ambe Square 30 Electric Fireplace User Guide

June 4, 2024

ambe Square 30 Electric Fireplace

The Ambe Square 30 Electric Fireplace offers the option of using the Escea DF Mantel Surround and infill panel, to provide a simple solution for new and retrofit installations.
When using the Glass Fascia with the Ambe Square 30, the DF700 mantel infill panel will provide the correct dimensions for locating the fireplace to provide a modern design solution for traditional open fireplaces. The Ambe Square Glass Fascia will comfortably cover the junction between the infill panel and the appliance. When using a frameless finish for the Ambe Square 30, the Escea DF700 Infill panel does not meet the dimensions required. This guide is to assist with supplying an infill panel to fit and how to install.

Product Dimensions

Step-By-Step Installation

  1. The Ambe Square 30 Electric Fireplace can be installed into a new chimney cavity or as a retrofit installation into an existing chimney.

  2. Provide additional framing to support the mantel surround and infill panel. The maximum mantel surround framing is 1320mm W x 1277mm H x 166mm D

  3. Fit the frameless brackets to all 4 sides of the viewing area. Install the appliance into the framed cavity. Minimum appliance cavity dimensions are 676mm W x 570mm H x 350mm D. The appliance base is 55mm of floor level.

  4. Apply a 10mm substrate to pack out infill panel. This can be a combustible or non-combustible board. The cut-out dimension will be 30mm larger than the infill panel: 672mm W x 515mm H

  5. Fix the custom infill panel to the substrate with adhesive. The infill panel cut-out dimension is: 642mm W x 485mm H. This will leave a 3mm gap to the frameless finish brackets on the appliance.
    Custom Infill panel not supplied by Escea/Ambe


  6. Fit the mantel surround to the wall and fix in place. Complete the project with any fixtures or finishes. A hearth is not required.

Contact the Escea Architectural Advisory Team for assistance with this specification –


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