CASIO CT-S1 Implementation Piano Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

CASIO CT-S1 Implementation Piano


Product Configuration as a MIDI Device

As a MIDI device, this Instrument consists of the System Section, Sound Generator Section, and Performance Controller Section described below. Each of these sections can send and receive specific MIDI Messages in accordance with its function.

System Section

The System Section manages the Instrument status and user data.
Performance Controller Section

The Performance Controller Section performs keyboard play and controller operations, and generates performance messages. Basically, generated performance messages are sent to external destinations while also being transmitted to the Sound Generator Section. The channel number of the sent channel message is in accordance with the Instrument’s MIDI setting. For details about the MIDI setting, see the Instrument’s User’s Guide.
Sound Generator Section

The Sound Generator Section mainly performs receive of performance information and sound source
setting information. It consists of a common part that does not depend on the channel and a musical instrument part that is independent of each channel.

Sound Generator Common Block

The common block consists of system effects, master control, etc. These can be controlled effect function, general universal system exclusive messages, or the Instrument’s system exclusive messages or all. There are two types of system effects on this instrument: system effects applied to keyboard playing parts and system effects applied to other parts.

Instrument Part Block

The instrument part section is devided into A, B, C group for every 16 parts, and it consists of a total of 48 parts. The settings of each part can be changed using channel messages or Instrument’s system exclusive messages or all. Of these, only the C group channels can be controlled by external channel messages.
The functions assigned to each part are shown below.

Port| Part number| MIDI Receive Ch| MIDI Transmit ch| Assigned Function| Details
A| 01| –| 1-16| Upper1| –
A| 02| –| 1-16| Upper2| –
A| 03| –| –| –| –
A| 04| –| –| –| –
A| 05| –| –| –| –
A| 06| –| –| –| –
A| 07| –| –| –| –
A| 08| –| 8| Metronome| –
A| 09| –| –| –| –
A| 10| –| –| –| –
A| 11| –| –| –| –
A| 12| –| –| –| –
A| 13| –| –| –| –
A| 14| –| –| –| –
A| 15| –| –| –| –
A| 16| –| –| –| –
B| 17| –| –| Recorder| System Track Upper1
B| 18| –| –| Recorder| System Track Upper2
B| 19| –| –| –| –
B| 20| –| –| –| –
B| 21| –| –| –| –
B| 22| –| –| –| –
B| 23| –| –| –| –
B| 24| –| –| –| –
B| 25| –| –| Notification Tone| –
B| 26| –| –| Upper1 Selected Tone| –
B| 27| –| –| Upper2 Selected Tone| –
B| 28| –| –| –| –
B| 29| –| –| –| –
B| 30| –| –| –| –
B| 31| –| –| –| –
B| 32| –| –| –| –
C| 33| 1| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 34| 2| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 35| 3| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 36| 4| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 37| 5| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 38| 6| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 39| 7| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 40| 8| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 41| 9| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 42| 10| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 43| 11| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 44| 12| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 45| 13| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 46| 14| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 47| 15| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –
C| 48| 15| –| MIDI/Auto Play| –

Timbre Type Specific Operation

The sound source operation performed for a sound generator instrument receive message may depend on the value of the Timbre Type (see “About the Timbre Type” in “8 Program Change”) of each part’s operation mode. For details, see the explanation for each message.

Controlling Send/Receive of MIDI Messages in Each Instrument Part

Send and receive of MIDI messages for each instrument part can be

controlled by global Instrument MIDI settings and Instrument-specific system exclusive messages. See the Instrument’s User’s Guide for details.

Conditions that Disable Message Send and Receive

No MIDI messages at all can be sent or received while the instrument starts up, shuts down, accesses flash memory, etc.

Channel Message

Note Off


Message Format: 8nH kkH vvH 9nH kkH 00H(receive only)
n: MIDI Channel Number
kk: Key Number
vv: velocity

Transmit Sent when something is played on the keyboard. The key number changes in accordance with on the Transpose function and Octave Shift function.

Receive Receipt stops a note being sounded by a note on message.

Note On

Message Format: 9nH kkH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
kk: Key Number
vv: Velocity

Transmit Sent when something is played on the keyboard. The key number changes in accordance with on the Transpose function and Octave Shift function.

Receive Receipt sounds a note of the corresponding instrument part.

Control Change

Message Format: BnH ccH ccH
n: MIDI Channel Number
mm: Control Number
ll: Value

Note1: For details about the relationship between the MSB value and the tone, see the Tone List that comes with the Instrument.

Bank Select (00H, 20H)

Message Format: BnH 00H mmH (MSB) BnH 20H llH (LS
n: MIDI Channel Number
mm: MSB Value(Note1)
ll: LSB Value(Transmit:00H, Receive: Ignored)

Note1: For details about the relationship between the MSB value and the tone, see the Tone List that comes with the Instrument.

Transmit Sent when a tone setup number is selected.

Receive Receipt causes a change in the tone bank number stored in Instrument memory, but the tone is not actually changed until a Program Change message is received. For details, see “8 Program Change”.

Modulation wheel or lever (01H)

Message Format: BnH 01H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value

Receive Receipt adds, to the tone being sounded, modulation of a depth specified by the value. In the case of a tone that already has modulation applied, receipt of this message increases the modulation depth. The modulation effect differs according to the tone being used.

Portamento Time (05H)

Message Format: BnH 05H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value

Receive Receipt changes the portamento application time.

Data Entry (06H,26H)

Message Format: BnH 06H mmH (MSB) BnH 26H llH (LSB)
n: MIDI Channel Number
mm: MSB Value
ll: LSB Value

Receive Receipt changes the parameter assigned to RPN, NRPN.

Channel Volume (07H)

Message Format: BnH 07H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value

Transmit Sent when part volume is used.

Receive Receipt changes the part volume.

Pan (0AH)

Message Format: BnH 0AH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value(Note1

Note1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see “13.5 Pan Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values”.

Receive Receipt changes the pan of the corresponding part.

Expression Controller (0BH)

Message Format: BnH 0BH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value

Receive Receipt changes the expression value.

Damper pedal (sustain) (40H)

Message Format: BnH 40H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: : MIDI Channel Number vv: Value

Transmit Sent when a pedal that has a sustain function is operated.

Receive Receipt performs an operation equivalent to a sustain pedal operation.

Timbre Type Specific Operation This operation differs in accordance with the Timbre Type (see “About the Timbre Type” in “8 Program Change”) setting.

  • Timbre Type: Melody, Hex Layer Sustain off/on control is performed in accordance with the value of the received message. For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the “13.2 Off/On Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values”.

  • Timbre Type: Piano Continuous control of the following is performed in accordance with the value of the received message.
    – Piano note decay rate
    For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see “13.3 Sustain Pedal Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values.”

  • Timbre Type: LM (Linear Morphing) Piano Continuous control of the following is performed in accordance with the value of the received message.
    – Piano note decay rate
    – Resonance characteristics and decay rate of Damper Resonance effect resonance note see “13.3 Sustain Pedal Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values.”

  • Timbre Type: Drum The received message does not affect sound source operation.

Portamento On/Off (41H)

Message Format: BnH 41H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note1)

Note1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the “13.2 Off/On Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values” of this document.

Receive Receipt changes the portamento on/off setting.

  Sostenuto (42H)

Message Format: BnH 42H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note1)

Note1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the “13.2 Off/On Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values” of this document

Transmit Sent when a pedal that has a sostenuto function is operated.

Receive Receipt performs an operation equivalent to a sostenuto pedal operation.

Soft Pedal (43H)

Message Format: BnH 43H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note1)

Note1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the “13.2 Off/On Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values” of this document.

Transmit Sent when a pedal that has a soft pedal function is operated.

Receive Receipt performs an operation equivalent to a soft pedal operation.

Filter Resonance (47H)

Message Format: BnH 47H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value

Receive Receipt changes the filter resonance intensity.

Release Time (48H)

Message Format: BnH 48H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note1)

Note1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the “13.4 –64 – 0 – +63 Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values” of this document.

Transmit It will be changed when sustain is used and when setting is changed.

Receive Receipt makes a relative change in the time it takes for a note to decay to zero after a key is released.

Attack Time (49H)

Message Format: BnH 49H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note1)

Note1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the “13.4 –64 – 0 – +63 Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values” of this document.

Receive Receipt makes a relative change in the time it takes for a note to rise to its maximum level.

Filter Cutoff Frequency (4AH)

Message Format: BnH 4AH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note1)

Note1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the “13.4 –64 – 0 – +63 Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values” of this document.

Receive Receipt changes the filter cutoff frequency.

Portamento Control (54H)

Message Format: BnH 54H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Source Key Number

Receive Receipt of this message first stores the Source Note Number for the next note. When the next Note On is received, the portamento effect is applied to the note using this Source Note Number as the pitch start point and the Note On event key number as the end point. If there already is a note being sounded by Source Note Number at this time, the new note on is not performed and the portamento effect is applied to the pitch of the note being sounded. That is to say that legato play is performed.

Reverb Send Level (5BH)

Message Format: BnH 5BH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value

Receive Receipt changes the reverb send of the corresponding part.
RPN (64H,65H)

Message Format: BnH 64H llH (LSB) BnH 65H mmH (MSB)
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: LSB Value
mm: MSB Value

Pitch Bend Sensitivity

Message Format: BnH 64H 00H BnH 65H 00H BnH 06H mmH BnH 26H llH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: MSB Value(00H – 18H)
ll: LSB Value(Receive: Ignored)

Receive Receipt changes bend range of the corresponding part.

Channel Fine Tuning

Message Format: BnH 64H 01H BnH 65H 00H BnH 06H mmH BnH 26H llH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: MSB Value
ll: LSB Value

Receive Receipt changes the fine tune of the corresponding part.

  Channel Coarse Tune

Message Format: BnH 64H 02H BnH 65H 00H BnH 06H mmH BnH 26H llH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: MSB Value(28H – 58H)
ll: LSB Value(Receive: Ignored)

Receive Receipt changes the coarse tune of the corresponding part. Does not affect sound source operation when the Timbre Type (see “About the Timbre Type” in “8 Program Change”) is Drum.


Message Format: BnH 64H 7FH BnH 65H 7FH
n: MIDI Channel Number

Receive Receipt de-selects RPN, NRPN.

All Sound Off (78H)

Message Format: BnH 78H 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number

Transmit Sent when MIDI send related settings are changed.
Receive Receipt stops all voices that are sounding.

Reset All Controllers (79H)

Message Format: BnH 79H 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number

Transmit Sent when MIDI send related settings are changed.

Receive Receipt initializes each performance controller.

All Notes Off (7BH)

Message Format: BnH 7BH 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number

Receive Receipt releases (key release) all voices that are sounding.

Omni Mode Off (All Notes Off) (7CH)

Message Format: BnH 7CH 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number

Receive Receipt performs the same operation as when All Notes Off is received.

Omni Mode On (All Notes Off) (7DH)

Message Format: BnH 7DH 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number

Note: This Instrument always operates in Omni Mode Off.

Receive Receipt performs the same operation as when All Notes Off is received.

Mono Mode On (Poly Mode Off) (All Notes Off) (7EH)

Message Format: BnH 7EH 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number

Note: This Instrument always operates in Poly Mode On.

Receive Receipt performs the same operation as when All Notes Off is received.

Poly Mode On (Mono Mode Off) (All Notes Off) (7FH)

Message Format: BnH 7FH 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number

Receive Receipt performs the same operation as when All Notes Off is received.

Program Change
Message Format: CnH ppH
n: MIDI Channel Number
pp: Program Number (Note1)

Note1: For details about the relationship between the program number and the tone, see the Tone List that comes with the Instrument.

Transmit Sent when a tone number is selected. Sent when the Program number send function is used.

Receive Receipt changes the tone of the corresponding part. The selected tone is determined by the program value of this message and the Bank Select message value received prior to this message. Also note that receipt of this message also may change the Timbre Type that corresponds to the selected tone. For more information, see “About the Timbre Type” below.

About the Timbre Type Tones that are selected by each Instrument part have an attribute that depends on the sound source operation type. This attribute is called the “timbre type,” which is one of the types described below.

  • Melody
    This timbre type optimizes for normal melody tones. The damper pedal performs on/off operations.

  • Piano
    This Timbre Type is for piano tones. The decay rate of the voice being sounded is seamlessly altered in accordance with the damper pedal position. The method for producing sound in response to the note messages also is different from that of the melody Timbre Type, and operation is optimized for piano.

  • LMPiano
    This Timbre Type is for Linear Morphing piano tones. The decay rate of the voice being sounded and Damper Resonance effect characteristics are seamlessly altered in accordance with the damper pedal position. The method for producing sound in response to the note messages also is different from that of the melody Timbre Type, and operation is optimized for piano.

  • Drum
    This setting optimizes for drum sounds. The damper pedal does not function. The Hold1, Channel Coarse Tune, and Master Coarse Tune messages are ignored if they are received.

Channel Pressure (Aftertouch)
Message Format: DnH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
pp: value

Receive Receipt adds, to the tone being sounded, modulation of a depth specified by the value. In the case of a tone that already has modulation applied, receipt of this message increases the modulation depth. The modulation effect differs according to the tone being used.

Pitch Bend Change
Message Format: EnH llH mmH
n: MIDI Channel Number
pp: Value LSB
mm: Value MSB

Receive Receipt changes the pitch of the currently sounding note. The range of the pitch change depends on the bend range value setting.

System Message

Active Sensing
Message Format: FEH

Receive Once this message is received, the Active Sensing mode is entered. If no MIDI message is received for a specified amount of time, voices being sounded by this Instrument’s sound source are released, the controller is reset, and the Active Sensing mode is exited.

System Exclusive Message
Message Format: F0H iiH….F7H
ii: ID Number

The Instrument sends and receives standard universal system exclusive messages, and system exclusive messages that have Instrument-specific formats.

ID Number The ID numbers handed by this Instrument are shown below.

ID Number ID Name
44H Casio Computer Co. Ltd
7EH Non Real Time System Exclusive Message
7FH Real Time System Exclusive Message

Universal Real Time System Exclusive Message

Message Format: F0H 7FH 7FH….F7H

Master Volume

Message Format: F0H 7FH 7FH 04H 01H llH mmH F7H
ll: LSB Value(Receive: Ignored)
mm: MSB Value

Receive Receipt changes the song volume.

Master Fine Tuning

Message Format: F0H 7FH 7FH 04H 03H llH mmH F7H
ll: LSB Value(Note1
mm: MSB Value(Note1)

Note1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see “13.6 Fine Tuning Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values” of this document.

Transmit Sent when the tuning setting is changed.
Receive Receipt changes the tuning setting.

Master Coarse Tuning

Message Format: F0H 7FH 7FH 04H 04H llH mmH F7H
ll: LSB Value(Transmit:00H,Receive:Ignored)
mm: MSB Value(28H – 58H)

Receive Receipt changes the Master Coarse Tuning parameter.

Reverb Type

Message Format: F0H 7FH 7FH 04H 05H 01H 01H 01H 01H 01H 00H vvH F7H
vv: Value(Note1)

Note1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see “13.7 Reverb Type Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values” of this document.

Receive Receipt changes the reverb type.

Reverb Time

Message Format: 0H 7FH 7FH 04H 05H 01H 01H 01H 01H 01H 01H vvH F7H
vv: Value

Receive Receipt changes the reverb duration.

Universal Non Real Time System Exclusive Message

Message Format: F0H 7EH 7FH….F7H

GM System On

Message Format: F0H 7EH 7FH 09H 01H F7H

Receive Receipt puts the sound source into a GM sound source mode.

GM System Of

Message Format: F0H 7EH 7FH 09H 02H F7H

Receive Receipt changes the sound source setting to the Instrument presetting.

GM2 System On

Message Format: F0H 7EH 7FH 09H 03H F7H

Receive Though the Instrument does not support GM2, receipt of the GM2 System On message has the same result as receipt of the GM System On message.

CASIO General System Exclusive

Message Format: F0H 44H 7EH 7FH iiH ccH ssH ggH ppH ddH … F7H
ii: Device ID (7FH)
cc: Category ID
ss: Sub Category ID
gg: Group ID (00H)
pp: Parameter ID
dd …: Data

This message can be used to perform sound source parameter operations.

Reverb Type

Message Format: F0H 44H 7EH 7FH 7FH 04H 00H 00H 00H ccH ttH F7H
cc: Channel(Note1)
tt: Type(Note2)

Note1: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see “MIDI Receive Ch” in “1.3.2 Instrument Part Block” of this document.

Note2: For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see “13.8 Reverb Type (CASIO General System Exclusive) Setting Value Table” in “IV Setting Values and Send/Receive Values” of this document.

Transmit Sent when the reverb type is changed.

Receive Receipt changes the reverb type.

Setting Values and Send/ Receive Values

Setting Value Tables

0 – 127 Setting Value Table

Receive  Value DSP  Parameter  Value Parameter
00H – 00H 00H 0
: : :
7FH – 7FH 7FH 127

Off/On Setting Value Table

Transmit  Value Receive  Value Parameter
00H 00H – 3FH Off
7FH 40H – 7FH On

Sustain Pedal Setting Value Table

Transmit  Value Receive  Value Parameter
00H Off
: : (continuous)
7FH Full

–64 – 0 – +63 Setting Value Table

Transmit  Value Receive  Value Parameter
00H 00H -64
: : :
40H 40H 0
: : :
7FH 7FH +63

Pan Setting Value Table

Transmit  Value Receive  Value Parameter
00H 00H Left
: : :
40H 40H Center
: : :
7FH 7FH Right

Fine Tuning Setting Value Table

(LSB,| MSB)|
(43H,| 00H)| (00H,| 00H)| – (5FH, 00H)| 415.5| Hz
(65H,| 00H)| (60H,| 00H)| – (7FH, 00H)| 415.6| Hz
(07H,| 01H)| (00H,| 01H)| – (1FH, 01H)| 415.7| Hz
(29H,| 01H)| (20H,| 01H)| – (3FH, 01H)| 415.8| Hz
:| :| :
(40H,| 3FH)| (30H,| 3FH)| – (4FH, 3FH)| 439.8| Hz
(60H,| 3FH)| (50H,| 3FH)| – (6FH, 3FH)| 439.9| Hz
(00H,| 40H)| (70H,| 3FH)| – (1FH, 40H)| 440.0| Hz
(20H,| 40H)| (20H,| 40H)| – (3FH, 40H)| 440.1| Hz
(40H,| 40H)| (40H,| 40H)| – (5FH, 40H)| 440.2| Hz
:| :| | :
(54H,| 7EH)| (50H,| 7EH)| –  (6FH, 7EH)| 465.6| Hz
(73H,| 7EH)| (70H,| 7EH)| -(0FH, 7FH)| 465.7| Hz
(11H,| 7FH)| (10H,| 7FH)| – (2FH, 7FH)| 465.8| Hz
(30H,| 7FH)| (30H,| 7FH)| -(7FH, 7FH)| 465.9| Hz

Reverb Type Setting Value Table

Transmit  Value Receive  Value Parameter
00H Small  Room
01H Medium  Room
02H Large Room
03H Medium  Hall
04H Large  Hall
08H Plate

Reverb Type (CASIO General System Exclusive) Setting Value Table

Transmit  Value Receive  Value Parameter
00H 00H Room1
01H 01H Room2
02H 02H Room3
03H 03H Hall1
04H 04H Hall2
05H 05H Plate1
06H 06H Delay
07H 07H Pan  Delay
08H 08H Plate2
0AH 0AH Large Room1
0BH 0BH Large Room2
0CH 0CH Stadium1
0DH 0DH Stadium2
0EH 0EH Long  Delay1
0FH 0FH Long  Delay2
10H 10H Room4
11H 11H Room5
16H 16H Church
17H 17H Hall3
18H 18H Hall4
19H 19H Hall5
1AH 1AH Hall6
1EH 1EH Cathedral
1FH 1FH Stadium3
20H 20H Off
2DH 2DH Tone

MIDI Implementation Notation

Value Notation

Hexadecimal Notation

MIDI implementation sometimes requires that data be expressed in hexadecimal format. Hexadecimal values are indicated by the letter “H” after the value. The hexadecimal equivalents of decimal values 10 through 15 are expressed as the letters A through F.
The table below shows the hexadecimal equivalents for decimal values 0 through 127, which are often used in MIDI messages.

Decimal| Hexadecimal| Decimal| Hexadecimal| Decimal| Hexadecimal| Decimal| Hexadecimal
0| 00H| 32| 20H| 64| 40H| 96| 60H
1| 01H| 33| 21H| 65| 41H| 97| 61H
2| 02H| 34| 22H| 66| 42H| 98| 62H
3| 03H| 35| 23H| 67| 43H| 99| 63H
4| 04H| 36| 24H| 68| 44H| 100| 64H
5| 05H| 37| 25H| 69| 45H| 101| 65H
6| 06H| 38| 26H| 70| 46H| 102| 66H
7| 07H| 39| 27H| 71| 47H| 103| 67H
8| 08H| 40| 28H| 72| 48H| 104| 68H
9| 09H| 41| 29H| 73| 49H| 105| 69H
10| 0AH| 42| 2AH| 74| 4AH| 106| 6AH
11| 0BH| 43| 2BH| 75| 4BH| 107| 6BH
12| 0CH| 44| 2CH| 76| 4CH| 108| 6CH
13| 0DH| 45| 2DH| 77| 4DH| 109| 6DH
14| 0EH| 46| 2EH| 78| 4EH| 110| 6EH
15| 0FH| 47| 2FH| 79| 4FH| 111| 6FH
16| 10H| 48| 30H| 80| 50H| 112| 70H
17| 11H| 49| 31H| 81| 51H| 113| 71H
18| 12H| 50| 32H| 82| 52H| 114| 72H
19| 13H| 51| 33H| 83| 53H| 115| 73H
20| 14H| 52| 34H| 84| 54H| 116| 74H
21| 15H| 53| 35H| 85| 55H| 117| 75H
22| 16H| 54| 36H| 86| 56H| 118| 76H
23| 17H| 55| 37H| 87| 57H| 119| 77H
24| 18H| 56| 38H| 88| 58H| 120| 78H
25| 19H| 57| 39H| 89| 59H| 121| 79H
26| 1AH| 58| 3AH| 90| 5AH| 122| 7AH
27| 1BH| 59| 3BH| 91| 5BH| 123| 7BH
28| 1CH| 60| 3CH| 92| 5CH| 124| 7CH
29| 1DH| 61| 3DH| 93| 5DH| 125| 7DH
30| 1EH| 62| 3EH| 94| 5EH| 126| 7EH
31| 1FH| 63| 3FH| 95| 5FH| 127| 7FH

Binary Notation

When a MIDI implementation data value is expressed in binary, the letter “B” (for “binary”) is affixed at the end of the value. The table below shows the binary equivalents for the decimal values 0 through 127, which are often used for settings.

Decimal Hexadecimal Binary
0 00H 00000000B
1 01H 00000001B
2 02H 00000010B
3 03H 00000011B
4 04H 00000100B
5 05H 00000101B
6 06H 00000110B
7 07H 00000111B
8 08H 00001000B
9 09H 00001001B
10 0AH 00001010B
11 0BH 00001011B
12 0CH 00001100B
13 0DH 00001101B
14 0EH 00001110B
15 0FH 00001111B
16 10H 00010000B
: :
125 7DH 01111101B
126 7EH 01111110B
127 7FH 01111111B

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