ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE-Trac Direct Technical User Guide

June 12, 2024
ON Semiconductor

VE-Trac™ Direct Technical Guide

NVH820S75L4SPBVE-Trac Direct Technical

This document is intended to be a guide to explain the technical details of the product features and capabilities. It is also designed to provide reference circuits and application related notes to ensure that the product is used in an optimal manner for its intended end use.

NVH820S75L4SPB 750 V, 820 A, Short Terminal
NVH820S75L4SPC 750 V, 820 A, Long Terminal

ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical -


The VE−Trac Family of power modules is an automotive qualified line of products specifically designed for EV−traction inverters. The product line is broadly classified into two platforms (i) Dual (ii) Direct. Each platform has its own advantages, but this document’s scope is limited to understanding the datasheet parameters and device characteristics of the Direct product line. It also includes a design guide and recommendations for using the product effectively. A separate document ‘VE−Trac Direct Assembly Guide’ provides details related to assembling the power module in an assembly.
VE−Trac Direct product features:

  • Compatible with popular module footprint.
  • Robust and reliable new press−fit pin design.
  • More power compared to similar module package.
  • Direct cooling with leading thermal performance.
  • Continuous 150°C operation with limited operation at 175°C.
  • Thermistor based temperature sense per phase leg.


ON Semiconductor’s latest generation of IGBTs and Diodes are incorporated into the VE−Trac products. The 750 V VE−Trac products use the latest 4 th Generation of IGBTs from ON Semiconductor.
Chip Technology![ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical

  • Technology](https://manuals.plus/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ON- Semiconductor-NVH820S75L4SPBVE-Trac-Direct-Technical-Technology.png) This new generation of Field Stop (FS) IGBTs with a high density cell structure and an optimized double layer shows remarkable device performance under static and dynamic conditions with strong latch−up ruggedness. The design of the chip uses sub−micron trench and mesa active with a narrow mesa width.
    Package Design
    The VE−Trac Direct is a single side direct cooled package with a form factor that is now becoming more common for EV traction application. The package consists of power devices that are soldered to DBC and wire−bonded on the top side. The DBCs are attached to a copper base plate that has a pin−fin structure on the other side to enable direct cooling (see Figure 4).ON
Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical -
DesignFor the signal connections, the module includes press−fit pins that are designed to meet the stringent automotive standards. The press−fit pins are fixed in position and orientation as shown in Figure 3. Detailed information on mounting the module and gate driver board can found in the assembly guide.ON Semiconductor
NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical - Design 1The typical layout of the module is illustrated below with its pin assignments. Each phase leg has its DC power terminals on one side and the switching terminal on the opposing side with eight press−fit pins providing access to the signal terminals and the NTC thermistor located in each phase leg.ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical -
Pin # Pin Function Description
P1, P2, P3 Positive Power Terminals
N1, N2, N3 Negative Power Terminals
1 Phase 1 Output
2 Phase 2 Output
3 Phase 3 Output
G1−G6 IGBT Gate
E1−E6 IGBT Gate return
C1−C6 Desat detect / collector sense
T11, T12 Phase 1 temperature sensor output
T21, T22 Phase 2 temperature sensor output
T31, T32 Phase 3 temperature sensor output

Creepage and Clearance Requirements
Care should be taken not to encroach on the creepage and clearance requirements of the module as specified in the product data sheet. Additional external components, like metal heatsinks, bus bars or fastening hardware can inadvertently reduce the creepage and clearance distances in the assembly. It is critical to check the assembly to ensure the minimum required creepage and clearance are met as shown in Figure 6.ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE
Trac Direct Technical - Design 3


Direct cooling offers a shorter path for heat to flow from the chip to the fluid. Since the module is direct cooled, there is no reason to use a thermal interface material. Below are thermal parameters of the IGBT and Diode from device junction to coolant fluid as shown in the data sheet below:

Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
IGBT.Rth.J-F Rth, Junction to Fluid, 10L/min, 65°C, 50/50 EGW 0.11 tbd

Diode. Rth,J-F| Rth, Junction to Fluid, 10L/min, 65°C, 50/50 EGW| | 0.16| tbd| °C/W

The Rth,J−F for the IGBT and Diode is measured using a reference cooling jacket and may vary slightly with different cooling jacket designs, flow rate, coolant temperature and coolant type. Please refer to the VE−Trac Direct assembly guide for more details on the reference cooling jacket and its sealing ring.
Thermal Measurements
The measurement of the thermal resistance is defined in the AQG324 standard. It uses the following equation to determine the steady state thermal resistance (Rth.j−f) for either the diode or the IGBT. The Tvj for the device is determined using the Vce or Vf method described in detail in DIN EN60747−15. The test setup measures the inlet fluid temperature (Tf.in) and the outlet fluid temperature (Tf.out) to determine the average fluid temperature. This value is then subtracted from the measured Tvj and divided by the power dissipated (Pd) in the device to determine the thermal resistance from junction to fluid.ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct
Technical - Design 4 Thermal Modeling
The information needed to develop circuit level or mathematical model for the power module is provided below. This includes the equivalent thermal impedance and thermal capacitance for a four node Foster thermal network for the electrical equivalent models and math expressions. It is important to note that the nodes are not related to material boundary or geometry of the physical thermal stack up as shown in Figure 7. The information provided in the table below is also provided in the respective data sheet for the product. The table also includes the cross coupling thermal resistance between the IGBT and the free−wheeling diode (FWD) for the same side and also to the opposing side. It also shows the values between the high side IGBT and the low side IGBT devices. The strongest coupling to consider is between the IGBT and its FWD.

Nodes IGBT Diode
Rth Cth Rth
Node 1 0.05071 2.
Node 2 0.00010 10504.
Node 3 0.01702 0.449
Node 4 0.03958 18.
Total 0.107

x-coupling Rth
IGBT <-> Diode
IGBT <-> IGBT| 0.036 (same side) n/a| 0.008 (opposing side)
0.008 (opposing side)

This section explains the maximum, static and dynamic electrical parameters of the IGBT and Diode used inside the module. Each functional switch of the module consists of 3x IGBT and Diode chips connected in parallel. The parameters included in the data sheet refers to a functional switch and not a single chip. Maximum values of these parameters should not be exceeded, in normal operation to prevent damage to the semiconductor. In addition, please note that the temperature condition is 25°C, unless it is specified otherwise.
Maximum Ratings − IGBT
Operating Junction Temperature, Tvj This is the junction temperature range where the device is guaranteed to operate without physical or electrical damage.
Like similar automotive power modules the ratings, maximum Tvj includes a continuous rating and a short term higher rating. VE−Trac Direct specifies a continuous operational Tvj range −40°C to 175°C with no short duration rating.
Safe Operating Area of IGBT
The maximum allowed peak Collector to Emitter Voltage (VCES) is specified at a junction temperature of 25°C. Please note this value has a positive temperature coefficient, meaning at lower temperatures the maximum allowed peak Collector to Emitter is also lower. There are two plots in the data sheet that should be checked to ensure safe operation of the module. The first plot is the Maximum VCE rating over temperature as shown in Figure 8. This determines the absolute maximum allowed peak blocking voltage between the IGBT Collector−Emitter across the operating temperature range. Note that at −40°C the maximum VCE rating is 715 V.
The second plot to consider is the Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area (RBSOA). This shows the peak VCE allowed as a function of collector current at 150°C for the power module (see Figure 8). It shows the ideal SOA for the chip and also the module, which includes the module parasitic inductance. However, it’s important to also consider all the parasitic inductance in the power loop (including DC filter capacitor) to determine the true SOA for the module in the end application.![ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical

  • Design 5](https://manuals.plus/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ON-Semiconductor- NVH820S75L4SPBVE-Trac-Direct-Technical-Design-5.png)Lastly, the SOA plot should be checked for pulsed conditions. The IGBT module must not be used in the linear mode. Figure 9 shows the IGBT current capability for single pulse events and for DC. This plot is not included in the data sheet. The DC rating in the plot is limited the continuous Tj.max rating of 150°C, but the pulsed plot lines are limited by the Tj.max value of 175°C.ON Semiconductor
NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical - Design 6Continuous DC Collector Current, Ic nom
    Ic_nom is the continuous DC current allowed when using the reference heatsink which results in Rth,J−F value specified in the data sheet. Ic nom is determined by three factors: Vcesat(as a function of Tvj and Ic), IGBT Junction to Fluid thermal resistance Rth,j−f and Max Operating Junction temperature. A design margin is also applied to determine the final Ic nom value and it is verified by characterization testing where Tvj is determined according to IEC60747−15.
    Maximum Pulsed Collector Current, ICRM
    VE−TracTM Direct modules specify ICRM as 2X of IGBT rating current at room temperature. When the fluid temperature is higher, pulse width should be determined by power dissipation and transient thermal impedance Zth to make sure Tvj is not exceeding 175°C.
    Short Circuit Withstand Time, SCWT
    SCWT of VE−Trac TM Direct modules is specified and verified according to AQG324 Type 1 short circuit (HSF: hard−switch−fault). The short circuit characteristics depend heavily on application specific parameters such as temperature, stray inductances/resistance and gate driver.
    During a short circuit event, the IGBT has to withstand high junction temperature due to high power dissipation and turns off safely. Below figure show short circuit test setup.ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct
Technical - Design 7 Maximum Ratings – Diode
    Repetitive Peak Voltage, VRRM
    VRRM Voltage is maximum allowed reverse biased voltage for the diode. As IGBT and Diode are anti−parallel connected, diodes have to withstand the same voltage as the IGBT. The collector−Emitter voltage ratings in the data sheet will also apply for the anti−parallel diode.
    Continuous Forward Current, IF
    Similar method of rating as the IGBT Ic nom. The continuous DC current rating for the diode is a little lower than the IGBT due to the higher Rth,J−F value specified in the data sheet for the Diode. IF value and it is verified by characterization testing where junction temperature is determined according to IEC60747−15.
    Repetitive Peak Current, IFRM
    VE−Trac Direct modules specify IFRM as 2X of IFN. When the fluid temperature is higher, pulse width should be determined by power dissipation and transient thermal impedance Zth to make sure the Junction temperature is not exceeding 175°C Surge Current Capability, I t value Diode surge current is in the form of a half sine wave of 2 10ms or 8.3 ms (50 or 60 Hz), where its peak current is denoted as Isurge. The device is able to withstand this current without damage provided this does not occur too often in the diode service life. Instead of peak current, the datasheet specifies this characteristic in the form of I2t value, given by:ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct
Technical - Design 8 Static Characteristics
    IGBT Output characteristics, Vcesat
    Vcesat is the voltage drop across collector to emitter for a specified gate voltage and temperature which is used to calculate IGBT’s conduction losses and compare the losses between similar components. It is a temperature dependent parameter, as shown in Figure 11. Above the crossover, Vcesat exhibits positive temperature coefficient while below the crossover, it shows negative temperature coefficient. Positive temperature coefficient is beneficial in a way that it helps achieve better current sharing for paralleling operation.ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct
Technical - Design 9Collector to Emitter Leakage Current, ICES
    ICES is the leakage current from collector to emitter whenIGBT is turned off. It is highly related to the IGBT chip size and features a positive temperature coefficient−−− ICES increases when temperature is increasing.
    Gate to Emitter leakage current, IGES
    The absolute maximum value of gate to emitter leakage current is typically specified at a gate voltage of 20V while collector and emitter are grounded. Typically only the maximum value is specified in the data sheet and is in the order of a few hundred Nano amperes. The exact value is defined the respective product data sheet.
    Threshold Voltage, Vth
    Vth indicates at what Vge voltage level the IGBT starts to conduct. It is tested by shorting Gate and Collector and applying a specified current source (e.g 5 mA) to collector.
    Diode Forward Voltage, VF
    Diode forward voltage is measured when IGBT is in off−state. A forcing current is applied to the power pins of the module and the VF is measured through sensing pins.
    This helps eliminate the voltage drop effect along the current path (e.g wire, terminals) except the diode itself. Datasheet provides VF in a table with specified condition and curves at different temperatures and current.
    Dynamic Characteristics
    Parasitic Capacitances, Cies Coes Cres
    As inherent parts of an IGBT device, several parasitic capacitances play a role in the device’s dynamic characteristics including: input capacitance Cies, output capacitance Coes and reverse transfer capacitance Cres. Input Capacitance, Cies=Cge+Cgc
    Input capacitance is formed by parallel combination of gate−to−emitter and gate−to−collector. The gate−to−emitter consists mainly of the metal−oxide−semiconductor capacitance and is generally constant. However gate−to−collector capacitance is voltage VCE dependent.
    Output Capacitance, Coes=Cce+Cgc
    Output capacitance is formed by parallel combination of collect−to−emitter and gate−to−collector, both of which are voltage dependent and varies with different collector−to−emitter voltages.
    Reverse Transfer Capacitance, Cres=Cgc
    Made up of gate−to−collector capacitance, reverse transfer capacitance plays an essential role in gate driving of the IGBT, as it provides negative feedback from collector to gate and is responsible for the gate voltage plateau. Specifically, during IGBT turning on, the fast falling of collector−to−emitter voltage forms a considerable current from collector to gate through Cres which counteracts the rising of the gate voltage. Similarly, during IGBT turning off, the fast rising of collector−to−emitter voltage draws current from gate through Cres which counteracts the falling the gate voltage. Coes and Cres tend to decrease when VCE voltage is increasing while Cies is mostly stable across different VCE voltages. Figure 13 shows a typical Capacitance vs VCE Curve for a 750 V VE−Trac  irect IGBT. Press−fit pin Inductance
    The inductance of the press−fit connection is calculated with a modeling tool that considers the geometry and material properties of the module. LP. G E represents the inductance of the gate press−fit pin, DBC tracks, wire bonds and the gate return press−fit pin. In typical gate driver applications, one should also consider the PCB track inductance to get the complete gate−emitter loop inductance. Table 4. PRESS−FIT GATE−EMITTER LOOP INDUCTANCE CALCULATED USING FEM TOOL

UPPER SWITCH| 12.5| 11.8

Gate Charge, QG
Though input capacitance is useful, gate charge provides a more convenient way in determining the average driving power for the IGBT. Specifically, the driving power is determined by following equation:ON Semiconductor
NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical - Design 13Where fs is switching frequency, Vge(on), Vge(off) are on−state gate−to−emitter voltage and off−state gate−to−emitter voltage respectively.
Besides a QG value at a certain Vge condition, the datasheet also provides a QG curve where different QG vs Vge information can be found. Refer to below figure for a typical QG curve. See section on gate drive to see how QG is used to determine gate driver requirements.ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac
Direct Technical - Design 40Figure 15. Example Gate Charge Characteristic of the 820 A, 750 V Module Type in Data Sheet
IGBT Switching Characteristics
IGBT switching characteristics are one of the major focuses in improving IGBT performance as switching losses constitute substantial part of overall losses. The circuit diagram used in characterizing IGBT switching behavior is shown in Figure 16.
IGBT Switching Characteristics are given in two types: one type is measured in time dimension −−− delay time and rise/fall time, this information is useful in determining an appropriate dead time between turn−on and turn−off of high and low side IGBTs in a half bridge configuration. Another type is measured in losses −−− turning on/off losses at room and high temperatures under a given condition, such as Bus voltage, Gate resistance and Gate voltages etc. This information is useful in estimating switching losses in real application and compare performances of devices from different suppliers.ON Semiconductor
NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical - Design 15The definitions for IGBT switching characteristics are explained as below:
a. Turn on delay time, Td.on Time interval from the moment when gate−emitter voltage reaches to 10% of rated value to the moment when collector current reaches 10% of its nominal value.
b. Turn off delay time, Td.off Time interval from the moment when gate−emitter voltage drops to 90% of rated value to the moment when collector current drops to 90% of its nominal value.
c. Rise time, Tr Time it takes for collector current to rise from 10%to 90% of its nominal value.
d. Fall time, Tf Time it takes for collector current to fall from 90% to 10% of its nominal value.
e. Turn−on switching losses Eon, Turn−on switching losses are integral of power−−Collect−to Emitter voltage multiplying Collector current −−−− over the time interval starting when the collector current reaches 10% of its final value and ending when collector−emitter voltage drops to 2% of IGBT’s off−state value, illustrated as below equation: f. Turn−off losses, Eoff Turn−off switching losses are integral of power−−Collect−to Emitter voltage multiplying Collector current −−−− over the time interval starting when collector−emitter voltage reaches 10% of its final value and ending when collector current drops to 2% of IGBT’s on−state value, illustrated as below equation: In Figure 17 the definitions of the terms with respect to the waveforms are illustrated:ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct
Technical - Design 18Diode Switching Characteristics
When the diode is switched from forward current carrying to reverse voltage blocking by turning−on of the opposite side IGBT, it enters the Reverse Recovery State. Refer to Figure 18 for double pulse testing configuration and definition of diode reverse recovery parameters.ON Semiconductor
NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical - Design 19a. Reverse Recovery Current, Irr
Reverse recovery current is the peak current when the diode current is commutated from forward conducting to reverse bias. It depends on the initial forward diode current and current slope rate — di/dt.
b. Reverse Recovery Charge, Qrr
Reverse recovery charge is the amount of charge that is recovered from the diode during turning off.
It is calculated by integrating the reverse recovery current over the time period starting when diode current crosses zero and ending when diode reverse current return to 2% of its peak reverse current(Irr). Shown as below equation: c. Reverse Recovery Energy, Err
Diode reverse recovery energy are integral of power—Diode reverse voltage multiplying diode reverse current −−−− over the time interval starting when reverse voltage reaches 10% of its final value and ending when reverse current returns to 2% of its reverse recovery peak current, illustrated as below equation: INTEGRATED THERMISTORS
Each VE−Trac Direct power module includes an NTC thermistor mounted on each phase of the 6−pak module. The thermistor is located on top of the DBC substrate close to the chips of the upper switch as shown in Figure 19. The thermistor response can be used to implement over temperature protection or other fault indications like loss of coolant flow. However, it be noted that the response time of the thermistor is in the order of ~300 ms and thus will not detect fast chip temperature variations.ON Semiconductor

Ambient Temperature [ ° C]| Typ Resistance[kΩ]| Tolerance [ ± %]
−40| 99.090| 17%
−35| 75.170| 16%
−30| 57.540| 16%
−25| 44.440| 15%
−20| 34.600| 14%
−15| 27.260| 13%
−10| 21.480| 13%
−5| 17.110| 13%
0| 13.720| 12%
5| 11.080| 12%
10| 9.000| 11%
15| 7.357| 11%
20| 6.048| 10%
25| 5.000| 10%
30| 4.156| 9%
35| 3.471| 9%
40| 2.914| 9%
45| 2.458| 8%
50| 2.083| 8%
55| 1.772| 8%
60| 1.515| 7%
65| 1.300| 7%
Ambient Temperature [ ° C]| Typ Resistance[kΩ]| Tolerance [ ± %]
70| 1.120| 7%
75| 0.968| 6%
80| 0.840| 6%
85| 0.732| 6%
90| 0.640| 6%
95| 0.561| 5%
100| 0.493| 5%
105| 0.435| 5%
110| 0.385| 6%
115| 0.342| 6%
120| 0.304| 6%
125| 0.271| 6%
130| 0.243| 6%
135| 0.218| 7%
140| 0.196| 7%
145| 0.177| 7%
150| 0.160| 7%
155| 0.144| 7%
160| 0.131| 8%
165| 0.119| 8%
170| 0.109| 8%
175| 0.099| 8%

ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical - Design
23The relationship between the Thermistor resistance and the Tvj of the IGBT and Diode are described in Table 6 for a specific operating condition for the 750 V, 820 A module.
Users will need to make similar measurements to develop the relationship or equation for their specific operating condition. This is necessary to have a robust over temperature protection scheme. It should be noted that for the data shown in Table 6 the devices are heated separately i.e. when the IGBTs are conducting the diodes are not conducting and vice−versa.

Coolant@65C, 10L/min, Ref. Cooler. DC current only in IGBT| Coolant@65C, 10L/min, Ref. Cooler. DC current only in FWD
Tvj.IGBT [C]| Thermistor.Resis tance [KOhms]| Thermistor.Temp erature [C]| Tvj.Diode [C]| Thermistor.R esistance [KOhms]| Thermistor.Te mperature [C]
65| 1.36| 65| 65| 1.36| 65
76.8| 1.215| 68.75| 84| 1.224| 68.49
89.3| 1.122| 71.54| 106.9| 1.146| 70.79
104.3| 1.017| 75.04| 133.5| 1.006| 73.35
122.9| 0.912| 79.01| 150| 1.019| 74.97
142.1| 0.81| 83.44| 175| 0.96| 77.13
150| 0.775| 85.12|
175| 0.678| 90.29


Gate Driver
The gate driver turns on and off the IGBT to a defined VGE_ON and VGE_OFF voltage levels. The transition between the two gate voltage levels needs a power to be dissipated in the gate driver. The gate driver power rating should be selected according to driver power required for an IGBT module.
The gate driver power required depends on QG − total gate charge of an IGBT module, switching frequency Fsw and the gate driver output voltage swing ΔVGE (VGE_ON VGE_OFF). If an external CGE is connected then the Power required for charging and discharging the external CGE should also to be considered. The switching speeds of an IGBT are controlled by charging and discharging rate of the gate capacitances, Higher the peak current, lower are the losses. Other switching factors like overvoltage stress and peak reverse recovery current of freewheeling diode has a direct impact on this. The turn−on and turn−off peak gate currents are controlled by resistors RG,ON and RG,OFF respectively (see Figure 21).ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical - Design
26 The average current needed for switching an IGBT at switching frequency of Fsw and total gate charge QG can be calculated as follows: The gate driver continuous current rating should be > IG(AVG) calculated.
The peak charging and discharging rate of gate currents to the input capacitance of an IGBT module results in power dissipation in the gate resistors. The gate resistor must be sized to handle this power dissipation. The peak charging or discharging current can be approximated as a discontinuous triangular wave. Where:
IGPEAK :IGBT Gate drive peak current
Tp: Duration of the pulse usually between 500 ns to 1 µs
Fsw:IGBT switching Frequency
RG: Gate resistance
Sometimes there is significant ringing on the gate drive loop. The gate driver equivalent circuit with parasitic is as shown below.ON Semiconductor
NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical - Design 31The gate current is IG(t) is related to known second order differential equation for RLC circuits. During turn −on LT and RT represent total inductance and resistance in the turn−on path The minimum value of RT required for non−oscillation orfor over damped condition is RT = RG,ON + RGINT > 2 * SQRT(LT/CGG) During turn−off LTF and RTF represent total inductance and resistance in the turn off path of the gate loop. The minimum value of RTF required to prevent oscillation or for over damped condition is RTF = RG,OFF + RGINT > 2

    Uni−Polar versus Bi−Polar Drive
    The unipolar gate drive switches on the IGBT with voltage VGE_ON (typically +15V) and turns off the IGBT voltage with 0V. This arrangement is not recommended for EV traction drive applications, since it tends to increase switching losses and increase EMC susceptibility. However, if a uni−polar drive is desired, the following precautions should be considered:

    1. Parasitic Turn on due to miller capacitor and high dv/dt
    2. Parasitic turn on via stray inductances

Parasitic turn−on via stray inductance can be common when there is no kelvin emitter sense, in which case the gate driver reference shares the same reference as the power emitter.
In the Inverter half bridge application when the low side IGBT turns−on, a high side IGBT experiences a voltage rise dvce/dt. This causes a displacement current ICGC = CGC*dvce/dt to flow through the miller capacitor and RG,off of the upper IGBT and back into the driver as shown in Figure 23. As a result VGE rises when it exceeds the VGE(th) parasitic turn−on of the high side IGBT. This can result in a shoot−through event i.e short across the DC link.ON
Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical - Design
34 A shoot event through can destroy the module. Thus when designing a gate driver circuit, maximum allowed dv/dt has to be considered. The maximum allowed dv/dt can be calculated as follows: Where Vth is the threshold voltage of IGBT for VE−Trac Direct. Vth is equal to 5.5 V and CGC is the Miller capacitance of the IGBT and is equal to 1.3nF (for example).
Thus from above equation the maximum allowed dv/dt for VE−TracTM Direct will be: Where RG, tot is the total gate resistance during turn off event.
In order to increase the robustness of unipolar gate drive against the parasitic miller capacitor turn−on, consider using an Active Miller Clamp circuit where during turn−off the VGE voltage is monitored internally within the gate driver.
When the voltage VGE falls below 2 V relative to the emitter reference, the clamp circuit is activated. This clamp switch (see Figure 24) shorts the Gate Emitter terminals of an IGBT and shunts all the miller displacement current into it, thereby reducing the VGE below the threshold voltage VGETH.ON
Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical - Design
38 Parallel Operation
The VE−Trac Direct family of modules are in 6−pak configuration and is designed to be used as standalone modules in 3−phase inverter applications. Although, they can be paralleled for higher power applications, the VE−Trac Dual family of half−bridge modules represent a more cost effective option for paralleling.


Module Life Estimation
Power module lifetime can be determined from power cycle capability curves. However, since the power module has currently not completed qualification, this data is not available yet. The lifetime reference curves will be added when the product is fully qualified. The VE−Trac Direct modules are expected to be at par or better than similar modules in the market today.
Qualification Tests
The objective of the qualification tests are to ensure general product quality and reliability. The product use the requirements set in the AQG324 document as its minimum requirements and in some cases will exceed these requirements.

Test Standard Test Conditions
High Temp Reverser Bias AQG324 Tj = 175°C, Bias = 80% VCE
High Temp Gate Bias AQG324 Tj = 175°C, Bias = 20 V for +, VcE=0, VGE =

negative mean for gate
High Temp / Low Temp Storage Life| JESD22-A101| Per JESD standards
Temperature Humidity Unbiased| JESD22-A101| Per JESD standards
High Humidity High Temperature Reverse Bias| JESD22-A101| Per JESD standards
Temperature Cycling & Vibration & Shock| AQG324, LV124, JESD22-A104| -40 to +125°C
Power Cycling Test| AQG324| Multiple PCmin & PCsec conditions defined to meet the requirements in the standard.
Vibration Variable Frequency| JESD22-B103| 25-500 Hz/15 min, 10G, 2hrs, XYZ
Package drop| EIAJ-ED-4701 Al24| 75 cm onto 3 cm maple board 3x
Solderability| JESD22-B102| TA = 254°C 20 sec dwell
Customer Destructive Physical Analysis| AEC Q101| Per 100TC, 100TS, 20k PCT
ESD Characterization| AEC 0101-001 and -005| HBM, CDM
Die Shear & Wire Bond Pull & Wire Bond Shear| MIL-STD883 Method 2019/2011 & AEC-Q101-003| Per Assembly Spec


Traceability and Identification
For automotive applications, proper identification of materials and traceability is an important aspect of quality.
Standard markings for the power module is shown below in Figure 25 and explained in Table 7.![ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE Trac Direct Technical

  • Design 39](https://manuals.plus/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ON-Semiconductor- NVH820S75L4SPBVE-Trac-Direct-Technical-Design-39.png)The 2D Code is readable with most 2D scanners compatible with the IEC 24720 and IEC 16022 standard.
    Certain apps for reading QR codes on android smart phones can also read the 2D codes on the module.
Marker Description
COMPANY LOGO onsemi Logo
2D CODE 1 Date Code (YYWW) + Assembly Location (XX) + Assembly Lot Number +

2D CODE 2| Assy. Lot Number + S/N
SITE AND DATE CODE| Assembly location (XX) and date code (YYWW)
P/N NUMBER| 14 Character Product part number

Storage and Shipping
Transporting and storing the modules requires care to avoid extreme shock, vibration and environments. The recommended storage conditions for the module according to IEC 60721−3−1, class 1K2 should be followed and storage time should not exceed 2 years. Below is a summary of the recommended storage parameters:

Maximum air temperature 40 °C
Minimum air temperature +5 °C
Maximum relative humidity 85 %
Minimum relative humidity 5 %
Condensation Not Allowed
Precipitation Not Allowed
Icing Not Allowed

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| ON Semiconductor NVH820S75L4SPBVE-Trac Direct Technical [pdf] User Guide
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