QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module User Manual

June 15, 2024

EPAT User manual

BC260Y Wireless Communication Module

QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig 1


1.1(Suitable Condition)

Tools Manufacturer Revision Applicable Module Type
EPAT AT+CGMI/EC616/EC616s/QCX212 BC28-F/BC95-GF/BC260Y/BC300Y BC660K

1.2 (Related to Download)

https://quectel123-my.sharepoint.cn/:u:/g/personal/aefae_dom_quectel_com_cn /EcMuW3gkJB1JoqtquZS0_wgB4PoOx-DSevqXo1kDrk8L0g?e=6avsvH

1.3 Device Connection)
If the module has been welded or debugged separately, it is recommended that you connect to the EPAT and grab the log as shown below.
Convertor (TTL);
Note: the Debug port of the EC616/EC616s/QCX212 requires a high output rate. You are advised to use uart-to-usb Convertor (TTL) that supports 3M or 6M.

QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig 2QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig
3If TE-B corresponding to EC616/QCS212 module is used, from ”Device Manager → Ports” to select the third COM port.


EPAT is installation-free and can be used after decompression. Run EPAT.exe in the EPAT\bin.
Note: EPAT requires VCMFCDLLs, if your first run of EPAT fails, install vc_redistepat.x86. exe in the EPAT\bin directory.

EPAT (Connection)

To query the default baud rate of the corresponding module by AT + QCFG?.
+QCFG: “logbaudrate”,6000000
…… QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig
5Click the icon in the toolbar as shown below, select Debug port and set baud rate (consistent with query baud rate of module);QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig
6Generally, the output LOG is as shown below. If a lot of HEX codes are output in Message, the DB file needs to be imported or updated.QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig
7Click the icon in the toolbar as shown below, select the comdb.txt file of the corresponding firmware of the module, and import/update the DB file.QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig
8By reset, the DB status changes as shown below. QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig 9If the imported DB file does not match the current module firmware, the DB status will change as shown below.QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless
Communication Module - fig 10If the “UniLogViewer” in EPAT only outputs Log messages as shown below, select “Log→Log Control” in the menu bar, then select “On” and click “Start” in the popup window, then to display the command, after executing for several times, re-power the module or Reset; AT+ECPCFG=”logCtrl”,2; Enable debug output; QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless
Communication Module - fig 11QUECTEL BC260Y
Wireless Communication Module - fig 12AS shown below,select ”SigLog→Only Show Protocol Signalling” in the SigLogger window, to view NAS/AS Signalling/message.QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless
Communication Module - fig 13 QUECTEL BC260Y
Wireless Communication Module - fig 14the pause or stop icon in the toolbar as shown below,to pause or stop grabbing Log.QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig

Save Log

4.1 (Automatically Save)

As shown below, by the option bar “Log→Preference”, select the automatic save option and save path in the popup window, and configure the maximum file size to save. (Automatic saving is not recommended,When Log meets the maximum autosave size, it can only be output to the autosave path)QUECTEL BC260Y
Wireless Communication Module - fig 16 4.2 (Manual save)
Click the toolbar icon in the below, or “Ctrl+S”, or choose “Log→Save Zip log-file” to Save the Log; QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module -
fig 17

Common Analytical Application

5.1  LOG(Load Log)
To analyze the output logs, Select “Select From Local Files”, as shown below.QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig
18To import the analysis Log File through the toolbar icon or option bar “Log→Open Log File” as shown below.QUECTEL BC260Y
Wireless Communication Module - fig 19 5.2 (Search/Filter Log)
Open the search/filter window by shortcut “Ctrl+F”, as shown below. to select the below options, through single vertical bar “|” regular filter multiple keywords;QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig
20 5.3 (Data Analysis)
In the UniLogViewer window, select the ASN1/NAS type message, right click and choose “Show ASN1 Pane”, as shown below;
ASN1/NAS message in messages can be parsed to further analyze data. QUECTEL
BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig 215.4 Pcap(Output Pcap)
To select SigLogger window and click the option bar “SigLog→Export As PCAP File”, As shown below. You can export Pcap files for Wireshark analysis. QUECTEL BC260Y Wireless Communication Module - fig 22

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