DMP XF6 Series Fire Control Panel User Guide

June 14, 2024

DMP XF6 Series Fire Control Panel

DMP XF6 Series Fire Control Panel


While the fire alarm horns, strobes, or sirens are going off, use the following methods to silence the alarm:

  1. Press the SILENCE key.
  2. Enter your User Code, then press COMMAND.

Note: You may silence an alarm using the above methods on the Remote Fire Command Center too.


Fire Control Panel Features


Your system comes equipped with a built-in, easy-to-use Fire Command Keypad that allows you to properly operate the system. The Command Keypad is also available in a remote version. Figure 1 and its descriptions highlight some features of the Fire Command Keypad.

Select Areas

Select Keypad from the carousel menu. There are four areas in the display called the Select Areas. They allow you to choose what to do by pressing the Select Area with choices being shown in the display.

Data Entry Keys

These alphanumeric keys allow you to enter your user code and other information into the system.

Back Arrow Key

Use the Back Arrow key to go back through displays while operating your system. Press the Back Arrow key to back up through the list of User Menu functions or to make a correction by erasing the last character you entered.

Command Key

The COMMAND key allows you to advance through the displays or User Menu. You can also use the COMMAND key to complete a data entry function.

Status Display

Power Indicator

This indicator remains on steady when both AC and battery input are good. The indicator turns off when AC input is low. The indicator flashes when battery input is low.

Trouble Indicator

This indicator turns on when any trouble displays in the status list, such as AC, battery, phone line, transmit, ground fault, NAC, or any zone trouble. This light is off when no trouble displays in the status list.

Supervisory Indicator

This indicator turns blue when a supervisory alarm is triggered.

Alarm Indicator

This indicator is on when any alarm currently displays in the status list. This indicator is off when no alarm currently displays in the status list.

Entering Alpha Characters

  • Press ABC to enter uppercase letters.
  • Press abc to enter lowercase letters.

Entering Non-Alpha Characters

  • Press !@# to enter special characters.
  • Press 123 to enter numbers and to return to the number pad.

Using the Keypad

Multi- Lingual Display Option

Your system may be programmed to display the User Menu and Status Display text in multiple languages. When the COMMAND key is pressed, the option to choose the language displays.

Keypad Displays Current Programming

Most User Menu options displayed at the keypad show the currently selected option in the panel memory. These options are either shown as a number, a blank, or a NO or YES. To change a number press any top row Select Key. The current option is replaced with a dash. Press the number(s) on the keypad you want to enter as the new number for that option.

It is not necessary to enter numbers with leading zeros. The panel automatically right justifies when you press the COMMAND key.

To change an option that requires a NO or YES response, press the top row Select Key under the response not selected. For example, if the current option is YES and you want to change it to NO, press the third top row Select Key. The display changes to NO. Press the COMMAND key to go to the next option.

User Options

Allows you to make adjustments to your keypad.

To access User Options, press and hold the Back Arrow and COMMAND keys for two seconds. The keypad display changes to SET BRIGHTNESS. Press the COMMAND key to display the next option or the Back Arrow key to exit.

Backlighting Brightness

Sets the keypad LCD and AC LED backlighting brightness level. At the SET BRIGHTNESS display, use the left and right Select Keys to lower or increase the keypad brightness.

Internal Speaker Tone

Sets the keypad internal speaker tone. At the SET TONE display, use the top left and right Select Keys to make the tone lower or higher.

Volume Level

Sets the keypad internal speaker volume level for key presses and prewarn conditions. During alarm, trouble, and prewarn conditions, the volume is always at maximum level. At SET   VOLUME LEVEL, use the left and right Select Keys to lower or raise the keypad volume.

Model Number

The keypad model number, firmware version, and date display in the upper right of the screen but can’t be changed.

Four Function Keys

You can quickly perform vital functions using the four select areas in the carousel menu.

Pressing the SILENCE key silences the alarm bells.
Pressing the RESET key performs a sensor reset.
Pressing the DRILL key displays a prompt SURE? YES NO. Press YES to begin the fire drill. Press NO to return to the status list.
Pressing the TEST key performs a system test.

Special Fire Command Center Displays SILENCED

An Alarm Silence has been performed to turn off the notification appliances. Zone names display.


A Supervisory type zone alarm has occurred. The zone name displays.


There is a problem with a protection device or system component. A description of the problem displays.


The system requires you to enter your user code. User codes can be required for silencing alarms, performing sensor resets, etc.
As you enter your user code, the keypad display shows an asterisk (*) in place of each digit pressed.


The user code you have entered is not in the system. Check the user code and try again.


There is a problem with one or more of the components in your system. Contact our service department.


The system is performing another task of a higher priority. This usually only takes a few moments.

Special Fire Command Tones Fire Alarm Tone

Note: Silencing the trouble tone by pressing any key only silences the keypad and does not correct the condition that originally caused the trouble.


Some features displayed in the User Menu can’t be interacted with. Only the features that can be interacted with are listed in this guide. Press the COMMAND key to skip any displays and prompts not discussed in this User Guide.

User Menu Options

The list below shows the User Menu options in the order they display.


Silences an alarm bell or siren.


Resets smoke or glassbreak detectors that have latched due to an alarm condition.


Allows you to turn on or off any of the outputs described in the System Setup section of this guide.


Displays the current condition of the system AC power, backup battery, optional panel tamper, and keypad model and version numbers.


Tests the system siren, communication to the central station, and backup battery.


Allows you to add, delete, or change user codes.


Allows you to change the Day, Date, or Time that is currently programmed in the system.


Allows you to view the last 2,000 system events that occurred on your system.


Allows you to test the system fire bells.

Accessing the User Menu

  1. Press the COMMAND key, if the multi-language option is enabled, the available languages display. Press the top row Select Key under the language to use for text display.
  2. Press the COMMAND key until MENU? NO YES displays.
  3. Select YES. The keypad displays ENTER CODE. Enter your user code and press COMMAND. You can now scroll down through the list of system features available to you.

Alarm Silence

Resets smoke detectors which must be reset before they can detect any additional alarm conditions. Also clears Fire/Supervisory alarm and trouble displays.
Make sure all smoke is cleared from around the smoke detector areas before performing a Sensor Reset to prevent the alarm from occurring again.

  1. Select RESET on the carousel menu. If using a 630F Remote Annunciator, press the RESET button on the left side of the keypad.
  2. The keypad displays SENSORS OFF for five seconds followed by SENSORS ON.
  3. The keypad automatically exits the User Menu.

Outputs On/Off

Allows you to manually turn the system relay outputs ON and OFF.

This function can individually turn your system relay ON and OFF. Your system may use these outputs to control interior and exterior lighting, heating, air conditioning, or other appliances.

Outputs can be turned ON or OFF regardless of the output settings in Schedules.

Under certain conditions, some outputs cannot be turned on. If you select a restricted output, the keypad displays CANNOT TURN ON.

  1. Access the User Menu. Press COMMAND until OUTPUTS ON/OFF? displays.
  2. Select the type of output you want to turn ON or OFF by pressing the Select Key under OUTPUTS.
  3. Enter the output number you want to turn ON or OFF. The output number displays. The range for outputs is 1-6, 500-999.
  4. With the output number displays, press the Select Key under ON or OFF. The remains in that chosen state until you change it. The keypad displays the output name followed by either ON or OFF for four seconds to provide visual verification of the action. Press the COMMAND key to end the four second display.
  5. The system automatically returns to the output prompt to allow you to select a new output to turn ON or OFF. Refer back to step 4.

System Status

System Status displays the internal system hardware current condition.

System Status shows the panel condition of AC power, battery power, and optional panel tamper. When System Status is selected, each monitor displays followed by OKAY or TRBL (Trouble) to indicate the current condition.

  1. Access the User Menu. Press COMMAND until SYSTEM STATUS? displays.
  2. Press any Select Key. The display starts listing each system monitor and status. For example: AC POWEROKAY. Below are the System Monitor displays:
    AC POWER| AC power
    BATTERY| Battery power
    TAMPER| Panel box tamper

These are followed by either OKAY or TRBL (trouble). If TRBL displays, call the service department for assistance.

  1. The system then displays its firmware version, the panel model, and then exits the User Menu.

System Test

System Test is used to test the battery, alarm bell or siren, and communication to a central station. The System Test function begins automatically as soon as you select it.

Using the System Test Function

  1. Access the User Menu. Press COMMAND until SYSTEM TEST? displays.
  2. The System Test begins automatically and the keypad displays the following messages in this order:
    • a. BELL SOUNDING during a two second bell test
    • b. KEYPAD SOUNDING all keypads sound their alarm tone for two (2) seconds during the keypad sounder test
    • c. BATTERY – OKAY or BATTERY – TRBL to indicate the battery condition
    • d. *TRANSMIT TEST and ATTEMPT NO: 1 during the transmit test
    • e. TRANSMIT OKAY or TRANSMIT FAILED to show the results of the transmit test
    • f. TEST END to indicate the System Test is complete
    • g. You can press the Back Arrow key to end the transmit test
    • The transmit test does not occur on local systems.

User Codes

This option allows you to add, delete, or change a user code. You may also assign specific User Profiles to individual users.

User Number

Every user is numbered 1 – 10. This number identifies the user to the system.

User Code

Each user also has a 3- to 6-digit code, to enter into the keypad.

User Names

Each code may also be programmed with the user name. You may enter up to 32 characters for the name.

User Profile

The user is also assigned a Profile by the administrator of the system. The profile options are MASTER and STANDARD. The profile selection determines the functions the user can access.

Note: Your system must have at least one Master user in order to add or delete user codes. Do not delete all users with Master authority from your system.

Adding User Codes

  1. Access the USER CODES? display. Press any Select Key. The keypad displays ADD DEL CHG.
  2. Press the Select Key under ADD to add a new user code.
  3. At the USER NUMBER prompt, enter a user number and press COMMAND. The display changes to USER CODE.
  4. Enter a user code of 3 to 6 digits and press COMMAND. The user enters this number to reset, silence, etc. After entering the code the keypad displays USER NUMBER ### as the user name.
  5. A 32-character name may be entered to identify the user. Press any top row key to clear the current name. Enter the new name and press COMMAND.
  6. At the PROFILE display, press a select area and then select MASTER or STANDARD. Press COMMAND. The displays shows USER # ADDED.

Deleting User Codes

To delete a user code, you must have a user code with a profile that has user code authority.

  1. Access the USER CODES? display. Press any Select Key. The keypad displays ADD DEL CHG.

  2. Press the second Select Key, under DEL, to delete a user code from the system. To delete a user code, you must have a user code with a profile that has user code authority.
    Note: Be careful not to delete all Master Users from your system. Also, the user code used to enter the user menu to delete codes cannot be deleted. In other words, you can not delete yourself.

  3. At the USER NUMBER prompt, enter the user number you want to delete and press COMMAND. The display changes to USER # DELETED.

  4. The display then changes back to USER NUMBER allowing you to delete another user.

Changing User Codes

  1. Access the USER CODES? display. Press any Select Key. The keypad displays ADD DEL CHG.
  2. Press the third Select Key, under CHG, to change a user code.
  3. At the USER NUMBER prompt, enter the user number to change and press COMMAND.
  4. The display changes to CODE NO: . Press a Select Key and enter the new user code. Press COMMAND. Changing a user code does not change the user number.
  5. The display then shows the current user name. Press any top row key to clear. See Entering User Names in Working with Browsers to enter a new name.
  6. The display changes to PROFILE. Select the profile to assign a set of authorized functions to the user code.
  7. After entering the profile, the keypad displays USER # CHANGED for 5 seconds followed by USER NUMBER. This display allows you to change another user code.

Setting the Date and Time

Allows you to change the current date and time displayed on the LCD keypad and used by the system.

  1. Access the User Menu. Press COMMAND until TIME? displays. Press any Select Key.
  2. The keypad displays the current day and time. Press the COMMAND key. The keypad displays the current date. Press the CMD key to make any changes.
  3. The keypad displays TIME DAY DATE.
  4. Press the Select Key under TIME to change the time. The keypad displays AM PM. Enter the current time and select AM or PM. The display changes back to TIME DAY DATE.
  5. Press the Select Key under DAY to change the day of week. The keypad displays SUN MON TUE WED. Press the COMMAND key to display THU FRI SAT. Press the Select Key under the correct day. Use the Back Arrow key to toggle between the different day of the week displays.
  6. Press the Select Key under DATE to change the date. The keypad displays
    MONTH| Enter up to 2 digits for the month. Press CMD.
    DAY| Enter up to 2 digits for the day. Press CMD.
    YEAR| Enter up to 2 digits for the year. Press CMD.

The display returns to the TIME DAY DATE display.
Press the Back Arrow key to exit the User Menu.

Display Events

Allows you to review up to 12,000 past system events. Examples of these events include:

  • Zone Activity: zone alarms, troubles, and restorals.
  • User Code: adding, deleting, and changing user codes.
  • Supervisory: problems with system hardware components
  • System Monitor: problems with AC Power, Battery, or tamper problems.

The system memory holds a maximum of 12,000 past events for 45 days. Any event older than 45 days automatically clears from the system memory. Once the full 12,000 events are stored, any new event causes the oldest event to be cleared.

About the Display Events Section

While in the Display Events function, use the COMMAND and Back Arrow keys to navigate through the list of events. To view more information about each display, press the Select Key as directed in the explanations.

Using the Display Events

  1. Access the User Menu. Press the COMMAND key until DISPLAY EVENTS? displays. Press any Select Key.
    The keypad displays FRST LST PRT SRT.

    • a. Select FRST (first) to view the oldest to newest events. Then use the COMMAND key to scroll up through the events. Select LST (last) to view the newest to oldest events. Then use the Back Arrow key to scroll down through the events.
    • b. Select LST (last) to view the newest to oldest events. Then use the Back Arrow key to scroll down through the events.
    • c. Select SRT to sort through the Display Events log and collect information specific to a user or system event.
  2. Select PRT to print the complete Display Events log. 2. To use the Sort feature, press the Select Key under SRT. The keypad displays FRST DATE: 8/21. Press any Select Key and enter a 4-digit beginning date for the sort. Press COMMAND.

  3. The keypad displays LAST DATE: 10/17. Press any Select Key and enter a 4-digit ending date for the sort. Press COMMAND.

  4. At USER NUMBER, to sort events for a particular user, enter their user number or press COMMAND to sort for all users. To search for a user, press any Select Key then use the COMMAND and Back Arrow keys to browse through the user names in the system. When the user you want displays, press any Select Key then press COMMAND.

  5. The keypad displays two event types that you can include in the sort. Press the fourth Select Key to display YES as the event type name displays on the keypad. Press COMMAND. The following are the five sort event types:

    • ZONE EVENTS: Zone alarms, troubles, and restorals
    • SUPERVISORY: System hardware problems and denied events
  6. After the last event type displays, the keypad again displays FRST LST PRT SRT. You can now view or print the sorted Display Events or press SRT to define a new sort.

Service Request

Your user code profile may be programmed for Service Request. This allows you to press any top row Select key when SERVICE REQUEST? displays and have the system send a “Request for Service” message to the central station. The REQUEST MADE display confirms your request was sent.

Fire Drill

Fire Drill is used to test the fire bells or fire horns in your system. The Fire Drill test turns your system bell circuit on, but does not send a message to the central station.

Starting a Fire Drill test

  1. Access the User Menu. Press COMMAND until FIRE DRILL? displays. Press any Select Key.
  2. The keypad displays SURE? YES   NO.
  3. Press the Select Key under YES to start the Fire Drill test.

Ending a Fire Drill test

  1. Enter your code at the keypad and press COMMAND to end the Fire Drill.
  2. The Fire Drill test automatically ends with ALARM SILENCE or the programmed Bell Cutoff time.


Listed in the following table are keypad messages you may see on the display. Follow the instructions in the Possible Solutions column to correct the problem. In many case, you need to call a service person to correct the problem. Displays that are not discussed here mean that your service representative should be called.

INVALID CODE The user code you entered is not recognized by the panel. Check

the user code and try again.
GROUND FAULT TROUBLE| There is a ground fault on the system.| Check the system for a grounded connection. Disconnect one circuit at a time and read the resistance between the circuit and ground with an Ohmmeter.

Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. This information is subject to change without notice.

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