BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Framework User Guide
- May 15, 2024
- BlackBerry
Table of Contents
- BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Framework
- Product Information
- Product Usage Instructions
- FAQs
- Server requirements
- Initialization Registration
- ProGuard configuration
- Starting the Launcher
- Troubleshooting
- Moving to production
- Legal notice
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
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BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Framework
Product Information
- Specifications
- Product Name: BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Framework Development Guide 3.5
- Release Date: 2023-12-14
- About the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library
- The BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library provides advanced features for displaying apps on Android and iOS devices within the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher.
- Server Requirements
- To utilize the full capabilities of the Launcher Library, the following server requirements must be met:
- Management Solution: BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server
- Additional Features: Custom icons, user profile information, presence status, and policy-enabled sections
- Compatibility Updates for Version 3.5.x
- Compatibility updates for version 3.5.x include support for M1 Mac, Xcode, and iOS simulator when using the BlackBerry Dynamics dynamic library.
- BlackBerry Dynamics SDK and Launcher Library Version Requirements
- The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK and Launcher Library have specific version requirements for seamless integration and optimal performance.
- Integrating the Launcher Library for Display on Android Devices
- Instructions on integrating the Launcher Library for display on Android devices will optimize app visibility and functionality within the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher.
- ProGuard Configuration
- ProGuard configuration settings ensure app security and performance when using the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library.
- Integrating the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library on iOS
- Guidelines for integrating the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library on iOS devices to enhance user experience and app functionality.
- Hiding or Showing the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
- Learn how to customize the visibility of the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher based on user preferences and requirements.
- Sample App for Android and iOS
- Explore a sample app designed for both Android and iOS platforms to understand the capabilities of the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library.
- Moving to Production
- Transition your app to production with best practices and considerations for deploying apps integrated with the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library.
- Service Binding
- Details on service binding procedures to establish secure connections and data exchange within the BlackBerry Dynamics environment.
- Customizing the Launcher Icon in BEMS
- Instructions on customizing the Launcher icon in BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server (BEMS) to personalize app branding and recognition.
- Validate the BEMS SSL Certificate
- Steps to validate the SSL certificate of BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server (BEMS) for secure communication and data integrity.
- Legal Notice
- Important legal information related to the use of the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library.
Product Usage Instructions
- Integrating the Launcher Library
- To integrate the Launcher Library for display on Android devices, follow these steps:
- Download the latest version of the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK and Launcher Library.
- Follow the integration guidelines provided in the documentation.
- Configure ProGuard settings for enhanced security.
- Test the integration on Android devices to ensure proper functionality.
- Q: What servers are required to utilize all features of the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library?
- A: To fully utilize all features of the Launcher Library, you need a BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server for advanced capabilities such as custom icons, user profile information, and policy-enabled sections within the Launcher.
About the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library
The BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher is the blue BlackBerry icon located in your BlackBerry Dynamics apps. It allows you to perform the following actions:
- Quickly switch between the BlackBerry Dynamics app that is currently open and any other BlackBerry
Dynamics apps on your device
- Move between BlackBerry Work Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Docs
- Access your work app catalog
- Access Quick Create tools for email, contacts, and calendar events
- Launch browser-based web clips and non-BlackBerry Dynamics apps installed on your device (This feature requires admin permission and the UEM Client. Launching browser-based web clips requires BlackBerry UEM server version 12.7 or later. Launching non-BlackBerry Dynamics apps requires BlackBerry UEM server version 12.7 MR1 or later.)
- Search for BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher items (iOS only)
- Access settings
- You can use the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library to enable your BlackBerry Dynamics apps so that they are displayed in the Launcher. The library consists of header files and a compiled library for Objective-C for iOS and Java for Android.
- This guide describes how to integrate the Launcher Library into your apps. It does not describe how to enable them so that they appear in the Launcher.
- Features are enabled in BlackBerry UEM or Good Control.
- For more information on how to add an app to the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher in BlackBerry UEM, see Add an app shortcut for iOS, macOS, and Android devices in the BlackBerry UEM Administration content.
- For iOS, if you plan to switch to the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher dylib framework starting in version 3.2, integrate the “BlackBerryLauncher” dylib.
Server requirements
To take advantage of advanced features that do not require programming, the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher and the Launcher Library requires the following servers:
Item | Requirement |
Management solution | To allow the app to be displayed in the BlackBerry |
Dynamics Launcher, you must have one of the following:
• BlackBerry UEM version 12.6 MR1 or later
• Good Control version 2.3 or later, Good Proxy version 2.3 or later
BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server| To create custom icons, see user profile information and presence status, and display BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher apps’ policy-enabled sections, you must have the following:
• BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server 2.4 and later
Note: The Launcher Library does not strictly require the BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server. Without it, your app still has the default BlackBerry icon and the IT administrator can add other app icons to the Launcher, but you will not have the features of policy-based sections in the Launcher (like docs or RSA SecurID), BEMS-Presence, or users’ profile photos.
Compatibility updates for version 3.5.x
- Support for BlackBerry Dynamics SDK version 11.x
- Android SDK API level 28 or later is required
- BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher now supports building and debugging BlackBerry Dynamics apps on an Apple M1 Mac Xcode iOS simulator. This can only be done for BlackBerry Dynamics apps using the BlackBerry Dynamics dynamic library
BlackBerry Dynamics SDK and Launcher Library version requirements
- The following information only applies if you use the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher as a front-end to your apps.
- The Launcher Library works on top of the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK.
- The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK and the Launcher Library are mutually dependent. Make sure that you have installed the latest BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for your platform that corresponds to this release of the Launcher Library and make sure that you have installed the version of the Launcher Library that corresponds to your installed version of the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK. Specifically for this release, BlackBerry Dynamics SDK version 11.1 corresponds with
- Launcher Library version 3.5.1.x.
- Important: If you do not ensure that you are using the corresponding versions of the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK and the Launcher Library, your apps will crash.
Integrating the Launcher Library for display on Android devices
- The BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library can be integrated like any Android library project.
- After the library is integrated into the build system (Gradle/Ant) or your favourite IDE, there are a few basic steps you need to follow to integrate Launcher functionality into your apps.
- Note: The BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library supports AndroidX.
Set up the sample app in Gradle and Android Studio for the sample app
The sample app for the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library is based on the RSS Reader sample app delivered with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK. Apps that rely on the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library must use Android support library This is already configured in the Android sample app’s build. gradle file, but you must add these dependencies in any new project. You must upgrade the Android SDK to API level 28.
- Download and unzip the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK release .zip distribution package.
- Download and unzip the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library release .zip distribution package.
- Go to GoodLauncherLibrary/SampleLauncherApp/app/build.gradle file and modify maven url to point to your locally downloaded BlackBerry Dynamics SDK folder, for example maven { url ‘
/ m2repository’ }
Configure an existing Android project
These steps assume you have a project already created and a libs directory in that project. The libs directory must not be at the top level of your project. It must be at the same level as your build. gradle file.
- Download and unzip the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK release .zip distribution package.
- Download and unzip the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library release .zip distribution package.
- Copy GoodLauncherLibrary/launcherlib.aar to the project libs directory.
- Make the following declarations in your build. gradle file, as shown in these snippets:
- a) Declare a dependency on the launcherlib. aar library and gd library:
- b) Add the following repositories for Blackberry Dynamics Launcher and BlackBerry Dynamics SDK components:
- c) Add the Android support library dependencies:
- a) Declare a dependency on the launcherlib. aar library and gd library:
- To build your project with Gradle, use either gradle–info –stack trace clean assembleDebug or gradle –info –stack trace clean assembleRelease.
Using a global instance of GDStateListener instead of a per-activity listener
- The BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library and BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android do not have a mechanism to determine whether the global state listener is set to decide whether it should use its GDStateListener in its activity.
- You should set a global instance of GDStateListener.
Initialization Registration
Initialization, registration, and program setup
Apps that rely on the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library must use Android support library Before any interaction with the Launcher, it must be initialized.
- Initialize the Launcher Library:
The LauncherButton.initForApplication should be called inside the onCreate of ‘android. app. Application-derived class using application context.
Item DescriptionContext This is the context of the app where the Launcher Library is integrated.
activities This is a list of the app activities where the Launcher button should or should not be shown. The third parameter, ActivitiesTargetMethod, defines whether this is an excluded activities list or an included activities list.
Item Descriptionmethod This can be one of two possible values:
• LauncherButton.ActivitiesTargetingMethod.Exclusive
• LauncherButton.ActivitiesTargetingMethod.Inclusive
- Notify the Launcher of the BlackBerry Dynamics authorization state change. The app that hosts the Launcher Library should let the Launcher Library know the authorization state with the following method:
- Set to true when the BlackBerry Dynamics state EventListener notifies onAuthorized state. Set to false when EventListener notifies onLocked state.
- If necessary, register GDServiceClientListener. The Launcher Library uses GDServiceClient to start apps listed on the Launcher pad. The GDServiceClient requires an instance of GDServiceClientListener but only one listener can be set. In case your app already defines GDServiceClientListener, it should be passed to the Launcher Library. Otherwise, the default GDServiceClientListener is set to GDServiceClient and the app’s GDServiceClientListener is reset.
- Handle the settings icon in the Launcher. This button is intended to invoke your app settings screen. Your app must implement and then register the LauncherCommandCallback interface.
ProGuard configuration
To make sure that the build does not fail with too many warnings, apps that integrate the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library must have the following directive in the ProGuard file:
Integrating the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library on iOS
- Add either the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library or the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher dylib to an Xcode project.
- Choose dylib if you are already using the BlackBerry Dynamics dylib framework in your app.
Add the Launcher Library to an Xcode project
Adding BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library to an Xcode project is no
different than adding other libraries, with a few minor additions.
- Move the unzipped Launcher Library files to any desired directory and add each item to the Xcode project file.
- Under the Build Phases of the app target, add Launcher. framework to the Link Binary With Libraries phase.
- Verify that the LauncherBundle.bundle is added as part of the Copy Bundle Resources phase.
- Ensure that the Main Interface setting for both iPhone and iPad under the target’s General settings is cleared. The Launcher provides its own root interface.
- To ensure icons are downloaded, in the app’s info. list file add the following key/value:
- Under the Other Linker Flags build setting, add the following: -ObjC.
Add the Launcher dylib to an Xcode project
Adding BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher dylib to an Xcode project is no different than adding other libraries, with a few minor additions.
- Move the unzipped Launcher Library files to any desired directory and add each item to the Xcode project file.
- Under the Build Phases of the app target, add BlackBerryLauncher.xcframework to the Embed Framework.
- Ensure that the Main Interface setting for both iPhone and iPad under the target’s General settings is cleared. The Launcher provides its own root interface.
- To ensure icons are downloaded, in the app’s info. list file add the following key/value:
- Under the Other Linker Flags build setting, add the following: -ObjC.
Initialize the Launcher
Add the following link to the end of your initialization code, as shown in the Example of unauthorized with startServicesWithOptions:
Starting the Launcher
After the GDiOS delegate (usually also the UIApplicationDelegate) receives the Authorized: callback, the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library needs to start up various services that call into the BlackBerry Dynamics API. Starting the Launcher requires that startup options be provided. Internally, the library uses the GDUtility and GDPushConnection classes. These classes are singleton classes with a single delegate. If the host app is using these classes, the Launcher Library needs to either retrieve the required information through a delegate callback or method calls into the Launcher.
Example of on Authorized with start Services With Options
The following fragment is extracted from the sample apps
Note: Make sure you add the line highlighted below at the end of your
initialization code. Otherwise, your icons might not be displayed properly.
App Name GDiOS Delegate.m with launch Pad VC
GTL Host GD Auth Token Management startup option
GTL Host GD Push Connection Management startup option
If the BlackBerry Launcher Framework for iOS does not display an icon for a custom ISV app, check the BlackBerry PCE portal to ensure that the icon for the BlackBerry Dynamics app entitlement appears in the PCE tool. If it does not, upload or refresh the app icon in the PCE tool. For more information, see Add an internal app to the app list.
Hiding or showing the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
The following code samples show how to hide or show the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher button: For iOS, use the GTLauncherViewController.launcherButtonHidden boolean property.
Sample app for Android and iOS
- The distribution comes with a sample RSS Reader app that you can examine to see how the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library is implemented.
Moving to production
Service binding
When your application is ready, it needs to be bound to a service in Good Control or BlackBerry UEM. You can bind it to the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library service itself.
For details about how to bind an app to a service, see one of the following:
- For BlackBerry UEM environments, see Manage BlackBerry Dynamics app services
- For Good Control environments, see the Manage Services section in the Good Control Help.
Customizing the Launcher icon in BEMS
You can set a custom icon for your app in Good Control or BlackBerry UEM.
- For BlackBerry UEM environments, see Setting a customized icon for the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher
- For Good Control environments, see Setting a customized icon for the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher.
Validate the BEMS SSL certificate
- You can have the BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher Library validate the SSL certificate of any BlackBerry Enterprise
- Mobility Server that is associated with your deployment to secure the communications between the servers.
Before you begin:
- Verify that you have a copy of the BEMS SSL certificate or the BEMS SSL certificate chain. BEMS supports replacing the BEMS self-signed certificate with one issued by an internal or external certificate authority. If the BEMS certificate has been replaced, then you should deploy the Root CA and any intermediates or subordinate signing certificates in the chain, not the actual BEMS certificate. For more information, see Replacing the autogenerated SSL certificate in the BEMS Configuration content.
- Verify that you have administrative access to your Good Control and BlackBerry UEM server.
- Verify that you have the entitlement ID: com.blackberry.feature.validatebemscertificate
- On the BEMS server, export the SSL certificate.
- If you are using a Good Control server, go to Certificates > Trusted Authorities tab, and Upload New Certificate to import the BEMS certificate.
- If you are using a BlackBerry UEM server, go to Policies and Profiles > Certificates > CA certificate to add the certificate and assign it to users. For more information, see Assign the BEMS SSL certificate to users.
- Assign the entitlement ID to users. Do one of the following:
- Assign it to the Everyone user group.
- Create a user group of only those users you want to assign it to.
- Assign it to individual users.
Legal notice
©2022 BlackBerry Limited. Trademarks, including but not limited to BLACKBERRY, BBM, BES, EMBLEM Design, ATHOC, CYLANCE and SECUSMART are the trademarks or registered trademarks of BlackBerry Limited, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates, used under license, and the exclusive rights to such trademarks are expressly reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This documentation including all documentation incorporated by reference herein such as documentation provided or made available on the BlackBerry website provided or made accessible “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” and without condition, endorsement, guarantee, representation, or warranty of any kind by BlackBerry Limited and its affiliated companies (“BlackBerry”) and BlackBerry assumes no responsibility for any typographical, technical, or other inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in this documentation. 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