AKO-14545 5 Stage Compressor Racks 2 Converter Outputs Instruction Manual
- June 17, 2024
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AKO-14545 5 Stage Compressor Racks 2 Converter Outputs Instruction Manual
Using the equipment without following the manufacturer’s instructions may affect
the device’s safety requirements.
The unit must be installed in a location protected from vibrations, water and corrosive gases, where the ambient
temperature does not exceed that shown in the technical data. -
o ensure a correct reading,the probe must be located away from external effects.
he power supply circuit must be provided with a main switch rated at least 2 A, 230 V, located close to the equipment.
The cables will enter through the back and should be type H05VV-F or H05V-K. -
he gauge will depend on local regulations,but should in no case be less than 1 mm².
The wiring cables for the contact relays must have a section of 2.5 mm .
Versions and part numbers
AKO-14545| 90-240 V| 2 x 0-5 V / 4-20 mA / NTC+ 1 x NTC| Up to 6| 2 x
0-10 V / 4-20 mA(inverter controls)| 5| NO
AKO-14545-C| 90-240 V| 2 x 0-5 V / 4-20 mA / NTC+ 1 x NTC| Up to 6| 2 x
0-10 V / 4-20 mA(inverter controls)| 5| YES

Keypad functions
In the programming menu, exit without saving parameter, return to previous
level or exit programming.
By pressing this key for 1 second the probe display units change (according to
parameter C09). Pressing for 10 seconds goes to the programming menu.
In the programming menu, go to the level displayed or accept the new value
while setting a parameter.
By pressing this key for 1 second probe 2 is displayed for 5 seconds (or probe
1, according to parameter P02).By pressing a second time the probe ambient
temperature value will be shown (only if I07 or I08=3). In the programming
menu, allows you to scroll through the various levels or, during the setting
of a parameter, to change the value.
Pressing this key returns the unit to its standard operation after an alarm
which requires a reset (the causes which triggered the alarm must have
In programming menu, allows you to scroll through the various levels or,
during the setting of a parameter, to change the value.
Display messages
The unit has a wizard that configures the unit’s parameters and assigns the input and output functions according to the installation type chosen. When connecting the power supply for the first time, the Configuration Wizard will start, displaying the message INI on screen. Follow the 4steps detailed below and the unit will be ready to operate:
By using keys N and Q,select the most suitable option according to the
installation type in accordance with the “WIZARD”table on page7 and press
SET.The wizard configures the equipment parameters and assigns the input and
output functions according to the installation type chosen.
Select the refrigerant gas type used from amongst the following options:
0=R134a 1=R404a 2=R717a 3=R22 4=R410a 5=R507a 6=R744
7=R407a 8=R407f 9=R1234y 10=R448a 11=R449a 12=R450a 13=R454A
14=R454C 15=R455A 16=R1234ze 17=R515b 18=R452A 19=R452b
Select the primary and secondary display units from amongst the following
options: 0=bar-ºC; 1=psi-ºF; 2=psi-ºC; 3=bar-ºF; 4=ºC-bar; 5=ºF-psi; 6=ºC-psi;
Configure the rest of the parameters to their default value? :
0=No,the configuration is kept for all the parameters except for
C01,C02,C04,C05 C06,C08
and C09. 1=Yes,all the parameters are configured to their default value (see
parameters table)
(This option does not affect parameters C01,C02,C04,C05 C06,C08 and C09)
In order to start the wizard again, disconnect the unit’s power supply,
reconnect it and, during the subsequent8seconds, press the key sequence N, Q,
“WIZARD” table description
The “WIZARD”annex table is divided into 3groups of columns.
The first group describes the different types of installation (no.of
compressors and fans, whether they have a converter,etc.) associated to their
The second group specifies the function assigned to each relay depending on
the INI option selected.
The third group specifies the function assigned to each digital input depending on the INI option selected.
Compressors without inverter 1
Number of stages per compressor
Compressor with inverter
Fans without inverter
Fans with inverter
CV:| RUN inverter output (compressor)| Cxa, Cxb, Cxc:| Output
stages 1, 2 and 3 of compressor x
FV:| RUN inverter output (fans)| Vx:| Output fan without inverter
Cx:| Output compressors without inverter| AL:| Alarm output
T-VAR-C1:| Thermal input frequency inverter (compressor)| T-Vx:|
Thermal input fan
T-VAR-F:| Thermal input frequency inverter (fans)| H.P.:| Input
high pressure switch
T-Cx:| Thermal input compressor| L.P.:| Input low pressure switch
x: Compressor or fan no.
a, b, c: Compressor stages
“WIZARD” table
INI| | 2 1| | | | | OUTPUTS| INPUTS|
R1| R2| R3| R4| R5| I1| I2| I3|
I4| I5| I6|
1| 1| 1| –| –| –| C1| –| –| –| AL| T-C1| –| –| –| L.P.| H.P.| |
2| 1| 2| –| –| –| C1| C1a| –| –| AL| T-C1| –| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
3| 1| 3| –| –| –| C1| C1a| C1b| –| AL| T-C1| –| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
4| 1| 4| –| –| –| C1| C1a| C1b| C1c| AL| T-C1| –| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
5| 2| 1| –| –| –| C1| C2| –| –| AL| T-C1| T-C2| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
6| 2| 2| –| –| –| C1| C1a| C2| C2a| AL| T-C1| T-C2| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
7| 3| 1| –| –| –| C1| C2| C3| –| AL| T-C1| T-C2| T-C3| –| L.P.| H.P.|
8| 4| 1| –| –| –| C1| C2| C3| C4| AL| T-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-C4| L.P.| H.P.|
9| 5| 1| –| –| –| C1| C2| C3| C4| C5| T-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-C4| T-C5| H.P.|
10| 0| –| 1| –| –| CV| –| –| –| AL| T-VAR-C1| –| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
11| 1| 1| 1| –| –| CV| C2| –| –| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
12| 1| 2| 1| –| –| CV| C2| C2a| –| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
13| 1| 3| 1| –| –| CV| C2| C2a| C2b| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
14| 1| 4| 1| –| –| CV| C2| C2a| C2b| C2c| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
15| 2| 1| 1| –| –| CV| C2| C3| –| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-C3| –| L.P.| H.P.|
16| 2| 2| 1| –| –| CV| C2| C2a| C3| C3a| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-C3| –| L.P.| H.P.|
17| 3| 1| 1| –| –| CV| C2| C3| C4| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-C4| L.P.| H.P.|
18| 4| 1| 1| –| –| CV| C2| C3| C4| C5| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-C4| T-C5| H.P.|
19| –| –| –| –| | FV| –| –| –| AL| T-VAR-F| –| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
20| 1| 1| –| –| | C1| FV| –| –| AL| T-C1| T-VAR-F| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
21| 1| 2| –| –| | C1| C1a| FV| –| AL| T-C1| T-VAR-F| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
22| 1| 3| –| –| | C1| C1a| C1b| FV| AL| T-C1| T-VAR-F| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
23| 1| 4| –| –| | C1| C1a| C1b| C1c| FV| T-C1| T-VAR-F| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
24| 2| 1| –| –| | C1| C2| FV| –| AL| T-C1| T-C2| T-VAR-F| –| L.P.| H.P.|
25| 2| 2| –| –| | C1| C1a| C2| C2a| FV| T-C1| T-C2| T-VAR-F| –| L.P.| H.P.|
26| 3| 1| –| –| | C1| C2| C3| FV| AL| T-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-VAR-F| L.P.| H.P.|
27| 4| 1| –| –| | C1| C2| C3| C4| FV| T-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-C4| T-VAR-F| H.P.|
28| 0| –| 1| –| | CV| FV| –| –| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-VAR-F| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
29| 1| 1| 1| –| | CV| C2| FV| –| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-VAR-F| –| L.P.| H.P.|
30| 1| 2| 1| –| | CV| C2| C2a| FV| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-VAR-F| –| L.P.| H.P.|
31| 1| 3| 1| –| | CV| C2| C2a| C2b| FV| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-VAR-F| –| L.P.|
32| 2| 1| 1| –| | CV| C2| C3| FV| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-VAR-F| L.P.|
33| 3| 1| 1| –| | CV| C2| C3| C4| FV| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-C4| T-VAR-F|
INI| | 2
| | | | | OUTPUTS| INPUTS|
R1| R2| R3| R4| R5| I1| I2| I3|
I4| I5| I6|
34| –| –| –| 1| –| V1| –| –| –| AL| T-V1| –| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
35| –| –| –| 2| –| V1| V2| –| –| AL| T-V1| T-V2| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
36| –| –| –| 3| –| V1| V2| V3| –| AL| T-V1| T-V2| T-V3| –| L.P.| H.P.|
37| –| –| –| 4| –| V1| V2| V3| V4| AL| T-V1| T-V2| T-V3| T-V4| L.P.| H.P.|
38| –| –| –| 5| –| V1| V2| V3| V4| V5| T-V1| T-V2| T-V3| T-V4| T-V5| H.P.|
39| 1| 1| –| 1| –| C1| V1| –| –| AL| T-C1| T-V1| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
40| 1| 1| –| 2| –| C1| V1| V2| –| AL| T-C1| T-V1| T-V2| –| L.P.| H.P.|
41| 1| 1| –| 3| –| C1| V1| V2| V3| AL| T-C1| T-V1| T-V2| T-V3| L.P.| H.P.|
42| 1| 1| –| 4| –| C1| V1| V2| V3| V4| T-C1| T-V1| T-V2| T-V3| T-V4| H.P.|
43| 1| 2| –| 1| –| C1| C1a| V1| –| AL| T-C1| T-V1| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
44| 1| 2| –| 2| –| C1| C1a| V1| V2| AL| T-C1| T-V1| T-V2| –| L.P.| H.P.|
45| 1| 2| –| 3| –| C1| C1a| V1| V2| V3| T-C1| T-V1| T-V2| T-V3| L.P.| H.P.|
46| 1| 3| –| 1| –| C1| C1a| C1b| V1| AL| T-C1| T-V1| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
47| 1| 3| –| 2| –| C1| C1a| C1b| V1| V2| T-C1| T-V1| T-V2| –| L.P.| H.P.|
48| 1| 4| –| 1| –| C1| C1a| C1b| C1c| V1| T-C1| T-V1| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
49| 2| 1| –| 1| –| C1| C2| V1| –| AL| T-C1| T-C2| T-V1| –| L.P.| H.P.|
50| 2| 1| –| 2| –| C1| C2| V1| V2| AL| T-C1| T-C2| T-V1| T-V2| L.P.| H.P.|
51| 2| 1| –| 3| –| C1| C2| V1| V2| V3| T-C1| T-C2| T-V1| T-V2| T-V3| H.P.|
52| 2| 2| –| 1| –| C1| C1a| C2| C2a| V1| T-C1| T-C2| T-V1| –| L.P.| H.P.|
53| 3| 1| –| 1| –| C1| C2| C3| V1| AL| T-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-V1| L.P.| H.P.|
54| 3| 1| –| 2| –| C1| C2| C3| V1| V2| T-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-V1| T-V2| H.P.|
55| 4| 1| –| 1| –| C1| C2| C3| C4| V1| T-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-C4| T-V1| H.P.|
56| 0| –| 1| 1| –| CV| V1| –| –| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-V1| –| –| L.P.| H.P.|
57| 0| –| 1| 2| –| CV| V1| V2| –| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-V1| T-V2| –| L.P.| H.P.|
58| 0| –| 1| 3| –| CV| V1| V2| V3| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-V1| T-V2| T-V3| L.P.| H.P.|
59| 0| –| 1| 4| –| CV| V1| V2| V3| V4| T-VAR-C1| T-V1| T-V2| T-V3| T-V4| H.P.|
60| 1| 1| 1| 1| –| CV| C2| V1| –| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-V1| –| L.P.| H.P.|
61| 1| 1| 1| 2| –| CV| C2| V1| V2| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-V1| T-V2| L.P.| H.P.|
62| 1| 1| 1| 3| –| CV| C2| V1| V2| V3| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-V1| T-V2| T-V3| H.P.|
63| 1| 2| 1| 1| –| CV| C2| C2a| V1| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-V1| –| L.P.| H.P.|
64| 1| 2| 1| 2| –| CV| C2| C2a| V1| V2| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-V1| T-V2| L.P.|
65| 1| 3| 1| 1| –| CV| C2| C2a| C2b| V1| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-V1| –| L.P.| H.P.|
66| 2| 1| 1| 1| –| CV| C2| C3| V1| AL| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-V1| L.P.| H.P.|
67| 2| 1| 1| 2| –| CV| C2| C3| V1| V2| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-V1| T-V2| H.P.|
68| 3| 1| 1| 1| –| CV| C2| C3| C4| V1| T-VAR-C1| T-C2| T-C3| T-C4| T-V1| H.P.|
The function of each relay output or digital input depends on the option
chosen in the INI wizard (See page 5).
Control of compressor inverter
Control of fan inverter
Aspiration probe
Discharge probe
Probes S1 and S2 must be the same type (NTC, 4-20 mA or 0-5 V). They will be
active depending on the INI value selected.
Make the connection before plugging in the terminals to the equipment (see
section 10.2).
Location of the probes
Proportional mode
The controller activates (red line) or deactivates (green line) the different
stages/compressors available in a linear manner depending on the reading
obtained in probe1 until the Set Point(E01) is reached again, as shown in the
following figu
If there is a frequency converter, the frequency converter modulates the power
of compressor1 between 0 and 100% (blue zone). If demand increases, the
following compressor or stage (without converter) is added, again modulating
the power of compressor1 using the converter, and so on. This method allows
modulating the total power available using just one frequency convert.
n: Number of stages/compressors
In both cases, the delays t01 to t04 must be accounted for. Stages / Compress
Neutral zone mode
In this mode, a neutral zone is defined, whose lower limit is the Set Point
minus the bandwidth, and whose upper limit is the Set Point plus the
bandwidth. While the reading of probe1 remains in that zone, no stages or
compressors are connected or disconnected.
If the upper limit is exceeded, the controller activates the different
stages/compressors separated by the interval defined in parameter t03 (red
line) until returning to the neutral zone.
If the lower limit is exceeded, the controller deactivates the different
stages/compressors separated by the interval defined in parameter t04 (green
line) until returning to the neutral zone.
In order to deactivate a stage/compressor, the interval t01 must have passed, and interval t02 defines the minimum interval between starts of the same stage/compressor
Operation is the same as in the previous point, but modulating the power of
compressor1 with the converter while it remains in the neutral zone using a
PIDcontrol. Near the upper limit, the compressor operates at its maximum
capacity, and if said limit is exceeded, more stages/compressors are added, in
accordance with the interval defined in t02, until returning to the neutral
To avoid delays in the reaction of the installation, t02 time is halved in the
compressor equipped with an inverter. Near the lower limit, the compressor
operates at its minimum capacity, and if said limit is exceeded, it stops. The
rest of the stages/compressors will stop, in accordance with the interval
programmed in t01, until re-entering the neutral zone, upon which compressor 1
activates again at its minimum capacity.
Pump Down
It is only available if the type of operation is direct (C07=0).
When the pressure reaches the Set Point value (E01) in probe 1, the last
stage/compressor remaining in operation does not stop; it continues to reduce
the pressure until reaching the value configured in parameter E08.
In the event of a failure, if the value of E08 is not reached, the controller
will stop the compressor once the security interval defined in E09 has passed,
displaying the message “PdA” (an informative message that does not affect the
unit’s operation). For this function to be active, the parameter E08 must be
configured below the Set Point (E01)
Fan control
Proportional mode
The controller activates (red line) or deactivates (green line) the different
fans available in a linear manner depending on the reading obtained in probe2
until the Set Point(E01) is reached again, as shown in the following figure.
The delays t05 to t08 must be accounted for.
If there is a frequency converter, the frequency converter modulates the power
of the fans between 0 and 10.
Neutral zone mode
In this mode, a neutral zone is defined, whose lower limit is the Set Point
minus the bandwidth, and whose upper limit is the Set Point plus the
bandwidth. While the reading of probe2 remains in that zone, no fans are
connected or disconnected.
If the upper limit is exceeded, the controller activates the different fans
separated by the interval defined in parameter t07 (red line) until returning
to the neutral zone.
If the lower limit is exceeded, the controller deactivates the different fans
separated by the interval defined in parameter t08 (green line) until
returning to the neutral zone.
In order to deactivate a fan, the interval t05 must have passed, and interval t06 defines the minimum interval between starts of the same stage/compressor.
Operation is the same as in the previous point, but modulating the power of
the fans with the converter while it remains in the neutral zone using a PID
Near the upper limit,the fans operate at their maximum capacity, and if said
limit is exceeded,the capacity is kept at its maximum until returning to the
neutral zone.
Near the lower limit, the fans operate at their minimum capacity, and if said
limit is exceeded, they stop until returning to the neutral zone,upon which
they activate again at their minimum capacity
Floating condensation
The controller modulates the evaporation Set Point taking into account the
ambient temperature (requiring connecting probe3) and the power of the
This type of control improves the COP (the relationship between cooling power
and consumed electrical energy) and hence increases the energy performance of
the installation.
**This mode is only valid if the fans of the condenser are controlled, with
or without a frequency converter.
IMPORTANT:** The alarms that cause compressors and fans to stop will do
so in a sequential manner, with a delay of 5seconds between stop.
When the digital input I5 or I6 is activated, the message HPA (High) or LPA
(Low) is shown on screen, the alarm relay is activated (if available) and the
compressors are stopped.
If the alarm is due to low pressure, the fans stop; if it is due to high
pressure , the fans activate regardless of parameter F07.
If the cause that triggered the alarm disappears, the installation returns to
its standard operation.
Parameter A09 defines the number of high-pressure alarms allowed per hour.
If this value is
exceeded, the unit must be manually reset by pressing the Q key in order for
it to return to its standard operation, once the cause that triggered the
alarm has disappeared. This requires the parameters I07 or I08 t o be
set to 0 or 1. When the readings return to their normal values, the alarm
relay deactivates but the R indicator remains on until the Qkey is presse
If the reading in probe 1 reaches the value set for parameter A03 , the
message ALL (Low
pressure) is displayed on screen, the alarm relay (if available) is activated
and the compressors and fans stop.
This alarm differential is established in parameter A04.
If the reading in probe 1 reaches the value set for parameter A05, the message
ALH (High
pressure) is displayed on screen,the alarm relay (if available) is activated
and the compressors and fans stop. This alarm differential is established in
parameter A06.
When the readings return to their normal values, the alarm relay deactivates
but the Rindicator remains on until the Qkey is pressed.
If one of the thermal protections goes off (digital inputs I1 to I5, according
to the configuration), the message At1… is displayed on screen At5, the
associated element (compressor or fan) stops and the alarm relay activates (if
Once the protection is reset, the installation returns to its standard
operation, but the alarm relay remains activated until the Qkey is pressed.
When the digital input configured as a severe external alarm (I07 or I08=4) is
activated, the
screen displays the messageAES, the compressors and fans stop and the alarm
relay activates.
Once the cause that triggered the alarm disappears, the installation returns
to its standard
operation, but the R indicator remains activated until the Qkey is pressed.
PROBE 1,2 or 3 ERROR
If an error occurs in probes1,2or3 (disconnection, cross-over or probe out of
range), the
screen displays the messages E1, E2 or E3 respectively, the alarm relay
activates and the
compressors and fans go on to operate according to parameters A01 and A02.
Once the cause that triggered the alarm disappears, the installation returns
to its standard operation, but the R indicator remains activated until the
Qkey is pressed.
If the unit remains without electrical supply for a period longer than 6hours,
or upon its first startup, the screen displays the message Ar, indicating that
the internal clock is deprogrammed. The unit will continue its standard
operation, but if the energy save mode has been activated, it will not start.
In order to set the date and time again, adjust parametersr01 to r05.
Activates the alarm relay.
If, during pump down, the maximum interval configured in E09 passes before the
stop value
specified by E08 is reached, the last stage will stop and the messagePdA will
be displayed. Does not activate t
Alarm delay
These delays prevent the display of specific alarms while allowing the unit to
recover normal operation after certain events.
- Delays in start-up (A08): Delays the activation of the alarms upon receiving power supply (start-up or after a fault in the power supply). This allows starting up the installation avoiding constant alarm statuses.
- Alarm delay (A07): It delays the activation of the high and low pressure alarms (A03 and A05) from the time that the programmed values are reached.
- Turn-on delay time of alarms due to digital input 5 (I09): It delays the activation of activated alarms due to digital input 5. The type of alarm to be activated depends on the configuration of parameter I07. It does not take effect if parameter I07 is set to 2 (Thermal alarm).
- Turn-on delay time of alarms due to digital input 6 (I10): It delays the activation of activated alarms due to digital input 6. The type of alarm to be activated depends on the configuration of parameter I08. It does not take effect if parameter I08 is set to 2 (Thermal alarm).
Remote disconnection
This function allows stopping/starting regulation with an external signal via
the digital input 5 or 6. The digital input 5 or 6 must be configured as a
remote disconnection (I07 or I08=5).
When stopping or starting regulation, the compressors / stages and fans will
stop or start in accordance with the timings set in parameters t01 to t08.
The AKO-14545-C model has a port for connection of RS485 (MODBUS) data, that
allows remotely managing them using a PC with the AKONetsoftware or an
AKO-5011 server.
A different address must be assigned to each unit on the same network. This
address is defined by parameter P
Parameter setup
Through the programming menu users can set different parameters to adjust the
operation of the controller to the needs of their installation.
Programming Menu
It allows changing the unit’s operating parameters.
To access the programming menu, press the SET button for 10 seconds, or until
the “PRG” appears on the screen.
the programming menu, press the SET button for 10 seconds, or until the “PRG”
appears on the screen.
IMPORTANT: If the password function has been configured, the system will
demand entering the password programmed in L5. If the entered password is not
correct, the unit will go back toshowing the temperature. After 20 seconds
with no key being pressed, the equipment will return to the previous level. If
you are on level 3, the changes will not be saved
The unit’s operation parameters are organized into groups or families
according to their function.
The Def. column shows factory-set default parameters.
The pressure values featured on the table are expressed in bar and those for
temperature in ºC. If the wizard meanwhile selects another set of units
(parameter C09), the unit will make the conversion automatically.
IMPORTANT: C01, C02, C04, C05, C06, C08 and C09 are read-only parameters,
editable using the INI wizard only.
| Description| Units| Min| Def| Max.
E01| Pressure / evaporation temperature set point| bar| E03| 5| E02
E02| Evaporation set point upper limit (It cannot be set above this
limit)| bar| E03| 75| 75
E03| Evaporation set point lower limit (It cannot be set below this
limit)| bar| -0.7| -0.7| E02
E04| Compressor rotation type: 0 =Balancing, depending on the
operation time 1 =Sequential (the last in is the first out)| | 0| 0| 1
E05| Compressor control type: 0 =Neutral zone; 1 =Proportional|
| 0| 0| 1
E06| Evaporation regulation bandwidth| bar| 0.0| 2.0| 50
E07| Integral time (PID inverter control)| sec.| 2| 5| 10
E08| Stop value for pump down (If C07 =0)| bar| -0.7| 0.1| ***
E09| Maximum pump down time (If C07 =0) (0= deactivated)| sec.x10|
0| 0| 255
EP**| Output to level 1
| Description| Units| Min| Def| Max.
P01| Probe type selection 0 =4-20 mA; 1 =0-5 V; 2 =NTC| | 0|
0| 2
P02| Probe to be displayed: 0 =Probe 1 (Aspiration)
1 =Probe 2 (Discharge); 2 =Probes 1 and 2 in carousel| | 0| 0| 2
P03| Value 4 mA / 0 V (according to P01) probe 1| bar| -60| -60| 999
P04| Value 20 mA / 5 V (according to P01) probe 1| bar| -60| 999| 999
P05| Probe 1 calibration (Offset)| bar| -20| 0| 20
P06| Value 4 mA / 0 V (according to P01) probe 2| bar| -60| -60| 999
P07| Value 20 mA / 5 V (according to P01) probe 2| bar| -60| 999| 999
P08| Probe 2 calibration (Offset)| bar| -20| 0| 20
P09| Calibration of the outside temperature probe for floating
condensation| ºC| -20| 0| 20
EP| Output to level 1
| | |
| Description| Units| Min| Def| Max.
**S01| Start of energy saving – Day of the week: 0
=Deactivated 1 =Monday 2 =Tuesday 3 =Wednesday
4 =Thursday 5 =Friday 6 =Saturday 7
=Sunday 8 =Monday to Sunday 9 =Monday to Saturday 10 =Monday to
Friday 11 =Saturday to Sunday| ** 0| 0| 11
S02| Start of the energy saving – Hour (see remark 2)| h.| 0| 0| 23
S03| Start of the energy saving – Minute (see remark 2)| min.| 0|
0| 59
S04| Duration of the energy saving (see remark 2)| h.| 0| 0| 24
S05| Variation in the evaporation set point during energy saving
(E01+S05) (see remark 2)| bar| -20| 0| 20
EP| Output to level 1
Remark 2: I n the event of the energy saving and the variation in the set point per digital input being activated at the same time,the variation in the set point per digital input will always prevail. Level 1.- TIMING CONFIGURATION
| Description| Units| Min| Def| Max.
r01| Hour| | 00| 00| 23
r02| Minutes| | 00| 00| 59
r03| Day| | 1| 1| 31
r04| Month| | 1| 1| 12
r05| Year| | 00| 15| 99
EP| Output to level 1
If the compressor is equipped with an inverter, this period of time halves.
The number of stages depends on the configuration selected in the wizard
| Description| Units| Min| Def| Max.
P5| Address for units with communication| | 1| 1| 255
L5| Access code (Password)| | 0| 0| 999
PU| Programme version| | –| –| –
Pr| Programme revision| | 1| –| –
EP| Output to level 1
| Description| Units| Min| Def| Max.
c1| This shows the operation time for the compressor or fan 1| horas
x10| –| –| 999
c2| This shows the operation time for the compressor or fan 2| horas
x10| –| –| 999
c3| This shows the operation time for the compressor or fan 3| horas
x10| –| –| 999
c4| This shows the operation time for the compressor or fan 4| horas
x10| –| –| 999
c5| This shows the operation time for the compressor or fan 5| horas
x10| –| –| 999
EP| Output to level 1
EP| Programming output
Limits and default values of the pressure and temperature parameters
according to units.
The following table shows the default values and the limits of the pressure
and temperature parameters according to the display units defined by parameter
C09 during quick start (see page 5).
| Pressure| Temp.| Pressure| Temp.| Pressure|
| bar| psi| ºC| ºF| bar| psi| ºC| ºF|
bar| psi| ºC| ºF
E01| E03| 5| 72.5| 5| 41| E02
E02| E03| 75| 999| 99.9| 150| 75| 999| 99.9| 150
E03| 0.7| -10.2| -50| -58| 0.7| -10.2| -50| -58| E02
E06| 0.0| 2.0| 50| 725| 50| 50
E08| -0.7| -10.2| -50| -58| 0.1| 1.5| -30| -22| 75| -10.2| 99.9| 150
F01| F03| 19| 275.5| 45| 113| F02
F02| F03| 75| 999| 99.9| 150| 75| 999| 99.9| 150
F03| -0.7| -10.2| -50| -58| -0.7| -10.2| -50| -58| F02
F06| 0.0| 2.0| 50| 725| 50| 50
F10| N.A.| -50| -58| N.A.| 28| 82.4| N.A.| 99.9| 150
F11| N.A.| 6| 42.8| N.A.| 12| 53.6| N.A.| 20| 68
P03| 60| -60| 999
P04| -60| 999| 999
P05| -20| -290| -20| -20| 0| 20| 290| 20| 20
P06| -60| -60| 999
P07| -60| -60| 999
P08| -20| -290| -20| -20| 0| 20| 290| 20| 20
P09| N.A.| -20| -20| N.A.| 0| 0| N.A.| 20| 20
I11| -20| -290| -20| -20| 0| 20| 290| 20| 20
S05| -20| -290| -20| -20| 0| 20| 290| 20| 20
A03| -0.7| -10.2| -50| -58| 0| 0| -40| -40| 75| 999| 99.9| 150
A04| 0.1| 1.5| 0.1| 0.1| 1| 10| 1| 1| 20| 290| 20| 20
A05| 0.7| -10.2| -50| -58| 20| 290| 45| 113| 75| 999| 99.9| 150
A06| 0.1| 1.5| 0.1| 0.1| 1| 10| 1| 1| 20| 290| 20| 20
Technical specifications
Power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-240 V~ 50/60 Hz
Maximum voltage in the SELV circuits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 V
Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 analog inputs + 6 digital inputs
Relays R1 to R4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (EN60730-1:5(4) A 250 V~ SPST)
Relay R5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (EN60730-1:5(4) A 250 V~ SPDT)
No.of relay operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN60730-1:100.000 operations
Types of probes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NTC AKO-149xx
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 4-20 mA
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-5 V
Measuring range NTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . -50,0 ºC to +99,9 ºC (-58,0 ºF to 211 ºF)
4-20 mA / 0-5 V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -60 to 999
Resolution NTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1 ºC (0.1 ºF)
4-20 mA / 0-5 V -99.9 to 99.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1
£ -100 / ³ 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Working environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -10 to 50 ºC,moisture <90 %
Storage environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -30 to 70 ºC,moisture <90 %
Protection degree of the front part. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IP65
Fixing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panel mounting with anchors
Panel cavity dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 x 29 mm
Front part dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 x 38 mm
Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 61 mm
Connections: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Terminal to screw for cables with a section of up to 2.5 mm
Control device classification:Built-in assembly,with Type 1.B automatic
operation action feature,for use in clean situations,
logical support (Software) class A and continuous operation.Degree of
contamination 2 acc.to UNE-EN 60730-1.
Double power input insulation,secondary circuit and relay output.
Rated pulse voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500
Pressure ball test temperature: Accessible parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 ºC
Parts that position active elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 125 ºC
Voltage and current declared by the EMC tests: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 V,17 mA
Radio interference suppression test current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 mA
Documents / Resources
AKO-14545 5 Stage Compressor Racks 2 Converter
[pdf] Instruction Manual
AKO-14545 5 Stage Compressor Racks 2 Converter Outputs, AKO-14545, 5 Stage
Compressor Racks 2 Converter Outputs, Compressor Racks 2 Converter Outputs,
Racks 2 Converter Outputs, 2 Converter Outputs, Converter Outputs
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