NOLAN X-804RS Ultra Carbon Puro Helmet Gloss Instruction Manual

May 15, 2024

NOLAN X-804RS Ultra Carbon Puro Helmet Gloss


Product Information


  • Model: X-804RS U.C.
  • Brand: X-804
  • Country: Italy (IT)

Product Information
The X-804 helmet provides essential protection for the user during various activities. It is designed to ensure safety and comfort while adhering to specific guidelines and regulations.

Product Usage Instructions

Safety and Guidelines

  • Always wear the helmet securely and ensure all straps are properly fastened.
  • Avoid wearing scarves or any headgear under the helmet’s strapping system.
  • Familiarize yourself with the necessary sounds like horns and emergency sirens.
  • Keep the helmet away from heat sources such as exhaust pipes, storage compartments, or vehicle cabins.
  • Do not modify or tamper with the helmet as it may compromise its safety features and void the warranty.
  • Avoid contact with gasoline and other solvents, and refrain from applying stickers or paint on the helmet.
  • If the visor or sun shield is damaged, replace it immediately with suitable replacements designed for the specific helmet model.
  • Only use original accessories and spare parts meant for your helmet model.
  • Regularly inspect the helmet for any damages and consult an authorized dealer for maintenance.

Maintenance and Cleaning
The helmet and its components can be damaged by common substances without visible signs. Only use warm water and mild soap for cleaning. Dry at room temperature away from sunlight or heat sources.

Usage Instructions

  1. Remove the visor by detaching it from the side mechanism of the helmet.
  2. Repeat the process on the other side of the helmet.
  3. For assembly, place the visor in a fully open position.
  4. Adjust the external pins to align with the arrow on the visor.
  5. Apply protective Tear Off films on both sides of the visor.
  6. Insert the Tear Off film into the designated pins on both sides of the visor.
  7. To remove Tear Off from the visor, pull firmly forward to detach it from the pin.


  • Q: How often should I replace my helmet?
    A: Any helmet that has experienced an impact should be replaced immediately. Regularly inspect your helmet for any signs of damage and replace it if necessary.

  • Q: Can I use aftermarket accessories with the X-804 helmet?
    A: It is recommended to use only original accessories and spare parts specifically designed for your X-804 helmet model to ensure proper fit and safety.


  • Before using the helmet read this booklet and all enclosed documents carefully, in that they contain very important indications on how to use the helmet easily and safely. We recommend you to store it for future reference.
  • Failure to observe these instructions may reduce the protection provided by the helmet and consequently put your safety at risk.
  • Do not operate or act in such a way that could compromise or reduce the protection provided by the helmet.


WARNING To exploit the whole protection offered by the helmet, choose the correct size for your head, adjust the retention system correctly and check the taking off.


  1. In order to determine the correct helmet size, try on helmets of different sizes and choose the one which suits best the shape of your head and which you feel firm once worn and fastened, thus ensuring a great comfort.
  2. Should the helmet be too big, it may slide down to cover the eyes or turn slowly to the side while riding.
  3. Keep it on for a few minutes and make sure there are no points of extreme pressure that may cause pain or headache.


  1. The retention system (strap) is factory-adjusted at a standard length. Before use (see relevant instructions) check that it is correctly pre-adjusted.
  2. Make sure the strap is properly fastened and tightened so as to keep the helmet firmly in place. Anyway, before riding, make sure that the strap is well fastened under the chin, as close as possible to the throat, but without being uncomfortable.
  3. The correct strap tension should allow normal breathing and swallowing, but without leaving the space of a finger between strap and throat.
    WARNING The button which may be present on the strap only prevent its end from flapping once the strap has been fastened properly.


  1. With the helmet on and the strap securely fastened, try to take the helmet off as shown in figure (A). In case of accident, the different forces at stake and their various directions may result in helmet rotations or they may even cause the helmet to take off if it is not securely fastened.
  2. The helmet should not rotate nor move on the head and should not slide off. Should the contrary happen, adjust strap length or change helmet size. Repeat test.


  • The helmet is specifically designed for motorcycle and motorbike use. Therefore, it must not be used for different purposes (or different reasons or operations) since, in such cases, it would not guarantee the same protection.
  • In case of accident, the helmet represents a protective element, which reduces injuries and head damage. Nevertheless, no helmet can guarantee total safety. The helmet reduces the risk or the gravity of injuries in case of accidents, but the degree of some impacts and the different circumstances may exceed helmet protection. Therefore, ride safely.
  • When riding any motorcycle, always wear the helmet properly fastened in order to fully exploit its protection.
  • Never wear scarves under the fastening system nor caps of any sort under the helmet.
  • The helmet can muffle traffic noises. However make sure that you can hear essential sounds such as horns and emergency vehicle sirens.
  • Always keep the helmet away from heat sources like the exhaust muffler, the top box housing or the interior of a vehicle.
  • Do not modify and/or tamper with the helmet (even partially) for any reason: any modifications and/or alterations compromise the safety requirements of the helmet and impair its protection degree. These also make the helmet no longer conform to the homologation standards, making it unusable and invalidate the warranty.
  • Avoid contact between the helmet and gasoline and other solvents; do not apply adhesives or paints to the helmet.
  • Helmet damages resulting from accidental falls may not be visible, and any helmet that has been impacted has to be replaced. Always handle your helmet carefully in order not to compromise or reduce its protection degree.
  • If the visor and/or sunscreen that may be present in the helmet are damaged and/or have marked scratches that reduce visibility, their protective treatment has likely been compromised, and therefore they must be replaced.
  • The visor and/or sunscreen that may be present in the helmet can only be used with the helmet model for which they were designed.
  • Use only original accessories and/or spare parts suitable for your specific helmet model.
  • In case of doubt about the helmet’s integrity and/or safety, avoid using it and contact an authorized dealer to have it checked.



  • The helmet and its components may be seriously damaged by some common substances without the damage being visible. Use only lukewarm water and mild soap for maintenance and cleaning operations; dry at room temperature away from the sun and/or heat sources.
  • Never use petrol, thinner, benzene, solvents or other chemical substances, paints, and adhesives for maintenance and cleaning operations. These can irreparably damage the helmet and its components, modify its optical properties, reduce its mechanical properties and weaken the protective treatment of the visor and/or sunscreen that may be present in the helmet.NOLAN-X-804RS-Ultra-Carbon-Puro-Helmet-Gloss- \(1\)


The Nolan X-804 RS U.C. helmet features the Safety Visor Lock System, which reduces the risk of accidental opening of the visor. The system consists of two components: the red safety slider A and the visor open button B (Fig. 1). When the red safety slider A is in the lower position (Fig. 1), the visor open button B can be pressed freely, allowing the visor to be operated as normal. When the red safety slider A is intentionally moved upwards (Fig. 2), the “safety catch” will be engaged and the visor open button B will be locked.


To open the visor, ensure that the red safety slider A is in the lower position (Fig. 1), press the visor open button B while simultaneously turning the visor upwards using the central tab. The lower tooth will come out of the fastening seat in the Safety Visor Lock System.
The side mechanisms of the visor are equipped with several positioning stops for in-termediate and stable positions of the visor. The first stop keeps the visor open to a minimum to improve the circulation of air and facilitate defogging, especially at low speeds or during short stops.
To close the visor from any of the stable intermediate positions, push the visor down-wards until its lower tooth engages in the Safety Visor Lock System and its central tab rests against the visor open button B, in the minimum open position described above (Fig. 3). Press the central tab of the visor further to lock it in the fully closed position, letting the visor open button B snap into position. If the red safety slider A is positioned upwards when closing the visor (Fig. 2),the pressure to be exerted on the tab to close the visor will be greater and the closing snap will be more evident.

After closing the visor completely as described above, press the red safety slider A so that it snaps upwards (Fig. 2). In this position, the “safety catch” is engaged and the visor open button B is locked: since it cannot be pressed, it becomes impossible to open the visor, thereby reducing the likelihood of accidental opening.
To unlock the Safety Visor Lock System and restore the normal operation of the visor, press the red safety slider so that it snaps downwards (Fig. 1).


  • When using the helmet, it is recommended that you limit the use of the visor-lock function, since unexpected events may require you to open your visor immediately.



  1. Open the visor completely.
  2. Lift the folding flange A of the left side mechanism screw and unscrew it by hand until it is completely removed from its seat (Fig. 4).
  3. Remove the visor from the helmet, with its spacer ring snapped onto the side of the visor itself, by releasing the inner teeth B from their seats on the side mecha-nism attached to the helmet shell (Fig. 5).
  4. Follow the previous operations on the right side of the helmet.


  1. Place the visor in the fully open position by positioning the internal teeth B at the corresponding slots in the left side mechanism (Fig.5).
  2. Rotate the side spacer ring attached to the visor so that its two rectangular slots coincide and engage with the corresponding rectangular reliefs on the side mech-anism attached to the shell (Fig. 5).
  3. Manually tighten the screw of the mechanism by acting on its folding flange A until it is completely tightened (Fig. 4).
  4. Follow the previous operations on the right side of the helmet.
  5. Close the visor completely.

The visor mechanism is equipped with a visor clearance adjusting system that ensures that the visor is lowered effectively against the window trim. This is why the mecha-nism’s support has an upper and lower reference tooth. The helmet is delivered with a correctly adjusted system. When using the helmet, regularly check that the visor adheres perfectly and is in line with the deformable lip of the window trim when it is lowered all the way. If this is not the case, proceed as follows:

  1. Disassemble the visor (see instructions above) and check in which position of the upper C1 and lower C2 reference teeth the mechanism is located (Fig. 6).
  2. Loosen the two screws D1 and D2 in the visor mechanism using a T10 Torx wrench.
  3. Lift the mechanism from its support and move it forwards or backwards according to the adjustment to be made. Then lower the mechanism into its support so that the upper C1 and lower C2 adjustment teeth are in the same position.
  4. Tighten both screws D1 and D2.
  5. Follow the same steps on the other side of the helmet.
  6. Assemble the visor (see instructions above).
  7. Check contact between the visor and the trim.


  • Check that the mechanisms are working properly. Open and close the visor, checking that the latter is held in place in its different positions by the mecha-nisms. If necessary, follow the previous operations mentioned above.
  • Do not use the helmet if the visor has not been properly assembled.
  • Never remove the side mechanisms from the shell.
  • Should any of the side mechanisms fail or be damaged, please contact a Nolan-group authorised dealer.


(Available as standard or accessory/spare part)


  1. Disassemble the visor (see instructions above).

  2. Make sure that the inner surface of the visor is clean and check that the pin adjustment external levers are turned inwards (Fig.7).

  3. Place the PINLOCK® inner visor on the visor.
    The silicone profile of the PINLOCK® inner visor should be in contact with the inner surface of the visor.

  4. Insert one side of the PINLOCK® inner visor onto one of the two visor pins and hold it in position (Fig.8).

  5. Widen the visor and fasten the other side of the PINLOCK® inner visor to the other pin (Fig.9).

  6. Release the visor.

  7. Remove the protective film from the PINLOCK® inner visor and check that the entire silicone profile of the inner visor adheres to the visor. 1.8 Assemble the visor on the helmet (see instructions above).

Check that the PINLOCK® inner visor has been correctly assembled by opening and closing the visor and ensuring that they do not move with respect to each other. Should the PINLOCK® inner visor not be tightly fixed to the visor, simultaneously move, gradually and not excessively, both external adjustment levers turning them upwards, to increase the stretch (Fig.7). The maximum stretch is achieved when the pin adjust-ment external levers are placed outwards.


  • Dust between the two visors may cause both surfaces to scratch.
  • Scratched PINLOCK® visors and inner visors may cause reduced visibility and should therefore be replaced.
  • Regularly check the correct stretch of the PINLOCK® inner visor to prevent it from moving and scratching both surfaces.
  • If, in use, the helmet visor fogs up and/or condensation forms between the visors, check that the PINLOCK® inner visor is both properly assembled and stretched.
  • An excessive and early stretch of the PINLOCK® inner visor may result in exces-sive adherence against the visor surface and/or permanent deformations with subsequent inability to properly perform future adjustments.
  • Intense sweating/breathing, use in particular weather conditions (low tempera-tures, and/or high humidity and/or sudden changes in temperature and/or heavy rain) and/or intense and prolonged use may affect the performance of the PIN-LOCK® inner visor, causing fogging or condensation formation. In such cases, to restore the system efficiency after using the helmet, remove the PINLOCK® inner visor from the helmet visor and leave it to dry in warm and dry air. The same pro-cedure should be applied to the helmet, which should be left to dry to remove any humidity that may have formed as a result of the conditions described above.


  1. Disassemble the visor equipped with the PINLOCK® inner visor (see instructions above).
  2. Widen the visor and release the PINLOCK® inner visor from the pins (Fig.9).
  3. Release the visor.


  • Disassemble the PINLOCK® inner visor from the visor. Using a damp and soft cloth, gently clean it with mild liquid soap. Remove all soap under running water.
  • Leave the visor to dry in warm and dry air without wiping it.
  • To preserve the visor’s condition over time, leave the helmet to dry in a ventilated and dry place with the visor open after use. Keep it away from heat sources and store it in a place away from direct light.
  • Do not use solvents or chemical products.


(Available as standard or accessory/spare part)
This accessory allows improved helmet performance under certain conditions of use. Through the removal of these tear-off visor protectors, to be used exclusively for track competitions, the visibility performance of the visor is maintained by preventing the accumulation of flies and/or dirt. The helmet’s flat visor is equipped with two external pins through which the Tear-Off protective films can be attached. The visor is supplied with two pins that can be ad-justed by an eccentric screw that allows the Tear-Off protective films to be correctly tensioned.


  1. Adjust the outer pins by turning them so that they show the arrow (Fig. 10) towards the inside of the visor.
  2. Take the Tear-Off protective films and remove the protective films placed on both surfaces (Fig. 11).
  3. Apply the Tear-Off protective film to the visor by inserting the right slot into the appropriate right pin (Fig. 12).
  4. Perform the same operation on the left side of the visor. The left side of the Tear-Off films has an elongated shape towards the outside  compared to the right side (Fig. 13).
  5. Check that the Tear-Off film perfectly adheres to the visor and tension the film to the maximum by turning the pins with eccentric screw. When the arrow on the pins (Fig. 14) is positioned towards the inside of the visor, the tension is minimal; by gradually rotating the pin, the tension increas-es, reaching its maximum level when both pins have the arrows in the outer position.

To tear off the Tear-Off film from the visor, pull the elongated, protruding part of the Tear-Off film with a firm forward movement so that the slot disengages from the pin.

We recommend placing the protruding side of the Tear-Off film on the left side of the helmet, so as to allow the protective film to be torn off with the left hand.


  • The combination of the Tear-Off film and the helmet visor can slightly reduce trans-mittance values and increase light scattering values. For this reason, use of the two visors together is not approved.
  • Use the Tear-Off protective films exclusively for track competitions. Do not use them for normal road use.
  • Do not apply more than one Tear-Off film at a time as this would create optical distortion and reduced visibility.
  • Damaged or scratched visors and Tear-Off protective films must not be used and must be replaced.


The removable comfort padding consists of:

  • liner
  • side cheek pads (right and left)
  • strap covering

All components can be completely removed and washed.
The cheek pads are also characterised by removable inner expanding foam padding. To remove and/or fit the comfort padding, open the visor completely (see instructions above).


  1. Open the chin strap (see specific instructions).
  2. Pull the front of the padding of the left cheek pad towards the inside of the helmet to release the front snap fastener placed on its rear part (Fig. 15).
  3. Grasp the front of the padding of the left cheek pad and turn it upwards to release the upper snap fastener placed on the back (Fig.16).
  4. Pull the rear of the padding of the left cheek pad towards the inside of the helmet to release the rear snap fastener placed on its rear part (Fig.17).
  5. Pull the tail of the cheek pad comfort padding towards the inside of the helmet to release the rear tab from its seat in the rear trim; then pull the cheek padding completely out of the helmet (Fig.18).
  6. Follow the same steps on the right side of the helmet.


  • Check that the red front button A on the back of the padding of both cheek pads has remained correctly engaged in the NERS slide B as illustrated in Fig.19. If, on the other hand, it has remained attached to the polystyrene cheek pad, detach it from the latter and reposition it properly by fastening to its red seat C on the back of the padding.
  • Do not remove the polystyrene cheek pads from the helmet shell.

To facilitate the washing of the inner comfort padding components, the cheek pads of the helmet are equipped with inner expanding foam padding that can be removed from the fabric lining. To remove the padding, proceed as follows after disassembling the cheek pads from the helmet (see instructions above).

  1. Slightly remove the inner expanded foam padding from the fabric lining of the left cheek pad (Fig.20).
  2. Follow these operations with the right cheek pad padding.


  • Once the inner expanded foam paddings have been removed from the cheek pads, make sure that the red front snap button “A”, the upper snap button “D”, the rear snap button “E” and the NERS safety slide “B” are correctly fastened to the rear frame of the fabric lining of the cheek pads (Fig. 19); if not, reposition them appropriately.

To remove the chin strap covering from the strap, proceed as follows after removing the cheek pads from the helmet (see instructions above).

  1. Pull the left covering strap at the snap button to separate it from the chin strap band and then pull it out of it (Fig.21A).
  2. Follow these operations with the right strap covering.


  1. Release the left rear tab of the liner from the shell rear edge by slightly pulling the comfort padding inwards (Fig.22). Then follow the same operation with right rear tab.
  2. Pull the comfort padding rear towards the inside of the helmet to release the two side buttons located at its rear from their housings on the rear support, which is fixed to the polystyrene inner shell (Fig.23).
  3. Hold the liner left front and pull it upwards in order to remove the corresponding liner tab from the support fixed to the polystyrene inner shell (Fig.24). Then follow the operation with the central front and right tabs.
  4. Completely remove the comfort padding from the helmet.


  1. Insert the liner properly into the helmet and have it well fitted against the base. 5.2 Insert the liner left front tab into the corresponding housing on the support fixed to the polystyrene inner shell and push it downwards until it is completely fastened. Then follow the operation with central and right tabs (Fig.24).
  2. Fasten the two side buttons on the back of the comfort padding rear part to the their corresponding housings on the rear support fixed to the polystyrene inner shell (Fig.23).
  3. Insert the liner rear right and left tabs into their corresponding housings of the shell edge (Fig.22). Push the tabs until they are fully fastened onto the support.

The right and left chin strap coverings are different from each other (Fig.21B).

  1. After identifying the left covering strap, slide the chin strap release mechanism onto the free end of the chin strap that features a snap button until it comes com-pletely out from the central slot. Press the free end of the strap over the chin strap band at the snap button and fasten it to the strap (Fig.21A).
  2. Follow these operations with the right strap covering.
  3. Check that the straps are secured by gently pulling them towards the inside of the helmet.
  4. If the release mechanism is the D-Ring type, check that the anti-fluttering snap button on the left strap only is correctly placed past the two “D-rings” (Fig.21B).


  1. Gently insert the inner expanding foam padding inside the left cheek pad fabric lining (Fig.20). Carefully stretch the padding while checking that there are no creases in the cheek pad fabric lining.
  2. Follow these operations with the right cheek pad padding.


Take the padding of the left cheek pad and make sure that the red front snap but-ton “A”, the upper “D” snap button, the rear snap button “E” and the NERS safety slide “B” are correctly fastened to the rear frame of the fabric lining of the cheek pad (Fig. 19). Furthermore, check that the NERS slide “B” is positioned upwards, in the fastening position, with its end protruding from the contour of the cheek pad. Otherwise, reposition them appropriately.

  1. Insert the rear tab of the left cheek pad comfort padding into the seat in the rear trim (Fig.18).
  2. Insert the chin strap into the cavity in the cheek pad and press near the rear snap button located at its rear to fasten it to the corresponding housing on the polysty-rene cheek pad (Fig.17).
  3. Press the padding of the left cheek pad against the polystyrene cheek pad and simultaneously turn it inwards to engage the upper hook on the back of the padding to its seat on the polystyrene cheek pad (Fig.16).
  4. Press at the front snap fastener to fasten to the relevant seat on the polystyrene cheek pad (Fig.15).
  5. Check whether the fasteners and hooks are correctly fastened by slightly pulling the pad of the cheek pad towards the inside of the helmet and checking whether it remains adherent to the polystyrene cheek pad.
  6. Follow these operations with the right cheek pad padding.


  • If your helmet is equipped with the D-Ring retention system, close it as described in the attached D-Ring instruction label.
  • Remove the inner comfort padding only when cleaning or washing is required.
  • Never use the helmet if all parts of the inner comfort padding have not been prop-erly and correctly reassembled.
  • Carefully wash by hand and use only mild soap and water at 30° C max.
  • Rinse using cold water and dry at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.
  • Never machine-wash the inner comfort padding.
  • The inner polystyrene is an easily deformable material. It is intended to change or get partially destroyed to help absorb shocks.
  • Do not modify or alter the internal polystyrene components in any way.
  • Clean the inner polystyrene components using a damp cloth only and allow them to dry at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
  • Never use tools or equipment to carry out the operations described above.


The different anatomical conformation of motorcyclists’ heads sometimes requires an adaptation of the comfort padding of the liner to the head itself. The liner padding of the helmet can be adjusted thanks to the LINER ADJUSTABLE FITTING (LAF) system. This allows the helmet fit to be changed with respect to the standard one, adapting it to the user’s head shape and needs. In this regard, the fabric covering liner has four different areas of removable expanded foam padding, respectively upper, rear and right and left sides. The standard thickness of these pads (8 mm) can be increased or decreased through the use of optional pads of different thicknesses available as standard or as accessory/spare part.

To adjust the fit, proceed as follows after removing the liner from the helmet (see pre-vious instructions).

  1. Deform the upper elastic cover on the outside of the liner and gently pull out its standard-thickness inner expanded foam padding (Fig. 25).
  2. Arrange the inner expanded foam padding with different thickness (see table below) to increase or decrease its thickness, thus varying the localised pressure on the head and consequently the fit of the helmet.NOLAN-X-804RS-Ultra-Carbon-Puro-Helmet-Gloss- \(2\)
  3. Slip the inner expanded foam padding into the liner by deforming the upper elastic cover. Carefully lay the padding, checking that there are no wrinkles in the fabric lining of the liner.
  4. If deemed necessary, repeat the previous steps to vary the thickness of the expanded foam pads of the rear area (Fig.26) and/or the left and right side areas (Fig.27) of the liner.
  5. Completely refit the liner in the helmet (see previous instructions).
  6. Wear the helmet for a reasonable amount of time, correctly fastened, and check that the fit and perceived comfort is satisfactory for your head and that there is no excessive pressure or discomfort. If not, adjust it again.
    WARNING After adjusting the position of the liner, put on and fasten the helmet to check the correct adjustment of the chin strap (see the attached label). Check also the correct helmet fit on your head in the riding position setup, as well as its easy taking off – see “CHOICE AND VERIFICATION OF THE HELMET” instructions above.



  1. Remove the left cheek pad from the helmet (see instructions above).

  2. Remove the inner expanding foam cheek padding (see instructions above).

  3. Remove the upper part of the pre-punched inner padding (Fig.28), then properly reposition the remaining part of the padding in the cheek pad.
    It is recommended that you keep the removed padding for any subsequent reuse.

  4. Assemble the inner expanding foam cheek padding (see instructions above).

  5. Reassemble the full cheek pad on the helmet (see instructions above).

  6. Follow these operations with the right cheek pad padding.


  1. Remove the left cheek pad from the helmet (see instructions above).
  2. Remove the inner expanding foam cheek padding (see instructions above).
  3. Properly insert part of the previously removed padding into the cheek pad fabric lining (Fig.28).
  4. Reassemble the full cheek pad on the helmet (see instructions above).
  5. Follow these operations with the right cheek pad padding.


The NOLAN EMERGENCY RELEASE SYSTEM (NERS) allows the emergency services to remove the cheek pads from the helmet while it is still on the rider’s head. To remove the padding of the left cheek pad from the helmet, unfasten the chin strap and then pull the red strap placed in the front area of the padding, as shown in Fig.29. The safety slide placed on the rear of the cheek pad padding will first be released and then, upon continuing to pull the red strap, the padding will be released from the poly-styrene and gradually turn outwards from the helmet, leaving its side area free. Repeat the same operation on the right side of the helmet, which can then be more easily removed from the rider’s head.


  • Never pull the red straps of the Nolan Emergency Release System (NERS) while riding.
  • Always check that the cheek pads are properly assembled. After using the Nolan Emergency Release System (NERS), check that the cheek pads are not damaged and reassemble them following the instructions above.
  • After releasing the cheek pads with the NERS system, the red front buttons “A” normally located on the back of the pads of the cheek pads are released from them and remain attached to the polystyrene cheek pads. Detach them and repo-sition them properly by fastening them to their red seat “C” on the back of the pad (Fig. 19).
  • Do not use the Nolan Emergency Release System (NERS) for routine cheek pad maintenance and cleaning.
  • Do not remove the stickers shown in Fig.30 from the helmet as they could provide useful information to the emergency services.
  • Should the Nolan Emergency Release System (NERS) fail or be damaged, please contact a Nolangroup authorised dealer.
  • Use the Nolan Emergency Release System (NERS) for providing aid only if you have proven expertise and qualifications in the field. If in doubt, call the appropri-ate emergency services.


The helmet is designed to facilitate the installation of a hydration system (not supplied), the attachment of the relevant tube (10 mm diameter) and the positioning of the suction valve at the mouth. To this end, they following are provided:

  • a rear cap that closes the hydration system tube port (Fig. 31), snapped onto the base trim of the shell;
  • side clamps “A”, positioned inside the shell, under the left cheek pad, which are useful for retaining and guiding the hydration system tube (Fig. 32);
  • – a tube guide channel “B” on the lower left edge of the inner chin guard lining (Fig. 33);
  • three slots (C1, C2 and C3 respectively) for positioning the curved fitting between the tube and the suction valve on the inner chin guard (Fig. 34).

Remove the left cheek pad and the liner from the helmet (see instructions above).

  1. Remove the rear cap from the base trim of the shell to open the hydration system tube port (Fig. 31).
    Keep the cap in a safe place for possible later repositioning if you want to restore the original configuration of the helmet.

  2. Insert the tube (10 mm diameter) for connection to the hydration system reservoir into the rear port and bend it along the channel on the lower left side of the polystyrene shell (Fig. 35).

  3. Continue threading the tube, first passing it through the side pipe clamps “A” (Fig. 36) and then thread the end of the tube into the guide channel “B” on the lower left edge of the inner chin guard cover (Fig. 37).

  4. Continue inserting the tube until its end reaches the centreline of the chin guard.

  5. Insert the curved fitting into the end of the tube and fasten it onto the chin guard cover by inserting its circular lower part into the central slot C2 and sliding it towards the centre of the chin guard until it snaps into place so that it remains locked in a stable position (Fig. 38).

  6. Insert the suction valve at the other end of the curved fitting, possibly using a piece of tube as an extension to reach a suitable length to the mouth. (Fig. 39).

  7. Refit the comfort padding (see previous instructions) and wear the helmet, paying attention to the presence of the suction valve, the extension piece (if any) and the curved fitting.

  8. Check that the suction valve is correctly positioned about the mouth.

  9. If the valve is not in the correct position about the mouth, remove the helmet from the head, release the curved fitting from the chin guard lining and reattach it to the highest (C1) or lowest (C3) position respectively, repeating  the previous steps.

Then carry out the rest of the hydration system assembly following the hydration sys-tem manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations.


  • Remove the curved fitting from the slot in the chin guard inner lining and then from the end of the hydration system tube.
  • Then remove the tube from the helmet by gently pulling it from the back of the helmet until it comes completely out of the rear port. If excessive hardness is perceived, it is advisable to remove the left cheek pad to help the tube slide through channel “B”(Fig. 33) and side clamps “A” (Fig. 32).
  • Fit the rear cap by pressing it against its seat in the base edge of the shell (Fig. 31).


  • Do not use tube clamp “A” and/or channel “B” and/or slots “C” and/or the rear port for purposes other than those described above.
  • Always ensure that the hydration system tube does not interfere with clothing or disturb the movement of the head and helmet, which must always be unobstructed. Carry out this check while wearing all clothing including any neck and/or body protection normally used in motorbike sports.
  • Remove the curved fitting from the chin guard lining if you are not using a hydration system.
  • Do not modify or tamper with the helmet components to install the hydration sys-tem. Check that the hydration system tube is compatible with the diameter of the rear port, the tube clamp, the passage channel in the chin guard cover and the curved fitting.
  • If in doubt or if malfunctions or damage occurs, contact an authorised Nolangroup dealer.

(Available as standard or accessory/spare part).
Under certain conditions of use, helmet performance can be improved by using these accessories. The Wind Protector reduces unpleasant infiltrations of air under the chin. See Fig.40 for assembly and disassembly instructions. The Breath Deflector prevents the formation of condensation on the visor by deflecting the airflow downwards. It is attached using three elastic couplings that must be inserted into the relevant seats in the front air diffuser. See Fig.41 for assembly and disassembly instructions.


The ventilation system of the helmet consists of:

  • Lower ventilation
    It allows ventilation around the mouth area and conveys the air directly on the visor, thus reducing fogging. See Fig.42 for opening and closing instructions.

  • Front ventilation
    It allows direct ventilation in the front area of the head, even at low speed. See Fig.43 for opening and closing instructions.

  • Top ventilation
    It provides direct ventilation to the head upper area, even at low speed. See Fig.44 for opening and closing instructions.

  • Side ventilation
    It allows continuous air recirculation in the mouth and visor area (Fig.45).

  • Rear ventilation
    It is integrated in a rear spoiler and allows warm and stale air to flow out, ensuring optimum comfort inside the helmet (Fig.46).


The RACETRACK AERODYNAMIC SPOILER (RAS) was developed with the help of official Nolan riders using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) studies, before undergoing extensive wind tunnel testing.

The shape of the upper part reduces the aerodynamic resistance of the helmet and improves its stability at high speed in a forward-leaning riding position, especially as a continuation of the race hump on the rider’s race suit. In contrast, the shape of the side parts improves the stability of the helmet at high speeds when riding above the fairing. The RAS is attached to the helmet using a rear screw and elastic plates, and can therefore be removed from the helmet depending on the conditions of use and/or riding situations, e.g. in the presence of a passenger.


  1. Release the elastic screw cover cap from the RAS. (Fig.47).

  2. Unscrew the screw using the Torx T10 wrench.

  3. Turn the RAS towards the rear of the helmet and pull its lower hooks off the lower side supports attached to the shell (Fig.48).

  4. Screw the rear screw back into place.

    • The two lower side supports attached to the shell cannot and must not be removed from the shell.


  1. Unscrew the rear screw using the Torx T10 wrench.
  2. Insert the lower hooks of the RAS into the slots in the lower side supports Fig.48).
  3. Rotate the RAS upwards until the upper teeth engage in the seats on the support attached to the shell (Fig.49).
  4. Screw the rear screw back into its seat and attach the elastic cover cap to the RAS (Fig. 47) Check that the RAS is correctly fastened into all its seats by pulling it slightly backwards.


  • The RAS has been designed for use on the racetrack only. In the event of mechanical stress, accidental bumps or falls, it may detach from the helmet and become damaged.
  • When using, transporting, cleaning, maintaining or handling the helmet, be careful not to damage the RAS and duly follow the assembly and disassembly instructions provided.
  • To clean the RAS, use lukewarm water and mild soap only. Leave to dry at room temperature away from direct sunlight and/or heat sources.
  • When carrying a passenger, we recommend disassembling the RAS from the helmet to ensure it does not bother or pose a danger to the passenger.
  • The two lower side supports and the upper support affixed to the shell cannot and should not be removed from the shell.
  • If the RAS does not fasten correctly to the helmet or is damaged, disassemble it from the helmet and speak to a Nolangroup authorized dealer.

This helmet is manufactured in a plant that respects the environment. At the end of its use, it is recommended to dispose of it according to specific regulations in force over the place or Country of residence.

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