can select anot her St ruct ure object or creat e a new St ruct ure object . By pressing Save in Memory organizer menu t he Aut o Sequence result is saved under select ed locat ion. The result (s) will be added t o t he Aut o Sequence. The Aut o Sequence will change it s overall st at us f rom
A new Aut o Sequence result will be saved under t he select ed St ruct ure object .


MI 3115 PV Analyser

M aint enance


It is essent ial t hat all measuring inst rument s are regularly calibrat ed in order f or t he t echnical specif icat ion list ed in t his manual t o be guarant eed. We recomm end an annual calibrat ion.
For repairs under or out of warrant y please cont act your dist ribut or f or f urt her inf ormat ion. Unaut horized person is not allowed t o open t he inst rument . There are no user replaceable part s (including f uses) inside t he inst rument .
Use a sof t , slight ly moist ened clot h wit h soap wat er or alcohol t o clean t he surf ace of t he inst rument . Leave t he inst rument t o dry t ot ally bef ore using it .
· Do not use liquids based on petrol or hydrocarbons! · Do not spill cleaning liquid over the instrument!


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Com m unicat ions


The inst rument can comm unicat e wit h t he Met rel ES Manager PC sof t ware. The f ollowing act ions are support ed:
· Saved result s and Tree st ruct ure f rom Memory organizer can be downloaded and
st ored t o a PCor android device.
· Tree st ruct ure f rom Met rel ES Manager PC sof t ware can be uploaded t o t he
inst rument .
· PV module list f rom Met rel ES Manager PC sof t ware can be uploaded t o t he
inst rument .
· Cust om Aut o Sequences® can be uploaded t o t he inst rument or downloaded and
st ored t o a PC.
There are t hree comm unicat ion int erf aces available on t he inst rument : RS232, USB and Bluet oot h. Inst rument can also communicat e t o A 1785 – PV Remot e WL. Only Wi-Fi comm unicat ion is support ed bet ween t he inst rument and PV Remot e WL.

The inst rument aut omat ically select s t he comm unicat ion mode according t o det ect ed int erf ace. USB int erf ace has priorit y.
How to establish an USB or RS-232 link: · RS-232 comm unicat ion: connect a PCCOM port t o t he inst rument RS232 connect or using t he RS232 serial comm unicat ion cable. · USB comm unicat ion: connect a PC USB port t o t he inst rument USB connect or using t he USB int erf ace cable. · Swit ch on t he PC and t he inst rument . · Run t he Met rel ES Manager sof t ware. · Select comm unicat ion port (COM port f or USB comm unicat ion is ident if ied as
· The inst rument is prepared t o comm unicat e wit h t he PC.

Inst rument communicat es t o A 1785 PV remot e WL using Wi-Fi comm unicat ion. To est ablish Wi-Fi comm unicat ion wit h PV Remot e WL make sure t hat Wi-Fi comm unicat ion port is enabled on PV Remot e WL. Ref er t o A 1785 PV Remot e WL Inst ruct ion manual f or det ailed inf ormat ion.
Bef ore st art logging environment al dat a perf orm Dat e & t ime synchronizat ion bet ween devices as f ollows:


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Com m unicat ions

Place inst rument and PV Remot e WL close t o each ot her. Swit ch on bot h, t he inst rument and PV Remot e WL t o synchronize t ime. Dat e & t ime synchronizat ion occurs aut omat ically every t ime when inst rument and PV Remot e WL are swit ched on. If Remot e t ime is ahead of t he inst rument s t ime, warning message is displayed.


· It is recommended to verif y Date & time synchronization bef ore start logging environmental data on PV solar field.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Technical specifications

10 Technical specifications

10 .1

10 .1.1

R ISO PV Insulation resistance


Nominal d.c. t est volt ages UISO ………….250 V, 500 V, 1000 V, 1500 V Open- circuit volt age ………………………..-0 % / +20 % of nominal volt age
Measuring current …………………………..min 1mA at nominal resist ance R = UISO 1k/ V
Short -circuit current ………………………..max. 3 mA The number of possible t est s ……………> 700, wit h a new f ully charged bat t ery pack at 1500
V / 1.5 M Aut o discharge af t er t est .

Specif ied accuracy is valid up t o 100 M if relat ive humidit y is over 85 %.
In case t he inst rument get s moist ened, t he result s could be impaired. In such case, it is recomm ended t o dry t he inst rument and accessories f or at least 24 hours. The error in operat ing condit ions could be at most t he error f or ref erence condit ions (specif ied
in t he manual f or each f unct ion) 5 % of measured value.

Insulation resistance – ROC+, ROC-

Nominal t est volt age: 250 V d.c.
Measuring range according t o EN 61557: 0.12 M 199.9 M

Range (M)

Resolution (M)





0.01 0.1

±(5 % of reading + 3 digit s) ±10 % of reading

Nominal t est volt ages: 500 V d.c., 1000 V d.c. and 1500 V d.c.

Measuring range according t o EN 61557: 0.12 M


Range (M)

Resolution (M)


Roc+ Roc-

199.9 200 999

0.01 0.1 1

±(5 % of reading + 3 digit s) ±5 % of reading ±5 % of reading

Insulation resistance – ROC
Nominal t est volt ages: 250 V d.c.
Range (M)
Roc 199.9

Resolution (M)
0.01 0.1

Accuracy Calculat ed value


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Technical specifications

Nominal t est volt ages: 500 V d.c., 1000 V d.c. and 1500 V d.c.

Range (M)

Resolution (M)





200 999


Accuracy Calculat ed value

Volt age

Range (V) 1750

Resolution (V) 1

Accuracy ±(3 % of reading + 3 digit s)

10 .1.2

R low – 200 mA resistance measurement


Open-circuit volt age ………………………..

20 V d.c.

Measuring current …………………………..min. 200 mA at resist ance R = 2

Test lead compensat ion …………………..up t o 5

The number of possible t est s ……………> 800, wit h a new f ully charged bat t ery pack at 200

mA / 0.1

Aut omat ic polarit y reversal of t he t est volt age.

R low

Measuring range according t o EN 61557: 0.12

Range ()

Resolution ()





200 1999

0.01 0.1 1

Accuracy ±(3 % of reading + 3 digit s) ±5 % of reading ±10 % of reading

10 .1.3

I/ U curve tracking


Syst em volt age ……………………………….. Maximum current ……………………………..20 A Maximum power of PV st ring ……………..24 kW Connect ion ………………………………………st andard 4 mm METREL saf et y banana jacks I-U curve t racking point s ……………………min. 512 point s (t ime equidist ant ) Sampling rat e…………………………………..

Accuracy of STC values is based on accuracy of measured elect rical quant it ies, accuracy of environment al paramet ers, and ent ered paramet ers of PV module. See Appendix D – PV measurements – calculated values f or more inf ormat ion about calculat ion of STC values.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Technical specifications

DC volt age
Uoc_m Um pp_m

Range (V) 20.0 199.9 200

Resolution (V) 0.1 1

Accuracy ±(1% of reading + 2 digit s) ±1% of reading

DC current

Range (A)

Resolution (A)


Isc_m Im pp_m

0.1 1.0 10.00

0.99 9.99 19.99

0.01 0.01 0.01

±6 digit s ±(1% of reading + 3 digit s) ±1% of reading

The error in operat ing condit ions could be at most t he error f or ref erence condit ions ±2 % of measured value.

DC power Pm pp_m

Range (W )

0.2 99.9

200 1999

2.00 k 19.99 k



Resolution (W ) 0.1 1
0 .0 1 k 0 .1 k

Accuracy ±(2 % of reading + 5 digit s) ±2 % of reading ±2 % of reading ±2 % of reading

10 .1.4

Uoc/ Isc measurements


Syst em volt age ……………………………….. Maximum current ……………………………..20 A Maximum power of PV st ring ……………..24 kW Connect ion ………………………………………st andard 4 mm METREL saf et y banana jacks

Accuracy of STC values is based on accuracy of measured elect rical quant it ies, accuracy of environment al paramet ers, and ent ered param et ers of PV module. See Appendix D – PV measurements – calculated values f or more inf ormat ion about calculat ion of STC values.

DC volt age Uoc_m

Range (V) 20.0 199.9 200 1999

Resolution (V) 0.1 1

Accuracy ±(1% of reading + 2 digit s) ±1% of reading


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Technical specifications

DC current

Range (A)

Resolution (A)


0.1 0.99


±6 digit s


1.0 9.99


±(1% of reading + 3 digit s)

10.00 19.99


±1% of reading

The error in operat ing condit ions could be at most t he error f or ref erence condit ions ±2 % of measured value.

10 .1.5

Environmental parameters

Environment al paramet ers are perf ormed in combinat ion wit h an ext ernal remot e adapt er/ inst rument . For t echnical specif icat ion ref er t o A 1785 PV Remot e WL Inst ruct ion manual.

10 .2

Power supply and charging

Bat t ery power supply ………………………Li-Ion, 14.4 V, 4400mAh, non-removable

Bat t ery charging t ime………………………t ypical 4.5 h (deep discharge)

Mains power supply……………………….. 100 V 240 V, 50

60 Hz, 100 W

Aut o-of f t imer………………………………..10 min (idle st at e)

Protection classifications
Overvolt age cat egory……………………… CAT II / 300V Prot ect ion classif icat ion …………………. Reinf orced insulat ion Pollut ion degree ……………………………. 2 Degree of prot ect ion………………………..IP 54 (cover closed)
IP 40 (cover opened) Alt it ude…………………………………………up t o 4000 m
Measuring categories
Test socket s ………………………………… cat egory, no overvolt age
Display…………………………………………..Colour TFT display, 4.3 , 480 x 272 pixels Touch screen ………………………………… Capacit ive
Mem ory card slot …………………………… microSD card, up t o 512 GB
Connect ivit y


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Technical specifications

RS232 ……………………………………………1port , DB9 f emale USB ………………………………………………USB 2.0, st andard Type-B Bluet oot h ………………………………………v4.2 BR/ EDR and BLE specif icat ion Wi-Fi ……………………………………………. 802.11 b/ g/ n (802.11n up t o 150 Mbps) (Only f or
comm unicat ion wit h A 1785 – PV Remot e WL)

Emission ……………………………………… Class B (Group 1) Imm unit y……………………………………… Indust rial environment

Environmental conditions
Reference conditions Ref erence t emperat ure range …………..10 ° Ref erence humidit y range ………………..40

0 °C 70 % RH

Operation conditions Operat ion …………………………………….. Out door use Working t emperat ure range ……………. 0 ° 50 °C Maximum relat ive humidit y ……………. 85 % RH (0 °

°C), non-condensing

Storage conditions Temperat ure range: ……………………….. -10 ° 70 °C Maximum relat ive humidit y: …………….90 % RH (-10 ° 80 % RH (40 °

°C) °C)

General Case ……………………………………………. Shock proof plast ic / port able
Dimensions (w×h×d)………………………..42 cm 18 cm 33 cm
Weight ………………………………………….6.8 kg

Accuracies apply f or 1year in ref erence condit ions. The error in operat ing condit ions could be at most t he error f or ref erence condit ions (specif ied in t his user manual f or each f unct ion) ±1% of measured value, unless ot herwise specif ied in t his user manual f or part icular result .


MI 3115 PV Analyser


A – Remote operation

11 Appendix A – Remote operation

Dif f erent possibilit ies of remot e operat ion of t he inst rument are support ed.


The Met rel ES Manager

SW applicat ion f or Windows. Among a plent y of f eat ures

it enables also a complet e cont rol over t he inst rument .

For more inf ormat ion ref er t o Met rel ES Manager Sof t ware help f ile.


The Black Box prot ocol is used f or cont rolling t he inst rument wit h Terminal program / applicat ion. Comm unicat ion via: USB and RS232 is possible. The Black Box prot ocol is a syst em of rules t hat allows a PC as a mast er t o st art comm unicat ion by sending t he request comm and t o t he inst rument , which answers according t o t he prot ocol. For more inf ormat ion cont act Met rel or dist ribut or.


SDK is a powerf ul int erf ace f or dat a comm unicat ion wit h Met rel t est inst rument s. The SDK it self is a set of subrout ine def init ions, prot ocols, and t ools f or building applicat ion sof t ware. It is int ended f or t hose who want t o develop sof t ware using .NET plat f orm and need t o int erf ace wit h Met rel inst rument s. The Met rel Inst rument Communicat ion SDK bundles client libraries f or accessing Met rel inst rument s and provides a unif ied programming int erf ace using C# programm ing language. The SDK includes a set of API calls which makes comm unicat ion wit h Met rel inst rument s simple f or t he user. For more inf ormat ion cont act Met rel or dist ribut or.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Appendix B – St ruct ure object s

12 Appendix B – Structure objects


Default name Node


Invert er

Combiner box

St ring


Descript ion Node Object PV invert er PV Combiner box PV st ring PV m odule


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Appendix C – Profile Not es

13 Appendix C – Profile Notes
So f ar t here are no specif ic prof ile not es f or t his inst rument .


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Appendix D – PV measurements – calculat ed values

14 Appendix D – PV measurements – calculated values

Calculation to STC

Measured volt age and current are calculat ed t o STC as f ollows:





( – _










Equat ion symbol
, ,

I nst rum ent abbreviat ion Isc Uoc I_m Isc_m U_m Uoc_m Irr Tcell + Tcell correction –


alpha alpha/ Isc_n bet a Rs,nom Rs

Number of modules in PV string

Number of PV strings

Descript ion
Short -circuit current calculat ed t o STC values Open-circuit volt age calculat ed t o STC values Measured current Measured short -circuit current Measured volt age Measured open-circuit volt age Irradiance at t ime of measurement Irradiance at STC value (1000 W/ m 2) Temperat ure at STC value (25 °C) Temperat ure at t ime of measurement , including Tcell correct ion (if applicable) Irradiance correct ion f act or (t ypical 0.06) Temperat ure coef f icient of Isc (A/ °C) Relat ive t emperat ure coef f icient of Isc (1/ °C) Temperat ure coef f icient of Uoc (V/ °C) Serial resist ance of PV module Serial resist ance of st ring Number of PV modules in series Number of PV modules / st rings in parallel


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Appendix D – PV measurements – calculat ed values

= , ,

Equat ion symbol ,

I nst rum ent abbreviat ion Umpp (STC)
Impp (STC)
Pmpp (STC)

Descript ion
Maximum power point volt age calculat ed t o STC values Maximum power point current calculat ed t o STC values Maximum power calculat ed t o STCvalues

Relat ive errors are calculat ed as f ollows:

Equat ion symbol
, , , , ,

= (-) 100% = (, -,,) 100%

= (,-,,) 100%

= (,-,,) 100%

= (,-,,) 100%


, ,

, ,



, ,

, ,


I nst rum ent abbreviat ion Uoc (NOM) Uoc (STC) Isc (NOM) Isc (STC) Umpp (NOM)

Descript ion
Nominal open-circuit volt age Open-circuit volt age calculat ed t o STC values Nominal short -circuit current Short -circuit current calculat ed t o STC values Nominal maximum power point volt age


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Appendix D – PV measurements – calculat ed values

, ,
, , , , ,

Umpp (STC)
Impp (NOM) Impp (STC)
Pmpp (STC) Pmpp (NOM) Umpp (Meas) Impp (Meas) Impp (NOM) Uoc (Meas) Isc (Meas)
Pmpp Umpp Impp Uoc Isc
FF (NOM) FF (Meas)

Maximum power point volt age calculat ed t o STC values Nominal maximum power point current Maximum power point current calculat ed t o STC values Maximum power calculat ed t o STCvalues Short -circuit current calculat ed t o STC values Measured m aximum power point volt age Measured m aximum power point current Nominal maximum power point current Measured open circuit volt age Measured short circuit current Relat ive error maximum power point Relat ive error of maximum power point volt age Relat ive error of maximum power point current Relat ive error of open circuit volt age Relat ive error of short circuit current Nominal f ill f act or Measured f ill f act or

relat ive error warning is calculat ed as f ollows





Insulat ion measurements of PV modules and strings

The f irst insulat ion met hod described in t he st andard IEC 62446 result s in t wo values:


insulat ion resist ance bet ween posit ive out put and eart h


insulat ion resist ance bet ween negat ive out put and eart h

The second met hod described in t he st andard ret urns only one value:


insulat ion resist ance bet ween short circuit out put s and eart h

To get comparable result s bot h values of t he f irst met hod must be convert ed t o a single value result . This can be done using t he bellow equat ion, which is based on t he elect rical subst it ut e model of PV modules and ret urns t he same or close value t o t he insulat ion resist ance measured by t he second met hod.


MI 3115 PV Analyser

Appendix D – PV measurements – calculat ed values



+ – + – –

Equat ion symbol
+ – ,

I nst rum ent abbreviat ion Roc+ RocRoc Uoc_m Uiso

Descript ion
Measured resist ance bet ween DC+ and PE Measured resist ance bet ween DC+ and PE Calculat ed resist ance Measured PV open-circuit volt age Measured insulat ion resist ance t est volt age

To get accurat e result s care must be t aken, when perf orming insulat ion measurement s. PV module or st ring can have a signif icant capacit ive nat ure t heref ore t he durat ion of t he measurement must be long enough, t hat t he result is st able. Theref ore, t he user has t o set up t he durat ion of t he measurement , which can be up t o one minut e. If t he measurement t ime is t oo short and t he displayed value is not st able t he f inal result must be t reat ed only as inf ormat ional.


MI 3115 PV Analyser
METREL d.o.o. Ljubljanska cest a 77 SI-1354 Horjul Slovenia Phone: +386 (0)175 58 200 Fax: +386 (0)175 49 226 Email: inf o@met

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