Ninkear A16 Notebook Laptop User Manual

June 13, 2024

A16 Notebook Laptop

Service Manual

welcom e to use our company ‘s laptop (here in after simply calle d “Th is product ” ) please mustread all datum with the machine carefully be for efirstt ime insta llandu seth isproduct ,this willfavourtoyoum orebetteru sethisproduct .Ifyouoperated th is prod uctn otaccordin g to the instruction and requireme nt i nth isspecif cation ,oroperated thisproductbecausem isunderstan dor other reason s ,ourc ompan ywillnot responsib le toany losswh ich caused by these. we alread yprocessed strict lyche ckandverif cationatth is servicemanualcarefull y ,butwe ca n’t guaranteeth isspecif cation c ompletelyn oan ymistake an domitting.Th egraphic instruction in this prod uctservicemanua lon lyfor reference ,fis omepicturesnotaccordan cewith a ctualproductsthen
pleasesubje ctt o the actualproducts .Tomorebetterprovid e service ,ourc ompan ykeep rightt o improve a ndm odifythedescribedprodu ctand s oftwarewhic hdescribe d inthisproductservicemanual and th e conten tofthisproductservicemanua l ,please understa ndtha twe n otspecially informt. ourcompan ywillnot responsib le t o anydata/dat um lose a nd losswhich causedbyerroroperation at so ft wa re an d h ard wa re ,p ro d u ct main ta in oro th er S it uat ion s,al sono t resp ons ib leto oth er indire t l oss
causedbythese ,pleasebackupyourdatadatum an ytime. The C Ontent i nth isprod uctservicemanua lprotected bycopyright la wsand regulationsyouca nt’c opy record thisproductservicemanualata nymethod ,ortrans mitthisprodu ctservicemanualthrough
internetorw ireles snetworkunderan ymethod ,ortranslateth isprodu ctservicemanual int oan y languag Toextend theworkin g lifeofth isproduct ,pleasedobestmake thatc ontinu epowe ronw orkin g tim eof th isprodu ctn ote xceed 72hours ·

Notices and safety warnings

1 . should read th is safety and operating instruction carefully before operate and us etheproduct .And pleasekee p th is specificat ion forfutur e use .
2 . shouldf ollo wallwarningmarks inth eprod uctand thisprodu ctservicemanual .
3 . pleas ecu toffpower supplyandp lu gofftheplug immediatelywhen happen abnormalsoun dor smell in themachine ,don’tc ontinue useafterconfirmed it isn ormal ,shouldasktheprofessionalstaffs check and repair.
4 . pleasecutoffth eproductpowersupply if l ong t mie n otu se theproduct ,plugofftheplug ,cutoffp owsupp lywire andnetw rie c onnection inthunder rainin gseason .
5 . pleased o be stn otuse th isproductwhe n thunder raining ,otherwise ,timayb ecausedproductdamageby the thunde rshock,need p lu goffthepower supplyplugand antennabefore thunder raining arrived preventthe thunde rshock ·
6 . Inflammable,explode ,electr ci e ven ,la mp bubl a ndothers a lca n’tb eplace son themachin eorwhere close to themachine ,av oid themachin eocc uraccident.
7 .Attent ionthe liquidandmetalenter int oproductbod y ,ifhas lqi uid a ndmetalfall i nt omachine ,never startmachine t ouse again ,should askprofessionalstaffshand le itas S Oon aspossible.
8 . D on’tuse chemicalreagentwipe themachine ,th edissolvantmayb ecausedmachine shellg obad,and dama ge it’s C Oatpaintsurface .fIhasdustanddirtythen should wip e itaftertwistdrythewetc lothten minutes later .Thedisplay scree ncanb e light lywipebyclean S Oftc loth .plu goutth eproductp ul g from thewall installatio n power Supp ly socketbefore C el n’tus e liquid c el anagen torfogclean agent.
9 .Attentionatwaterandmoistu re .Don’tuse thisprodu ctatwhereha swaterornearb yit .example:bathing Pp oot .washingbasin ,kitche n ,waterchanne | .washingclothbasin ,damp baseme ntornearby the s wimming pool.
10 .Theequipmentshouldn’thaswaterdr iporwater splashing ,shouldn’tplace theobjectswhichfu | Ilqiuid likef lower bottleo ntheequipment.
11 .Theptu gshou dtus ethes ocketw ithgroundingw ire ,batc hpurchaserofth isprodu ctc onfigure thepower
Supp lywire and adapteraccordin gtopurcha se requirements _,iftheendusers ca n’tuse th is productbecause differen ceofspecif cationofpower Su pp lywire a ndadapter ,pleased rect lycontactyoursupplier.
12.Th egroovesand tappin 90n e quipmentactasairventin gperformance ,guarante eth isprodu ct reliable tu nnin gandpreventoverheat .The airventin gholes ca n’tbe c overedbytheobject s like newspaper, tablecloth curtain an dothers t o impedeairventing.shoul dguarantee therehasacertain c leara nce around th eprod uctforairventing completely.
13 .This product onty can use the power supply type and power supply which marked in the accessories of this product to supply power. If you are not clear at the power supply type and voltage in your home, please contact the product seller or local supply power company –
14.The power supply cable in this product accessories is three insert power supply wire (with grounding protection)/ please confirm the grounding end grounding well at the wall socket. should avoid the passageway when lay out the power supply wire, avoid step by people, also should avoid where squeezed by other objects.
15.Forbid to push any type varias into this product through any tapping, otherwise, they maybe touched dangerous voltage points or extrude parts, maybe caused fire or electric shock.
1 6. Don’tselfrepairthisproductfreely .selfopenordisassemble the cover and this maybe make you face dangerous voltage or other dangers. please contact the manufacturer appointed maintain staffs handleit if has any maintain matters .
17 .should follow the eperating instruction of manufacturer to install this product, and only can use the installation fittings which recommend by manufacturer. ;
18 .The importantc ontentw tihexclamatorymar konbackdataplatemea ns:mu stan don lyca nuse the componentswhich stipulated in the safetytestd ocuments t o renewai ifneed renewalthe important safet ystipulated c omponents(th ecomponentshas this symb olbesid e th e component sone tectric circuitboard)durin 9maintain fin osame c omponents to renewalthenplea se a sktfrommanufacturer.
1 9.Type le quipmentca n touche lectr iccond uctparts andprotectio ngroundin gofoutputs ocketshould teliab lyc onne ctw tihth eprotectio ngroundin gterminal in e quipment.
20. The minimum working environment temperature of the computer must be above 20°C. Working in an environment below 20°C will cause permanent damage to the battery, The battery cannol be charged or even short-circuited.
21.This product is sold without a power adapter. If you use a power adapter for power supply. you should purchase a power adapter that has obtained CCC certification and meets the standard requirements. prod ucts ummar yand f unction

Product overview and functions

Ninkear A16 Notebook Laptop - Product overview and

Matters needing attention;Do not use DC adapter with Type-C adapter

Ninkear A16 Notebook Laptop 1

Ninkear A16 Notebook Laptop - 2

asembly keys instruction

key used assembly sew it therkeys sed atthe specialstartand closefunctions hedetail assemble and realized function hec hebelow table

keys Function instruction keys Function instruction
sleeping Increa se volume
Redu ceL CDdispla yscreen lumi nance keyboard back light

| Increas e LCDdispla y scree Iumi nance| | Run Calculator
| outerc onne ct i ndicator
displaymode| | Etermai
| Tou ch s creenb oardstart
andforbid t ouse| | Open Settings
| Mutemode| | Switch working mode:
1. Energy saving mode
Default settings2. Balanced mode
3. Performance mode
| Reducev olume| |

warmly reminding:maintena nceofkeyboard :celaran ceofkeyboarda lwaysaccu mu lated dustafter l ong t im eusekeyboard ,ca nuses ma lhairbrush c lea nth egaps ,oru sethehigh pressu r egas spraycan swhic huse d inclean camera lens t oblowoutthed ust ,oruse hand typevacuum c el a nertoclea nthedustand chipson the keyboard .ca n stickfe wclean age nton thesoftc lotht oclean the keyboard surface ,lgihtly wipe the keyboard surface under power off situation .

Finger mark setting
pressd own start→ settng →account→ log in options ( must priortoset password)→windows hello finger mark (the highest can set10pieces fingermarks) → setp NIafterfinishe d(supportEnglish +digit assemb ly ,c omplete nu mbers above4 bytes)

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\(8\) Ninkear A16 Notebook Laptop- interface
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-Internet Ninkear A16 Notebook Laptop -Internet
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-setpasswor Ninkear A16 Notebook Laptop -setpasswor
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