DST UL 1598 Dual Reptile Light Fixture

June 15, 2024

UL 1598

UL 1598 Dual Reptile Light Fixture

Report No.: DST20230980107-1SR-R1 https://www.dst- test.com/cn/search.html?keywords=DST20230980107-1SR

Applicant’s Name ……………………………. :  JuBo AIIT DongGuan Co.,Ltd.
Address ………………………………………….. :  31 Chetou 3rd Rd #501, Tangxia Town, Dongguan, Guangdong 523710, CN

Manufacturer ……………:     Dongguan Giant Pet Supplies Co.,Ltd.
Address ……………… :     58 Ditangling Ln2, Jiaoyitang, Tangxia TN, Dongguan, Guangdong 523723, CN
Test specification Standard…………………………: UL 1598:2021
Procedure deviation …………………………. :  N/A
Non-standard test method ………………….:  N/A
Test item description ……………………….. : REPTILE LIGHT FIXTURE
Trademark ………………….: Giangarden
Model and/or type reference ………………: LFD01
EAN…………………………: 6975444400713
Additional Model ………….. : LFD02,LFD01D,LFD02D(All models share same electric circuits except outer shape and model name.)
Rating(s)…………………………………………. :  120V 50/60Hz 160W*2
Date of receipt of test item………………… :  Sept. 06, 2023
Date(s) of performance of tests………….. :  Sept. 06, 2023 to Sept. 09, 2023
Testing Laboratory Name ……………:  Dongguan DST Testing Co., Ltd.
Address ……………………. :  No.20, East of Houjie Avenue, Houjie, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Testing location ………………….. :  No.20, East of Houjie Avenue, Houjie, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Testing Laboratory Authorization  …………… : ISO 17025 by an ILAC-MRA is IAS TL- 1100 CPSC Certification Number is 1779
Test case verdicts
Test case does not apply to the test object : N/A
Test item does meet the requirement: P(ass)
Test item does not meet the requirement:    F(ail)

Name and address of the testing laboratory:
Dongguan DST Testing Co., Ltd.
Room 201, No.20. East of Houjie Avenue, Houjie, Dongguan.
Guangdong, China

Test by:| | Sept. 09, 2023
Review by:| | Sept. 09, 2023
Approved by:| | Sept. 09, 2023

Copy of marking plate:
Model: LFDO1
Rating: 120V 50/60Hz 160W*2
Dongguan Giant Pet Supplies Co.,Ltd.
Date Code: YYMM

Summary of Testing

Product tested for below item only which required by client. All below tests were performed on product operated under the worst case condition as the user manual.

Table # Standard and Clauses Test(s)
1 UL 1598, Clause 17.1 Barrier strength
2 UL 1598, Clause 17.2 Metal thickness equivalency
3 UL 1598, Clause 17.4 Mold stress relief
4 UL 1598, Clause 17.7 Glow-wire end product
5 UL 1598, Clause 17.10 Polymeric support
6 UL 1598, Clause 17.15 Loading
7 UL 1598, Clause 17.16 Snap-in or tab-mounted parts pull test without

conduit opening
8| UL 1598, Clause 17.17| Snap-in or tab-mounted parts pull test with conduit opening
9| UL 1598, Clause 17.19| Movable joint rotation
10| UL 1598, Clause 17.20| Movable joint torsion and pull
11| UL 1598, Clause 17.21| Strain relief
12| UL 1598, Clause 17.22| Tempered glass impact
13| UL 1598, Clause 17.23| Glass support adhesive
14| UL 1598, Clause 17.24| Glass supported by friction or adhesive
15| UL 1598, Clause 17.27| Needle flame
16| UL 1598, Clause 17.33| Lampholder mounting torque
17| UL 1598, Clause 17.34| Lampholder pull
18| UL 1598, Clause 17.35| Lampholder mounting bracket stop test
19| UL 1598, Clause 17.38| Lampholder lead pull
20| UL 1598, Clause 17.39| Ground-screw assembly strength
21| UL 1598, Clause 17.40| Cable pull test
22| UL 1598, Clause 18.1| Dielectric voltage-withstand
23| UL 1598, Clause 18.2| Bonding circuit impedance
24| UL 1598, Clause 18.4| Articulate probe
Table 1| Barrier strength (UL 1598, Clause 17.1)| Pass
Test Condition:

A sample luminaire with the barrier mounted as intended shall be tested.
A force of 44.5 N (10 Ib) over an area of 6.45 cm2 (1 in2) shall be applied to the barrier for 1 min.
The application of the force shall not result in
a)  permanent distortion of a metal barrier;
b)  temporary or permanent reduction of electrical spacings; or
c)  breaking or cracking of a nonmetallic barrier.
Test Result:

No permanent distortion, breaking or cracking.
Table 2| Metal thickness equivalency (UL 1598, Clause 17.2)| Pass
Test Condition:
The luminaire was supported directly below the pendant support connection points on maximum 25 mm (1 in) wide wooden blocks of sufficient length.
A 89 N (20 lb) force was applied to a 39cm2 piece of 19 mm (0.75 in) thick plywood centered on the top of the luminaire midway between the two supports closest to the end.
After the test, the maximum deflection under load was found to be £ 6.4mm.
Test Result:
After the test, the maximum deflection under load was found to be __2.5 mm. (Limit : £ 6.4mm).
Table 3| Mold stress relief (UL 1598, Clause 17.4)| Pass
Test Condition:
A sample of the complete thermoplastic enclosure shall be placed in a circulating air oven and maintained at a temperature 10℃ higher than the maximum temperature measured on the surface of the enclosure during the normal temperature test but in no case less than 70℃, for a period of 7 h.
After the sample has cooled to room temperature, the sample shall comply with the applicable requirements of this Standard.
Test Result:
No permanent distortion.
Table 4| Glow-wire end product (UL 1598, Clause 17.7)| N/A
Test Condition:
The test apparatus shall be in accordance with Clause 19.28 and IEC 60695-2-11. (MEX) In Mexico, the test apparatus shall be in accordance with NMX-J-565/2-11-ANCE.
Components can, under fault conditions or overload conditions, attain a temperature that ignites or affects the enclosure or electrical parts in their vicinity. The glow-wire test  simulates thermal stresses that can be produced by sources of heat or ignition, for short periods, in order to evaluate the risk of fire.
Test specimens less than 0.25 mm (0.010 in) or more than 6.4 mm (0.25 in) thick shall not be acceptable for this test method. The test specimen shall be a complete subassembly or component. If it is necessary to cut off a suitable part to perform the test, the test conditions shall not be significantly different from the conditions of normal use with regard to shape, ventilation, effect of thermal stress, and the possibility of flames, burning, or glowing particles flling in the vicinity of the specimen.
Three test specimens shall be conditioned at a temperature of 23±2℃ and a relative humidity of 50 percent for a period of 40 h prior to the glow-wire test. The glow-wire test shall be conducted at an ambient temperature of 25±5℃.
Table 17.7.1 Glow-wire test temperatures| Temperature| Parts of insulating material in contact with current-carrying parts or retaining them in position| Parts of insulating material for enclosures and covers not retaining current-carrying parts in position
550 ±10 ‘C
650 ±10 ‘C| To ensure a minimum level of ignition of parts likely to contribute to a risk of fire Equipment for attended use| To ensure a minimum level of ignition of parts likely to  ontribute to a risk of fire Fixed accessories in installations
750 ±10 °C
850 ±10 `C
950 ±10 °C| Equipment for attended use under more stringent conditions. Fixed accessories in installations Equipment for unattended use, continuously loaded Equipment for unattended use, continuously loaded under more stringent conditions. Equipment intended for use near the supply point of the building| Equipment for attended use under more stringent conditions. Equipment intended for use near the supply point of a building Equipment for unattended use, continuously loaded Equipment for unattended use, continuously loaded under more stringent conditions

Test results shall be acceptable if:
a)  there is no flame and no glowing; or
b)  flames extinguish within 30 s after removal of the glow-wire tip, and there is no ignition of the tissue paper or scorching of the pinewood board.
Test Result:

Test on| the time from application of the tip until the specimen or layer below ignites| the time from application of the tip until flame extinguishes during or after removal| the maximum height of any flame
Sample# 1| /| /| /
Sample# 2| /| /| /
Sample# 3| /| /| /
Table 5| Polymeric support (UL 1598, Clause 17.10)| Pass
Test Condition:
A polymeric part shall support for 1 minute, without distortion, four times the weight ofa part it is relied upon to suspend in its intended application.
The test shall be performed in an oven maintained at a temperature 10℃ higher than the maximum normal operating temperature of the polymeric part measured during the normal temperature test of Clause 15.
A polymeric part shall be installd as intended, with the weight evenly distributed.
No distortion or deformation of any kind.
Test Result:
No distortion or deformation
Table 6| Loading (UL 1598, Clause 17.15)| Pass
Test Condition:
A supporting device shall support a load equal to four times the total mass to be supported under intended operating conditions for 1 h. The load shall be applied in the direction of actual loading conditions.
Where more than one support is provided, the load shall be distributed as follows:
a)  where the parts supported are no more than 11.3 kg (25 lb), the full load shall be applied to each support; or
b)  where the parts supported are more than 11.3 kg (25 Ib), the distribution of the load shall be similar to that encountered in the field.
There shall be no deflection or deformation either, during or after loading that reduces electrical spacings or compromises safety.
Test Result:
After testing, there were no deviations or deformations that reduced electrical spacing or compromised safety.
Table 7| Snap-in or tab-mounted parts pull test without conduit opening (UL 1598, Clause 17.16)| Pass
Test Condition:
A snap-in or tab-mounted part not provided with a knockout or conduit opening and not secured by at least one screw or rivet shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s assembly instructions and subjected to the test of Clause 17.16.2.
An evenly distributed 44.5 N (10 Ib) force shall be applied for 1 minute in the direction most likely to dislodge the part being tested.
Before and after the test of Clause 17 16.2, the luminaire shall comply with the bonding circuit impedance test of Clause 18.2.
The part shall remain attached to the luminaire, and permanent deformation of the luminaire or its parts shall not exceed 3.2 mm (0.125 in).
Test Result:
Before and after the experiment, the lamps and components have no obvious permanent deformation.
Table 8| Snap-in or tab-mounted parts pull test with conduit opening (UL 1598, Clause 17.17)| N/A
Test Condition:
A snap-in or tab-mounted part of a luminaire provided with a knockout or conduit opening that is not additionally secured by at least one screw or rivet shall be tested as follows:
a) a length of rigid conduit shall be connected to the opening in the part to be tested. The total length of exposed conduit shall be 305 mm (12 in). The part shall be mounted to  the luminaire as intended;
b) a 133 N (30 Ib) force shall be applied for 1 min at the end of the conduit in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the part being tested; and
c) a 45 N (10 Ib) force shall be applied for 1 min at the end of the conduit in a direction parallel to the plane of the part being tested and in the direction most likely to dislodge  the part.
If the part being tested is provided with more than one conduit opening, the test shall be repeated for each opening, using a new sample for each test.
The part shall remain attached to the luminaire and shall comply with the bonding circuit impedance test of Clause 18.2.
Test Result:
Table 9| Movable joint rotation (UL 1598, Clause 17.19)| Pass
Test Condition:
A movable joint shall be capable of withstanding 6000 cycles of motion, linear or rotational, without damage to the jacket or the insulation of the conductors. One cycle shall consist of moving the part to the maximum extent possible in one direction and back again, then to the maximum extent possible in the opposite direction.
Without damage to the jacket or the insulation of the conductors.
Test Result:
After testing, there were no damage to the jacket or the insulation of the conductors.
Table 10| Movable joint torsion and pull (UL 1598, Clause 17.20)| N/A
Test Condition:
A movable joint shall withstand the following for 1 min:
a)  a torsion of 2.26 ±0.056 N.m (20 ±0.5 Ibin); and
b) a straight pull applied by a mass of 16 kg (35 Ib) or four times the maximum weight recommended by the manufacturer, whichever is greater.
Movable joint shall be subjected to torque and tension tests.
Test Result:
Table 11| Strain relief (UL 1598, Clause 17.21)| /
Test Condition:
Strain relief for flexible cords:
A pull force of 156 N (35 lb) shall be applied for 1 min to the flexible cord in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the entrance into the luminaire.
Strain relief for conductors:
A pull force of 89 N (20 Ilb) shall be applied for 1 min to the conductor in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the entrance to the conductor connection.
Strain relief for flexible cords:
Test results shall be acceptable if there is no:
a)  movement of the flexible cord of more than 1.6 mm (0.063 in); and
b)  breaking of the conductor or loosening of the wiring connections inside the enclosure of the luminaire. Strain relief for conductors:
There shall be no breaking of the conductor or loosening of the conductor connections.
Test Result:
Wires diameter| Pull| Wire fixed displacement (mm)
/| /| /
/| /| /
Table 12| Tempered glass impact (UL 1598, Clause 17.22)| N/A
Test Condition:
A test specimen of tempered glass shall be broken by impact to determine the acceptability of the temper of the glass.
The test shall be conducted at 25±5℃.
The specimen shall be weighed, and the weight of 65 cm2 (10 in2) shall be calculated.
The lower surface of the tempered glass specimen shall be covered with adhesive tape to retain the particles when the specimen breaks.
The glass shall be placed on a flat surface and shattered with a center punch at a point 30 mm (1.18 in) from the midpoint on the edge of the glass toward the center. The edge shall be defined as the longest dimension on an irregular shape. When shattered, the glass shall completely dice into particles.
The 10 largest crack-free particles shall be weighed together within 5 min, to avoid further fracture. The total weight shall be less than the calculated weight of 65 cm2 (10 in2) of the original specimen.
Test Result:
Table 13| Glass support adhesive (UL 1598, Clause 17.23)| N/A
Test Condition:
One sample assembly of the glassware and the adhesive materialused as the sole support shall be conditioned at 23 ±2℃ and a relative humidity of 50 ±5 percent for 48 h.
The sample shall be conditioned in an air-circulating oven at the temperature and for the time specified by 17.23.1.
Table 17.23.1
Glass adhesive conditioning oven temperature and time (See Clause 17.23.2.)

| Adhesive rating, °C|
300 h (125 d)| 720 h (30 d)| 1000 h (42 d)| 1440 h (60 d)
60| 125| 115| 110| 100
75| 145| 135| 125| 110
90| 160| 150| 140| 130
105| 180| 170| 160| 145
130| 200| 190| 180| 170
155| 220| 215| 205| 195
180| 245| 235| 230| 220
200| 280| 265| 255| 245
220| 295| 285| 275| 265
240| N/A| 300| 290| 280

After conditioning, the sample shall be removed from the oven and allowed to cool to room temperature. The sample shall be supported in the intended manner, shall be oriented so the adhesive supports the glass, and shall comply with the glass support test of Clause 17.24.
Test Result:

Table 14| Glass supported by friction or adhesive (UL 1598, Clause 17.24)| N/A
Test Condition:
A sample of each luminaire style employing a glass diffuser that is supported by friction or adhesive shall be tested as follows:
a)  the diffuser shall be weighed;
b) an amount of granular material, such as sand, equal to four times the weight of the diffuser shall be poured into the diffuser and distributed it evenly; and
c)  the diffuser shall be mounted as intended.
The diffuser shall stay in place for 1 min.
Test Result:
Table 15| Needle flame (UL 1598, Clause 17.27)| /
Test Condition:
Three samples of the enclosure or component of a luminaire shall be subjected to the test.
The test specimens shall be conditioned for 24 h at a temperature of 23 ±2℃ and a relative humidity of 50 ±5 percent.
The test shall be conducted in a draft-free atmosphere in a test chamber with a minimum volume of 1 m3 (35 ft). There shall be an adequate supply of air.
During the test, the specimen and the parts surrounding the specimen shall be observed. In the case of ignition of the specimen or of the parts surrounding it, the duration of burning shall be measured. Duration of burning shall be the time interval from the moment the test flame is removed until the flames have extinguished or the glowing of the specimen is no longer visible
Test results shall be acceptable if:
a)  the specimen does not ignite;
b)  flames, burning particles, or glowing particles falling from the specimen do not spread fire to the surrounding parts, and there is no flame or glowing of the specimen at the end of application of the test flame;
c)  the duration of burning is less than 60 s after each application.
A specimen having an HB flammability rating as specified in Clause 17.25 shall be considered to have the equivalent of a V-2 rating if it complies with the test of Clauses 17.27.1 to 17.27.14.
Test Result:
Test on| the specimen does not ignite| flames, burning particles, or glowing particles falling from the specimen do not spread fire to the surrounding parts| the duration of burning is less than 60 s
Sample# 1| /| /| /
Sample# 2| /| /| /
Sample# 3| /| /| /
Table 16| Lampholder mounting torque (UL 1598, Clause 17.33)| N/A
Test Condition:
A torque of 2.26 N.m (20 Ib-in) shall be gradually applied to a medium-base screwshell-type lampholder and held for 1 min using the test apparatus of Clause 19.27.
Test results shall be acceptable if:
a)  the lampholder remains in place;
b)  there is no permanent deformation of the polymeric housing;
c)  electrical spacings comply with Clause 6.12.
There is no permanent deformation. The electrical spacing is unchanged.
Test Result:
Table 17| Lampholder pull (UL 1598, Clause 17.34)| N/A
Test Condition:
A force of 89 N (20 Ilb) shall be gradually applied to the screwshell of a medium-base lampholder in a straight down direction and held for 1 min using the test apparatus of Clause 19.27.
There shall be no permanent deformation of the polymeric housing, and electrical spacings shall comply with Clause 6.12.
Test Result:
Table 18| Lampholder mounting bracket stop test (UL 1598, Clause 17.35)| N/A
Test Condition:
A force of 89 N (20 Ilb) shall be gradually applied to the screwshell of a medium-base lampholder in a straight down direction and held for 1 min using the test apparatus of Clause 19.27.
There shall be no permanent deformation of the polymeric housing, and electrical spacings shall comply with Clause 6.12.
Test Result:
Table 19| Lampholder lead pull (UL 1598, Clause 17.38)| N/A
Test Condition:
A pull force of 89 N (20 Ilbf) shall be applied for 1 min to each conductor terminating at the lampholder in any direction permitted by the luminaire construction.
(MEX) In Mexico, Clause 17.38 does not apply.
No uninsulated live parts shall be made accessible as a result of the application of the test force.
Test Result:
Table 20| Ground-screw assembly strength (UL 1598, Clause 17.39)| N/A
Test Condition:
A 12 AWG (3.3 mm2) solid-copper, insulated conductor shall be stripped to a length of 2.5 cm (1 inch) minimum. The wire shall be wrapped around the screw under the screw head so that it makes a minimum 180° turn. The conductor shall be seated to follow any wire guides or dimples provided to align the conductor with the mating surface. The ground screw shall be tightened with a calibrated torque screwdriver to 1 .6 N.m (14 lb-in).
When tested as described in this section, there shall not be:
a) damage to the head of the ground screw which would prevent the 1.6 Nm (14 Ib-in) of tightening torque to be achieved;
b)  stripping of the ground screw assembly.
Test Result:
Table 21| Cable pull test (UL 1598, Clause 40)| Pass
Test Condition:
Each sample shall be subjected to a direct pull of 267 N (60 Ibs) for 5 minutes. The results shall be acceptable if the sample withstands the pull without:
a)  damage to the cable sheath or individual conductor insulation;
b)  displacement of more than 3.2 mm (1/8 inch) of the cable from the ftting;
c)  loosening so that the cable can be readily removed; or
d)  cracking, breaking, or other indication that the strain-relief mechanism has been damaged.
Each sample shall be subjected to a directpuH of110 N (25 lbs) for 5 minutes.The results shall be acceptable if the cable withstands the pull without;
a)  damage to the cable sheath or individual conductor insulation; .
b)  displacement of more than 3.2 mm (1/8 inch) of the cable from the ftting;
c)  loosening so that the cable can be readily removed; or
d)  cracking, breaking, or other indication that the strain-relief mechanism has been damaged. Aging and dielectric test method Six previously untested samples shall be subjected to the Aging and Dielectric Test. Each sample shall be prepared in the same manner as for the pull test.
Test Result:
Wires diameter| Pull| Wire fixed displacement (mm)
1.0mm2| 267 N (60 Ibs)| 0.6
/| /| /
Dielectric voltage withstand test
Test Location Between| Test Result-Remark
/| /
Table 22| Dielectric voltage-withstand (UL 1598, Clause 18.1)| Pass
Test Condition:
A luminaire shall withstand for a period of 1 minute, without breakdown, a test potential applied between live parts and accessible non-current-carrying metal parts, including parts accessible only during relamping.
The test potential shall be 1000 V AC for incandescent-type luminaires and 1000 V AC plus twice the rated input voltage for all other types of luminaire. The test may be conducted using a DC potential at 1.414 times the AC potential denoted above.
The applied potential shall be gradually increased from zero at a uniform rate until the required test value is reached or breakdown occurs. During the test, any switches or  other controls shall be in the ON position.
No breakdown during or after the dielectric voltage withstand test.
Test Result:
Test Location Between| Applied voltage| Test Result-Remark
Live and enclosure| 1000Vac, 1 minute| No breakdown
Table 23| Bonding circuit impedance (UL 1598, Clause 18.2)| N/A
Test Condition:
The test apparatus shall be in accordance with Clause 19.19.2. The measured resistance between the point of connection of the branch circuit equipment grounding conductor and any non-current carrying metal parts of the luminaire described in Clause shall not exceed 0.10 Ω.
If the resistance measured in Clause 18.2.1 exceeds 0.10 Ω the test of Clause 18.2.4 shall be conducted. The test apparatus shall be in accordance with Clause19.19.2.The measured voltage between the point of connection of the, branch. circuit equipment grounding conductor and any non-current carrying metal parts of the luminaire described in Clause under the conditions specified in Clause 18.2.4 shall comply with Clause 18.2.5.
The test of impedance shall be performed by passing a 30 A current from a part to be grounded to the grounding terminal means for a period of 2 min and measuring the potential drop between them at the end of the period.
When tested in accordance with Clause 18.2.4:
a)  the resulting voltage drop shall not exceed 4.0 V;
b)  there shall be no melting of any conductor or metal in the bonding circuit; and
c)  there shall be no heating or burning that is likely to create a fire hazard.
Test Result:
Table 24| Articulate probe (UL 1598, Clause 18.4)| Pass
Test Condition:
The articulate probe of Clause 19.22 shall not contact live parts when inserted through any openings in an enclosure, with the probe in every possible position. Where necessary, an electrical indicator may be used to determine whether contact is made with live parts.
When tested in accordance with Clause 18.2.4:
a)  the resulting voltage drop shall not exceed 4.0 V;
b)  there shall be no melting of any conductor or metal in the bonding circuit; and
c)  there shall be no heating or burning that is likely to create a fire hazard.
Test Result:
Not contact is made with live parts.

Sample Pictures

No.20, East of Houjie Avenue, Houjie,
Dongguan, Guangdong, China
E-mail: dst@dst-test.com

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