visioneer 7800 Capture Tool User Guide

June 4, 2024

visioneer 7800 Capture Tool


  • Microsoft® Windows® operating system:
  • 64-bit Windows 7
  • 64-bit Windows 8
  • 64-bit Windows 10


The Visioneer 7800’s software can be installed via the included disc. Otherwise, you can download the software by clicking on this link. The CD should begin the autorun process. If you downloaded the software from the above link, extract the contents of the folder to a new folder, then run the AutoRun.exe file.


  1. Once the installation starts, simply click Install Scanner Driver.
  2. Select the setup language. The click Next.visioneer-7800-Capture-Tool-fig-3
  3. The setup wizard begins.visioneer-7800-Capture-Tool-fig-4
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select the features to install. Click Next.visioneer-7800-Capture-Tool-fig-5
  6. Click Install.
  7. Connect the USB cable to the PC and the machine directly. Switch the machine on.Then, click Next.
  8. he installation is complete.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Once you are done, you can click Exit to close the installer.

What was installed

Visioneer 7800 TWAIN Driver

  • This is the piece of software that allows the Visioneer 7800 to be used by any TWAIN-compliant scanning application.
  • This includes software such as Paperport, Adobe Acrobat, and ABBYY FineReader PDF 15.

Capture Tool

  • This is the default application that comes with the scanner to allow you to initiate scans.
  • It will work with any USB-based Visioneer scanner.



By default, there is no Capture Tool shortcut. In order to open the application.

  1. Open the Windows Start Menu and search for “Capture Tool”. Click on it to open it.
  2. Upon startup, the application will prompt you for the driver type (generally TWAIN) and scanner to use. In this case, select the 7800 and click OK.

Main Menu


Opens the Scanner Properties menu, allowing you to control what settings are used when scanning.

Begins a scan using the currently selected settings.

Software User Guide

If selected, will save the document automatically once the scan is complete. If not selected, will not save the scanned image

File Format
Allows you to select the output file type. This dropdown is only available when Save is selected.

Output File Formats

A simple image format, with little to no compression. This format is good for if you want to edit the image in a different application afterwards.File Format

A common image format with a normal amount of compression. Good for file transfers.

A common image format used for images on websites and servers, with a high level of compression. Can result in lower image quality.

A standard image format used to create images of text pages, with a good compression/quality ratio when scanning multiple page files in color.

  • MPDF – MPDF stands for Multi-page PDF. This allows multiple pages to be scanned into a single document. For the 7800 to work with this, you will need to set up Timeout options in the settings.

A common image format that has little compression, similar to BMP, but produces the smallest file size of all image types when using Black and White.

  • MTIFF – also allows for multiple-page Tiff files. Like MPDF, for the 7800 to work with this, you will need to set up Timeout options in the settings.

Destination and View Options


Scanning Destination
This is the folder the output file will be automatically created in once the scan is complete.

  • You can type in the path, or click the folder icon on the right to open a browse window.

Zoom Selection
These buttons control the level of zoom the scanned images will appear as.

  • The left button will ensure the scanned image fits entirely on the screen.
  • The right button will keep the page at its original size.


  • Click the Scan button on the main menu to initiate a scan.
  • Scanned images will automatically appear onscreen. By the time they appear onscreen, they have already been sent to their destination as an output file.
  • If you scanned multiple files, you can scroll through the files using the navigation bar on the left.



Color Selection
You can check boxes next to the Front options to choose which of Color, Grayscale, or Black and White to use.

  • You can select multiple options; it will create a separate output file for each one.
  • Auto Color Detection will scan whatever between Grayscale and Black & White is selected on the right in Non-Color Selection, but if it detects color on the page, it will scan that page in Color instead.
  • You can click on the actual title of each option to change each one’s individual settings.
  • Back options will be available on Duplex scanners; as the 7800 is a flatbed scanner, it lacks these options.

Color Settings (Auto Color Detection)

Non-Color Selection
What the scanner will scan normally with Auto Color Detection if color is not detected.

Sensitivity of the Auto-Color Detection. Adjust as needed for your needs; the higher the value, the greater the sensitivity.

Brightness and Contrast
The brightness and contrast of the image. Generally, you will not need to adjust these values from the default.

The resolution of the image. You can select a value from 72 ~ 1200 using the button on the right, or a preset value. 300 DPI is generally the most commonly used.

Inverts the color palette when set to White on Black.

Allows you to ignore the paper’s background color.

Color Settings (Black & White)


Allows you to choose how Black and White colors on the image are determined. The two that are used in most situations are:

Dynamic Threshold
The computer will automatically determine the threshold between black and white to capture as much detail as possible.

Fixed Processing
You will set a fixed color value that will be used to determine the threshold.

The values for the Binarization method selected.

Universal Settings


Scan Source
If your scanner has multiple scan sources, this allows you to choose from them. The 7800 only has a flatbed, so this is the only option currently available.

Allows you to save settings into profiles and swap between them on the fly. To create or edit new profiles, click on Profiles…


Color Matching
Tweaks the color processing based on what sort of emphasis you want, between Photo, Document, or Mix.

Paper Settings


Gives several options related to automatically cropping scanned images

Will automatically determine the edges and crop to them.

Fixed to Transport
Will not crop, and the resulting image will be everything seen by the scanner.

Relative to Document
Will try to scale the corner of the image to the document’s corner.

Automatic Multiple
Will automatically determine the edges and crop to them, for multi-page documents.

Scan Area
Only available with Fixed to Transport and Relative to Document cropping options. Provides options to set the size of the page scanned when not automatically cropping.

Allows manual adjustment of the edges/margins of the document.

Background Setting
Allows you to set what the background color behind the scanned image is. You generally want to leave it on automatic, or set it to the color opposite of the color of page you are scanning for more accurate cropping.

Changes the unit of measurement used by the software. You can choose Inches, Milimeters, or Pixels.

**Feeding Settings


  • Allows you to set a certain amount of time after a scan is complete in order to replace the page in the feeder and continue scanning
  • Once the timer runs out, it will automatically continue scanning. Click Cancel to end the scan and send the images to the destination.
  • This is the how the 7800 scans multi-page documents with this application..

Power and Additional Tab Settings


Settings related to cache on the scanner. The 7800 lacks this functionality, so the settings are disabled.

Energy Saving Control
How long the scanner will stay active before going to sleep. You can set this up to 240 minutes and a minimum of 1 minute.

Show Scanning Progress
Toggle whether or not the progress of the current scan is displayed.

Show Warning Message
Toggle if warning messages appear. The 7800 does not have this feature.

Shows or hides additional settings tabs.

This tab shows a list of all relevant specs and version information on the computer, including CPU data, scanner firmware and driver version numbers, and other such information.

Additional Tab Settings


If you have JPEG selected as your output file format, this allows you to control the ratio of compression vs quality.

Color Dropout


  • This setting is only available in Grayscale and B&W modes.
  • It will try to remove all parts of the scanned image of a certain color. You can select one of Red, Green, or Blue, or pick a custom color.
  • Automatic Color Dropout allows you to pick a threshold and any colors under that level will be dropped out.

Allows you to see an example of what your Page Settings will look like.

  • You may adjust the settings here and see feedback on the right.


Allows you to automatically rotate the image. This can be done either with a fixed 90/180/270 degrees, or automatically based on the plain text orientation on the page.

  • Use Mode to adjust the accuracy vs speed of the automatic rotation.

Image Control Options
Allows you to split the document horizontally or vertically halfway into separate images.
Flip Side Rotation
If scanning double-sided, this will adjust the flipping of the reverse side. The 7800 does not support this feature as a flatbed.
Allows mirroring of the image.


Blank Page Removal
Automatically removes any image that’s completely blank.

  • Blank Page Removal Threshold – Removes based on how blank the image is.
  • Image Size – Removes based on the file size of the resulting image.

Barcode Detection
Allows separation based on if a barcode of a specific type is detected or not. As the 7800 can only scan a single page at a time, this feature does not function with it.Blank Page Removal

Patch Code Detection
Allows separation based on if a patch code page is detected. As the 7800 can only scan a single page at a time, this feature does not function with it.


Punch Hole Removal
Removes any hole punches from the sides of the document.

Removes shadows caused by the spines of books when scanning them on the flatbed.

Background Setting
Allows you to attempt to smooth or remove background colors and imperfections, such as creases in the page. You can adjust the sensitivity of both settings.

Edge Fill
Enables automatic edge cleanup to avoid dark lines from the background. You can adjust the amount that is cleaned up, and the color between black and white.

Allows you to fine-tune the settings for removing specks on the page. Only available in Black and White.

Line Removal
Automatically removes lines that are under an adjustable length. Only available in Black and White.


  • Enables the use of a digital imprinter to mark documents after they are scanned with a small text string.
  • You can type in a string of characters, followed by an incrementing counter and date/time stamps.
  • The font and position can be adjusted under Advanced, Print Position, and More…


  • Click the Scan button on the main menu to initiate a scan.
  • Scanned images will automatically appear onscreen. By the time they appear onscreen, they have already been sent to their destination as an output file.
  • If you scanned multiple files, you can scroll through the files using the navigation bar on the left.visioneer-7800-Capture-Tool-fig-35



Congress, by statute, has forbidden the reproduction of the following subjects under certain circumstances. Penalties of fine or imprisonment may be imposed on those guilty of making such reproductions.

  1. Obligations or Securities of the United States Government, such as:

Bonds and Obligations of certain agencies of the government, such as FHA, etc. Bonds. (U.S. Savings Bonds may be photographed only for publicity purposes in connection with the campaign for the sale of such bonds.) Internal Revenue Stamps. (If it is necessary to reproduce a legal document on which there is a canceled revenue stamp, this may be done provided the reproduction of the document is performed for lawful purposes.) Postage Stamps, canceled or uncanceled. (For philatelic purposes, Postage Stamps may be photographed, provided the reproduction is in black and white and is less than 75% or more than 150% of the linear dimensions of the original.) Postal Money Orders. Bills, Checks, or Drafts of money drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States. Stamps and other representatives of value, of whatever denomination, which have been or may be issued under any Act of Congress.

  1. Adjusted Compensation Certificates for Veterans of the World Wars.
  2. Obligations or Securities of any Foreign Government, Bank, or Corporation.
  3. Copyrighted material, unless permission of the copyright owner has been obtained or the reproduction falls within the “fair use” or library reproduction rights provisions of the copyright law. Further information of these provisions may be obtained from the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20559. Ask for Circular R21.
  4. Certificates of Citizenship or Naturalization. (Foreign Naturalization Certificates may be photographed.)
  5. Passports. (Foreign Passports may be photographed.)
  6. Immigration Papers.
  7. Draft Registration Cards.
  8. Selective Service Induction Papers that bear any of the following Registrant’s information:visioneer-7800-Capture-Tool-fig-37
  9. Badges, Identification Cards, Passes, or Insignia carried by military personnel, or by members of the various Federal Departments, such as FBI, Treasury, etc. (unless photograph is ordered by the head of such department or bureau.)
  10. Reproducing the following is also prohibited in certain states: Automobile Licenses — Drivers’ Licenses — Automobile Certificates of Title.

The above list is not all inclusive, and no liability is assumed for its completeness or accuracy. In case of doubt, consult your attorney.

Parliament, by statute, has forbidden the reproduction of the following subjects under certain circumstances. Penalties of fines or imprisonment may be imposed on those guilty of making such copies.

  1. Current bank notes or current paper money.
  2. Obligations or securities of a government or bank.
  3. Exchequer bill paper or revenue paper.
  4. The public seal of Canada or of a province, or the seal of a public body or authority in Canada, or of a court of law.
  5. Proclamations, orders, regulations or appointments, or notices thereof (with intent to falsely cause same to purport to have been printed by the Queen’s Printer for Canada, or the equivalent printer for a province).
  6. Marks, brands, seals, wrappers or designs used by or on behalf of the Government of Canada or of a province, the government of a state other than Canada or a department, board, Commission or agency established by the Government of Canada or of a province or of a government of a state other than Canada.
  7. Impressed or adhesive stamps used for the purpose of revenue by the Government of Canada or of a province or by the government of a state other than Canada.
  8. Documents, registers or records kept by public officials charged with the duty of making or issuing certified copies thereof, where the reproduction falsely purports to be a certified copy thereof.
  9. 9. Copyrighted material or trademarks of any manner or kind without the consent of the copyright or trademark owner.

The above list is provided for your convenience and assistance, but it is not all inclusive, and no liability is assumed for its completeness or accuracy. In case of doubt, consult your solicitor.


Copying certain documents may be illegal in your country. Penalties of fine or imprisonment may be imposed on those found guilty of making such reproductions.

  • Currency notes
  • Bank notes and cheques
  • Bank and government bonds and securities
  • Passports and identification cards
  • Copyright material or trademarks without the consent of the owner
  • Postage stamps and other negotiable instruments

Note: This list is not inclusive and no liability is assumed for either its completeness or accuracy. In case of doubt, contact your legal counsel.

Copyright Information
© 2022 Visioneer, Inc. All rights reserved. The Visioneer brand name and OneTouch® logo are registered trademarks of Visioneer, Inc.
Changes are periodically made to this document. Changes, technical inaccuracies, and typographic errors will be corrected in subsequent editions. Information is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Visioneer.

Document Version: (March 2022)

Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms of matters of copyrightable materials and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation, material generated from the software programs which are displayed on the screen such as styles, templates, icons, screen displays, looks, etc.

The software described is furnished under a licensing agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such an agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the licensing agreement. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, or translated to another language, for any purpose other than the licensee’s personal use and as specifically allowed in the licensing agreement, without the express written permission of Visioneer.

Microsoft is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows™ is a trademark and SharePoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Visioneer’s Limited Product Warranty

Please go to, select your product, and then click the “Warranty Program” link to view the warranty terms and conditions for your scanner.

Restricted Rights Legend

Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restrictions as set forth in contract subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause 52.227-FAR14. Material scanned by this product may be protected by governmental laws and other regulations, such as copyright laws. The customer is solely responsible for complying with all such laws and regulations.

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