ILIFE-V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner User Manual

June 4, 2024

V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
User Manual
ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

ILIFE-V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing ILIFE V9e robotic vacuum cleaner!
You’ve joined the millions of people who clean with robots – the smarter way to get it done.
Please take a few moments to read this manual and get acquainted with your robot, to get the best performance from your robot. If you have any problems with your robot please do not hesitate to contact our customer service or visit our website at for more information.
Stay connected with us on Facebook and Twitter to enjoy these exclusive benefits:
– Get support tailored to your specific robot, including answers to questions, maintenance tips, video demos, live chat, and more.
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Enjoy a thorough cleaning every day!
Best regards,
ILIFE Innovation

Safety Instructions


  1. This robot should not be used by children under 8 or people with mentally challenged unless they are under supervision. Do not let children sit on the robot or use it as a toy.
  2. Attend to the robot promptly if an error occurs during cleaning. Before using the robot, remove all power cords and small objects on the floor. Roll up carpet tassels and make sure curtains and table cloth are not in contact with the floor.
  3. If there are hanging steps or stairs, please test if the robot can detect them before use. If not, please set up barriers to avoid falling down, and make sure that the barriers cause no harm to people.
  4. Follow the instructions in this user manual. Use factory-authorized or recommended accessories only.
  5. Make sure the voltage of the charging dock is compatible with the voltage of the power supply.
  6. Use the robot indoors and in a home environment only. Do not use it outdoors, or in commercial or industrial spaces.
  7. Use a factory-authorized adaptor and charging dock only. Do not use a non-rechargeable battery. Refer to the “Product Specifications” section for details about battery standards.
  8. Do not soak the robot in water and do not rinse the robot under the faucet
  9. Do not clean the robot with a dripping wet cloth.
  10. Do not use the robot on floors with ponding water.
  11. Do not use the robot near fire or fragile objects.
  12. Do not use the robot under extreme temperatures below -5°C or above 40°C.
  13. Do not make the cloth, human hair, finger, or other parts of the body close to the open or the running mechanism of the robot.
  14. Do not use the robot on floors with stones or paper to avoid being stuck.
  15. Do not use the robot in areas with any flammables, such as gasoline, toner, and so on. Or use the robot to clean any burning objects, like cigarettes, ashes or matches, or anything that may cause a fire.
  16. Do not use a damaged charging dock.
  17. Do not lift up the robot or the charging dock by the power cord, and keep the power cords away from heat and avoid it being trapped around doors, sharp edges, or corners.
  18. Damaged power cords must be repaired by the manufacturer’s repair service or certified technicians.
  19. Install the dustbin and filters properly before using the robot.
  20. Do not use the robot in rooms where babies are sleeping.
  21. Do not use damaged power cords or charging dock to recharge the robot. Do not use the robot if it’s damaged by falling down, or soaking in water.
  22. Turn off the power switch if the robot will not be used for a long time.
  23. Turn off the power switch before cleaning or maintaining the robot.
  24. Unplug power cords from the charging dock before cleaning or maintaining the robot.
  25. Remove the battery before discarding the robot.
  26. Robots and batteries are to be disposed of according to local safety regulations.
  27. Do not cremate the robot to avoid the explosion.
  28. Follow the instructions in this user manual. The manufacturer is not responsible for any damages caused by improper use.

Product Composition

List of accessories

Serial Number Description Q’ty
1 Main body (battery included) 1
2 Charging dock 1
3 Remote control (battery not included) 1
4 Power adapter 1
5 User manual 1
6 AAA battery 2
7 Extra side brushes 4
8 HEPA Filter 1

ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 1

Robot Anatomy

ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 2| ILIFE
V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 3
Dustbin| Remote Control
ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 4| ILIFE
V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 5

Product specifications
Item Specification
Diameter 310nnm
Height 112mm
Weight 2.9kg
Power 28W
Battery type Li-ion
Charging type Auto / Manually
Dustbin capacity 0.7L
Cleaning mode Auto, Spot, MAX, Edge
Charging time < 300mins
Cleaning time > 90mins
Main body button type Mechanical button

The Company reserves the right of final decision on the interpretation of these terms and conditions.

Product Operation

The robot may skip over some areas due to the complexity of the home environment. To achieve the best result, we suggest using it as a daily routine and clearing up the obstructions on the floor before starting the robot.

Please move away the power cords and other objects that may tangle the robot before cleaning.| Please fold up the edges of the carpets before cleaning.
To avoid being stuck during cleaning, please arrange the furniture neatly.
| ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 10
Please do not stand somewhere with a narrow space like the door sill or hallway in case of blocking the robot and skipping over some areas.| Please do not stand by downstairs when the robot is working upstairs in case of getting injured by any fallen objects.
ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 11
The robot will be in sleep mode if it stops working for 10mins. To restart it. please press the button or the button on the remote control.

Charging dockILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig

  1. How to charge
    • Connect the adapter to the charging dock.
    • Put the charging dock against the wall and ensure there are no objects within 1 meter on both sides and 2 meters forward, and no reflective objects around, such as mirrors.
    • Connect the power.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig
13   Note: When the charging dock is connected to the adapter, the signal light of the dock will light up.

  2. Turn on / off
    • Turn on the power button on the side, ” — for ON, ” 0 ” for OFF.
    Note: After the robot finishes its work, please do not turn it off, and fully recharge it for the next run.

  3. Charging
    A. Charging automatically
    1. Please place the robot on the charging dock.
    2. If the buttons are flashing orange, the robot is charging.
    If the button is green, the robot is fully charged.   Note: Please keep the charging pins clean in daily use to ensure a good connection.
    B. Charging manually
    • Turn on the power button on the side of the robot, connect the adapter to the robot and then plug the adapter into the power socket.ILIFE V9e Robotic
Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 16   Note:
    • Please leave the robot on the charging dock for daily use and make sure that the charging dock is connected to the power and the switch is on.
    • If you won’t use the robot for a long time, please fully charge it, turn off the power and keep it in a well-ventilated dry place.
    • If the robot is scheduled for cleaning, please do not recharge it manually. Otherwise, it will not perform properly.

  4. Start cleaning
    Press the button on the robot or the button on the remote control, the button will turn green, and then the cleaning starts.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum
Cleaner - Fig 17 • Before cleaning, please make sure the button is green. If the robot is in sleep mode, please press the button on the robot to awaken it.
    • Please refer to the chapter “Select cleaning modes” if you want to change the current cleaning mode.
    • The robot will automatically work out the optimum cleaning path. If the robot is moved manually or by remote control when running, the robot will work out a new cleaning path, and some areas cleaned before will be cleaned again. To ensure cleaning efficiency, please do not move it when running.
    • The robot pauses shortly to work out the best cleaning path when running. Please do not panic and wait for a moment. The times it gets paused depend on the complexity of the home environment.

  5. Pause
    Press the buttons on the robot or the button on the remote control to stop it from working.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 18 Note:
    1. The robot will be in sleep mode if it stops working for 10mins. To restart it, please press the buttons or the button on the remote control.
    2. The robot will work out a new cleaning path, and will clean the areas again which have been cleaned before.

  6. Sleep mode
    • To enter the sleep mode:
    1. Press the button for three seconds.
    2. The Robot will automatically enter Sleep Mode if no action is taken for 10 minutes.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 19

Select cleaning modes
For the best cleaning result on different floors, there are multiple cleaning modes available to satisfy different cleaning needs.

  1. Please ensure that the robot is on standby. which means the button should be in green. If the robot is in sleep mode, please press the button on the robot or on the remote control to awaken it.

  2. When changing to other cleaning modes from auto mode, the robot will work out a new cleaning path, and the areas which are cleaned before will be cleaned again.

  3. Auto mode
    The default cleaning mode. The robot will clean in an S-shaped path, automatically recognize the missed areas and intelligently include them in the new cleaning path.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig

  4. Spot mode
    Recommend localized areas with heavy stains. Press the  button on the remote control to start Spot mode.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig

  5. Edge mode
    Recommend cleaning the corners and along the walls.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum
Cleaner - Fig 22

  6. MAX mode
    It is suitable for the environment where the whole ground is dirty and with more dust. Press the button on the remote control to increase the suction of the robot. Press the button again to switch to normal suction.ILIFE V9e
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 23

  7. Auto charge
    The robot can sense lower power during the cleaning process and automatically activate the Self-charge Mode and search for the charging dock.ILIFE V9e
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 24

  • You can also use the button on the remote control to command the robot to activate the mode.
    Schedule cleaning
    To perform the best, the robot can be scheduled for cleaning. Local time and cleaning schedule can be set via remote control or ILIFE APR Once schedule successfully, the robot will start cleaning at the same time every day.
    Before setting local time and cleaning schedules, make sure the buttons on the main body are switched on. A green flashing light indicates the robot is activated from Sleep mode. To activate the robot, tap the button on the main body or the button on the remote control.

    1. Set local time with remote control
      Tap buttons. The icon of , and 00:00 on the screen will flash. To set local time adjust time with the” ” ” ” button. To set local time press ” ” ” ” to change from hours to minutes. Press again to save local time. A Voice prompt will be heard if set up successfully.

    2. Schedule time to clean
      The icon of , and on the screen will flash. Use direction buttons to adjust the scheduled time. Press again to save time for cleaning. Voice prompt will be heard if set up successfully, and the robot will start cleaning at a specific time every day.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig

    3. Cancel a schedule
      Press , adjust the time to “00:00” and save, or turn off the power of the robot.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 31 • Please pay attention to the prompt to see if the robot is successfully scheduled.
      • Rescheduling is required after changing the batteries in the remote control.

APP Download

Downloading the App The robot can be controlled by the “ILIFEHOME” app. Scan the QR code to install the app on your iOS or Android device.



Clean up the dustbin and filters
Please turn off the robot before cleaning any spare parts, and remember to cut off the power.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig

  1. Open the cover, and take out the dustbin and high-performance filter. Press the button on the dustbin to release all dust. Spin around the filter and take it out, rinse it with clean water and wipe it up.
  2. Take out the high-performance filter. Slightly tap it to empty the dust in it. Rinse it with clean water and dry it in the air.

Clean up the side brushes
■ Take off the side brushes, and wipe the dust off with a clean cloth.ILIFE
V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 33

Clean up the HEPA filter
Open the cover, and take out the HEPA filter. Slightly tap it to empty the dust in it. (Do not rinse it in water and keep it dry.ILIFE V9e Robotic
Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 34

Install dustbin and filter
Set up filter and dustbin

  1. Set up the high-performance filter and put it into the side slot of the robot and push. It’s well-installed if a sound of “ding” is heard.
  2. Hold the handle and put the dustbin in, then rotate the handle and put it down. Close the cover.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 35

Install the air outlet

  1. Put the HEPA filter into the side slot of the robot, then close the cover and push it back till it’s locked.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 36

Other spare parts

ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 37

Clean the nose wheel regularly to avoid being tangled by hair.| Clean up sensors regularly to maintain sensitivity.

Clean the charging pins on the robot and the charging dock regularly with a dry cloth.ILIFE V9e Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - Fig 38

  • When the battery is in the depth of discharge state or not in use for a long time, its capacity will be reduced. In this case, we suggest you activate it again. Charge the robot on the charging dock for 3mins, repeat 3 times, then fully charge the robot for 3-5hours.
  • The robot uses long cyclic life batteries. There is no need to replace it frequently. Please contact our support team if necessary.

Replace accessories regularly

Accessories Maintenance Replacement
Dustbin After each use N/A
High-performance filter Weekly (twice a week for families with pets) Every

3-5 months
HEPA filter| Triweekly (once a week for families with pets)| Every 6-12 months
Side brush| Weekly| Depends
Charging dock| Weekly| N/A


Error codes
The robot will remind you by beeping when it is malfunctioning.
• Short tones

NO. Tone Possible Cause What to do
01 Wheels or side brush problems. Check wheels and side brushes.
02 • • Cliff sensor or bumper sensor failure. –  Clean cliff sensor.

– Gently shake the bumper to check if there’s anything stuck in it.
03| • • •| – Robot gets stuck.
– Dustbin not installed.| – Pick up the robot and restart.
– Install the dustbin.

Error Symptoms

Symptoms Possible cause Solution
Circle around a small area. The side wheels are jammed. – Remove hair and

debris from side wheels.
– While reinstalling, push the wheels in and out to make sure they can rotate freely.
– Restart the robot in another spot.
Keep moving backward.| A Cliff sensor is dirty or broken.| – Check the cliff sensor lens.
– Clean or replace it if needed.
| The bumper is stuck.| – Tap the bumper 10-20 times to remove debris lodged in it.
– Loosen the screw of the bumper.
Bump into obstacles repeatedly.
Working time shortened.| – Battery capacity dropped.
– Robot is not fully charged.| – Replace the battery. – Recharge the robot.
The CLEAN button light is off while charging.| – Hair or small debris stuck in charging pins.
– The robot is not properly connected to charging pins.| – Clean charging pins.
– Check if the robot is connected to charging pins.
Pick up less dirt and debris.| The filter is dirty or wet.| Clean or replace the filter.
Spit out litter.| The dustbin is full.| Empty the dustbin.
The robot doesn’t start at a scheduled time.| – The schedule was not saved successfully.
– Schedule was canceled after you restarted the robot
-The power Switch is off.
– Battery is low.| – Reset schedule. Wait for a beep to confirm the completion of the schedule.
– Turn on the power switch on the robot.
– Keep the robot’s power switch on and put it on the charging dock to make sure the robot is fully charged for the next job.
Long-distance retreat frequently in a short period of time.| The sensors of the nose wheel have dirty.| Please clean the sensors of the nose wheel.

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