amazon basics 600VA 360W Standby UPS Outlets Instruction Manual

June 14, 2024
amazon basics

amazon basics 600VA 360W Standby UPS Outlets Instruction Manual


Basic Operation

  1. Battery and Surge Protocted Outiets T uit has several bty anc surge protected ot (4 for S00VA ! for 00V i 10/6n0ure toporey unetorupted operton of Yo scupment s & powe ok
    , (D0 ot plug laser priner papor shodder, copir,space heater,vacuum, Sump pump or cther large eloctrica device nto the “Battry and Surgo Protectod Outiets.”
    The power ‘demands of these devices will overload and possibly damage the unit.
    Fll-Timo Surge Protecton Outlts e it has everal urgo sprossion outes 4 or SOOVA and 6 for B00VA uif o provido auge and ne oisepotecton
    Power Switch Totur tho UPS o, pres th power bt for approsimatly 2 saconds -you wilhar a
    «constant tone (1 second) – and release after a short beep. ot the UPS f, press 1 pxser bt forapprosmtsly seconds – you vl heara constanttono (1 s0c0n) – and eleaseafr two Shrt beeps, Quickly pross tho POWER button twice can u offor i o tho audblo Aarm.
    Tho deaut sattng 1 for tho Al On ot the e of,pre th power utton tcs. You il har two short beeps when the o’ tnod o Totum tho dlam backon, pross the powor button wic, You il hear ashort boop when he o s tnod on

  2. When the alarm is turned off, no audible notification when the UPS reaches a (low) batery state. Power On Indicator (reon) e LED s lminatod when heutty povirs ol and he UPS outets are providng e, s of surges and splos. When n e vt of compite power o, evers brownout of vervoltage, e UPS il o battery mode and the LED wilfash Pease refer o th follwing Dofonsfor luminaton LED ndcators”for more formaton Cireuit Broaker Locatd cn the sk of e UPS, hecrout reaher soves fo provid overlad and orotetion. USB Portto PG e USE prtaows connoction and commericaton betwoon ihe USE portcn the porsonal computerand he UPS unt, T UPS communicates s talu o he P Managorment Software. Outlets Designed for AC Adapters T UPS it has overl widl-spacod outts (2 for G00VA ant or S00VA un), 50 AG e acaplrs can be plagoed nfo 1o UPS wihoutovrappingor bocking adjacent ot

Important Safety Warnings

“This manual contains important instructions that should be followed during installation and maintenance of the UPS and batteries.
CAUTION! To prevent the isk of fire or electric shock, instal in a temperature and humidity ontrolled indoor area free of conductive contaminants. (Please see specifications for acceptable temperature and humidiy range)
CAUTION! To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the cover. There are no user serviceable parts inside.
‘CAUTION! Hazardous five parts inside can be energized by the battery even when the AG input power is disconnected.
CAUTION! The UPS must be connected to an AC power outlet with fuse or circuit breaker protection. Do not plug into an outet that is not grounded. If you need to de-energize this equipment, tum off and unplug the unit
CAUTION! To avoid electrical shock, tum offthe unit and unplug it from the AC power source before servicing the battery or equivalent.
CAUTION! Not for use in a computer room as defined in the Standard for the Protection of
Electronic Computer/Data Processing Equipment, ANSINFPA 75.
CAUTION! To reduce the risk of fre, connect only to a circut provided with 20 amperes maximum branch circuit over current protection in accordance with the National Electric Code,


CAUTION! Risk of explosion if battery s replaced by an incorrect type. Batteries shall be installec by service personnel, and the replacement of batteries with a suitable recommended m & ° 5 =3 =} type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
CAUTION! Do not dispose of batteries in a fire. The batteries may explode.
CAUTION! Do not apen or mutiate batteries. Released electrolyte is hamiulto the skin and eyes. It may be toxic
DO NOT USE FOR MEDICAL OR LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT! sell products for Ife support or medical appiications. Do not use in any circumstance that would mazonBasics does ot
affect operation and safety ofife support equipment, any medical applications or patient care. DO NOT USE WITH OR NEAR AQUARIUMS! To reduce the risk offr or electric shock, do not use with or near an aquarium. Condensation from the aquarium can cause the unit to short out DO NOT USE THE UPS ON ANY


To reduce the risk of fie or electiic shock, do not use the unit on any transportation such as airplanes or ships. The effect of shock or vibration caused during transit and the damp evironment can cause the unit o short out
WARNING! This product contains chermicals known to State of Calfornia to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.

Installing Your UPS System

Unpacking Inspect the UPS upon receipt, The box should contain the folowing (a) UPS unit (&) User’s manual () USB Cable *Power Management software is available on our website. Please visit and go to the product page for free download.
How To Determine The Power Requirements Of Your Equipment 1. Ensure that the equipment plugged nto the UPS does not exceed the UPS uri’s rated capacity (BOOVA / 360W for AmazonBasics Standby UPS 600VA, B00VA/4SOW for AmazonBasics Standby UPS B00VA. If the rated capacites of the urit re exceeded, an overioad condition may occur and cause the UPS unit to shut down or e circult breaker (o tp. ‘There are many factors that can affect the amount of powier that your electronic equipment will require. For optimal system performance, keep the load below 80% of the unit’s rated capacity.
Hardware Installation Guide Your new UPS may be used immediately upon receipt, However, after receving a new UPS, to ensure the battery’s maximum charge capaiy it s recommended that you charge the batery forat least 8 hours. Your UPS is equipped with an auto-charge feature. When the UPS is plugged into an AC outlet,the battery willautomaticaly charge whenever s turmed on o fured of.
With the UPS unit turned off and unplugged, connect your equipment requiring battery backup into the battery power suppiied outets. Plug the other peripheral equipment (riner, scanner, speakers) nto the ful-tme surge protecton outets. Do not plug a laser printer, paper shredder, copier, space heater, vacuum, sump pump or other large electrical device into the “Battery and Surge Protected Outlets”. The power demands of these devices wil overload and possibly damage the unit, Plug the UPS into a 2 pole, 3 wire grounded receptacle (wall outlet).
Make sure the wall branch outlet is protected by a fuse or circuit breskr o doos ot e ciment i ool domands © {o5. i condionr, et copes, ). Th waranypontits & st o tenson o, et 1o, nd g s orkrsion ‘with the UPS.
Press the power switch to tum the unit on. The Power On indicator wil luminate green and the unit will “beep” twice. Ifan overload s detected, an audible alarm wil be sounded and the unit willemitlong beep.
“To correct this, turn the UPS off and unplug at least one piece of equipment from the battery power supplied outlets. Make sure the circuit breaker is depressed and then tum the UPS on,
“To maintain optimal battery charge, leave the UPS plugged nto an AC outlet at altimes. o store the UPS for an extended period of time, cover it and store with the battery fully charged. Whie in storage, recharge the battery every three months o ensure battery lfe.
For pluggable equipment, the socket-outlet shal be installed near the equipment and shall be: easiy accessible.
Do not ay the UPS on its side and please follow the direction as below to mount the UPS to ensure the battery ife.

Definitions For llluminated LED Indicators

Technical Specifications

System Function Block Diagram


FCC Information

‘This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These imits are designed to provide reasonabe protection‘against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate racio frequency energy and, f not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmiul interforence to radio communications. Howey er, there is no guarantes that interference will not occur in a particular installation 1fthis equipment does cause hamiul interference to radio or television reception, which can b  determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: « Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. « Increase the separation between the equipment and recever. Connect the equipment into an outet on a circut different from that to which te recsiver is connected. Gonsul the dealer or an experienced racio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance may  ‘causs interference and void the ser’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies.
with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

IC Regulatory Statement

i dovcs compies it ndusiy Ganada foence-oxemptFSS stndarl, Operaton s st
to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any nefrance nclucinginteeencs tha ay Gauss undesed apsration of e i,

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