SplusS KLQ-CO2-MB CO2 & Airquality Sensor Instruction Manual

May 15, 2024

SplusS KLQ-CO2-MB CO2 & Airquality Sensor

Product Specifications

  • Product Name: CO2 & Airquality Sensor Type KLQ-CO2-MB
  • Measurement Range: CO2 content, VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)
  • Accuracy: Calibratable
  • Connection: Modbus
  • Protection Class: IPXX (Not specified in the manual)
  • Standards Compliance: Not specified

Mounting Instructions

  1. Ensure the area where the sensor will be mounted is suitable for accurate readings.
  2. Use the provided mounting flange to securely attach the sensor in the desired location.
  3. Follow the dimensional drawing provided in the manual for proper positioning of the sensor.

To configure the sensor

  • Set the Modbus address using the DIP switches as per the specified configuration.
  • Adjust the bus parameters including baud rate and parity based on your requirements.
  • Ensure proper communication settings for seamless integration.

Telegram Instructions

The sensor supports various telegram functions:

  • Function 04: Read Input Register – Use this to read specific data registers for monitoring.
  • Function 05: Write Single Coil – Write to a specific coil for control purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Q: What is the typical lifespan of the CO2 sensor?
    A: The CO2 sensor has a specified lifespan, but it can be extended through proper maintenance and calibration.
    Q: How do I know if the sensor is functioning correctly?
    A: The sensor has an integrated diagnostic function for error checking. Refer to the manual for troubleshooting steps.

Operating and Mounting Instructions

Duct sensors incl. mounting flange, measuring transducers for air quality (VOC) and CO2 content, calibratable, with Modbus connection

SplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-001


Patented quality product (patent no. DE 10 2014 010 719.1)

The maintenance-free duct sensor Type KLQ-CO2-MB with Modbus connection, automatic calibration, in an impact-resistant plastic housing with quick- locking screws, incl. mounting flange, optionally with/without display, for determining the CO2-content of the air (0…5000 ppm) and of the air quality (0…100 % VOC). The following parameters can be accessed via the Modbus: air quality (VOC), carbon dioxide (CO2) and atmospheric pressure. The sensor is used in offices, hotels, convention centres, apartments, shops, etc. for the purpose of evaluating the indoor climate. This enables energy-saving room ventilation on an as-needed basis, thereby reducing operating costs and improving well-being. One sensor for every 30 m² of space is recommended.
The CO2 measurement is performed using an optical NDIR sensor (non-dispersive infrared technology). The detection range is calibrated for standard applications such as monitoring residential rooms and conference rooms.

The air quality is detected by a VOC sensor (mixed gas sensor for volatile organic substances). This sensor determines the loading of the room air due to contaminated gases such as cigarette smoke, body perspiration, exhaled breathing air, solvent vapours, emissions etc. With regard to the expected air contamination, low, medium or high VOC sensitivity can be selected.
Innovative Modbus sensor with galvanically separated RS485-Modbus interface, selectable bus termination resistance, DIP switch for setting the bus parameters and bus address in the current-free state, internal LEDs for telegram status display, two separate push-in terminals. The sensor is factory-calibrated; an environmental precision adjustment by an expert is possible.

SplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-1

SplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-2


SplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-\(3\)

Manual setting of the offset

The sensors are pre-set and calibrated at the factory.
Each measuring channel has a separate offset potentiometer for subsequent adjustment of the measurement.
The adjusting range is ± 10 % of the measuring range (VOC / CO2).

KLQ – CO2 – MB| Duct| sensor| for| air| quality| (VOC)| and| CO2| content,| Deluxe
Type| Danfoss

Part Number

SplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-3


SplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-\(4\)

Installation and Commissioning

The minimum CO2 concentration of outdoor air amounts to approx. 350 ppm in leafy, hardly industrialised areas. Gas inter-exchange in the sensor element happens by diffusion. Depending on the changes to the concentration and the flow velocity of the air surrounding the sensor, the reaction of the device to the change of concentration may take place with a delay. It is essential to choose an installation location for the duct sensor in which that the air stream “presses” into the duct tube. It is essential to choose an installation location for the on-wall sensor in which the air stream flows around the sensor. Otherwise the gas exchange may be considerably delayed or prevented.

After the device is switched on, a self-test and temperature equalisation are performed.
Depending on the ambient conditions, this process takes 30-50 minutes (as an option, manual calibration can now be performed).

If commissioning with automatic calibration, proceed as follows

  1. Open all windows or set the air conditioning system to use outdoor air
  2. Switch on the device and move away from the device. If possible, all persons should leave the room.
  3. The device is ready to use after 50 minutes.

Automatic calibration of the CO2 measurement
The regular exchange of fresh air is all that is required for the self- calibration technology in the sensor (CO2 concentrations: 350-500 ppm).
The device detects this condition and performs the calibration automatically. It is sufficient to open the windows or set the air conditioning system to use outdoor air at regular intervals and to stop all CO2-producing processes that influence the ambient air.

Proceed as follows:

  • Open all windows fully or set the air conditioning system to use outdoor air 1x weekly for 15-20 minutes.
  • If possible, all persons should leave the room during this time.
  • Regular ventilation of the rooms and flushing of the duct with fresh air will increase the measuring accuracy of the sensor.
  • Automatic zero point calibration is deactivated by default in the as-delivered condition and, if required, must be activated using the Modbus.

Manual calibration of CO2 measurement
Manual calibration can be carried out independently of automatic calibration.
Sufficient fresh air must be provided before and during the calibration procedure (CO2 concentration: 350-500 ppm).
Also make sure that no CO2-producing processes influence the ambient air.

Proceed as follows to perform manual calibration

  1. Preparation: Remove the housing cover and open all windows or set the air conditioning system to use outdoor air.

  2. Press and hold the “ZERO CO2” button until the flashing LED row changes to a steady light after 5 seconds.
    The calibration process has started. Keep the windows open or the air conditioning system set to use outdoor air.

  3. If possible, all persons should now leave the room.

  4. After 10 minutes, the calibration is complete (status LED has gone out, the countdown is complete) and the device should transmit a CO2 concentration of between 350-500 ppm.

Automatic calibration of the VOC measurement (permanently active)

  • The regular exchange of fresh air is all that is required for the self-calibration technology in the sensor. The device detects this condition and performs the calibration automatically. It is sufficient to open the windows or set the air conditioning system to use outdoor air at regular intervals. Make sure that no harmful substances influence the ambient air during this process. Proceed as follows:
  • Open all windows fully or set the air conditioning system to use outdoor air 1x weekly for 15-20 minutes.
  • During this time, the release of gases from volatile organic substances must be prevented as far as possible.
  • Regular ventilation of the rooms and flushing of the duct with fresh air will increase the measuring accuracy of the sensor.
  • Every time the device is switched on, the automatic calibration cycle restarts and calculates a correction value across the operating period.
  • In case of power disruptions of less than 7 days, the calculation algorithm may be supported with a manual calibration to adjust the correction value more quickly.

Manual calibration of the VOC measurement

  • Manual calibration can be carried out independently of automatic calibration.
  • Sufficient fresh air must be provided before and during the calibration procedure.
  • Also make sure that no harmful substances influence the ambient air.

Proceed as follows to perform manual calibration

  1. Preparation: Prevent the release of gases from volatile organic substances as far as possible, open windows and set air conditioning system to use outdoor air, remove the housing cover and wait 15 minutes.

  2. Press and hold the “ZERO VOC” button until the flashing LED row changes to a steady light after 5 seconds.
    The calibration process has started. Keep the windows open or the air conditioning system set to use outdoor air.

  3. After 60 seconds, the calibration is complete (status LED has gone out, the countdown is complete) and the device transmits the current VOC concentration.


  • SplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-\(5\)The device address in the range of 1 to 247 is set at DIP switch [A].
  • For switch positions 1 to 8 see the table on the back!
  • Address 0 is reserved for broadcast messages.
  • Addresses greater than 247 must not be assigned and are ignored by the device.

The DIP switches are binary-coded with the following values

  • DIP 1 = 128 ………… DIP 1 = ON
  • DIP 2 = 64 ………… DIP 2 = ON
  • DIP 3 = 32 ………… DIP 3 = OFF
  • DIP 4 = 16 ………… DIP 4 = OFF
  • DIP 5 = 8 ………… DIP 5 = OFF
  • DIP 6 = 4 ………… DIP 6 = OFF
  • DIP 7 = 2 ………… DIP 7 = OFF
  • DIP 8 = 1 ………… DIP 8 = ON

The switch positions shown here result in the Modbus address 128 + 64 + 1 = 193


SplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-PRODUCT



| DIP 3
EVEN (numbered)| **O N
ODD (numbered)| **
Parity check

(on / off)

| DIP 4
Active (1 stop bit)| O N
Inactive (no parity) (2 stop bits)| OFF
8N1 mode

(on / off)

| DIP 5
Active| O N
Inactive (default)| OFF
Bus termination


| DIP 6
Active| O N
Inactive| OFF

  • The baud rate (speed of transmission) is set at DIP switches 1 and 2 of DIP switch block [B].
  • Selectable are 9600 baud, 19200 baud, or 38400 baud – see table!
  • Parity is set at DIP switch 3 of DIP switch block [B].
  • Selectable are EVEN or ODD – see table!
  • Parity check is activated via DIP switch 4 of DIP switch block [B].
  • Selectable are active (1 stop bit), or inactive (2 stop bits), i.e. no parity check – see table!
  • The 8N1 mode is activated via DIP switch 5 of DIP switch block [B].
  • The functionality of DIP switch 3 (parity) and DIP switch 4 (parity check) of DIP switch block [B] is therefore deactivated. Selectable are 8N1 active or inactive (default) – see table !.
  • Bus termination is activated via DIP switch 6 of DIP switch block [B].
  • Selectable are active (bus termination resistance of 120 Ohm), or inactive (no bus termination) – see table!


Communication is indicated via two LEDs. Error-free received telegrams are signalized by the green LED lighting up, regardless of the device address. Faulty telegrams or triggered Modbus exception telegrams are depicted by the red LED lighting up.


An error diagnostic function is integrated

Function 04 Read Input Register

Register Parameter Data Type Value Range
3×0001 CO2 Sampling 4 s Signed 16 Bit 350…5000
3×0002 CO2 Filtering 32 s Signed 16 Bit 350…5000
3×0003 VOC [%] Sampling 4 s Signed 16 Bit 0…1000
3×0004 VOC [%] Filtering 32 s Signed 16 Bit 0…1000
3×0009 Atmospheric pressure Sampling 4 s Signed 16 Bit 700…1100

3×0010| Atmospheric pressure| Filtering 32 s| Signed 16 Bit| 700…1100| 700…1110 hPa
3×0011| –| | –| –| –
3×0012| VOC [ppb]| Sampling 4 s| Unsigned 16 Bit| 0…60000| 0…60000 ppb
3×0013| VOC [ppb]| Filtering 32 s| Unsigned 16 Bit| 0…60000| 0…60000 ppb

Function 05 Write Single Coil

Register Parameter Data Type Value Range
0x0001 Reset (Auto zero) CO2 Bit 0 0 / 1 OFF – ON
0x0002 Reset (Auto zero) VOC Bit 1 0 / 1 OFF – ON
0x0003 Automatic calibration (Automatic) CO2 Bit 2 0 / 1 OFF – ON
0x0005 VOC sensibility “low” Bit 4 0 / 1 OFF – ON
0x0006 VOC sensibility “medium” Bit 5 0 / 1 OFF – ON
0x0007 VOC sensibility “high” Bit 6 0 / 1 OFF – ON

Function 08 Diagnostics
The following sub function codes are supported

Sub Function Code Parameter Data Type Answer
00 Echo of transmission data (Loopback) Echo data
01 Restart Modbus

(Reset listen-only mode)

| | Echo telegram
04| Activation listen-only mode| | No answer
10| Delete counter| | Echo telegram
11| Counter bus telegrams| Unsigned 16 Bit| All valid bus telegrams
12| Counter communication errors (Parity, CRC, frame errors, etc.)| Unsigned 16 Bit| Faulty bus telegrams
13| Counter exception telegrams| Unsigned 16 Bit| Error counter
14| Counter slave telegrams| Unsigned 16 Bit| Slave telegrams
15| Counter telegrams without answer| Unsigned 16 Bit| Broadcast messages (address 0)

Function 17 Report Slave ID
Composition of answer telegram

Byte Nr. Parameter Data Type Answer
00 Number of bytes Unsigned 8 Bit 6
01 Slave ID (device type) Unsigned 8 Bit 14 = Type KLQ-CO2
02 Slave ID (device class) Unsigned 8 Bit 60 = Airquality
03 Status Unsigned 8 Bit 255 = RUN, 0 = STOP
04 Version number (release) Unsigned 8 Bit 1…9
05 Version number (version) Unsigned 8 Bit 1…99
06 Version number (index) Unsigned 8 Bit 1
  • SplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-PRODSplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-PRODUCT \(7\)UCT \(7\) SplusS-KLQ-CO2-MB-CO2 &-Airquality-Sensor-\(1\)Terminating resistor may only be installed at the ends of the bus line.
  • In networks with repeaters not more than two line terminations are allowed.
  • Line termination at the device can be activated via DIP switch 6.
  • The bias resistors for bus level definition in the resting state are usually activated at the Modbus master / repeater.
  • The maximum number of subscribers per Modbus segment is 32 devices.
  • When the number of subscribers is greater, the bus must be subdivided into several segments separated by repeaters. The subscriber address can be set from 1 to 247.
  • For the bus line, a twisted-pair cable data line / power supply line and copper mesh wire shield must be used. Therefore, the line capacitance should be less than 100 pF / m (e.g. Profibus cable).

Important notes

  • This device may only be used in pollutant-free non-precipitating air without above-atmospheric or below-atmospheric pressure at the sensor element.

  • On outdoor and duct sensors, the sinter filter of the senor element protects the humidity sensor against potential dust exposure.
    In case of pollution ⁄ contamination, this filter should be cleaned on a regular basis.

  • Dust and pollution falsify measurement results and are to be avoided. Slight pollution and dust sediments can be removed by using compressed air.

  • Touching the humidity element is under any circumstances to be avoided, as that would result in considerable mismeasurements.

  • In case of pollution, we recommend cleaning and recalibration in the factory.

  • In any case, the sensor must not get in contact with chemicals or other cleaning agents.

  • Extremely high concentrations of VOCs, aggressive cleaning agents or silicone-containing vapours can destroy the sensor element or reduce its service life drastically.

  • The air quality signal “good“…“bad“ is represented by the output signal 0 -10 V or 4…20 mA.

  • The device operating range covers 10 … 95 % relative humidity respectively –35…+80 °C.
    Beyond that range, mismeasurements or increased deviations will occur.

  • The chemical sensor is a consumable. The lifetime of the sensor depends on nature and concentration of the pollutant gas burden.

  • When several sensors are connected to one voltage supply of 24 V AC, correct polarity must be regarded as otherwise the alternating voltage source may be short-circuited.

  • The outputs are short-circuit proof. Applying overvoltage or voltage supply to the output will destroy the device.

  • If the automatic system (automatic balancing of CO2 / VOC measurand) is activated, a cyclical fresh air supply must be provided,  as otherwise incorrect measurements can occur.

  • The device must be permanently energized to measure the CO2 and VOC concentration correctly.

  • If this device is operated beyond the specified range, all warranty claims are forfeited.
    Our “General Terms and Conditions for Business“ together with the “General Conditions for the Supply of Products and Services of the Electrical and Electronics Industry“ (ZVEI conditions) including supplementary clause “Extended Retention of Title“ apply as the exclusive terms and conditions.

In additionIn addition, the following points are to be observed:

  • These instructions must be read before installation and putting in operation and all notes provided therein are to be regarded!

  • Devices must only be connected to safety extra-low voltage and under dead-voltage condition. To avoid damages and errors the device (e.g. by voltage induction) shielded cables are to be used, laying parallel with

  • carrying lines is to be avoided, and EMC directives are to be observed.

  • This device shall only be used for its intended purpose. Respective safety regulations issued by the VDE, the states, their control authorities,
    the TÜV and the local energy supply company must be observed. The purchaser has to adhere to the building and safety regulations and has to prevent perils of any kind.

  • No warranties or liabilities will be assumed for defects and damages arising from improper use of this device.

  • Consequential damages caused by a fault in this device are excluded from warranty or liability.

  • These devices must be installed and commissioned by authorised specialists.

  • The technical data and connecting conditions of the mounting and operating instructions delivered together with the device are exclusively valid. Deviations from the catalogue representation are not explicitly mentioned and are possible in terms of technical progress and continuous improvement of our products.

  • In case of any modifications made by the user, all warranty claims are forfeited.

  • This device must not be installed close to heat sources (e.g. radiators) or be exposed to their heat flow.
    Direct sun irradiation or heat irradiation by similar sources (powerful lamps, halogen spotlights) must absolutely be avoided.

  • Operating this device close to other devices that do not comply with EMC directives may influence functionality.

  • This device must not be used for monitoring applications, which serve the purpose of protecting persons against hazards or injury, or as an EMERGENCY STOP switch for systems or machinery, or for any other similar safety-relevant purposes.

  • Dimensions of housings or housing accessories may show slight tolerances on the specifications provided in these instructions.

  • Modifications of these records are not permitted.

  • In case of a complaint, only complete devices returned in original packing will be accepted.

Notes on commissioning
This device was calibrated, adjusted and tested under standardised conditions. When operating under deviating conditions, we recommend performing an initial manual adjustment on-site during commissioning and subsequently at regular intervals.

Commissioning is mandatory and may only be performed by qualified personnel!
These instructions must be read before installation and commissioning and all notes provided therein are to be regarded!

Notes regarding mechanical mounting and attachment
Mounting shall take place while observing all relevant regulations and standards applicable for the place of measurement (e.g. such as welding instructions, etc.). Particularly the following shall be regarded:

  • VDE ⁄ VDI directive technical temperature measurements, measurement set-up for temperature measurements.
  • The EMC directives must be adhered to.
  • It is imperative to avoid parallel laying of current-carrying lines.
  • We recommend to use shielded cables with the shielding being attached at one side to the DDC ⁄ PLC.

Before mounting, make sure that the measuring device technical parameters comply with the actual conditions at the place of utilization, in particular in respect of:

  • Measuring range
  • Permissible maximum pressure, flow velocity, temperature and humidity
  • Protection type and Protection class
  • Installation length, tube dimensions
  • Oscillations, vibrations, shocks are to be avoided (< 0.5 g)

Attention! In any case, please observe the mechanical and thermal load limits of the protective tubes according to DIN 43763 or according to specific S+S standards!

© Copyright by S+S Regeltechnik GmbH
Reprint in full or in parts requires permission from S+S Regeltechnik GmbH.

1 00000001 51 00110011 101 01100101 151 10010111 201 11001001
2 00000010 52 00110100 102 01100110 152 10011000 202 11001010
3 00000011 53 00110101 103 01100111 153 10011001 203 11001011
4 00000100 54 00110110 104 01101000 154 10011010 204 11001100
5 00000101 55 00110111 105 01101001 155 10011011 205 11001101
6 00000110 56 00111000 106 01101010 156 10011100 206 11001110
7 00000111 57 00111001 107 01101011 157 10011101 207 11001111
8 00001000 58 00111010 108 01101100 158 10011110 208 11010000
9 00001001 59 00111011 109 01101101 159 10011111 209 11010001
10 00001010 60 00111100 110 01101110 160 10100000 210 11010010
11 00001011 61 00111101 111 01101111 161 10100001 211 11010011
12 00001100 62 00111110 112 01110000 162 10100010 212 11010100
13 00001101 63 00111111 113 01110001 163 10100011 213 11010101
14 00001110 64 01000000 114 01110010 164 10100100 214 11010110
15 00001111 65 01000001 115 01110011 165 10100101 215 11010111
16 00010000 66 01000010 116 01110100 166 10100110 216 11011000
17 00010001 67 01000011 117 01110101 167 10100111 217 11011001
18 00010010 68 01000100 118 01110110 168 10101000 218 11011010
19 00010011 69 01000101 119 01110111 169 10101001 219 11011011
20 00010100 70 01000110 120 01111000 170 10101010 220 11011100
21 00010101 71 01000111 121 01111001 171 10101011 221 11011101
22 00010110 72 01001000 122 01111010 172 10101100 222 11011110
23 00010111 73 01001001 123 01111011 173 10101101 223 11011111
24 00011000 74 01001010 124 01111100 174 10101110 224 11100000
25 00011001 75 01001011 125 01111101 175 10101111 225 11100001
26 00011010 76 01001100 126 01111110 176 10110000 226 11100010
27 00011011 77 01001101 127 01111111 177 10110001 227 11100011
28 00011100 78 01001110 128 10000000 178 10110010 228 11100100
29 00011101 79 01001111 129 10000001 179 10110011 229 11100101
30 00011110 80 01010000 130 10000010 180 10110100 230 11100110
31 00011111 81 01010001 131 10000011 181 10110101 231 11100111
32 00100000 82 01010010 132 10000100 182 10110110 232 11101000
33 00100001 83 01010011 133 10000101 183 10110111 233 11101001
34 00100010 84 01010100 134 10000110 184 10111000 234 11101010
35 00100011 85 01010101 135 10000111 185 10111001 235 11101011
36 00100100 86 01010110 136 10001000 186 10111010 236 11101100
37 00100101 87 01010111 137 10001001 187 10111011 237 11101101
38 00100110 88 01011000 138 10001010 188 10111100 238 11101110
39 00100111 89 01011001 139 10001011 189 10111101 239 11101111
40 00101000 90 01011010 140 10001100 190 10111110 240 11110000
41 00101001 91 01011011 141 10001101 191 10111111 241 11110001
42 00101010 92 01011100 142 10001110 192 11000000 242 11110010
43 00101011 93 01011101 143 10001111 193 11000001 243 11110011
44 00101100 94 01011110 144 10010000 194 11000010 244 11110100
45 00101101 95 01011111 145 10010001 195 11000011 245 11110101
46 00101110 96 01100000 146 10010010 196 11000100 246 11110110
47 00101111 97 01100001 147 10010011 197 11000101 247 11110111
48 00110000 98 01100010 148 10010100 198 11000110
49 00110001 99 01100011 149 10010101 199 11000111
50 00110010 100 01100100 150 10010110 200 11001000

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