Circutor CEM M-ETH Communications Interface Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

Circutor CEM M-ETH Communications Interface Instruction Manual
Circutor CEM M-ETH Communications


Follow the warnings described in this manual with the symbols shown below


Warns of a risk, which could result in personal injury or material damage.


Indicates that special attention should be paid to a specific point.

If you must handle the unit for its installation, start-up or maintenance, the following should be taken into consideration:

Incorrect handling or installation of the device may result in injury to personnel as well as damage to the device. In particular, handling with voltages applied may result in electric shock, which may cause death or serious injury to personnel. Defective installation or maintenance may also lead to the risk of fire.

Read the manual carefully prior to connecting the device. Follow all installation and maintenance instructions throughout the device’s working life. Pay special attention to the installation standards of the National Electrical Code.

Refer to the instruction manual before using the device

In this manual, if the instructions marked with this symbol are not respected or carried out correctly, it can result in injury or damage to the device and /or installations.

CIRCUTOR S.A.U. reserves the right to modify features or the product manual without prior notification


CIRCUTOR S.A.U. reserves the right to make modifications to the device or the unit specifications set out in this instruction manual without prior notice.
CIRCUTOR S.A.U. on its web site, supplies its customers with the latest versions of the device specifications and the most updated manuals.

CIRCUTOR S.A.U. recommends using the original cables and accessories that are supplied with the device.

Note: The images of the devices are solely for the purpose of illustration and may differ from the original unit.

Table 1: Revision log

Date Revision Description
11/14 M060B01-03-14A Initial Version
04/21 M060B01-03-21A Circutor logo change
06/21 M060B01-03-21B Changes in the following sections: 5.
11/22 M060B01-03-22A Changes in the following sections: 4.5.


Check the following points upon receiving the device:

  • a) The device meets the specifications described in your order.
  • b) The device has not suffered any damage during transport.
  • c) Perform an external visual inspection of the device prior to switching it on.
  • d) Check that it has been delivered with the following:
    • An installation guide.

If any problem is noticed upon reception, immediately contact the transport company and/or CIRCUTOR’s after-sales service.


The CEM M-ETH optical-electric interface converts the optical service port of any device of the CEM range into an Ethernet port with MODBUS/TCP protocol.

The unit features:

  • 3 indicator LEDs: POWER, LINK and LINK/ACT

The device is installed on 2-step DIN rails, on the left of any device of the CEM range



In order to use the device safely, it is critical that the individuals who handle it follow the safety measures set out in the standards of the country where it is being used, use the necessary personal protective equipment and pay attention to the various warnings indicated in this instruction manual.

The CEM M-ETH device must be installed by authorised and qualified staff.

The power supply plug must be disconnected before handling, altering the connections or replacing the device. It is dangerous to handle the unit while it is powered.

Also, it is critical to keep the cables in perfect condition in order to avoid accidents, personal injury and damage to installations.

The manufacturer of the device is not responsible for any damage resulting from failure by the user or installer to observe the warnings and/or recommendations set out in this manual, nor for damage resulting from the use of non-original products or accessories or those made by other manufacturers.

If an anomaly or malfunction is detected in the device, do not use the device to take any measurements. Inspect the work area before taking any measurements. Do not take measurements in dangerous areas or where there is a risk of explosion.

Disconnect the device from the power supply (unit and measuring system power supply) before maintaining, repairing or handling the device’s connections.
Please contact the after-sales service if you suspect that there is an operational fault in the device.


On the side of the device are all of the indications adjusted to the CEI 62052-11 standard.
The device is installed on a DIN rail.
Before connecting the device, you must couple it to a CEM energy meter as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.Installation
Figure 1: Coupling the CEM M-ETH to a CEM energy meter.
Coupled CEM
Figure 2: Coupled CEM M-ETH and CEM.
Terminals, opening covers or removing elements can expose parts that are hazardous to the touch while the unit is powered. Do not use the device until it is fully installed.

The device must be connected to a power circuit that is protected with gL fuses (IEC 60269) or M fuses, with a rating of 0.5 to 2 A. It must be fitted with a circuit breaker switch or equivalent device for disconnecting the device from the power supply mains.
The RCCB or equivalent device must be in the immediate vicinity of the device and must be easily accessible.
The power circuit is connected with a cable with a section measuring up to 2.5 mm2 .
The device’s operating temperature is between -25ºC and +70ºC; always use connection cables that can withstand these temperatures.


Table 2: List of CEM M-ETH terminals

Device terminals

1: Auxiliary power supply.
2: Auxiliary power supply.
3: Ethernet.

CEM M-ETH terminals
Figure 3:
CEM M-ETH terminals.


The connection between the CEM M-ETH and the Ethernet network must be made with a twisted pair cable (100Base-TX: 100Mbit/s on two pairs of wires of Category 5 or higher). The segment length of the 100Base-T, 10BaseT and 1000Base-T cables is limited to 100 m.
Connection Diagram
Figure 4: CEM M-ETH connection diagram


The CEM M-ETH is designed to be used as a Ethernet port for any device in the CEM family, using the mechanical coupling next to the optical port.


The CEM M-ETH is an optional accessory for electrical energy meters from the CEM range that are mounted on DIN rails.
The CEM M-ETH provides CEM units with Ethernet communications with the MODBUS/TCP protocol.
Once the device is coupled to the CEM energy meter (See “3.2.- INSTALLATION”) the LINK LED turns green to let the user know that the link has been made correctly.
From this point onward, the new CEM energy meter + CEM M-ETH assembly functions as a single device.


The device has three indicator LEDs:”
Figure 5: CEM M-ETH indicator LEDs

  • POWER LED: Indicates that the device is connected to a power supply.
    LINK LED: Indicates the status of the link with the CEM unit. (Table 3)

Table 3: LINK LED, colour codes


Colour| Status
Flashing red| Device not linked
Steady green| Device linked

  • LED LINK/ACT, indicates the state of the Ethernet connection, Table 4



Colour| Status
On| Ethernet link
Off| No Ethernet link
Flashing| Activity on this port

The device has an optical serial communications port on its right side, in accordance with the UNE EN 62056-21:2003 standard, in order to communicate with other devices in the CEM family.

The MODBUS/TPC protocol is the MODBUS RTU protocol with a TCP interface that runs on Ethernet.
MODBUS/TCP uses TCP/IP and Ethernet to manage the data of MODBUS messages between compatible devices.
The MODBUS/TCP protocol embeds a standard MODBUS data frame in a TCP frame without the Modbus checksum, as shown in the diagram in the figure.
(This information is embedded into the data portion of the TCP frame)
Figure 6: Construction of a MODBUS/TCP data frame.

Table 5 shows the format of the MODBUS/TCP frame.

Table 5: MODBUS/TCP frame format

Name Length Function
Transaction identifier 2 For message synchronisation between the server and

Protocol identifier| 2| Value 0 for MODBUS/TCP
Field length| 2| Number of bytes remaining in the frame
Unit identifier| 1| Peripheral number
Function code| 1| Modbus function number
Data bytes| n| Response or command data

The MODBUS functions implemented in the device are:
Functions 03 and 04: Reading of logs.
Function 10: Writing of multiple logs.

All MODBUS map addresses are hexadecimal.
Configuration variables
The Read and Write functions are implemented for these variables.
Table 6: Modbus configuration variables CEM M-RS485.

Description| Address| Size| Valid data range| Default value
Impulse output type| 0x0080| 16 bits| 0: Active energy , 1: Reactive energy| 0
Impulse output weight| 0x0081| 16 bits| Wh/impulse 0 … 99999| –
Cost per kWh| 0x00B0| 32 bits| 0.0000… 9999.9999 with 4 decimal places ofresolution| –
KgCO2| 0x00B2| 32 bits| 0.0000… 9.0000 with 4 decimal places ofresolution| –

Note: Some MODBUS variables may not be available depending on the CEM energy meter coupled to the CEM M-ETH. See “ Available addresses by device”.

The Read function is implemented for these variables.
Table 7: Modbus variables: Energy

Description Address Size Units

Total values
Imported active energy| 0x0000| 32 bits| Wh
Exported active energy| 0x0002| 32 bits| Wh
Q1 reactive energy| 0x0004| 32 bits| varh
Q2 reactive energy| 0x0006| 32 bits| varh
Q3 reactive energy| 0x0008| 32 bits| varh
Q4 reactive energy| 0x000A| 32 bits| varh
Partial values
Partial imported active energy| 0x0030| 32 bits| Wh
Partial exported active energy| 0x0032| 32 bits| Wh
Q1 partial reactive energy| 0x0034| 32 bits| varh
Q2 partial reactive energy| 0x0036| 32 bits| varh
Q3 partial reactive energy| 0x0038| 32 bits| varh
Q4 partial reactive energy| 0x003A| 32 bits| varh

Note: Some MODBUS variables may not be available depending on the CEM energy meter coupled to the CEM M-ETH. See “ Available addresses by device”.
Operating time, cost and KgCO2 atmospheric emissions
The Read function is implemented for these variables.
Table 8: Modbus variables: Operating time, costs and KgCO2

Description Address Size Units
Cost of the partial consumption 0x00C0 32 bits
KgCO2 atmospheric emissions of the partial consumption 0x00C2 32 bits
Hours of partial operation 0x00C4 32 bits ( 1 decimal place)
Hours of total operation 0x00C6 32 bits ( 1 decimal place)

Note: Some MODBUS variables may not be available depending on the CEM energy meter coupled to the CEM M-ETH. See “ Available addresses by device”.
Instantaneous values
The Read function is implemented for these variables.
Table 9: Modbus variables: Instantaneous values�

Description Address Size Units
Phase 1 voltage 0x0732 32 bits V (1 primary decimal place)
Phase 2 voltage 0x0734 32 bits V (1 primary decimal place)
Phase 3 voltage 0x0736 32 bits V (1 primary decimal place)
Phase 1 current 0x0738 32 bits A (2 primary decimal places)
Phase 2 current 0x073A 32 bits A (2 primary decimal places)
Phase 3 current 0x073C 32 bits A (2 primary decimal places)
Phase 1 cos φ 0x073E 32 bits 2 decimal places

Table 9 (Continuation): Modbus variables: Instantaneous values.

Description Address Size Units
Phase 2 cos φ 0x0740 32 bits 2 decimal places
Phase 3 cos φ 0x0742 32 bits 2 decimal places
Phase 1 active power 0x0746 32 bits W
Phase 2 active power 0x0748 32 bits W
Phase 3 active power 0x074A 32 bits W
Total active power 0x074C 32 bits W
Phase 1 reactive power 0x074E 32 bits var
Phase 2 reactive power 0x0750 32 bits var
Phase 3 reactive power 0x0752 32 bits var
Total reactive power 0x0754 32 bits var
Phase 1 apparent power 0x0756 32 bits VA
Phase 2 apparent power 0x0758 32 bits VA
Phase 3 apparent power 0x075A 32 bits VA
Total apparent power 0x075C 32 bits VA

Note: Some MODBUS variables may not be available depending on the CEM energy meter coupled to the CEM M-ETH. See “ Available addresses by device”.
Other parameters
The Read function is implemented for these variables.
Table 10: Modbus variables: Other parameters./

Description Address Size Units
Energy meter model 1) 0xF010 6×16 bits 12 bytes in ASCII format
Serial no 0x2710 32 bits

Transformation ratios
Voltage primary| 0x044C| 32 bits| V (1 decimal place)
Voltage secondary| 0x044E| 32 bits| V (1 decimal place)
Current primary| 0x0450| 32 bits| A (1 decimal place)
Current secondary| 0x0452| 32 bits| A (1 decimal place)
Energy meter firmware version
Higher firmware version| 0x0050| 16 bits| –
Lower firmware version| 0x0051| 16 bits| –
Revised firmware version| 0x0052| 16 bits| –
Communications module firmware version
Higher firmware version| 0x0578| 16 bits| –
Lower firmware version| 0x0579| 16 bits| –
Revised firmware version| 0x057A| 16 bits| –

Note: Some MODBUS variables may not be available depending on the CEM energy meter coupled to the CEM M-ETH. See “ Available addresses by device”.

  1. Energy meter model description table, Table 11.

Table 11: Energy meter model description table.

Options C10 C20 C30 bytes in ASCII format
Connection mode 2 wires ü 2
4 wires ü ü 4
**Accuracy** Class B active / Does not measure reactive energy ü ü
ü 10
Class B active / Class 2.0 reactive ü ü ü 12
**Measurement voltage** 1×230 ü E
1×127 ü B
3×127/220 … 3×230/400 V ü U
3×127/220 V ü ü N
3×230/400 V ü ü Q
3×57/100 … 3×230/400 V ü V
3×57/100 V ü L
3×63.5/110 V ü M
**Current measurement** Shunt 10(60) A ü S4
Shunt 5(65) A ü S7
Direct 10(60)A ü D4
Direct 5(65)A ü D7
Transformer 5(10) A ü T5
Transformer 5(6) A ü T6
**Frequency** 50Hz ü ü ü A
60 Hz ü ü ü B
Automatic (50/60Hz) ü ü ü C
Communications Without communications ü ü ü 0
Side optical service port ü ü ü 1
Expansion Without inputs/outputs ü ü ü 0
Input/ Output (Optocoupler) ü ü ü 1
Model Box for assembly on DIN rail ü ü ü E
**Number of quadrants** 2 quadrants ü ü ü 0
4 quadrants ü ü ü 1
Storage in both directions ü ü ü 2
Additional features No special features ü ü ü 0

Partial energy reset
The 0x05 function is implemented for this variable.
Table 12: Modbus variables: Energy

Description Address Activation
Partial energy reset 0x0800 0xFF00

Available addresses by device
Table 13: Modbus variables: Available addresses by device.

Address C10 C20 C30 Description
0x03E8 ü ü ü Modbus Address
0x03E9 ü ü ü Transmission speed
0x03EA ü ü ü Communications configuration
0x0080 ü ü ü Impulse output type
0x0081 ü ü ü Impulse output weight
0x00B0 ü ü ü Cost per kWh
0x00B2 ü ü ü KgCO2
0x0000 ü ü ü Imported active energy
0x0002 ü ü ü Exported active energy
0x0004 ü ü ü Q1 reactive energy
0x0006 ü ü ü Q2 reactive energy
0x0008 ü ü ü Q3 reactive energy
0x000A ü ü ü Q4 Reactive energy
0x0030 ü ü ü Partial imported active energy
0x0032 ü ü ü Partial exported active energy
0x0034 ü ü ü Q1 partial reactive energy
0x0036 ü ü ü Q2 partial reactive energy
0x0038 ü ü ü Q3 partial reactive energy
0x003A ü ü ü Q4 partial reactive energy
0x00C0 ü ü ü Cost of the partial consumption
0x00C2 ü ü ü KgCO2 atmospheric emissions of the partial consumption
0x00C4 ü ü ü Partial operating time
0x00C6 ü ü ü Total operating time
0x0732 ü ü ü Phase 1 voltage
0x0734 ü ü Phase 2 voltage
0x0736 ü ü Phase 3 voltage
0x0738 ü ü ü Phase 1 current
0x073A ü ü Phase 2 current
0x073C ü ü Phase 3 current
0x073E ü ü ü Phase 1 cos φ
0x0740 ü ü Phase 2 cos φ
0x0742 ü ü Phase 3 cos φ
0x0746 ü ü ü Phase 1 active power
0x0748 ü ü Phase 2 active power
0x074A ü ü Phase 3 active power
0x074C ü ü ü Total active power
0x074E ü ü ü Phase 1 reactive power
0x0750 ü ü Phase 2 reactive power
0x0752 ü ü Phase 3 reactive power
0x0754 ü ü ü Total reactive power
0x0756 ü ü ü Phase 1 apparent power
0x0758 ü ü Phase 2 apparent power
0x075A ü ü Phase 3 apparent power

Table 13 (Continuation): Modbus variables: Available addresses by device.

Address C10 C20 C30 Description
0x075C ü ü ü Total apparent power
0xF010 ü ü ü Energy meter model
0x2710 ü ü ü Serial no.
0x044C ü Voltage primary
0x044E ü Voltage secondary
0x0450 ü Current primary
0x0452 ü Current secondary
0x0050 ü ü ü Higher firmware version
0x0051 ü ü ü Lower firmware version
0x0052 ü ü ü Revised firmware version

To access the internal configuration website, the device’s IP address has to be entered into the browser address bar.
To access the configuration website, open the screen shown in Figure 7 and enter the Username and Password. The default values are shown in Table 14.

Figure 7:
Accessing the configuration website.
Table 14: Accessing the configuration website.

Accessing the configuration website

Username| admin
Password| circuitry

Note: For security reasons, you need to change the login password. You can change it on the Security screen, Figure 10.
The website of the device can be used to:

  • On the Device Info screen, view the device’s information and settings for Ethernet communications (Figure 8).
    Device Description

  • On the Communications screen, edit the Ethernet communications settings (Figure 9).Communications screen

  • On the Security screen (Figure 10) change the login password to the configuration website. Communications screen,

  • On the Firmware screen, update the device’s firmware (Figure 11).
    Firmware screen


Power supply

Rated voltage| 230 V~ ± 20%
Consumption| 2.4… 2.7 VA
Frequency| 50/60 Hz with no differentiation
Installation category| CAT III 300 V

AC voltage| 4kV RMS 50Hz during 1 minute

1.2/50ms 0source impedance| 6 kV at 60º and 240º, with positive and negative polarization

Setup, events, load curve| Non-volatile EEPROM memory
User interface

~~ LED| ~~3 LEDs ( POW ER – LINK – LINL/ACT)

Communications protocol| Modbus/TCP
Environmental features

Operating temperature| -25ºC… +70ºC
Storage temperature| -35ºC… +80ºC
Relative humidity (non-condensing)| 5 … 95%
Maximum altitude| 2,000 m
Protection degree IP| IP 51 installedIP 40 in the terminal area
Protection degree IK| IK08
Pollution degree| 2
Use| indoor
Mechanical features

Dimensions (mm)| Figure 12
Enclosure| ABS + V0 polycarbonate
Weight| 100 g.

Safety requirements for electrical units for measurement, control and laborato- ry use. Part 1: General requirements.| EN 61010-1: 2010
Electromagnetic compatibility (CEM). Part 6-2: Generic standards. Immunity for industrial environments.| EN 61000-6-2: 2005
Electromagnetic compatibility (CEM). Part 6-3: Generic standards. Emission standard for residential, commercial and light industry environments.| EN 61000-6-3: 2007



The device does not need any type of maintenance.

In the case of any query in relation to device operation or malfunction, please contact the CIRCUTOR S.A.U Technical Support Service.

Technical Assistance Service
Vial Sant Jordi, s/n, 08232 – Viladecavalls (Barcelona)
Tel: 902 449 459 (Spain) / +34 937 452 919 (outside of Spain)


  • CIRCUTOR guarantees its products against any manufacturing defect for two years after the delivery of the units.
    CIRCUTOR will repair or replace any defective factory product returned during the guarantee period.

  • No returns will be accepted and no unit will be repaired or replaced if it is not accompanied by a report indicating the defect detected or the reason for the return.

  • The guarantee will be void if the units has been improperly used or the storage, installation and maintenance instructions listed in this manual have not been followed. “Improper usage” is defined as any operating or storage condition contrary to the national electrical code or that surpasses the limits indicated in the technical and environmental features of this manual.

  • CIRCUTOR accepts no liability due to the possible damage to the unit or other parts of the installation, nor will it cover any possible sanctions derived from a possible failure, improper installation or “improper usage” of the unit. Consequently, this guarantee does not apply to failures occurring in the following cases:

    • Overvoltages and/or electrical disturbances in the supply;
    • Water, if the product does not have the appropriate IP classification;
    •  Poor ventilation and/or excessive temperatures;
    • Improper installation and/or lack of maintenance;
    • Buyer repairs or modifications without the manufacturer’s authorization.



Madecals (Spain) 20/09/2017 General Manager: Ferran G Tome

Vial Sant Jordi, s/n
08232 -Viladecavalls (Barcelona)
Tel.: (+34) 93 745 29 00 – Fax: (+34) 93 745 29 14
Circutor Logo


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