AJAX DN25 WaterStop Jeweller User Manual

June 15, 2024

AJAX DN25 WaterStop Jeweller

AJAX DN25 WaterStop Jeweller


WaterStop Jewelle r is a smart water shutoff valve. Operates as part of an automated water leak prevention system. Controls it in Ajax apps, through a button on the enclosure, a lever on a shutoff valve, as well as automation scenarios.

 An Ajax hub is required for operation. A list of compatible hubs and range extenders is available here.

Water Stop communicates with the hub using an encrypted Jeweller

Runs on pre-installed batteries for up to three years. It can also be powered by a third-party power supply unit with 7.5–14 V⎓ and operating current up to 1.8 A.

Buy Water Stop

Functional elements

Functional elements

  1. LED indicator. Reports the status of WaterStop.

  2. Control button. Activates and deactivates the device when the button is pressed for three seconds. When short pressed (for a second), it controls the water supply.

  3. Mounting lockers. Supplied in two options: standard (pre-installed) and antisabotage.

  4. Holes for installation of a mounting locker. The locker can be installed on any of the four sides of Water Stop.
    Learn more

  5. Mechanical indicator of shutoff valve status: open or closed.

  6. Position mark Open. The water is open when the mechanical indicator corresponds to this position.

  7. Position mark Closed. The water is shut off when the mechanical indicator corresponds to this position.

  8. Lever on the mount. It is designed for manual control of a shutoff valve.

  9. Mounting platform. It is installed between the shutoff valve and the electric drive.

  10. Removable part of the mount. Allows changing the position of the electric valve by 180° without removing the mount.

  11. RuB shutoff valve. WaterStop is supplied with a valve in one of three sizes: ½” (DN 15, 15 mm), ¾” (DN 20, 20 mm), or 1″ (DN 25, 25 mm).Functional elements

  12. Tamper button Reacts to the removal of the electric actuator from the mount.

  13. QR code and ID/serial number of the device. It is used to connect Water Stop to the Ajax system.

  14. The rotary part of the water shutoff mechanism (electric actuator coupling).

  15. Plug for a third-party 7.5–14 V⎓ power supply connection.

Operating principle

Operating principle

  1. The electric actuator controls the shutoff valve.
  2. The shutoff valve is a Ru B ball valve. Water Stop is supplied with a valve in one of three sizes: ½” (DN 15, 15 mm), ¾” (DN 20, 20 mm), or 1″ (DN 25, 25 mm).
  3. The mount is installed between the shutoff valve and the electric actuator.
  4. The mounting locker fixes the electric actuator on the shutoff valve. There are two options: standard (pre-installed) and anti-sabotage (for installation in public places).
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Control via the app

WaterStop can control the water supply at the object using Ajax apps .
Notifications indicate the device’s name, a virtual room, activation time, and the user who opened or shut off the water supply.

Control via the app

Users can also control the water supply in the Control menu. To do this, a user must swipe up the Control menu. A swipe opens a list of automation devices connected to the hub. The valve state reverses by pressing the switch in the WaterStop field, and the water supply stops or restores.

More about Ajax apps

Manual control

Users can control the water supply at the object in Ajax apps and manually. There are two ways to control WaterStop manually: a button on the electric actuator enclosure and a lever on the mount.

Manual control

  1. By button on the electric actuator enclosure. When pressed, the shutoff valve opens/closes. This method of water supply control works when the electric actuator is already installed. The state of the shutoff valve can be found in Ajax app and by looking at the position of the mechanical indicator.
     The ability to control the water supply with a button on the enclosure can be disabled in the device settings.
    Manual control

  2. By lever on the mount. An installer or plumber can turn the lever and open or shut the water without the tools. This method of controlling the water supply only works with the electric actuator removed.’

This control method is provided for manually shutting off the water supply during the installation of a shutoff valve, when installing an electric valve, or in emergencies. The water valve is open if the lever is along the shutoff valve. If the lever is across the valve, the water is shut off.

Automation scenarios

Automation scenarios

Security system scenarios help automate security, reduce the number of routine actions, and improve user experience. WaterStop supports the following types of scenarios:

  • Alarm reactions.
  • Security mode change responses.
  • Scheduled actions.
  • By pressing Button.
  • Temperature protection.
  • By pressing LightSwitch.
  • By humidity.
  • By CO2 concentration

 Scenarios by humidity and CO concentration are available when Life Quality is added to the system.

For example, using scenarios, the water supply can be turned off by the Leaks Protect leak detector alarms, according to a schedule, or when the  security system is armed.
More about scenarios

Out of range temperature notification

To prevent overheating, WaterStop notifies you when it heats up to +60°C.

The notification is sent to both end-user apps and PRO Desktop. Thus, not only users but also representatives of service companies can monitor the status of devices at the objects. The option does not affect the WaterStop main task to shut off the water.

The notification is also sent to Ajax apps when the device temperature returns to normal.

 To avoid overheating, we recommend installing Water Stop in a ventilated area. If the device temperature tops +60°C, we suggest changing the device installation site and operating conditions.

Stuck prevention

Stuck prevention

The ball shutoff valve should be serviced for stuck prevention. Without this procedure, a thick layer of limescale can form inside the valve over time. This deposit can impair or block the ability to turn the ball valve. As a result, it will be impossible to control the water supply at the object.

For stuck prevention, WaterStop can periodically open and close the shutoff valve. A PRO or a user with admin rights can set the maintenance period by creating a scheduled scenario.
Learn more about scenarios

Protected with a tamper switch against unauthorized dismantling

  • Standard mounting locker

  • Anti-sabotage mounting locker

The WaterStop kit includes two lockers:

  • Standard (pre-installed) locker — for quick fixing of the electric drive on the shutoff valve. It is easily removed to access a shutoff valve or replace the electric actuator.
  • Anti-sabotage locker — installed instead of the WaterStop’s standard locker. Use the tools to remove the anti-sabotage locker. The anti-sabotage locker securely fixes the electric actuator on the valve and makes it harder to remove the electric actuator if someone tries it unauthorized. This locker is used, for example, when installing the device in cafes, restaurants, hotels, factories, or public access sites.

Regardless of the selected locker, WaterStop tamper will notify users and the monitoring company that the tamper has been triggered during an attempt to remove the electric actuator from the ball valve.

 The locker can be installed on any of the four sides of WaterStop.

Jeweller data transfer protocol

Jeweller is a radio protocol for fast and reliable two-way communication between a hub and connected devices. Jeweller supports block encryption with a floating key and authentication of devices at each communication session to prevent sabotage and device spoofing.

Ajax apps provided a system of ”hub–detector” polls to monitor connection with system devices and display their statuses. Polling frequency: from 12 to 300 seconds. The polling frequency is set by a PRO or a user with system setup rights in the hub settings.

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Sending events to the monitoring station

The Ajax system can transmit events and alarms to the PRO Desktop monitoring app as well as the Central Monitoring Station (CMS) via SurGard (Contact ID), SIA DC-09 (ADM- CID), ADEMCO 685, and other protocols. Which CMSs Ajax connects to

Only communication loss events between WaterStop and the hub (or the radio signal range extender) are transmitted to the CMS. Use PRO Desktop to receive all device events.

The addressability of Ajax devices allows sending events and the type of the device, the name, the virtual room, and the security group assigned to it to the PRO Desktop and the CMS. The list of transmitted parameters may differ depending on the CMS type and the selected communication protocol.

The ID and device loop (zone) number are available in the device States .

Selecting the installation site

Selecting the installation site

The installation of WaterStop should be carried out by a specialist: a plumber or an installer. The list of authorized Ajax partners is available here.

Selecting the installation site for WaterStop with bundled RuB shutoff


Refer to the points below when you consider where to install the device with the bundled RuB valve.

WaterStop dimensions.

When choosing a location for WaterStop, consider its dimensions. The intended location should have enough space to install the electric actuator in one of the four positions. A plumber or installer should have access to the device: for maintenance, repair, or to replace a locker or electric actuator.

Diameter of the bundled RuB shutoff valve.

Selecting a RuB shutoff valve, make sure that its diameter matches the pipe diameter.

External power supply connection.

If an external power supply unit is connected to WaterStop, provide space and route the power cables to the device beforehand. Recommended electrical parameters of the power supply unit: 9 or 12 V⎓, current up to 1.8 A.

 An external power supply connection must comply with general electrical safety rules for using electrical appliances and the requirements of electrical safety regulations.

Use WaterStop only for pipes that carry water

WaterStop is installed on water supply or heating pipes. The device is suitable for cold or hot water pipes with a temperature from +5°C to +120°C.

Do not install the device on water pipes with lower or higher temperatures.

 WaterStop is not designed to control the supply of domestic or industrial gas or liquids besides water.

The pressure in the pipes must not exceed 10 bar.

WaterStop is designed for pipelines with an operating pressure of up to 10 bar. Do not install the device on pipes that deal with greater pressure.

Consider the Jeweller signal strength.

Consider the Jeweller signal strength when choosing a place to install WaterStop. It is determined by the number of undelivered or corrupted data packets exchanged between the device and the hub or range extender over a certain period.

The icon  in the Devices menu indicates the signal strength. The signal strength is also shown in the device states.

Signal strength value:

  • Three bars — excellent signal strength.
  • Two bars — good signal strength.
  • One bar — low signal strength. Stable operation is not guaranteed.
  • Crossed-out icon — no signal. Stable operation is not guaranteed.

Check the Jeweller signal strength at the installation site. WaterStop should have a signal strength of two or three bars. To roughly calculate the signal strength at the place of installation, use a radio communication range calculator.

With a signal strength of one or zero bars, the stable operation of the security system is not guaranteed. Use the radio signal range extender if the selected installation site has a signal strength of fewer than two bars.

Check the temperature and humidity levels at the installation site

The WaterStop operating temperature range is from +0°C to +60°C; operating humidity is up to 95%.

Do not install a smart valve

  • Outdoors. This may result in device failure or incorrect operation.
  • In rooms with humidity and temperature that are outside the permissible limits. Doing so may cause the device to malfunction or not work correctly.
  • In places with low or unstable signal strength. This can lead to a loss of connection between the smart valve and the hub (or range extender).
  • On pipes through which water is transported with a pressure of more than 10 bar.
  • On pipes through which water with a temperature below +5°C or above +120°C is transported.
  • On pipes through which domestic or industrial gas is transported.
  • On pipes through which any liquid besides water is transported.


 Before installing WaterStop, ensure that the optimal location of the device has been selected and that it complies with the requirements of this manual. When installing and operating the device, follow the general electrical safety rules for using electrical appliances and the requirements of electrical safety regulations.

WaterStop electric actuator can be installed on a bundled RuB valve and a thirdparty one. The electric actuator is compatible with valves that comply with the ISO 5211 standard. Therefore, a plumber can install a third-party ball valve one day, and an installer can fix an electric actuator and connect the device to the Ajax system another day.

WaterStop installation with bundled RuB shutoff valve

  1. Disassemble WaterStop:

  2. Remove the mounting locker.

  3. Remove the electric actuator from the shutoff valve mount.
    WaterStop installation with bundled RuB shutoff valve

  4. Shut off the water supply to the circuit where WaterStop will be installed.

  5. Install the bundled RuB shutoff valve on the pipeline.

  6. Select the installation option of the electric actuator on the mount. It can be installed on a mount with a rotation angle of 0, 90, 270, or 360 degrees.WaterStop installation with bundled RuB shutoff valve
     Choose the installation angle so that WaterStop is easy to install and maintain.

  7. Place the mount on the shutoff valve.

  8. Ensure the lever on the mount and the electric actuator are in the same position. If the positions do not match, change the position of the key or the electric actuator coupling (by switching its position with the button on the enclosure).
    WaterStop installation with bundled RuB shutoff valve
     The lever on the mount in the open position must always be directed along the pipeline.

  9. Install the electric valve on the mount.

  10. Secure the electric valve with the mounting locker.WaterStop installation with bundled RuB shutoff valve

  11. Standard locker allows quickly removing the electric valve. Suitable for private houses, flats, or other non-public places.

  12. An anti-sabotage locker is suitable to complicate unauthorized disassembly of the electric actuator. Used in restaurants, laundries, factories, and other public or crowded places.

  13. Connect WaterStop to the hub.

  14. Resume water supply.

  15. Check the operability of WaterStop

WaterStop installation with third-party shutoff valve

  1. Disassemble WaterStop:

  2. Remove the mounting locker.

  3. Remove the electric actuator from the shutoff valve mount.

  4. Remove the mount from the bundled shutoff valve using a hexagon (⌀ 3 mm).

  5. Shut off the water supply to the circuit where WaterStop will be installed.

  6. Select the installation option of the electric actuator on the mount. It can be installed on a mount with a rotation angle of 0, 90, 270, or 360 degrees.

  7. Install the mount on the shutoff valve. Fix it to the valve with bundled fasteners.

  8. Ensure the lever on the mount and the electric actuator are in the same position. If the positions do not match, change the position of the key or the electric actuator coupling (by switching its position with the button on the enclosure).
     The lever on the mount in the open position must always be directed along the pipeline.

  9. Install the electric valve on the mount.

  10. Secure the electric valve with the mounting locker.

  11. Standard locker allows quickly removing the electric valve. Suitable for private houses, apartments, or other non-public places.

  12. An anti-sabotage locker is suitable to complicate unauthorized disassembly of the electric actuator. Used in restaurants, laundries, factories, and other public or crowded places.

  13. Connect WaterStop to the hub.

  14. Resume water supply.

  15. Check the operability of WaterStop

 If, after installation, WaterStop cannot shut off the water, the mount is installed in the wrong position.

Connecting external power supply

WaterStop runs up to 3 years from the bundled batteries. The device is equipped with terminals connecting a third-party 7.5–14 V⎓ power supply unit. Recommended electrical parameters of the power supply unit: 9 or 12 V⎓, current up to 1.8 A. The connection of the external power supply is recommended to avoid rapid discharge of batteries in the case of installation in places characterized by low temperatures or when frequent water shutoffs are reported.

When external power is connected, the pre-installed batteries are used as a backup power source. Do not remove them when connecting the power supply.

 Before installing the device, be sure to check the insulation of the wires for damage. Use only a grounded power source. Do not disassemble the device under voltage. Do not use the device with a damaged power cable

To connect external power supply:

  1. Shut off the water if necessary.

  2. Turn off WaterStop if it was on by holding the on/off button for 3 seconds.

  3. Pull out the mounting locker while holding the solenoid valve.

  4. Remove the electric actuator from the shutoff valve.

  5. Place the front side of the device with the Ajax logo on it on a soft cloth so as not to scratch the enclosure.

  6. Unscrew the protective plug on the bottom of the electric actuator enclosure using a hexagon (⌀ 3 mm).

  7. Make a hole in the protective plug.
    Connecting external power supply

  8. Reinstall the protective plug.

  9. Loosen the screws with a PH1 cross-head screwdriver.
    Connecting external power supply

  10. Turn the electric actuator over while holding the front and back of the enclosure.

  11. Remove the front part of the electric actuator enclosure.

  12. Pass the de-energized power supply cable through the protective plug.

  13. Connect the cable to the terminals observing polarity. Polarity is marked on the plastic.
    Connecting external power supply

  14. Reinstall the front part of the device enclosure. The lid can be installed only in one (correct) position.

  15. Turn the device over while holding the front and back of the enclosure.

  16. Tighten the four screws with a PH1 cross-head screwdriver.

  17. Reinstall the electric actuator on the shutoff valve.

  18. Plug the power supply unit into an outlet.

  19. Turn on WaterStop, and check the status of batteries and external power in Ajax app and the overall operation of the device

Adding to the system

Before adding a device
  1. Install Ajax app.
  2. Create a user or PRO  account if you don’t already have one. Add a compatible hub to the app, set the desired settings, and create at least one virtual room.
  3. Make sure that the hub is on and has Internet access via Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and/or mobile network. This can be done in Ajax app or by looking at the hub LED. It should light up white or green.
  4. Make sure the hub is disarmed and does not start updates by checking its status in Ajax app.

 Only a PRO or a user with administrator rights can connect WaterStop to the hub.

Connecting to the hub

WaterStop should be within the coverage area of the hub radio network to connect to the hub. To work via a radio signal range extender, it is necessary to pair the smart shutoff water valve to the hub and then connect it to the range extender (via settings).

The hub is incompatible with devices operating at different frequencies. The radio frequency range of the device may vary by region. It is recommended to buy and use Ajax devices in the same region. Please contact technical support for information on the operating frequency range.

WaterStop only works with one hub. When connected to a new hub, the smart water shutoff valve stops sending commands to the old one. Once added to a new hub, the smart water shutoff valve is not removed from the list of devices of the old hub. This must be done through Ajax app.

To connect WaterStop to a hub:

  1. Open Ajax app. Sign in to the account.

  2. If your account has access to more than one hub or if you are using the PRO app, select the hub to which you want to add the device.

  3. Go to the Devices menu. Press Add Device.

  4. Give a name to the smart valve.

  5. Scan or enter the QR code (located on the device enclosure and its packaging).

  6. Select a virtual room and a security group (if the Group mode is enabled).

  7. Click Add Device — the countdown will begin.
     If the maximum number of devices is added to the hub, when you try to add the smart valve in Ajax app, you will get a notification about exceeding the device limit. The maximum number of devices that can be connected to the hub depends on the central unit model.

  8. Turn on WaterStop by holding the power button for three seconds.

After a successful connection, WaterStop will appear in the list of hub devices. If connection fails, turn the device off and try again in 5 seconds. Refreshing the device statuses in the list depends on the Jeweller (or Jeweller/Fibra) settings. The default value is 36 seconds.


Icons display some of WaterStop states. Statuses can be checked in Ajax app in the Devices tab.

Icon Meaning
Jeweller Signal Strength displays the signal strength between the hub and

WaterStop. Recommended value is 2–3 bars.

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| The device is connected via a radio signal range extender
| WaterStop battery charge level.

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| WaterStop is permanently deactivated.

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| WaterStop has tamper-triggering events permanently deactivated.

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The states include information about the device and its operating parameters. Smart valve states are available in Ajax app. To see them:

  1. Open Ajax app.
  2. Select a hub if you have several of them or using the PRO app.
  3. Go to the Devices tab.
  4. Select WaterStop in the list
Parameter Meaning
Jeweller Signal Strength Signal strength between WaterStop and the hub (or

the range extender) via the Jeweller channel.
Recommended values: 2–3 bars.Jeweller is a protocol for the transmission of WaterStop events and alarms.Learn more
Connection via Jeweller| Connection status between WaterStop and hub (or range extender) via Jeweller channel:

  • Online — the device is connected to the hub (or range extender). Normal state.
  • Offline — the device has lost connection with the hub (or range extender). Check the status of WaterStop.

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Battery Сharge| The battery charge level of the device:

  • OK — normal condition of the batteries.
  • Battery low — devices batteries are discharged.

When the batteries are low, Ajax apps and the security company receive appropriate notifications.

We recommend replacing the batteries after
receiving a low battery notification. When
operating with dead batteries, we cannot
guarantee that WaterStop will shut off or open the water valve.

How the battery charge is displayed
Battery life calculator
How to replace batteries

External Power| WaterStop external power supply connection status:

  • Connected — external power supply is connected to the device.
  • Disconnected — the external power is
    disconnected. The device runs on batteries

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Lid| The status of the WaterStop tamper, which
reacts to violations of the enclosure integrity or the removal of the electric valve from the ball valve:

  • Open — the electric actuator is removed from the ball valve or the integrity of the device enclosure is broken.
  • Closed — the electric actuator is fixed on the ball valve. The integrity of the enclosure is not broken. Normal state.

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Water Supply| WaterStop ball valve status:

  • On — water is supplied.
  • Off — the water is shut off.

Lock Device Button| The ability to control the water supply using a button on the electric actuator enclosure:

  • Yes — the water supply can be controlled only in Ajax apps and using automation scenarios.
  • No — the water supply can be controlled using the button on the electric actuator enclosure.

Permanent Deactivation| Shows the status of the device deactivation

  • No—the device operates inn or malmode

  • Lid only — notifications on the device’s
    tamper-triggering are disabled.

  • Entirely — the device does not execute system commands and does not participate in scenarios.

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Firmware| Firmware Device firmware version.
Device ID| Device ID/serial number. Also available on the QR code on the device’s enclosure and the packaging.
Device No| Device loop (zone) number.

Settings **


To change the smart valve settings in Ajax app:

  1. Open Ajax app.
  2. Select a hub if you have several of them or using the PRO app.
  3. Go to the Devices tab.
  4. Select WaterStop in the list.
  5. Go to the Settings by clicking on the gear icon .
  6. Set the required settings.
  7. Click Back to save the new settings.
Settings Meaning
Name WaterStop name. Displayed in the text of SMS and notifications in the

event feed.

To change the smart valve name, click on the text field.

The name can contain up to 12 Cyrillic characters or up to 24 Latin symbols.

Room| Selecting the virtual room to which WaterStop is assigned.

The room name is displayed in the text of SMS and notifications in the events feed.

To change the room, click on the field.

Notifications| Selecting the smart valve notifications:

  • When water supply turned on/off — the user receives notifications from the device switching its state.
  • When scenario executed — the user receives notifications about the execution of scenarios involving this device.

The setting is available when WaterStop is
connected to all hubs with firmware version OS Malevich 2.15 or higher and in apps of the following versions or higher:

  • Ajax Security System 2.23.1 for iOS
  • Ajax Security System 2.26.1 for Android
  • Ajax PRO: Tool for Engineers 1.17.1 for iOS
  • Ajax PRO: Tool for Engineers 1.17.1 for Android
  • Ajax PRO Desktop 3.6.1 for macOS
  • Ajax PRO Desktop 3.6.1 for Windows

Lock Device Button| Setting the water supply control using the
button on the electric actuator enclosure.When this option is enabled, the water supply can be controlled only in Ajax apps as well as using automation scenarios.

The option is disabled by default

LED Indication| When this option is enabled, the LED indicates the WaterStop status.
Scenarios| Setting up WaterStop automation scenarios.

Learn more

Jeweller Signal Strength Test| Switches WaterStop to the Jeweller signal
strength test mode.The test allows checking the signal strength
between the device and the hub or the range
extender over the Jeweller wireless data
transfer protocol to determine the optimal
installation location for the device.

Learn more

User Guide| Opens the WaterStop User Manual in Ajax app.
Permanent Deactivation| Allows user to disable the device without
removing it from the system.Three options are available:

  • No — the device operates normally and transmits all events

  • Entirely — the device does not execute
    system commands or participate in
    automation scenarios, and the system ignores any notifications of the device.

  • Lid only — the system will ignore notifications about the triggering of the device tamper.

Learn more

Unpair Device| Unpairs WaterStop from the hub and deletes its settings.

Functionality testing

Ajax’s security system provides several tests to select the location of devices correctly. WaterStop tests do not start immediately, but the wait time does not exceed the duration of one “hub—detector” polling period (36 seconds at standard hub settings). The device polling period can be changed in the hub settings in the Jeweller (or Jeweller/Fibra) menu.

To run a test in Ajax app:

  1. Log in to your account in Ajax app.
  2. Select a hub if you have several of them or using the PRO app.
  3. Go to the Devices menu.
  4. Select WaterStop.
  5. Go to Settings by clicking on the gear icon .
  6. Select Jeweller Signal Strength Test.
  7. Run and conduct the test using the prompts in the app.

LED indication

LED indication

If a malfunction is detected in WaterStop (for example, there is no connection with the hub or range extender), the malfunction counter is displayed in the device field in Ajax app.

Malfunctions are displayed in the shutoff valve States Fields with malfunctions will be highlighted in red.

Malfunction is displayed if:

  • Temperature protection was activated.
  • There is no connection between WaterStop and the hub (or range extender).
  • The WaterStop batteries are discharged.


Regularly check the operation of the device: check how WaterStop controls the water supply. The optimal frequency of checks is once every three months.

Clean WaterStop enclosure from dust, cobwebs, and other contaminants as they emerge. Use a soft dry cloth suitable for equipment care. Do not use substances that contain alcohol, acetone, petrol, and other active solvents to clean the device.

We recommend setting up a scheduled scenario to open and close a valve periodically. For example, once a week for one minute. This will protect the valve from getting stuck and extend its life.

Technical specifications

All WaterStop technical specifications
Compliance with standards

Complete set

  1. WaterStop Jeweller.
  2. Two mounting lockers: standard (pre-installed) andanti-sabotage.
  3. CR123A batteries (pre-installed) — 4 pcs.
  4. Quick start guide.


Warranty for the Limited Liability Company “Ajax Systems Manufacturing” products is valid for 2 years after the purchase.

If the device does not work correctly, first contact the support service. Technical issues can be resolved remotely in half of the cases.

Warranty obligations
User Agreement

Contact Technical Support:


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| AJAX DN25 WaterStop Jeweller [pdf] User Manual
DN25 WaterStop Jeweller, DN25, WaterStop Jeweller, Jeweller


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