SENECA K109UI Galvanic Isolator Analog Converter User Manual

June 12, 2024

SENECA K109UI Galvanic Isolator Analog Converter

Product Information

The K109UI instrument is a V – mA converter with 3-point galvanic insulation designed for industrial standard voltage or current signals with passive input and active output. It features
analogue/digital conversion at 14-bit on every input range. The instrument also provides various functions including rejection programmable for 50 or 60 Hz mains frequency, additional reading stabilization filter, inversion of the input and inverted output scales, input out-of-range programmable to 2.5% or 5.0%, SQRT function, and linearization for horizontal cylindrical tanks. The module is compact in size and can be easily coupled to a 35 mm DIN driver. It can be powered by bus and has quick-fit couplings by spring-type terminals. On-site configuration can be done using DIP-switches.

Technical Features

  • Power supply : 19.2 – 30 Vdc
  • Consumption : Max 22 mA at 24 Vdc (20 mA output)
  • Voltage input (max. 50 V)
  • Voltage input (max. 30 V)
  • Current input (max. 24 V)
  • Permissible max. Input Out-of-Range: Approximately 25 mA
  • Voltage output : 0 – 5 Vdc, 1 – 5 Vdc, 0 – 10 Vdc, and 10 – 0 Vdc
  • Minima load resistance: 2 K
  • Current output: 0 – 20 mA, 4 – 20 mA, 20 – 0 mA, and 20 – 4 mA
  • Maximum load resistance: 500 Ω
  • Maximum applied Voltage: Permissible max. Output Out-of-Range Limits (see section on Output Out-of-Range Limits)
  • Current output protection: Approximately 25 mA
  • Processing: Digital, 32-bit floating-point calculation
  • ADC: 14 bit on every input range
  • 10-90% response : 50 Hz – max 41 ms without filter and 88 ms with filter; 60 Hz – max 35 ms without filter and 74 ms with filter
  • Transmission: Digital Optical
  • Max. transmission error: 0.08% of the f.s. value for mA or 5 V output
  • Resolution: 0.07% of the f.s. value for 10 V output, 1 mV for voltage output, 2 uA for current output
  • Thermal drift: Lower than 120 ppm/K in the range 1 – 100%
  • SQRT error: Floating point, 32 bit
  • Linearization error Cylindrical tank: 0.05%
  • Insulation Voltage
  • Protection Index
  • Operating Conditions
  • Storage Temperature
  • LED Signalling
  • Connections
  • Conductor Section
  • Wire stripping
  • Box: PBT (black color)
  • Dimensions, Weight: 6.2 x 93.1 x 102.5 mm, 50 g
  • Standards: EN50081-2 (electromagnetic emission, industrial surroundings), EN50082-2 (electromagnetic immunity, industrial surroundings), EN61010-1 (safety)

Product Usage Instructions

  • Use the K109UI instrument to convert voltage to current signals with passive input and active output.
  • Connect the power supply within the range of 19.2 – 30 Vdc.
  • Ensure the voltage input does not exceed the maximum limits of 50 V or 30 V, depending on the configuration.
  • Ensure the current input does not exceed the maximum limit of 24 V.
  • Program the rejection function for either 50 Hz or 60 Hz mains frequency.
  • Enable the additional reading stabilization filter if required.
  • Configure the input and output scales as needed, including inversion if necessary.
  • Set the input out-of-range programmable option to either 2.5% or 5.0%.
  • Utilize the SQRT function if required.
  • Apply linearization for horizontal cylindrical tanks if necessary.
  • Ensure proper insulation voltage and protection index.
  • Operate the instrument within specified operating conditions.
  • Store the instrument at appropriate storage temperatures.
  • Observe LED signaling for any indications or warnings.
  • Make connections as per the provided instructions.
  • Use copper conductors for optimal performance.
  • Ensure proper wire stripping.
  • The instrument is contained in a PBT (black color) box with dimensions of 6.2 x 93.1 x 102.5 mm and weighs 50 g.
  • Adhere to the mentioned standards for electromagnetic emission, electromagnetic immunity, and safety.

General Description

  • The K109UI instrument is a V – mA converter with 3-point galvanic insulation designed for industrial standard voltage or current signals with passive input and active output. Analogue/digital conversion takes place at 14 bit on every input range.
  • The instrument also provides the following functions:
    • Rejection programmable for 50 or 60 Hz mains frequency. Additional reading stabilisation filter.
    • Inversion of the input and inverted output scales
    • Input Out-of-Range programmable to 2.5% or 5.0%SQRT function.
    • Linearisation for horizontal cylindrical tanks.
  • The module is also characterised by its extremely compact size, coupling to 35 mm DIN driver, power supply available by bus, quick fit couplings by spring-type terminals, 3-point insulation, onsite configuration by DIP-switch.

Technical Features

  • Power supply :
  • Consumption :


  • 19,2 – 30 Vdc
  • Max 22 mA at 24 Vdc ( 20 mA output )

Voltage input (max. 50 V) :            0 – 15 V, 0 – 30 V, Input Impedance: 325 kΩ
Voltage input (max. 30 V) :             0 – 10 V, 2 – 10 V, 0 – 5 V, 1 – 5 V,
Input Impedance: 110 kΩ
Current input (max. 24 V) :             0 – 20 mA, 4 – 20 mA, Input Impedance: 35 Ω
Permissible max. Input Out-of-      ± 2,5 or ± 5% depending on setting (see section on
Range :                                        Input Out-of-Range Limits)
Voltage output :                               0 – 5 Vdc, 1 – 5 Vdc, 0 – 10 Vdc and 10 – 0 Vdc
Minima load resistance : 2 KΩ
Current output :                                0 – 20 mA, 4 – 20 mA, 20 – 0 mA e 20 – 4 mA
Maximum load resistance: 500 Ω
Maximum applied Voltage :            ± 30 V
Permissible max. Output Out-of-   Fixed (see section on Output Out-of- Range Limits)
Current output protection :             approximately 25 mA
Processing : ADC :| Digital, 32 bit floating-point calculation 14 bit on every input range
10-90% response :| 50 Hz : max 41 ms without filter and 88 ms with filter;
| 60 Hz : max 35 ms without filter and 74 ms with filter.
Transmission :| Digital Optical
Max. transmission error (1) :| 0.08% of the f.s. value for mA or 5 V output
| 0.07% of the f.s. value for 10 V output
Resolution (1)  :| 1 mV for voltage output, 2 uA for current output
Thermal drift :| Lower than 120 ppm/K
SQRT error (2) (3) :| in the range 1 – 100%: floating point 32 bit
Linearisation error Cylindrical|
tank (2) :| 0,05%
Insulation Voltage :| 1,5 KV (50 Hz for 1 min )
Protection Index :| IP20
Operating Conditions :| Temperature -20 – +65 °C
| Humidity 30 – 90 % at 40°C (non-condensing)
| Altitudine 2000 slm
Storage Temperature :| -40 – +85 °C
LED Signalling :| Input or output out-of-range limiter device triggered or
| input saturation.   Internal fault.
Connections :| Spring terminals
Conductor Section :| 0,2 – 2,5 mm2
Wire stripping :| 8 mm
Box :| PBT (black colour)
Dimensions, Weight :| 6,2 x 93,1 x 102,5 mm, 50 g.
Standards :|

  • EN50081-2 (electromagnetic emission, industrial surroundings)
  • EN50082-2 (electromagnetic immunity, industrial surroundings)
  • EN61010-1 (safety)


  • Use with copper conductor.
  • Use in Pollution Degree 2 Environment .
  • Power Supply must be Class 2.
  • When supplied by an Isolated Limited Voltage/Limited Current power supply a fuse rated max 2.5 Ashall be installed in the field.
  1. No linearization function connected
  2. Linearization functions operate only in the 0..100% rated range, whereas for the under-range and the over-range, the input signal is transferred without any alteration (G=1). Continuity and monotonic quality of transfer guaranteed throughout the entire range of measurement
  3. In the 0..1% section, the curve is linear with gain G=10 in order to avoid over-amplification of the noise in the initial section of the measurement range.

Installation rules

  • This module has been designed for assembly on a DIN 46277 rail. Assembly in vertical position is recommended in order to increase the module’s ventilation, and no raceways or other objects that compromise aeration must be positioned in the vicinity.
  • Do not position the module above equipment that generates heat; we recommend positioning the module in the lower part of the control panel or container compartment. We recommend rail-type assembly using the corresponding bus connector (Code K-BUS) that eliminates the need to connect the power supply to each module.

Inserting the module in the rail

  1. Attach the module in the upper part of the rail.
  2. Press the module downwards.

Removing the module from the rail

  1. Apply leverage using a screwdriver (as shown in the figure).
  2. Rotate the module upwards.

Using the K-BUS connector

  1. Compose the K-BUS connectors as required in order to obtain the number of positions necessary (each K-BUS permits the insertion of no. 2 modules).
  2. Insert the K-BUS connectors in the rail by positioning them on the upper side of the rail and then rotating them downwards.

IMPORTANT: Pay particular attention to the position of the protrudent terminals of the K- BUS. The K-bus must be inserted in the guide with the protrudent terminals on the left (as shown in the figure) otherwise the modules are turned upside downs.

  • Never connect the power supply directly to the bus connector on the DIN rail.
  • Never tap power supply from the bus connector either directly or by using the module’s terminals.


Factory setting
All the module DIP switches are at pos. 0 as defaut configuration. This set correspond to the following configuration :

  • Input signal: 0 – 20 mA
  • 50-60 Hz mains frequency rejection: 50 Hz
  • Input filter: Present
  • Inversion: No
  • Linearisation: None
  • Output signal: 0 – 20 mA
  • Input Out-of-range: ± 5% limit

It is understood that this configuration is valid only with all the DIP switches at position 0. If also one Dip is moved, it is necessary to set all the other parameter as indicated on the following tables.
Note: for all following tables

  • The indication indicates that the DIP-switch is set in Position 1 (ON).
  • No indication is provided when the DIP-switch is set in Position 0 (OFF).


SW1| 1| 2| 3|
| | | | 0 – 20 mA
| | | 4 – 20 mA
| | | 0 – 10 Vdc
| | | 2 – 10 Vdc
| | | 1 – 5 Vdc
| | | 0 – 5 Vdc
| | | 0 – 30 Vdc
| | | 0 – 15 Vdc

SW1| 4|
| | 60 Hz
50 Hz

SW1| 5|
| | Present
| Absent

(*) The filter increases the rejection of the disturbance to the mains frequency, and stabilizes the reading reducing the measure noise. It is advised to hold it always inserted, but that the maximum speed of answer is not demanded.


SW1| 6|
| | Present
| Absent

SW1| 7| 8|
| | | Default
| | None
| | SQRT
| | Tank

SW2| 1| 2| 3|
| | | | 0 – 20 mA
| | | 4 – 20 mA
| | | 20 – 0 mA (5)
| | | 20 – 4 mA (5)
| | | 0 – 10 Vdc
| | | 0 – 5 Vdc
| | | 1 – 5 Vdc
| | | 2 – 10 Vdc

These are inverse output ranges that are useful whenever the linearisation applied is incompatible with the inversion of the input.


SW2| 4|
| | 5%
| 2.5%

Input Out-of-Range Limits
The Out-of-Range Limits provided in the following table are applied to the input signal, whereas the fixed limits are applied to the output signal: 0 – 21 mA, 0 – 5,25 Vdc, 0 -10,5 Vdc.

Rated value Input Out-of-Range Limit ± 2,5 % Input Out-of-Range Limit ± 5 %
20 mA 20,5 mA 21 mA
4 mA 3,5 mA 3 mA
0 mA 0 mA 0 mA
30 Vdc 30,75 Vdc 31,5 Vdc
15 Vdc 15,375 Vdc 15,75 Vdc
10 Vdc 10,25 Vdc 10,5 Vdc
5 Vdc 5,125 Vdc 5,25 Vdc
1 Vdc 0,875 Vdc 0,75 Vdc
2 Vdc 1,75 Vdc 1,5 Vdc
0 Vdc 0 Vdc 0 Vdc

Electrical Connections

The module has been designed for spring-type terminal electrical connections.

Proceed as follows to make the connections:

  1. Strip the cables by 0.8 mm
  2. Insert a screwdriver in the square hole and press it until the cable lock spring opens.
  3. Insert the cable in the round hole.
  4. Remove the screwdriver and make sure that the cable is tightly fastened in the terminal.

Power supply
There are various ways to provide the K Series modules with power.

  1. Direct power supply to the modules by connecting 24 Vdc power supply directly to Terminals 7 ( + ) and 8 ( – ) of each module.
  2. Using the K-BUS connector accessory for the distribution of the power supply to the modules via bus connector, in this way eliminating the need to connect power supply to each module. The bus can be supplied from any of the modules; the total absorption of the bus must be less than 400 mA. Higher absorption values can damage the module. An appropriately sized fuse must be connected in series to the power supply.
  3. Using the K-BUS connector accessory for the distribution of the power supply to the modules via bus connector and the K-SUPPLY accessory for the connection of the power supply. The K-SUPPLY accessory is a 6.2 mm wide module that contains a set of protections designed to protect the modules connected via bus against over-voltage loads.
    The bus connector can be provided with power using the K-SUPPLY module if the total absorption of the bus is less than 1.5 A. Higher absorption values can damage both the module and the bus. An appropriately sized fuse must be connected in series to the power supply.


  • The module accepts a current or voltage input signal.
  • The use of shield cables is recommended for the electronic connections.

Voltage input

  • Terminal 1: Voltage input up to 30 VDC (current carrying capacity 0 – 15 VDC and 0 -30 VDC).
  • Terminal 2: Voltage input up to 10 V.
  • Terminal 4: Return

Current input

  • Terminal 3: Current input.
  • Terminal 4: ReturnSENECA-K109UI-Galvanic-Isolator-Analog-Converter-09


  • Voltage connection – Current connection (applied current)
  • The use of shield cables is recommended for the electronic connections.

Note: in order to reduce the instrument’s dissipation, we recommend either using the output for voltage or guaranteeing a load of > 250 Ω to the current output.

LED indications on the front

LED (Red) Meaning
Flashing Internal fault.
Steady light Input or output out-of-range limiter device triggered or input


Note: in case of internal fault, the output will stay at null value.

  • Disposal of Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable throughout the European Union and other European countries with separate collection programs)
  • This symbol, found on your product or on its packaging, indicates that this product should not be treated as household waste when you wish to dispose of it. Instead, it should be handed over to an applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences to the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate disposal of this product. The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more detailed information about the recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, waste disposal service or thè retail store where you purchased this product.

This document is property of SENECA srl. Duplication and reprodution are forbidden, if not authorized. Contents of the present documentation refers to products and technologies described in it. All technical data contained in the document may be modified without prior notice Content of this documentation is subject to periodical revision.
| SENECA s.r.l.

  • Via Austria, 26 – 35127 – PADOVA – ITALY
  • Tel. +39.049.8705355 – 8705359 –
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