Plastica SSW COV 06 Chop Saw Instructions

June 13, 2024

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Plastica SSW COV 06 Chop Saw

Plastica-SSW-LIN-06-Chop-Saw-FIG- \(2\)

Product Information

Name: Locking Off Machinery
Training Date: 03/04/18

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Lock off to be instigated by Manager, Supervisor or any TRAINED personal.
  2. Machine needs to be locked off if you are undertaking any maintenance requiring safety guards being removed or any electrical tasks being done.
  3. Turn isolator switch to off position and pull out or push in tag at end of switch lever. Put padlock through the tag and close the padlock.
  4. Remove the key and place this in the lock-off box, the keys for this box will be with Mark Oakley and Andy James. This will be situated on the door outside the Moulding/Engineering office. Put the DO NOT OPERATE label on the isolated switch.
  5. Fill out the lock off padlock logbook situated on Moulding/Engineering office door.
  6. When you are ready to release the isolator and return the padlock and key, you must sign the book with a date, time and signature.


I have received the above training and fully understand every point that was explained to me. I confirm that I will wear the required PPE equipment when using the above machinery and take all steps to ensure my own safety. I will ask for further training if I need to and will immediately inform the Supervisor or Manager if there are any issues with the machinery.

Name: [Name]
Signed: [Signature]
Date: [Date]

I confirm that I have trained the aforementioned person and that they fully understand how to use the above machinery, have received the required PPE equipment and know to inform me immediately of any issues with the machinery or if they require further training. IĀ authorize this person to use the machinery detailed above.

Name: [Authorised Trainer]
Signed: [Signature]
Date: [Date]


| Instruction| Understood or
1| Lock off to be instigated by the Manager, Supervisor or any TRAINED personnel.|
2| The machine needs to be locked off if you are undertaking anymaintenance requiring safety guards to be removed or any electrical tasks being done.|
3| Turn the isolator switch to off position and pull out or push in tag at end of the switch lever. Put the padlock through the tag and close the padlock|
4| Remove the key and place this in the lock-off box, the keys for this box will be with Mark Oakley and Andy James. This will be situated on the door outside the Moulding/Engineering office. Put the DO NOT OPERATE label on the isolated switch.|
5| Fill out the lock-off padlock logbook situated on the Moulding/Engineering office door.|
6| When you are ready to release the isolator and return the padlock and key, you must sign the book with a date, time and signature.|

  • I have received the above training and fully understand every point that was explained to me. I confirm that I will wear the required PPE equipment when using the above machinery and take all steps to ensure my own safety. I will ask for further training if I need to and will immediately inform the Supervisor or Manager if there are any issues with the machineryPlastica-SSW-LIN-06-Chop-Saw-fig-2
    • I confirm that I have trained the aforementioned person and that they fully understand how to use the above machinery, have received the required PPE equipment and know to inform me immediately of any issues with the machinery or if they require further training. I authorise this person to use the machinery detailed above.Plastica-SSW-LIN-06-Chop-Saw-fig-3

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