Falcon Wifi GPRS App User Guide

June 15, 2024


Falcon Wifi GPRS App


  1. Connect the Falcon GSM to the Alarm Panel See the appropriate section for the Alarm Panel on the next page
  2. Help with installing the ArmME app on a customer’s mobile device Refer to the ArmME Installation Guide


  • The Falcon Wi-Fi is a highly-featured Wi-Fi and GSM-based unit which is used for the secure transmission of alarm signals to a control room.
  • The Falcon Wi-Fi unit will communicate messages to the control room using the Wi-Fi network. The GSM network will then become the secondary means of communication in case of Wi-Fi connectivity issues.
  • The Falcon Wi-Fi has a universal Contact ID interface to alarm panels as well as a serial interface to leading panels. It also has seven dry contact input triggers.
  • In addition, the Falcon Wi-Fi has two dry-contact relay outputs which can be used to command alarm panels and other devices. These outputs can also be controlled via the Arm ME mobile app.


Please note the following:

  1. The Falcon Wi-Fi can only be set up to connect to a Wi-Fi network via the ArmME app.
  2. Make sure the Falcon Wi-Fi is connected to the GSM network before setting up the Wi-Fi network connection.

The Arm ME App is available for the customer to download, should they wish to remotely control their alarm panel through the Falcon GSM. If you are helping the customer set up the ArmME App on his or her phone, please refer to the ArmME Installation Guide.


N.B. For the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to send signals to the control room while using the app, you have to connect it via Tip and Ring as well as via the Com Port. The phone app is compatible with Texecom Premier 412 (firmware version 10.0 or later), Premier 816 (firmware version 10.0 or later), and Texecom Premier 832 (firmware version 4.0 or later).

  1. Connect the Falcon Wi-Fi to the Texecom panel through the serial port (COM 1) using the serial cable and adapter marked “TEXECOM-IDS” provided. Note that the adapter must be connected to the panel’s serial port.
  2. Set the serial port format on the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to Texecom. To do this, remove power from the Falcon Wi-Fi, hold down the push-button and re-apply power. Push the button to cycle through the panel serial port format options until you reach the Texecom format, indicated by a small letter “t”. Release button. The Falcon Wi-Fi will remember the new serial port format.


  1. On the Texecom panel, enter the programming mode by entering the engineer code (default 1234), followed by [Menu] then [9].
  2. Enter [70] and make sure that the Digi options 1, 2, 5 and 8 are enabled. Press [Yes] to save and press [Menu] to return to the home screen of the Programming Menu.
  3. Press [71] to access Menu 71 and program the following settings:Press [OJ. Enter [22] and press [Yes] to save.
    • Press [1]. Enter [3456] as the account code and press [Yes] to save.
    • Press [2]. Enter [ 4 J to set the protocol type to Contact ID.
    • Press [3]. Enter [1] to set the dialer attempts to 1.
    • Press [ 4]. Enable desired partitions and press [Yes] to save.
    • Press [5]. Enable all report events and press [Yes] to save.
    • Press [8]. Make sure that option 8 (connect via IP) is disabled and press [Yes] to save. Press [Menu] to return to the home screen of the Programming Menu.


  1. Enter [72] to access Menu 72 and program the following settings:
    • Press [OJ. Ensure that no telephone number is programmed and press [Yes] to save.
    • Press [1]. Enter [3456] as the account code and press [Yes] to save.
    • Press [2]. Enter [ 4 J to set the protocol type to Contact ID.
    • Press [ 4]. Enable all partitions and press [Yes] to save.
    • Press [SJ. Disable all report events and press [Yes] to save.
    • Press [8]. Make sure that option [8] (Connect via IP) is enabled.
    • Press [Menu] to return to main Programming Menu.
  2. Enter [76] to access Menu 76 and program the following settings:
    • Press [2]. Enter the pin code to be used for arming and disarming the panel and press [Yes] to save.
    • Press [SJ. Enter [3] to set Com 1 to Com-IP device type for app connection.
    • Press [Menu] and then [99] to exit the Programming menu.

The Falcon Wi-Fi is Compatible with the MG and SP Series of Paradox panels.

  1. Connect the Falcon Wi-Fi to the Paradox panel through the serial port using the serial cable and adapter marked “PARADOX” provided. Note that the adapter must be connected to the panel’s serial port.
  2. Set the serial port format of the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to Paradox. To do this, remove power from the Falcon Wi-Fi, hold down the push-button and re-apply power. Push the button to cycle through the panel serial port format options until you reach the Paradox format, indicated by a capital letter “P”. Release button. The Falcon Wi-Fi will remember the serial format.

There is no special programming required on the Paradox Panel for the App to work.



N.B. Make sure the firmware on the IDS X-Series panel has been upgraded to V2.50 or later.

  1. Connect the Falcon Wi-Fi to the IDS X-Series panel through the serial port using the serial cable and adapter marked “TEXECOM-IDS” provided. Note that the adapter must be connected to the panel’s serial port and that the adapter is plugged in with the board on the left so that the black wire (ground) is on top and closest to the heat sink.
  2. Set the serial port format on the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to IDS. To do this, remove power from the Falcon Wi-Fi, hold down the push-button and re-apply power. Push the button to cycle through the panel serial port format options until you reach the IDS format, indicated by a small letter “i”. Release button. The Falcon Wi-Fi will remember the serial format.


  1. Enter the installer code (default 9999) into the keypad followed by [*] to go into the Installer Menu.
  2. Enter [196] followed by []. Enter the serial code: 003456 and press [] to save.
  3. Enter [041] followed by []. Select Contact ID as the  communication format by pressing [5] and then [] to save Falcon GSM
  4. To program partition account codes go to locations 61-68 depending on the number of partitions. For the first partition, enter [061] followed by []. Enter any 4 digit account code e.g. [3456] followed by [] to save. If there are more partitions being used, repeat this step e.g. for partition 2 enter location [062] followed by the account code and [*] to save, etc.
  5. Enable opening and closing reporting for each partition by going to locations 211-218. For partition 1, enter [211] followed by []. Scroll to option [16] by using the scroll buttons indicated by double arrows(<<,>>). Set option [16] to yes (Y) by pressing []. Press [#] to return to the main Installer Menu. For more than one partition repeat this step e.g. for partition 2, enter location [212], set option [16] to yes (Y) by pressing [*] to save, etc ..


N.B. The Falcon Wi-Fi has to be connected to the 1D5805 panel using the 1D5805 FSK Key-bus Interface module. The ArmME phone app will only work properly if the Quick Arm option is enabled on the 1D5805 panel in location 12 (this feature is enabled by default).

  1. Wire the 1D5805 FSK Key-Bus Module (available from Amecor) to the keypad-bus on the alarm panel as follows:
  2. Green wire goes to the data terminal (D)
  3. Yellow wire goes to the clock terminal (C)
  4. Black goes to negative terminal (-)
  5. Connect the 4-pin molex connector to the serial port of the Falcon.
  6. Set the serial port format on the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to 1D5805 FSK Key-bus. To do this, remove power from the Falcon Wi-Fi, hold down the push-button and re-apply power. Push the button to cycle through the panel serial port format options until you reach the 1D5805 FSK Key-bus format, indicated by a capital letter “E”. Release button. The Falcon Wi-Fi will remember the new serial port format.

There is no special programming needed on the 1D5805 panel to work with the ArmME app.




  1. On the IDS806 alarm panels with 1.Sx firmware version range, the ArmME app is compatible with panel firmware version 1.85 or later.
  2. On the IDS806 alarm panels with 1.lx firmware version range, the ArmME app is compatible with panel firmware version 1.12 or later.
  3. The IDS 806 device type is compatible with Falcon Wi-Fi firmware version S.12 or later.
  4. Set the serial port format on the Falcon Wi-Fi device to IDS. To do this, remove power from the Falcon Wi-Fi device, hold down the push-button and re-apply power. Push the button to cycle through the panel serial port format options until you reach the IDS format, indicated by a small letter “i”. Release the button. The Falcon Wi-Fi device will remember the serial format.

VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT connect the serial cable from the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to the alarm panel before or in the middle of panel programming as new programming settings will NOT be saved by the panel. Make sure the serial cable and its adapter board is connected to the panel AFTER programming of the panel has been concluded.

  1. Enter the installer code (default 9999) into the keypad followed by[*] to go into the Installer Menu.
  2. Program the 4-digit partition account code by going to locations 43-46. For the first digit, enter [ 43] followed by []. Enter the first digit of the account code e.g. [3] followed by [] to save. To program the second digit, enter [44] followed by []. Enter the second digit of the account code followed by[]. Do the same for the third and fourth digits in locations 45 and 46 respectively.
  3. Press [#] to exit the Installer Menu.
  4. Lastly, connect the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to the IDS 806 panel through the serial port using the serial cable and adapter marked “TEXECOM-IDS” provided. Note that the adapter must be connected to the panel’s serial port.



  1. Wire the DSC PowerSeries key-bus module (available from Amecor) to the keypad-bus on the alarm panel and then connect the 4-pin molex connector to the serial port of the Falcon.
  2. Set the serial port format on the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to DSC PowerSeries. To do this, remove power from the Falcon Wi-Fi, hold down the push-button and re-apply power. Push the button to cycle through the panel serial port format options until you reach the DSC PowerSeries format, indicated by a small letter “b”.

Please note the following:

  1. For the module to determine which zones belong to which partition, the technician needs to fully arm all partitions and trigger every zone ensuring that each event is sent through to the control room.
  2. Remember when arming/disarming with the phone app, use the same pin code that is used when arming/disarming with the keypad.
  3. When a keypad is blanked out, the panel will not allow the app to arm or disarm it until the keypad is removed from that mode. We recommend disabling the blanking out feature if enabled. To do this, go to Section [016] in the programming menu of the panel and disable option 3.
  4. To be able to bypass zones using the app, disable option 5 in Section [015] in the programming menu of the panel so that no user code is required to bypass zones.
  5. No special programming is needed for the panel to work with the ArmME app.



N. B. If the Quick Arm feature is enabled in the programming settings of DSC panels, the app will be able to arm the panel even if the wrong pin code is used but it CANNOT disarm it. If the Quick Arm feature is disabled, you will be able to arm and disarm the panel ONLY if the correct user code is entered

  1. Connect the Falcon Wi-Fi to the DSC Neo panel through the serial port (PC LINK 2) using the serial cable and adapter marked “DSC Neo” provided. Note that the adapter must be connected to the panel’s serial port.
  2. Set the serial port format on the Falcon Wi-Fi to DSC Neo. To do this, remove power from Falcon Wi-Fi, hold down the push-button and re-apply power. Push the button through the panel serial port format options until you reach the DSC Neo format, indicated by a small letter “d”. Release button. The Falcon Wi-Fi will remember the new serial port format.


  1. Enter [*] and [8] and then the installer code (default 5555) into the keypad to go to the Programming Menu.
  2. Enter [309] to go to Maintenance Events Receiver options. Press [*]. Use the right arrow key(>) to go to Receiver 4 and disable it. (Receiver 4 is enabled by default). Press [#] twice.
  3. Enter [310] and press [*] to program the system account number e.g. 1234.
  4. Use the right arrow key(>) to go to sub-section (001) and press [*] to program the account number for partition one e.g. 3456. If there is more than one partition use the right arrow key to go next sub-section e.g. (002) and do the same. Repeat these steps for each partition set up and once done press [#] to return to the main programming menu.
  5. Enter [350] and press [] to go to the communicator format options. Make sure that it is set to Contact ID Auto. If not, use the right arrow key (>) and press [] to save. Press [#] to return to the main programming menu.
  6. Enter [380] and enable communications by pressing [*]. Make sure “Y” appears. Press [#] to return to the main programming menu.
  7. Enter [382] and enable the alternate communicator by using the arrow keys(<>) until you get to option 5 and then press [*]. Make sure “Y” (enabled) appears. Press [#] twice to go out of the programming menu



N.B. The phone app is compatible with the Risco LightSYS 2 with a firmware version of 5.92 or later. For panel firmware V6.05 or later, go to the section: PANEL PROGRAMMING FOR RISCO LIGHTSYS 2 WITH PANEL FIRMWARE V6.05 OR LATER to get the panel programming settings.

  1. Connect the Falcon Wi-Fi to the Risco LightSYS 2 through the serial port (RS-232) using the serial cable and adapter marked “RISCO” provided. Note that the adapter must be connected to the panel’s serial port.
  2. Set the serial port format on the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to Risco LightSYS 2. To do this, remove power from the Falcon Wi-Fi, hold down the push-button and re-apply power. Push the button to cycle through the panel serial port format options until you reach the Risco LightSYS 2 format, indicated by a capital letter “A”. Release button. The Falcon Wi-Fi will remember the new serial port format.


  1. The panel must be set to the customer profile OUL. To do this, press [ ] and enter [1111] followed by [OK]. Press [OK] to select System. Scroll down to Settings using the [ ] button and press [OK]. Scroll down again until you reach Customer and press [OK] to select it. Scroll up to OUL and select it by pressing [OK]. To go back to the main programming menu, press [ ] 2 times. N.B. This defaults the panel. This action and everything from here on can only be done on the keypad, as the configuration software is not yet capable of handling this customer profile. The default installer code will now be 1561.
  2. Allocate key-bus devices. In the programming menu, scroll to Install and press [OK]. Press [OK] to select Bus Device and then press [OK] again to select Automatic. This will run the automatic bus allocation to make sure that the keypad/s work correctly after the upcoming reboot. Press [OK] to confirm the bus devices until you get to the Bus Device menu again. Press [ ] 2 times to go back to the main programming menu. Scroll to Exit and press [OK]. To confirm that you want to save the new configuration, press [OK] again.
  3. Set up communication channels. Enter the Installer Menu by pressing [ ]. Enter the code [1561] and press [OK]. Select Programming by pressing [OK]. Select System by pressing [OK]. Scroll down to Controls and press [OK]. Scroll down to Communication and press [OK]. Set MS Enable (ARC Enable) to Y and press [OK]. Press [OK] again to enter the Communication menu. Scroll down to CS Enable, set it to Y and press [OK]. Re-enter the Communication menu by pressing [OK]. Scroll down to ADC Enable, set it to Y and press [OK]. Press [ ] 2 times to go back to the main programming menu. Falcon-Wifi-GPRS-App-fig- \(41\)
    Dependent on whether the panel is set to the UK or International language option.
  4. Link communication channels. Scroll to Communication and press [OK].
  5. Scroll down to MS and press [OK]. Press [OK] to select Report Type and press [OK] to select MS1. *(ARC1).
  6. Scroll down to RS232 and press [OK]. Press [ ] to go back to the MS menu.
  7. Scroll down to Comm Format and press [OK]. Press [OK] to select Contact ID.
  8. Scroll down to Parameters and press [OK]. Select MS Retries *CAR Retries) by pressing [OK]. Set MS TRY to [01] and press [OK].
  9. Scroll down to Alarm Restore and press [OK]. Set it to At Disarm by scrolling and pressing [OK]. Press [ ] to go back to the MS menu. Scroll down to Report Split and press [OK].
  10. Select MS Arm/Disarm *(ARC Set/Unset) by pressing [OK]. Scroll to CALL 1ST and press [OK].
  11. Scroll to MS Urgent (ARC Urgent) and press [OK]. Scroll to CALL 1ST and press [OK] to select. Scroll to MS Non Urgent (ARC Non Urgent) and press [OK].
  12. Scroll to CALL 1ST and press [OK] to select. Press [Ill] 3 times to go back to the main programming menu.
  13. Disable the delay in reporting zone alarms for all zones in the panel. In the main programming menu, scroll down to Zones and press [OK]. Press [OK] again to enter the Parameters option. Scroll to By Category and press [OK]. Scroll to Advanced and press [OK]. Scroll to Abort Alarm and press [OK]. Press [OK] on Zone 1 and scroll to DISABLE and press [OK]. Do this for all programmed zones. Press [Iii] 5 times to go back to the main programming menu. Scroll down to Exit and press [OK]. Make sure to save the new configuration data.


  1. Make sure the panel’s customer profile is set to OEN. To do this, press [ ] and enter [1111] followed by [OK]. Press [OK] to select System. Scroll down to Settings using the button and press [OK] to select. In the Settings menu, scroll down to Customer and press [OK] to select it. Select OEN and press [OK]. To go back to the main programming menu, press [ ] 2 times.
    N.B. The panel’s customer profile is set to OEN by default.

  2. Allocate Key-bus devices In the Programming menu, scroll to Install and press [OK]. Press [OK] to select Bus Device and then press [OK] again to select Automatic. This will run the automatic bus allocation to make sure that the keypad/s work correctly after the upcoming reboot. Press [ ] 3 times to go back to the main Programming menu. Scroll to exit and press [OK]. To confirm that you want to save the new configuration press [OK] again.

  3. Set up communication channels. Make sure the “EXTERNAL COM ENABLE” option is enabled. Select System by pressing [OK]. Scroll down to Controls and press [OK]. Scroll down to Communication and press [OK]. Make sure MS ENABLE, FM ENABLE, CS ENABLE and CLOUD ENABLE are set to the default setting which is Y. Scroll down to EXTERNAL COM ENABLE and make sure you enable the setting by setting it to Y. Press [OK] and press [ ] twice to go back to the main programming menu.

  4. Scroll to Communication and press [OK].

    • Scroll down to MS and press [OK]. Press [OK] to select Report Type and press [OK] to select MS1.
    • Scroll down and select EXTERNAL COM as MS 1 CHANNEL by pressing [OK]. Press [ ] to go back to the MS menu.
    • Scroll down to Comm Format and press [OK]. Press [OK] to select Contact ID.
    • Scroll down to Parameters and press [OK] and select MS Retries by pressing [OK]. Set MS TRY to [01] and press [OK].
    • Scroll down to Alarm Restore and press [OK]. Set it to At Disarm by scrolling and pressing [OK]. Press [ ] to go back to the MS menu.
    • Scroll down to Report Split and press [OK]. Select MS Arm/Disarm by pressing [OK]. Select CALL 1ST by pressing [OK].
    • Scroll to MS Urgent and press [OK].
    • Scroll to CALL 1ST and press [OK] to select.
    • Scroll to MS non-urgent and press [OK].
    • Scroll to CALL 1ST and press [OK] to select. Press [1,1] 3 times to go back to the main Programming menu.
  5. Disable the delay in reporting zone alarms for all zones in the panel. In the main programming menu, scroll down to Zones and press [OK]. Press [OK] again to enter the Parameters option. Scroll to By Category and press [OK]. Scroll to Advanced and press [OK]. Scroll to Abort Alarm and press [OK]. Press [OK] on Zone 1 and scroll to DISABLE and press [OK]. Do this for all programmed zones. Press [1!1] 5 times to go back to the main programming menu. Scroll down to Exit and press [OK]. Make sure to save the new configuration data.

  6. Scroll down to Exit and press [OK]. To save the new configuration data, set it to Y and press [OK].



N.B. The phone app is compatible with the Orisec panel with a firmware version of 4.52 or later.

  1. Connect the Falcon Wi-Fi to the Orisec panel through the serial port (COM 1) using the ORISEC serial cable provided. Note that the cable side labelled “panel side” must be connected to the panel’s serial port. Connecting the wrong end of the cable to the wrong device will damage the device.
  2. Set the serial port format on the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to Orisec. To do this, remove power from the Falcon Wi-Fi, hold down the push-button and re- apply power. Push the button to cycle through the panel serial port format options until you reach the Orisec format, indicated by a capital letter “0”. Release button. The Falcon Wi-Fi will remember the new serial port format.


  1. Enter the Engineer’s code into the keypad (default 1234) to access the Engineer’s Menu.
    • Select Programming Menu by using the arrow keys and press enter . Scroll down to Com Port setup and press .
    • Use the down arrow to select the Com port 1 Mode and change it to CID Serial by using the arrows.
    • Scroll up and select Com port 2 by using the right arrow button ►.
    • Select the Com port 2 Mode by using the down  arrow and change it to Contact ID by using ◄►.
    • Press and hold ◄ to go back to Com port 2 and press and hold ◄ again to go back to the main programming menu.
  2. Scroll down to Arc setup and press . On ARC 1, scroll down to Account.
    • Press [✓] and select 1 by pressing ►.
    • Press and hold ◄ to go to the previous menu.
    • Make sure that Protocol is set to Contact ID.
  3. Scroll down to Options. Press►. Enable “Use Next ARC on Fail” by pressing the clear button [x]. Press and hold ◄ to go back to the previous menu.
  4. Scroll down to Dial Sequence and press►. Select the number 6 by using ► and press ✓ Press and hold◄ to go to the previous menu.
  5. Scroll down to Cancel and press ►. Enable all Stop ARC options by pressing [x] on each of the ARCs. Press and hold ◄ to go back to the previous menu. Press and hold ◄ again to go back to the ARC Setup menu and then press and hold ◄ to go back to the main programming menu.
  6. Press and hold ◄ to go to the Engineer’s Menu. Press and hold ◄ again to select the Log off & Exit option and press .



Please note the following:

  1. This set up is only for enabling the Hikvision AX-Pro panel to send signals, through the Falcon Wi-Fi unit, to the monitoring control room.
  2. The Falcon Wi-Fi unit will need a separate 12V power source.
  3. Connect the Falcon Wi-Fi to the Hikvision AX-PRO wireless panel’s the communications port labelled COM using the AX Pro communication adapter cable (can be bought from Regal Security stores).
  4. Set the serial port format on the Falcon Wi-Fi unit to Hikvision. To do this, remove power from the Falcon Wi-Fi, hold down the push-button and re- apply power. Push the button to cycle through the panel serial port format options until you reach the Hikvision format, indicated by a capital letter “H”. Release button. The Falcon Wi-Fi will remember the new serial port format.

Programming the Hikvision AX-PRO is done through the Hik-ProConnect phone app by the installer.

  1. Please take note that the firmware version of the Hikvision alarm system should be Vl.2.3 build 210401 or later.
  2. In the Hikvision Communication settings, set the Alarm Receiving Center to FSK Module. Proceed to next page.
  3. Tap on Communication Parameters and then select Alarm Receiving Centre.
  4. Enable ARC 1, set the Protocol  ype to FSK and tap on Save to update the protocol type.



Reporting Options

Wi-Fi reporting to the control room when Wi-Fi is set up in the ArmME app
Fallback to GPRS reporting in case of Wi-Fi connectivity issues
Dual sim card operation for enhanced GSM network reliability


  • 7 Hardwired inputs with positive trip, negative trip or both
  • Dedicated AC Supply monitoring input
  • 2 onboard relay outputs which can be controlled by the ArmME app
  • Contact ID tip and ring telephone interface leading to control panels
  • Serial alarm interface leading to control panels
  • Over-the-air panel uploading and downloading on the Rhino and Texecom Premier control panels through the serial interface


  • Full programming and software updating via a computer serial port
  • Programming over-the-air

Indicators and Controls

  • Status and error indication via a seven segment display
  • Serial port selection via the onboard push-button


Falcon Wi-Fi Wiring
Connections to the Falcon Wi-Fi are shown below:Falcon-Wifi-GPRS-App-fig-

Power Supply
The Falcon Wi-Fi must be connected to a stable 12V DC (nominal 13.2V) power supply. If a battery is available in the alarm panel, it must preferably be powered directly from the battery.

Check AC

  • The Check AC (CAC) input detects the presence of the AC supply and is used to check for AC power failure. The CAC line should be connected to one of the transformer’s SECONDARY terminals. DO NOT connect this line to the mains.
  • The CAC input will detect AC voltages between 10 and 24V.
  • If the CAC line is not connected, the Falcon Wi-Fi should not be programmed to send AC Fail or AC Restore signals.
  • The AC Fail and AC Restore signals have programmable delay times in order to prevent false triggers.

Dry Contact Inputs
The dry contact inputs can be used to detect alarms generated from the outputs of the alarm panel or from other sources. If the external device generates the alarm by pulling the input to ground (negative trigger), the pull-up jumper should be inserted on the input of the Falcon Wi-Fi.

Contact ID Inputs
The Falcon Wi-Fi can ‘intercept’ signals sent by the alarm panel on its telephone line (Contact ID) interface. If the Contact ID interface is to be used, the alarm panel’s TIP and RING lines should be connected to the TIP and RING lines on the Falcon Wi-Fi. The alarm panel must be programmed to use its dialer, and the option for reporting must be set to Contact ID. Refer to the programming manual of the applicable alarm panel.

Serial Port
The Falcon Wi-Fi can receive alarms from the following alarm panels on its serial port:

  • Rhino 816 and Rhino 68 alarm panels
  • Texecom premier range (panel uploads and downloads can also be done)
  • Paradox SP & MG Series
  • Pima
  • IDS805 & IDS X-Series
  • DSC Neo & PowerSeries
  • Risco LightSYS 2
  • Orisec
  • Hikvision AX PRO wireless alarm panel

Relay Outputs
Two dry-contact relay outputs are available on the Falcon Wi-Fi. These outputs can be commanded to turn on and off via the GSM network. The outputs are rated at 24V AC or DC, up to a maximum current of SA. Do not connect the relay outputs to the mains supply.

Falcon Wi-Fi Installation

Firmware version
Connect the Falcon Wi-Fi to the 12V supply, observing polarity. On start-up, the Falcon Wi-Fi will display its firmware version, e.g. For the software version 5.06 A

GSM Connection and Signal Strength

  • The performance of the Falcon Wi-Fi depends on the quality of its connection to the GSM network.
  • The Falcon Wi-Fi will send alarms quicker and more reliably if it has a strong connection to the GSM service provider.
  • When the Falcon Wi-Fi has powered up, it will start connecting to the network, displaying its status as it initializes and connects.
  • When the Falcon Wi-Fi has connected to the GSM network, it will display the sim card of the network it is connected to and the signal strength of the connection.

Example:   Connected on sim 1; signal strength 6 .The minimum signal strength required for good remote connectivity is 5.

If an adequate signal strength is not obtained:

  • Move the Falcon Wi-Fi to a more suitable location
  • Fit the Falcon Wi-Fi with a higher gain antenna
  • Change the default sim

Changing the Default SIM Card
The Falcon Wi-Fi has the option of changing the default SIM card to be used. The default SIM card should be changed to the one with the highest signal strength.

To do so:

  • Briefly press the push-button until the Falcon Wi-Fi swaps SIM cards and restarts using the new SIM card
  • Wait until the Falcon Wi-Fi has re-connected to the GSM network on the new SIM card and displays the signal strength.
  • If the Falcon Wi-Fi displays an error message (El or E4), the selected SIM card is not working and the other one should be selected
  • The minimum signal strength required is 5. Lower than this signal strength will make it difficult to access the Falcon Wi-Fi remotely

Selecting the Alarm Panel Serial Port Format
The alarm panel serial port can be selected via the onboard push-button (as well as the PC-based programming software).

The following serial port formats are available:

  • Rhino 816 and Rhino 68 alarm panels
  • Texecom premier range (panel uploads and downloads can also be done)
  • Paradox SP & MG Series
  • Pima
  • IDS
  • DSC Neo Series
  • Sherlotronics MB4000
  • DSC PowerSeries
  • IDS805 FSK Key-Bus
  • Risco LightSYS 2
  • Orisec
  • Hikvision AX PRO wireless alarm panel

To change the serial port format:

  • Remove the power from the Falcon Wi-Fi
  • Hold down the push-button and re-apply the power
  • Release the button then push the button to cycle through the panel serial port settings until the correct serial port is displayed
  • Leave the button for 15 seconds. The Falcon Wi-Fi will remember the new serial port format

Falcon-Wifi-GPRS-App-fig- \(70\)

Indicators and Controls
The Falcon Wi-Fi has a seven segment display which indicates the current operating status.

Falcon Wi-Fi Status

Falcon Wi-Fi Errors
If the Falcon Wi-Fi detects an error it will flash the error code on the seven segment display.

Diagnostics of Error Codes

Serial interface
The Falcon Wi-Fi uses a standard interface cable (with interchangeable ends) along with an adapter to connect to various alarm panels except for the DSC PowerSeries and the IDS805 panels which use a key-bus module and the Orisec panel which has its own serial cable whose ends are NOT interchangeable.

The following adapter boards are available:

VERY IMPORTANT : Plug the adapter board into the alarm panel and NOT the Falcon Wi-Fi.


Limitations of security products: Security products and alarm systems do not offer guaranteed protection against burglary, fire, or other emergencies. They may fail to warn for diverse reasons, including (but not limited to): power failure, dead batteries, improper installation, coverage “blind spots”, coverage areas overlooked during installation, defeat by technically sophisticated intruders, component failure, or inadequate maintenance.

Alarm systems should be checked weekly to ensure that all devices are working properly. AN ALARM SYSTEM IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR INSURANCE. Amecor (Pty) Ltd warrants its products to be in conformance with its own plans and specifications and to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve months from the date of original purchase. Seller’s obligation shall be limited to repairing or replacing, at its option, free of charge for materials or labour, any part of which is proved not in compliance with seller’s specifications or proves defective in materials or workmanship under normal use and service. Seller shall have no obligation under this Limited Warranty or otherwise if the product is altered or improperly repaired or serviced by anyone other than Seller. For warranty service, return transportation prepaid, to the manufacturer.

There are no warranties, expressed or implied, of merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, which extend beyond the description on the face hereof. In no case shall seller be liable to anyone for any consequential or incidental damages for breach of this or any other warranty, express or implied, or upon any other basis of liability whatsoever, even if the loss or damage is caused by its own negligence or fault.

Seller does not represent that the products it sells may not be compromised or circumvented; that the products will prevent any personal injury or property loss by burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise; or that the products will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. Customer understands that a properly installed and maintained alarm system may only reduce the risk of a burglary, robbery, or fire without warning, but it is not insurance or a guarantee that such will not occur or that there will be no personal injury or property loss as a result.

Consequently, seller shall have no liability for any personal injury; property damage or other loss based on a claim the product failed to give any warning. However, if the seller is held liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage arising under this limited warranty or otherwise, regardless of cause or origin, seller’s maximum liability shall not in any case exceed the purchase price of the product, which shall be the complete and exclusive remedy against seller.

This warranty replaces any previous warranties and is the only warranty made by seller on this product. No increase or alteration, written or verbal, of the obligations of this limited warranty is authorised.

Note : Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents issued and pending worldwide.

For any problems or technical assistance please contact our technical helpdesk on 011 477 7705.

Amecor House, 14 Richard Road, lndustria North, 1709

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