EMOTIVA BasX MR1 11.2 Channel Cinema Receiver User Manual

June 12, 2024

EMOTIVA BasX MR1 11.2 Channel Cinema Receiver User Manual
EMOTIVA BasX MR1 11.2 Channel Cinema Receiver

BasX MR1 11.2 Channel Cinema Receiver

  • We are now in the Source Setup sub-menu of the Setup Menu.

  • The first item in that menu is currently highlighted by default (HDMI 1).

  • The Right Arrow indicates that there are further configuration options for this choice.

  • The Left Arrow indicates that we can go up a menu level by pressing the Left Arrow button.

  • The Down Arrow at the bottom indicates that the list of items continues… (If you scroll down past the bottom the list will scroll upwards to display more items.)
    Cinema Receiver

  • We’re going to enter the HDMI 1 sub-menu by pressing the OK or Right Arrow buttons.

  • We are now in the Source Setup for HDMI 1 sub-menu.

  • The first item in that menu is currently highlighted by default (Enable).

  • The Right Arrow indicates that there are further configuration options for this choice.

  • The Left Arrow indicates that we can go up a menu level by pressing the Left Arrow button.
    Cinema Receiver

  • We’re going to enter the Enable sub-menu by pressing the OK or Right Arrow buttons.

  • We are now in the Enable option of the Source Setup for HDMI 1 sub-menu.

  • ON is highlighted in RED indicating that it is the currently selected option.

  • The Left Arrow indicates that we can go up a menu level by pressing the Left Arrow button.
    Cinema Receiver


To make a change:

Move the highlight to your desired choice using the Up and Down arrows. When you move the highlight the new selection will be displayed in bright white text.

IN ORDER TO ACCEPT THIS NEW SETTING YOU MUST PRESS THE OK BUTTON. Once you press the OK button the new selection will become highlighted in RED. This indicates that the change has been committed to the configuration of the MR1. At this point you may use the Menu Button to exit the menu.

You may also use the Left Arrow button to navigate up one level in the menu.

In general, when you are in the Menu System, the navigation arrow buttons will move you around in the menu, arrows will be displayed to indicate directions in which you can move, and the currently selected option will be highlighted in RED.

On some screens, like the Trims and EMO-Q menu screens, there will be options that include increasing or decreasing values. In these cases arrows will be displayed to indicate which

Navigation Buttons should be used to change the indicated value.

Note: It is possible to navigate the Menu System using the front panel controls. If you do so then pressing the Volume knob while in the Menu System acts as the OK button, and the other pairs of buttons on the front panel act as the Up, Down, Left, and Right buttons.


You can use the Source Menu to select your Input Source. Use the Up and Down arrows to move the highlight to the input you wish to select. Press OK to accept your choice. (After you accept your choice your new selection will be highlighted in RED.)

By default the MR1 will choose what Sound Field to use to play each source based on the number of channels and audio format of the incoming audio signal. This menu enables you to temporarily override the default choice for your current audio content.

Remember – When this option is Off the option you choose is considered to be temporary. When this is set to On the MR1 will attempt to use the option you choose the next time it receives a similar source signal.

The Trims Menu enables you to set individual trim levels for each speaker channel and configure

Dolby Range Control and Lipsynch Delay options.

Channel Levels – The Trims Menu allows you to individually set the level of each speaker.

Remember Channel Volume – When this is set to OFF Channel Level settings are temporary.

When this is set to On the Trim Level settings are retained when the MR1 is powered off.

DRC – Allows you to set Dolby Range Control to On, Off, or Auto.

Lipsynch – Allows you to manually enter a value for Lip Synch Delay. The default setting is Auto, which is the best choice for most systems.

The EMO-Q Menu gives you access to the EMO-Q Advanced Automatic Room Correction System in the MR1.

EMO-Q Calibration – This option engages the EMO-Q Automatic Room Correction System, which will automatically measure your room, and your system, and configure the MR1 to deliver the best possible sound quality.

Individual Test – This option allows you to use the measurement capabilities of the EMO-Q Automatic Room Correction System to take test measurements on individual channels.


The Setup Menu is where you access most of the advanced configuration options on the MR1. The Setup Menu is divided into several sections, each of which have several options:


This menu enables you to configure several options individually for each input on the MR1. Enable – This option allows you to disable inputs which are not being used. Rename – This option allows you to change the name associated with the Input. Video Source – With HDMI Inputs the video that is displayed always comes from the selected HDMI input. With Audio Inputs, you may choose to display a blank video screen, or video from a different Video Input.

Note: In this Menu the “Input Name” refers to the INPUT (button) DESIGNATION. On the MR1 you MAY assign the same PHYSICAL HDMI SOURCE to multiple “HDMI Inputs”. For example, you MAY configure “HDMI 1” to have Video Source = HDMI 1 and

Audio Source = HDMI (also HDMI 1), and ALSO configure “HDMI 2″ to have its

Video Source = HDMI 1, but with a different Audio Source.

Audio Source – This option allows you to associate audio from a different audio source with a specific HDMI Input. The default setting for HDMI sources is “”HDMI’, which assigns the current HDMI signal as the Audio Source. Options include audio from the selected HDMI signal or from any other valid Audio Input. (You cannot select to associate audio from a different HDMI input.)

EQ Select – This option allows you to select which set of EQ settings are associated with the input. Options include EMO-Q EQ settings, three Manual EQ settings, and Bypass, which allows you to listen to the original audio signal with no EQ applied.

Volume Mode – When you turn the MR1 Off it remembers the current Volume setting and returns to that setting when the MR1 is turned back on. However, there are several more advanced options that modify how the MR1 treats the Volume setting when individual inputs are selected.  The default setting is Unified. The Volume is simply treated as being the same for all inputs; andthe Volume doesn’t specifically change when you change inputs. If you set this to Individual, the MR1 remembers the Volume setting for each input separately, and when you select an input the MR1 returns to the Volume setting that was last used FOR THAT INPUT. If you set this to Additional, the MR1 returns to the individual Volume last used for that input, BUT THAT SETTING IS MODIFIED


Note: For example, if you set the Volume Mode for HDMI 1 to Additional -10 dB, the next time you select the HDMI 1 input, the MR1 will determine the Volume setting that was in effect the last time that input was used, adjust it according to the value specified in the Additional field, and automatically set the system Volume to that setting. (So, with the values in this example, the next time you select HDMI 1, the MR1 will automatically set the Volume to 10 dB lower than it was set to the last time you used the HDMI 1 Input.)

Trigger Out – This option allows you to decide whether the Trigger Output on the MR1 will be active when this Input is selected.

Default – Selecting this option will reset the configuration options FOR THE CHOSEN INPUT to their factory default values.

Note: This Default option only affects the Input you are currently configuring.

Note: The Default option takes effect when you press the OK or Right Arrow button. (You will NOT be asked to confirm your decision.)

By default the MR1 will automatically select the best Audio Mode (Sound Field) to use based on the format of the incoming audio signal. The SoundField Menu, and the Mode Button on the remote control, allow you to temporarily select different modes to use with the content you are currently playing.

This menu enables you to change the default SoundField modes that the MR1 will use with various types of input signals.

This menu enables you to configure the MR1 to work with the specific number and type of speakers you have, set speaker distances and levels, and adjust several other options.

Speaker Layout – Use this option to inform the MR1 about how many speakers you have.

Note: The first and last digits in each system choice describe the total number of main, surround, and height speakers you have. The left hand digit shows the total of your main and surround speakers; the middle digit shows how many subwoofers you have; the right hand digit shows how many height speakers you have. Some of the values shown here will change when you later change the settings in the Center and Subwoofer options.

Note: How certain system configurations are displayed and configured depends on settings in both this option and others. If you have a 2.1 channel system, you should select a 3.1 channel system here, and set Center to None. If you have a 2.0 channel system, you should select a 3.1 channel system here, set Center to None, and set Subwoofer to None.

Center – Set this to Yes if you have a center channel speaker.

Subwoofer – Set this to how many subwoofers you have (one or two). Select None if you have no subwoofer connected.

Note: The MR1 has two subwoofer outputs – SW1 and SW2. Both the balanced and unbalanced outputs carry the same audio signal and are active at the same time. When you select One Sub both SW1 and SW1 Bal will be active. When you select Two Subs, all four outputs will be active, SW1 and SW1 Bal will carry the same signal, and SW2 and SW2 Bal will carry the same signal.

Height SPKR Type – If you have height speakers this option will allow you to configure whether they are Ceiling or Reflective speakers. If you have direct radiating height speakers mounted high on the walls you should select Ceiling here. Level Test / Adjust – When you select this option you will be able to manually set the relative levels of your speakers using an internal test tone generated by the MR1. As each speaker is selected the test tone will play from that speaker and you will be able to adjust its level.

Note: When setting speaker levels the goal is to configure the system so that each speaker plays at the same level as heard from your primary listening position. The actual level at which the test tones play will vary depending on the gain of your amplifiers and the efficiency of your speakers. The level of the test tones is controlled by the system’s Volume control. If the test tones seem to be playing too quietly or too loudly, you may simply exit the Setup menu, adjust the Volume control, and reenter the menu.

Distance – Use this option to set the distance from each speaker to your listening position.

Note: Configure the Distance to each speaker from your primary listening position. If you have a large seating area then set the distance from each speaker to the center of your listening area. If your room is more or less symmetrical then it’s best to also arrange your speakers symmetrically.

Note: The distance value will move by one inch each time you press the button; if you hold the button down the value will move in one foot increments.

Crossover – This option enables you to set the Bass Management options on the MR1. The default
Bass Management settings on the MR1 will work well in most surround sound situations so there is no need to adjust them.

Note: By default, if you have one or more subwoofers, then all of your other speakers are configured with a Bass Management crossover of 80 Hz, and a 12 dB/octave crossover slope. By default, if you have no no subwoofer, then your Front Left and Front Right speakers are assumed to be full range, while the Bass Management crossover on all of your other speakers is setto 80 Hz.

Note: The MR1 does not designate speakers as “large” or “small’. To configure one or more sets of speakers as “large” or “full range’, go into the Crossover menu, and set the Crossover Frequency for those speakers to Bypass.

Note: While these settings will work well in most systems you may of course change them to suit your system and your personal listening preferences.

Filter Slope – This option allows you to set the filter slopes on the Bass Management crossovers for each set of speakers and the subwoofer. The default setting is 24 dB/octave for the subwoofers, and 12 dB/octave for all your other speakers, and should work well for most systems.

Amplifier Enable – This option allows you to Enable and Disable the signal to the internal amplifiers in the BasX MR1. (The line level 13.2 Channel Analog Audio Outputs remain active.)

This menu enables you to configure the overall EQ settings for the MR1. EQ 1,EQ 2, EQ 3, EmoQ, EQ Bypass – These options determine the EQ settings which will be used on the MR1.The selected option will be shown highlighted in red.

Note: This option configures the DEFAULT choice for which set of EQ parameters will be applied to each input on the MR1. The option you select here will be used for each input UNLESS YOU HAVE CONFIGURED THAT PARTICULAR INPUT TO USE A DIFFERENT EQ OPTION.

The MR1 has three sets of manual EQ settings (EQ 1, EQ 2, and EQ 3.) Each of these sets offers several parametric equalizer filters for each set of speakers. And each of those parametric EQ filters has a configurable center frequency, bandwidth, and gain. Once you have highlighted one of the EQ filter sets, you can either select it by pressing OK, or you can enter into the settings for the individual PEQ filters inside that filter set by pressing the Right

Arrow button. You can then navigate further into the EQ Setup menu to make changes to the individual filter settings. You will also have the option to engage the test signal generator built into the MR1, view a visual result of the resulting measurements on a graph, enter your choices into the filter settings, and Save and Load some of your settings.

NOTE: You DO NOT have to connect the calibrated microphone included with your MR1 in order to manually enter values here. However, if you wish to take measurements, you must make sure that the microphone is connected before doing so.

NOTE: The microphone included with the MR1 is calibrated for “zero degree orientation”. This means that, in order to obtain the most accurate results, the front of the microphone should be faced towards the speaker you are measuring. Hold the microphone as steadily as you can, WITH THE POINT OF THE CONE TOWARDS THE SPEAKER YOU ARE MEASURING, and ensure that there are no obstructions between the microphone and the speaker you are measuring.

Prompts on the measurement screen will guide you through the process of taking measurements, viewing the results, and saving those results in the manual EQ set you are calibrating.  Selecting the EMO-Q option here will enable you to view and edit the EQ settings created and stored by the EMO-Q Automatic Room Correction System the last time it was run.

You can also select EQ Bypass here to set the system default to not apply ANY EQ to the selected input.

Note: If you select the Bypass option, the system default will be NO EQ, and EQ will only be applied to each selected input if an EQ option other than Default was configured for that input in the Setup Input options.

NOTE: When you receive your MR1, and after resetting the unit to Factory Defaults, the Default EQ option will be set to Bypass. After running EMO-Q this default will be set to point to the EMO-Q EQ settings.

This menu gives you access to several configuration options for various features on the MR1. Startup State – This option allows you to configure how the MR1 starts up when AC power is applied to the unit. The MR1 can be configured to start up On, or in Standby, or to start in whatever state it was in when it was powered Off.

Volume Options – This is where you can configure the Power On Volume, Maximum Volume, and Volume Step settings for the MR1. You can also configure whether the MR1 displays Volume as a number from 0-80 (with 80 the highest volume) or as Real Gain (expressed in -dB).

HDMI Options – This menu offers several options related to HDMI operation. Options include which HDMI Outputs are enabled, whether the MR1 will continue to pass video to the TV when in Standby, some detailed choices about how the MR1 responds to HDMI-CEC commands from other devices, and allows you to configure whether specific HDMI inputs support Enhanced HDMI or not. (Most users will not need to use these options unless instructed to by Emotiva Technical Support.)

Information Display – This is where you can configure how the on-screen display (OSD) appears and set the default brightness for the front panel display.

No Signal Standby – This is where you can configure how long the MR1 will wait before switching into Standby when it sees no input signal on the selected input.

Trigger Output – This is where you can configure the default operation of the Trigger Output on the MR1. You may configure the Trigger Output to remain Off, to remain On when the MR1 is turned On, or to be controlled according to the Trigger option settings for each individual input.

Unit – This is where you configure your MR1 to display various values in Metric or Standard notation. The default is Standard.

U Driver Log – This options turns on special system diagnostic logs. (You should NOT enable this option unless instructed to do so by Emotiva Technical Support.)

This menu enables you to save the current configuration settings on your MR1, restore previously saved settings, and reset the unit to its factory default configuration.

Save to Backup – Saves the current configuration of the MR1. Settings are saved to internal memory inside the MR1.

Load From Backup – Loads settings that have previously been saved in the MR1.

Factory Reset – Resets your MR1 to its factory default settings.

Note: Configuration settings are saved to an internal memory location inside the MR1. Saved settings are retained when you turn off the MR1 or do a Factory Reset.

This menu gives you access to a variety of information about the various firmware modules currently installed on your MR1 and some of the devices connected to your MR1. Software Update – This option is used to update the firmware on your MR1.

Note: Firmware is updated by placing the firmware update file on a USB stick, formatted with a standard FAT32 format, and inserting the stick into the rear panel Update USB port.

Firmware update may be initiated by either:

  1. Inserting the USB stick containing the firmware update file into the rear panel Update port while the MR1 is powered Off, then turning the MR1 On. At this point the MR1 will detect the firmware file automatically and install it.
  2. Inserting the USB stick containing the firmware file while the MR1 is powered On and then selecting Software Update from this menu.

NOTE: The firmware update will take several minutes and will display a progress indicator. DO NOT DISCONNECT POWER TO THE MR1 OR REMOVE THE STICK DURING THE UPDATE.

You will see a message when the update is completed, and your MR1 may return to either On or Standby mode – depending on how the update was initiated. You will NOT be required to update your MR1 to factory defaults after most updates.

DO NOT remove the USB stick until the firmware update is complete. Once the update is complete the MR1 will shut down, reboot, and display the new firmware version. At that point you can remove the USB stick.

MCU Version, DSP Version, OSD Version – These items display useful information about the firmware modules installed on the MR1. Bluetooth Name – Displays the Bluetooth Name that will be associated with the MR1 when other devices are paired with it. You MAY change the name that the MR1 displays to other Bluetooth enabled devices.

Bluetooth MAC – This item displays the network hardware address of the Bluetooth network receiver inside the MR1.

TV Connect 1, TV Connect 2 – This item displays some useful information about the HDMI devices currently connected to the HDMI outputs of the MR1.

EMO-Q Advanced Automatic Room Correction

The EMO-Q Advanced Automatic Room Correction System in the MR1 calibrates the MR1 to produce the best possible sound, in your listening room, with your speakers and the rest of your system.

Calibration is initiated via the Setup Menu by selecting EMO-Q Calibration. Once you have initiated the EMO-Q calibration, the MR1 will play a series of test tones, measure the results, calculate the necessary corrections, display both the results of the measurements and its corrections on your TV screen in visual form, and save those corrections into the EMO-Q EQ settings on your MR1.

After this, the MR1 will set the EMO-Q EQ set to be the default EQ for your MR1. This will then be used for all of your inputs except those for which for which you have specified a different EQ set.


NOTE: THE CALIBRATED MICROPHONE PROVIDED WITH YOUR MR1 WILL DELIVER THE MOST ACCURATE RESULTS IF THE FRONT OF THE MICROPHONE IS FACING TOWARDS EACH SPEAKER AS IT IS BEING TESTED. The front of the microphone is the tip of the cone. Therefore, as each speaker is tested, your should hold the microphone as steadily as you can, and point the tip of the cone towards the speaker that is playing the test tone. You also need to be careful to ensure that the microphone has an unobstructed line of sight to each speaker as it is tested. (You may hold the microphone over your head, or turn your body while holding the microphone in front of you, but be sure that neither your body, nor any furniture, blocks the path between the microphone and each speaker as it is being tested.

Sound Fielde

The options in the MR1 were chosen to offer the best combination of sound quality and flexibility with the widest variety of audio sources. By default the MR1 will select the best to use, based on the format of the incoming audio signal, and the number and type of speakers you have. Sound

Pure – applies the least possible processing to both analog and digital sources. Bass Management and distance correction are still applied with digital sources, but not with analog sources, and EQ is bypassed.

Direct – delivers the source signal with minimum modification, while still applying system equalization, and room correction, to both analog and digital sources.

Stereo – converts all incoming signals into a stereo signal. Bass management and system equalization are applied in Stereo mode.

All Stereo – convertes all incoming signals into stereo, then plays the resulting stereo signal from all speakers. Bass management and system equalization are applied in Stereo mode. This mode is sometimes called “party mode” because it plays the source through all of your speakers and so does a good job of filling a large room with sound.

Care and Maintenance

Periodic Maintenance

Your BasX MR1 requires no periodic maintenance or calibration.

Cleaning your MR1

  • If necessary, the MR1 should be cleaned gently with a soft rag.
  • If something sticky gets on the front panel or case of the MR1, it should be cleaned with amild cleaning solution applied to a soft cloth, followed by wiping with a clean cloth dampened with plain water and drying with a soft dry rag or cloth.

Note: DO NOT spray water or cleaning solution directly onto the front or rear panel of the MR1.

Installing Firmware Updates

From time to time Emotiva may issue firmware updates for your MR1. We strongly recommend that you only install firmware that was downloaded from the official Emotiva website, or that you received from Emotiva Technical Support staff.

To install a firmware update on your MR1:

  1. Download the firmware file from our website or the link or e-mail attachment provided by our Technical Support representative.

  2. Place the firmware update file on a USB stick formatted with the Fat32 operating system (any commercial USB stick formatted to work on both Apple and Windows computers should work fine). Place the file into the main or root directory of the stick.
    Note: If the firmware update is provided in the form of an archive, such as a Zip file, extract the firmware update file from the archive onto the stick.

  3. Plug the USB stick into the rear panel USB connector labelled Update.

Note: There are two different ways to initiate the firmware update. With both, once the update starts, the front panel will display the status of the update. Depending on which method you use, after the update completes, the MR1 may turn On or return to Standby.

4a) While the USB stick remains inserted, power the MR1 Off, allow it to remain off for twenty seconds, then power it back On. The MR1 will recongize that a firmware update is available and will proceed to perform the update.

4b) With the MR1 On, go into the Setup Menu, and select Setup | About | Software Update. Select Yes when prompted whether you want to do a software update.

4¢) Once the update is complete the MR1 will restart and display the new firmware version.

4d) Remove the USB stick when the update is complete.

WARNING: DO NOT unplug the USB stick or turn the MR1 Off during the firmware update.


Audio Performance – Analog Audio Outputs

  • Rated Output Voltage:
    +6 dBV (2 VRMS)

  • Frequency Response:
    20 Hz to 20 kHz +/- 0.05 dB

  • Total Harmonic Distortion:
    <0.0025% @ 1 kHz < 0.05% from 20 Hz to 20 kHz

  • Signal to Noise Ratio:

    100dB @ 1 kHz

  • Crosstalk:
    <85dB@ 10 kHz

Audio Performance – Speaker Outputs (Internal Amplifiers)

  • Power Output Per Channel; ONE channel driven:
    160 watts RMS / channel @ 8 Ohms; 290 watts RMS / channel @ 4 Ohms; < 0.1% THD

  • Power Output Per Channel; TWO channels driven:
    160 watts RMS / channel @ 8 Ohms; 260 watts RMS / channel @ 4 Ohms; < 0.1% THD

  • Power Output Per Channel; FIVE channels driven:
    135 watts RMS / channel @ 8 Ohms; 190 watts RMS / channel @ 4 Ohms; < 0.1% THD

  • Power Output Per Channel; ELEVEN channels driven:
    100 watts RMS / channel @ 8 Ohms; 130 watts RMS / channel @ 4 Ohms; < 0.1% THD

  • Power Bandwidth (at rated power; 8 Ohm load):
    20 Hz to 20 kHz (+ 0 /- 0.15 dB) or better.

  • Broad Band Frequency Response:
    5Hzto80kHz (+0/-3dB).

  • THD + noise:
    < 0.005% (A-weighted); at rated power; 1 kHz; 8 Ohms.

  • Signal to Noise Ratio (8 Ohm load):

    115 dB or better; referenced to rated power (A-weighted).

  • Minimum Load Impedance: 4 Ohms (one 8 Ohm or two paralleled 4 Ohm speakers.)

Damping Factor: > 500.


Video Inputs and Outputs:
(6) HDMI 2.0b compliant HDMI video inputs (all with full support for 4k UHD video, HDCP 2.2, HDR10, HDR10+, and Dolby Vision).

(2) HDMI 2.0b compliant HDMI video outputs (primary output supports both ARC and eARC).

Audio Inputs:

  • (4) stereo unbalanced analog audio inputs.
  • (2) S/PDIF coaxial digital audio inputs.
  • (2) Toslink (optical) digital audio inputs.
  • (1) USB Audio (DAC) input.
  • (1) Bluetooth audio input (AptX; internal with rear panel antenna).

Audio Outputs:

  • (1) set of 13.2 channel unbalanced audio main outputs.
  • (2) balanced subwoofer outputs (same as main sub outputs).
  • (1) set of 11 speaker outputs powered by internal amplifiers.

Other Inputs and Outputs:

  • (1) IR remote control signal input.
  • (1) RS-232 serial remote control input.
  • (1) Trigger output (programmable).
  • (1) USB data input (reserved for firmware updates).

Audio Formats and Modes Supported

Surround Sound Audio Formats:

  • Dolby Atmos
  • Dolby TrueHD
  • Dolby Surround
  • DTS:X
  • DTS HD Master Audio
  • DTS

Surround Sound Upmixers:

  • Dolby Surround Upmixer (DSU)
  • DTS Neural:X

Sound Field and Processing Options:

  • Pure
  • Direct
  • Stereo
  • Multi-Channel
  • Dolby Upmix
  • DTS Neural:X

Room Correction

Automatic Room Correction:
EmoQ Second Generation Automatic Room Correction (with graphical interface).

Manual Room Correction (EQ):

  • Three Separate Manual Speaker Presets – Each Of Which Offers…
  • 11 Bands of Full Parametric EQ: Left Front and Right Front.
  • 11 Bands of Full Parametric EQ: Center Channel.
  • 7 Bands of Full Parametric EQ: Surround Channels.
  • 7 Bands of Full Parametric EQ: Top Channels.
  • 5 Bands of Full Parametric EQ: Subwoofers.


  • Power Requirements:
    115VAC /230 VAC @ 50/ 60 Hz (automatically detected).

  • Dimensions:
    17″ wide x 7-3/4″ high x 15-1/2″ deep (without connectors).

  • 50 Ibs (net). 58 Ibs (boxed).

Emotiva Audio Corporation Three-Year Limited Warranty

What does this warranty cover?
Emotiva Audio Corporation (Emotiva) warrants its products against defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty, and all rights provided hereunder, is granted to the original owner, and may be transferred to a single new owner once during the initial one year of ownership. In the event the original owner transfers ownership of the Product during the first year of ownership, this Warranty shall terminate at the end of the original applicable term. In the event the original owner transfers ownership of the Product AFTER the end of the first year of ownership, but prior to the expiration of the applicable term described below, this Warranty shall terminate immediately upon transfer of ownership.

This Warranty only applies to Products purchased directly from Emotiva or any of its Authorized Dealers or International Distributors.

Emotiva warrants any replacement product or part furnished hereunder against defects in materials and workmanship for the longer of the following: (i) the amount of time remaining under the original warranty, or (i) 120 days from your receipt of the repaired or replaced product.


The original owner must make a claim within the Term of the Warranty. A claim shall not be valid (and Emotiva has no obligation related to the claim) if it is not made within the Term and if it is not made in strict compliance with the requirements of the “How do you get service?” section.

How long does this coverage last?

This warranty commences on the date of retail purchase by the original retail purchaser and runs for a period of three years thereafter, with the exception of accessories, cables, and remote controls*. In the event the original owner transfers ownership of the Product during the first year of ownership, this Warranty shall terminate at the end of the original applicable term. In the event the original owner transfers ownership of the Product AFTER the end of the first year of ownership, but prior to the expiration of the applicable term, or ownership is transferred a second time, this Warranty shall terminate immediately upon transfer of ownership.

Emotiva warrants any replacement product or part furnished hereunder against defects in materials and workmanship for the longer of the following: (i) the amount of time remaining under the original warranty, or (i) 120 days from your receipt of the repaired or replaced product. The duration described in this paragraph is hereinafter referred to as the “Term”.

*Accessories, cables, and remote controls have a one-year warranty to the original owner.

What will Emotiva do?
Emotiva will, at its option, either: (i) repair the product, or (ii) replace the product with a new consumer product which is identical or reasonably equivalent (in Warrantor’s sole discretion) to the product. In the event Warrantor, in its sole discretion, is unable to replace or repair the Product or it is not commercially practicable to do so, then: (i) if the claim was submitted during the first 365 days of the Term, Warrantor shall refund to you the purchase price that you paid for the Product; and (ii) if the claim was submitted after the first 365 days of the Term, Emotiva shall issue you a credit equal to the purchase price that you paid for the product. The credit may only be used for the purchase of merchandise from Emotiva, and cannot be used for freight charges. When a Product or part is repaired or replaced, any replacement item becomes your property and the replaced item becomes Emotiva’s property. When a refund or credit is given, the Product for which the refund or credit is provided must be returned to Emotiva and becomes Emotiva’s property.

What is not covered by this warranty?
This warranty does not apply: (i) to damage caused by use with products not manufactured by Emotiva, where the non-Emotiva product is the cause of the damage; (i) to damage caused by service or maintenance performed by anyone who is not a representative of Emotiva; (iii) to damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, flood, fire, earthquake or other external causes; (iv) to a product or part that has been modified after its retail purchase, where the modification caused or contributed to the damage; (v) to consumable parts, such as batteries or failure of or damage to the Product caused by batteries; (vi) if any Emotiva serial number has been removed or defaced on the product; (vii) glass or plastic panels, cabinetry, trim or other appearance items; (viii) cosmetic wear or damage to remote controls by user.


How do you get service?
In order to make a claim under the Warranty, you must:

  1. Call or e-mail a customer service representative at 1-877-EMO-TECH (1-877-366-8324) or support@emotiva.com. You must provide a description of your problem, the serial number of the Product for which the warranty claim is being made, and the original purchase date.
  2. Then, you will be provided with a warranty service authorization number (“WS”).
  3. Next, you must ship the Product to the following address, with the WS written in large, bold numbers on the outside of the box, and with the letters “WS” written before the number, for example: WS1234. Parcels arriving without a WS number on the outside of the box will be refused. The customer pays for the shipping to Warrantor. Warrantor pays for the shipping back to the customer within the continental United States only. Customer is responsible for shipping charges on all other warranty claims.

Emotiva Audio Corporation

  • Attn: Repair Department
  • 139 Southeast Parkway Court
  • Franklin, TN 37064
  • Units will be refused by Emotiva for the following:
  • Product was sent without the WS#
  • Product was sent with inadequate packaging.
  • Product was damaged in transit.
  • Product was shipped collect for shipping charges.

How does state law apply?
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

What if my product is damaged on the way to you?
Emotiva is not liable for damages that may incur while an item is in transport to us. Please purchase insurance when you ship your item. If your Product was not adequately packaged, we will refuse receipt and the damaged package will be returned to you at your cost. If you do not have the original Emotiva Audio packaging, please check with our sales department to purchase replacement- shipping cartons.

How does the Warranty and service apply to international orders?

The Product Warranty is only valid in the country where the Emotiva product was originally shipped via an authorized dealer, distributor, or direct from the Emotiva factory. The Warranty is subject to change at any time depending on the laws and regulations within your specific country. Please check with your distributor for a complete understanding of the warranty in your county.

If you purchased your Emotiva Product outside of the USA and wish to have it serviced at the factory, all freight charges are your responsibility. If you do not have an authorized distributor or repair center in your country, your Product must come back to the Emotiva USA factory for warranty service.

Dolby, Dolby Logo
Dolby, Dolby Atmos, Dolby Audio, Dolby Vision, and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.

For DTS patents, see http://patents.dts.com. Manufactured under license from DTS, Inc. (for companies headquartered in the U.S./Japan/Taiwan) or under license from DTS Licensing Limited (for all other companies). DTS, DTS:X, and the DTS:X logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of DTS, Inc. in the United States and other countries. 2020 DTS, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries..

This item incorporates copy protection technology that is protected by U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights of Rovi Corporation. Reverse engineering and disassembly are prohibited

All information contained in this manual is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. In keeping with our policy of ongoing product improvement, we reserve the right to make changes to the design and features of our products without prior notice.

MR1 User Manual Revision 1.0 October 2022

Emotiva Audio Corporation
135 Southeast Parkway Court
Franklin, TN 37064

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