TARAMPS TW30 Automotive Alarm User Manual

June 13, 2024


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Automotive Alarm
TW30 G4

TARAMPS TW30 Automotive Alarm - icon 39


Before Starting:

ATTENTION: We recommend the complete reading of this manual before proceeding with the installation of this product.

  • This product is intended to make it difficult or inhibit the theft / robbery of the vehicle, or objects in it.
  • Before contacting T ARAMPS technical support, make sure you read this manual, it contains all the necessary information for installing and using the product.
  • The i nstallation of this product must be done by a specialized professional.
  • During installation, only use a multmeter to measure voltage.
  • For perfect functioning, the door and ignition switch signals need to be connected to the alarm.
  • Carefully clean the location where the ultrasound sensors and master switch will be placed.
  • Fixe a chave master em local secreto e de fácil acesso.

Technical Features

Supply Voltage 9 to16 Volts
Consumption 6 to17 mA
Engine Lock Max. 20 A
Turning signal Output 2 x 70W c/  digital protection
Lock, Unlock, Auxiliary 1 and 2 outputs Max. 200 mA – (Negative Signal)
Audio Control and Dedicated Siren Max. 200 mA – (Positive Signal)

Programmable output for activating
locks and original power windows| Universal, Fiat line,
VW G5, G6, G7, VW UP and Mobi  lines


TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - Composition

Manufacturing| TW20     TW20-P TW20 CH     TW30      TW30 CH
DEDICATED SUREN| | | | | compatible| compatible
RF SIREN| | X| X| X| |
CONTROLS| | Before April


| X| X| X| X| X
| Before April 2019| X| X| X| X| X
TR3C| Before April 2019| X| X| X| X| X
| After June 2019| 2| 1| compatible| 1| compatible
| After June 2019| compatible| 1| 1| 1| 1
TR3C| After June 2019| compatible| compatible| 1| compatible| compatible
TR4C| After June 2019| compatible| compatible| compatible| compatible| 1

BASIC ALARM OPERATION : When turning on the alarm by remote control (if the vehicle has audio equipment, windows and power locks properly installed), the audiowill be turned off, the doors will be locked, power windows will be closed, and ultrasound  sensors and doors will start to monitor the vehicle.

Remote Controls*

  • Operating Frequency 433.92MHz
  • Anti-Cloning Technology (Hopping Code)
  • Anti Jammer Transmission System
  • 1 3V Battery – CR 2032 LITHIUM

Images for illustrative purposes only, and may differ from the real image!


TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - BUTTONS

Replacing the Control Battery.

Images for illustrative purposes only, and may differ from the real image!

Carefully open the plastic box from the sides.Replace the battery, observing the polarity (+) and USE A HIGH QU (-).Use CR2032 batteries.


*See item 3 to check which remote control belongs to which Alarm model.
Any control model can be purchased separately.

‘‘‘‘This equipment operates on a secondary basis, that is, it is not entitled to protection against harmful interference, even from stations of the same type, and may not cause interference to systems operating on a primary basis.’’

Controls Functions (Manufactured from June 2019)

  • Anti Jammer function. EXCLUSIVE IN THE G4 TARAMPS LINE.
    Jammer is when there is another control transmitting near the alarm center,making it impossible to turn the alarm on or off by the registered control.

  • Code G3 (for the TW20 G1 to G3 line).

  • Code G4 (exclusive for the TW20 G4 line).Controls Functions (Manufactured from June 201

Register NEW control in the Alarm Central
It is possible to record up to 4 controls, when recording the 5th the first one will be erased.

  • With the door open, switch on the ignitio
  • Hold the master pressed until beep 3.
  • When releasing, the alarm will sound1 long beep and the turning signals will be on.
    Simultaneously press the ON + OFF keys, the alarm will sound 3 Beeps confirming the recording.
    To exit setup, turn off the ignition.
    TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - Alarm Central

Change code G3 / G4 – TR2 and TR2-P controls
A – Hold pressed the Home and Auxiliary keys;
B – Release after the LED goes out;
C – The LED will flash informing the new code system:
3 flashes= line G1 to G3
4 flashes= G4 line onwards

ATTENTION: Function only exists in controls manufactured from June/2019.

Change G3 / G4 code – TR3C and TR4C controls
A – Hold pressed the Power off and Auxiliary keys;
B – Release after the LED goes out;
C – The LED will flash informing the new code system:
3 flashes= line G1 to G3
4 flashes= G4 line onwards

ATTENTION: Function only exists in controls manufactured from June/2019.

Remote Control Functions:

1 – Turn alarm on Press 1 Flash on Turn Signals+ 1 Siren beep3

Beeps indicate Open Door  Item 9.1
2 – Turn Alarm off| Press | 2 flashes on turnsignals
Note: 4 flashes on the turn signals, indicate that there was a trigger  when the alarm was activated. Item 12.1
3 – Turn Alarm on without a beep| Press then | 1 flash on Turn signals
3 Beeps indicate Open Door Item 9.1
4 – Turn Alarm off without a beep| Press then | 2 flashes on turnsignals
Note: 4 flashes on the turn signals, indicate that there was a trigger  when the alarm was activated. Item 12.1
5 – Locate Vehicle| Press for 2 seconds with
alarm on| turn signals flash for 20 seconds. To cancel, press the button
6 – Panic| Press  for 2 seconds  with
alarm on| Activates the siren and the turn signals flash for 45 seconds. To cancel,  press the button
7 -Cancel Alarm Activation| Press with alarm
triggered| Stops the siren and turn signals. The alarm continues to monitor.
8 – Turning Signals| Press 2 times ( )| Turn signals light for 10 seconds..
Item 9.5
9 – Ultrasound Cancel| Press  then  for 2 seconds| 1 Long beep, confirms ultrasound cancellation and  window  close .Ultrasound operates again at next power on. Item 9.6
10 -Auxiliary output, use auxiliary  module| Press  for 2 seconds with the alarm off| while the button is pressed, the alarm generates a negative signal.
11 – Auxiliary output 2 use auxiliary  module| Press for 2 seconds with the alarm off| See item 13
12 – Automatic Presence Transmission| Press +  for 2 seconds| See item 7
Only TR2-P control
13 – Range Test Presence function| Press  + for 2 seconds| See item 7.2
Only TR2-P control
14 – HOME| Press | See item 9.7

Programming by Master Key

With the door open, turn the ignition on and hold the master pressed until the desired function beeps. The alarm will beep with the current setting, to change, press the master the number of times of the desired setting.

1 – ENABLE/DISABLE the alarm| | 1 beep = ENABLE
2 beeps = DISABLE
2 – On/Off BEEP| | 1 beep = ENABLE
2 beeps = DISABLE
3 – CONTROL RECORDING| | See item 4
4 – AUTOMATIC LOCK| |  item 9.3
1 beep = ENABLE
2 beeps = DISABLE
2 beeps = DISABLE
6 – SELECT WIRED SIREN RINGER| | Press and release the master until you hear the desired ring.
1 beep = ENABLE
2 beeps = DISABLE
1 beep = ENABLE
2 beeps = DISABLE
9 – TIME BEFORE LOCKING| | 1 beep = starts in 1 minuto
2 beeps = starts in 2 minutos
3 beeps = starts in 3 minutos
2 beeps = DISABLE
1 beep = UNIVERSAL
2 beeps = VW G5
3 beeps = FIAT
4 beeps = VW G6 G7
5 beeps = VW UP (Lock and Unlock only)
6 beeps = MOBI (config. available in alarms manufactured after 12/2020)
13 – BROWN WIRE SETUP see item 13| | 1 beep   = Reads Negative Switch
2 beeps = Reads Positive Switch
3 beeps = Open/close gate
4 beeps = Headlight Signal On/Off
5 beeps = Auxiliary 2
14 – BLACK/YELLOW WIRE SETUP| | 1 beep = Auxiliary Aux. 3 – Pulse
2 beeps = Aux.Output 3 – Retention
3 beeps = Headlights control
4 beeps = Horn
5 beeps = Dedicated Siren
see item** 15
see item 14| | 1 beep   = Disable
2 beeps = Turns alarm on without locking
3 beeps = Turns alarm on and locks
4 beeps = Turn on/lock and turn off/unlock
17 – FACTORY RESET| | 1 LONG beep


Lock Function by Presence/ Distancing TR2-P Control Required

With the ignition on and doors closed, pulling the TR2-P control away from the vehicle automatically activates the distancing lock. After the programmed time (Beep 9 of the configuration by the master), the ultrasound LED starts flashing the audio will be  turned off, the siren and turn signals will go off, ther 10 seconds, the engine will start failing until it is definitively blocked. To cancel the lock, bring the TR2-P control closer to the vehicle and wait for the automatic transmission or press the end key.

Activate the Presence Function on the TR2-P control

  • Hold down the Power and Auxiliary keys;
  • Release after the LED goes out;
  • The LED will flash informing:
    1 flash= Presence Transmission ON
    2 flashes= PresenceTransmission OFF

Activate Presence Function in the Alarm Central

TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - TR2-P control 2

  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.

  • Hold the master pressed until beep 7.

  • The alarm will respond informing:
    1 Beep = Presence Function ON
    2 Beeps =Presence Function OFF

  • To change, press 1x (once) to Enable or 2 x (twice) to Disable.After turning off the ignition, the alarm will confirm the new setting with beeps.

Attention: Function canceled from the factory, must be enabled by Beep 7.
In G4 alarms it is possible to enable the Presence Functions by Beep 7 and the Lock by Secret Button Beep 8.

Set Time for Locking, 1, 2 or 3 minutes

TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - Set Time f

  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.
  • Hold the master pressed until beep 9.
  • The alarm will respond informing:
    1 Beep = Lock in 1 Minute
    2 Beeps = Lock in 2 Minutes
    3 Beeps = Lock in3 Minutes
    To change, press the Master key the number of times referring to the desired time. Each time you press the Master, the alarm confirms with 1 beep.After turning the ignition off , the alarm will confirm the new setting with beeps.

7.1) Test Presence Function:
It is not necessary to move the control away from the vehicle, to test the lock, just disable the automatic transmission of the TR2-P control, turn the ignition on , close the doors and wait.

Disable the Presence Function on the TR2-P control

  • Hold the Power and Auxiliary keys pressed;
  • Release after the LED goes out;
  • The LED will flash informing:
    1 flash= PresenceTransmission ON
    2 flashes= PresenceTransmission OFF

7.2) Test the automatic transmission range:
It is used to test the automatic transmission range of the Presence function on the TR2-P control.With the automatic transmission of the presence function activated in the control and the function activated in the alarm central, hold the off and auxiliary keys  pressed until the LED goes out. After releasing the keys, the LED will flash every 2 seconds, on each flash,the alarm will respond with a BEEP, informing that it has received the transmission. Move the TR2-P control away from the vehicle until the control panel  stops responding. To cancel, press any key on the controller.

Activate RANGE test

  • Hold down the Off and Auxiliary keys simultaneously;
  • Release after the LED goes out;
  • The LED will flash every 2 seconds:
  • To cancel, press any key on the control.

Battery Replacement Notice
If when the ignition is turned on, the alarm sounds 1 BEEP, it is indicated that the battery voltage of the TR2-P control is low and will need to be replaced as soon as possible.

Attention: The Presence Lock function will only be activated with all vehicle doors closed.

Lock by Secret Button – required to be enabled by master.

With the ignition on and the doors closed, press the master key for 1 second. Otherwise, Secret Button Lock will be enabled. After the programmed time, (according to the Beep 9 setting), the ultrasound LED starts flashing, the audio will be turned off, the siren  and turn signals will go off, 20 secondsafter that ,l the engine will start failing until it is definitively blocked. To cancel the lock, press the master.
ATTENTION: In this case, it will not be possible to cancel the triggering by the control.

Enable Secret Button Lock Function

  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.
  • Hold the master pressed until beep 8.
  • The alarm will respond informing:
    1 Beep = Presence Function ON
    2 Beeps =Presence Function OFF
    To change, press the Master key , 1x once to Enable or 2x twice to Disable.
    After turning off the ignition, the alarm will confirm the new setting with beeps.

8.1) Valet Function (Secret Button Lock only)
It is used to leave the vehicle in a parking lot, for example, without the need to indicate to the driver the location of the Master (Secret Button).

With the door closed, turn off the ignition and hold the Master pressed for 3 seconds. The LED of the ultrasound will flash 3 times confirming activation.
To cancel the valet function and return to normal operation, switch the ignition on with the door closed and press the Master for 1 second.

TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - Button Lock only

Attention: Function canceled from factory, need to be enabled by Beep 8. In G4 alarms it is possible to simultaneously enable the Beep 8 Secret Button Lock and the Beep 7 Presence Function.

Set Time for Locking, 1, 2 or 3 minutes

  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.
  • Hold the master pressed until beep 9.
  • The alarm will respond informing:
    1 Beep = Locks in 1 Minute
    2 Beeps = Locks in 2 Minutes
    3 Beeps = Locks in 3 Minutes
    To change it, press the Master key the number of times referring to the desired time.
    Each time you press the Master, the alarm confirms with 1 beep. After turning off the ignition, the alarm will confirm the new setting with beeps.

Alarm Functions:

| 1 DOOR OPEN WARNING: When turning the alarm on , if 3 BEEPs sound, it indicates that there is an open door.  Close it and turn the alarm back on. If it´s not solved, the alarm will cancel the door monitoring. The rest will continue operating normally. If the problem persists, look for a specialized service to repair the door switch.
| 2 SHUTDOWN – TRIGGERING LIMITER: In case of violation, the alarm will trigger the SIREN and flash the  TURN SIGNALS for 45 seconds. 5 seconds later, it will go back to monitoring the sensors. After 4 triggerings by the  same sensor, it will be canceled, keeping the others active. It will only be monitored again when the alarm is reset  by the remote control.
| 3 AUTOMATIC LOCK: About 8 seconds after turning the ignition on, the doors will be locked and unlocked by  turning the ignition off. It Will not lock if a door is open or if  the ignition is turned on before closing the door. It is possible to cancel the unlock when the ignition is turned off, itens 6.4 and 6.10.
| 4 AUTOMATIC REACTIVATION: Automatically turns the alarm back on after 60 seconds, when turned off by the  remote control and:
– Door, hood or trunk are not opened;
– Ignition is not turned on;
– Ultrasonic sensor does not detect movement. It is possible to disable, item 6.5.
– Restart function will be canceled, when activating the function turn on remote alarm.
| 5 TURN SIGNALS: The alarm times the turn signals for 10 seconds. Press the off button on the remote twice, with  the alarm off.
| 6 ULTRASOUND CANCEL: When turning on the alarm canceling the ultrasound, item 5.9 , the power windows will  not be closed. To close the windows and activate the ultrasound, turn off and on the alarm using the remote  control.
| 7 HOME function TR2 and TR2-P control: Through the HOME key on the TR2 and TR2-P controls, it is possible to  activate the gate operator or residential alarm, without having to use an auxiliary module, only registering the control in the operator’s central. The TR2 or TR2-P control must be registered according to the manufacturer’s  instructions, as if it were a control of the same brand as the gate or residential alarm.Compatible with CODE  LEARNING systems.

Installation Scheme:

ATTENTION: The TW20 G4 LINE has a new Ultrasound transmitter.
In case the old alarm central is replaced by G4, the transmitter sensor (right side sensor, without LED) must also be replaced by the new one.

TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - Button Lock only 2

Relay Connections

The lock, unlock, auxiliary and audio equipment outputs can handle a maximum of 200mA.
If it is necessary to install equipment with a consumption that is higher than 200mA, relays must be used.

TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - relays

VW G6 and G7 Power Window and Door Connections:

Function Closes and opens the power windows, locks and unlocks the doors and opens the : trunk.
Window activation signal setting = VW G6 / G7, item 11.
To open windows, turn off the alarm and hold down the off button on the control.
To open the trunk with the alarm off, hold the Auxiliary button pressed.

TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - Auxiliary button

Attention: The trunk opening function will only work in vehicles with original electrical trunk opening system. For its perfect operation, properly ground the alarm module. Some wire colors may change without prior notice from the car manufacturer. It is  important to test before making the connections.

Set Signal for Window/Electric Lock activation:

  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.
  • Hold the master pressed until beep 11
  • The alarm will respond informing:
    1 Beep = Universal
    2 Beeps = VW G5
    3 Beeps = FIAT
    4 Beeps = VW G6
    5 Beeps = VW UP
    6 Beeps = MOBI
    TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - icon 29
    To change it, press the Master key 4 times, referring to the VW G6/G7 signal.
    Each time you press the Master, the alarm confirms with 1 beep. After turning the ignition off , the alarm will confirm the new setting with 4 beeps.

Set Signal for window/Electric Lock activation

  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.
  • Hold a master pressed until beep 11.
  • The alarm will respond informing:
    1 Beep = Universal
    2 Beeps = VW G5
    3 Beeps = FIAT
    4 Beeps = VW G6
    5 Beeps = VW UP
    6 Beeps = MOBI
    TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - icon 31 To change, press the Master key the number of times referring to the desired setting. Each time you press the Master ,the alarm confirms with 1 beep.
    After turning the ignition off, the alarm will confirm the new setting with beeps.

11.1 Universal Mode : Negative signal 15 seconds.
11.2 VW G5 Mode : Gol, Saveiro, Voyage generation 5) Manufactured after February 2009, with original window and power lock. Close the windows, lock and unlock the doors. Connect the Green/Black alarm wire to pin 5 of the original panel 23-way  connector, located above the accelerator pedal. DO NOT connect Red / Black and Red / Yellow (lock and unlock) wires.
11.3 FIAT Mode : Palio, Idea, Punto and Linea with automated power windows, closeand open.Connect the Green / Black alarm wire to pin 8 on the original central , to the Palio and Idea line located behind the glove compartment.On Linea and Punto, Red /  Black wire in the central located behind the fuse box.
11.4 VW G6 and G7 mode: Gol, Saveiro, Voyage generation 6 and7), with original power windows. Connect the Red / Black alarm wire to the Brown / Red wire, pin 36, from the original central located above the fuse box.
Functions: lock, unlock, close and open the windows.
To open the windows, hold the control off button pressed with the alarm off.
To open the Trunk, connect the Gray wire from the alarm to the Brown / Red wire, pin 34 from the original central located above the fuse box.

11.5 VW UP : Only LOCK and UNLOCK.
Connect the Red / Black alarm wire to the Brown / Green wire located on the left column of the vehicle.
11.6 MOBI : New Uno after 2015, MOBI and ARGO, with original power windows.Connect the Green / Black alarm wire to the Brown / Green wire of the original alarm 6-way harness located on the steering column.

G2 Ultrasound Sensors

Attach the sensors to the vehicle’s windshield, 10 cm below the roof. Ultrasound sensors come with digital sensitivity adjustment.
Change the default setting only if necessary.
The table follows below:
New Transmitter*
(See page 10)

Click     Sensor Sensitivity Alarm Response
1 Once ![TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - Sensor

Sensitivity](https://manuals.plus/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/TARAMPS-TW20 -Automotive-Alarm-Sensor-Sensitivity.png)| 1 Beep
2 Twice| 2 Beeps
3 Times| 3 Beeps
4 Times| 4 Beeps
5 Times| 5 Beeps

Set Ultrasound Sensitivity:

  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.
  • Hold the master pressed until beep 12.
  • The alarm will respond informing the current setting.
    1 Beep = Sensitivity+20%
    2 Beeps = Sensitivity+10%
    3 Beeps = Sensitivity Standard
    4 Beeps = Sensitivity-10%
    5 Beeps = Sensitivity-20%
    TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - current setting To change, press the Master key the number of times referring to the desired sensitivity. Each time you press the Master ,the alarm confirms with 1 beep. After turning the ignition off, the alarm will confirm the new setting with beeps.

LED OFF – Alarm off;
LED ALWAYS ON – Door, Hood or Trunk open;
LED FLASHES 2X – Alarm on, with cancelled ultrasound sensor;
LED FLASHING AFTER TURNING OFF ALARM BY REMOTE CONTROL – Indicates which sensor caused the last trigger:

  • 1 flash – ignition.
  • 2 consecutive flashes – ultrasound sensor.
  • 3 flashes in a sequence- doors, hood or trunk.

Set up Auxiliary Output 2 – brown wire

Programming by Master

  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.
  • Hold the master pressed until beep 13.
  • The alarm responds by informing the current setting:
    1 Beep = Reads negative switch
    2 Beeps = Lê interruptor Positivo
    3 Beeps = Exclusive function for the TW30 model
    4 Beeps = Reads Headlight On/Off
    5 Beeps = Auxiliary Output 2
    TARAMPS TW20 Automotive Alarm - Configure To change, press the Master key the number of times referring to the desired function. Each time you press the Master, the alarm confirms with 1 beep. After turning the ignition off , the alarm will confirm the new setting with beeps.
  1. Reads Negative switch.
    For installing in a door switch, hood or trunk with a Negative signal ,when open.

  2. Reads Positive switch.
    For installing in a door switch, hood or trunk with a Negative signal ,when open.

  3. Open/Close Automated Gate.
    Function to open the automated residential gate through the vehicle’s High beams signal.
    With the ignition on, 2 touch es on the high beams key (flash) to open or close the gate.
    It is not necessary to apply any type of programming in the gate operator central.
    – Connect the Brown wire to the high beams flasher signal.
    – Clone the original gate control in the TW30 G4 central
    Attention: Function is compatible only with operators that use the CODE LEARNING code system.

13.1) Clone Gate Control – Only for TW20 and TW30 G4


  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.

  • Hold the master pressed until beep 15.
    When releasing the master, the siren will sound a long beep.

  • Hold down the control button that open the gate until the alarm beeps 3, confirming the recording.

  • Turn off the ignition to exit programming.
    TARAMPS TW30 Automotive Alarm - icon 40

Attention: Connect the BROWN WIRE to the HIGH BEAMS switch signal before cloning the control, for automatic setup of POSITIVE or NEGATIVE signal type. Cloning the original Gate control will automatically change the brown wire setting to Open/Close  Automated Gate.

13.2) Auxiliary Output 2 Setup- brown wire

Programming by Master

  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.
  • old the master pressed until beep 13.
  • The alarm responds which the current setting is :
    1 Beep = Reads Negative switch
    2 Beeps = Reads Positive switch
    3 Beeps = Open/Close Automated Gate
    4 Beeps = Headlight On/Off Warning
    5 Beeps = Auxiliary Output 2
     To change, press the Master key the number of times referring to the desired function. Each time you press the Master, the alarm confirms with 1 beep. After turning the ignitionoff , the alarm will confirm the new setting with beeps.

4)Headlight Warning On/Off.
After 10 seconds with the ignition on, the ultrasound LED will flash warning that the headlight is off, turning on the headlight the LED goes out.
When turning the ignition off and opening the door with the headlight on, the alarm sounds a long beep.
5) Auxiliary Output 2.
It is used to open power windows, for instance, or, with Aux Output 3, to start the vehicle.
Necessário o uso de Relé Auxiliar.

Activate Auxiliary outputs 2 and 3

  • Press and hold the OFF key on the control with the ignition off and the alarm off.

+ than 3 seconds

Setup Auxiliary Output 3 – black/yellow wire

Programming by Master

  • With the door open, turn the ignition on .
  • Hold the master pressed until beep 14.
  • The alarm responds which the current setting is:
    1 Beep = Auxiliary Output 3 Pulse
    2 Beeps = Auxiliary Output 3 Retention
    3 Beeps = Headlight Control
    4 Beeps = Output to Horn
    5 Beeps = Dedicated siren output
    To change, press the Master key the number of times referring to the desired function. Each time you press the Master, the alarm confirms with 1 beep. After turning the ignition, off the alarm will confirm the new setting with beeps.

Activate Auxiliary outputs 2 and 3

  • Press and hold the OFF key on the control with the ignition off and the alarm off.

+ than 3 seconds

  1. Auxiliary Output 3 – PULSE – Positive signal +12V.
    Output activated WITH auxiliary output 2.
    With the alarm and ignition off, holding the remote control Off button for more than 3 seconds activates the outputs, auxiliary 2 (negative signal) and auxiliary 3 (positive signal). When releasing the button, it stops the signals.

  2. Auxiliary Output 3 – HOLD – +12V positive signal.
    Output activated WITH auxiliary output 2.
    In this setting the Auxiliary 3 output is activated after pressing the control’s Off button for more than 3 seconds, keeping it pressed, after other 2 seconds it also activates Auxiliary 2. Releasing the Off button, for the Auxiliary 2 signal and the Auxiliary  output 3 will remain on (HOLD).
    Auxiliary output 3 will only be turned off when pressing the control’s Off button again.
    Example of Operation:
    To start the vehicle, connect the black/yellow wire to the relay for connecting the key post and the brown wire to the starter motor relay.
    – Holding the control off button pressed, first activates the black/yellow wire, turning on the ignition, then activating the brown wire, activating the starter motor, release the off button after the engine starts running.
    As the black/yellow wire (Auxiliary output 3) is in hold mode, the ignition will remain on keeping the engine running.
    – To turn off the engine (black/yellow wire), press the off button on the control again.
    WARNING: Risk of accidents in case of incorrect installation.
    It is necessary to use sensors and relays so that it is only possible to activate the vehicle’s starter motor with the gearshift in the NEUTRAL position.

  3. Headlight control
    Automatically turns t he headlight on 5 seconds after turning on the ignition and turns off the headlight when turning off the ignition and opening the door. Relay use required.

  4. Horn Output
    With this setting the vehicle’s horn or another one can be used.The horn will sound when switching on, off or when the alarm goes off. If you do not want the on/off tone, cancel by programming.The use of auxiliary relay is required.

  5. Dedicated Siren Output
    With this setting, a wired Dedicated Siren can be installed, with or without wireless. Only use dedicated siren, 12 volt siren can not be installed.

Open and Close Automated Gate – exclusive to TW30 G4


  • With the door open, turn the ignition on.

  • Hold the master pressed until beep 15.
    When releasing the master, the siren will sound a long beep.

  • Hold pressed the button that opens the gate until the alarm beeps 3, confirming the recording.

  • Turn off the ignition to exit programming.
    With the ignition on, doors closed, press the high beams key (flasher) twice to open or close the gate.
    It is not necessary to do any type of programming in the gate operator central.

  • Connect the MR wire to the high beam flasher signal.

  • Clone the original gate control in the TW30 G4 central.
    Attention: Function compatible only with operators that use the CODE LEARNING code system.

Turn Alarm on by Distancing

This function is used to turn on the alarm only when pulling the TR2-P G4 remote control away from the vehicle. After turning the ignition off, opening and closing the vehicle door, and moving the control beyond the transmission range, within 15 seconds the  alarm will turn on.
According to the setting, the alarm will:
1st Beep = Disabled, the alarm will only turn on/off when pressing the control buttons.
2nd Beep = Turns the alarm on when moving the control away without locking the doors, it will only turn off the alarm when pressing the control Off button.
3rd Beep = Turns on the alarm when moving the control away and locks the doors, it will only turn off the alarm and unlock the doors when pressing the control’s Off button.
4th Beep = Turns on the alarm when moving the control away and locks the doors. Turns off the alarm and unlocks the doors by pressing the control’s Off button or by bringing the TR2-P G4 control closer to the vehicle and waiting for the automatic  transmission.

ATTENTION: EXCLUSIVE function of the TW20 and TW30 G4 range with TR2-P G4 control.

Programming by Master

  • With the door open, turn on the ignition.
  • Hold the master pressed until beep 16.
  • The alarm responds with the current setting:
    1 Beep = Disabled
    2 Beeps = Turns on the alarm without locking
    3 Beeps = Turns on the alarm and lock
    4 Beeps = Turn On and Lock / Turn Off and Unlock
    To change, press the Master key the number of times referring to the desired function. Each time you press the Master, the alarm confirms with 1 beep. After turning the ignition,off the alarm will confirm the new setting with beeps.

Siren ST 200 (wireless) – exclusive to TW30 G4

Attention: The Siren ST 200 has a wireless communication system with the TW30 G4 alarm central, it is not necessary to strtetch the wire from the engine compartment to the interior of the vehicle, to connect the siren and the hood switch to the central of the  alarm. The ST 200 siren lis factory configured to work with the TW30 G4 central.

TARAMPS TW30 Automotive Alarm - Siren

Register a new SIRENE ST 200.

  • Connect the Red wires to +12 Volts and the Black wire to GND.
  • Within 60 seconds after switching on the siren power, press and release the hood switch 4 times, if the green wire is not connected to the switch, ground and release 4 times.
  • The siren will sound a long beep, informing that it has entered learning mode.
  • Press the control on and off keys simultaneously ,already registered in the alarm center.
  • The siren will sound 3 beeps confirming the recording.


TARAMPS, located at Rua Abílio Daguano, 274 Res. Manoel Martins – Alfredo Marcondes – SP, ZIP19.180-000, guarantees this product against design, manufacturing, assembly and/or joint and several defects due to design flaws tha make t it unsuitable or  inappropriate for its intended use, for a period of 24 months from the date of purchase.In the event of a malfunction within the warranty period, TARAMPS’ liability is limited to repairing or replacing the device manufactured by it.
This warranty excludes:

  • Products damaged by incorrect installation, water infiltration, tampering by unauthorized persons;
  • Natural wear components: such as battery;
  • Scratched or torn warranty seal;
  • Cases where the product is not used under normal conditions;
  • Defects caused by accessories, modifications or equipment attached to the product;
  • The product presents damage resulting from drops, impacts or the action of agents of nature (floods, lightning, etc.);
  • Costs for removing and reinstalling the equipment, as well as transporting it to the technical assistance post;
  • Damage of any kind, resulting from problems with the product, as well as losses caused by interruption of use.

Factory technical assistance department:
Taramps Electronics – Rua: Abílio Daguano, nº 274 – ZIP19.180-000
Fones: +55(18) 3266-4050 / 99749-3391
E-mail: [email protected]

Taramps reserves the right to change the contents of this manual without prior notice or obligation to apply the modifications to previously produced units.


+55 18 3266-4050
0800777 0990

Fabricado por / Manufactured by:
CNPJ / TAX ID: 11.273.485/0001-03
R. João Silvério, 121• Res. Manoel Martins
Alfredo Marcondes – SP
Indústria Brasileira – Made in Brazil

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