Microsemi UG0943 CNN Accelerator for PolarFire FPGA User Guide
- June 12, 2024
- Microsemi
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Microsemi UG0943 CNN Accelerator for PolarFire FPGA
Product Information
The product is the CNN Accelerator for PolarFire FPGA, developed by Microsemi. It is a hardware implementation that provides accelerated processing for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The CNN Accelerator IP block diagram shows the internal structure of the accelerator, including components such as Activations Read FIFO, Weights Read FIFO, Matrix Framer, Convolution ReLU, Maxpooling, FC Accumulator, Output Framer, and Output Write.
Product Usage Instructions
Hardware Implementation
To implement the CNN Accelerator IP, follow these steps:
- Ensure you have the necessary hardware components to support the CNN Accelerator for PolarFire FPGA.
- Connect the necessary inputs and outputs to the accelerator, as described in the Inputs and Outputs section of the user manual.
- Configure the memory components by specifying the appropriate configuration parameters. Refer to the Configuration Parameters section for details.
- Refer to the Timing Diagrams section to understand the timing requirements of the accelerator.
- Monitor the resource utilizations of the accelerator using the Resource Utilizations section.
Supported Layers
The CNN engine of the accelerator supports the following types of layers:
- Convolutional Layers
- ReLU Layers
- Max pooling Layers
- Fully Connected (FC) Layers
For detailed information on each layer type and how to configure them, refer to the Design Description section of the user manual.
Revision History
The revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document. The changes are listed by revision, starting with the most current publication.
Revision 1.0
The first publication of this document.
**** The CNN Accelerator IP provides hardware acceleration for inferencing Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) on PolarFire® FPGA. The CNN accelerator performs several DSP operations in a single clock cycle to achieve acceleration. A CNN consist of several types of layers connected in sequence like Convolution, Maxpool, ReLU, Fully connected layer, etc. A convolution layer uses Kernels with coefficients called as weights. The IP executes some of these layers sequentially and some of the layers simultaneously. The output of each layer called activations is stored in DDR and used as input to the next layer. The weights of the CNN are stored in DDR and are read along with the input corresponding to a convolution layer. The scheduler inside the CNN IP manages sequencing of a frame start, and execution of different layers till the final output is computed.
The CNN accelerator IP interfaces to a DDR arbiter that enables multiple reads
and writes. The IP uses two read channels, one to read the layer inputs and
the other to read the network weights. One write channel is used by the IP to
write the activations to DDR. The IP expects the input image to be scaled and
as per the network input required to be stored in DDR. The scheduler that
sequences different layers is configured by the input pins. Typically, a
Processor subsystem or UART can be used to generate the data used for
configuring the scheduler. The status output represents the number of layer
that the CNN IP is currently running.
Hardware Implementation
This section describes the implementation of the CNN Accelerator IP.
Design Description
The two DDR read channels Image Read and Weights Read read the image data
and the weights data stored in DDR at a clock frequency of the DDR interface.
A CDC FIFO converts the data from the DDR interface clock to the CNN system
clock. The matrix frame frames the 3×3 matrix from the image data that will be
used for convolution. The matrix framer implements the zero padding and
convolution stride. The weight framer loads the weights values of filters used
for convolution. The output framer arranges the convolution output into
activation maps and stores them in LSRAM. A 3×3 matrix framer frames the
matrix with zero padding and stride according to the network layer. The
maxpool module finds the maximum of the 3×3 matrix and generates the final
output. If a network layer does not use maxpool operation, the output can be
directly selected from LSRAM through the multiplexer at the output.
The scheduler module controls the sequence of execution of each layer. For every layer, the scheduler provides the DDR address to read the image and weights and address to write the final output of the engine. It also configures the matrix framer for zero padding and stride, the selection of final output through mux. The convolution type – 2D convolution, Depth-wise convolution, and Point-wise convolution are configured through the scheduler. The scheduler data is loaded through the inputs of the IP corresponding to the scheduler. Types of layers supported by the CNN engine are as follows:
- Convolution – stride1/stride2, Zero padding (5,5,5,5) or No zero padding
- Kernel size – 3×3, 5×5, 7×7, 9×9
- 3×3 Max pooling – stride1/stride2 after convolution
- Leaky relu after 3×3 convolution
- Relu and Relu Max
- 3×3 Depth wise convolution – stride1/stride2 with zero padding
- Pointwise convolution
- Fully connected
- Global average pooling -7×7
Memory Components
The CNN Accelerator IP requires the following components to run a network:
- Network Data : This defines the structure of the CNN and the DDR memory map of network weights and activations.
- Weights Data : This contains the data of weights, biases, scale factors, etc of all the layers of the
- Weights Info : This contains the details of mapping SPI content of network weights to the DDR
The above three components are generated as a single hex file from the SDK tool flow that can be loaded into the SPI flash
Inputs and Outputs
The following table shows the input and output ports of the CNN accelerator IP.
_ Table 1 : _Input and Output Ports of the CNN Accelerator IP ****
Signal Name | Direction | Width | Description |
RESETN_SYS_CLK_I | Input | – | Active low synchronous reset signal to design with |
respect to SYS_CLK_I
SYS_CLK_I| Input| –| System clock
DDR_CLK_I| Input| –| DDR clock
MiV_CLK_I| Input| –| Mi-V clock
CTRL_DATA_I| Input| 32 bits| Control data input for scheduler
CTRL_DATA_VALID_I| Input| –| Valid signal for data input to scheduler
START_CNN_I| Input| –| Start signal to run CNN Accelerator for one frame
DDR_READ_CHANNEL1| Bus| | Read channel1 bus to be connected to video arbiter
for DDR read operation
DDR_READ_CHANNEL2| Bus| | Read channel2 bus to be connected to video arbiter
for DDR read operation
STATUS_O| Output| 7 bits| Status register representing the number of the layer
currently running in the CNN Accelerator. The rising edge of STATUS_O(7)
denotes completion of one frame by CNN Accelerator.
DDR_WRITE_CHANNEL_O| Bus| –| Write channel bus to be connected to video
arbiter for DDR write operation
The interface of the CNN IP with Video arbiter is shown in FIGURE 3
_ Figure 3 : _CNN Accelerator IP interface with Video arbiter
Configuration Parameters
The following table shows the description of the configuration parameters
used in the hardware implementation of CNN accelerator. These are generic
parameters and can be varied as per the requirement of the application.
_ Table 2 : _Configuration Parameters
Name Description
- G_PW : Product width or convolution output bit width
- G_DWC : Enable to support Depth convolution operation
- G_MXP_EN : Enable to support Maxpool operation
- G_GAVG_POOLING_EN: Enable to support Global average pooling operation
Timing Diagrams
The following figures show the timing diagrams of read and write channels.
Figure 4: Timing Diagram of Read Channel
Figure 5: Timing Diagram of Write Channel
Resource Utilizations
The CNN accelerator IP is implemented on PolarFire FPGA (MPF300T – 1FCG1152E
package). The following tables show the resource utilization of CNN
Accelerator IP.
Table 3: G_PW = 30, G_DWC = 1, G_MXP_EN = 1, G_GAVG_POOLING_EN = 1
LUT | 37840 |
DFF | 34832 |
MATH | 152 |
LSRAM | 116 |
SRAM | 45 |
Table 4: G_PW = 25, G_DWC = 1, G_MXP_EN = 1, G_GAVG_POOLING_EN = 1
LUT | 36059 |
DFF | 34434 |
MATH | 152 |
LSRAM | 114 |
SRAM | 45 |
Table 5 : G_PW = 30, G_DWC = 0, G_MXP_EN = 1, G_GAVG_POOLING_EN = 1
LUT | 30497 |
DFF | 29856 |
MATH | 152 |
LSRAM | 116 |
uSRAM | 45 |
**Table 6: G_PW = 30, G_DWC = 1, G_MXP_EN = 0, G_GAVG_POOLING_EN = 1**
LUT | 34260 |
DFF | 32338 |
MATH | 152 |
LSRAM | 95 |
uSRAM | 45 |
Table 7 : G_PW = 30, G_DWC = 1, G_MXP_EN = 1, G_GAVG_POOLING_EN = 0
LUT | 36438 |
DFF | 34262 |
MATH | 152 |
LSRAM | 116 |
uSRAM | 0 |
Table 8: Performance and Resource Utilization of the IP for Example Networks
| Tiny YOLO v2 COCO| Mobilenet v1| | Resnet50
Frames/sec @200 MHz| 15.5 FPS| 54 FPS| | 7 FPS
LUT| 28642| 32330| 36059|
DFF| 29128| 31791| 34434|
MATH| 152| 152| 152|
LSRAM| 114| 93| 114|
uSRAM| 0| 45| 45|
Note: The variation in resource utilization is achieved by choosing the optimal settings of the CNN IP for a particular network. Network latency is 1/FPS; networks are run with a batch size of 1.
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Microsemi Proprietary UG0943 Revision 1.0
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