Plastica Creating Code for Bought App User Guide
- June 13, 2024
- Plastica
Table of Contents
Plastica Creating Code for Bought App
Product Information
- Product Name: [Product Name]
- Product Model: [Product Model]
- Item Number: [Item Number]
- Item Description: [Item Description]
- Item Group: [Item Group]
- Storage Dimension Group: [Storage Dimension Group]
- Tracking Dimension Group: [Tracking Dimension Group]
- Unit of Measurements: [Unit of Measurements]
- Sales Price: [Sales Price]
- Charges Group: [Charges Group]
- Line Discount Group: [Line Discount Group]
- Commodity Code: [Commodity Code]
- Country of Origin: [Country of Origin]
- Net Weight: [Net Weight]
- Tare Weight: [Tare Weight]
- Gross Depth: [Gross Depth]
- Gross Width: [Gross Width]
- Gross Height: [Gross Height]
- Volume: [Volume]
- Batch Number Group: [Batch Number Group]
- Shelf Life: [Shelf Life]
- Cover Group: [Cover Group]
- Business Segment: [Business Segment]
- Cost Centre: [Cost Centre]
- Purchase Warehouse: [Purchase Warehouse]
- Stock Warehouse: [Stock Warehouse]
- Sales Warehouse: [Sales Warehouse]
Product Usage Instructions
Go to Product Information Management >
Common > Released
Products. -
Click on Product.
Enter the product details as follows:
- Item Number
- Item Description
- Item Model Group = STDSTK
- Item Group = RELAX or RELAXSPA or RAWMAT
- Storage Dimension Group = WHLOC
- Tracking Dimension Group = BATNO
- Unit of Measurements : If the item is sold in box quantities, select Box. If sold singly, select Item. If the item is a raw material, there are units of measures for kg’s, liter’s, etc.
Select your newly created code from the list and click Edit.
If the item is also to be sold, scroll down to the sale section and populate:
- Sales Price
- Charges Group (for applying surcharges to products)
- Line Discount Group
Scroll down to Foreign Trade and populate:
- Commodity Code
- Country of Origin
Scroll down to Manage Stock and populate:
- Net Weight
- Tare Weight (if packaged Factored Goods or Raw Material like a box or bottle, populate this field instead of Net Weight)
- Gross Depth (if Factored Goods)
- Gross Width (if Factored Goods)
- Gross Height (if Factored Goods)
- Volume (if Factored Goods)
- Batch Number Group (Leave blank if the supplier labels their product with a batch number or selects WAT_PO to use the purchase order number)
Scroll down to Engineer and populate:
- Shelf Life (product life in days)
Scroll down to Plan and populate the Cover Group.
Scroll down to Financial Dimensions and populate:
- Business Segment = WAT
- Cost Centre = WAT
On the top navigation ribbon, click on Manage Stock.
Click on Default order settings.
Populate the following:
- Default order type to Purchase order
- Purchase, Stock, and Sales sites to PLAHAST
- Close the window
Click on Site-specific settings.
Populate the following fields:
- Site to PLAHAST
- Purchase warehouse to either 45, 80, or 82
- Stock warehouse to either 40, 45, or 82
- Sales warehouse to 40
Click on Warehouse items.
Add all the warehouses this item will be purchased in, manufactured, stocked, and sold/returned. To do this:
- Click on New.
- Populate the warehouse field.
Default receipt and issue locations need to be added. To do this:
- Select a warehouse and click on the general tab.
- Populate the fields as below:
- For warehouse 40:
- Store zone = General
- Default receipt location = WATER (stock item) or CUST (made-to-order item)
- Picking location = CUST (made-to-order item). DO NOT populate if the item is to be stocked in the warehouse.
- For manufacturing warehouses, Goods In and returns:
- Store zone = General
- Default receipt location for WH41 = 21
- Default receipt location for WH45 = Location most likely to be stored (this may vary)
Creating a code for a bought-in item
- Go to Product Information Management > Common > Released Products
- Click on Product
- Enter in the product details
- Item Number
- Item Description
- Item Model Group = STDSTK
- Item Group = RELAX or RELAXSPA or RAWMAT
- Storage Dimension Group = WHLOC
- Tracking Dimension Group = BATNO
- Unit of Measurements, if item is sold in box quantities = Box, if sold singly = Item, if the item is a raw material there are units of measures for kg’s, litre’s etc.
- VAT Groups – Purchase = 1 (non UK) 2 (UK Vat Supplier) Sales = 6
* Click OK once finished 
- Now select your newly created code from the list and click Edit
- Scroll down to the purchase section and populate
- Buyer Group – FG = Factored goods (the item will be sold) WT = WT Raw Material (used in the production of another item)
- Supplier
- Tick Latest purchase price (this will update the last price paid each time an invoice is posted)
- Price (the current purchase price)
- If the item is also to be sold scroll down to the sale section and populate
- Sales Price
- Charges Group (this is for when we are applying surcharges to products)
- Line discount group
- Scroll down to Foreign Trade and populate
- Commodity Code
- Country of origin
- Scroll down to Manage Stock and populate
- Net Weight
- Tare Weight (if packaged Factored Goods or Raw Material like a box or bottle populate this field instead of Net Weight)
- Gross depth (if Factored Goods)
- Gross width (if Factored Goods)
- Gross height (if Factored Goods)
- Volume (if Factored Goods)
- Batch number group (Leave blank if the supplier labels their product with a batch number or select WAT_PO to use the purchase order number)
- Scroll down to Engineer and populate
- Shelf life (this is the product life in days)
- Scroll down to Plan and populate the Cover Group
- Scroll down to Financial dimensions and populate
- Business Segment = WAT
- Cost Centre = WAT
- On the top navigation ribbon click on Manage Stock
- Click on Default order settings
- Populate the following
- Default order type to Purchase order
- Set Purchase, Stock and Sales sites to PLAHAST
- Close window
- Click on Site-specific settings
- Populate the following fields
- Site to PLAHAST
- Purchase warehouse to either 45, 80 or 82
- Stock warehouse to either 40, 45 or 82
- Sales warehouse to 40
- Click on Warehouse items
- Add all the warehouses this item will be purchased in to, manufactured, stock and sold/returned. To do this click on New and then populate the warehouse field, below is a screenshot of a typical setup required for a water treatment product. You may also need to add warehouse 11 if the item could be used in subcontracting
- Now default receipt and issue locations need to be added, to do this select a warehouse and click on general tab
- Populate the fields below
- For warehouse 40
- Store zone = General
- Default receipt location = WATER (stock item) or CUST (made-to-order item)
- Picking location = CUST (made-to-order item) DO NOT populate if the item is to be stocked in the warehouse
* For manufacturing warehouses, Goods In and returns populate as below
* Store zone = General
* Default receipt location for WH41 = 21
* **WH45** = Location most likely to be stored (this can be changed at works order receipt time)
* **WH80** = GI0000
* **WH82** = 82
* **WH99** = RTNS
* Default receipt location for WH41 = 21
* **WH45** = Location most likely to be consumed from
* **WH80** = GI0000
* **WH82** = 82
* **WH99** = RTNS
* Repeat this for every warehouse that has been added, and close the window when finished 
Click on the Manage Costs tab on the navigation ribbon
Click on the Item price
Click on Pending prices
Populate the following
Select StdCost1 in the Version dropdown field
Enter the cost price in the Price field Then press Ctrl+S to save
Note:- You should only activate the item price the first time a code is setup, the finance department will then update the active standard cost once a year unless there is a big change in raw material costs causing the price to go up or down considerably. In this case you should notify the finance department so they can update it. -
Click Activate
A popup message will appear saying the prices has been activated as the current system date and the price will appear on the Active prices tab. Click Close
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Plastica Creating Code for Bought
[pdf] User Guide
Creating Code for Bought App, Creating, Code for Bought App, Bought App, App
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